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What are permanent and non-permanent signs of a verb. Constant signs of the verb

The meaning of the verb, its morphological signs and syntax function

Verb - this is independent part speech that denotes an action, state, or attitude and answers questions what to do? what to do ?: work, clean up, get sick, be afraid, desire, consist. All forms verb have morphological features of the species (there are perfect or not perfect kind) and transitivity (there are transient or intransitive). Among the verb forms differ conjugated(change by mood, time, person or gender, as well as numbers) and unconjugated(initial form verb, participles and gerunds).

In a sentence, conjugated verb forms play the role of a predicate (they have special predicate forms - mood and tense forms), unconjugated verb forms can be other members of the sentence. For example: Mermaid swam along the river blue, illuminated full moon... (M. Lermontov); So thought a young rake, flying in the dust on postage ... (A. Pushkin).


The initial (dictionary) form of the verb is infinitive, or infinitive(from Lat. infiniti - vus - "indefinite"). The infinitive denotes an action regardless of mood, time, person, number, that is, outside of its connection with the doer (subject).

An infinitive is an unchangeable form of a verb, which has only constant morphological features of a verb: type, transitivity / intransitivity, recurrence / irreversibility, type of conjugation. (If in conjugated verb forms the ending is unstressed, then the type of conjugation is determined by the infinitive.)

The formal indicators of the infinitive are the suffixes -th, -th(in school they are usually considered graduations). Suffix -th stands after the vowels (follow, think, sing), a -th- after consonants (carry, carry, weave). Some verbs end in the infinitive in -ch: oven, take care, flow, be able and etc.; historically in -night merged infinitive exponent -th and the final root sound [G] or [To]: shape type "Pekti", "take care" as a result of phonetic changes were transformed into "Oven", "protect" etc.

In a sentence, the infinitive can be any member of the sentence. For example: 1) Be in love others - heavy cross... (B. Pasternak); 2) He [Startsev] decided to go to the Turkins(for what purpose?) see what kind of people they are (A. Chekhov); 3) I acted carelessly, indulging in the sweet habit of seeing ^ and hearing you every day (A. Pushkin); 4) The cleanest shirts orders put on captain! _ (B. Okudzhava).

Note... Example (2) - with verbs of movement (leave, come in etc.) or stopping the movement (stop, stay, sit down etc.) the infinitive is the circumstance of the goal (names the goal of the movement or the cessation of movement): Sometimes in the sands he stopped(for what purpose?) relax (K. Paustovsky).

Example (4) - the infinitive is not included in the predicate and is an addition in the sentence if it denotes the action of another person (object), not the one that is called the subject.

Verb basics

The verb has two basics: infinitive stem and the basis of the present / simple future tense.(Sometimes it also stands out base of the past tense, but for most verbs it coincides with the stem of the infinitive.) Some of the verb forms are formed from basics infinitive, and the other part is from basics present / simple future tense. These two basics many verbs differ.

To distinguish the base of the infinitive, it is necessary to separate the formative suffix of the infinitive: carried- ty, pisa- t, say- read- th, rice- be.

To highlight the basis of the present / simple future tense, it is necessary to separate the personal ending from the form of the present / simple future tense (usually the form of the 3rd person is taken plural): carried- ut, write- ut, dialect- yat, chita j - NS, pucyj - NS.

To highlight basis the past tense, it is necessary to discard the form-generating suffix -l- and the ending from the past tense form (you can use any form, except for the masculine singular form, since a zero suffix can be represented in it, which makes it difficult to distinguish basics): carried- l-a, pisa- l-ah, speak- l-a, chita- l-a, rice a- l-a.

There are verbs that match basics infinitive and present / simple future tense and the base of the past tense differs from them: id- ty, id- ut, w- l-a. basics are different: get wet- drenched- ut, soaked- l-a; tere- t, tr- ut, ter- l-a. There are verbs that have all three basics match: carried- ty, carried- ut, carried- la.

Verb forms that are formed from the stem of the infinitive

Verb forms that are formed from the stem of the present / simple future tense

1.Past tense indicative forms: ness-l-a, wrote-l-a, spoke, read, drew.

1. Forms of the present and simple future tense indicative mood: I carry, write, I say, 4 umaj- y (orthographically - I read), pucyj- y(I draw).

2. Forms of conditional mood: I would have written, I would have spoken, I would have read, I would have painted.

2. Forms of the imperative mood: carry, write, speak, read) (read), rice) (draw).

3. Valid participles past tense: ness, writing, speaking, reading, drawing.

3. Valid present participles: carrier, writing-uch-iy, speaking, chita j-uch-iy (reading),pucyj-usch (drawing).

4. Passive participles past tense: carried away, written, drawn-nn-yp.

4. Passive present participles: not-oh-th,, read-th (readable), pucyj-em-th (drawable).

5. Perfective gerunds: writing, saying, reading, drawing.

5. Germanic participles of the imperfect form: n-I, speaking, read " ja (reading),pucyj- a(drawing).

Verb type

Verbs in Russian belong to one of two types: to imperfect or to perfect.

Verbs perfect kind answer the question what to do? and denote an action that is limited in its duration, has an internal limit, completeness. Perfective verbs can denote an action that has ended (or will end), having achieved a result (learn, draw), an action that has begun (or will begin), and this very beginning of the action is understood as its border, limit (play, sing) single action (push, shout, jump- verbs with a suffix -Well).

Verbs imperfect answer the question what to do? and denote an action without specifying

to its limit, without limiting its flow in time, the action is long-term or repetitive (teach, draw, play, shout).

Imperfect and perfect verbs form species pairs. The species pair are imperfective verb and a perfective verb having the same lexical meaning and differing only in meaning kind: read- read, write - write, build- build.

Imperfective verbs formed from perfective verbs using suffixes:

1) -wa-, -wa-: consider- consider, question- ask, sign- sign;

2) -va: open- open, give- give, shoe- shoe;

3) -a - (- i): save- save, grow up- grow up.

Perfective verbs are formed from imperfective verbs in various ways:

1) using view attachments na-, s-, pro, you-, po and etc,: treat- cure, bake- bake, do- do, write - write, read- read, build- build, teach- to learn etc. (But more often, with the help of the prefix, perfective verbs are formed, which differ from imperfective verbs not only by the meaning of the species, but also by a change in the lexical meaning; such verbs do not form a species pair: read- re-read, reprimand, read out etc.);

2) using a suffix -nu-: get used to- get used to nod- nod, jump- jump.

Some verbs that make up a species pair can differ only in the place of stress: scatter- scatter, chop- slice.

Separate species pairs are verbs with different roots: talk- say seek- find, put- put, take- take.

Some verbs are single species. They do not form a species pair and are, or only perfect kind (wake up, rush, sleep, scream etc.), or only imperfect (dominate, be present, sit, be).

There are also two-species verbs that combine the same meaning with imperfect and imperfect form... Their appearance is established from the context: marry, execute, wound, order, as well as verbs with suffixes -ova (тъ), -irova (т): influence, use, automate, asphalt, wire etc. For example: The cannons are firing from the pier, the ship is ordered to dock (what are they doing?) (A. Pushkin); Would you tell me, I will tell (what will I do?) Bring the rug? (N. Gogol).

Verb type affects the formation of its forms (first of all - the forms of time): imperfective verbs in the indicative mood there are forms of all three tenses (and in the future tense they have complex shape) and a full set of temporary participle forms; at perfective verbs there are no present tense forms in the indicative mood (the future tense form is simple) and present participles.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Differ transitive and intransitive verbs.

Transitional Verbs denote an action that is directly directed at an object. They can carry a direct object in the accusative case without a preposition to answer the question who? "/ what?", write an article, knit a sweater, sing a song.

Instead of the accusative case, the addition in the transitive verb can also stand in the genitive case without a preposition:

1) if there is a negative particle not before the transitive verb: understood the task- did not understand the task; read a novel- have not read a novel; waste time- do not waste time;

2) if the action does not go to the whole subject, but only to a part of it: drank water(all the water in question) - drank water(part), bring firewood- bring firewood.

In determining transitivity / intransitivity of verbs it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the noun in the form of the accusative case - it must name the object of the action. Wed: stand for an hour (in line) or live a week (at sea), where verbs are not transitive, although after them there are nouns in the accusative case without a preposition: All night long(Vp with time value, not object) thundered(intransitive verb) a nearby ravine, a stream, seething, ran to the stream (A. Fet).

Verbs that cannot have a direct object with them are intransitive: to engage(how?) sports, understand(what?) in music, refuse(from what?) from help.

Note. Transition / intransition closely related to the lexical meaning of the verb: in one meaning the verb can be transitive, and in the other - intransitive... Wed: I speak the truth (I speak- "I express" - a transitive verb). The child is already speaking (speaking- "talks" - intransitive verb); Tomorrow I will go alone, I will teach(intransitive verb) at school and all my life I will give to those who may need it (A. Chekhov); teach lessons(transitive verb).

Reflexive verbs

TO reflexive verbs includes verbs with a postfix -sia, -s. Everything reflexive verbs are intransitive. They are formed from both transitive verbs. (to distinguish - to differ, to please- rejoice, dress- dress), and from intransitive (knock- knock, blacken- blacken). From ordinary derivational suffixes -sya differs in that it joins the verb forms after the endings (knocking, knocking). Suffix -sya added after consonants, and -s- after vowels (studied- studied); in participle forms and after vowels is added -sya, and not -s: different - different.

Joining transitive verbs, suffix -sya turns them into intransitive: clothes whom? / what?- gets dressed. By joining intransitive verbs, -sya enhances the value of intransitivity: turns white- whitens.

Suffix -sya also serves to form impersonal forms from personal verbs: I am not sleeping- I can't sleep, I want- I would like to.

Among the verbs with the suffix -sya there are also those that do not have parallel forms without this suffix: laugh, hope, bow, fight and etc.

Verb conjugations

Conjugation - this is a change in the verb for persons and numbers. (Term conjugated forms the verb is used in a broader sense than the term conjugation . The conjugated forms of the verb include all forms, except for the infinitive, participles and participles, i.e. forms of all moods.)

Depending on the personal endings in Russian, it is customary to distinguish between two conjugations - I and II, which differ from each other in vowel sounds in the endings: carry, sing, speak, keep silent, carry, sing, speak, speak, carry, sing, speak, be silent, carry, sing, speak, be silent, carry, sing, speak, be silent

I conjugation

II conjugation

If the ending is shock, conjugation determined at the end: you call, you lead - I conjugation, burning, sleeping- II conjugation.

But most verbs with conjugation has no emphasis on personal endings. In such cases conjugation determined by the infinitive (by the vowel that comes before the infinitive suffix).

Ko II conjugation include those verbs with an unstressed personal ending in which 1) the infinitive ends in -i-t (carry, saw, spend etc.), except for verbs shave, lay, rare verbs build up("Build, build") and be ruffled("Hesitate, sway, swell"). (Verbs build up and be ruffled are used only in the form of the 3rd person unit. and pl. numbers, other forms are not used.); 2) verbs-exceptions in which the infinitive ends in -th (look, see, hate, offend, depend, endure, twirl) and on -a-th (drive, hold, hear, breathe).

All other verbs with unstressed personal endings refer to I conjugation.

It should be remembered that non-prefixed prefixed verbs are of the same type conjugations as non-attachment (drive- catch up- overtake- kick out etc. - II conjugation). Verbs with -sia (-s) are of the same conjugation type as without -sia (-s) (to drive- chase- II conjugation).

In Russian, there are also multi-conjugated verbs, in which some forms are formed according to I conjugation, and others - according to II. These include: 1) to want- in the singular changes according to I conjugation (want- want- wants), and in the plural - by II (we want- want to- want); 2) run, which has all forms, like the II conjugation of verbs (running- running- running- run- run), except for 3 persons pl. numbers - flee(by I conjugation); 3) honor- varies according to II conjugation (you honor- honors- honor- honor), except for 3 persons pl. the numbers (honor), although there is a form honor, which is now used less often than honor; 4) dazzle("To dawn, to shine a little") - used only in the form of the 3rd person singular (dawns- II conjugation) and plural (dawns- I conjugation): Dawn dawns a little; The stars glimpse faintly in the sky.

Uncharacteristic for verbs I and II conjugations the system of endings (archaic) have verbs eat, get bored, give, create(and their prefix derivatives: overeat, eat, surrender, give away, betray, recreate and etc.).

eat eh eats

give give give

eat eat food-yat

give give-them give

Verb to be is also peculiar. From him in the modern Russian language, rarely used forms of the third person unit have been preserved. and pl. present tense numbers - there is and essence: A straight line is the shortest distance between two points; The most common, general abstractions accepted by almost all historians are: freedom, equality, enlightenment, progress, civilization, culture (L. Tolstoy), and the future tense is formed from another root: will- will you- will- we will- will be- will be.

It should be remembered that verbs are conjugated (change in persons and numbers) only in the present and simple future tense. If the form of the future is complex (for imperfective verbs), then only the auxiliary verb is conjugated to be, and the main verb is taken in the infinitive. Verbs in the past tense are not conjugated (do not change by person).

Inclination of the verb

Verbs change in mood. The form inclinations shows how the action relates to reality: is the action real (taking place in reality), or unreal (desired, required, possible when certain conditions).

In Russian, verbs have shapes of three moods: indicative, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.

Verbs in indicative mood denote a real action that occurs, has occurred or will actually occur in a certain time (present, past or future). Indicative verbs vary from time to time: doing(present), was engaged(past tense), I will study(Future tense).

Verbs in conditional mood do not denote real actions, but desired, possible ones. Conditional mood forms are formed from the stem of the infinitive (or stem of the past tense) using the suffix -l-(followed by an ending with a number and, in the singular, gender) and particles would (b)(which can stand before the verb, after it, or it can be torn off from it). For example: If I were a poet, I would live like a goldfinch and would not whistle in a cage, but on a branch at dawn (Yu. Moritz).

V conditional mood verbs change in numbers and gender (in this mood there is no time and face): would pass, would pass, would pass, would pass.

Verbs in imperative mood denote an incentive to action (request, order), that is, denote not a real action, but a required one. In the imperative mood, verbs change in numbers and persons (there is no time in this mood either).

The most common forms are the 2nd person singular and plural, which express the motivation for action of the interlocutor (interlocutors).

2 face shape unit numbers are formed from the stem of the present / simple future tense using a suffix -and- or without a suffix (in this case, the stem of the verb in the imperative mood coincides with the stem of the present / simple future tense): talk, look, write, hold, work(the basis of the present tense is pa6 omaj- ym), rest (rest) -ut), remember (rememberj-ut), cut (cut), stand up (stand up).

Form 2 persons pl. the number is formed from the shape of the 2 person unit. numbers using the ending -te: say- \those\, hold- \those\, for-remember- \those\ and etc.

Forms of 3 persons unit. and many others. the numbers express the motivation for action of one or those who do not participate in the dialogue. They are formed by particles let, let it be, yes + shape of 3 persons unit. or pl. indicative mood numbers: let it go, let it go, long live, long liveetc.: Yes they know descendants of the Orthodox land of the native past fate (A. Pushkin).

Form 1 person pl. numbers expresses the motivation for joint action, in which the speaker himself is a participant. It is formed by particles come on, come on + infinitive of imperfective verbs (let's, let's + sing, dance, play) or 4- form 1 person pl. the number of the indicative mood of the perfective verbs (come on, let's + sing, dance, play): Let's talk compliments to each other ... (B. Okudzhava); Let's drop words like a garden- amber and zest ... (B. Pasternak); Comrade life, let's faster trample, trample the remainder of the five-year plan ... (V. Mayakovsky).

Inclination forms can be used not only in their direct meaning, but also in a figurative meaning, that is, in a meaning characteristic of another mood.

For example, the imperative form may; have the values ​​of conditional mood (1) and indicative (2): 1) Do not be for that the will of God, they would not give Moscow (M. Lermontov);2) Since he and tell:“I see, Azamat, that you really liked this horse” (M. Lermontov).

Indicative verb can be used in the sense of an imperative: However, it is already dark in the field; hurry up! go, go Andryushka! (A. Pushkin); The commandant walked around his army, saying to the soldiers: “Well, kids, let's stand today for Mother Empress and we will prove to the whole world that we are brave people and jurors ”(A. Pushkin).

The form of the conditional mood can have the meaning of the imperative: Daddy you talk to Alexandra, she behaves desperately (M. Gorky).

Verb tense

In the indicative mood, the verbs change in tenses. The forms of time express the relation of action to the moment of speech. In the Russian language, there are forms of three times: present, past and future. The number of tense forms and the way they are formed depends on the type of the verb. Imperfect verbs have three tense forms, and their future form is complex. Perfective verbs have only two tense forms (they have no present tense), the future form is simple.

The form present time shows that the action coincides with the moment of speech or is carried out constantly, repeats regularly: Full steam rushes train, wheels twirls steam locomotive ... (B. Pasternak); Oh how murderous we are love, how v to the violent blindness of passions, we are most sure we destroy what is dear to our heart! (F. Tyutchev).

Only imperfective verbs have present tense forms. They are formed with the help of endings that are attached to the base of the present tense and indicate simultaneously not only the time, but also the person and the number. The set of endings depends on the conjugation.

The form past tense shows that the action precedes the moment of speech: We all learned a little something and somehow ... (A. Pushkin).

Past tense forms are formed from the stem of the infinitive with a suffix -l-, followed by an ending with the value of a number and in units. number - genus: sang, sang, sang, sang.

Some verbs have the suffix -l- in the masculine form is absent: drove, rubbed, grew, took care, froze and etc.

Past verb tense go is formed from another base other than the base of indefinite form: go- walked, walked, walked, walked.

The form future tense indicates that the action will occur after the moment of speech: The cold will come, the sheets will crumble- and will be an ice house- water (G. Ivanov).

Both imperfective verbs and perfective verbs have future tense forms, but they are formed in different ways.

Forms of the future verb tense of the perfect form are formed from the base of a simple future tense with the help of the same endings as the forms of the present verb tense imperfect form (this form is called a form simple future tense): I will write, I will tell, I will bring.

Forms of the future verb tense imperfect forms are formed by attaching forms I will, I will, I will, I will, I will, I will to the infinitive of the imperfective verb (this form is called the form difficult future tense): I will write, I will tell, I will carry.

The forms of time can be used not only in their basic meaning, but also in a figurative meaning characteristic of the forms of other times.

Present tense forms can denote an action preceding the moment of speech (the use of present tense forms in a story about the past is called real historical): Only, you know, go out from the world, lo and behold- my horses stand smirnekhonko near Ivan Mikhailovich (I. Bunin).

Forms of the present tense can also denote an action following the moment of speech (meaning of the future tense): everything is ready for me, after lunch sending things. Baron and I tomorrow we get married tomorrow leaving to a brick factory, and the day after tomorrow I'm already at school, begins new life (A. Chekhov).

Past tense forms can be used in the meaning of future tense: Run, run! Otherwise I died (K. Fedin).

Future tense forms can have the meaning of the past tense: Gerasim looked, looked, and how he would suddenly laugh (I. Turgenev).

Person, number and gender of the verb

Forms face verb express the attitude of the action indicated by the verb to the speaker.

There are three faces of verbs: first, second and third.

The form the first faces the only one the numbers denotes the speaker's action: I sing, I'll come.

The form the first faces plural the numbers denotes the action of a group of persons, which includes the speaker: let's eat, let's go.

The form second faces singular denotes the action of the interlocutor: sing, come in.

The form second faces plural denotes the action of a group of persons, which includes the interlocutor: sing, come in.

Forms third faces singular and plural denote the actions of one or those who do not participate in the dialogue, i.e. is not a speaker or interlocutor: singing, coming in, singing, coming in.

Category faces and the numbers Verbs have indicative mood and imperative mood only in the present and future tense. Verbs in the past tense and in the conditional mood do not have a category faces, but change by numbers and childbirth:(I, you, he) led \\ - male genus, (me, you, she) led \ a \- female genus, (me, you, it) vel- \ o \- average genus, (we you they) vel- \ and \- plural number.

Not all Russian verbs have a complete set of personal forms.

In Russian, there are so-called insufficient and redundant Verbs.

Insufficient verbs do not have a complete set of forms for one reason or another. Some verbs do not have the 1st form faces units numbers, since they are difficult For pronunciation:win, convince, convince, dissuade, find yourself, feel, overshadow, dare and others. In those cases when it is still necessary to use the form of the 1st the faces of these verbs, resort to a descriptive method; I must win, I want to convince, I can find myself.

A number of verbs do not use the 1st and 2nd forms faces singular and plural the numbers for semantic reasons (these verbs call the processes occurring in nature or in the animal world): calve, whelp, rust, dawn, whiten, shine, distribute(about sound) flare up etc.

In modern Russian, the opposite phenomenon also takes place, when in some verbs the formation of forms faces present (or simple future) tense goes by two different ways: splash- splatters / splashes, drip- dripping / dripping, splashing- splashing / splashing, poking- pokes / pokes, waving- waves / waves and etc.

Impersonal verbs

Impersonal verbs - these are verbs that call actions or states that occur, as it were, by themselves, without the participation of the agent: shiver, vomit, unwell, dawn, dawn, get cold, dusk, dusk and others. They designate the state of man or nature.

These verbs do not change by person and do not combine with personal pronouns. They are used as predicates. impersonal offers, and the subject is impossible with them.

Impersonal verbs have only the infinitive form (get light, shiver), a shape that matches the shape of the 3rd person singular (dawn, chills), and the neuter singular (it was getting light, shivering).

Group impersonal verbs replenished at the expense of personal verbs by attaching a postfix to them -sya: can't read, can't sleep, can't believe, easily breathing, living etc.

Quite often, personal verbs are used in the meaning of impersonal ones. Wed: Lilac smells(personal verb) good o and Smells(personal verb in an impersonal meaning) hay over meadows (A. Maikov); The wind tends the trees to the ground and tends me to sleep; Something darkens in the distance and It gets dark early in winter.

Morphological parsing verb includes allocation of four permanent signs (type, recurrence, transitivity, conjugation) and five non-permanent (mood, time, face, number, gender). The number of permanent features of a verb can be increased by including features such as the class of the verb, as well as the type of stem.

Scheme of the morphological parsing of the verb.

I. Part of speech.

1. Initial form(undefined form).

2. Permanent signs:

2) recurrence;

3) transitivity-intransition;

4) conjugation.

3. Inconsistent signs:

1) inclination;

2) time (if any);

3) person (if any);

5) genus (if any).

III. Syntactic function. Listen well, standing in the forest or among the awakened flowering field ... (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

A sample of the morphological analysis of the verb.

I. Listen- a verb, means an action: (what do you do?) listen.

II. Morphological signs.

1. The initial form is to listen.

2. Permanent signs:

1) perfect view;

2) returnable;

3) intransitive;

4) I conjugation.

3. Inconsistent signs:
1) imperative mood;

3) 2nd person;

4) plural;

III. In a sentence, it is a simple verb predicate.

Noun parsing plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form. Morphological signs:
A Permanent morphological features:
1 own or common noun;
2 animate or inanimate;
3 genus;
4 declination;
5 number (if the word has only one form - singular or plural).
B Variable morphological features:
1 number (if the word changes in numbers);
2 case.
III Role in the proposal(which member of the sentence is the noun in this sentence).

You can download separately the memo "Plan of morphological parsing of nouns" in our VK group in the album "Russian language in tables and diagrams":

Samples of parsing nouns

A young lieutenant Klimov was traveling in the smoking section on the mail train from St. Petersburg to Moscow.(Chekhov).

(V) train

  1. in what?
  2. N. f. - train.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, masculine gender, 2nd declension.

(walking) (out) Petersburg

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question Of what?
  2. N. f. - Petersburg.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension, does not change in numbers - it has the form of only a singular number.
    B) Irregular signs: used in the form of the genitive case.
  3. In a sentence, it plays the role of a circumstance of a place.

(walking) (in) Moscow

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question what?
  2. N. f. - Moscow.
    A) Constant signs: own, inanimate, feminine, 1st declension, does not change in numbers - it has the form of only a singular number.
    B) Irregular signs: used in the form of the accusative case.
  3. In a sentence, it plays the role of a circumstance of a place.

(rode) to branch

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question in what?
  2. N. f. - branch.
    A) Constant signs: common noun, inanimate, neuter, noun in -iye: 2nd declension, but in the prepositional case the ending -and, like in nouns of the 3rd declension.
    B) Irregular signs: used in the singular, prepositional case.
  3. In a sentence, it plays the role of a circumstance of a place.

(in the department) (for) smokers

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question for whom?
  2. N. f. - smoker.
    A) Constant signs: common noun, animate, this noun is a substantivized participle, therefore it changes by gender ( smoker, smoker) and bows like a full participle.
    B) Irregular signs: used in the plural, genitive; no gender, like plural full participles.
  3. In the proposal, serves as an inconsistent definition.

(driving) lieutenant

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - lieutenant.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
  3. In a sentence, serves as an application.

(driving) Klimov

  1. Noun; denotes an item; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - Klimov.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
    B) Irregular signs: used in the singular, nominative case.
  3. In a sentence, acts as a subject.

Exercise to the topic “3.2.3. Morphological parsing of nouns "

  • 3.2.1. The concept of a noun. Morphological signs of nouns. Categories of nouns
  • 3.2.3. Morphological parsing of nouns


Verb is an independent part of speech that answers questions what to do? what to do? and denotes an action or state of an object as a process.
Syntactic function: in a sentence is a predicate. In an indefinite form, a verb can be a subject, addition, definition, circumstance.
Old mannew neighbor. (BUT.)

Morphological features of the verb
kind (perfect or imperfect);
conjugation (I or II).
mood (indicative, imperative, conditional);
tense (in the indicative mood) - present, past, future;
number (singular or plural);
face (in the imperative mood; in the present and future tense - the indicative mood);
gender (in the past tense - singular, in the conditional mood).
Initial form- the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive).
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Transitive verbs may have a direct addition with them: meet(friend), drink(tea); accusative noun without a preposition: know(address); a noun in the genitive case without a preposition, if the action covers part of the subject: put(Sahara); if the verb has a negation: do not see(horizon). Intransitive verbs cannot have a direct object with them: run, smile.
Verb type
Perfect(completed action) what to do? - send, reply.
Imperfect(unfinished action) what to do? - send, answer.
Inclination of the verb
The real actions that took place, are happening and will actually happen: participates, participated, will participate.
Actions to which the speaker encourages someone (orders, asks, advises): (don't) participate, (don't) say, (don't) come.
Actions expected, desired or possible under certain conditions: (not) participate, (not) speak, (not) come.
Verb conjugations
Conjugation- this is a change in the verb for persons and numbers.

There are multi-conjugated verbs to want, to run, which are conjugated partly by the 1st, and partly by the 2nd conjugation.

Special conjugation of verbs there is(eat) and to give.

Morphological analysis of the verb
1. Part of speech. Overall value.
Initial form (infinitive).
2. Permanent morphological features:
Variable morphological features:
time (in the indicative mood);
face (in the present and future tense; in the imperative mood);
gender (in the past tense singular and in the conditional mood).
3. Syntactic role.
You are driving ... you are dreaming.(Turg.)
You go- verb.
1. (What are you doing?) Driving (denoted action). N. f. - drive.
2. Fasting. - nonsov. in., unreturn., unreported., I sp .; unpost - expressed. tilt, present vr., 2nd person, pl. h
3. (What are you doing?).
Asleep- verb.
1. (What is being done?) Slumbers (denoted state). N. f. - doze off.
2. Fasting. - nonsov. in., return., non-trans., I sp .; unpost - expressed. tilt, present vr., impersonal.
3. (What is being done?).

A fickle sign of a verb - what is it? Answer to the question asked you will find in the materials of the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what forms this part of speech has, how it bends, etc.

General information

Before you understand what are constant and intermittent signs verbs exist, it should be said about what this part of speech is in general.

A verb is a part of speech that denotes a state or action of an object and answers the questions "what to do?" and "what to do?"

Verb forms

Each verb has the following forms:

  • Initial. It is sometimes called the infinitive or indefinite form. Such verbs end in -ty, -ty or -ch, that is, in formative suffixes (for example: guard, bloom, bathe, etc.). The indefinite only names a state or action and does not indicate a number, time, or person. This is the so-called immutable form. It has only permanent features.
  • Conjugated forms, that is, not infinitives. As a rule, they have permanent and non-permanent verb signs.
  • The verbal participle.
  • Participle.

So, in order to correctly compose the text of the letter, you should know that the presented part of speech has:

  • fickle;
  • constant signs of the verb.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Irregular verb signs

Non-permanent forms include:

  • number;
  • mood;
  • face;
  • time.

It should be especially noted that each of these features has its own characteristics.


All verbs have 3 mood forms. This feature shows how talking man evaluates the action. In other words, with the help of such a form, one can find out whether he considers it desirable, possible or real under any certain condition.


The term "fickle verb features" speaks for itself. That is, this part of speech changes over time. However, this only applies to verbs in

So, let's take a closer look at how such a part of speech changes over time:

  • Present time. Formally, it is expressed as -y, -yu, -eh, -et, -ut, -ete, etc. (For example: walking, thinking, doing, dreaming, carrying etc.). It should be especially noted that the present denotes a process that takes place in this moment... At the same time, he himself may not be in the present, but be in the past or the future. Let's give an example: She runs ahead of me. She thought she was running ahead of me. She'll run ahead again.
  • Future tense. As you know, it denotes a process that will happen very soon. For example: I'll go for a walk in the evening... It should also be noted that the future tense is also present for the perfect and imperfect verbs. Although in these cases it is expressed differently ( I will read - I will read, I will sing - I will sing, I will walk - I will take a walk etc.).
  • Past tense. Such a time indicates an action that has already passed (for example: walked, did, thought). This form is formed by adding the suffix -l-.


Unstable signs of a verb are those signs that, if necessary, can change a word in the right time, face, etc. The number is also a fickle sign. It can be:

  • The only one: do, wait, walk, go, go etc.
  • Plural: do, wait, go, go, go etc.


In the forms of the future and present tense, all verbs change according to the following persons:

  • The 1st person indicates that the process is carried out by the speaker: i sing we sing;
  • The 2nd person indicates that the listener performs the action: you are silent, you are silent;
  • 3rd person indicates that the action is carried out by a person who does not participate in the dialogue: it, he, she goes, they go.

It should also be noted that some verbs call an action or state that occurs without the participation of a certain person, as if by itself. Such verbs are called impersonal. Let's give an example: Chills. Day is breaking. It gets dark.


What other impermanent signs of the verb are there? Of course, the genus also belongs to them. but given form is inherent only in verbs in the singular, conditional mood and:

Now you know what inconsistent morphological features of the verb exist and how this part of speech changes in accordance with them. However, it should be noted that, in addition to the impermanent, there are also permanent forms. Let's consider them in more detail.

The signs of the verb are constant

If they turn to you and ask: "What are the fickle signs of the verb," ​​then surely you will not hesitate to do so. But what do you say if they want to hear from you a list and differences of the constant features of the verb?

So, these forms include:

  • transitivity;
  • return;
  • conjugation.


Absolutely all verbs are imperfect or perfect. This sign shows exactly how the action proceeds. As you know, all verbs of the kind of perfect answer the following question: "what to do?" In addition, they indicate the result of the action, its completion, the beginning or end (for example, what to do? - get up).

May change in the past ( what did you do? - got up) and future prime time ( what will they do? - will stand)... There is no such feature in the present tense.

The imperfect answer to the next question: "what to do?" In addition, when denoting an action, they do not indicate its result, completeness, beginning or end: get up... Such verbs have a past ( what they were doing? - got up), the present ( what are they doing? - get up) and the future difficult time ( what will you do? - I will get up). Also, the imperfect form also has an indefinite form of the verb ( what will it do? - will get up, will dance etc.).

It should be especially noted that in the Russian language there is a small number of two-species verbs. Such words, depending on the context, can become either perfect or imperfect ( command, marry, investigate, execute, arrest, marry, attack, examine etc.).

Let's give an example:

  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself would execute his enemies. In this case, the verb "executes" answers the question "what is he doing?" and has an imperfect appearance.
  • Rumors spread throughout the city that the king himself would execute several of the rebels. In this case, the verb "execute" answers the question "what will he do?" and has a perfect look.


Permanent signs include such a form as recurrence. Thus, verbs that have the postfix -sya or -s are called reflexive. For example: beat, swear and so on. The rest are irrevocable. For example: beat, scold, think etc.


All verbs are divided into intransitive and transitive. The latter denote a process that moves on to another subject. Its name can be expressed:

All other verbs are considered intransitive ( play in the forest, believe in justice etc.).


You know what a fickle sign of a verb can be used to write a beautiful stylistic letter. However, this is not enough for compiling a competent text. After all, it is very important to know how verbs are written in one conjugation or another.

As you know, with this form, the endings of the verbs change. In turn, conjugations depend on the person and number of a particular word.

So, in order to compose a competent letter, you need to remember that:

  • Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the endings: -eh (-eh), -y (-y), -e (-e), -e (-e), -e (-e) and -ut (-y). Let's give an example: you work, you want, howls, eat, run etc.
  • Verbs of the 2nd conjugation have the endings: -you, -y (-yu), im, -it, -at (-yat) or -ite. Let's give an example: grow, feed, love, pass, ruin etc.

Multi-conjugated verbs

Multi-conjugated verbs- these are verbs that refer to both I and I and I conjugation: to dawn, to build up; want, want (want, want, want, want, want, want); run, run (run, run, run, run, run, run).

Remember! Changing the conjugated verbs to want ( want, want, want, want, want, want) and dawn ( dawns, dawns).

How to determine the conjugation correctly?

Personal ending of chap. percussion - on personal endings: fly - fly- ІІ ref., drink - drink- I ref.

Unstressed personal ending - by the infinitive: prove - prove- I ref.

In the latter case, it is important to correctly determine the type of the verb. Compare:

Don't be confused with led verbs. n. with ch. will express. n. bud. time. Compare:

1. Inclination of the verb

1. 1 Indicative denotes an action that took place in the past, takes place in the present and will take place in the future. Verbs in the form of impr. n. change:

At times;

In the present tense - by faces and numbers;

In the past tense - by gender (singular only) and numbers;

In the future tense - by faces and numbers.

Example: In the meadows shine dew peas that it happens only in the early morning.

1. 2 Subjunctive (conditional) mood denotes a desired action that can occur under certain conditions. Verbs do not change in tenses, but they have gender forms (singular only) and numbers.

Formed: Ch. last time. seizure. n. + particle WB (B).

Examples: I would play now something. Anyone this it would seem possible.

1. 3 Imperative mood expresses motivation for action, order, request, advice. The action may or may not happen. Examples: live (live), learn (learn), believe (believe), read (read), let him come.

The imperative mood is formed using:

Sometimes, to soften the form of the order to the verbs, he led. n. the KA particle is added: bring it, give it.

Attention! Form led. n. may sound the same as the form of the 2nd l., pl. h., present. or bud. time. will express. n .: you speak what have you seen him?

2. Verb tenses

At times, verbs change only in the indicative mood.

3. Number of verbs

Determined by the question to the verb.

4. Face verbs

The face of the verb indicates who is involved in the speech. The face can only be identified in Ch. in the form of the present. and bud. time. in will express. n. and ch. led. n.

Face 1st 2nd 3rd
Unit h I'm glad NS sit You are glad eat Xia He (she, it) is glad no Xia
Mn. h We are glad eat Xia You are glad yea sit They are happy hut Xia

Impersonal verbs- these are verbs denoting an action that occurs by itself, they call the phenomena of nature, the state of a person. They do not change in person and numbers, do not combine with Im. Impersonal verbs include verbs:

3rd l., Unit h., present. time: It is getting dark ... to me unwell . Can't sleep , nanny, it's so stuffy here. Outside dawn ... Me chills . I want to something funny. It's easy here breathing .

Wed, singular, last vr .: It's still a little bit outside dawned . It would get dark quicker.

5. Gender of verbs

It can only be determined with the indicative mood verbs in the past tense.