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Worldview on VKontakte what to choose. What is a worldview, and why is it so important to improve it. Mythological type of worldview

Worldview is an important part of human life. As an intelligent being, he must have his own thoughts, views, ideas, act and be able to analyze them. What is the essence of this concept? What is its structure and typology?

Man is a rational being, living consciously. Cognitive activity and sensory perception are inherent in him. He is able to set goals and find the means to achieve them. This means that he has a certain worldview. This concept is multifaceted, it consists of several important definitions.

Worldview is:

  • belief system a person to the real, objective world;
  • sentient attitude to the surrounding reality and to your own "I";
  • life position, beliefs, ideals, demeanor, moral and ethical values ​​and the concept of morality, the spiritual world of the individual, the principles of cognition and application of experience associated with the perception of the environment and society.

The definition and development of a worldview involves the study and perception of only those views and ideas that have the ultimate generalization.

The subjects of this concept are a person, an individual, and a social group, society. An indicator of the maturity of both subjects is the formation of a stable, unshakable view of things, which directly depends on the material conditions and social life with which a person is associated.


Human personality cannot be the same. This means that the worldview is different. It is associated with several levels of self-awareness.

Its structure consists of a number of important components that have their own characteristics.

  1. First level- an ordinary worldview. Most people are on it, because it is a belief system that is based on common sense, life experience and human instincts.
  2. Second level- professional. It is possessed by people employed in a certain area of ​​scientific and practical activity. It arises as a result of gaining knowledge and experience in a specific area of ​​science, politics, creativity. Thoughts and ideas of a person arising at this level are of an educational nature and are able to influence, be transmitted to other people. This worldview was possessed by many philosophers, writers, and public figures.
  3. Third level- the highest point of development - theoretical (philosophy). At this level, the structure and typology of a person's views on the world and oneself are created, studied, analyzed and criticized. The specificity of this level is such that especially outstanding personalities, theorists of philosophical science, reached it.


In the structure of the vision of the world, more specific levels are distinguished:

  • elemental: the components of the worldview are combined and implemented in everyday consciousness;
  • conceptual: basis - worldview problems - concepts;
  • methodological: concepts and principles that make up the center, the core of the worldview.
Alignment components Characteristic traits Types and forms
Knowledge A united circle of information about the surrounding world, which is necessary for an individual to successfully orientate in it. This is the first component of any worldview. The wider the circle of knowledge, the more serious a person's position in life.
  • scientific,
  • professional,
  • practical.
Feelings (emotions) Subjective human reaction to external stimuli. It manifests itself in various psychological states.
  • positive, positive (joy, pleasure, happiness, etc.)
  • negative, negative (sadness, grief, fear, insecurity, etc.)
  • moral (duty, responsibility, etc.)
Values A person's personal attitude to what is happening around him. They are perceived through the prism of their own goals, needs, interests and understanding of the meaning of life.
  • significant - the degree of intensity of the attitude towards something (something touches more, others less);
  • useful - practical necessity (shelter, clothing, means of obtaining benefits, including knowledge, skills and abilities)
  • harmful - negative attitude towards something (environmental pollution, murder, violence, etc.)
Deeds Practical, behavioral manifestation of one's own views and ideas.
  • positive, beneficial and generating a good attitude of others (help, charity, salvation, etc.);
  • negative, harmful, suffering and negativism (military action, violence, etc.)
Beliefs Personal or public views that are accepted by others unconditionally or as a result of doubt. This is the unity of knowledge and will. It is the engine of the masses and the basis of life for especially convinced people.
  • solid, unquestionable truth;
  • strong-willed, able to inspire, raise to fight.
Character A set of personal qualities that contribute to the formation and development of a worldview
  • will - the ability to act independently (setting a goal, achieving it, planning, choosing means, etc.)
  • faith - the degree of practical awareness of oneself (confidence / uncertainty), disposition towards other people (trust, gullibility);
  • doubts - self-criticism depending on any knowledge or values. A doubting person is always independent in his worldview. Fanatical acceptance of other people's views turns into dogmatism, their complete denial - into nihilism, the transition from one extreme to another grows into skepticism.

These structural components have their own characteristics. They can be used to judge how complex and contradictory the convictions of a person who tries to combine knowledge, feelings, values, actions, and their own character traits, coming from the outside, turn out to be.


Depending on the level of development of a person's belief system and the characteristics of his individual perception of the world around him, the following types of worldview are distinguished:

  1. Commonplace(everyday) arises in the conditions of the usual everyday life. It is usually passed down from the older generation to the younger, from adults to children. This type is characterized by a clear position and ideas about oneself and the environment: people and the environment. From an early age, the individual realizes what the sun, sky, water, morning, good and evil, etc. are like.
  2. Mythological implies the presence of uncertainty, the absence of separation between the subjective and the objective. Man cognizes the world through what is known to him by virtue of being. In this type, the worldview ensured the interaction of generations through the mythical connections of the past and the future. The myth became reality, their own views and actions were checked against it.
  3. Religious- one of the most powerful and effective types associated with belief in supernatural forces that govern the will, knowledge, moral and physical actions of people.
  4. Scientific consists of concrete, rational, factual thoughts, ideas devoid of subjectivity. This type is the most realistic, reasoned and accurate.
  5. Philosophical includes theoretical concepts and categories that are based on scientific knowledge and substantiation of natural, social and personal phenomena in accordance with logic and objective reality. Philosophy, or "love of wisdom" contains the highest meaning of scientific comprehension of the world and disinterested service to truth.
  6. Humanistic stands on the fundamental principles of humanism - humanity, which say that:

  • man is the highest world value;
  • every person is a self-sufficient person;
  • each person has unlimited opportunities for their own development, growth and manifestation of creative abilities;
  • each person is able to change himself, his character;
  • each person is capable of self-development and positive impact on others.

In any type of worldview, the main thing is a person, his attitude to himself and the world around him.

Despite some differences, the functions of each type are aimed at ensuring that a person changes and becomes better, so that his thoughts and ideas do not harm him or those who are with him.

What role does the vision of the world play in a person's life?

A person goes through different stages in his life. The formation of personality takes place in constant search and doubt, contradictions and gains of truth. If a person is really interested in his own development and wants to reach the highest point of knowledge, he must develop his personal life position based on his own worldview.

Personal views can combine different points of view and ideas. Their transformation allows a person to become a person, an individuality.

Video: Worldview

Life position as one of the settings of your VKontakte profile can tell a lot about you. Likewise, you can, based on the filled in data of another person, compose for yourself his psychological portrait.

Quick navigation:

In order to go to the settings for editing your VK life position, go to, in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to your avatar, as shown in the image below.

Click "Edit" in the drop-down menu.

In the next menu, there will be just the same setting that we need.

Setting up the VKontakte "life position" menu item.

Everything here is simple in terms of control, you move the cursor to the desired line and select from the list ...

The process of choosing the right options is not so simple, for example, in the paragraph “Polit. preferences "you can choose those to which you adhere in life, but if you are not particularly interested in politics, it will be correct to choose" moderate "or leave an empty line" not selected ".

So in the rest, if you have doubts about the correctness of the choice, it is better to leave an empty field.

After filling in the page with settings, click the "Save" button.

How to edit a VKontakte life position from your phone.

To change the information in the custom section, you need to open the full version of VKontakte in your mobile browser, for this, in the upper corner, on the left, click on the three horizontal stripes, scroll down the settings and click on the "full version" link (link at the very bottom).

What to write?

Everyone has the right to write whatever he wants, there is no obligatory rule, out of all that is proposed, you can fill in only 1 - 2 points. If you leave in all the columns "Not selected", then your position in life will not be displayed.

The position of famous people on VKontakte.

Ramzan Kadyrov- The head of the Chechen Republic, preferred to confine himself to information only about his worldview, here he indicated "Islam"

Vladimir Zhirinovsky- Head of the LDPR faction, deputy of the state. thoughts. He also preferred to limit himself to filling only his political preferences, here he indicated "Liberal".

I filled out information about myself most fully Pavel Durov- Founder of social. networks VKontakte and gene. Director until 2014, now heads a new Telegram project.

Well, we will not list all famous people and their positions in life, you can see it all for yourself, especially since all the most famous people are gathered in one place,

The breadth of the worldview is measured by the size of the hole through which we look. and it doesn't matter how wide we open our eyes.

Love is the only thing in nature, where even the power of imagination does not find the bottom ...

We are given a soul and a body, peace and the contours of destiny. Everything is given ... But in black and white, and we paint!

About the worlds asleep and awakened
Sleepers and awakened ones live in the same world. The worlds of both are completely different.

How much letting life fill the voids in you, you understand that the world is full of wealth that you never dreamed of. That there are many joys in life. More than you think. And many of them are free.

Learn to enjoy what you have and don't worry about what you don't have.

An amazingly successful outer life begins with a feeling of tremendous success within ...

Happy is he who falls headlong. The world for him, even for a moment, is different ...

Everything in the world is relative.

Everything will pass - and the grain of hope will not rise, everything that you have accumulated, will be lost for a penny, if you do not share it with a friend in time - all your fortune will go to the enemy.

Once, seeing that Einstein was nailing a horseshoe over the door, his students asked:
- Professor, you said that you do not believe in a horseshoe?
- Yes, of course, but they say that it brings good luck even to those who do not believe in it.

The strongest word is WE ...

When you change your point of view, you see things that have never been seen before.

Your own life is a reflection of your own thoughts. These are not bad people. It's not all bad in life. These are not your boyfriend's whore friends. And not the men around are all goats. It's all of you. The world is not an illusion. The world is your own mirror.

Appreciate what is available to you.

If you live according to the higher laws of your soul, the result of the game does not matter. Whatever it ends, it will end right.

A kind person will see good and light even where there is very little of it ... and an evil and good person will turn into darkness ...

But the widened world should be narrowing somewhere, and here - here is the end of perspective ...
Brodsky, Joseph

Man is not made for happiness. There are things more important than happiness. Finding the truth is almost always very painful.

Our life today is what we thought about yesterday.

The angle of worldview is equal to the angle of mood ...

The main thing is to jump off a cliff - along the way, you will definitely grow wings.

We will never establish harmony with the world around us until we are reconciled with ourselves.

“There are things that people cannot understand. Nobody wants to deal with such things. What does not fit into their worldview, people look at as evil. Let the incomprehensible remain so. Is it bad?.. "

The only advice I listen to is not to listen to anyone's advice!

It is difficult to accept what changes the picture of the world. It is impossible to accept what destroys it. It's not cheap to buy a new one. Only a creator is able to create his own.

People are stupid not when they are not smart and not well-read, but when they are stubborn in their delusions.

You cannot show what you yourself do not see, you cannot see what you don’t want to see.

“Only poets and dreamers are able to make the world a better place, even if this whole world fits in a hole called the Metro. "
Sergey Antonov

In order to change the world, sometimes it is enough just to change your worldview ...

To love the whole world ... - some will consider it naivety, others stupidity, others the breadth of the soul, and only a lover will wonder how you can not love the world!

The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world.

People in the war smiled, but you don't want to live sitting on the couch.

Not from every place and not in every position, one can see the entire "scene" and the entire "performance".

In the struggle between yourself and the world, stay on the side of the world.

A talent without a worldview is a building without a foundation.
Irina Chizhova.

You need to live for the REAL. It makes no sense to grieve about the past, it is no longer there, and endlessly dreaming about the future - it has not yet come. Being able to enjoy the present is difficult, but possible.

What is the main thing in life? To live here and now, not hoping that tomorrow will be better.

Tomorrow will never come, there will always be today, here and now!

And pain is given to us not for suffering, but so that we find Love in ourselves ...

The world is cruel - even when we step, we crush millions of microbes, so let's live together, otherwise we will crush each other !!!

It doesn't matter WHAT you see, it matters HOW you look at it.

“Every worldview is based on faith and facts. Faith is more important, but facts are stronger. And if the facts begin to undermine faith, it’s a disaster. You have to change your worldview. Or become a fanatic. The choice. "
Boris Strugatsky.

For some reason it seems to me that the world does not work at all the way you think ... But the way I think))

“The meaning of the current worldview has become the opposite: what was bad became good, what was good has disappeared ...”
Alexey Yuriev

It is good for a loving heart only when it is good for the one it loves ...

Once P. Picasso at an exhibition of children's drawings said, “Once upon a time I could draw like Raphael, but it took me my whole life to learn how to draw like them!” ... children look at the world with an open, clear gaze. Let's learn from them;)))

The wisest people are old people and children ... The former have already received their "credits", the latter have not yet had time to think about this question ...

See the world from a different angle! Perhaps you will see something new for yourself!

The world has deteriorated so much that when you have a pure, sincere person in front of you, you look for a catch in this

When a person says that money can do everything, know: he does not have it and never had it ...

Only space and movement are real, everything else is relative.

It's amazing how one person who accidentally entered your life can radically change it, radically change your environment, your worldview, your habits, feelings, your inner world, thoughts, actions ... Only one person ...

I will say more, roles sometimes shape a worldview.
Mironov Evgeny Vitalievich

All of us are united only by Love, the rest can only be similar or very similar ... God is Love ... And the more Love we have, the closer we are ... "Close in spirit" ... The more Love in a person, the more unity with other people is perceived, with everything around ...

I don’t want to take EVERYTHING from life !!! Why do I need so much trouble? I take only the BEST!)))

Alignment statuses

Many seemingly familiar and everyday words sometimes hide such meanings that most of us have ceased to be perceived in full. Love, Conscience, Truth, Freedom - behind each of them, individual people usually have their own, often truncated understanding, and any conversations about this are already philosophical categories. But I would like to focus on such a concept as Worldview. What is it in general, why is the formation of the correct worldview so important for a person and how to find out what is right and what is not.

Our world is objective. This means that its existence is not conditioned by our ideas and knowledge about it. Regardless of whether you were born or not, nothing would radically change, the laws of physics, mathematics and nature as a whole would work in exactly the same way. On the scale of the universe, the presence of the species Homo sapiens on planet Earth also does not radically change anything, the existence of stars, planets and galaxies is not our business and we are not able to influence the existence of stellar systems in any significant way. We can only study these phenomena as much as the level of development of civilization allows us. In other words, our world is endowed with all the completeness of knowledge about itself, it is objective and self-sufficient, it is exactly what it is, regardless of our ideas about it and no other.

The worldview of each person is built from the entire totality of his knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality. Any facts, theories, laws, algorithms, programs, branches of activity and science that we encounter are building blocks that form our ideas about reality, which is objective in its essence. Those. worldview is just a projection, a kind of image of objectively existing reality in our heads. For the formation of ideas about the world, we are given five senses with certain limited spectra of perception, as well as the mind, which allows us to go beyond these spectra in cognition. Today, no one disputes the existence of radio waves, infrared radiation, radiation, although our senses are not able to perceive them. This is the result of the work of the human mind, which has created auxiliary devices and devices for measuring and using unperceived by us, but objectively existing phenomena.

The question of the correctness of the worldview is how much your idea of ​​the world correlates personally with what it really is. This determines the quality of life in general, whether you ask such questions or not. The criterion of correctness is the practice of life. Many do not want to think about things of global significance and embrace large categories in fabrications, but this does not mean that the processes taking place in these categories do not specifically affect their existence. First, everything is interconnected, the world is one and complete. Secondly, as they say, the larger the lie, the more willingly they believe in it. Very often, due to the unwillingness to rise higher in their understanding and look at the problem / subject of dispute / phenomenon from a bird's eye view, people are unable to see the full picture, to foresee the consequences of their actions and become a victim of large-scale cheating or simply an accomplice in an unjust deed bypassing their own consciousness.

What are the functions of a meaningful formation of a worldview? A simple example. You take a new job. Everything is new there for you, you haven’t met anyone yet, you don’t know how everything is arranged and established there, in a word, you haven’t joined the team yet. As you stay in your workplace, you will learn more and more about the structure of the company, about the team and relationships in it, build your own, develop some kind of automatisms, algorithms for interaction with employees and with the subject of your own labor, etc. etc. The more detailed your idea of ​​a new job becomes, the more efficiently you will begin to accomplish your tasks. Greater understanding of the environment determines greater opportunities in making your own decisions, gives you the ability to react to emergency situations and evaluate your actions and capabilities in advance, anticipating the consequences. In other words, overall understanding of the environment improves the efficiency of your work in the workplace.

A similar process, but lifelong, can be called world outlook formation. It differs from adaptation to a new workplace exclusively in its scale and duration. Each person is able to recognize the process, at intervals of one hour, day, week, month. Changes within the framework of such processes occur quickly, in relation to the duration of a person's life, and therefore are visible and comprehended. Such processes are called high-frequency processes. It is much more difficult to grasp and comprehend the so-called low-frequency processes that last for decades, centuries, millennia. In relation to human life, the process of the formation of a worldview is low-frequency, therefore many do not comprehend as important, and sometimes even as existing.

Within the planet, the management system of society as a whole maintains an algorithm for separating everyone from everyone. This is sometimes called the divide and conquer principle. The educational system "for all" does not teach us to perceive the world as a single and whole, but realizes directly opposite goals - not to allow us to form a single picture of the world. All subjects and sciences are studied separated from each other, and scattered facts and dates form such a shapeless mess in the head that the world seems to us to be one big lottery, where everything is random and unpredictable, and civilization develops spontaneously and chaotically, by itself. In everyday life, a worldview formed in this way is called "kaleidoscopic" and is absolutely incompatible for a full and conscious life in society in view of the inability of the owners of such a worldview to see beyond their nose. Management of long-term low-frequency processes is not available for them, because in such a view of the world there are no interconnections and patterns on the basis of which such an activity could be carried out.

An alternative to this view is the "mosaic" model of the world outlook. Awareness of the wholeness and indivisibility of the reality around us, where everything is conditioned by everything, where each process is the result of some and the cause of other phenomena and actions. Where there is any chance, as a rule, it turns out to be an unknown pattern. Where the cubes, from which our idea of ​​reality is built, form a single picture, and even if there is not enough knowledge cubes in some area, this does not change the picture as a whole, and the presence of missing cubes will make the existing picture more detailed.

There is also a very important nuance in this model. You and I are just one of the many forms of life. There are already seven billion of us, and we are an integral part of this single and integral world. A mosaic of world perception, by definition, cannot be built from one's own "I", since this creates a contradiction with the unity of everything and everyone, with such an understanding there would be seven billion different mosaics on Earth, but in fact we are all just multi-colored glass of one large stained-glass window. We can only guess what or who is the crown of all that exists, some highest form of consciousness, from which all forms of life in the universe spread down the hierarchy. It is foolish to believe that a person is such, if only because we are limited by five senses, that we will never know how many objectively exist in the world of phenomena that are inaccessible to our understanding.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the strength and harmony of the worldview for a person. The more we strive to cognize and learn about our reality, the more our picture of the world has in common with objective reality, the less problems and contradictions will await us on the path of life. The image of being, as a projection of the objective picture of the world onto the plane of consciousness, implies a flat picture. For a more complete representation of this multidimensional picture of the world, one should change the point of view, starting positions. If all our knowledge is not scattered at random, but interconnected and ordered into a single whole, then when viewed, say, from other scales of perception, instead of falling apart into small components, it will only acquire new details, become voluminous, interactive.

For example, we can free ourselves from many global traps and lures like alcohol and tobacco simply by looking at the phenomenon from different worldview positions. Everyone knows for sure that this is harmful. But not everyone realizes that this is poison and very few recognize them as a weapon of genocide, purposefully introduced into society by the cynical rulers of this world on the principle of "divide and conquer" to undermine the gene pool and block the personal development potential of each of us, mowing down hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens annually. Three views on the phenomenon, harm - poison - a weapon of genocide, are different in scale, but only the awareness of the last, most comprehensive in essence view, gives the most complete understanding of the essence of this phenomenon and the goals that it realizes. This is just one example. The more consciously and meaningfully a person approaches the understanding of the world around him, the more difficult it becomes to deceive him, not only in trifles, but also in large ones.

In the age of the Internet, the possibilities of self-education are truly endless. Unlike TV channels and newspapers, where information goes through a lot of filters before getting on the screen or spread, the Internet does not have an editor-in-chief and information can be obtained firsthand. We no longer eat what will be given, we are free to choose. Learn and develop!

A person's worldview is a set of views, assessments, imaginative ideas and principles, which together reflect the person's vision of this world and determine his place in it. Positions in life are also an important component of a worldview, by which it is often easiest to determine what type it belongs to.

A well-formed and conscious attitude to the world gives life a purposeful and meaningful character, therefore, a worldview is important for every person. The study of this phenomenon is being carried out by philosophers and culturologists, who gave the classification to the worldview. In this article we will look at the most common, but it should be borne in mind that there are other classifications.

The main types of worldview

First of all, we note that the term was first voiced by Kant, but he did not distinguish this concept from the world outlook. Schelling introduced the meaning that is accepted today.

The classification of a worldview depends on several factors: firstly, the origin of the value system that a person adheres to is of great importance (for example, to highlight a religious worldview, this is an important determining factor). Secondly, the individual plays an important role in the definition. Thirdly, it is important how aware a person is about the processes around him.

Based on this, different scientists distinguish two classifications:

  1. Mythological, philosophical, socio-political, natural science and religious worldview.
  2. Worldview of everyday experience, mythological and aesthetic.

Thus, the prevalence of different types of worldview is associated with the level of development of society.