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Who won the 1st World War. What could have happened if Russia had won the First World War

World peace

On November 11, 1918, Germany surrendered. The signing of the armistice that ended the Great War took place in the Picardy region of France, ironically home to the Gothic architecture so beloved by the Germans. The agreement, known as the First Armistice of Compiegne, officially ended hostilities in the territory Western Europe... In the east, the denouement was much more dramatic and tragic: in March 1918, Soviet Russia withdrew from the war and signed a separate peace with Germany and its allies.

Today, the day of the signing of the Armistice of Compiegne is a public holiday in many countries of Europe and the British Commonwealth of Nations.

The conclusion of the armistice was preceded by the revolution that began in Germany, which was quite unexpected for Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was at that time in Spa. The emperor clearly did not want to end the war, trying to gain time through long, but senseless negotiations with the Entente countries. However, when he failed to suppress the demonstrations on the territory of his own country, Wilhelm II chose to flee to Holland. The last blow to the Kaiser was the transition to the side of the revolutionaries of the fleet, which Wilhelm II rightfully considered his brainchild and loved very much.

Germany was proclaimed a republic. And shortly before that, Prince Maximilian of Baden, who became chancellor, initiated negotiations.

At the same time, in Germany itself, the situation was spiraling out of control. So, on the territory of the disputed Alsace, the Alsatian Soviet Republic was created at all, which existed before Alsace and Lorraine were annexed by France.

In fact, negotiations were already underway since October 8 in the carriage of the commander-in-chief of the allied forces, Frenchman Ferdinand Foch. The consensus was reached on November 11 at 5 am local time, and came into force at 11 am. Many newspapers published that day symbolically called the agreement "the armistice at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month." On the last day of the war, 2,738 people died.

The main points of the armistice, which were subsequently extended several times, were the withdrawal of all German troops to German territory, the occupation of a part of Germany by the allied forces and the massive surrender of weapons. In addition, a separate item was followed by Germany's refusal of the separate Brest-Litovsk peace.

It was assumed that german troops will remain in the occupied Russian territories. However, they still came out. Meanwhile, the Entente's foreign intervention in Russia was in full swing.

Winners are not judged

Despite the fact that the Entente countries and the United States are officially considered the winners of the First World War by many historians, several reservations should be made. Thus, the greatest losses were incurred by Russia, which, after the advent of Soviet power, chose to leave the "imperialist war" by way of a separate peace. In addition to 1.773 million Russian soldiers, about 1.7 million German soldiers died. More than a million of the population from the Entente countries was lost by France, as well as two losing powers - Germany and Austria-Hungary.

One of the results of the First World War was the fall of several powers: the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary ceased to exist. In addition, Finland and the Baltic countries gained independence.

At the same time, there were economic consequences: GDP growth was observed in the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as in Italy. In addition, the consequences were tragic. The great war for Austria: all the pigs were slaughtered there, and the country was simply left without meat. The Netherlands suffered colossal economic losses as well, which maintained neutrality in the First World War.

The United States, following the Monroe Doctrine, which implied non-interference in the affairs of continental Europe, nevertheless decided to take part in the First World War in 1917. It was the intervention of the United States and the "fourteen points" of US President Woodrow Wilson that became the "final nail" in the "coffin" of Germany's hopes for a positive outcome of the global confrontation. And the reason for this was the military power of the United States, inexhaustible resources, as well as a timed strike that allowed the United States to stand on a par with countries that have been at war since 1914.

Americans themselves believe that the early years of World War I are a testament to how dire conflicts can be if the United States is not involved in resolving them.

In 1924, the book "The Economics of War" was published, in which, among other things, the expenditures of the powers for the First World War were mentioned. So, the Entente countries and the United States in general spent about $ 147 billion on the war in terms of the then exchange rate. At the same time, Germany and its allies - only $ 61 billion in terms of the then dollars. Of this money, the United States, which entered the First World War later than everyone else, and received good bonuses, including the status of the winning power, accounted for $ 27 billion.

Soviet Russia lost more than others in the First World War. The war, although continuing with varying success, could bring Russia, if not territorial gains, then the status of one of the victorious powers. However, Leon Trotsky, who was supported by many of the "architects" of the new country, preferred the shameful separate peace to continue the confrontation until its logical conclusion. The winners are not judged, and the dubious achievements of the losing countries are discussed in 2014 as well.

The main result of the First World War was the redistribution of colonial possessions. It lasted until the end of the Second World War, during which the Compiegne Armistice also took place, in contrast to the first, which consolidated the successes of Germany, and not the allied forces. But Russia could well have won, including if the scenario of its alliance with Germany would suddenly come true ...

In Russia, the First World War was remembered only in the year of the century from the time of its beginning. Bookshelves were forced to pretend to be scientific literature, monuments and memorials began to open. However, there are still no real studies on this topic in Russia. And not yet foreseen.

The first World War is one of greatest tragedy in the history of the world... Millions of victims who died as a result of the geopolitical games of the mighty. This war has no clear winners. The political map completely changed, four empires collapsed, in addition, the center of influence shifted to the American continent.

In contact with

The political situation before the conflict

There were five empires on the world map: the Russian Empire, the British Empire, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman, as well as such superpowers as France, Italy, Japan, tried to take their place in world geopolitics.

To strengthen their position, states tried to form unions.

The most powerful were the Triple Alliance, which included the central powers - the German, Austro-Hungarian empires, Italy, as well as the Entente: Russia, Great Britain, France.

Preconditions and goals of the first world war

The main prerequisites and goals:

  1. Alliances. According to the treaties, if any of the countries of the union have declared war, then others must take their side. This is followed by a chain of involving states in the war. This is exactly what happened when the First World War began.
  2. Colonies. Powers that did not have colonies or did not have enough of them strove to fill this gap, and the colonies strove to free themselves.
  3. Nationalism. Each power considered itself unique and the most powerful. Many empires claimed world domination.
  4. Arms race. Their power had to be backed up by military power, so the economies of major powers worked for the defense industry.
  5. Imperialism. Every empire, if not expanding, then collapsing. There were five of them then. Each sought to expand its borders at the expense of weaker states, satellites and colonies. The young German Empire, which was formed after the Franco-Prussian war, was especially striving for this.
  6. Terrorist attack. This event became a pretext for a world conflict. The Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. The heir to the throne, Prince Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia arrived in the acquired territory - Sarajevo. There was a fatal assassination attempt by the Bosnian Serb Gavrila Princip. Due to the assassination of the prince, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which led to a chain of conflicts.

If we talk about the First World War in a nutshell, US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson believed that it began not for any reason, but cumulatively for all at once.

Important! Gavrilo Princip was arrested, but the death penalty could not be applied to him, since he was not 20 years old. The terrorist was sentenced to twenty years in prison, but four years later he died of tuberculosis.

When the first world war began

Austria-Hungary delivered an ultimatum to Serbia to purge all government bodies and the army, eliminate persons with anti-Austrian convictions, arrest members of terrorist organizations, and also allow the Austrian police to enter Serbia for an investigation.

Two days were given to fulfill the ultimatum. Serbia agreed with everything except the admission of the Austrian police.

July 28th, under the pretext of not fulfilling the ultimatum, Austro-Hungarian Empire declares war on Serbia... From this date, the time when the First World War began is officially counted.

The Russian Empire has always supported Serbia, so it began mobilization. On July 31, Germany delivered an ultimatum to end the mobilization, gave 12 hours to complete. The response announced that the mobilization was carried out exclusively against Austria-Hungary. Despite the fact that he ruled the German Empire, Wilhelm, a relative of the Emperor Nicholas Russian Empire, On August 1, 1914, Germany declares war on the Russian Empire... At the same time, Germany enters into an alliance with the Ottoman Empire.

After the German invasion of neutral Belgium, Britain did not adhere to neutrality, declaring war on the Germans. August 6 Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary... Italy is neutral. August 12, Austria-Hungary begins to fight with Britain and France. Japan opposes Germany on 23 August. Further along the chain, more and more states are involved in the war, one after another, all over the world. The United States of America did not enter until December 7, 1917.

Important! England first used tracked combat vehicles, now known as a tank, during the First World War. The word "tank" means a tank. So British intelligence tried to disguise the transfer of equipment under the guise of tanks with fuels and lubricants. Subsequently, this name was assigned to combat vehicles.

The main events of the first world war and the role of Russia in the conflict

The main battles are unfolding on the western front, in the direction of Belgium and France, as well as on the eastern front, on the side of Russia. With the entry of the Ottoman Empire a new round of actions began in the eastern direction.

Chronology of Russia's participation in the First World War:

  • East Prussian operation. The Russian army crossed the border of East Prussia towards Königsberg. 1st Army from the east, 2nd - from the west of the Masurian Lakes. The Russians won the first battles, but misjudged the situation, which led to further defeat. A large number of soldiers became prisoners, many died, therefore had to retreat with battles.
  • Galician operation. A huge battle. Five armies were involved here. The front line was oriented towards Lvov, it was 500 km. Later, the front broke up into separate positional battles. Then the offensive began Russian army to Austria-Hungary, its troops were pushed back.
  • Warsaw salient. After a series of successful operations from different sides, the front line became a curve. I had a lot of strength thrown to align it... The city of Lodz was alternately occupied by one or the other side. Germany launched an offensive on Warsaw, but it was unsuccessful. Although the Germans failed to capture Warsaw and Lodz, the Russian advance was thwarted. Russia's actions forced Germany to fight on two fronts, thereby thwarting a large-scale offensive against France.
  • Japan joining the side of the Entente. Japan demanded that Germany withdraw its troops from China, after refusing, announced the beginning of hostilities, taking the side of the Entente countries. This is an important event for Russia, since now there was no need to worry about the threat from Asia, besides, the Japanese helped with provisions.
  • Accession of the Ottoman Empire to the side of the Triple Alliance. The Ottoman Empire hesitated for a long time, but still took the side of the Triple Alliance. The first act of her aggression was attacks on Odessa, Sevastopol, Feodosia. After that, on November 15, Russia declared war on Turkey.
  • August operation. It took place in the winter of 1915, and got its name from the city of Augustow. Here the Russians could not resist, they had to retreat to new positions.
  • Carpathian operation. On both sides there were attempts to cross the Carpathian mountains, but the Russians failed to do so.
  • Gorlitsky breakthrough. The army of Germans and Austrians concentrated forces near Gorlitsy, in the direction of Lvov. On May 2, an offensive was carried out, as a result of which Germany was able to occupy Gorlitsa, Keletskaya and Radom provinces, Brody, Ternopil, Bukovina. With the second wave the Germans managed to recapture Warsaw, Grodno, Brest-Litovsk. In addition, they managed to occupy Mitava and Courland. But off the coast of Riga, the Germans were defeated. To the south, the offensive of the Austro-German troops continued, Lutsk, Vladimir-Volynsky, Kovel, Pinsk were occupied there. By the end of 1915 the front line has stabilized. Germany threw the main forces in the direction of Serbia and Italy. As a result of great setbacks at the front, the heads of the army commanders were thrown off. Emperor Nicholas II, took over not only the management of Russia, but also the direct command of the army.
  • Brusilov breakthrough. The operation is named after the commander A.A. Brusilov, who won this fight. As a result of the breakout (22 May 1916) the Germans were defeated, they had to retreat with huge losses, leaving Bukovina and Galicia.
  • Internal conflict. The Central Powers began to significantly deplete from the conduct of the war. The Entente with the allies looked more advantageous. Russia at that time was on the side of the winners. She put in a lot of effort and human lives for this, but she could not become a winner due to internal conflict... It happened in the country because of which Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The Provisional Government came to power, then the Bolsheviks. To stay in power, they took Russia out of the theater of hostilities by making peace with the central states. This act is known as Brest Treaty.
  • Internal conflict of the German Empire. The revolution took place on November 9, 1918, which resulted in the abdication of the throne of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The Weimar Republic was also formed.
  • Treaty of Versailles. Between the winning countries and Germany On January 10, 1920, the Treaty of Versailles was concluded. Officially the first world war ended.
  • The League of nations. The first Assembly of the League of Nations took place on November 15, 1919.

Attention! The field postman wore a lush mustache, but during the gas attack, the mustache prevented him from putting on a gas mask tightly, because of this, the postman received severe poisoning. I had to make a small antennae so as not to interfere with putting on a gas mask. The postman was called.

Consequences and results of the first world war for Russia

Results of the war for Russia:

  • A step away from victory, the country made peace, deprived of all privileges like a winner.
  • The Russian Empire ceased to exist.
  • The country voluntarily renounced large territories.
  • Undertook to pay an indemnity in gold and food.
  • It was not possible to establish the state machine for a long time due to internal conflict.

Global consequences of the conflict

Irreversible consequences occurred on the world stage, the cause of which was the First World War:

  1. Territory. 34 out of 59 states were involved in the theater of operations. This is more than 90% of the Earth's territory.
  2. Human sacrifice. Every minute 4 soldiers died and 9 were injured. A total of about 10 million soldiers; 5 million civilians, 6 million died from epidemics that erupted after the conflict. Russia in the first world war lost 1.7 million soldiers.
  3. Destruction. A significant part of the territories where hostilities were fought were destroyed.
  4. Drastic changes in the political situation.
  5. Economy. Europe lost a third of its gold and foreign exchange reserves, which led to a difficult economic situation in almost all countries except Japan and the United States.

Results of the armed conflict:

  • The Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and German empires ceased to exist.
  • The European powers lost their colonies.
  • States such as Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Austria, Hungary appeared on the world map.
  • The United States of America became the leader of the world economy.
  • Communism has spread in many countries.

The role of Russia in the 1st world war

Results of the First World War for Russia


Russia in the First World War 1914-1918 had victories and defeats. When the First World War ended, she received the main defeat not from an external enemy, from herself, an internal conflict that ended the empire. It is not clear who won the conflict. Although the Entente with the allies is considered the winner, but their economic condition was deplorable. They did not have time to recover, even before the start of the next conflict.

To preserve peace and consensus among all states, the League of Nations was organized. She played the role of an international parliament. Interestingly, the United States initiated its creation, but they themselves renounced membership in the organization. As history has shown, it became a continuation of the first, as well as a revenge of the powers, offended by the results of the Versailles Treaty. The League of Nations has shown itself to be an absolutely ineffective and useless organ here.

VERSAILLES CONTRACT, the agreement that ended the First World War was signed on June 28, 1919 in the suburbs of Paris, in the former royal residence. The truce, which actually put an end to the bloody war, was concluded on November 11, 1918, but it took the heads of the belligerent states about six months to jointly work out the main provisions of the peace treaty.

The Versailles Treaty was concluded between the victorious countries (USA, France, Great Britain) and the defeated Germany.
Russia, which was also part of the coalition of anti-German powers, earlier in 1918 concluded a separate peace with Germany (according to the Brest Peace Treaty), therefore it did not participate either in the Paris Peace Conference or in the signing of the Versailles Treaty. It is for this reason that Russia, which suffered huge human losses in the First World War, not only received no compensation (indemnity), but also lost part of its ancestral territory (some regions of Ukraine and Belarus).

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles Main provision of the Treaty of Versailles - unconditional admission of Germany's guilt in "causing the war." In other words, the full responsibility for fomenting the global European conflict fell on Germany. This resulted in unprecedented sanctions. The total contributions paid by the German side to the victorious powers amounted to 132 million marks in gold (in 1919 prices). The last payments were made in 2010, so Germany was able to fully pay off the "debts" of the First World War only after 92 years.

Germany suffered very painful territorial losses.
All German colonies were divided between the Entente countries (anti-German coalition). Part of the original continental German lands was also lost: Lorraine and Alsace went to France, East Prussia to Poland, Gdansk (Danzig) was recognized as a free city. The Versailles Treaty contained detailed requirements aimed at demilitarizing Germany and preventing the re-incitement of a military conflict. The German army was significantly reduced (up to 100,000 people). The German armament industry was virtually bound to cease to exist. In addition, the requirement to demilitarize the Rhineland was separately spelled out - Germany was prohibited from concentrating troops and military equipment there. The Versailles Treaty included a clause on the creation of the League of Nations - an international organization similar in function to the modern UN.

Impact of the Versailles Treaty on the German economy and society
The terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty were unreasonably harsh and harsh, the German economy could not stand them. A direct consequence of the fulfillment of the draconian requirements of the treaty was the complete destruction of German industry, total impoverishment of the population and monstrous hyperinflation. In addition, the insulting peace agreement touched such a sensitive, albeit insubstantial, substance like national identity. The Germans felt themselves not only ruined and robbed, but also wounded, unjustly punished and offended. German society readily accepted the most extreme nationalist and revanchist ideas; This is one of the reasons that the country, which just 20 years ago with grief in half ended one global military conflict, easily got involved in the next. But the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, which was supposed to prevent potential conflicts, not only did not fulfill its purpose, but to some extent contributed to the incitement of the Second World War.

Six months later, Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919), drawn up by the victor states at the Paris Peace Conference, which officially ended the First World War.

Peace treaties with:
Germany (Treaty of Versailles)
Austria (Treaty of Saint Germain)
Bulgaria (Treaty of Neuilly)
Hungary (Treaty of Trianon)
Turkey (Sevres Peace Treaty).

The results of the First World War were The February and October revolutions in Russia and the November revolution in Germany, the elimination of four empires: the Russian, German, Ottoman empires and Austria-Hungary, the latter two being separated.

Germany ceased to be a monarchy and was cut geographically and economically weakened. The difficult conditions of the Versailles Peace Treaty for Germany (payment of reparations, etc.) and the national humiliation suffered by it gave rise to revanchist sentiments, which became one of the prerequisites for the Nazis coming to power, who unleashed World War II.

Territorial changes as a result of the war:
England- Tanzania and Southwest Africa, Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine, parts of Togo and Cameroon, Northeastern New Guinea and Nauru;
Belgium- Burundi, Rwanda, Eupena, Malmedy districts, annexation of the Moresnet territory;
Greece- Western Thrace;
Denmark- North Schleswig;
Italy- South Tyrol and Istria;
Romania- Transylvania, South Dobrudja, Bukovina, Bessarabia;
France- Alsace-Lorraine, Syria, Lebanon, most of Cameroon and Togo;
Japan- German islands in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator (Caroline, Marshall and Mariana);
an occupation France Saar;
accession Banat, Baci and Baranja, Slovenia, Croatia and Slavonia, Montenegro to the Kingdom of Serbia with the subsequent creation of Yugoslavia;
accession South West Africa to the Union of South Africa.
declared independence Belarusian People's Republic, Ukrainian People's Republic, Hungary, Danzig, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland;
founded Austrian Republic;
German empire de facto became a republic;
demilitarized Rhineland and Black Sea straits.

Entering the war, the general staffs of the belligerent states and, above all, Germany, proceeded from the experience of previous wars, in which victory was decided by crushing the enemy's army and military power. The same war showed that from now on world wars will be total in nature with the involvement of the entire population and the exertion of all the moral, military and economic capabilities of states. And such a war can end only with the unconditional surrender of the vanquished.

The First World War accelerated the development of new weapons and means of warfare. For the first time, tanks, chemical weapons, a gas mask, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, and a flamethrower were used. Airplanes, machine guns, mortars, submarines, and torpedo boats have become widespread. The firepower of the troops increased dramatically. New types of artillery appeared: anti-aircraft, anti-tank, infantry escort. Aviation became an independent branch of the military, which began to be subdivided into reconnaissance, fighter and bomber. Tank troops, chemical troops, air defense troops, and naval aviation emerged. The role of engineering troops increased and the role of cavalry decreased. Also appeared "trench tactics" of warfare with the aim of exhausting the enemy and depleting his economy, working on military orders.

The enormous scale and protracted nature of the First World War led to the militarization of the economy unprecedented for industrial states. This influenced the course of economic development of all large industrial states in the period between the two world wars: strengthening of state regulation and planning of the economy, the formation of military-industrial complexes, the acceleration of the development of national economic infrastructures (energy systems, a network of paved roads, etc.) , an increase in the share of production of defense products and dual-use products.

World peace

On November 11, 1918, Germany surrendered. The signing of the armistice that ended the Great War took place in the Picardy region of France, ironically home to the Gothic architecture so beloved by the Germans. The agreement, known as the First Armistice of Compiegne, officially ended hostilities in Western Europe. In the east, the denouement was much more dramatic and tragic: in March 1918, Soviet Russia withdrew from the war and signed a separate peace with Germany and its allies.

Today, the day of the signing of the Armistice of Compiegne is a public holiday in many countries of Europe and the British Commonwealth of Nations.

The conclusion of the armistice was preceded by the revolution that began in Germany, which was quite unexpected for Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was at that time in Spa. The emperor clearly did not want to end the war, trying to gain time through long, but senseless negotiations with the Entente countries. However, when he failed to suppress the demonstrations on the territory of his own country, Wilhelm II chose to flee to Holland. The last blow to the Kaiser was the transition to the side of the revolutionaries of the fleet, which Wilhelm II rightfully considered his brainchild and loved very much.

Germany was proclaimed a republic. And shortly before that, Prince Maximilian of Baden, who became chancellor, initiated negotiations.

At the same time, in Germany itself, the situation was spiraling out of control. So, on the territory of the disputed Alsace, the Alsatian Soviet Republic was created at all, which existed before Alsace and Lorraine were annexed by France.

In fact, negotiations were already underway since October 8 in the carriage of the commander-in-chief of the allied forces, Frenchman Ferdinand Foch. The consensus was reached on November 11 at 5 am local time, and came into force at 11 am. Many newspapers published that day symbolically called the agreement "the armistice at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month." On the last day of the war, 2,738 people died.

The main points of the armistice, which were subsequently extended several times, were the withdrawal of all German troops to German territory, the occupation of a part of Germany by the allied forces and the massive surrender of weapons. In addition, a separate item was followed by Germany's refusal of the separate Brest-Litovsk peace.

It was assumed that German troops would remain in the occupied Russian territories. However, they still came out. Meanwhile, the Entente's foreign intervention in Russia was in full swing.

Winners are not judged

Despite the fact that the Entente countries and the United States are officially considered the winners of the First World War by many historians, several reservations should be made. Thus, the greatest losses were incurred by Russia, which, after the advent of Soviet power, chose to leave the "imperialist war" by way of a separate peace. In addition to 1.773 million Russian soldiers, about 1.7 million German soldiers died. More than a million of the population from the Entente countries was lost by France, as well as two losing powers - Germany and Austria-Hungary.

One of the results of the First World War was the fall of several powers: the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary ceased to exist. In addition, Finland and the Baltic countries gained independence.

At the same time, there were economic consequences: GDP growth was observed in the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as in Italy. In addition, the consequences of the Great War for Austria were tragic: all the pigs were slaughtered there, and the country was simply left without meat. The Netherlands suffered colossal economic losses as well, which maintained neutrality in the First World War.

The United States, following the Monroe Doctrine, which implied non-interference in the affairs of continental Europe, nevertheless decided to take part in the First World War in 1917. It was the intervention of the United States and the "fourteen points" of US President Woodrow Wilson that became the "final nail" in the "coffin" of Germany's hopes for a positive outcome of the global confrontation. And the reason for this was the military power of the United States, inexhaustible resources, as well as a timed strike that allowed the United States to stand on a par with countries that have been at war since 1914.

Americans themselves believe that the early years of World War I are a testament to how dire conflicts can be if the United States is not involved in resolving them.

In 1924, the book "The Economics of War" was published, in which, among other things, the expenditures of the powers for the First World War were mentioned. So, the Entente countries and the United States in general spent about $ 147 billion on the war in terms of the then exchange rate. At the same time, Germany and its allies - only $ 61 billion in terms of the then dollars. Of this money, the United States, which entered the First World War later than everyone else, and received good bonuses, including the status of the winning power, accounted for $ 27 billion.

Soviet Russia lost more than others in the First World War. The war, although continuing with varying success, could bring Russia, if not territorial gains, then the status of one of the victorious powers. However, Leon Trotsky, who was supported by many of the "architects" of the new country, preferred the shameful separate peace to continue the confrontation until its logical conclusion. The winners are not judged, and the dubious achievements of the losing countries are discussed in 2014 as well.

The main result of the First World War was the redistribution of colonial possessions. It lasted until the end of the Second World War, during which the Compiegne Armistice also took place, in contrast to the first, which consolidated the successes of Germany, and not the allied forces. But Russia could well have won, including if the scenario of its alliance with Germany would suddenly come true ...

In Russia, the First World War was remembered only in the year of the century from the time of its beginning. Bookshelves were filled with literature pretending to be scientific, monuments and memorials began to open. However, there are still no real studies on this topic in Russia. And not yet foreseen.

Although Britain was destroyed and devastated, from a military point of view, she and her allies were victorious. November 11, 1918 became the day of Germany's surrender in the First World War.

And the results of the war can be called the February and October revolutions in Russia, the November revolution in Germany, and of course the beginning of the penetration of American capital into Europe.

And the world war gave impetus to the development of new weapons - chemical weapons were used for the first time, mortars, flamethrowers, torpedo boats, and a gas mask were invented. In general, there was a militarization of the economy, and indeed the very style of warfare has changed.

Weird. that at the beginning of the First World War, almost all monarchs European countries were related. For example the emperor of Germany Wilhelm II was an uncle, to the emperor of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II... which did not prevent them from going to war against each other. Then at the end there was Brest Peace ... and Russia was already attacked by England, fearing to lose her superiority at sea. The result of the First World War was the defeat of Germany and its allies. Was signed Versailles Treaty... according to which Germany was in the status of a slave to the countries of the tripartite alliance of the Entente, and could not have the advancing weapons. Everything changed only with the coming to power Hitler and his party NSDAP.

This is a pretty interesting question. In this terrible First World War, so many states participated in one way or another, and such were the huge losses for some of the states participating in this war. That many people assumed that humanity from this horror would still come to its senses for a long time, and in the near future there would be no wars for a very long time. However, those who think as we now know were mistaken, because soon the Second World War began!

If you do not look at the formal side of the one who won the First World War, then we can say that no one won.

If we talk about the winner of the First World War, then we should first remember about its participants. Countries from all continents participated in the war, up to exotic Brazil and Japan, which at that time opposed Germany. But the main countries that inspired the war were Great Britain, France and Russia on the one hand and Germany and Austria-Hungary on the other. The Entente formally won, since Germany signed a surrender and was completely destroyed. But all the participants suffered. Empires collapsed, 10 million people died, the world map was greatly redrawn. Russia dropped out of the list of winners, since at the time of the end of the war the former empire no longer existed - Soviet Russia arose, but formally it was the contribution of Russia that was decisive in the victory of the Entente.

1914 - 1918 World War I. 38 states fought. More than 10 million were killed, more than 20 million were maimed and injured.

  • France wanted to become the main country in Europe.
  • Great Britain wanted to prevent the strengthening of anyone in Europe.
  • Russia wanted to protect the countries of Eastern Europe from aggression.
  • Strong contradictions between the countries of Europe and Asia in the struggle for spheres of influence.

Triple Alliance military bloc of Germany, Austria - Hungary and Italy.

Entente military bloc of Great Britain, France and Russia.

REASON FOR WAR: In the city of Sarajevo, a fanatic killed the Prince of Austria of Hungary. As a result, Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria began to fight against the Entente countries.

In August 1914 Russia was successful, but then the lack of coordination of the armies, supply problems, betrayal and espionage led to defeat. By the end of 1915 Russia lost the Baltics, Poland, part of Ukraine and Belarus. In 1916 under the leadership of General Brusilov, a breakthrough was carried out on the Southwestern Front. More than 400 thousand enemies were killed, wounded and taken prisoner. Germany deployed forces to help Austria Hungary and saved it from disaster. On March 1, 1917 a general offensive of the Russian army was being prepared along the entire front line. But a week before that, the enemies staged a revolution in Petrograd. The offensive failed. The February revolution destroyed all the victory plans of the army. Mass desertion began, soldiers did not obey orders, intelligence was declassified. As a result, all the offensives of the Russian army failed. There were many killed and captured.

RESULTS: After October 1917 the Bolsheviks came to power. In March 1918 they concluded with Germany Brest Peace, gave the western lands to Russia and stopped participating in the war. Russia has lost the most: more than 6 million killed, wounded, maimed. The main industrial areas were destroyed.


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