Repairs Design Furniture

How to unscrew the old screws from the board. Ways to unscrew the small screw with a torn head - drill, nails, drank the slot. Video - how to unscrew the linked screw

The use of screws for attaching any products is convenient and reliable. But it often happens that it is necessary to urgently unscrew the screw, and there is no suitable screwdriver under hand. Of course, the use of a screwdriver is the easiest and safest method, but if necessary, it is possible to do without it. How to unscrew the screw without screwdriver? Today you will learn about it!

Let's start off with, screw - this is a cylindrical rod with a special head to be applied by a screw groove. Screws are made for a whole row regulatory documents, among which GOST 1144-80, GOST 1145-80, etc.

At the same time, there are two main types of hardware - this is:

  • classic screws;
  • self-tapping (also known as self-tapping screws).

To designate, in this case, the diameter and the length of the screw (for example, the product with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of 3.5 cm will be designated as 5x35 mm). In addition, hardware can be classified in the shape of a slot and features of the head itself:

  • with a flat (secret) head;
  • with the same, but reduced type;
  • with pressshaba;
  • with hemispherical head.

All these varieties are made with a cross-shaped slot, with direct (flat) and slot Torx (The latter is still known as the "asterisk"), as well as with the inner hexagon and other, less popular options. There are still self-tapping screws with a head of six and eight-marched shape (roofing), which are also made with different slots.

On a note! By type of thread, the screws are also divided into several types, which is determined primarily connected by materials and concrete meal (for metal, on wood, for drywall or small household appliances).

Ways to unscrew the screw without screwdriver

Consider the very effective methods Depending on the specific type of slot. Let's start with the cruciform.

NO1 option. Conducting Schlit

To begin with, we note that some screws have one deepening on the head can be longer than the other. If so, then it should only work with a deepening of greater length to simplify the task. We also add that the faces of these recesses can be arranged, and therefore it is necessary to work carefully, otherwise you can spoil the product.

One of the most simple ways - This is the use of coins. The method works often only with small screws. The coin must be inserted into the groove, and then turn counterclockwise.

Weakly twisted screw can try to unscrew the nail. Actions are the same as in the previous method.

Take the knife, place in the recess (long, if they different lengths) And scroll down. Be careful, because if the screw is very twisted, and the knife you use is low quality, then it is (knife), without achieving the desired result.

Step 5. Use the old CD. Place it the edge into the groove and check. The CD itself as a result of such manipulations may suffer, and therefore make sure that it is no longer needed. The method will not definitely help with a highly twisted screw.

Step 6. You can cut a long groove on the head with a handwheel on the metal, but this method is effective only with a not fully twisted hardware, i.e., if the head is somewhat over the surface. Keep the saw at right angles relative to the head, saw slowly and carefully. Further, when the groove is ready, the screw is mounted with a flat screwdriver or recessive means (for example, credit card).

Step 7. Take a flat screwdriver of a suitable size in the absence of cruciform. What is characteristic, it can work only with large / medium-sized diameter screws. Carefully, not to break the face of the slot!

Step 8. Another option is to use a toothbrush. To install her end to the lighter, after which you immediately insert it into the recess on the screw of the screw. After waiting for the melted plastic froze, check the brush counterclockwise. Of course, it will not help if the screw is twisted too much.

Option NO2. Flat Schlit

As noted earlier, only one deepening on the head of such a screw. In the absence of a flat screwdriver, the product can be unscrewed by appropriate means. Let's see how it can be done.

Use a credit card - insert it into the groove and try to check. Use only an unnecessary card, because it may be completely damaged during twisting.

You can also take "UCHO" from tin cans (from under soda, beer). Insert the broken "ear" into the groove on the head of the hardware, scroll.

Use the usual coin - insert it into the groove and still try to turn.

Step 5. If the screw is not very twisted, you can try to unscrew it with a nail. The method is not always effective in view of obvious reasons.

Step 6. Try to unscrew the screw with a knife by inserting the last bridge in the groove. At the same time there will be a risk that you light knife.

Step 7. The last way is to use pliers. Suitable if the screw is not completely twisted. It is advisable to use sturgeon pliers for this, and not ordinary.

NO3 option. Unscrew the screw with the TORX slot

Speech here comes on screws with a notch in the form of a six-legged star on the head. Such screws, by the way, are protected - with a rod in the center of the star. In any case, act carefully, because the faces of such a slot can easily be damaged.

Try to cope with a flat screwdriver. Insert her sting on the opposite rays into a couple of opposite rays, rightfully scrolling counterclockwise. And if the screw is protected, then insert a screwdriver between the rod and any of the rays, and scroll into the opposite direction.

To unsalted the protected TORX screw, try apply a screwdriver for unprotected, but in this case the core on the head will have to be removed (this can be done, for example, with kerner and hammer).

Another possible variant - Drill on the tip of a regular screwdriver hole under the rod stars.

Finally, you can use the same toothbrush, melting one end with a lighter (act just as described in one of the previous ways).

NO4 option. Unscrew the little screw

Immediately alleged that small screws are especially difficult to unscrew, without having appropriate tools at hand. As a rule, such screws are found in various electronic devices. Ideally, the tools intended for the repair of glasses should be used (with their finding no difficulties, and they are not very expensive). If there are no such equipment, resort to one of the methods described below.

Table NO1. How to evial little screw.

Steps, photosDescription of action
Use the knife - Place your sharp end in the slot and try scrolling. It is advisable to insert the tip under a minor angle to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact.
Use a nail file. Act with analogy with the previous way.
If there are small pointed scissors at hand, you can use them. But we immediately note that such scissors are not the best way To unscrew the screws.
Use tweezers. Insert his sharp end into the groove and try to turn.

On a note! Another good option is the use of a conventional nail, the tetrahedral edge of which is ideal for a cross-shaped slot. For example, for screws mobile phone A 80 mm nail is suitable.

Sculp with torn faces

Flat / hemispherical head screws (or rather, slots) are often broken, and there may be several reasons for any reason:

  • the use of an old, low-quality or unsuitable tool;
  • incorrect screwing (hammer, for example);
  • insufficient effort when unscrewing / twisting and, as a result, popping screwdriver from the slot;
  • "Zakusaniya" screws (corrosion);
  • the incorrect use of methization (without deploying, COGDO is necessary, or for an inappropriate material).

Method NO1. Split

Carefully inspect the screwdriver, which twisted the screw, and, if necessary, change to a more appropriate. It is important that the sting is tightly entered into the groove and was not damaged. If the replacement of the screwdriver did not help, you can use other ways. If necessary, for example, unscrew the screw from wooden products, then hit the head, and then tapping on the tool each time your effort. You can also use pliers, if possible, what we have already mentioned above. Or you can use to seal the gum.

On a note! In order for the self-tapping screw to scroll, use a few drops of lubricating or brake fluid, kerosene. It is also necessary to heat the screw so that it expands - so the material surrounding it is deformed, and the product can be turned out.

If nothing helps, you can take radical measures.

Video - Best ways to extract a torn screw

Method NO2. Singing

Screwing of any type can be tried to unscrew with a flat screwdriver. Using the grinder or handwheel on metal, run in the screw head of the straight slot. But remember that the slot should be a depth of at least ½ head height, otherwise you risk destroying it. This method Can be used in a complex with others.

Method NO3. Extractors

Another good way to unscrew the screw. Pick up the drill in such a way that its diameter was less than that of the threaded part of the methome, do the depression in the head, cut down there left thread and unscrew the screw with the help of conical extractors. This is suitable for all types of heads, however, in the case of self-drawing, you will have to choose another method - they are produced hardened.

What conclusions can be done? If you need to unscrew the screw with torn edges, then it is easiest to do this by welding (or gluing if the force is too large) nuts or some stop to the remaining part of the methome, heating and performing propyl.

Video - how to unscrew the linked screw

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A very common problem when conducting construction work is the deformation of fasteners associated with the inexperience of the artist. However, sometimes even professionals are hard to figure out how to unscrew the screw with torn edges, as well as prevent the repetition of a similar situation. Let's think about the solution of this task together.

Causes of deformation of the faces

It is no secret that the outlet of a tightly fallen screw or self-pressing with torn faces of the body can take away a lot of strength, time and nerves, in view of which it is advisable to take care of the prevention of such situations in advance.

And the first to pay attention to what should be paid - this is the quality of the equipment, because it is the wear of the instrument, in most cases and becomes the cause of the "licking" of the faces of the fasteners. This is connected such a circumstance with the fact that the sting of a screwdriver or bits for the screwdriver is not sharp enough and does not provide a complete contact of the screw with the working tool. Also, such a phenomenon may be caused by the inconsistency of the applied snap-in, in view of which it is desirable to make sure that the sting of the tool is fully immersed in the fasteners' slots, thereby ensuring a strong joint.

The second reason for deformation of the faces of the screw / self-sustaining is non-compliance with the screwing technology, which in most cases is manifested in the case when the Contractor puts insufficient effort to the tool, that is, does not prescribe it properly. Either equipped (screwdriver, screwdriver) is located to the fastener at an angle. In addition, screwing screws on elevated circulation can also damage the fastener head.

The quality of the screws themselves (the type of material, the correctness of the form) also affect the correctness of their installation, in view of which they should ask for the direct acquisition of fasteners technical characteristics.

Methods of unscrewing screws with torn edges

If the closer happened to the screw (the screwdriver or bit began to turn around, jumping around) does not need to fall into despair and began to trust the "stubborn" or even worse to score it with a hammer, and simply stop and take all possible actions to extract fasteners from Body material. Moreover, depending on the circumstances, one of the following methods can be used to solve the specified task.

Screwing screwing

First of all, you should try to remove the deformed screw standard method, carrying out his discerning. However, the specified operation should only be qualitative instrumentthat may require the acquisition of an additional snap (bits, screwdrivers).

If the above-described action did not give the desired result, and the edges of the screw "merged" even more, then there will be more radical methods.

So, if the screw is screwed into the body of the material not for the entire length and the head slightly protrudes over the plane of the material, then it is possible to unscrew it with the help of the passage, the round-heads or the gas key. For which it is enough for suspicion of a plug-in tool to enhance the head of the screw and unscrew the fastener counterclockwise.

When the screw is screwed into the body completely, then without damage to the method described above, the fastener is unlikely to succeed. And as an alternative, it is advisable to use the following techniques.

Protecting faces

Allows you to ensure a screw recess of 2-3 mm, with which (using a flat screwdriver with sharp sting), you can unscrew the product. And it is quite simple to make such a slot, using a conventional metal cloth.

Cutting threads

At the professional level, the jerk can be turned off using a special device (left treadmill). For which in the fastener's body, drill a hole with a diameter of a smaller screw diameter, and already after - in the resulting hole, you should screw the extractor (counterclockwise) and when it will strive to turn the fastener.

If all of the above methods did not lead to the desired result, then the screw with torn edges is simply drilled with a drill with a metal drill.

Before unscrewing the screw with torn faces, it is advisable to get acquainted with a number of recommendations, at the expense of which the work on the removal of fasteners will be a time-consuming.

For the formation of a free gap between the self-tapping screw and the body of the material into which it is screwed, the fasteners can be heatled (for example, with the help of a soldering iron, an industrial hair dryer or lighter). In this case, in the process of heating and subsequent cooling, the screw will increase slightly, and then decrease in the amount, spreading, thus the material into which it is screwed.

Quite often it happens that the fastener during construction works are broken. Usually, this happens at the most inappropriate moment when you need to have time to complete the case. How to unscrew the screw with torn edges? Why do such trouble arise? What solutions allow to eliminate the problem? We will talk about all this further in the article.

Why are the faces on the fastener break?

Before finding out how to unscrew the screw-star with torn edges, we highlight a number of reasons for which the problem occurs. Most often, the trouble causes the use of a poor-quality tool. We are talking On the use of a screwdriver or nozzle of a screwdriver with insufficient sting. In this case, the tight contact of the tool with fasteners is fastened. Therefore, that in the subsequent did not have to pumped out a question how to unscrew the screw with torn faces, before performing work, you need to make sure that the sting of the screwdriver is completely immersed in the grooves.

Another reason is non-compliance with fasteners screwing technology. The trouble occurs when the performer of work is not enough for the tool. Sometimes the problem leads the location of the sting screwdriver at an angle to the screw screw.

It is easy to guess that this can occur due to poor quality materials from which fasteners are made. On separate units, there may also be defects of notches. In order not to look for a decision, how to unscrew the screw with torn faces, before buying the fastener it is worth asked by its technical characteristics and produce a visual inspection.

What to do in the first place if the problem arose?

When the sting of the screwdriver begins to jump from the cap fasteners, the first thing you need to stop. So that the trouble did not have acquired more big scales, it is not necessary to exercise perseverance, repeating its own mistake. Otherwise, you can simply damage the material in which the fastener is screwed without reaching the desired result.

Next, you need to check how business will go using another screwdriver. You should take a tool with an involved sharp sting and try to extract naughty fasteners. How to unscrew the screw with torn edges, if such actions do not help? In this case, it is worth using proven ways to eliminate the problem that will be discussed further in the article.

Crimping heads fasteners

How to promote a screw with torn edges? If his head protrudes over the surface of the material, it is worth using the passage, the gas key or the round-rolls. It is enough to grab the screw one of these tools and try to turn. To unscrew the fasteners at the same time in the direction counterclockwise.

Restoration of thread

How to unscrew the screw with torn faces? You can try to make yourself new thread on the fastener head. To do this, we should use the metal with the most thin canvas. An alternative option is the use of a miniature grinder. Create a propyl should be extremely careful to finally not destroy the head of the screw.

Drilling screwing

How to unscrew a small screw with torn edges? If no gentle method gives the result, it is worth going to radical measures. We are talking about drilling fasteners before its base. Use in these purposes is recommended an automatic drill with a metal drill. Gradually, a layer behind the layer, fasteners will be extracted from the thickness of the workpiece.

Increase the friction force

To increase the clutch between sting a screwdriver and a fastener cap, it is enough to put an auxiliary material between them. You can use here a segment piece of metal wool, coated tape, thin strip of rubber. One of these materials should be attached to the damaged head of the screw and again try to remove it by using the usual screwdriver.

Heating fasteners

How to unscrew the screw with torn edges? You can eliminate the problem by heating fasteners. It is only necessary to resort to the solution if there is a minimum risk of damage to the material where the screw is screwed. Heating will expand the metal. When it is cooled in the structure of the workpiece, the space is liberated, which will allow you to weaken the clutch.

To achieve the goal, you can use gas burner or construction phenomenon. During the event, the device must constantly be in motion. Otherwise, the temperature may be too high and the material is damaged. As soon as the fasteners become hot to the touch, it is necessary to stop heating. After cooling the screw, it is necessary to try to unscrew it with the help of a primary means, for example, capturing the head all the same passages.

Application extractor

The solution is able to become an extractor. The tool is a kind of screwdriver, the tip of which contains the feed thread. On the opposite side of the device there is perpendicular crossbar, with which you can produce rotation.

Initially, it is necessary to perform a notch on the fastener head, using Kerner and a hammer. The mark should be in rigor to the center. Using the metal drill, a small hole should be done in the head.

Next you need to use the extractor itself directly. The tool's point should be inserted into the prepared notch and hit the hammer on its back side. Tick \u200b\u200bover the extractor is necessary until it is firmly fixed in the fastener head. Then you need to check the device several times. As soon as the reverse thread of the extractor is reliably rooted in the structure of the material, you can begin to extract the screw.


Try to remove the screw with torn faces with the help of glue. The latter must be applied to the fastener head and attach a nut of the corresponding diameter. Use recommended epoxy glue for metal, known as " cold welding" As soon as the substance is pretty frozen, you need to throw the key on the nut and turn fasteners.

When performing work, it is worth using several tips:

  1. Before resorting to radical measures, it is worth viewing reverse side The billets in which the screw is screwed. Perhaps the tip of the fastener looks out with an inside. In this case, it can be captured by passatages and try to unscrew from the inside.
  2. Starting a matter, you need to make sure that the fastener rotation occurs in right direction. Some screws contain backwear. In such situations, it is necessary to make rotations according to the clockwise task.
  3. If, after a screw, a gaping hole remained in the workpiece, it is possible to solve the problem by inserting a larger self-tapping screw here. Alternatively, it is worth using a bolted nut with a nut.
  4. When removing a screw, one of the above methods is likely to form all sorts of jar and metal burrs. In order not to suffer during the work, it is enough to wear tight gloves on your hands, and the eyes protect the glasses.


So we looked at what to do to extract a screw with damaged edges. As you can see, find the right decision You can even in the most hopeless situation. A wide variety of methods for disintegration of spoiled fasteners acts as a confirmation.

Ecology of life. Lifehak: When carrying out repair or construction work, it is often with your own hands that you need to unscrew the screw to which the face is torn, and the screwdriver turns about an attempt to extract it. In such cases, you can do the following ...

When repairing or construction work, it is often with your own hands that you need to unscrew the screw, which has breakdowns, and a screwdriver turns about an attempt to extract it.

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In such cases, you can do as follows:

Removal screw

Remove the screw if the head is finally torn, in several ways:

  • If the diameter of the bolt allows you to drill it with a drill with a suitable drill.
  • If you take a smaller drill, you can drilled hole Place a clutterned nail and unscrew the screw.
  • If you need to unscrew the small screw, you can drop on it superclaim and put a screwdriver. After soaring glue, you can try to unscrew it. Similarly, liquid nails can be used.
  • If the size and material in which the screw is screwed up, allows you to use welding, then you need to weld the nut on top, and then unscrew.
  • On a large screw, you can cut the slot with a knife and unscrew the screwdriver.

If the head is disrupted not to the end, you need to very gently heat the screw so as not to damage the material into which it is screwed, then try to extract it.published


For a start, try still to get a self-tapping screw with a conventional screwdriver - with the assistance of the nickname, crush the groove under the straight slot of the screwdriver and try unscrew the item. If it does not work, - do not dilute too much, it will only aggravate the position. Use other methods.

If the case is not entirely running, then you can try the next simple way method - select drill drill, the diameter coincides with the thickness of the self-press. And drill it until the hat is separated from the leg. It is necessary to do it very carefully, since it flies at this moment metal chips Very small and actively strives to get into the eyes. Be sure to use special safety glasses! Many masters urgently advise the tagging of the spiers, noting its high functionality and efficiency even in the most difficult cases.

After the part holding the screw will be eliminated, it will only be left to pull the leg from the base. It is possible to do this with the help of clutter or simple pliers.

If the diameter of the self-press allows, it is possible to use a different effective, but also a very time-consuming option. To do this, drill on the axis in the screw hole, sufficient to insert the carnations into it or any friend a thin and rigid metal part. After that, carefully take it half into the well-done hole. Generate and, again, carefully, start unscrew the screw. In this case, be prepared for spending a considerable time - Jewelry work.

In case the screws rusted, use WD 40 is a means that allows and remove excess moisture. Just pour her inexpensive detail and, if possible, try it to stir up to improve the penetration of the substance between the screw and the basis. After about half an hour, try to unscrew the screw. At the same time, keep in mind that the surface that was degreased WD 40, it is necessary to lubricate it later. Otherwise, corrosion and, accordingly, the destruction of the part cannot be avoided. Therefore, use this tool only for the similar problems described, as well as to remove moisture with mechanical surfaces Details and appliances.