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It is grieving zucchki caviar. Defeat of zucchini fusarium. Why zucchini is bitter

Zucchini family from the Pumpkin family, which became famous for the accumulation of Cukurbitatsins, bitter harmless substances. Thus, the vegetable reacts to change wast conditions Life in bed. Cukurbatin is stored in the seeds of the plant, spreading bitterness to the whole pulp of the fetus. The plants of the CuCurbitaceae family contain saponins - aglikon, which are bitter. True, some hybrid varieties of zucchini are practically not affected by Cukurbitith to taste.

One of the reasons why the bitter zucchini is an excess of phosphorus and potassium, both in the soil and in plants. It is curious that excess nitrogen reduces bitterness. However, the reaction to Cukurbititin differs from the variety to the variety, for example, "Golden" is more inclined to attach a bitter taste than "Gribovsky 37". The number of factors also includes the process of growth of the fetus - in cases where they lie in the sun for a long time, the probability of bitterness increases. For example, the first year plants are more prone to the formation and accumulation of Cukurbitith, while plants grown from their seeds show less than this feature.

How the accumulation of the bitter substance is activated:

  • excessive watering;
  • perepariming fertilizers;
  • no lighting, disease.

Especially sharply zucchini perceive drought, even if we consider that they are moderately moisture-boring plants. With a long lack of irrigation, they begin to produce and store a large number of nitrogen compounds and nitrates.

Light day - the second reason for the appearance of bitterness. The taste of zucchini affects the duration of daylight - the smaller sunlight It receives a plant, the greater the likelihood that he will begin to produce Cukurbitin. Try to plant a zucchini in well-lit areas where they will not be shaded. In addition, it is necessary to regularly adjust and dive plant so as not to create a natural shadow from plants.

Did you get bitter zucchini?


For insufficient watering Strengthens the bitter aftertaste of the zucchini:

  1. However, with excessive irrigation, they possess the same properties.
  2. In addition, the abundant use of moisture makes a zucchini more vulnerable to fungal microflora and may cause a disease muced dew, false torment, root, gray or white rot.
  3. In the arid periods, try to water the zucchini as often as possible, but do not leut the water right on the leaves! Watering with warm water is best done in the early morning or in the evening when the heat goes down on "no".

Opinion expert

Filatov Ivan Yuryevich, private farmer over 30 years

Zucchini need fertilizer. Play the role of excessive potash and phosphoric fertilizers. Try to maintain the normal balance of these minerals, for example, balancing nitrogen fertilizers or using organic fertilizers. Feed the plants with iodine, yeast, boric acidTo restore the usual taste of plants.

Less common zucchini is bitter due to diseases. Fusarium, antraznosis is manifested not only in pathological changes in the color and structure of leaves of zucchini, but also in the taste qualities of the fruit. Urgent treatment should be carried out in such a way that vegetables can be safely eaten and use plant seeds next year. In addition, do not forget about the prevention of diseases, as they carry a danger not only for vegetables, but also for the human body.


What to do if the zucchini is baptized

Can there be a bitter zucchini? If after harvesting it turned out that the zucchini is bitter, they can still be used to eat, you just need to be processed correctly and then you can eat bitter zucchini. Thus, the fruits should be cut into small slices or circles and for some time put in salty water. The liquid removes most of the bitterness of vegetables, and it will no longer be felt in cooked dishes. After this processing, the zucchini can be used by the recipe.

Why caretate zucchini after cooking and how to remove bitterness

So, why are the grazing zucchini after cooking? On this question there are only three answers:

  1. First, the zucchini was originally bitter as mentioned above. Consequently, all the dish acquires a special taste.
  2. The second option - bitterness gives another product. For example, quite often you can buy on the market or even grow large burning red peppers on your site, and not sweet Bulgarian. Only one seed in the package, and a completely different plant is growing on your site. Externally, they are very similar, but burning pepper has a sharp tip. However, if you treat a large number of vegetables, they can not be noticed. So burning peppers falls into the common dish and gives him bitterness and sharpness.
  3. Another cause of bitterness is a voiced sunflower oilwhich can be used when cooking. Another special flavor can give a dish some seasonings, so make sure you are not mistaken with the recipe.

If vegetables were grown in accordance with all the rules, the bitterness in them should not be present. In some cases, there is an unpleasant taste if the vegetable is overripe. So, if the bitter zucchini is what to do? To get rid of bitterness, you can resort to a simple trick:

  • Rinse thoroughly and remove the peel from the zucchini. Cut the fruits into cubes or circles. Place in a colander, sprinkle salt. The mineral component contributes to the release of juice. Together with the liquid there will be burglar.
  • After 2 hours, rinse the zucchini with running water. Thus, you can get rid of extra salt. Then proceed to the preparation of the product according to your own recipe.

From bitterness you can get rid of the other no less effective way:

  1. It is necessary to put sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini in the container.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water into a container with 30 grams of cook salt.
  3. Press the zucchini swelling, after half an hour everything will be ready. In such a solution, bitterness disappears.

If the zucchini has a small bitterness or taste, this defect can be hidden using sour cream. The product must be pickled for some time in the dairy composition. As a result, the zucchini is less calories and useful.

How to remove bitterness from zucchini during storage

When assembling vegetables, the zucchini can be stored for up to six months if the temperature regime is observed. To do this, it is necessary to collect immature fruits. At the same time, the fruit should not be touched, like a peel, as well as:

  1. If you place the zucchini on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, the basement or will be kept in a dry room, they will be able to store freshness for a long time. With the onset of spring, the seeds begin to germinate in a vegetable, bitterness appears.
  2. To save vegetables as long as possible, they need to get rid of seeds, cut and freeze. The peel also needs to be deleted. Zucchini can often preserve. But at the same time bitterness, unfortunately, does not disappear.
  3. If you intend to make billets from fruits, zucchini is recommended to pre-soak in the salt solution. After 2 hours, the aftertaste will disappear, you can continue to do your own. Eggplants are best cut into circles.

Different grades of zucchini unevenly react to external factors affecting concentration in the fruits of Cukurbitith. The most susceptible is the grade Tsuksh.

The slightest deviation from the norms of agricultural machinery causes the appearance of a bitter aftertaste. Golden variety fruits, for example, accumulate bitterness in adverse cultivation conditions.

But the grade of fungi is less susceptible to the effect of Cukurbitith on taste, even in the conditions of extreme growth. To get a stable culture, gardeners are recommended to acquire planting material hybrid varieties.


In that small video You will tell you more, why they are absorbed and boot zucchini.

The zucchini is a whitual variety of ordinary pumpkin. The vegetable is distinguished by the oblong form and lack of loops. Fruits can be almost any color: green, white, yellow. Kuccachk pulp is usually characterized by a gentle taste. Traditionally, zucchini is used in boiled, stew, baked and fried. Raw fruits are allowed to add to salads, snacks. However, in some situations, the question arises, why are the skins are bitter and how to eliminate the unpleasant taste?

Why zucchini is bitter

The accumulation of bitterness in the fruits is a hereditary phenomenon, which is due to natural features. However, an unpleasant taste is manifested only in critical situations. The plant is capable of reacting in a similar way to adverse conditions of its growth.

Important! The bitterness is determined by the presence of Cukurbititzin, which is located in the semi-si-fruits and subsequently applies to almost the pulp. At the same time, it is necessary to understand why the zucchini is absorbed and how best to prevent a similar drawback.

Causes of the appearance of bitterness at zucchini

As already mentioned, bitter taste is determined by an increase in the number of Cukurbitatsin. This substance is always present in the kabachkaya pulp, but in small quantities is not felt. It is noted that the zucchini is bitter due to violations of the basic principles of their cultivation. For example, recovery refer to the main reasons that lead to the appearance of a unwanted problem.

Disadvantaged watering

Arid weather and insufficient irrigation lead to the active production of bitter substances. In order for the taste of the vegetable to be gentle, it is required sufficient and timely watering. In hot and dry weather you need not only to water the plants, but also spray with water leaves.

Excess polish

An increased amount of moisture leads to the acquisition of bitter taste. For this reason, water can not pour on the leaves. Excess moisture weakens the plant. It should be noted that special risks are manifested in cold weather when the vegetable is vulnerable to numerous fungal diseases. Cold water can not be assimilated, as a result of which the plant suffers from improper care.

Lack of light

Insufficient duration of the daylight and cloudy weather, the darkened location lead to the bitter taste of zucchini. For this reason, the zucchini is desirable to choose solar places for growing vegetables, remember the need for proper care. For example, adult plant pinch and thin, remove extra leaves. Minimum distance There should be 75 centimeters between different fruits.

Excess fertilizer

Fertilizers turn out to be extremely important for zucchini. However, excessive feeding with nutrients, as part of which phosphorus and potassium are present, leads to a bitter taste. To improve the taste characteristics, it is desirable to add nitrogen that, on the contrary, eliminates bitterness.

Note! Perfect option For feeding zucchini is complex mineral fertilizers. The use of organic substances prevents unwanted imbalance. Garders in such situations use yeast, boric acid.

Improper storage

Rided zucchini is allowed to store only 4 - 5 months in a cool place. The best place A warmed balcony is considered to be stored. In the basement and the cellar there is a lack of ventilation, which leads to a deterioration of taste characteristics.

Long storage leads to the fact that the vegetable loses its taste characteristics. Bitter overwhelmed zucchini cannot be eaten.

Curbital accumulation

Experts note that the accumulation of Cukurbitatin is due not only natural feature Vegetable, but also improper conditions for its growth:

  • Insufficient and wrong irrigation;
  • Abundance of moisture that becomes especially dangerous on cold days;
  • Sharp change in temperature;
  • Inappropriate type of soil for growing vegetables;
  • Excess sun ray;
  • Excessive number mineral fertilizer;
  • Lack of nutritional plants;
  • Prolonged cooling after heat;
  • Damage to the fetus when collecting.

As you can guess, in many situations it is possible to prevent the appearance of a bitter taste.

Surgery Plants

Infectious fungal diseases (for example, antratenza and fusariosis) affect the leaves and stems, the taste of fruits. Not only the appearance of bitterness is noted in taste, but also yellow-brown spots, yellowing and drying leaves. If the situation does not work, it will be necessary to get rid of the diseased plant. For the prevention of infectious diseases, crop rotation will be required. Correct care Exclude the risk that zucchini disease will begin to develop.

Is it possible to eat bitter zucchini

If after harvesting it turned out that the taste of zucchini is bitter, vegetables can be eaten with the correct processing. For example, the fruits are recommended to cut into small slices or circles, pour salt water for a while. Proper treatment It will remove most of the bitterness, so that the initial taste for dishes will not affect. After processing it is allowed to fry, stew, preserve and cook zucchini.

How to remove the bitter taste of zucchini

The hostess should know how to eliminate bitterness from zucchini.

Tip! To begin with, the vegetables wash and finely cut. After that, the sliced \u200b\u200bcubes or slices are laid in a bowl into which salted water is poured. Such a solution is prepared with mandatory observance of the following proportion: two tablespoons of salt by 900 milliliters of ordinary water. Zucchini is kept in the water about half an hour. If the unpleasant bitterness persists, it is desirable to leave vegetables in a bowl for extra time. After such processing, the zucchini washed and dried, after which they are used in direct intended.

How to avoid bitter zucchini taste during storage

If the appearance of bitterness failed to avoid, the zucchini needs should be properly stored after preprocessing.

  • Storage tab. With the right temperature mode Zucchini is stored until six months. For bookmarks use ripe fruits that should not be overwhelmed. At the same time, zucchini must have a holistic skin and fruit.
  • Canning. Binding when marinating or salting does not disappear. For this reason, pre-vegetables are soaked in salted water and cut into small circles. After a couple of hours, it becomes possible to preserving the zucchini in salted water.
  • Frost. Zucchini frozen in blanched and fresh form. Before this, rejected fruits.

Proper storage of zucchini prevents the gain of bitter taste.

What variety is less bitter

Gourmet notes that there are less bitter grades of zucchini, which are advisable to include in the diet. The following varieties deserve special attention to

  • Scripe. This variety is close to traditional Zucchini. The dwarf variety is considered one of the best. Such zucchini are used to prepare caviar and salads.
  • Chaklong. The variety is recognized as universal. The pulp of the Kabachkov Chaklong is considered tender. In addition, vegetables are distinguished by a pleasant aroma. Chaklong is ideal for canning and cooking zucchinous dishes. In addition, the zucchini of this variety is stored for a long time.
  • Pharaoh. Zucchini of this variety differ in gentle and sweet pulp. It is noted the possibility of almost any processing.

Often, the gardener is quite surprised, faced with the problem of bitter fruits of zucchini. Having spent time on their cultivation and a significant place to land on the garden, it is very insulting to obtain inedible fruits. Why are the zucchini bitter? The answer is very simple - the technology of growing vegetable is broken. As the saying goes: you can not - do not try.

Why zucchini is bitter

Few vegetable can be compared with a zucchin on ease of cultivation and crop volumes. Such qualities made it one of the most beloved vegetables on the beds and tables of Russians. However, such an uncomfortable plant may unpleasantly surprise the gardener, which is leaving for self-shot.

Not only cucumbers, but also their closest relatives - zucchini, can get bitter taste. But if breeders took care to remove many varieties of cucumbers who are not proud under any cultivation conditions, then they do not care about the taste of zucchini.

The only possibility is not to allow stress of plants and accumulates in its tissues excess of the bitter substance of the Cukurbitatsin. It is contained in all parts of pumpkin plants. With a small concentration of substance, the bitterness is not felt, but its quantity can increase.

Causes of the appearance of bitterness

The reason for the bitter taste of the Zucchini is one - an increase in the amount of Cukurbitatin. This substance is always contained in the pulp of the fetus, but in small quantities is not felt.

The increase in the content of Cukurbitatsin is a consequence of various impaired agrotechnics of the cultivation of vegetable or unfavorable weather for its development.


Pumpkin cultures are well reversible. If bitter eggplants, cucumbers or just inedible decorative pumpkin are growing next to the garden beds, then their pollen can find themselves on the colors of the zucchini and make them the fruit of bitter. The minimum distance between different pumpkin cultures should be 15 m.

Disadvantaged watering

The drought activates the production of bumpy substances. A sufficient and timely irrigation stops this process and returns a delicate taste of vegetable. In the heat, it is necessary not only to constantly water the plants, but also spray them with warm water.

Excess polish

Many moisture also leads to the fact that the cabinet is bitter taste acquires. It is impossible to pour water on the leaves, only under the root. Excessive moisture weakens the plant, especially in cold weather. The vegetable becomes vulnerable to many fungal diseases. Cold water is not absorbed by the root, and the plant suffers from drought.

Lack of light

With a short lighting day, constantly cloudy weather, darken place of grabbing the zucchini is absorbed. For landings, the solar places are chosen, the adult plant is pouring and thinned during thickening, removing the leaves around growing fruits.

Do not forget about optimal distances Between adjacent plants when planting seedlings. The minimum distance between zucchini on the garden is 75 cm.

Excess fertilizer (nitrates)

Feeding with nutrients containing excess phosphorus and potassium, provokes a bitter taste. It is possible to balance these substances by adding nitrogen to them. Nitrogen prevents the appearance of bitter taste.

It is better to feed the zucchini complex mineral fertilizers. The use of organic fertilizers does not lead to such an imbalance. To return the usual taste, you can boric acid or yeast.

Improper storage

Rided zucchini is stored 4-5 months in a cool place. But the basement and the cellar are poorly suitable for this, there is insufficient ventilation. It is better to store zucchini on a warmed balcony or in the apartment.

Closer to the end of the storage of seeds inside the zucchini begin to germinate. At this time, the fruits lose their taste, and the pulp mustard. Such fruits can be eaten already.

Diseases Zucchini

Infectious fungal diseases such as fuzariosis and antratenosis affect not only the leaves and stems, but also the taste of fruits. They can be easily recognized on yellow-brown spots or yellowing and drying leaves.

If it is not possible to quickly deal with the disease, it is better to get rid of the diseased plant so that the infection does not apply to other landings. The main prevention of infectious diseases is observance of crop rotation.

Curbital accumulation

The natural feature of the wild zucchini is his bitter taste. Therefore, under adverse conditions of growing, cultural varieties can begin to be patched, accumulating in its composition the substance of Cukurbitatsin.

Cukurbititacin acts as a repellent, screking insects and people from the zucchini, which is experiencing stress under different adverse conditions:

  • irregular watering;
  • abundance of moisture on cold days;
  • sharp change in temperature;
  • unsuitable for soil growth;
  • excess sun rays;
  • surplus mineral fertilizers or fresh manure;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • long cooling after the heat;
  • damage to a weave when collecting fruits.

How to remove bitterness

What if the harvest of zucchini was bitter? There are several ways to remove bitterness from zucchini fruits.

  1. The first way is to soak them in salt water for 40-60 minutes. In the liter of water, it is enough to add two tablespoons of salt and put in it peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini. Binding will decrease or completely disappear. This method is used when cucumbers and eggplants are proud.
  2. The second way to remove bitterness from zucchini - peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini salt and leave for 2 hours. The separated juice washed off, along with him and bitterness.
  3. Third way - hot culinary processing. The Cukurbitatsin bitter substance is destroyed at high temperatures. Therefore, quenching, frying and cooking removes bitter taste.
    Marination and salting will also remove bitterness from fruits.

It is better to prevent the appearance of bitterness than getting rid of it. You can do this by choosing seeds of varieties or hybrids of zucchini with a genome that does not allow Cukurbitatin to accumulate in the fruits. About this seed manufacturers are written on packaging. The disadvantage of such varieties is the unbeatable taste of fruits.

Growing vegetables on their sites, we look forward to their defined taste, because they all go into cooking. When the taste turns out to be at all, as it was assumed - we are quite naturally upset. One of the plants from which we do not expect such a "meanness" - zucchini. Somehow everyone got used to the fact that cucumbers are proud. But the bitter zucchini is sad reality. Let's deal with why this happens and what to do with it.

The reasons

Zucchini occur from the pumpkin family, which became famous for the accumulation of Cukurbitatsins, bitter harmless substances. Thus, the vegetable responds to the change in the worse conditions of accommodation in the garden. Cukurbitatsin is stored in the seeds of the plant, spreading bitterness to the whole pulp of the fetus. The CUCURBITACEAE family plants contain saponins - aglikons that are proud. True, some hybrid varieties Zucchini is practically not affected by Cukurbitatsin on taste.

  1. One of the reasons why zucchini is bitter excess of phosphorus and potassium, both in the soil and in the plants themselves. It is curious that excess nitrogen reduces bitterness. However, the reaction to Cukurbitatsin varies from the variety to the variety, so, for example, "Zolotinka" is more prone to a set of bitter taste than "Gribovsky 37". The factors also include the process of growing the fetus - in cases where they have long laid the probability of bitterness increases. For example, the plants of the first year are more prone to the formation and accumulation of Cukurbitatin, while the plants grown from their seeds are less likely to show this feature. To activate the accumulation, it is necessary to put the culture into the discomfort for it: excessive watering, reborn fertilizers, lack of lighting, disease. Especially sharply zucchini perceive drought, even when taking into account that they are moderately moisture-loving plants. With a long absence of watering, they begin to produce and store a large number of nitrogen compounds and nitrates.
  2. On the taste quality of the zucchini affects the duration of the light day - the smaller the sunlight receives the plant, the most likely it will begin to produce Cukurbitatsin. Try to plant zucchini on well-lit areas where they will not be shaded. Also regularly pour and thinning landings so as not to create a natural shadow from the plants themselves.
  3. With insufficient irrigation, the bitter taste of zucchini is enhanced. However, when excess watering They show the same properties. In addition, the abundant making of moisture makes zucchini more vulnerable to fungal microflora and can cause a disease with mildewing dew, false torment, root, gray or white rot. In the arid periods try to water the zucchini as often as possible, but in no case do not pour water right on the leaves! Watering with warm water is best done early in the morning or in the evening when the heat goes down on "no".
  4. Excessive potash and phosphate fertilizers also plays a role. Try to maintain the normal balance of these minerals, for example, balancing nitrogen fertilizers Or use organic fertilizers. Feed the plants with iodine, yeast, boric acid to return the usual taste of plants.
  5. Rightly zucchini is absorbed due to diseases. Fusariasis, antraznosis is manifested not only in the pathological change in the color and structure of the leaves of zucchini, but also in the taste qualities of the fruit. Urgent treatment should be carried out so that the vegetables can be safely eaten and use plant seeds next year. Also, do not forget about the prevention of diseases, as they carry a danger not only for vegetables, but also for the human body.

Video "Nuances of Growing Zabachkov"

Information video that will help grow tasty and healthy zucchini without bitterness. Practical advice and nuances of growing.

What is bad for the body

The effects of Cukurbitatsins on the body is not negative.

Studies have shown that Cukurbitacin helps to restrain the growth of malignant tumors, although it is not a full-fledged medicine from them. These saponins also have contraceptive, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. Often, Cukurbitatsin obtained from cucumbers and zucchini is used to combat helminths. At the same time, in medicine, he did not find widespread due to non-specific toxicity.

However, there are also disadvantages in the effects of Cukurbitatin on the human body. It is not recommended to use it to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The substance annoys the mucous covers, causing burning and abundant redness. Strictly contraindicated to use bitter zucchini people with oats of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, so as not to provoke a relapse of the disease. With abundant use of bitter zucchini or cucumbers, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea can be observed. If you have been diagnosed with ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, the ulceration of the mucous membrane or chronic gastritis - should be abandoned by the use of zucchini, zucchini, cucumbers, especially if they are proud.

Video "Verified secrets for growing zucchini"

Indicative video with tested time recommendations for gilders.

Why zucchini bitter, the main reasons

Greetings to you friends on the site advice to gardeners and gardeners. Ending dacha season - troublesome, but a very nice period for the owners of household plots. It's time to summarize and evaluate the result of your works.

Why zucchini bitter

However, harvesting except joy can be presented and unpleasant surprises. One of such unexpected problems causing the perplexity of gardeners is the bitter taste of zucchini. It happens not too often, therefore, to explain why the zucchini rose bitter, even dackets with many years of experience make it difficult.

To avoid disappointment in the future, it should be studied in detail all the reasons (and by the way, they are not so little), why there are bitter zucchini. The gardeners, which received poor-quality fruits in the current season, will be useful to learn about the measures of rescue harvest.

What gives the zucchini bitterness?

The bitter taste of zucchini is acquired due to the high concentration of special substances in them - Cukurbitatsins, the accumulation of which is characteristic of all cultures of the pumpkin family.

As a rule, this hereditary ability of the plant is manifested in extreme conditions for it. Thus, the zucchini responds to the deficiency or oversupply of moisture and nutritional elements, low illumination or development of infection.

However, despite such valuable qualities to include in the diet, bitter zucchini will agree not every consumer. So what are the reasons for the problem and how to prevent it?

Neighborhood of culture

Finding out why the zucchini is bitter, it is worth paying attention to their closest neighbors in the garden. One of the common causes of an unpleasant taste is to transferable related cultures.

In this regard, the greatest danger for zucchini is a decorative pumpkin with beautiful, but absolutely inedible fruits.

The proximity of parsley is also undesirable. Potatoes, radish, radish. Tomatoes, cucumbers, all types of pumpkin. But next door to peas. Spinach, onions and bush beans zucchini feel just wonderful.

Watering mode

The accumulation of bitter substances in the zucchini is often provoked by a violation of the irrigation regime. The result of unsystematic moisturizing soil and protracted rains after a long drought is becoming an increase in the leaves and fruits of culture of the concentration of nitrogen compounds, which, like Cukurbitacins, give the pulp taste.

Watering zucchini is recommended regularly, using only a soft, well-heated sun, water. Before closing foliage, the procedure is carried out daily, and after the leaves will cover the soil, watering must be reduced.

On the photo young fruits of zucchini

In hot weather, adult zucchini watered every 2-3 days, into a cloudy - 1 time in 5-6 days. It is not superficially water, but strictly under the root. If the foliage of the zucchini from the heat begins to fade, it is watered from a watering can or a hose with a fine-walled nozzle.

Lighting and rules of feeding zucchini

Like all the nearest Bakhchy "Sorodi", the zucchini loves light. Choosing a section for cultivation, under the zucchini plantation should be highlighted with a sunny, a windless platform.

Under conditions of low illumination, the likelihood of obtaining bitter zucchini increases significantly. Experts often bind the bitterness of the fruit with the duration of the daylight, on the reduction of which the fruits react to the accumulation of bitterness.

During the season of vegetation, Zucchini, like any other vegetable, needs competent and timely power supply. Of all fertilizers, the culture is favorable only to an organist, responding to its introduction. good development and high quality fruit.

But! If the high content of nitrogen under the zucchini has a beneficial effect on the taste characteristics of the fruit, the oversfinite-potash fertilizer is another reason why the zucchini has become bitter, so it should be applied.

Storage conditions Kabachkov

If the claims to the taste qualities of the zucchini arose after their storage laying, it would not be superfluous to check the correctness of the conditions of the content of the harvest collected.

Young fruits collected at the stage of "dairy" ripeness are recommended at temperatures from 0 ° to + 2 ° C, but not longer than 12-15 days - after the deadline, the fruit pulp is tagged, it grures and starts to rot.

Mature zucchini perfectly retain the taste and benefits for 4-5 months. For them, it is necessary to determine the cool, well ventilated place, for example on the veranda or attic.

In order to avoid the development of putrefactive processes, it is undesirable to store the fruits in the cellar or basement. In urban apartments, the harvest of zucchini can be stored on a warmed balcony or in a dark, secluded corner of the apartment (under the bed or cabinet).

Note! Excessive ambient humidity and high content temperature can provoke premature germination of seeds inside the zucchini, as a result of which the fruit pulp acquires an unpleasant bitter taste.

In competently created storage conditions, such a phenomenon can be observed closer to mid-March.

Diseases of Kabachkov

Studying all risk factors, do not forget about zucchini diseases that can seriously spoil the taste of the beloved vegetable. The bump of the pulse of the zucchini can be the result of culture damage to fungal infections.

  1. The anthracnose - symptoms of the disease are rounded stains of yellow-brown color on the sheet plates, which, hung, turn into holes. As infection develops, the leaves begin to twist and dug. The dissemination of the disease contributes to hot, rainy weather.
  2. Fusarious wilt is to determine the presence of this disease in the Kucacular Groke, it is possible for the rapidly yellow and drying lower leaves and the pinkish shade of the base of the stem.

Fusarious wilting of Kabachkov

For the treatment of infection, the tops of the zucchini spray with fungicidal preparations or divert the sulfur powder.

How to get rid of bitterness?

And, of course, for gardeners whose zucchini in the current season grew bitter, it is especially acute the issue of using problem fruits. Does the whole harvest hopelessly spoiled and will have to throw it away?

Not at all, try to do the following:

  • Under the influence of high temperatures, bitter substances are destroyed; therefore, exposed in cold water Sub -dition zucchini is quite suitable for home canning.
  • If the zucchini is supplied to the table, it is planned in fried or stew, they must be cut into slices and twice in salted water for 2-3 hours. At the end of the procedure, the hollow taste of the pulp will noticeably softened and the zucchini can be used for its intended purpose.

So, upon closer examination, the problem was not so serious. The main thing is to understand in time why the zucchini is bitter and what to do in one case or another. Remember that timely carrying out the necessary agrotechnical events - the key to the excellent taste of puzzled favorites.