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Babylonian pedalization and scattering of peoples.: Boris (Ep Veniamin) Pushkar read book online, read for free. Babylonian tower. Babel

Lesson24.Vavilonian pussy. Mixing languages. Buck Fita


· the child learns that the word "Ham" is borrowed from greekwhere it is normal name Hama, son of Noah; and is used in the value of a coarse, arrogant;

· will come to the conclusion that the reason for the mixing of the languages \u200b\u200bwas human pride;

· evidence of eyewitnesses will meet that the ark is located on the mountain Big Ararat, in the ice of the mountain lake on the very top of the mountain .

№ M-F

Names media files

Righteous (icon)

02 / video

Start of construction Tower: 1 min 21 s

03 / Video

Babylonian Tower: 27 with

Babylonian tower

05 / video

Language mixing: 28 s

06 / video

Scattering peoples: 1 min 5 s

Ararat Mountains

Big Ararat

Crucifixion with the skull of Adam

I.Staroslavyansky alphabet. Lesson 16.

II. Check DZ.

Guys ready-shaped definitions.

The teacher reads the definition of the word "Ham" from the etymological dictionary :"How menant name In the meaning of "Grubian", "Men serfs". It originated on the basis of the Church Slavonic Ham, borrowed from the Greek language, where it is its own name of the Biblical Ham, who has been supervised above the nague of his father. "

IN encyclopedic dictionary Such a definition: "Ham is one of the three sons of Noah, from which the whole earth" has inhabited "after the World Flood. Cursed the Noah, in the face of his son Khanaan, for the fact that he was hazarded over the nague of the Father.

In the figurative sense, the name of the Ham is used to designate a person from the "simpleness", uneducated, coarse, later became a numerous, denoting coarse, arrogant. "

And in the dictionary of Vladimir Ivanovich Daly we can read that Hama is a subtle people.

That is why people of arrogant, coarse, irrevocably belonging to other people, are called Hamami.

· Remember how it was that righteous Nooy oponyel (Mr. 01. Righteous) ? (He still did not know the properties of wine).

According to St. John of Zlatoust, it is Noyizori the art of cultivating grapes. The Bible says that wine Bogdal people to maintain health, i.e. it is a kind of medicine.

· What do you think it will happen to a person if you hang a whole package, let the dashes of good medicine?

Completely, it can get strongest poisoning or even die.

Noah first knepping the properties of wine. And the Bible does not accidentally tell us what happened with Noah: the excessive use of wine made it as if the dead, defenseless. Through this, the Lord seems to tell us: "Wine is a medicine, be careful with him!"

Before opening a man Wine, the Lord showed what could be if this medicine is consumed. There is even such an expression "abuse wine".

· How do you understand it? (The use of wine in evil, i.e. when it brings not benefits, but harm).

Open the notebook on page 50 and read the topic of the lesson.

Noah lived 950 years old, he was the last, reached such deep old age. After him, human strength began to weaken, and people could live only up to 400 years. But even with such, still a long life, people quickly multiplied. First they lived together one big family, not far from the mountains of Ararat, in one country, which was called the Challia Country, and spoke on a sing.

Over time, the first post-car states began to occur. The Bible tells that the founder of the first Babylonian kingdom was Nimrod from the offspring of Ham ... It was "strong beasts" and in nature resembled the first builder of cities - Cain. Nimrod founded the city (Babylon), who rapidly rummaged in a big proud capital, which became the head of the numerous population with a number of other cities. Such success filled the nimsion and his descendants with extraordinary pride. They began to dream of the foundation of the World Kingdom, in which the descendants of Ham would take the dominant position. The pride reached them to the fact that they, at the Council, decided to build a "tower of embroidered to heaven" as a sign of their power and explicit yoke care. (m-F 02 / Video. Start building tower: 1 min 21 s).

· Do you think that their ideas can be called criminal and dangerous?

Criminal because it followed from pride, passing into benothery and goggle care, and dangerous because he left the Hamite environment who had time to distinguish between their wicked (Mr. 03 / Video. Babylonian Tower: 27 c)

And now the work boiled. People began to burn bricks and harvest an earthen resin. Preparation construction materialPeople began to build a tower ( mr. 04. Babylonian tower). "And the Lord said: Here, one people, and one in all language; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they wondered to do; We will take advantage and mix them there, so that one does not understand the speech of another. And scattered their Lord from there along the whole earth " .

People, without understanding each other's language, stopped the construction of the city and the tower and diverged into different directions, settleing on the free lands and creating their culture there. The city, which they built with the tower, they called Babylon, which means mixing (M-f 05 / video. Mixed languages: 28 s).

The scattering of peoples on the ground had positive value. First, people did not undergo such despots such as Nimrod, and, secondly, humanity, zealing throughout the Earth in the form of individual tribes and peoples, presented complete freedom to develop their national abilities, as well as arrange their lives in accordance with the terms Residence and historical features (mr. 06. The settlement of peoples: 1 min 05 s).

There are people who doubt the reality of the events described in the Bible, and that, they say, the story of Noah, no more than the myth.

But oddly enough, the first confirmation of the history of Nov, scientists found in mythology.

Scientists Ethnologists have discovered 59 legends of the Flood in North America's Aboriginal, 46-in South America17-in the Middle East, 23 - in Asia, 31-in the ancient Europeans and 37-in Australia Oceania.

(At the discretion of the teacher : "Not one of us, now living, does not come from the original race of people who have fallen completely. We all take their beginning from Gengoron. People of the first race were arrogant pride. They did not hold their words did not give a shelter to wanderers, were blind to the plea. "(Greek legend).

"There was a lot of time after Kum Humoa - the first person. - Reports Hawaiian legend. - Land Mired in sin and the gods stopped worshiping. One person was righteous. His name was well. "

"Gerkalion with his wives disappeared in a huge ship. There were boars and horses, lions and snakes and other animals came there. He accompanied them all." (Greece).

"The old man built a huge ship and fits in it with all his family and many animals" (Aborigines Cubes.).

"Well, I made a huge canoe. I climbed into it, taking apparers of plants and animals ". (Hawaiians.)

"Wanting to bring a flood God warned the note and his wife, saying, saying:" Walking huge cypress. On it you will be saved in Rottocoty. Waves will be height to heaven. "So they did, and God closed the door" (Legend of Aztec).

"The angry god of Mbeena collected the rain clouds and the water flows were poured on the burdened land." (Legend about Fiji).

"The land unexpectedly opened its gateways. Has a terrible shower. Rivers left the shores" (Greeks).

"The spilled rivers flooded open plains and took with them high bread, graves, herds, people and temples. The bodies of the fallen swam as the trunks of the trees. They were like fishing cheeks in the sea. Cities, hills and mountains slowly plunged into the abyss. Now everything has become the ocean . The wolf floats next to the sheep. " (Latin poet. Ovid.)

"Every day it was raining, it rained every night. The sky collapsed. The lands were not. All animals drowned. Sushi did not." (Atapackan Indians).

"Lost bird was looking for a lot of land, where she could sit down, but her wings could not stand it and she fell into the sea" (Ovid)

"God overwhelmed the world with water." (Lapland).

"Everything was killed, except for Gengoron, who thanks to his virtue was saved. And from him there was a new race of people." (Greeks)

"A year later, the water began to retreat." (Transylvania)

"The sharp wind blew and dried the ground." (Persia)

"He released a crow, who first did not return, and then remained to peck dead bodies, but then flew, holding a green branch in the beak." (Moachen Indians)

"All those who have saved, and there were eight, they sailed to Mbeen." (Fiji)

The Egyptians said that the gods cleared the land with a great flood, after which only a few shepherds were saved. Hinduses say that Manu saved from the flood on the ship, which the fish dragged to the mountain. British druids also talked about the secondary settlement of the Earth through a pious patriarch sent to punish people for their great corruption. Greenland tradition argues that one day

creation staggered and all people drowned, with the exception of one man and one woman who again settled the earth.)

Although all these legends have a number of their own characteristics and are strongly contaminated with the pagan layers, but they all converge in three main details:

Destructive flood occurred;

There was a ship for salvation;

The human race was saved in the face of several people (most often than one family).

Many legends report that people saved on high mountain. Here, obviously, the memory of the ark is stopped on the mountains of Ararat.

· What do you think, why do different nations who are not related to each other living on different continents, are there very close to the content of the tradition of the Flood and the salvation of the chosen people?

(Children's assumptions).

The descendants of Simima, Hama and Jafet, disappearing throughout the land, carried with them and the history of Noah and handed it to their descendants.

The second confirmation of the historicity of the World Flood brought modern geology, the science of the structure, composition and history of the earth's crust, which revealed the evidence of the universal catastrophe in the earthly rocks.

· What do you think I could give an indisputable confirmation of the World Flood and the history of Noah?

Of course, the find of Noah's ark!

· Remember that the Bible says where the ark stopped?

The Bible says that the ark stopped on the mountains of Ararat ( mr. 07. Ararat Mountains).Why is said about Ararat in multiple number? Because there is a big Ararat and Small Ararat. Big Ararat (Mr. 08. Big Ararat) - This is a mountain of 5165 meters high, i.e. more than 5 km. The peak of this mountain is almost a kilometer covered with ice. And on the top of the top is the mountain lake, where ice cover is significantly less.

Today, science has irrefutable actual data on the legendary ark.

Even in the first century to R.Kh. Historians, among whom were Babylonians, wrote that in the Ararat mountains there is an ancient ark, and with him people put dip the resin to use it as an antidote or amulets.

And in the 1st century on R.Kh. We find messages that many brought particles of the ark from Ararat.

In the 19th century, several reports appeared about the villages of the ark. The launches were told that they even visited the ship, which had compartments, most of which were filled with ice.

In 1893, Dr. Nouri from Jerusalem went on a trip

(in the upper husband of Euphrat). Upon return, he told about the remnants of the ship in eternal ice: "Inside, it was all full of snow, the side was dark red ... the front and rear part ... are achievable, and the middle part remains under the ice."

Measuring the ark, Nouri came to the conclusion that his sizes are identical to the Bible.

After 24 years, in 1916, the Russian pilot Vladimir Rostovitsky-substitred at the top of Ararat's carcass of a huge ship. Then, by order of Emperor Nikolai II, an expedition was formed, which arrives at Ararat, found an ark by conducting all the necessary measurements and photography. However, the revolution burying soon buried the whole richest material mined by an expedition. This is how Vladimir Rostovitsky himself tells about this, who also participated in the expedition: "I made several pieces over him. It was the size of the city quarter as a modern combat cruiser. He lay on the shore of the lake, a quarter leaving into the water. On the one hand, its corps was partially disassembled, and on board the square door width about six meters. It seemed unusual to me. After all, even now, ships do not have such large doors ... Inside the ark consisted of hundreds of compartments, some were small, but spacious rooms with high ceilings came across. The tree was covered with a wax substance, and the skill with which the ship was made, pointed to high level Builders. Experts suggested that the design is made from oleander, the tree of a family of cypressov, which does not rot ... "

A little more than 50 years ago, the climbers were taken by two attempts to find Noah the Ark, but they ended unsuccessfully due to snow storms.

In the cold years, the ark is covered with ice and snow and is not visible, and in the hot years in the summer, part of it is exposed, but it happens very rarely.

Detect the Ark managed to French Alpinist Fernun Navarre in 1955. Navarre found the ark inserted into the ice of the most mountain lake, which is located on the top of the mountain, at an altitude of 5 km and managed to cut a piece of trimming the ship. Aradoactive analysis conducted in several countries confirmed the age of construction - about five thousand years. Navarre managed with its pictures and scientific research Confirm the existence of Noahow Ark.

After him, Ararat rose a few more expeditions, bringing new testimonies and pieces of trim. But about 30 years ago, the Turkish government banned the lifting .

As the sacred legend says, when the flood began, Noah took with him to the ark as the Great Shrine Skull Adam. Then he gave her to her senior son to Sim. Sim built the city of Ioppiu, then built the altar, who put the head of Adam, and the city of Jerusalem founded the city of Jerusalem, which means "peace of God", i.e. The place where humanity should reconcile with God, the crucifixion of Christ the Savior. Then this place was conquered by descendants of Hama, and the place where Adam's head began to be launched. But by memory, the people called this place "Calvary", which in Jewish means "skull, forehead." According to an ancient legend, Christ was crucified on the place where the head of Adam was buried, and the blood that expired from the Russian Academy of Sciences of Jesus was buried, through the crevice in the ground leaked deep into the rock and Obagila Adam's skull. This meant that the sins of mankind was washed away with the blood of Christ the SaviorAfter downloading, the file must be unzipped (RAR archive)

Water floods updated the face of the earth, but did not change the fallen nature of the person. There was left for sin. Already four generations after the Flood (during the Falek, the Son of the Jewel) there was an event that had great consequences in the history of mankind. We are talking about an attempt to build a tower in the valley of Sennar little to Heaven (Gen. 11, 4), which was named Babylonian. The builders of the tower had two motifs, both - sinful. First: let's make a name (Gen. 11, 4), that is, we glorify. Caused this desire was gordney And we strongly. These are the same vices that led to the death of ancillary mankind. The second motive was also a fierce. Builders said: Build a city and tower and make yourself a name bEFORE NEW REDUCED ON THE FACE OF ALL EARTH (Gen. 11, 4). This showed an explicit opposition to the will of God, who said: move and multiply, and apply to the ground (Gen. 9, 7). IN Sacred Scripture The builders are named by the Sums of Human (see: Gen. 11, 5). Previously, the descendants of Cain were named. In the event described, this expression applied to the descendants of Hama. Ham was the son of Noah, but he committed severe sin - he was extremely laughing at his father.

Although the initiative proceeded from the Khamita, probably the whole of the then still a few human genus participated in an attempt to embody this proud and crazy venture, because the punishment (kneading languages) was affected by everyone. The Lord said: we will go and mix them there, so that one does not understand the speech of another (Gen. 11, 7). Multiple form of verbs (coil eat and smeasher eat) Indicates the interview of all the people of the Divine Trinity.

What should be understood under the expression mixing languages? Origen, Christian Writer of the beginning of the III century, believed that the Guardians angels gave their tongue to each people and they stopped understanding each other. The exception touched only the Jewish people, who, being lots of God himself, retained the language given by the Lord's still Adam. This opinion shared Blessed Augustine: jewish He was the language of Adam, the rest of the nations got new as a result of mixing.

God scattered people across the earth, and they stopped building the tower. The city was called Babylonwhat means - mixing. The event is not only witnessed in the belligent Scripture, but also peculiarly chained and imprinted in the historical memory of the people of the pagan. Assier George Smith deciphered and in 1876 published the Chaldean text, which tells: "Babylon criminally addressed the evil and began to build a great tower. Small and great began to work.<...> But at night, the God of Ana completely stopped their work. In his anger, he also poured his secret council before the gods to dispel them everywhere and turn his face against them; Gave the command to make them alien to them and prevent their work "(quota. By: Lopukhin A. P. Biblical history Old Testament. Holy Trinity Sergiev Lava. 1998. T. 1. P. 219).

In christian literature The Babylonian Tower has become a symbol of a beard. The city of Babylon, which has grown on the site of the construction of the Tower, in the revelation of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist John the Theologian as a symbol of the Depraved and Bog's opposite world is opposed to the sacrobility of the Holy Church - Heavenly Jerusalem.

In the mixing of languages, the good care of the fishery of God's people seems. If the human genus was connected under the rule of one king, which would probably be the son of Husha Nimrod, the man "cruel and proud" (as Holy John of Zlatoust writes), then everyone would be under a serious oppression.

The main reason for mixing languages \u200b\u200bwas to preserve and did not disappear in the emerging paganism true comament. The confirmation of this thought can be found in the fact that the author of the Book of Genesis of the Prophet Moses immediately after the story of the scattering of peoples tells about the pious Abraham, which preserves faith in the true God.

Presentation from the cycle "Sacred Biblical History of the Old Testament" on the Babylonian Stalls and Scattering of Humanity on the textbook of Archbishop of Veniamine (Pushkar), Metropolitan Vladivostok and Primorsky (2.0 mV, PPTX).

Construction of cities, Namrod, Babylon, peopling scattering, idolatry.

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But people settled on the ground not immediately. At first they lived in the Ararat Valley with one big family and spoke in the same language. Wishing to return to the homeland of his fathers, people began to move into the Senaric valley, which was between the rivers Tiger and Euphrate. Fertile soil other favorable conditions Mesopotamia was attracted here Postopotopic humanity, and soon civilization began to develop. There were the first post-concrete states, such as Sumerian, Akkada and Babylonian.

The Bible tells that the founder of the first Babylonian kingdom and the conqueror of Assyria was Nimrod from the offspring of Ham ... It was "strong beasts" and in its nature resembled the first builder of Cain cities. Nimrod founded the city (Babylon), who rapidly rummaged in a big proud capital, which became the head of the numerous population with a number of other cities.

It is not surprising that such success filled the numerics and his descendants with extraordinary pride. They began to dream of the foundation of the world monarchy, in which the descendants of Hama would take a dominant position. The pride reached them before what they, at the Council, decided to build a "tower of embroidered to heaven as a sign of their political power and explicit goggle care. The company undoubtedly was insane and unfulfilled, but at the same time it was criminal and dangerous. Criminous because he flowled out of pride, passing into benotranship and goggle care, and dangerous because it came out of the Hamite environment who had already had to distinguish between their wickedness. And now the work boiled. People began to burn bricks and harvest an earthen resin. Preparation of building material, people began to build a tower.

"And the Lord said: Here, one people, and one in all language; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they wondered to do; We will take advantage and mix them there, so that one does not understand the speech of another. And the Lord scattered them from there along the whole earth. " (Gen. 11: 6-8).

People, without understanding each other's language, stopped the construction of the city and the tower and diverged into different directions, settleing on the free lands and creating their culture there. The city, which they built along with the tower, they called Babylon, which means mixing. The event "Mixing Languages" can not be identified with the advent of new languages. Languages \u200b\u200bappeared gradually, at the same time, during the construction of the tower. The Lord mixed their concepts, so people did not know each other.

The event is the mixing of languages \u200b\u200band the scattering of peoples on the ground - had a positive value. First, people avoided oppression and political despotism, which would inevitably happen if they had fallen under the power of such despots as Nimrod. Secondly, the scattering of humanity, the Lord prevented the possibility of extreme religious and moral corruption; And thirdly, mankind, zealing throughout the Earth in the form of individual tribes and peoples, presented complete freedom to develop their national abilities, as well as arrange their lives according to the conditions of residence and historical features.

But, leaving farther and further into the unknown land for them, people gradually began to forget the legends about the true God. Under the influence of terrible phenomena of the environment, people first began to distort the true concept of God, and then they completely forgot him. Forgetting the true God, people, of course, did not become absolute atheists, in the depths of their spiritual nature there was a religious feeling, they had a need for spiritual life, their souls were to God. But, having lost the concept of an invisible God, they began to deify objects and phenomena visible nature. So there appeared idolatry.

Idolatry was expressed in three main types: Sabempimme - the connivation of stars, the sun and the moon; zotiness - animal connivation; and anthropotyism - human exercise. These three types of idolatry found subsequently the most sharp expression in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece.

Waves of sin and superstition, flooding the earth, again threatened to eradicate in the hearts of people a true religion, and with her and hope at the coming Messiah, who should release people from slavery to sin and moral death.

But people settled on the ground not immediately. At first they lived in the Ararat Valley with one big family and spoke in the same language. Wishing to return to the homeland of his fathers, people began to move into the Senaric valley, which was between the rivers Tiger and Euphrate. Fertile soil and other favorable conditions of Mesopotamia were attracted here Postopotopic humanity, and soon civilization began to develop. There were the first post-concrete states, such as Sumerian, Akkada and Babylonian. The Bible tells that the founder of the first Babylonian kingdom and the conqueror of Assyria was Nimrod from the offspring of Ham ... It was "strong beasts" and in its nature resembled the first builder of Cain cities. Nimrod founded the city (Babylon), who rapidly rummaged in a big proud capital, which became the head of the numerous population with a number of other cities. It is not surprising that such success filled the numerics and his descendants with extraordinary pride. They began to dream of the foundation of the world monarchy, in which the descendants of Hama would take a dominant position. The pride reached them before what they, at the Council, decided to build a "tower of embroidered to heaven as a sign of their political power and explicit goggle care. The company undoubtedly was insane and unfulfilled, but at the same time it was criminal and dangerous. Criminous because he flowled out of pride, passing into benotranship and goggle care, and dangerous because it came out of the Hamite environment who had already had to distinguish between their wickedness.

And now the work boiled. People began to burn bricks and harvest an earthen resin. Preparation of building material, people began to build a tower. "And the Lord said: Here, one people, and one in all language; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they wondered to do; We will take advantage and mix them there, so that one does not understand the speech of another. And the Lord scattered them from there along the whole earth. " (Gen. 11: 6-8). People, without understanding each other's language, stopped the construction of the city and the tower and diverged into different directions, settleing on the free lands and creating their culture there. The city, which they built along with the tower, they called Babylon, which means mixing.

The event "Mixing Languages" can not be identified with the advent of new languages. Languages \u200b\u200bappeared gradually, at the same time, during the construction of the tower. The Lord mixed their concepts, so people did not know each other. The event is the mixing of languages \u200b\u200band the scattering of peoples on the ground - had a positive value.

First, people avoided oppression and political despotism, which would inevitably happen if they had fallen under the power of such despots as Nimrod.

Secondly, the scattering of humanity, the Lord prevented the possibility of extreme religious and moral corruption;

and thirdly, mankind, zealing throughout the Earth in the form of individual tribes and peoples, presented complete freedom to develop their national abilities, as well as arrange their lives according to the conditions of residence and historical features.

Start of idolatry

But, leaving farther and further into the unknown land for them, people gradually began to forget the legends about the true God. Under the influence of terrible phenomena of the environment, people first began to distort the true concept of God, and then they completely forgot him. Forgetting the true God, people, of course, did not become absolute atheists, in the depths of their spiritual nature there was a religious feeling, they had a need for spiritual life, their souls were to God.

But, losing the concept of an invisible God, they began to deify objects and phenomena of the visible nature. So there appeared idolatry.

Idolatry was expressed in three main types: Sabempimme - the connivation of stars, the sun and the moon; zotiness - animal connivation; and anthropotyism - human exercise. These three types of idolatry found subsequently the most sharp expression in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece.

By erecting a similar colossal tower, the builders wanted to put a monument to their outstanding art and thereby indifferent to themselves in the eyes of the total offspring; Perhaps they joined them and the powerful things to create such a support paragraph of dominion, from where it would be convenient to extend their power to possibly large quantity population; Finally, in the intention of builders, it was probably and the desire to prevent the implementation of the divine prophecy about the general scattering of the descendants of Noah () by creating such a center, which would be visible for everyone and again unite everyone around him.

and make a name,


Initial words of the text: "Before, rather than" in jewish text expressed by the Union of Ken, which fully admits the other translation of it equivalent to Greek ήή and Russian "so that"; In this last form, he shall the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text about the crime of construction workers.

Mixing languages \u200b\u200band resettlement of peoples

Genesis.11: 5. And the Lord went to see the city and the tower,

The atvalous one does not need to persistent desired descent, as it is discovered by all, even the most intimate thoughts of the human heart (;;), therefore, this expression is an anthropomorphic, indicating the production of a divine court over human enterprises (;). "The Lord lies on Earth when, without providing subsequent events of the will of people, he is preparing to be miraculously upset their plans. The Lord will conjunciate to see the city and the tower, because the creation of them proved a deep damage to the soul, and this expression indicates that the Lord paid special attention to sinners and decided to take measures to disengage them "(Vlasto).

who built human sons.

"In an extensive sense, this name belongs to all people, pious and wicked, and indicates their natural nobility before almighty (the sons of human, or adamov, which means the" Sons of Pern "); But here this is speechProbably, the members of the wicked Hamov tribe, who were the main perpetrators of the enterprise and deception involved in the members of the pious tribe "(Ep. Vissarion). This is confirmed by the biblical context from which it can be seen that at the previous time the chief builder of cities is the descendant of Hama - Kushtyanin Nimrod ().

Genesis 11: 6. And the Lord said: Here, one people, and one in all language; And that's what they started to do, and they will not stop from what they wondered to do;

Genesis.11: 8. And scattered their Lord from there all over the Earth; And they stopped building the city [and the tower].

Genesis.11: 30. And Sarah was untold and childless.

Important detail that prepares for subsequent narration ().

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Genesis.11: 31. And Farrah Abram, his son, and lot, son Aranova, his grandchild, and Sarah, his daughter-in-law, his wife Abram, his son, and came out with them from Hulled Huldesky to go to the land of Canaan; But, having reached Harran, they stopped there.

Moses here does not explain to us the motives of resettlement Farri from his domestic land, but in another place () he himself indicates, and other sacred writers and directly say that it was done by him by virtue of the special divine command (;), which had obviously , It is necessary to preserve the house of Farri from infection with universal idolatry (). From the southern region, Helje Farra, with all those listed here, the members of his family moved to the north to the land of Canaan, i.e., by the limits of Syria and Palestine; But on the path of its resettlement, they made a more or less long stop in Harran, the area lying at the Beliya River, on the direct route between Nizibia and Gargami, often found in wedge-shaped texts and also known for the famous battle of Crassus with Parfians.

Genesis.11: 32. and Farra died in Harran.

Even Farre himself, as a touchdid idolatry (), was not destined to see the lands of the promised, and it was defined to die on the way to her - in Harran.