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Monkey eastern horoscope. Year of the Monkey Chinese zodiac: emotional and expressive Monkey people

Modern society so open to receiving a wide variety of information that most people today read the horoscope without even believing in it too much. But in vain, because this is, one might say, the wisdom of the ages and long-term observations of our ancestors. And it is worth noting that it is impossible to completely deny the veracity of horoscopes. After all, if all this was not true, people would simply not read them. So, the year of the Monkey: a characteristic of people born during this period.

The main

It is necessary to begin to understand from the origins. It is worth noting that the Monkey itself belongs to the animals of the Yin group. This is the ninth sign of the zodiacal circle. Best time and the period of activity of people born this year - from 15 to 17 hours. They reach maximum comfort in summer, while the peak is in August. If we compare the two horoscopes, then Leo corresponds to the Monkey. Other useful information about the sign:

  • The fixed element is metal.
  • The color of luck is purple.
  • Plants that have the most beneficial effect on Monkeys are sandalwood and elderberry.
  • Ideal countries for living and recreation are Egypt, Portugal, USA, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Brief characteristics of the Monkeys

We consider further the year of the Monkey. The characteristic of people born at this time is as follows: they skillfully coexist two types of energy - Yin and Yang, that is, the feminine and masculine principles. Such people skillfully combine intelligence with ingenuity, as well as cunning and - sometimes - dishonesty.

The Chinese believe that the Monkey can live for a couple of centuries. And all because, according to legend, the ruler of the West treated her to peaches of immortality. They are also sure: over the years, this animal - a representative of the zodiacal circle - only improves. The most pleasant for communication is the old Monkey, who is full of wisdom and tranquility. After all, she gradually turns into a big baboon who loves people and is ready to come to the rescue at any moment.

It is also worth noting that the Monkey cannot be called evil at all. Rather, she is a dodger who can fool and puzzle everyone. It skillfully coexists with the whole gamut of feelings, with which another person is sometimes simply unable to cope. It is easy to compare this with the jumping of monkeys on the vines: representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope also easily cope with their emotional storms.

Monkey: opinion of the peoples of the world

We consider further the year of the Monkey. The characteristics of people born this year are slightly different. And everything here depends on the country, the peculiarities of thinking and culture of a certain community. Thus, the Chinese consider monkeys to be the children of a marriage between Heaven and Earth. That is, this is the best that could happen in the case of such an unusual love. In a country like India, the Monkey is called Hanuman. She is a servant of God. That is, it has a certain strength, which he spends only on good deeds. Asians, on the other hand, compare this animal with the westerly wind. That is, such people suddenly appear and disappear just as quickly. And they can leave behind both pleasant sensations and complete ruin in hearts and souls.

About the life of the Monkeys: childhood

People of the Year of the Monkey are generally lucky. However, their life path not always even. As a child, babies are almost always happy. They are cheerful, carefree, in a good mood. And this is not surprising. Indeed, at this time, representatives of this sign can do whatever they want, without looking back at the prohibitions and restrictions. Further, in adolescence, the first problems begin. And most often this is due to the thirst for something new, change. It is not so easy for teenagers to get what they want. At the same time, the first heart experiences and even dramas can occur. And this really hurts the representatives of this sign.

Adult years

The main problems begin already in adulthood, after about 30 years. The monkey wants to behave like a child, but this can no longer be allowed. There is a certain internal conflict, the completion of which can be very different.


Luck and reassurance returns to such people at an older age. Closer to the onset of this period, the desired calmness, wisdom comes. But by this time, not all Monkeys have found a family. Often they meet old age alone, because in their youth, not everyone is able to withstand their difficult nature. Statistics, however, say that most often such people die from an accident.

Positive aspects of the character of Monkeys

Now I want to consider different qualities Monkeys: both positive and negative. It's better to start with a good one. Initially, it should be noted here that these are people with a very unusual set of qualities. They are even unique in their own way. Such personalities are distinguished by a lively mind, a cheerful character and a positive outlook on life.

  • Monkeys are capable of making wise decisions. This happens to them somehow by itself. Such a gift is inherent in them by nature itself.
  • They are very sociable people. They make the most positive impression on any person. They always have many friends and comrades who are able to come to the rescue at any time.
  • Monkeys are intellectuals. They are very intelligent and developed personalities who can support any conversation. After all, they know a lot and are guided in almost all matters.
  • Representatives of this sign perfectly manage their emotions. They will never show in public what is going on in their souls.
  • Originality and ingenuity - this is the so-called "trick" of the representatives of this sign. Such people will never do the standard thing. They know how to get out of the situation beautifully.
  • Monkeys are very generous. They are able to share all their wealth. However, later they will ask for the same, asking for something special in return.
  • And the last thing I want to say: Monkeys have a great sense of humor. Therefore, a lot of people always gather around them.

Negative sides of character

So, the year of the Monkey. Characterization of the negative aspects of the character of such people is also important, which is definitely worth talking about. Initially, it should be noted that these are players. Of course, this quality can be classified as positive. It seems like such people are not afraid to take risks, thanks to which they often win. However, not all so simple. To gain something, the Monkey has to lose a lot. And often it ends with the representatives of this sign being at the very bottom of life. True, they are most often chosen from there. But at this moment, they basically lose all their loved ones and even relatives.

  • Monkeys are selfish. And although they are able to give, they will never miss their own.
  • Narcissism is a character trait of the representatives of this sign. Monkeys are confident in their irresistibility and want others to understand this.
  • Representatives of this sign do not trust people. And they often think of their friends much worse than it might seem at first glance.
  • The following follows smoothly from the previous point: Monkeys lie. They are cunning and resourceful. Often they say what they want to hear from them, and not what they really think.
  • Arrogance is another negative trait of such people. Representatives of this sign easily adapt to receive benefit from others.

About men

What is he, a man born in the year of the Monkey? Initially, it should be noted that such guys really do not like sloppiness. They also hate being bored. Their life should be filled with events. Therefore, such husbands are not easy to endure: they can go out with their comrades, regardless of someone's desire.

Monkey guys are not very jealous. But they are annoyed when their half communicates with members of the opposite sex. And although they do not roll up scandals about this, they will take revenge - that's for sure. Most likely, they will do the same in relation to their beloved.

It is very difficult for such men to forget love grievances. They worry about parting for a long time. And if it happens too early (that is, in early age), and then they may not marry at all.

Such men know how to make money. However, their jobs will almost always involve risks. Boring routine work is not for them. This is worth remembering for a lady who is going to marry a Monkey. After all, if today she can expect wealth, then tomorrow she runs the risk of being at a broken trough for a certain time.

Fathers from such men are not very good. And although the Monkey dad will give his kids all his savings, he will most likely deprive them of attention.

About women

What is the difference between a woman born in the year of the Monkey? Initially, it should be noted that such ladies are very often disappointed in men. They should also remember that they cannot be so open. It is this weakness of the Monkey girls that people often use for their own selfish purposes.

About marriage. Here, too, not everything is so simple. Representatives of this sign are very freedom-loving. They want to lead the family, although in extreme cases they can give up this place to their partner. Often they try to drive their husbands under the thumb. And if they succeed, they remain as happy as possible.

It should be said that the representatives of this sign love everything beautiful. The 1980 year of birth of the Monkeys is the most prolific in this case. That is, it should be noted that the wardrobe of such a woman will be overflowing with beautiful and expensive things... After all, otherwise the Monkey simply will not be able to shine. It should also be noted here that due to this quality, it is often precisely family budget couples where the wife is a representative of this sign.

They are good, but not too economic and thrifty wives. Mothers from such women turn out to be quite good. But here's the trouble: they give too little attention to their children, preferring to compensate for this with the material side.

About kids

What kind of child is this? In the year of the Monkey, good kind children are born, who at an early age practically do not bring problems to their parents. They are calm, reasonable and cheerful. However, they need a share of freedom. If the parents give it - great. Otherwise, such babies can become uncontrollable and even somewhat irritable.

Such children have a lot of friends and comrades, they are never deprived of attention from the outside. Not greedy, able to share their things. But if necessary, they can also stand up not only for themselves, but also for the honor of a friend. It's in the blood of the Monkeys.


What other question needs to be illuminated when considering those born in the year of the Monkey? Their compatibility with other signs of the zodiac.

  1. Rat. This is the most favorable union. The rat will do everything to ensure that these relations, by the way, are very friendly, are always afloat.
  2. Bull. Here, a positive outcome is possible only in the case of complete mutual understanding in a pair. The Ox may seem boring to the Monkey, but she will be attracted by the decency and hard work of such a person.
  3. Tiger. it complicated relationship burdened by conflicts and constant showdowns in pairs.
  4. Rabbit. They are good friends, but disgusting life partners. It is better for such people not to enter into business relationships.
  5. The Dragon. This is a good union. However, everything that happens in a pair will depend on the Monkey.
  6. Snake. For everything to be good, the Monkey will have to abandon frivolity, and the Snake - from pride.
  7. Horse. The union is completely unfavorable. Especially if 1980 is the year of birth of one member of the couple. Such people will not be able to stay close to each other for a long time. Friendship also won't last long.
  8. Goat. Such a marriage will rather be created "by calculation". The Goat will try to take advantage of all the benefits of the Monkey. And if she allows her, the relationship will be.
  9. A monkey. Such people will easily get along with each other. The union will be successful.
  10. Rooster. Explosive union. It will be extremely difficult for such individuals to get along. And if they succeed, then a struggle awaits them all their lives.
  11. Dog. The union is doubtful. It is only possible if both members of the pair are inferior to each other.
  12. Pig. Such people are very different. The monkey can accept such a partner, but will try to fool him and get the maximum benefit for himself.

Horoscope compatibility

And finally, I would also like to consider the compatibility of the Chinese and the more familiar horoscope to all - the zodiacal.

  1. Aries. It's not just a Monkey - it's a gorilla. Everything in such a person is magnified at times: both positive and negative sides character.
  2. Taurus. Such a Monkey is a very cute and harmless creature. However, there is also a negative side: such people are most often defenseless.
  3. Twins. This is a very cunning Monkey who wants to get the maximum benefit from everything and everyone. And often she succeeds.
  4. Cancer. It is also a kind and calm Monkey. However, without good friend it will be difficult for her to follow the path of life.
  5. What is the Lion Monkey? It is worth noting that these are very emotional and passionate people. They strive to grab luck by the tail without fear of anything. Also Monkey-Leo is a very intelligent person who tries to show this to others.
  6. Virgo. it good worker... But such people are suitable for low-skilled work, simple, and not intellectual.
  7. Scales. Very risky people who are able to "walk on the edge of a knife." But still, they often win.
  8. Scorpion. Such Monkeys always get their way. However, most often by cunning and stubbornness.
  9. Sagittarius. Such people are able to wait for their happiness for years. And often, thanks to this, they find themselves either at the very top, or at the very bottom of life.
  10. Capricorn. It is very difficult to unravel such a person, because he is very secretive and does not look like the rest, open by the soul of the Monkeys.
  11. Aquarius. These are people who do not like to show their cards until a certain point. The so-called gray cardinals.
  12. And what is the Monkey-woman related to the sign of Pisces? She will be very cunning. She will also be inherent in ingenuity. The main thing for such people is the coincidence of circumstances. In this case, everything will be fine with them.

We are all different. Lions, Libra, Capricorns, Pisces ... A monkey - a woman or a man, does not matter - it has both positive and negative sides of character. As well as people born in the year of any other animal. But all this is just relative data. After all, do not forget that all people are individual and have their own characteristics.

Monkey - the ninth sign eastern calendar, which endows the people of this sign with a good sense of humor, cheerfulness and cunning. People of this sign are very sociable and often they are the soul of the company. It may seem that Obzyana gets along with everyone, but this is not at all the case, because she uses connections with people for selfish purposes. In addition, she despises everyone around her, elevating herself above others.

Highlights the Monkeys and the desire for knowledge: they will never miss a chance to learn something new. Love for books and the knowledge gained allow people of this sign to express themselves in a variety of life spheres. It's not a bad thing to fool everyone around without leaving any traces of involvement.

Monkey Man

Men born under this sign are truly generous boyfriends, they spare neither attention nor gifts, but only themselves, because they value independence. Monkey men have a love of performing in front of an audience, because the sound of their own voice is much more pleasant for them than music. It's no secret that women like these men often because of their boyish energy.

Monkey Woman

Women under the sign of Monkeys are characterized by hospitality, courtesy and originality. Monkey women also love to gossip, but their gossip is not bad taste. But self-discipline, representatives of this sign, would definitely not hurt to do it, because they are often disorganized.

The positive traits of such a lady can be called a good memory, which helps her in solving many problems. She is independent, and does not accept the infringement of her personal space.


More often, the love of the representatives of this sign is superficial, not revealing the whole essence of feelings. This is primarily due to the nature of the Monkey and its temperament. But if people of this sign really have feelings, then they will be warm but not hot. In marriage, representatives of this sign often file for divorce, without realizing what prompted them to do so.

Eastern and Western traditions of perception and attitude towards monkeys are very different.

Europeans do not take monkeys seriously - they seem to them a parody of man, and in European mythology and art, monkeys personify the most evil human inclinations and vices. In the East, the attitude to the monkey is completely different. She belongs to the number of Divine beasts and is associated with such traits as agility, ingenuity, intelligence and cunning. In the year of the Monkey, initiative and smart people who become respected members of society. Years corresponding to the year of the Monkey in the Eastern horoscope: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The nature of people born in the year of the Monkey

The monkey is restless. She has beautiful intellectual abilities and an unbalanced, complex character. She is very intelligent, observant and endowed with excellent flair. And inner anxiety does not allow her to rest on her laurels. It is thanks to the imbalance that the Monkey is in motion all the time instead of living in peace, although the first serious achievements she already have in her youth and for many people they would be enough for the rest of their lives. The monkey is not alone. A clear mind, charm and fortitude attract like-minded people and friends to her. Outwardly, the Monkey is affable and friendly. She rarely reveals her shortcomings openly. And she has a lot of them: she is envious, not too honest and can change the rules in the course of the game. When people discover this, most often they forgive the Monkey: those good deeds that she did for others fall on the other side of the scale, and there are many of them. The monkey is faithful, reliable, knows how to keep secrets and is ready to actively help those nearby. Frequent mood swings and an invariably bright mind, observant and sometimes sarcastic, make the Monkey an extraordinary and interesting person.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility in love

The monkey is at one stage or another of the next romance every minute of his life. She is temperamental and in love. And she likes the same initiative and easy people. It is easy for her to find an object for love, and her strong bright character helps her to win the chosen one. True, these novels do not end happily, because in his choice the Monkey is guided by feelings and passion, completely oblivious to the nature of the partner and compatibility with him. After parting, she is not sad for long and soon gets involved in a new love adventure. There is always love in her life, only the person next to her changes. But she's not frivolous. Each time she hopes that now she will be lucky and she will find her “soul mate”. Monkeys are afraid of loneliness and dream of a family. To keep a partner, they are ready to make concessions and do a lot for him. Relationships are usually not broken off on their initiative. But in the next novel, the Monkey does not become more circumspect.

And another Monkey.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility in friendship

There are always many initiative and energetic people next to the Monkey. She is united with friends not by common secrets and intimate conversations, but by common plans and deeds. The monkey strives for new things and always easily finds "fellow travelers". She is loyal to friends and incredibly reliable. She easily pushes aside morality with strangers, but none of her friends can complain about her: she is not treacherous, not deceitful, obligatory, reliable and knows how to keep secrets. Friends trust her. The monkey takes to heart everything that happens with friends, is ready to advise, help, support and help them out. If she has any luck planned, she will not forget to share it with her friends. Friendship breaks only if a friend lets the Monkey down, acts meanly. The monkey is vindictive, she will delete the offender from among her friends and will take revenge for a long time and inventively. If you are honest with the Monkey, she will remain a faithful friend for life. The monkey is compatible in friendship with everyone except and.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility at work

A sharp mind and good learning ability make the Monkey successful in any job. She reaches the top in many professions and may not even suspect that her true talents are hidden in completely different areas. Early failures labor activity are perceived by the Monkey as a challenge and stimulate it to new achievements. Therefore, it is not so important what natural talents she has. She will be good everywhere: in art, in politics, law, science, business, administrative work... It is better for her to work in a team or to lead - people willingly follow her. Working alone will not be so interesting for her.

With the help of energy channels, I will attract into your life cash flow and I will remove all kinds of blocks that interfere with your material well-being. The result of the work will be noticeable within a week.

The characteristics of those born in the year of the Monkey are very controversial. These people can create or destroy. Their fate depends on what facet of their personality they show the world.

The Chinese calendar consists of 12 cycles, each of which corresponds to a specific animal. The Monkey is ranked ninth in the eastern horoscope, located between the Goat and the Rooster. She is included in the first triad of the zodiac. Patronizes this sign male energy Yang and the constellation Leo. Eastern astrology assumes that each animal rules over the year once every 12 years. Thus, the Monkeys were born in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. The next year of the Monkey is 2028.

Video "Monkey: characteristics of the sign"

This video describes zodiac sign Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

Features of nature

At first glance, the Monkey may seem simple. However, this is a misleading impression. In fact, she is a multifaceted nature. A keen mind makes her a first-class strategist. A good memory allows you to remember the necessary information, extracting the maximum benefit from it. There are no hopeless situations for her.

A person born under this sign is a clever manipulator. He always gets his way by acting on hidden levers. Without malicious intent, he can play against the rules to achieve his goal. Thanks to his observation, he is well versed in people.

This is a very inquisitive person who constantly strives to try something new. He often changes professions, trying to find himself in a certain area. She likes to be in the spotlight. She has a cheerful, easy-going character, a great sense of humor, she has many friends.

The intemperance inherent in people of the ninth sign often leads to a sharp change in mood. Due to excessive emotionality, they are straightforward, show intolerance. Those born this year should not be offended - they are vindictive and vindictive. This year's man is selfish by nature. He does not accept when something does not go according to his script, he likes to command. Can easily change his mind without thinking about others.


The ninth sign of the eastern calendar endows a man with multiple talents. Ambition and resourcefulness are traits that help to achieve success in any field. This is an unprincipled careerist who can use dirty tricks. He is savvy and knowledgeable. He can handle finance, politics, trade or diplomacy. By choosing his calling, he can become famous.

A relationship with a Monkey man is almost always doomed to failure. This is a frivolous, selfish nature, unable to love. If the pair does work out, the representative of the sign will establish a tough dictatorship in it. He will show aggression, morally suppress a partner, demand self-love. Such behavior of a man is influenced by hidden complexes and a lack of inner harmony.


The Monkey Woman has a balanced, even character. She has harmony and excellent taste. Born under this sign is endowed with an attractive appearance, gentle, caring.

This is a very touchy person. Does not tolerate criticism. You will not be able to impose your opinion on her. An independent character makes the Monkey immune to suggestion. She is very cunning and resourceful. He approaches the tasks with originality. This personality gushes with ideas that he immediately begins to bring to life. Often he gives up what he started halfway through.

The representative of this sign adores noisy companies, cannot imagine life without entertainment. Its main feature is posturing. The behavior of the Monkey is not limited by any framework. In a relationship, such a woman is fickle. She easily goes to treason. To keep the family together, she may try to keep the man as children. However, she has poorly developed maternal feelings.

The elements

The fate of the Monkey depends not only on the year and number of birth, five main elements also leave an imprint on a person's character:

  1. The Wood Green Monkey is original and eccentric. Will behave defiantly to get everyone's attention. She does not have willpower, and therefore follows the lead of her desires. Constantly trying to change the world for the better. The element makes her ambitious and vain. Wood Monkey Years: 1944, 2004, 2064.
  2. Earthy Yellow Monkey strives for peace and comfort. He tries to achieve harmony in everything, has excellent taste. The earth makes the Monkey thrifty and economic. She will not refuse advice or financial assistance. In a relationship, he values ​​freedom, but will not forgive his partner's betrayal. Earth Monkey Years: 1908, 1968, 2028.
  3. The Metal White Monkey is a strong careerist. She is purposeful, and in order to achieve success in the professional field, she is ready to make any sacrifices. Possesses leadership qualities, excessive bragging, non-punctuality. Has a tendency to frequent mood swings, which is why it is unpredictable. Metal Monkey Years: 1920, 1980, 2040.
  4. The Fire Red Monkey has an irrepressible imagination, curiosity, and loves to travel. Its main features are cunning and resourcefulness. Thanks to them, she successfully moves along career ladder, stress-resistant. However, she periodically needs rest or a change of scenery. Fire Monkey Years: 1956, 2016, 2076.
  5. Some astrologers call the Water Black Monkey Blue. She is emotional, knows how to empathize. The relationship with her will be long-term, filled with passion. She pays a lot of attention to herself and her health. Changeable in mood, loves comfort. Water endows this sign with exorbitant cunning and a desire to find benefits everywhere. Water Monkey Years: 1932, 1992, 2052.


The monkey has strong organizational skills... She is sociable, restless, does not like routine work. A strong feature of the ninth sign is the gift of persuasion. Such a person will easily achieve success in areas related to advertising or trade. Many celebrities were born under this sign.

Born this year always brings the work started to the end. However, he does this in violation of all the rules. Inborn resourcefulness allows the Monkey to find the shortest ways to resolve the issue. On this basis, the team is not always friendly to her. She is capable of deception and illegal actions in order to achieve her goal. Will always seek profit or self-interest, often at the expense of others.

It is almost impossible to catch a representative of this sign in a lie. A quirky, resourceful nature will help him go unpunished.

Monkey in relationship and love

People born under the sign of the Monkey are charming and sociable. They easily find a partner. Relations with this sign will develop successfully only if the Monkey works hard on himself. Otherwise, the couple will be mired in constant scandals.

A suitable partner for the Monkey is the Rat. The signs are extremely compatible with each other. They are similar in views, inquisitive, have a wide erudition.

An alliance with the Dragon will be no less successful. Partners in such a tandem are dependent on each other, which only makes the relationship stronger.

Monkey and Snake are so different that their pair will be filled with conflicting emotions. However, over time, passion and hatred will subside, and the relationship will degenerate into a strong and lasting union.

With the Rabbit, the tandem will develop, provided that the partners do not burden each other with household chores.

The union of the Monkey with the Dog has a right to exist. If the Dog removes " pink glasses", And the Monkey will cease to be cunning, such a relationship will lead to a strong family.

A tandem of two identical signs is unlikely. However, with the successful development of relations, such a union will be overflowing with emotions, passion and sensuality.

The Monkey can develop a relationship with the Rooster. At the same time, she should moderate her sarcasm towards her partner.

The Pig is a good match for the ninth sign. Both partners have a keen mind and an innate sense of humor.

The relationship with the Goat will very quickly get bored with an active and emotional Monkey... They are too mundane for her. These signs are only capable of friendship.

Find with the Tiger mutual language will not work. Having completely different characteristics, partners will constantly reject each other.

An alliance with the Bull will be unsuccessful. The monkey will not tolerate superiority over himself.

The horse will not give its partner the necessary romance and ease in the relationship. Therefore, such a tandem will not be successful.

The life of people born in the year of the Monkey is filled with vivid events and impressions. They treat it as a fun game where they must win by all means. To be the first everywhere and in everything is the main goal of the Monkeys.

Monkey oriental horoscope: legend, character, career and money;

Monkey compatibility horoscope; Monkey zodiac sign

Monkey - years:

1932 - water

1944 - woody

1956 - fiery

1968 - earthen

1980 - metal

1992 - water

2004 - woody

2016 - fiery

2028 - earthen

Monkey eastern horoscope: lthe legend

There are many legends about the origin of the horoscope and the 12-year cycle, two are especially common in China. First: once the Buddha called for a feast in honor of his departure from earthly world all animals who wished to appear to him. To get to the Buddha's palaces, it was necessary to overcome a wide cold river. This was done by 12 animals, which the Buddha gave the years of reign. The ninth was the Monkey: she swam across the river only when she was convinced, by the example of others, that the enterprise was safe.

The second tells that the heavenly Jade Emperor ordered a servant to find on earth and bring 12 beautiful animals to reward them. The beasts chosen by the servant were carefully prepared to please the emperor. The monkey received the ninth year of management - for agility.

Monkey oriental horoscope: character

Unreliable, contradictory, smart, inventive people, Monkeys are original, dexterous, easily solve problems. In almost any field of activity, the Monkey is able to turn around. She wants to do everything right there, right away. The monkey is headstrong, temperamental, quick-tempered, of the signs - the most eccentric. However, it is quite easy to distract her from what was planned and persuade her. The monkey knows how to make decisions, has a sound mind. If she does not interfere, she can achieve fame and glory.

In general, life for Monkeys is interesting game... Monkeys are quick-witted, fast. They may seem frivolous, funny, harmless, but behind this lies resourcefulness, sharp mind, observation. Few people can guess the true intentions of the Monkeys, although they sometimes seem simple and superficial.

In communication, Monkeys are the soul of any company, feast, party. Their captivating stories are listened to with open mouths, and laughter explodes over their anecdotes. Monkeys love to make fun of numerous friends and acquaintances, but they also treat themselves not without humor. True, the Monkey's caustic sarcasm can hurt mercilessly, therefore, those around them still treat the Monkey with great caution.

Even in a crowd, in the epicenter of the event, the Monkey is on its own, in the position of an observer. Her keen mind grasps and remembers everything in order to extract it at the right moment, often she knows the smallest details about what is happening, when even those closest to her know the least about her. Some of the Monkeys do not mind intrigue and conspiracy. Coming up with cunning plans, they deftly embody them in order to achieve the goal or to defeat the enemy.

But more often the Monkey uses his talents more harmlessly. It is enough for her to feel control over what is happening, which is perfectly allowed by the collected information. And even if the master of the situation is not her, the energetic Monkey will not give up. Ingenuity and dexterity help her even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

Life for a bright, sociable, witty, dexterous Monkey is a difficult, and therefore an exciting game, where she knows how to play by her own rules. And win.

Monkey eastern horoscope: money, career

The title of the position is not at all important to the Monkey, the main thing is the influence that lies behind it. Therefore, the true status of the Monkey is usually higher than the position held. The monkey is dexterous, smart, far-sighted, builds an excellent career, and very rapidly. And the secret of success is in the charisma and talents of a public person, and not in routine work.

The monkey lacks perseverance, patience in business, but its sociability, intelligence, eloquence and ability to manage secret levers can help achieve fame, build a career, especially in politics, journalism, commerce, show business. The Monkey does not know how to accumulate purposefully, but always with money.

The monkey knows how to make excellent money and spend money brilliantly. She will not deny herself anything. And, if necessary, she is able to make money quickly, in more than one way!

Celebrity Monkeys

Jack London, Marquis de Sade, Byron, Sergei Bondarchuk, Paul Gauguin, Rockefeller, Elizabeth Taylor, Anton Chekhov, Harry Gooddini, Igor Kio, Rod Stewart, Spinoza, Harry Truman, Nelson, Federico Fellini, Schopenhauer, Gianni Rodari, George Lucas, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Poincaré, Ivan Diaghilev, Alexander Dumas-son, da Vinci.

Monkey zodiac sign

Capricorn is meticulous, scrupulous, but it's all comparative and relative.

Aquarius is cunning, restrained, secretive, plays his own game.

Pisces is inventive, dexterous, always knows which course to choose.

Aries is a gorilla, "heavy", beware.

Taurus is charming, harmless, but so defenseless ... well, almost.

Gemini - passionate, hot-tempered, bursting of soap bubbles!

Monkey zodiac sign

Cancer is the kindest Monkey, perhaps the least cunning of all.

Leo is ardent, passionate, teases the Tiger, holds his tail.

Virgo is a tightrope walker, risky: the desire to please can destroy her.

Libra - will always strive for balance, balance in everything.

Scorpio is “a bag of tricks; scrupulousness is not her feature.

Sagittarius - Monkey waiting for something, let him wait.

Monkey compatibility horoscope

Perfect - Dragon, Rat

So so - Monkey, Dog, Cat, Goat

Unluckily - Boar, Snake, Tiger.

Finding personal happiness is difficult for the Monkey: too fickle character, she is passionate, but quickly satiated, looking for new love. Only an innate sense of humor makes her laugh at her sorrows, saving her from despair.

She can have a good alliance with the Dragon: she shares cunning with him, using his power. These are good companions in business, but the Monkey will constantly try to secretly beat the Dragon. He needs to be alert.

The Monkey will charm the Rat, and that from the Monkey will endure everything, continuing to love passionately all her life, even in the absence of reciprocity.

The attractiveness of the Tiger does not touch the Monkey, she only laughs at him. However, the Monkey must beware of the Tiger: it risks becoming a victim, being eaten. Any connection between them leads to disputes, outbreaks, explosions.

Whoever becomes the Monkey's companion in life, she is predisposed to have more children.