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Bardard: Tale. "Bottry Dvor" George Orwell

Satyric story-parable " Barnyard"Based in February 1944. George Orwell consciously wrote her simple and understandableSo that translators (especially Russians) could easily convey her true meaning to anyone, even the most infinite reader.

Consisting of ten chapters the book is a classic antiutopia.based on the real historical eventswhich occurred in Russia from 1917 to 1944. The work opens with the speech of the old prize crying of the leader (prototype - Lenin), calling animals (workers and peasants) to fight humanity (dominant class). The second chapter tells about the underground struggle, a spontaneous uprising of hungry animals against Mr. Jones (prototype - Nicholas II) and the transformation of the "Dummy" ( Russian Empire) In the "Bottry Dvor" (USSR). In the third part of the work, the author draws the impact work of the new state, the fourth show the attitude of neighboring farms (countries) - Plotne (US) Mr. Kalmington (Prototype - Winston Churchill) and Sloki (Germany) Mr. Peter (Adolf Hitler) to a new farm. The fifth chapter story tells about flight from the "cattle courtyard" of the intellectuals in the face of loving lump sugar and multicolored ribbons of the Molly horses developed by the collapse (prototype - Leo Trotsky) windmill (NEP - the new economic policy of the USSR, which came to the 20s of the 20th century) And the displacement of the smart and enterprising boar is slow (at first glance) Napoleon (prototype - Joseph Stalin).

In the sixth part of the work of Orwell depicts the heavy labor of animals, the emergence of the need for objects in the society produced outside the farm (foreign imports), the establishment of Napoleon's new trade policy with the outside world. At this stage historical Development Farms (USSR) pigs move to the master's house (contrary to the established head of seven commandments, which they slowly begin to rewrite) and begin to look for an inner enemy (destroyed by the wind mill with a stukacher (prototype - Vyacheslav Molotov) becomes a diversion from Napoleon's dogs (Soviet power structures) collapse).

In the seventh part of the "cattle courtyard" there is a restoration of a windmill (a symbolic image, ascending back to the tradition of servants), hunger is hit to the farm, after which there are indicative executions of the collaboration supporters. The eighth chapter tells about the cult of Napoleon's personality (Stalin) and windmill (Great Patriotic War). In the ninth part, the animals comes awareness of the vocabulary of life, in the tenth - Orwell gives a picture of both the present and future England (prototype - Europe), in which human farms take an animal, and the inhabitants of the latter come to the conclusion that the pig leading Do not differ from people (capitalist enemies).

The internal political confrontation between people (rich) and animals (poor people) is completed by the formation of a new ideal society based on the principles of equality. The bundle inside the animal world occurs gradually, but his primitives are already visible in the very first acts of pigs (nominate them to leading positions during general meetings, selection of milk and apples in animals). The arrival of Napoleon's power is drawn and as natural (farm inhabitants are accustomed to his leadership), and as a power (it supports nine ferocious pieces). Blowing political slogans ( "Four legs are good, two - bad!", "Four legs are good, two - better!") Sheep symbolize the minor farm population (USSR), going to power. Strengthening the government's position of Napoleon occurs through lies and deception: the seven commandments written on the wall of the barn are constantly changing, acquiring the new necessary leader, the meaning; Everything that happens on the farm turns into kicks down on the head. The history of the "Cottory" is being completed by establishing friendly relations with people and a complete approach of pigs, which at the beginning begin to walk on two legs, then wearing human clothes and be in a row on human face.

Artistic images of major heroes They have either specific historical (Nicholas II, Stalin, Trotsky, Molotov), \u200b\u200bor summarized prototypes. Horing-horse nicknamed fighter symbolizes a working class, seeing the only opportunity to improve his life by everyday life. The harder the situation on the farm becomes, the stronger the horse is injected into operation. The fighter believes Comrade Napoleon, from time to time doubts that he tells him Schukach, but every time it goes to build a windmill, spending on it as his working, and personal time.

Long-suffering chickens forced to give their eggs for sale (so that Napoleon can replenish the filling of the farm hunger) and periodically dare from the inner rebels, then from the leadership on themselves (several birds are executed for what they have dreamed of how they collaborated Schukachem) are symbolic of the Soviet peasantry.

The dissident layer of society is the old donkey of Veniamin - most often silent, but periodically opening the eyes of the eyes to the actions of the authorities (for example, when the van of the stigro takes off the farm of the patient's fighter). It is this hero that best understands the essence of what is happening on the "livestock": "They never lived neither better, nor worse - hunger, the unbearable work and deceived expectations, such, he said, inequish the law of life".

The clergy in the story of Orwell was embodied in artistic education Mr. Jones's pet is a manual crow Moses (another speaking name, indicating the biblical basis of the character). With this hero, the reader meets twice: to the uprising of animals (the times of the Russian Empire and the flourishing of Orthodoxy) and after the fight under the windmill (partial revival of Orthodoxy after the end of the Great Patriotic War).

George Orwell


Mr. Jones from the farm "Manor" closed the chicken coop for the night, but he was so drunk that forgot to shut hole holes. Putting the back door with the foot, he dug through the courtyard, unable to get out of the circle of light from the lantern, dancing in his hand, the last cup of beer beer from the keg in the kitchen and went to bed, where Mrs. Jones had already fused.

As soon as the bed went out the light, a restless movement began on the farm. It was rumored all day that the old Mayer, the prize poorer from Middluita, saw a strange dream last night and would like to tell him the rest of the animals. Everyone agreed to meet in a big barn, as soon as Mr. Jones finally hits the eyes. The old Mayer (so he was always called, although the name under which he was represented at exhibitions, sounded like the beauty of Willinger), enjoyed such respect to the farm that everyone had unconditionally agreed.

Meyer was already waiting for, as usual, cozy at his straw litble on the elevation at the end of the barn, under the lantern suspended to the beam. He was already twelve years old and in lately He was heard rather in the width, but nevertheless continued to remain all the same noble borov, in whose eyes wisdom and goodwill, despite frightening fangs. While all the animals gathered and made each to their taste, quite a long time passed. Three PSA - Blishell, Jesse and Pinscher came first, and behind them, the pigs, who immediately settled on the straw before the elevation. The chickens are located on the windowsill, pigeons, pursuer, got rushed on rafters, and sheep and cows left immediately behind the pigs and began to make their chewing. Together they came down the horses boxer and clover. They moved slowly and carefully, trying to make their wide hairy hooves to occupy as little space as possible. The clover was a tall mare of the average years, finally blurred after the birth of a fourth foam. The appearance of the boxer caused involuntary respect - height in the withers more than 6 feet, it was so strong as two ordinary horses taken together. The White Straight, which crossed his physiognomy, gave him a rather stupid look, and he really did not shine intellect, but used a universal location for even character and amazing hardworking. After the horses were Muriel, a white goat, and Donkey Benjamin. On the farm, he lived longer than everyone and was distinguished by the contrary character. He spoke rarely, but in these cases usually hesitated some cynical remark - for example, he somehow mentioned that the Lord God had handed it with his tail to choke from the hedge, but he would prefer to do without heded and without a tail. The only among all animals, on the farm he never laughed. On the question of the reasons for such a gloomy, he answered that he did not see reasons for laughter. Nevertheless, he was tied to the boxer; As a rule, they spent Sundays side by side in a small header next to the garden, plugging herbs.

Almost only the boxer and the clover lay down, as a brood broke into the barn, lost her mother; Miscellaneously crackled, they began to rummage from side aside in search of a safe place, where no one imparted to nobody. Finding that the elongated front legs of the clover are something like a protective wall, ducklings dangled into this shelter and immediately plunged into sleep. Finally, in the barn, Khrushi Sugar, coquettishly entered Molly, stupid, but beautiful white dip gallery, which tuskled the twirl in Mr. Jones. She took a place in the forefront and immediately began to play with a white mane, in the hope of attracting attention to the red ribbons woven into it. And the last cat appeared, which, as usual, looked around in search of the warmest place and finally slid between the boxer and the clover; Here, she was indifferent and purred during the speech of Mayer, without having heard a single word from her.

In addition to the Mosus, a manual crow, who dreamed on the pole near the back door, now all animals were assembled. Suggested to everyone to get comfortable and waiting for silence, Mayer cleared her throat and began:

So, friends, what is the meaning of our being with you? Let's see the truth in the face: brief days Our life is in humiliation and hard work. Since that minute, as we appear on the world, we give to eat exactly so much that life does not fade in us, and those who have enough power are forced to work until the last sigh; And, as usual, when we become nobody needed, we are sent to the slaughter with monstrous cruelty. No animal in England after he blows the year, does not know what happiness or at least a well-deserved rest. No animal in England knows what freedom is. Our life is poverty and slavery. Such is the truth.

But is these true order of things? Does this happen from the fact that our earth is poor and can not feed those who live on her and cultivate it? No, comrades, there are no thousand times! The climate in England is soft, the earth is fertile, and she is able to feed much large quantity Animals than now dwell on it. Such a farm, like ours, is able to contain a dozen horses, twenty cows, a hundred sheep - and their life will be full of such comfort, such a feeling of self-esteem, which we can not even even dream of. But why do we continue to live in such a miserable conditions? Because almost all that we produce our work on the world are fleeing people. Here, comrades, what the answer to all our questions lies. He lies in a single word - man. That's who our only genuine enemy is a man. Remove the person from the scene, and the reason for hunger and non-impact will disappear forever.

A person is the only creature that consumes without producing anything. He does not give milk, he does not bear eggs, it is too weak to carry a plow, it is too slow down to catch rabbits. And yet he is the supreme lord over all animals. He drives them to work, he squeezes him at exactly so much so that they do not suffer from hunger - still the rest remains in his possession. Our work cultivates the soil, our manure fertilizes it - and yet each of us has only its skin. Here you are, cows lying in front of me - how many thousands of milk gallons you have already given last year? And what happened to this milk who could you let strong calves? All it, to the last drop, was absorbed by the sips of our enemies. And you, chickens, how many eggs did you demolish this year and how much the chickens have grown? And the rest were sent to the market, in the pockets of Jones and others like them with them. Tell me, Klover, where are your four foals, who did you endure and gave birth in suffering, foals, what should have you been supporting and comforted in old age? All of them were sold back in an annual age - and you will not bring any of them again again, and after you suffered four times in the birth torps, after you raised the Fields under the lot - what do you have, except for the sowing of oats and Old stall?

But even our pathetic life cannot end in a natural way. I'm not talking about myself, because I was lucky. I lived to twelve years and made more than four hundred children. For pig I lived decent life. But no animal can avoid at the end of the life of the ruthless knife. Here you are young piglets that they are sitting in front of me - all of you are up to one, will not go through the year, cums your life in that fence. And this terrible fate is waiting for all - cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, all to one. Even horses and dogs do not get the best proportion. That distant day will come when mighty muscles will refuse to serve you, a boxer, and Jones will send you to a person skilled in the mainstream, which will cut your throat and makes you a chowder from you. As for dogs, when they make up and their teeth will fall, Jones will give them a brick and a pink of his legs to the nearest pond.

And wasn't it now extremely clear, comrades, that the source of that evil, which all our life is permeated is the tyranny of humanity? It is only worth getting rid of a person, and the fruits of our works will move to our property! And this evening, the dawn of our freedom can catch fire, which will make us rich and independent. What do we have to do for this? Work day and night, giving and body and soul to get rid of the tyranny of a person! And I urge you, comrades, - uprising! I don't know when it breaks up, in a week or a hundred years, but as clear as I see this straw under my legs, I know that sooner or later justice will triumph. And no matter how much you can live, comrades, devote your life to this idea! And besides, I'll let me convey my message to those who come after you so that future generations could continue to fight to a victorious end.

On the farm "Manor", which is located next to the town of Willinger in England, ripening the uprising. At the beginning of the story of the farm owns a local alcoholic farmer Mr. Jones. Farm business go out of hand badly. At night, all the respected Borov clever suggests them to raise the uprising, which calls to overthrow the power of people and performs the song "Beasts of England". A few days later, he dies. Animals led by boars Napoleon, Snowball and squeezing are preparing for an uprising. Once, Jones forgets to feed animals, and it becomes the cause of the uprising. Animals persecute him, and the farm managers become pigs. Animals proclaim seven commandments that everyone must observe. The snowball from a green tablecloth created a flag, drawing a white hoof and horn. Green color symbolized the fields of England, and hoof and horn personified the republic of animals. On the renewed "cattle yard", animals consider themselves free and happy despite the fact that they have to work from sunset to dawn. Special labor qualities shows the old horse box, which works for three. At one of the assembly, Napoleon seizes the sole power on the farm, based on the support of ten huge pieces, which he raised, hiding still with puppies. Another leader of the uprising, snowball, fled, and since then no one has seen him. The purpose of animals becomes the construction of a windmill. They work even more, the boxer at the construction site undermines health. Once a storm destroys the practically built windmill. Napoleon announces the explosion of the escaped Snow to the sabotage and speaks him in absentia to death. On the orders of Napoleon, several animals are executed by dogs (including four piglets that protested against the abolition of Napoleon Sunday Assemblies) and birds on charges of secret connection with the snowball. Gradually, one after another, Napoleon corrected, and then overturned all the commandments except one, the first and most important thing. However, this commandment did not remain unchanged and took the following form - "All animals are equal, but some are equally different." Life on the farm passes under the control of Napoleon and the pigs approached by him, which make all the decisions on the "cattle yard". The owner of the neighboring farm Mr. Frederick is trying to capture the livestock, but his attempt ends with failure. Boxer gets wound. After a few years, there are actually no animals left, remembering times before the uprising. The horse of boxing, who can no longer work, take off to the slaughterhouse. The shanguna managed to convince animals that the hero of labor and the uprising was taken to the hospital, where he would be better than on the farm. Also, the Visngun, together with his flare sheep, ultimately convinces animals that life on the farm is becoming better and better. At the same time, the pigs move to the house of Jones, put on his clothes, drink his wine, play cards with people - neighbors from other farms. The story of the sorry of people and pigs is ends, followed by a clover and several other animals from old-age horse: "The remaining outside translated views from pigs towards people, from people to pigs, again and again they peered in the faces of those and others, but it was already impossible Determine who is who ".

One of the greatest works foreign literature XX century - Tale George Orwell "Bottom Dvor". Summary This book will definitely inspire the reading of the original. In the story of the American Writer in veiled form, important events in the history of Russia are reflected.

basic information

Work on utopia, telling about the gradual and, according to the author, inevitable transition from ideas about universal equality to totalitarianism and tough dictatorship, Orwell completed in 1944. For the first time the story appeared in the press after the end of the Second World War. Original name - Animal Farm: A Fairy Story. In the work there is a satire on Soviet UnionIn some characters, famous historical personals are guessed. The tale of Orwell "Bottom Dvor" on the 1917 revolution and events that took place in the first twenty years after the creation of a new state.

Already from the name it is clear that the main characters There are no people, but animals. However, some of them are endowed with cruelty, which is inherent in only a person. Before presenting the summary of the "cattle courtyard", it is necessary to define the main term of this philosophical work - "cattle". This concept is a parody of communism. "Cattle", or "animalism" - a philosophical system, according to which animals exist in complete independence from people.

"Cottary Dvor": summary

Heroes tale - inhabitants Farms "Manor". Her owner is Mr. Jones - he suffers from alcoholism, and therefore it goes out of the hands badly. Sometimes he even forgets feed animals. once twelve years old Borov named Major suits the meeting. It is from this event that the story begins.

Major marks in the minds of the farm inhabitants revolutionary thoughts. What will happen if the animals become free, will cease to depend on mercenary and brutal people? Old Major claims that an uprising must once be happened, which ultimately will make the farm residents happy. They will work less, but it is better to eat. Equality will come in the animal world. It should only get rid of human dictatorship.

A few days after the meeting, the Major dies. However, the ideas expressed by Wise Borov continue to live. Song that is one of last days Major performed his life, becomes a hymn of liberation movement. Called the anthem "Skota England".

Once, Jones forget feed animals. They are in anger attack on him and his assistants. Thus, there is a long-awaited revolution. From now on, there is not a single person on the farm. All power belongs to animals. Pigs - Napoleon, Snowuboll, Vysngun - turn out to be at the helm in a new little state.

The trouble is that ideals about equality and universal happiness are forgotten over time. Pigs are increasingly leading and working less and less. Another animals have to perform heavy work from dawn to sunset. However, despite this, they are happy. The farm inhabitants believe in ideas, for whom they once inspired the wise major.

This is a summary of the "livestock". But here, of course, not about all the events in the life of the farm inhabitants. Over time, unnoticed for many animals, dictatorship is installed in the livestock. Reprisals, denominations and other phenomenon characteristic of totalitarian policies begin. And most importantly, substitution of values. The ideas that once inspired animals to the uprising, gradually depart on the background - they are inconvenient to the dictator and its minions.

Seven Commandments invented by Pigs

After the expulsion of people from the farm, animals began to learn literacy. True, many could not alpathically alphabet. Special intellectual abilities demonstrated pigs. It was they who outlined the seven commandments, whom all goats, sheep, chickens, dogs, cats should continue to adhere to.

On the wall of the barn of white paint, one of the horses wrote:

  1. The enemy is the one that goes on two legs.
  2. Friend is the one that goes on four legs.
  3. Animals do not wear clothes.
  4. Animals do not sleep in bed.
  5. Animals do not drink alcohol.
  6. Animals do not kill each other.
  7. All animals are equal.

In the plot of the "cattle courtyard" these commandments are not the last meaning. The fact is that over time they begin to violate them. And they are not disturbed by no horse, goats, sheep and chickens, but pigs, that is, those that are in power. The commandments do not cancel. They imperceptibly make adjustments. So, the postulate that the animal cannot kill himself like this, complement the words "for no reason." The commandment, which states that no farm inhabitant has the right to drink alcohol, - words "before unconsciousness".

Characters "Cottriced" rather colorful. Some have specific prototypes. Others are collective images. There are eroolel and characters symbolizing a certain social layer in the livestock yard.


This character utters a long sentence at the very beginning of the work, and then, as already mentioned, dies. Major does not witness or a participant of the uprising. However, his skull animals later dig out of the grave and waters on the prominent place. Every morning, looking at the remains of the porous borov, they sing their favorite song "Skota England". Character prototypes - Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin.


If after the uprising the power of two characters, then later the farm is running only one. Napoleon is aggressive, vulsatolov, heter. Once he hid in his camork puppies, raised them, brought them up. And later used to establish sole power. Animals over time, they begin to call the "leader". They believe him unquestionably even after being witnessed by the mass execution. It is easy to guess, to whom of the historical figures sends this literary hero. To Stalin.


To this character, the author is sympathy. Snowubol is widely popular among farm inhabitants. He is the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mill, which will further facilitate the life of animals. However, Snowubol is becoming a victim of Cunning Napoleon. He is expelled from the farm, and later accused of hydration, betrayal and other crimes. This character resembles a revolutionary Lion Trotsky.


Napoleon is less likely to appear before the inhabitants of the company. He hides in the sidelines, and the instructions of animals gives through his attorney - Visnguna. The faithful assistant Napoleon is distinguished by amazing eloquence and the ability to convey to the crowd even the most delusted ideas. He is a chiter, quirky and not deprived of artistry. This character sends to political figure Vyacheslav Molotov And partly to Trotsky, who also possessed non-real-sized oratorical abilities.


This is the most hardworking inhabitant of the cattle courtyard. He worked hard with Jones, and under Napoleon. Favorite phrase of the boxer: "I will work more." A hardworking horse is difficult to understand the intrigues that are conducted between the farm rulers. Each time the boxer has doubts, he begins to work even more, while demonstrating limitless credulity and devotion to those who are in power. Another phrase of this character: "Napoleon is always right." Ultimately, the "leader" sells it to the stare. Boxer personifies Stakhanovsky traffic.


Old downtime understands much more than it may seem at first sight. Benjamin, in contrast to most animals, can read. He notices changes in the commandments written on the barn wall. He sees a lot, but almost always silent. Benjamin is the only one who understands that the old boxer was not sent for treatment, but in the living thing. What personifies this character? Soviet intelligentsia.


A frivolous horse is by no means plead to the changes that have come after the expulsion of Jones. Although she does not express its point of view. Molly loves ribbons, which symbolize luxury. At meetings, even before the uprising, she asks only one question: "Will sugar?" After establishing a new power, it runs away to the neighboring farm. Molly personifies Russian emigration.

Other characters

Sheep, which easily manipulates Napoleon, symbolize the bulk of the population in the country, which is ruled by the dictator. The devotees of the "leader" are reminded by NKVD employees. In the story of Orwell among characters there are people. This is Jones, Pilkington, Winter. Frederick's prototype - the cruel owner of the neighboring farm - Adolf Hitler.

The allegorical story-parable "Cottage" was written by George Orwell in 1945. On the shelves of the domestic reader, it appeared only four dozen years later. Not surprising, because the acute antistaline satire simply could not be published earlier. The "Bottom Dvor", also known as the "Farm of Animals", "Scottle", "Skot's farm", "Skotan corner", became the ideological predecessor of the most famous Creation of English Prosaik - Roman-Anti-Datopia "1984".

The realities of the Soviet reality and the main historical faces of the country of the Soviets are registered by Orwell so obviously, that it is not difficult to solve artistic codes. The cattle's yard / cattle republic is the USSR, the leader, the author of the cattle philosophy, is Lenin, the expulsion leader of the newly formed Republic of the collapse - Trotsky, the leader and Tiran Napoleon - none other than Stalin. The inhabitants of the farm are a simple people who dreams of a bright future, who workers, devotee, narrowed, distilled, naive, and from that a thousand times deceived by his ideological leaders.

Most of the life of George Orwell devoted to the exposure of the policies of Stalinism and the Bolshevik terror, which Yaros hated. He argued that bright ideas Revolutions are committed and rejected. The main liar and source of Orwell considered the All-Union Chief of Joseph Stalin. "Little about com, the Soviet press for forty years has spoken with such hate," recalls one of the first translators of the "cattle courtyard" Ilan Polotsk, as about George Orwell. I spoke little, and even then through the teeth, choking the malice. "

Behind the iron curtain

Orwell died in 1950 from tuberculosis. The writer, alas, did not live up to the time when his works reached the main addressee - the Russian reader. Today it is not difficult to buy a cattle yard Tomik, and half a century ago he was found, the furtively passed out of hand to hand and read overnight.

Let's remember how the revolution on Orwell was born and died.

This night in the North Court - the private farm of Mr. Jones seemed to prevent troubles. Her owner, as usual, firmly got drunk and the dead slept in the house. Neither he nor his spouse, nor employees, did not suspect that a secret collection of four-legged farm inhabitants took place in the barn.

Everything was here: Liver horses Boxer and Porn, Miloid Falquet Molly, Old Donkey Veniamin, Yard Dogs Rose, Cousa and Chamomile, Cuttings and Svethers, Handmade Master Crow Moses, Numerous Sheep, Chickens, Ducks, and Even a Cat, which, in their usual , I have grown a little. He headed the meeting of the old Borovinger.

Farm inhabitants worshiped the old man leader. He has already shouted twelve years - a rare animal lives to such an old age. For many years, Lying in your jacket, Borov has changed a lot and came to the conclusion that the source of all animal misfortunes is. He alone consumes and does not give anything in replacement, mercilessly exploits four-legged to meet his personal needs, lives in fullness and prosperity, while his workers get exactly so much soldering in order not to die with hunger, and work until the seventh sweat. Moreover, the rare farm inhabitant stretches longer than a year. They are born to be killed. Yes, and in length of years there is nothing to dream about a legitimate rest. The lot of old people - Looking.

Only driven by a person, you can hear happily. In the fight against two-legged oppressors, the leader spelled the leader, do not like the vices of the enemy. Houses, beds, clothes, alcohol and cigarettes - all these attributes of human vulgarity. Animals in no way dare to adopt them. And most importantly - "No animal should treat the other. Weak and strong, cunning and not far away, are all the brothers. No animal should kill the other. All animals are equal. "

So spoke old Borov named the leader in the Great Night in the barn of the Dummy. He passed his philosophy and the song "The Warri England", which became a symbol of the coming change.

Three days later, the leader peacefully moved away in a dream. However, animals have not forgotten the teachings of the honorable boar. They memaed the "creatures of England" by heart and sang a song motive with any convenient opportunity. The thought of the uprising pleasantly warmed the heart, but no one suspected that it would happen so quickly and spontaneously.

Mr. Jones drank a lot, his workers broke up and often forgot to feed animals. So this time, exhausted by daytime hardness, dismissed from hunger in the barn. Patience burst. Animals knocked out the door and rushed for food, and when people with whips were fled to the noise, the cattle came out of obedience and went to the attack. The incredibility of all that is happening so frightened workers, that they disassemble the whites with batons and rushed along the country road. The hiding house Mrs. Jones, quietly slipped through a black move. Farm empty. It was a victory.

Victory! Victory! Midnight distraught from happiness Animals rushed through the farm's expanses, tumbled in the ground, eaten a double soldering, sang the "creatures of England" seven times to a row, and then walked to sleep and slept so sweetly as never in life.

The Morning Dvor was solemnly renamed the gateway, and on the wall of Sarah, there were 7 commandments of the new animal society, which were at the heart philosophical doctrine Reller, called cattle. The commandments read:

  1. The one who goes on two legs is the enemy.
  2. One who walks on four (or someone's wings) is a friend.
  3. An animal is not wearing clothes.
  4. The animal is not sleeping in bed.
  5. An animal does not drink alcohol.
  6. An animal will not kill another animal.

The commandments formulated the collar and Napoleon pigs, which, being smarter than other farm inhabitants, were able to master the diploma. Written ordered to memorize and strictly observe. From the old tablecloth Mrs. Jones built the flag - horn and hoofs on a green background. Under the collective execution of the "creatures of England", he was solemnly raised to the flagpole every Sunday.

Pigs actively engaged in the elimination of illiteracy among animals. True, not everyone was given this difficult science. The breakdown of the fighter did not advance further the letters. Pretty fool Molly memorized only his name and lovingly struck him out of twigs on Earth. The sheep turned out to be hopelessly stupid, so they had to even drive to one simple statement: "Four legs are good, two are bad." They selflessly blended this uncomplicated slogan all day.

To rebuild the newly formed of the Country Republic, it was necessary to work until the seventh sweat. However, the work was the inhabitants of the farm in joy, because now they worked not on a person, but for their bright future. Only pigs on the rights of employees of intellectual work took themselves the serious obligation to control the farm. They relied on a separate headquarters, organized in the stall, apples and milk, which stimulated the brain work. The animals did not oppose - most of all they were afraid of the return of Mr. Jones.

However, the enemy did not make himself wait long and soon attacked the barnyard along with his employees. Thanks to the knowledge, the hoped collapse from the "Notes Julia Caesar", and the courage of the farm inhabitants, the animals managed to reflect the attack. This day entered the history of the Skotan Republic called the battle under the Corovnik. The collapse and fighter, that selflessly fought, awards were awarded the heroes of the first-degree cross-country, the dead sheep posthumously awarded a similar title of the second degree.

"All animals are equal, but one is equal to others"

The relationship between the leaders of the cattle courtyard - the collapse and Napoleon - began to complicate. Any initiative proposed by the collapse caused a sharp rejection by Napoleon. The vote on the construction of the mill, the collapse of which was engaged in the collapse, Napoleon came accompanied by nine evil dogs. Another puppies he took them from roses and chamomile and raised the kids of cold-blooded fighters. The collapse was overthrown and flee. The dictatorship of Napoleon has come in the livestock.

Lifestyle in the cattle republic began to get more and more with the philosophy of the cattleism laid down by the leader. First, the pigs moved to the old dominant house and began to sleep on the beds. The animals were made up, but then they listed the fourth commandment. Strange, now she reads: "Animal is not sleeping in bed on sheets".

Then Napoleon started trading with neighboring farmers - Kalmington and Frederick. On the proceeds, pigs began to buy alcohol and arrange night pours. On Saraj now was inscribed "Animal does not drink alcohol to infamous".

The collapse was recognized as a folk enemy, and all those who showed their own, automatically equated to his secret agents. Above traitors were carried out public bloody viols. And for some reason the correction was added to the sixth commandment "Animal will not kill another animal for no reason".

Once Napoleon went into the courtyard in the Kartuze and Galifa Mr. Jones, he walked on two legs and kept Knut. Nearby in the same way, so far a little clumsily marching other pigs, there were evil dogs around, and the sheep blew themselves: "Four legs are good, two are better." Animals rushed to the barn - on his wall dark the seventh commandment - "All animals are equal, but one is equal to others".

Years passed. The cattle courtyard flourished. The mill was built, the construction of the second was planned. The first bricks of the elite school for piglets were laid. Obviously the uprising remained quite a bit - a subwarked mare Kashka, the Donkey Veniamin, and even a couple-triple of old-timers.

With this night, Kashke with Veniamina did not sleep. They cut down K. former house Mr. Jones and looked into the window. The pigs were cut into the cards together with farmers, glasses rangs, pour pipes, poured a black brand.

Napoleon, firing, with three chins, in fraternity hugging people. He talked about his closest plans to rename the livestock in the Lord, because it applies him to the status of Mr., and from the flag to remove the horns and hooves, leaving the green canvas alone.

Kashka pured her old eyes, but no longer could distinguish who there are people, and who are pigs, - so they are similar. The gaming yard was no longer the place that they were selflessly dreamed of, floundering in fresh land in the night after the uprising.

Tale of George Orwell "Curvival": summary

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