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Antique literature in translations into Russian and other languages. Analysis of the work of Plato "Dialogues. Feast

Plato's dialogue "PIR" - one of the most interesting, from an ethical point of view, dialogues, where the philosopher is trying to explain and eclipse the phenomenon of love, in the image ancient Greek God - Erota. Today, on "" I will try to implement analysis of the dialogue of Plato "PIR"Using exclusively the source and its own historical and philosophical "knowledge".

Structural dialogue is divided into 7 separate speeches, the authors of which are the following characters: Apollodor, Fedr, Pavansia, Ericcama, Aristophane, Agafon, Flkoviad, and, of course, Socrates, whose tires are proclaimed the most approval for other allegations and assumptions about the functions and ontological essence of Erota.

In "Pira" it is easy to see the already familiar positive attitude towards Socrates and more critical, often enough sarcastic and sometimes even unreasonably negative attitude towards his opponents and even fans. Therefore, it is worth noting that PIRs emphasizes the importance for the formation of Plato's views. IN dialogue Plato "Pier" The most important in the original philosophical perspective is the problematics of love in the anthropological-ontological perspective, in the human being, as the only full (after all, in the dialogue there are about animal love) of the subject of love.

"A banquet to people worthy worthy comes without an invitation," the proverb, to which Socrates drew attention to the feast.

Everyone knows that Socrates was one of the opponents of poetry and especially criticized Homer. In "Pira", without this, it was also not cost, because it was precisely one of the fragments of Elliad, the given proverb is opposed, namely, the characteristics of the two kings: Meal (less worthy of poem) and Agamemnon (respectively more worthy).

But enough about global similarities in Plato's art-philosophical style, we will return to the ethical and philosophical issues of the "PIR" dialogue. "You are completely right to try to drink in moderation. I drank it yesterday yesterday "- Words of Aristophan facing Pausania, which raise the first ethical problem in a dialogue characteristic of the entire Greek world of those times - the problem of alcohol, attention to which many antiquity protoethics treated, among which Anakharsis Scythian can be distinguished from the Northern Black Sea region, who believed that all Problems of the Greeks precisely from their excessive drunkenness.

Then we are talking about alcohol: "That intoxication is hard to people, it's like a doctor, clearer clear. I myself am reluctant to drink more, and I do not advise others, especially if they have not yet recovered from the hangover ", "Says Ericms, and we understand from these words that already at that time the problem of alcoholism turned attention from medicine.

Despite the fact that the problem of alcohol is given enough attention, it is, of course, is not the main thing in the work, after all, those Abemeni, who began at the table concerned the worship and praise the God of Love - Erota: "Let Fedr begin the beginning and says his Erota's coming word! "By these words, Socrates begins to discuss the main theme that Fedr himself and suggested, speaking of the wrong ignoring of this deity:" ... I got a book in which the useful qualities of salt were praised, but other such things have been praised, but Erota has been praised. Until now, no one has never dare to touch adequately, and this great God remains in disregard! ".

Speech Fedra: the ancient origin of Erota

"Hesiod says that at first chaos appeared, and a gee, universal safe provision, with her EroTh ...", - Fedr leads this quote, thus arguing the first erotic. In addition, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous philosopher is given -: "Parmenide speaks about the birth of the power, and that the first of all the gods was created by Erota." The generating force in Parmenides is the original motor of all things.

"As one of the most ancient gods, Eraz appeared for us the source of the biggest benefits. I, at least, do not know the greater good of the young man than love, and for the in love - the reciprocity, "says Fedr, claiming that the most ancient gods a-priori gave people only the best.

The reasoning on the role of love in life, its influence on human existence: "What is she (love) should they teach them? A clear will to the beautiful, without which no state, nor a separate person is capable of any great and good accomplishments, "" And if Homer says that the gods give some heroes, it gives her anyone other than Eros. "

At the end of his speech, Fedr, again turning to the Homer's poems again, praises the love of her heavenly patron and makes the following conclusion: "So, I argue that Eros is the most ancient, the most respected and most mighty of the gods, he is better than the rest of the person to give a man by valor and Give him bliss in life and after death. "

Pea Speech: Two Erotes

"All that we are doing now, drink whether we sing, say - it's not perfectly in my own own, but depending on how it is done and happens: if it is done perfectly and correctly, it becomes beautiful, and if wrong, then the opposite - ugly. The same with love: Not everyone is beautiful and worthy praise, but only the one that "makes" love perfectly, "saying so PAsania argues that there are two erutes that" work "with two Aphrodites.

In essence, this is ordinary dualism of good and evil, transferred to mythological worldview, which is manifested not only in love, but in the rest, but with its speech, the PAsanius actualizes the dualism of love, pointing it not to absolute ideality, withdrawing its negative characteristics from here: excessive lust and passion.

Interesting is also the following thesis: "There is no action that is neither beautiful, neither ugly in itself: if it is done perfectly - it is fine, if ugly - ugly!". It is determined by some dependence of love from an unknown external "engine", which has two eruta, and for us, in a modern understanding, can act in the context of a subjective assessment of any action.

Ericimaha's speech: Eros "Split" in all of nature

"The art of healing shows me that he lives (Eros) not only in the human soul and imposing to the beautiful, but in many other manifestations, and in general in many ways in the world: in the bodies of any animals, in plants, in all sortish, because he God is big, amazing and comprehensive, and takes part in all the affairs of people and gods, "such words begins by the speech of Ericssimakh, who further compares the" healthy "and" patient " human start With two Erota, presented by PAsania. His the thesis on the presence of erot in all vessels, Ericcima confirms examples from medicine, music (using words), crafts and even from the rite of sacrifice.

Aristophan speech: Eros, as a man's desire for initial mixture

"It seems to me that people absolutely do not realize the true power of love, because if they understood her, they would build her the most magnificent temples and would bring her majestic sacrifices themselves, and meanwhile nothing was done, even though it should be done in the first queue. After all, Eros is the most humising God, he helps people and treats diseases, the healing of which would be great happiness for the human side, "the thought of Aristophan, who is trying in his speech to convey the listeners to understanding the true strength of love. Then he says that there have once been not 2, and 3 gender. Thirds were "Androgyn", which carried out a mixture of male and female. All people had twice as much limbs than now: 4 legs, 4 hands, 4 ear, 2 persons, etc ...

Human progenitors were: the sun - men, the earth - women, and the month, uniting the sun and the earth, was the progenitor of Androgynov. But those people threatened the gods, because of which Zeus shared them in half, saying that he would divide once again if people again tried to defeat the gods (refer to Babylonian tower). Apolon's excess skin was constantly in the middle and tied. So the belly and navel appeared. "That's what ancient times, people are characterized by attraction to each other, which unites former parts of one whole," explains Aristophane, leading a lot of funny, but interesting arguments. But the conclusion of Aristophan on the concept of love may generally satisfy many modern scientists: "love is worth considering the desire for integrity."

Agafon speech: Erotic ideality

Agafon draws attention to the need to study the erotic properties, among which it displays: youth, tenderness, flexibility, beauty, justice, prudence, courage ("After all, not Ares (the brave God of War) owns Eotom, and Eota owns Ares, in the form of love for Aphrodite ") And wisdom:" Those whose teacher turned out to be this God, reached the Great Glory, and those who didn't touch anyone, disappeared into the unknown. After all, the art of archery and medicine Apollo opened when he led his love and passion, so it can also be considered a student of Erota, who became a mentor of music in art, Hephaesta - in blacksmithing business, Athens in Sewing, Zeus - in art lead the gods and people.

Socrates reaction to all previous speeches

"I was too sophisticated when I assumed that I would express good speechbecause I know true way praise the subject. It turns out that the ability to express a good speech is not at all! And in the fact to attribute the subject as much excellent qualities as possible, without thinking about whether it is endowed with them or not: it does not matter it means, even if you are modern. Obviously, there was a contract that each of us should only make a vil, which praises Erota, and not to praise him in fact. Therefore, you probably attribute to him anything, any qualities and merits, if only to put it in the best light - before those, of course, who does not know him, but not at all in front of people who know him. "

Socration Speech: The purpose of erotic - possession of good

Socrates Obviously not satisfied with such a one-sided analysis of the essence of Erota and expresses such thoughts on this occasion, asking the next question: "Is there an eros necessarily for someone or not?". Further during the dialogue Socrates asks one question: "Would you like, for example, strong to be strong?". What everyone agrees that there is no, because the strong there is no shortage of strength. Socrates, analyzing this question, considers it as a temporary problem, proving that he strongly wants to be strong and in the future, that is, wishes to continue to have the fact that he already has. It comes out of this the following conclusion: "First of all, Eroza is always love for someone or something, and secondly, the subject of it is what they need."

"Isn't it?" - Socrates asks, and continuing reasoning concludes that Eros cannot be beautiful and beautiful, because being love, which a priori is the process of finding a beautiful, in Erote himself there is no, because he needs it. .

In fact, Socrates here to contradict himself, because first it was said that a person who already had something beautiful always (and sometimes even more than anyone else) wishes to save it. So Ero, being incredibly beautiful, unambiguously needs at least such a stay.

Nevertheless, further in Socrates, it is corrected, leading the idea of \u200b\u200bthe average state between the extremes: "Recognizing the fact that Eros is not wonderful and not good, do not think that he must be ugly and evil, and consider that he is where "That is in the middle between these extremes."

Thus, the objectivity of the existence and activity of the erotic is argued, which acts as the source of the most accurate force, because its force is not subject to any extremes. This is also confirmed when Socrates, agreeing with Diotima ( wise woman He had a chance to communicate), argues that Eros is not God, because all the gods are necessarily blessed and beautiful, but he is a great genius, something mean between mortals and immortal. Such geniuses serve as a link between the gods and people and precisely thanks to them a person can connect to the divine world. This applies to prophecies, prayers, sacrifices, etc. Then the passage of the story of Diotim about the presence of erotic, where you can see a few features of love that is and will remain relevant forever and generally embodied in the "middle between two extremes".

Yes, and in general, Socrates are based on the theory of Erota's existence, as a "great genius": poor financially and baghata spiritually, dead and alive, ugly and beautiful, good and evil at the same time, which is most striving for the beautiful. "Happy are such because they own a blessing," says Diotim, and Socrates, agreeing with her, understands that the thirst for the beautiful erotic is nothing but the desire to own the wonderful is the only good that he can make him happy.

In the story of Diothima, making a lot of attention is paid to pregnancy and birth: "Birth is the Tolik of immortality and eternity, which is given a mortal being. But, if love, as we agreed, there are a desire for eternal possession of a blessing, then the immortality cannot be not desired next to him, but love will not be a desire for immortality too. " This thirst for immortality also explains the incredible processes in animals associated with the birth of offspring: "The mortal nature is striving to become the possibility of immortal and eternal, but it can only achieve this by reproduction, leaving a new one instead of the old."

Diotima talks about the possibility of a person to be "pregnant spiritual" and enter what the soul should nail - the mind, wisdom and all good.

"If she strives for the idea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful, it's stupid to think that the beauty of all bodies are not the same," in these words is manifested exclusively to the Platonic understanding of being. Here and ideas, and global, widespread perceptions of any phenomena, as a result or projection from the ideal world. Moreover, Diotima talks about the incredible good, which will give only someone who will pass the whole path of understanding true beauty: from one person to a variety of sciences.

Speech of Alkiviad: Penagirik Socrate

Alkiviad compares Socrates with satriots and flutists, having sinking his sharp mind and endless wisdom.


A good conclusion to the abstract of Pera Plato will be the words Helen Heyz, the first lady of the American theater: "The story of love is no importance ... In this life, only one thing is important - do you know how to love?". In addition, it is worth noting that this dialogue is rather a call to study love than its argument as a philosophical-ethical category and therefore he served as a foundation for further research in this direction, and was not discarded as other studies of the same time.

By the way, the "feast" dialogue is one of the first works on the study of the phenomenon of love. But it should be noted that besides love, the following problems are discussed in the dialogue: alcoholism - the problems of the political hierarchy inherent in all ancient Greeks, the problems of a political hierarchy (although not too noticeable), as well as the problems of a socio-military nature, that is, the perception of hostilities by the civilian population is now Especially relevant.

In general, Pier is a wonderful example of high-art ancient Greek literature and philosophy, an excellent social and historical certificate, as well as one of the first works aimed at studying the problem of love, which makes it invaluable in historical and ethical perspective.

In the article, we will consider the "Pier" dialogue, present it summary. Pier Plato refers to the genre of simposions (packaging conversations). Proportions of this genre are found in the literature Ancient Greece Long before the appearance of this philosopher. During, for example, Heroes of Homer eat, drink and lead a "conversation mutual", as described in "Illyad". And in the "Odysse" of the journey of the main character of the work presented with the help of his own story about them on the feast of Alkina, Tsar Feaks. The description of the Pera, made by Xenofan - the poet and the philosopher - in his elegance, was also a hurry.

The meaning of the name of dialogue

Guests after abundant meal appealed to the guilt. That is why the word "simposion", used to designate the word "PIR", translates as "joint drinking". In Greek, the name "Pir" Plato also sounds like "Simposion". The conversations of the Allenian intellectuals for the bowl of wine often turned to aesthetic, ethical and philosophical topics. The "PIR", the philosophical dialogue, also created Xenophon, the famous contemporaries of Plato and his friend.

The main topic and idea

What is the author's thought? Briefly analyze the work before submitting it a brief content. Plato's Pier - Dialogue, the main topic of which is to reason about love and good. According to a number of evidence, he in antiquity had a subtitle "Speech about love", "On the Good" and others. It is impossible to say for sure when this work was created. It is believed that its most likely dating is 379 years BC. e.

Platonovsky philosophy is long before the creation of this dialogue put forward it was quite simple to explain what the essence of material things is. It was much more difficult to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe human soul. The book "Pier" (Plato), which is interested in the brief content of us, is just devoted to clarifying this issue. The philosopher believes that the idea of \u200b\u200ba man's soul is in the eternal pursuit of good and beauty, in love with them. Completing the analysis of the Dialogue of Plato "PIR", we note that it consists of a short entry and imprisonment, as well as from the seven speeches of the participants in the feast, with the help of which the main thought is revealed.


Plato in joining his dialogue describes a meeting of Apollodore with a chance. The latter asks Apollodora to tell about Pira, which was given about 15 years ago in the house of Agafon's poet. There was talk about love on this Pira. Apollodor says that he himself did not participate in it, but can convey the dialogues that were conducted there, from the words of Aristogether, one of the participants.

Next, Apollodor talks about how Aristodem accidentally met with Socrates on the street. The philosopher walked for dinner to Agafon and decided to invite him with him. Paution, one of those present on the feast, after he began to offer participants in honor of Erota.

Speech Fedra

In his speech, Fedr said that Eros, according to Parmenide and Hesiod's assurances, is the oldest of the deities. He does not even have parents. The force given by Eros is not comparable to any other. The in love will not throw a subject of passion for the arbitrariness of fate, and the favorite is noble in that he is devoted to a loving.

Pea Speech

He draws attention to the fact that the love attraction is not always sublime. It can be lowlands. PAsania believes that there are two erutes, because the goddesses of Afrod, which many recognize his mother, are also two. Heavenly Aphrodite is the eldest of them, this is a daughter of uranium. The youngest (Aphrodite shaped) is daughter Diona and Zeus. Thus, there are two erutes - vulgar and heaven - which are very different from each other.

Noble heavenly love is a feeling for a man who is smarter and more beautiful than women. Such love can not be called frivolous lust. This is a noble and decent feeling. To the one who is covered by them, everything is allowed, but only in the sphere of mind and soul, for the sake of perfection and wisdom, and not for the sake of the body. Such a person makes disinterested deeds.

Speech Ericimakh

Next, one funny episode describes Plato ("PIR"). Summary of it Next. A queue of speaking after Pausania was supposed to go to Aristropham, a well-known comedian. However, he was very drunk and did not cope with Ikota. The word was transferred to the doctor Ericimakh.

In his speech, he says that not only in man lives Eros. He is in all of nature. The fact that there are two erutes is even necessary because the essence of life is to maintain feelings in harmony. The same can be said about medicine. In it, the doctor's task is to ensure the equilibrium of a healthy and patient began. The same can be said about music, about her harmony of rhythm and sound. The same applies to the weather. Various natural forces (humidity and dryness, cold and heat) only then make a year abundant when they are "merged" (in the act of love) with each other "harmoniously" and "judiciously". Even fortune telling and sacrifices are acts of harmonious unity of gods and people.

Speech Aristofana

Meanwhile, Icota Aristofan passes, and he takes the floor. It is his speech further describes Plato ("PIR"). The summary of the words of the Comediography comes down to the myth-wrought out of them that the people who inhabited the land in ancient times were Andrognee - at the same time women and men. They had 4 legs and arms, 2 faces that looked in opposite sides, 2 pairs of ears, etc. When such a person was in a hurry, he moved, rolling with the wheel on 8 limbs.

Since Androgins were very strong and outraged by their desires of Zeus, he commanded Apollon to Kump on 2 half of each of them. Women's I. men's halves There were scattered on the ground. However, the memory of the former communication gave rise to the desire to seek each other in people in order to restore the former completeness.

Aristophane concludes that EroT - the desire of half to each other to restore their nature and integrity. However, this is possible only if they are of the gods, because in case of wicked, the gods are able to cross people into even smaller parts.

Go to the speech of the Agafon and present its summary. "PIR" Plato is a dialogue that happens in the house of this particular person.

Speech Agafon

Speech on the feast after Aristophan holds a poem Agafon, the owner of the house. With poetic fervor he praises the following properties Erota: body flexibility, tenderness, eternal youth. According to Agafon, the God of Love does not tolerate any violence in the passion caused by him. Feeling rude in someone's soul, he forever leaves her. Eros gives courage, reasonableness, justice, wisdom to man. Agafon believes that love is the most worthy of the leaders. It is behind him that all people should follow.

Social speech

The book "Pier" (Plato) is perhaps the most interesting speech of Socrates. Agafon pronounced words stormy reaction gathered. Socrates also praises her, however, so that in his speech is captured and a restrained contradiction to the poet. The philosopher ironically notices that a commendable speech is attributing it to the subject of a huge number of excellent qualities, without thinking about whether this item has them or not. The philosopher declares that he intends to speak only the truth about Erote.

Socrates in his speech resorts to the Majortic - a dialectical method, favorite. The author describes how, leading a dialogue with Agafon and asking for the questions, skillfully interconnected, the philosopher gradually forces the interlocutor to refuse that he just said.

Socrates says that love is an ardent desire of a person to something. However, it is easy to wish only when you feel in this need. It is necessary that you do not have. Since Eros is a love for good and beauty, then it follows that he himself is deprived of good and beauty. This, however, does not mean that this God is ugly and angry, because he is inevitable to inherent in the good. Rather, Eros is somewhere in the middle between these two extremes. He has no completeness of life, so he seeks her. And if he does not possess this fullness, it cannot be called God. Thus, the genius of love is something mean between the mortal and immortal being. Staying between the gods and people, Erochu connects with the Divine nature of human.

Socrates further tells the myth on how this god was conceived. This happened at the birthday of Aphrodites in the Zeus Garden. In conception, the god Poros (wealth), who fell asleep from the Criminal Nectar; And the beggar of singing (poverty). Eros, which appeared on the light of this connection, is poor, rude and ugly, like the mother. However, it is fixed to completeness, to the perfect and excellent, thanks to the properties of his father. Eros seeks to all kinds of good qualities: not only to beauty, but also to heroism and courage. He is looking for wisdom, so devotes his life of philosophy, remaining in the middle between ignorance and wisdom. After all, if Erotu managed to know the essence of being, he would begin to own it, which means it would stop striving for it, according to Socrates.

The erotic hierarchy described by them continues the dialogue of Plato Pier. With regard to love, it develops into a whole system. It has the manifestations of this feeling as their spiritual qualities increase. Walking in love only into the body, we after a while we gain the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty, which combines all the wonderful bodies into a single mounted symbol. However, through her, a person gradually begins to love the soul more, and not the body. So the image of a beautiful soul appears. Part of our creature) After some time, thanks to this traction, it takes thirst for sciences and wisdom. From individual sciences man then moves to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful, which is the limit of the desires of all people.

Speech of alkiviad

We continue to describe the "PIR" dialog, the brief content of which is given in the review. Further, the author suggests Alkivady on the day. He is drunk, his surrounds Vataga Glyak. Guests on the feast can hardly be explained by Alkiviad the essence of conversations. He is offered to express their opinion on Erota. However, having familiarized with the content of the speech of the previous speaker, he actually agrees with him. In his words, the topic of love in the work of Plato "PIR" does not receive further development. Since he has nothing to add about Erota, Alkiviad decides to say in honor of the Grand Philosopher Socrates.

It compares the appearance of a philosopher with Silenia (Dionysus satellites) and with Martia, ugly satire. However, Alkiviada notices that when he listens to Socrates, his heart beats harder, and tears pour out of his eyes. This is happening with a lot of other people. Socrates forces her speeches to live in a new way and avoid unworthy actions. In the divine words of the philosopher, you can find answers to all questions that are asked by those who crave to achieve the highest nobility.

Impecable and the behavior of Socrates. Alkiviada participated with him in a military campaign and was amazed by the heroism of the philosopher and his great physical endurance. Socrates in battle saved his life, and then modestly refused the award for this. This person is not similar to other people of both ancient and modern.

Plato, transmitting a speech of alkiviad in his work, brings us to the idea that it was in Socrates that the "homeless", "not obverse", "rude", "untray", "poor", but inseparable from the desire for "perfect "And the" beautiful "genius. This endes the philosophical reasoning in the dialogue of Plato "PIR", short retelling, analysis I. general The following is stated in this article. We have left to describe only the final of this work.


After the speech of Alkivide, a small conclusion is presented, which completes the "PIR" dialogue. A brief content does not represent much interest in terms of philosophy. It is told about how guests of the feast gradually disagree. This ends the sum described by us. Plato's Pier is a work that many philosophers are addressed today.

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The abstract of the dialogue of Plato "PIR"

Pear guests decide to drink wine only for their pleasure, and not for intoxication. Instead, the doctor Ericcums proposes to devote this meeting to the conversation - every present must say "how much the Erota's coming word", "such a mighty and great" God of love. And the first speech he trusts Fedra, because he repeatedly, says Ericcima, Fedr was outraged by the fact that none of the poets "did not even write a praise word" to this deity.

  1. Speech Fedra. The oldest origin of Erota. Fedr begins with the fact that Eros is ancient God, since he has no parents, and it is one of the reasons why many admire them. Everything can teach love - "to be ashamed of a shame and ambitious to strive for the beautiful, without which a state nor a separate person is capable of any great and good deeds." So, having committed any "unfavorable act", loved most of all suffers from the fact that his beloved can be convished about it, and vice versa. Moreover, the loved will never quit the fate of his beloved and will never leave him in danger. "And if Homer says that God is inspired by some heroes, then she does not have anyone anyone else like Eros."

Fedr argues that "die, only loving, not only men, but also women," and leads as an example of alkestide (took death for her husband), Achilla (died in the name of Patrole), but (!) Orpheus not I was able to give my life in the name of the beloved, so in Aida he saw only her ghost.

Fedra's conclusion: "Eros - the most ancient, most respectable and most powerful of the gods, the most able to give people to the valor and give them bliss during life and after death."

  1. Speech of Paution. Two erutes. PAAANSIANS means a lot of eurotes, so you need to clarify who exactly in this conversation they praise. ERO is inextricably linked to the goddess of love Aphrodite, but there are two of them - the eldest (daughter of uranium, called heavenly) and the youngest (daughter of Dione and Zeus, called the vulgar). Such, there are two eruta - heavenly and vulgar, and each of them is endowed with its special properties.

"Eros Aphrodites vulgar truly went and is able to anything; This is just the love that people are insignificant. " Such people love to equally both women and young men, for the sake of the body, and not for the sake of the soul.

Heavenly Aphrodite "is involved only for male beginnings", so it is love for young men. "Obsessed with such love turns to the male sex, giving preference that is stronger from nature and endowed with great mind."

PAsaniya also talks about the problem of courting a fan for its lightened. And it claims that it is worthwhile to please the fan worth exactly when the fan is worthy of this and when it leads to moral improvement.

  1. Ericimakh speech. Eros spill throughout nature. Continuing the thoughts of the PAsania about the duality of Erota, Ericcima argues that this God was dissolved in everything. He is concluded in the very nature of the body. Doctor's ability to inspire two principals of the body - a sick and healthy - mutual love - The main purpose of its purpose. Ericcima makes the transfer of the duality of Erota and on spheres other than healing, - to music ("Musical art there is knowledge of love of love concerning building and rhythm"), on the properties of the time of the year on the art of fortune telling, etc.

When Ikot Aristofana passes, Ericcima offers him to speak.

  1. Speech Aristofana. Eros as a man's desire for initial integrity. Aristophane talks that "once our nature was not the same as now, but completely different." People were three floors: male, female and special sex, which has already disappeared and which combined the male and female floors, - Androgynes. They were ugly and represented the danger to the gods, because they were "scared with their strength and power."

"The body of everyone was rounded, the back did not differ from the chest, there were four hands, the legs as much as the hands, and each of the two-neck two faces, completely the same ... such a person moved or straight, in full growth, but any of two Faces ahead, or, if rushing, wrapped, driving legs up and rolling on eight limbs ... "

Not having the strength to put up with their desire, Zeus decided to cut every Androgyne in half, and now they had to move on two legs.

"And now when the bodies were thus dissected in half, each half with lust rushed to another half of his half, they hugged, woven and, passionately wanting to grow, died from hunger and in general from inaction, because they did not want to do anything ... here Zeus, I regrets them, comes up with another device: he rearranges the ingun of their parts, which before they were turned to the same parties that before the face, so that the seed they poured out in each other, but in the ground like cicadians. He moved their inacmot parts, thereby setting the fertilization of women with men, in order for the kids with a woman with a woman with a woman and continued, and when a man comes down with a man - still achieved satisfaction from Socia, after which they could stay, take For affairs and take care of your other needs. Since when with no time, it is characteristic of people a love attraction to each other, which, connecting the previous half, is trying to make out of two and thereby heal the human nature "

When meeting, these halves covers the "amazing sense of attachment, proximity and love that they truly do not want to solve even for a short time." However, this is not a lust, but the kinship of the soul, but it remains a mystery, which these half want from each other. The story of Androgyn Aristophane explains that "the love is called the thirst for integrity and the desire for her" and that "our kind will reaches bliss when we completely satisfy Erota and everyone will find the appropriate object of love to return to their original nature."

    Speech Agafon. Erotic perfection. Agafon notes that the previous protruding praised the goods, brought by Eotom, rather than Erota himself, and he is accepted to give praise directly to God. Eros, according to Agafon, the most beautiful, perfect and blissful of the gods, because he is the youngest among them. By nature, he hates old age and runs away from her, but he is inseparable with young. Thus, the agon is opposed to Fedra. He talks like this: "After all, the gods would not be covered and did not sharpen each other and would not make violence at all, if there were EroTi among them, but would live in peace and friendship, as now, when Eota rules."

Eros is extremely beautiful. In addition to excellent outdoor, Eotov Slary with his virtues: he is just judged, truly brave, endowed with wisdom. He is highly a poet and is able to make any other poet. Love Agafon calls the root cause of many of the benefits of Divine and Human, when there was no before him.

Agafon's speech caused absolute approval from the audience.

Socrates with sarcasm notes: "... decrease to pronounce a beautiful commendable question consists ... In order to attribute the subject as much excellent qualities as possible, without thinking, it possesses them or not." As opposed to this, he is going to talk about Erote the truth "and moreover, in the first who came, taken at random expressions," and clarifies from Fedra, whether it really will be interesting. Having received approved, Socrates starts speech.

  1. Speech Socrates. The purpose of Erota is the mastering of blessing. By asking questions to Agafon, which is forced to agree with the philosopher, Socrates concludes that Eros is love aimed at someone or something, and its subject is "what you feel." Since Eros is love for beauty, the beauty of Eros is devoid and needs it. And once, Eros is not beautiful, he can not be kind. Thus, Socrates completely refutes Agafon.

Socrates further in the form of a monologue retells the words of some Mantineyan Diotima. First, Erochi is unaffected, but this does not mean that he is ugly and angry. Eros "is somewhere in the middle between these extremes." Diotima questioned the divinity of Erota and his mortality and says that he is "a cross between immortal and mortal." Ero-great genius, "After all, all geniuses are among the average between God and the mortal."

Next - a story about the parents of Erota. He was conceived in the Garden of Zeus at the birthday of Aphrodite with two gods and the God's goddess and oxane and who fell asleep by the godproke. Therefore, Eros is always a satellite and a servant Aphrodite, loved in love with everything beautiful. Eros is poor, ugly, rude, not wound, reasonable, but it stretches to the beautiful and perfect, he is brave, brave, all his life is engaged in philosophy, he is a skillful sorcerer, magician and sophist. "He is also in the middle between wisdom and ignorance," because the gods are so wise, they are not to engage in philosophy, and ignorants do not have any needs. The philosopher occupies an intermediate position between the sage and ignoramus, and Eros is a philosopher.

Eros can lead people to happiness. Love is not the desire for the beautiful, according to Diothim; This is love for the eternal possession of good and to immortality (the path to the last - childbirth or perpetuation in the history of its name).

"Suddenly in the outdoor door they were treated so loudly, as if the whole Vataga Wathac came, and the sounds of the flute were heard." It was drunk alkiviad. Alkiviada suggests to drink unrestrain, but Ericcima explains that at this meeting the gathered agreed to give Erota's coming word, and he needs to do the same. But alkiviad, recognizing speech Socrates logically indisputable, refuses. Then, says Ericcama, pay praise Socrate.

  1. Speech of alkiviad. Poagirik Socrates. Alkiviad compares Socrates Socrates with the game Marcia on Flute. Alkiviada also recognizes a philosopher with a highly soloral person, in front of which he sometimes has a shame for his behavior. Socrates, Alkivad says, it does not matter whether the person is beautiful. And confirmation leads a story about how once tried to seduce him. Neither gymnastics nor a joint dinner, after which forced Socrates to stay spending the night, did not make any effect on it. In one of the battles Socrates saved his life. When Alkiviad asked to give a reward for this, Socrates, Socrates asked her to award alkiviad. "Socrates is not like any of the people, the ancient or now healthy", which is absolutely unable to compare. The speech of His Divine, "Many virtues of virtues are made in themselves and relate to many questions, or rather, to say, all those who are approved to deal with who want to achieve top nobility."

    Final scene. Socrates says Agafon so that he watched the sowing of the retail between him. Agafon moved closer to Socrates and arg near him. Then Alkiviad asks Agafon to lie down at least between him and Socrates. But Socrates says: "After all, you said the commendable word to me, and I, in turn, should pay praise to my neighbor on the right." Here the houses fell into the house, it became noisy, someone went home. Aristodem fell asleep. Waking up, on-line Socrates, Aristophan and Agafon, who were a conversation and drank wine from a big bowl. However, Aristophane soon fell asled, and after him - Agafon. Socrates stood up and left, and Aristodem followed him.

Short description

Introduction. The dialogue begins with Apollodor from Faler and the Commander. The chapacon asks to tell about Pira in the House of Agafon, which was attended by Socrates. Apollodor agrees, but emphasizes that he himself was not on this Pir, but he will tell with the words of AristoMa from Kidafin.
Status start. Aristodem tells about the meeting with Socrates before the beer, about how he invites Socrates to go along with him. Socrates is late for a feast, stopping in thought in the Seine of the neighboring house.

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Psychology faculty



by subject:


Theme of love in the work

Plato "PIR"

Checked the teacher:

Kondratyev Viktor Mikhailovich


Student 2 courses

Correspondence department

Petrova Julia Evgenievna

phone: 338-94-88

"PIR" - a philosophical essay of love. The philosopher interprets expansion. And he says about love not as in the novel.

Pier belongs to the genre of the feast conversations, which placed the beginning of Plato and who had analogies not only in Greek, but also on Roman soil, not only in the literature of antiquity, but also in the Christian literature of the period of the formation of the Middle Ages.

The topics of the packaging conversations changed over time, the conversation itself was the second stage of the feast when the guests appealed to the guilt after abundant food. Behind the chain of wine, a general conversation had not only entertaining, but also highly intelligent, philosophical, ethical, aesthetic character. The entertainment did not interfere with a serious conversation, only helped to climb it into a light half-hearted form, which harmonized with the feast of the situation.

Plato's feast called "Speeches of Love". The topic of dialogue is the ascent of a person to the highest good, which is nothing more than the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bheavenly love. As True sins, they say not about love in itself, but about the one that their existence is obliged to one of the gods. His name is Eros.

The whole dialogue is a story about Peter, arranged on the occasion of the victory of the tragic poet of Agafon in the Athens Theater. The story is conducted on behalf of Aristogether, who came along with Socrates and attended Pir.

The composition "Pir" is very easy to analyze due to the fact that it is easy to trace its structure: between a small entry and the same conclusion in the dialogue contains seven speeches, in each of which one or another aspect of the same topic is interpreted. First of all, attention is drawn to an unusual logical sequence both within each of the seven speeches and in the ratio of all speeches.


2. For a better understanding of the logic of dialogue, I would like to give it a plan for speeches with the indication of the speakers:

a) the ancient origin of Erota (Fedr);

b) two erutes (pavans);

c) Eros spill throughout Nature (Ericcama);

d) Eros as a man's desire for initial integrity (Aristophane);

e) Erotic perfection (agon);

e) the purpose of Erota - mastering a blessing (Socrates);

g) disagreement with Socrates (Alkiviad).

Entry begins a story about the meeting of some apollodore from Faler with a kind of chance, as well as the request for the latter to tell about Pera in the House of Agafon and the consent of Apollodore to do this from the words of a certain AristoMa from Kidafin who was personally present at Peter.

Next, the story of the AristoMem on the circumstances preceding the fear: a meeting of AristoMem with Socrates, an invitation to the feast, late Socrates, a kind meeting of AristoMem in Agafon's house and a sentence of one of the guests, PAsania, not just do the feast, but each of his main participants will pronounce commendable Speech Erotu, God of love.

* With the consent of all other participants in the Pera, the conversation about Erotea begins Fedr, and moreover, it is quite logical, as he speaks about the ancient origin of Erota. "Eros is the greatest god that people and gods admire for many reasons, and not least because of his origin: after all, it is inevitable to be an oldest God. And the proof of this is the absence of his parents ... Earth and Eros were born after chaos, "that is, the existence and love are inseparable and are the most ancient categories.

The speech of Fedra is still devoid of analytical strength and exposes only the most common properties of Erota, which they said since the times of the undivided domination of mythology. Since the objective world appeared in ancient times as concrete and most sensual as possible, it is not at all surprising that all movements in the world thought as a result of love affairs. World full, which seemed obvious and in those days, was interpreted as a lot of love exclusively, and it is not surprising at all that Eotes interpreted in the Speech Fedra as a principle and as an ancient as possible, and the most powerful as possible. He talks about the greatest moral authority of Erota and not comparable vitality God of love: "He appeared for us the original source of the greatest goods ... If it may have been to form a state from lovers and their beloved ..., they would rule them the best way, avoiding all the shameful and competing with each other, "because" ... He is most capable of giving people to valor and give them bliss during life and after death. " In this regard, Fedr begins to develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe highest value. true loveBy reinforcing its reasoning with a story about the attitude towards her deities: "Gods highly appreciate the virtue in love, more admire, and they are walked, and beneficial in the case when a loved one is devoted to in love, than when the in love is devoted to the subject of his love." A peculiar conclusion of this speech is the statement that "loved by the Divine, because he is inspired by God, and his beloved thanks to his devotion to loving."

* The reasoning about the nature of love continues in the second speech - the speeches of Pavania. The theory of Erota, set forth in the first speech, even from the then point of view, was too common and alien to any analysis. Indeed, in Ermote, the highest principle is laid, but there is also lower. Mythology suggested that the highest is something spatially higher, that is, heavenly; And the traditional for the ancient world, the doctrine of the superiority of the male start over the female suggested that the highest is necessarily a man's. Here Plato approached the theme of a very delicate, requiring caution in the estimates. We are talking About the same-sex love, therefore, the highest ero is love between men. In antique Greece, it was not a deviation, but rather the norm.

Specific images that personify the highest and lowest, in the speech of PAsania are two erutes and by analogy with them two Aphrodites. Since nothing in itself is not beautiful, neither ugly, then the criterion of the beautiful erotic is the origin of him from Aphrodite Heaven, unlike the vulgar eruta, the son of Aphrodite. Aphrodite shaft is involved both male and to the female start. Eot Aphrodites went and able to anything. This is just that love that people love is insignificant, and they love, first, women are not less than young men, secondly, love their favorite more for their body than for the soul, and they love those who are cheerful, caring Only about how to achieve his "." Erachy Aphrodites Heaven goes back to the goddess, which, firstly, is involved only for male start, and not to female, - no wonder this love for young men, and secondly, older and Alien to criminal audience. "So, heavenly love is love for a man who are more beautiful, smarter than women. Everything is allowed in love, but only in the sphere of soul and mind, disinterestedly, for wisdom and perfection, and not for the sake of the body.

The following statement is submitted to the generalizing and not too specific conclusion of this speech: "In any case, it can be said that in itself it is neither wonderful nor ugly. Whatever we do, it is not perfect in itself, but depending on how it is done, as happens: if it is done perfectly and correctly, it becomes beautiful, and if it is wrong, then, on the contrary, ugly. The same with love: Not every Eros is beautiful and worthy praise, but only the one that encourages perfectly to love. "

* The third speech is the speech of Ericseakh. He says that Eros is not only in man, but in all of nature, in all of being: "He lives not only in the human soul and not only in her desire for excellent people, but in many others her gusts, and indeed In many ways, in the world - in the bodies of animals, in plants, in all versa, for he was a great, amazing, comprehensive, involved in all the affairs of people and gods. " The thought of Ericimakh about love, spilled around the world of plants and animals, is typical of Greek philosophy.

In my opinion, his thought interesting and astronomy relates to love.

* Aristophane, who speaks the fourth, again returns in his speech to man, but not to his soul, but to the body, and the body is prehistoric. Aristophane composes the myth of primitive existence at the same time as men and women. People were three floors. Since these people were very strong and malicious about Zeus, the latter dissect each two half, dissipates them all over the world and makes them forever look for each other to restore their former completeness and power. Therefore, ERP is the desire of dissected human half alone to another for the sake of restoration of integrity: "Love is called thirst for integrity and desire for it."

The speech of Aristophan is one of the most interesting samples of Plato's myth. In the myth created by Plato, his own fantasies is intertwined, and some generally accepted mythological and philosophical views. The generally accepted romantic interpretation of this myth as a myth about the desire of two souls to a mutual connection has nothing to do with Platonovsky myths about the monsters separated by half and ever experiencing thirst physical connection.

* Then the word takes the owner of the house - Agafon. Unlike previous speakers, individual specific essential properties of eruta lists: beauty, eternal youth, tenderness, body flexibility, perfection, non-recognition of them any violence, justice, prudence and courage, wisdom in all arts and crafts and in ordering all the affairs of the gods.

* And now the turn of Socrates. His speech in "Pira", of course, central. Leads it in Socrates in the usual manner for him, on his own way. He utters a monologue, but asks questions and listens to them. Partner chooses Agafon. Socrates speech has its own character, as he immediately says what will tell about Erote the truth.

It turns out that everyone else spoke to a lie. At the beginning of the conversation, Agafon, agreeing with one of the remarks of Socrates, says: "I can not argue with you, Socrates." What Socrates is responsible: "Neti, my dear Agafon, you cannot argue with the truth, and the case is not cunning to argue with Socrates."

Next, the simplest concept is followed: the purpose of Erota is to master the benefit, but not any individual, but all the good and the eternal possession of them. And since eternity can not be seized immediately, it is only possible to master it gradually, i.e. Starting and generating instead of itself, it means that Era is love for the eternal source in beauty for immortality, to generate as a physical one. The death being eager to overcome your mortal nature.

Next develops the topic of immortality. For the sake of him and there is love, evidence as much as you can lead. For example, take ambition. "You will be surprised by his meaninglessness, if you don't remember what I said, and lose sight of how people are obsessed with the desire to make their name loud," so that

eternal time to push the immortal glory, "for which they are willing to touch themselves even greater dangers than for the sake of their children, spend money, demolish any burden, die, finally."

Another way to achieve immortality is to leave the bodily offspring, that is, multiply yourself. Many say: "I live for my children," these people seek to approve themselves in genes and thoughts, for this and there is love.

Now about the path of love. There is something like science of love. Start need B.

youth with aspiration to the beautiful. In contemplation, the person who saw him seeing himself only can live. My opinion, it is necessary to strive for the better from the very beginning, gradually climbing "the steps above and above."

"I am a way and truth, and life; Nobody comes to the Father as soon as you have. " (John, 14,6).

So the meaning of love is revealed.

The amazing jokes of her main character are set out by his own story on the feast of the king of the people of Feakov Alkinoa (Odyssey, IX - XII). It became a textbook and description of the Pir in the elegance of the philosopher and poet xenophane (the free translation of Pushkin - "Pure blend gear ...").

After abundant food on the feast, the guests appealed to the guilt. Hence the Greek term for the word "PIR" - Simposion - Συμπόσιον - "Joint Drink". The name of Platonovsky "Pir" and sounds in Greek: "Simposion". Behind the chain of wine, the conversations of Ellen's intellectuals often appealed to philosophical, ethical and aesthetic topics. The philosophical dialogue with the same name "Pier" also wrote a famous contemporary and friend Plato, xenophon.

main topic Platonovsky "Pir" - reasoning about good and love. For a number of evidence, in antiquity, this dialogue also had the corresponding subtitles: "On the Good" or "Speech of Love".

Great Greek Philosopher Plato

Despite the comical appearance of Socrates, his speech is divine. They can find an answer to all questions that do those who want to achieve top nobility.

Personal behavior of Socrates flawlessly. Alkiviads who participated in the military campaign was amazed by an unprecedented physical endurance of philosopher and his heroism. In battle, Socrates saved his life alkiviad and then modestly refused to rely on this awards.

Socrates eats alkiviad from the arms of the heterasses of aspasia. Artist J. B. Reno, 1785