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Money transfer letters come to the post office - what is it? What to do? The concept of "hidden copy", learning not to do stupid things

magician_roman in The concept of "hidden copy", learning not to do stupid things

Surprisingly, many people, when they are asked to send a letter to several people at once, simply list the addresses in the "To" field, this is normal when this letter is addressed to your colleagues or friends, but when sending letters to a group of clients, you thus show everyone addresses and other recipients, actually revealing your address base.

It is enough for any of the clients to forward this letter to your competitor and your contacts will be immediately leaked.

It's strange, but many far from stupid people are surprised to learn that if you need to send a letter to many recipients so that they do not know about each other, then there is a "Bcc" field for this.

For example, for it will look like this:

And once again briefly:indicated addresses in "to" - everyone can see to whom you sent letters, indicated in "blind copy" - everyone thinks that the letter is only for him.

And each recipient will receive a letter where in the "to" field will be only his address . For other programs, if you can't find where to put the Bcc, then ask someone to show you. Another small point, be sure to specify one address in the "to" field, most programs or mail servers will not let you send a letter without this parameter.

And so when we are talking about sending out an offer, news to a group of your clients - here the practice of using a blind copy is unambiguous, you must hide your address base. An interesting point with sending a letter to your colleagues, it is recommended here to act according to the situation, for example, sending a letter with a request to send suggestions (for example, to improve customer service) and if each colleague sees that other people have received the same letter, then most likely they will not answer - rely on others, so you need to use a hidden copy. If this order is fulfilled, then, for example, an indication of the "who" of your colleague's boss will simply work wonders, and your order will be fulfilled.

A separate issue with suppliers. On the one hand, the indication of all recipients in the copy should show the supplier that you have a choice and he should offer you good prices. On the other hand, the manager who received your letter, seeing that it was sent not only to him, will most likely treat your request as "cool". Personally, in my opinion, I think that in the case of suppliers, you need to use a blind copy, at least to protect trade secrets, but more likely to good relations with the supplier manager.

You can read a recent case of a specialist's mistake, when all recipients saw other recipients: Smack everyone in this chat, there were really respectable people there - directors, but still many received spam in response.

Well, as always, discussion in the comments is welcome.

We send dozens of emails every day. Sometimes these are very short messages, such as: "Let's go to lunch?". Sometimes - with which you present your business or website. When there are a lot of letters and little time, we start to rush and make mistakes. Usually trifling, like a typo, but sometimes there are those that can really hurt your reputation and ruin your relationship with a client or employee.

This can be avoided, you just need to be collected and be aware of some pitfalls. Here are the most common mistakes made when sending emails. Read carefully and remember that you first need to take a short pause, check if everything is in order, and only then click on the "Submit" button.

You are dialing the wrong address

The most common and most annoying mistake. Imagine you want to send some pretty personal photos to a friend or girlfriend, but you automatically type in the address of your boss or customer. And only after the letter is gone, you realize with horror what has just happened. If it’s any consolation, each of us has been in this situation at least once in our lives: lawyers sent confidential documents to the opposite side, designers sent site layouts to the wrong client, and so on. But when this happens to us, it seems that the earth is slipping away from under our feet.

Fortunately, in many mail services, for example, in the same Gmail, there is a function. Turn it on and specify a large time interval - so, you know, calmer.

You forgot to invest

You wrote that a file was attached to the letter, but you forgot to attach it. Another common mistake that often leads to misunderstandings and apologies. On the one hand, it's okay, no one is perfect, but it's better to check everything first, and only then send a letter. And to avoid questions from the recipient, we recommend that you list all the attached files right in the body of the letter. For example, like this:

Hey Maxim! I am sending you some files, they are in the attachment:

Service Agreement

GIF with a cat

You don't think about decorating

Meet, as you remember, by clothes. If you don't want your email to make you want to delete it immediately, work on its form. They say that it should be given as much time as the content. Fortunately, today it's easy. For this, we recommend using the Wix ShoutOut app, choosing the appropriate template and adding your text to it. No special knowledge is required, just make sure that everything looks neat and beautiful. By the way, a good mailing list has its own secrets and rules, so we advise you to read our director of email marketing. Don't thank.

You do not include a subject line

The subject of the letter performs approximately the same role as the title of the text. It appears next to your name, the recipient sees it and understands what you sent him: an invoice, the results of a meeting, a job offer, a website layout, etc. Remember that the subject should be clearly formulated so that, if necessary, a person quickly finds your letter, and convincing, so that he is interested, if we are talking about, say, a mailing list. Not so long ago we wrote about if you forgot - it is worth re-reading.

You don't save drafts

If you like writing letters in text editors, then save more often, otherwise it will turn out that you have been sitting on a letter all day, and then suddenly the computer freezes and everything is gone. Or write directly in the mail service - then all your sketches will be automatically saved in the "Drafts" folder.

You are being impolite

Politeness in correspondence is just as important as in life. Here are the basic rules that everyone and everyone must follow:

    Always thank the sender for the letter, especially if you see that he did a good job. Remember when we were all taught “magic” words as children? Let's not forget them, despite the fact that we are already adults.

    Remain calm, even if the matter is extremely urgent and important. Nervousness and reproaches will definitely not lead to anything good.

    Start and end your letter with common phrases. The degree of formality will depend on who you are corresponding with. If this is your boss or just an official, do not use "Hello", "Bye" or "Kiss". And vice versa, if you are writing to a colleague or friend, you can do without the traditional “Respectfully”.

You don't read text

Misprints can spoil the whole impression, so carefully reread the written letter, preferably several times. Doubt about spelling or syntax - go to It is better to measure seven times, that is, to check, than later to apologize for typos and prove that you are actually literate.

And by the way: if you are afraid to accidentally send an unfinished letter, first write the entire text in full, and only then type the recipient's address.

You do not put the right people in the copy of the letter

Let's figure out who can even receive your letter. The To field is the primary recipient. The "CC" field is the person who will receive the copy. He does not relate directly to the issue under discussion, but wants or should be aware. The "Bcc" field is the hidden recipients. You add them, but the primary recipient doesn't see them. And here you need to be careful: you can confuse Cc and Bcc, and then the recipient will think that he is being spied on.

Keep in mind that it is important for some people to be aware of what is happening. You do not want to listen to reproaches on the topic “How could you not add me to the copy ?! I worked on this project for two months!” If in doubt, add everyone who has anything to do with the issue. Maybe not everyone will be happy that they are distracted, but there will be no complaints against you.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to forward all the letters that come to one of your e-mails to another mail in automatic mode. To make it clearer, here is an example. You have mail on Yandex and on Google (Gmail). You use GMail all the time, this is your main mail, and Yandex from time to time. So, in order not to periodically log into your Yandex mail, you can make sure that letters from there are sent to GMail automatically and then you don’t have to log into your Yandex account at all to check for new letters.

In this article, I will show you how to set up forwarding of letters from one mail to another using the example of different mail services.

All this works in the same way in all mail services, the difference is only in their interfaces, i.e. the corresponding settings are arranged differently.

Earlier, in a series of articles, I considered another way to receive letters to the desired mail from other mails. It lies in the fact that you do not set up automatic mail forwarding, which I will talk about today, but connect the desired mailbox in the settings (the function is called "Mail collection"), for example, using the POP3 protocol, and from there the constant collection of new letters begins. The method is similar, but in some cases it is more difficult to set up than a regular forwarding.

If you are interested in exactly how to collect mail, then this is described in the relevant articles: collection in GMail, in Yandex, in

Below I will show in detail how to set up email forwarding from Yandex mail. And then I will briefly touch on 2 more mail services (GMail and, on which everything is done in the same way, with the difference only in the interface.

Setting up mail forwarding from Yandex to any other mail

Go to mail settings and select "Mail processing rules".

Click "Create Rule".

Now our task will be to create a rule by which the mail service will determine that all letters need to be sent to another address that you specify.

If you want to forward also those letters that are marked as "Spam", then Yandex will have to create 2 separate rules.

Creation of the 1st mandatory rule. Forward all emails except spam

In the rule settings, delete the “If” condition that will be added initially by clicking on the cross next to it. Because we do not need to set conditions for selecting certain letters. After all, we will forward everything that comes to the mail in the Inbox.

At the top, where it is configured for which messages to apply the created rule, “to all messages except spam” and “with attachments and without attachments” should be selected.

Below, check the box “Forward to address” and indicate your mail to which you want to forward all letters from the current open mail. Also enable the "Keep a copy when forwarding" option.

Click the "Create Rule" button.

Yandex will ask you to enter a password. Enter your current mail password and click "Confirm".

The rule will be created, but you will see the inscription “Waiting for address confirmation” next to it.

Now you need to go to the mail that you specified for forwarding letters and confirm the forwarding there. This is done in mail services so that you cannot forward letters to any addresses that you do not have access to.

In that mail, find a letter from Yandex.Mail, open it and follow the link from there.

Click "Confirm Forward".

Ready! Now all letters that get to your second mail (Yandex) in the Inbox folder will be automatically forwarded to your main mail, which you specified in the rule.

Note! According to the rule created above, letters from the Spam folder will not be forwarded! Because the rule says “to all messages except spam”, and you won’t be able to immediately include “Spam” in the rule, because forwarding for spam messages does not work and you would get the error “For messages from the Spam folder, forwarding letters from filter is not possible.

But you can make sure that spam is also forwarded. To do this, you need to create another rule that will automatically transfer all spam to the Inbox folder. Therefore, if you need to forward spam too, see below for information on creating a 2nd rule.

Sometimes the necessary letters get into spam, so if you don’t plan to go in and check your second mail at all, relying only on automatic forwarding of letters from there, then I recommend that you definitely set up spam email forwarding as well!

Creation of the 2nd rule. If you need to send "Spam"

Let's create another rule.

Here we need to indicate that all letters that are marked by the service as “Spam” should be transferred to the inbox.

To do this, at the top, where “Apply” select “only for spam” and “with attachments and without attachments”.

Remove the "If" condition, we still don't need it here.

Check the box “Place in folder” and select “Inbox”.

Click "Create Rule".

The rule is ready!

After all the manipulations done, all letters that come to your second mail (where forwarding was set up) will be processed according to the created rules. That is, if a letter is received by the mail, which the service has identified as spam, then this letter will automatically be placed in the inbox, according to the created rule No. 2 (if you decide to configure it). And everything that is in the Inbox folder, in turn, will already be sent to the mail you specified, according to rule No. 1.

Setting up forwarding using the example of mail

Go to the mail settings and select the "Filtering rules" section.

Select "Add forwarder".

Specify the address to forward letters to and click "Save".

Confirm your action by entering the password from your mail.

Go to the mail where you will forward the letters, find the letter from there and click on the link from the letter (this is necessary to confirm the forwarding).

In the next window, click “Confirm” and a message will appear that the transfer has been confirmed.

On mail, go back to the “Filtration rules” section and enable forwarding:

If you need to forward also letters marked as “Spam”, then you need to create the same rule as in the Yandex mail example. In the “Filtering Rules” section, add a new rule, where you specify the following settings.


Go to your mailbox and create a new one letter. Enter the first letter of the address, and you will see a list of recipients whose mailbox name begins with it. Select the desired e-mail from them and click on it with the mouse. In the corresponding window, the address will appear after it. Repeat the data entry for other recipients in the same way. Add the subject of the message, the text of the letter itself and the necessary attachments. Once you've completed the design, click the "Submit" button. Your letter will be received by all owners of the listed postal addresses. True, each of them will know that he is not the only recipient.

Take advantage of the address book. On different mail services, this service is implemented in its own way, but according to the same logic. At the end of the "to" line, there is an icon representing the address book. Addresses to which you have already sent messages are automatically added to it. Click on the symbol to open the entire list in front of you. Check the boxes next to those whom you want to add as recipients of this letter. Click the "Add Selected" button. The marked addresses will appear in the "to" line.

Enter the required data manually. You will have to do this if you have not sent letters to these addresses before. You must separate each of them with a comma and a space. For instance: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Please note that a maximum of 25 addresses can fit in the address bar. If you intend to send this message more persons, use the "copy" and "bcc" fields.

Add recipients to the Bcc line if you don't want other recipients to know you're sending this letter not only to them. The dot will appear if you click on the “show all fields” offer or on the corresponding inscription above the “to” line. This method has a significant drawback: recipients may not receive your items. Mail system robots that fight spam delete such emails.

Enter the mailbox settings and create with the text you want to send to many recipients. And now manually for each address create letter, enter a recipient, and select a subject. It is enough to enter it once, and then it will appear in the drop-down line. Attach a file if necessary and click submit. This method allows you to avoid spam filters and give the impression that you are writing to this person. At the same time, it minimizes the amount self made.

Use special programs for mass mailing of letters. They allow you to send up to several hundred messages per minute and simplify all stages of writing letters as much as possible. Choose the most suitable program for you and download it from one of the thematic sites.


  • Weapons of mass notification. How to organize your own newsletter
  • how to send a message to multiple recipients
  • Personalize emails for mass mailings with

Mass mailing - the ability to send an email immediately several recipients - especially useful when you need to send congratulations or invitations, or send out a press release. Many mail servers have this function, and to use it, it is enough to have access to the Internet.


To send an email at the same time several addressees that are already in your contact list, open your email (algorithm for sending letters several addressees identical in many email programs). Click on the "Write a letter" tab and fill in the fields to create a new message: its subject and the text itself.

Select the "Add" link or the notebook image. Thus, you will download a list of the address book, in which you mark the checkboxes of those to whom you need to send a letter. Click on "Add" again or just click on a free field.

A list of all entered addresses will appear in the "To" address bar. Click on "Submit" and users will receive your email. However, in addition to the letter, they will see in the "To" line and the addresses of all other recipients.

If you want to hide from recipients that you have used the Bulk Send feature, use one of two methods. After filling in the subject and text of the letter, enter the name of the recipient in the "To" box, and then click on the "Bcc" link. An additional empty field will appear under the cell, in which select the desired recipients using the previous method. Click "Submit" again. Your letter will be sent to all recipients, although this does not guarantee that it has been received. The robots of many mail systems treat such messages as spam and often delete them.

To avoid getting a letter in the spam filter, send messages through the "Draft". Enter a subject and text in the appropriate fields, and then click the "Save as Draft" link. Go to the "Draft" section on the left side of the page and click on the saved email. A letter template will appear in front of you, in which only the recipient's address is not affixed. Manually enter the desired email and click on "Submit", then return to the "Draft" section and repeat the procedure for each new user.

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It happens that you need to send several messages at once. This is usually how jokes, announcements and other information are distributed. There are special services and programs for this. They will send your messages in an instant.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - eMail Mailer 4.2
  • - in addition, the program ePochta Subscription Manager


For example, you can register at This service is stable. Here you can create your own or blogs. Go to the "Projects" section. Enter your text that you plan to distribute. You can also find the "Action" option, under which there are several icons. Select a leaf image. The Send Message window will appear. Specify where and to whom your messages will be sent, and click the "Submit" button.

V social network Vkontakte can also send several messages at the same time. messages. To do this, go to the "My messages" section and click on the "Write a message" button. Enter the text you need and in the "Recipient" field, select those to whom you want to send your letters.

In order to remove a lot of unnecessary letters from the mailbox, the user needs to perform a series of actions. Initial action will become a user in the electronic system. To do this, you need to open the main page of your mailer, after which, enter your username and password in the authorization form offered by the resource. After you fill in these fields, click on the "Login" button. Thus, you will be in personal account your mailbox.

After successful authorization in the search engine, you need to do the following. Go to view incoming messages. To do this, find the appropriate link on the page, then click on it. You will be redirected to a page that will display all inboxes. If you pay attention to , next to the subject of each incoming message, you will be able to see empty cells.

By clicking on these cells, you will mark certain letters. If you need to mark all incoming messages on the page at once, you will see a separate box at the top. Check the box in it - all the incoming ones that you see on the page will be automatically marked.

Set the "Delete" command in the actions with incoming messages, after which, confirm the deletion of the corresponding . You can delete twenty to fifty emails at a time. Perhaps, to completely delete all mail, you will have to repeat all the above steps more than once.

There are situations in life when we need to send letter by e-mail not immediately, but after a certain period of time. Some of the mail servers, such as Yandex, allow you to send letter automatically. How exactly to do it?


A page with incoming letters will open in front of you. Just above the letters is the "Write" button - click it.

Now write yourself letter. First, enter the mailbox address of the person to whom you letter send. Next, specify the subject of the letter, it should reflect summary what you write. Finally, in the largest box, enter the text of the letter. If you would like to arrange your letter somehow in a special way, on the right click the button "Finish letter". Clicking this button will open the text formatting panel. If you wish, you can check for spelling errors by clicking the "Check Spelling" button. If you need to attach any files to the letter, click the Attach Files button, upload them from your computer and attach them to the letter. You can also set one of the additional functions, for example, notification of receipt of a letter, SMS notification of the addressee about the receipt of a letter, etc.

Now the most interesting. When you've finished working with yourself letter m, you need to send it. So that it is sent to the addressee automatically, i.e. not immediately after you wrote it, but after a certain time, at the bottom under the text of the letter, find the inscription "Send today to ...". Check the box next to it to enable this feature. Install the exact date and shipping time. By clicking on the icon with a question mark, you can read the help for this function. Attention: sending a letter can be postponed for no more than one year from the current date. At the end of the whole process, click on the "Submit" button.

Email in Russia is now used very actively in private correspondence. V Western Europe and North America, a decade ago, this method began to be practiced not so much in private correspondence as for the exchange of business information within various organizations. And since it was quite often necessary to send messages to several colleagues at the same time, mail programs quickly received additional function to simplify the solution of this problem. Modern mail services have inherited and developed a mechanism for sending messages to several recipients simultaneously.

You will need

  • Mail program or access to a mail service


If you use an application installed in your operating system(for example, Microsoft Outlook or The Bat!), then launch it and create a message that you want to send to multiple recipients.

The "E-mail" plugin provides access via the IMAP protocol to any remote mail server that supports this protocol, including the (backup mail service. A backup copy of Mail ru mail using this plugin is created automatically.

How to make a backup of mail using the E-mail plugin?

To make mail backup an automated Handy Backup task, please use the following instructions:

  1. Open Handy Backup. Call a new task using the Ctrl+N keys or the button.
  2. In the task creation wizard, choose to back up your data in Step 1.
  3. Go to Step 2 and select the plugin from the list of data sources Email.

  1. Double click on the plugin, or click the add button - the plugin window will open.
  2. In the dialog that opens, enter your account information for backup
  3. >

On a note: a complete set of standard settings for mail backup — server, port 993, SSL/TLS connection type, "Plain'.

  1. Click OK - the program will establish a connection. Return to the plugin window.
  2. Mark the data for copying mail mail.

Note. You can backup Mail up to a single message.

  1. Once you've marked all the required details, click OK again and return to Step 2.
  2. Continue creating your task. You can learn more about task steps in the User Guide.

Advantages of mail backup with Handy Backup

Wide choice of data stores

You can choose in Step 3 where you will save the backup. A wide range of storage options are at your service, including local and removable drives, FTP servers, network drives and NAS devices, Yandex.Disk clouds, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, HBDrive special storage, etc.

Data protection and compression

Encrypt your messages with a 128-bit key using a modified BlowFish algorithm. Compress data into a single file or individually into a ZIP archive. Or leave the data unchanged to view and modify mail backups without restoring.

Variety of Mail backup options

Choose incremental, differential or mixed mail backup to save time and network traffic. Keep multiple versions of the backup, timestamped as needed. Get rid of outdated backups.

Calling other programs before or after a task

Take the opportunity to run other tasks, such as a POP3 mail client or a garbage collector, before or after the mail backup task. Automate copying Mail as part of your workflow!

Automatic start and repetition of tasks

Run a Mail backup at a specific time, and repeat it at set intervals from months to minutes, inclusive. Bind the launch of a task to a system event or connection USB disk. Use autorun for missed tasks.

Other control options

Run Handy Backup as a Windows service or as a program on the command line so as not to distract the user. Send notifications by E-mail about the work done. Use reports and logs to control work. Run tasks manually from the main panel.

Backing up mail with Handy Backup is a fully automated, highly efficient way to save your messages. Try it now by downloading your free 30 day trial!