Repairs Design Furniture

What is necessary for the ejection pump. Ejector pumping stations for home. With remote ejector

Practice shows that far from every owner country house Or cottage is the possibility of connecting to central water supply. In such situations, underground sources of exercise moisture come to the rescue, which is not difficult to find. However, finding groundwater, you can often encounter such a problem as a significant depth of their occurrence - from 7 to 10 meters.

Ejector helps facilitate lifting moisture to the surface

In such cases, the ejector is used for pumping station - The device capable of facilitating the rise of water to the surface. Thanks to him, it is not necessary to acquire expensive and bulky equipment with high power. For this reason, the use of the ejector in autonomous water supply systems, providing for the extraction of lively moisture from medium and large depths, can be considered a fully justified step.

Device and principle of operation

From the point of view of the design, the ejector cannot be called a complex device. It has four main component element, namely:

  • nozzle;
  • suction chamber;
  • diffuser;
  • mixer.

At the same time, with an injector considered by us, the adaptation must not be confused, since the direction of the masses in them is opposite. The first is injecting the fluid, but the ejector - on the contrary, displays it out. As for the way the device described in this material is functioning, then in short, the principle of its work is as follows:

  • due to the narrowing of one of the ends of the nozzle, the liquid comes out of it at a huge speed;
  • the water jet enters the mixer, creating a vacuum, as a result of which a giving moisture begins to act from the suction chamber;
  • the formed fluid flow passing through the diffuser enters the pipeline system.

From the point of view of physics, the ejector provides the transfer of kinetic energy from one medium to another - with respectively greater and smaller speed.

It is also worth adding that the functioning of the pumping station with an ejector provides for the return of part of the water lifted back, referred to as the recycling process. This provides additional vacuum contributing to a decrease in energy costs to pump out moisture from large depths. This circumstance allows to achieve high productivity of the water supply system without purchasing a more powerful pumping engine. In addition, the ejector installation facilitates the launch of the system, increasing its effectiveness.

Typical varieties

Now it is worth talking about the types of accessories under consideration for pumps. Such two are built-in and removable, each of which is notable in its own way. The first is installed directly into the pump, that is, it is a component of its design. The second is connected to the outside system - as a separate, albeit a small node. Among the significant features of the pumping station with a built-in ejector are allocated:

  • smaller installation dimensions;
  • minimum susceptibility to clogging;
  • effective work on not big depths (up to 7-9 meters);
  • high level of noise.

If you list remarkable moments inherent in pumping stations with a remote ejector, then you can make the following list:

Scheme of the pumping station with a remote ejector

  • the presence of a tank for the incoming melting moisture, installed separately from the pump;
  • connecting the ejector to the submersible area of \u200b\u200bthe pipeline;
  • the need to install two pipes in the mine's mine, which should be taken into account in the project development process;
  • less noise level;
  • the ability to operate 30 +/- 10 meters from the well without deterioration of performance indicators.

Through the use of a remote ejector, it is possible to produce water from the depths to fifty meters, which is enough in the overwhelming majority.

Connection and rules of operation

If you want to establish a system, which includes an internal ejector, then this event is identically installed by an ordinary pump. As for the stations equipped with an internal ejector, the following steps are required to install them:

  • installation of an additional pipe required to ensure the recycling process;
  • installation of a nozzle equipped with a check valve;
  • connecting a coarse filter.

In addition, optionally in the recirculation line, you can hind the adjusting valve (if it is not provided initially, but is desirable for the consumer).

Speaking about the rules of installation and operation of the equipment under consideration, the observance of which allows to extend the timing of its trouble-free work. Here they are:

  • determining the correct ratio of the power of the pump and the depth of the well or well, on the basis of which you can make a choice of a suitable type of ejector;
  • to pump out the lively moisture with the depths of more than 15 meters, it is recommended to install an ejector inside the well, immersing it into water;
  • when using the surface pump, a separate attention should be paid to the location of the external ejector, the pipes from which running up should be placed perpendicular to the surface;
  • the optimal depth for which the equipment is suitable with a built-in ejector should not exceed 10 meters; Regular pressure monitoring in the plumbing is a prerequisite.

And one more important moment: Experience shows that the maximum productivity is "boasting" equipped with an ejector system, raising water from depths to 20 meters. Of course, it is also possible to produce a lifeful moisture in a similar way from much more hard-to-reach sources, but the efficiency of the equipment used in such cases is reduced.

Independent manufacture of ejector

It remains to add that everyone who wants to save funds to acquire this remarkable device can make it own forces. To solve the above task, the following components will be required:

  • metal tee performing the function of the main part;
  • the fitting, which plays the role of the conductor of the lively moisture coming under high pressure;
  • couplings and taps needed to make the installation of the ejector and its connection.

Prepare FUM tape (fluoroplastic material required for compounds) and tools - vice, keys and grinding machine. Regarding the procedure for performing work, which involves the manufacture of the ejector with their own hands, then it consists of the following steps:

  • the fitting is screwed into the tee (if there are protrusions - they are cut off, and when the length is shortened, it must be increasing the tube from the polymer);
  • to upper edge the tee is connected adapter having an outer thread;
  • to the lower part of the tee, the removal used for further connection to the recycling pipe;
  • on the side, to the appropriate hole of the tee, the corner is screwed for the subsequent connection of the feed pipe;
  • connect the collected device at a suitable place.

In addition, the installation of the ejector for the pumping station can include other events. This is the connection of three pipes - to the bottom, providing high-speed stream and output - in case the immersion in water is practiced. Other actions, determined by the features of the object and the wishes of his owner, will be required, but unlike the above, it should not be required to relate to the main one.

Ecology of consumption. Hereby: Ejector is an easy, but very useful device. This is a convenient I. useful way Improve work characteristics pumping equipment in a private house.

The deep occurrence of the aquifer is a common problem, familiar to many land plots owners. The usual surface pumping equipment is either at all can provide a house with water, or submits it to the system too slow and weak pressure. Excellent exit from such a situation can be an ejector for the pumping station of water supply.

How it works

The deeper the water is, the more difficult it is to lift it on the surface. In practice, if the depth of a well is more than seven meters, the surface pump copes with its tasks with difficulty. Of course, for very deep wells, it is more appropriate to purchase high-performance submersible pump. But with the help of an ejector, the characteristics of the surface pump can be improved to an acceptable level and with significantly lower costs.

This scheme allows you to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe device and the principle of operation of the ejector for the pumping station. Accelerated reverse stream creates an area low pressure and transmits kinetic energy to the main flow of water

Ejector - a small device, but very efficient. This node has relatively simple designIt can even be made independently from the girlfriend. The principle of operation is based on a stream of water an additional acceleration, which will increase the amount of water coming from the source per unit of time.

This solution is especially convenient to those who are going to install or have already installed a pumping station with a surface pump. The ejector will increase the depth of water intake to 20-40 meters. It should also be noted that the acquisition of a more powerful pumping equipment will lead to a noticeable increase in electricity consumption. In this sense, the ejector will bring noticeable benefits.

Ejector for the surface pump consists of the following elements:

  • suction chamber;
  • mixing knot;
  • diffuser;
  • single nozzle.

The device is based on the principle of Bernoulli. It states that if the flow rate of the flow increases, a low pressure region is created around it. Thus, the effect of the vacuum is achieved. Water enters through nozzle, the diameter of which is smaller than the size of the rest of the design.

A small narrowing gives the flow of water noticeable acceleration. Water enters the mixer chamber, creating a low pressure area inside it. Under the influence of this process, the flow of water under higher pressure falls through the suction chamber in the mixer.

Water in the ejector does not come out of the well, but from the pump. Those. The ejector must be installed in such a way that part of the water raised by the pump returned to the ejector through the nozzle. The kinetic energy of this accelerated stream will be constantly transmitted by the mass of water, which is absorbed from the source.

The diagram shows the device of an external ejector: 1- a tee; 2 - fitting; 3 - adapter for a tap pipe; 4, 5, 6 - Corners

Thus, constant acceleration of flow movement will be ensured. The pumping equipment will need less energy for the transportation of water to the surface. As a result, its effectiveness will increase, as well as the depth from which water can be taken.

Part of the water produced in this way, on the recycling pipe again goes to the ejector, and the rest - enters watering system at home. The presence of the ejector has another "plus". It sucks the water on its own, which additionally insures the pump from work in good, i.e. From dangerous for all surface pumps, the situation of "dry stroke".

To regulate the work of the ejector, use the usual crane. It is installed on the recycling pipe along which water from the pump is directed to the ejector nozzle. Using a crane, the amount of water coming to the ejector can be reduced or increased, thereby reducing or incuring the rate of reverse flow.

Choice: built-in or external?

Depending on the installation site, remote and built-in ejectors are distinguished. Big difference in constructive features There are no these devices, but the arrangement of the ejector still affects some manner and on the installation of the pumping station, and on its operation. So, embedded ejectors are usually placed inside the pump housing or in close proximity to it.

As a result, the ejector takes a minimum of space, and it does not have to be installed separately, it is enough to perform normal mounting pumping station or pump itself. In addition, the ejector located in the building is securely protected from pollution. The vacuum and reverse water fence is made directly in the pump housing. There is no need to install additional filters to protect the ejector from clogging by particles by il or sand.

The remote ejector for the pumping station is harder than the inner model, but this option creates a much smaller noise effect

However, it should be remembered that maximum efficiency such a model demonstrates at small depths, up to 10 meters. Pumps with a built-in ejector are designed for such relatively shallow sources, their advantage is that they provide an excellent pressure of the incoming water.

As a result of these characteristics, it is enough to use water not only for household needs, but also for watering or performing other economic operations. Another problem is an increased level of noise, since the sound effect of the water passing through the ejector is added to the vibration of the working pump.

If it is decided to install the pump with a built-in ejector, it will have to take care of noise insulation especially carefully. Pumps or pumping stations with a built-in ejector are recommended to be installed outside the house, for example, in separate building or in the besson well. The electric motor for the pump with an ejector should be more powerful than for a similar non-designer model.

The remote or external ejector is installed at some distance from the pump, and this distance can be quite significant: 20-40 meters, some experts even consider an acceptable figure of 50 meters. Thus, the remote ejector can be placed directly in the water source, for example, in the well.

An external ejector does not so much increase the pump performance, how much is designed to increase the depth of water intake from the source, which can reach 20-45 m

Of course, the noise from the work of the ejector, installed deep underground, will no longer disturb the tenants of the house. However, this type of device should be connected to the system using a recycling pipe along which water will return to the ejector. The greater the depth of the installation of the device, the longer pipe will have to be lowered into a well or well.

The presence of another pipe in the well is better foreseen at the design stage of the device. Connecting a remote ejector also provides for the installation of a separate cumulative TankFrom which water will be taken to recirculation.

Such a tank allows you to reduce the load on the surface pump, saving some amount of energy. It is worth noting that the efficiency of the external ejector is somewhat lower than that of models embedded in the pump, but the ability to significantly increase the depth of the fence makes come to terms with this disadvantage.

When using an external ejector, there is no need to place a pumping station directly near the water source. It can be installed in the basement of a residential building. The distance to the source can vary within 20-40 meters, this will not affect the performance of pumping equipment.

The procedure for installing ejector

As already mentioned, installing the ejector, which is built into the pump of special problems, does not deliver, since the device is already in the instrument housing. The surface pump is simply connected to the water supply hose on the one hand, as well as to the water supply system - on the other hand.

If it is used as part of a pumping station, the pump is connected to the hydroaccumulator by means of a special fitting for five outputs. In addition, the pump will need to connect to the pressure relay contacts to ensure its automatic switching on and off.

Before turning on the surface pump, it must be poured with water through the stitching hole provided for this. It is impossible to include such equipment without water, it can burn. If the pump mounting is performed correctly, the ejector will work without interruptions.

But the installation of the remote ejector is made on more complex scheme. To begin with, it will be necessary to install a pipe that will ensure the reverse flow of water from the drive to the ejector. At the suction department of the ejector install check valve. It should be put on a strainer, which will protect the device from clogging.

Next to the recycling pipe must be installed adjustable craneTo regulate the amount of water that is sent to the ejector. This node is not mandatory, but can significantly improve the situation with water pressure in the house. The smaller the water returns to the ejector, the more it will remain for the water supply system at home.

Thus, it is possible to influence water pressure in the water supply. With its disadvantage, it should be slightly tightened to the adjusting crane on the return highway. If the pressure is too big and creates an unnecessary load on the plumbing system, it makes sense to send to ejector large quantity WATER to increase the efficiency of pumping equipment.

Some industrial models of ejectors are already equipped with such adjustment system. The instruction that is attached to the device is usually described in detail the procedure for setting the operation of the ejector.

Connecting homemade ejector

The built-in ejector is usually acquired simultaneously with the pump, but the external model is very often manufactured with their own hands. It will be useful to consider the process of creating and ordering such a device. In order to make an ejector, you need such details like a tee with internal threaded compounds, fitting, fittings, taps, couplings, etc. Collect the device as follows:

  1. Connect low part The tees with the fitting so that the exit pipe is at the top, and the fitting with a smaller diameter was inside the ejector.
  2. Then you need to modify the design, the spilling is a narrow part of the fitting, if it protrudes from the tee.
  3. If the fitting was too short, it is increased using a polymer tube.
  4. On the upper side of the tee screw the adapter with an external thread.
  5. To another end of the adapter with fitting attach water pipe PVC.
  6. Now to the lower side of the tee, which is already inserted a narrow fitting, you should attach a removal of angle.
  7. To this alloy attach the pipe along which the reverse flow of water to the ejector will flow.
  8. Another corner is attached to the side nozzle of the tee.
  9. To this corner, with the help of a collet clamp, the pipe is attached, water from the well, well, etc. will be absorbed.

The distance between the edge of the tee and the fitting should be approximately 2-3 mm. This will provide a vacuum area with the necessary characteristics. To secure the recirculation pipe, use a crimp nut.

It turns out that internal thread The lower pipe of the tee is attached at the same time two elements. One of them (fitting) is inside the tee, and the second (corner) is outside. To both of them fit on the same threaded connection, it should be cut off part of the thread of the fitting.

Of course, everyone threaded connections Must be sealed and sealed. Most often for this use FUM tape. Sometimes it is not used to connect the ejector to the pump station metal plastic pipes, and structures from polyethylene. For their installation, special crimp items should be used, and the collet clamps, which are good for metal plastic, do not fit in this situation.

All the threaded compounds of the ejector should be carefully sealed and seal, for example, using a fum-tape or other suitable material.

About this, with the help of which pipes will be connected with a remote ejector, you should think in advance. Polyethylene structures are well bent when heated, which allows you to do without corners when the ejector is connected. The pipe is simply bend in a suitable place and under the desired angle, and then attach to the ejector.

So, the device has three outputs, each of which should be connected to the corresponding pipe. First, the pipe is usually installed through which water fence from the source will be performed. It joins the side exit from the ejector.

At the end of this pipe in obligatory A check valve is installed as well as a mesh filter. This pipe must be long enough to fall deeply under the water. But it is not necessary to make water intake at the bottom of the source, since this can lead to a clogging of the ejector, even despite the presence of a filter.

You can then attach the pipe to the lower end of the ejector, in which a narrowed fitting is installed. This is a highway on which water recirculation is recycled. The second end of this pipe should be connected to the container from which water will be selected to create a reverse stream.

The third pipe is the usual plumbing highway. One end, it is mounted on the upper ejector nozzle, and the second is attached to the surface pump. It should be remembered that the diameter of the pipe on which the water fence is made from the source must exceed the size of the pipe along which water is supplied to the ejector.

If used inch trumpet, It is recommended to take a fourth-inch pipe for suction. After all the connections are made, the ejector is lowered into the water. Before the first starting system, it must be filled with water. The pump is poured through a special hole. Pipes leading to the ejector should also be poured with water.

The primary start of the pumping station is recommended for the following scheme:

  1. Pour water into the pump through a special hole.
  2. To block the faucet along which water comes from the pumping station into the plumbing system.
  3. Turn on the pump for about 10-20 seconds and immediately disable.
  4. Open the crane and start part of the air from the system.
  5. Repeat the cycle of short-term inclusions / disconnections of the pump in combination with air blending until the pipes are filled with water.
  6. Turn on the pump again.
  7. Wait to fill the hydroaccumulator and automatically disconnect the pump.
  8. Open any water tap.
  9. Wait until the water flows out of the hydroaccumulator, and the pump will turn on automatic mode.

If, when starting a system with an ejector, the water did not go, perhaps in the pipe somehow the air is selected, or the initial fill with water was not performed correctly. It makes sense to check the presence and state of the check valve. If it is not, the water will simply be poured into the well, and the pipes will remain empty.

These moments should be taken into account when using a pumping station with an ejector, which is started after long-term storage. Check valve, the integrity of the pipes and the tightness of the connections is best to check immediately.

If everything is in order, and water does not do, you need to check the voltage coming to the pumping station. If it is too low, the pump simply cannot work in full power. It is necessary to establish normal power supply equipment, and the problem will disappear.

If the ejector is needed to improve the water pressure in the system, and not to increase the depth of water intake, the model of the self-made ejector described above can be used. But it does not need to be immersed in water, you can place in in a convenient place Near the surface pump. In this case, the ejector will work in about the same way as the built-in model of industrial production.

Useful video on ejectors

In this video material described in detail the issue of the depth of suction of the surface pump and solving problems with the help of the ejector:

The principle of operation of the ejector is clearly demonstrated here:

Ejector is a simple, but very useful device. This is a convenient and useful way to improve the performance of pumping equipment in a private house. But the installation of the ejector, especially the remote model, must be performed correctly, only so you can provide a noticeable increase in water pressure. Published

In those places where there is no possibility to connect to a centralized water supply system, an ejector pump is used. The main purpose of such aggregates is to lift water from wells of different depths, from wells and other recesses and create healthy competition already familiar to everyone. borehole pumpswhich apply using the dive method. Such powerful devices can raise water from the recess to the height of more than 8 meters from the depths reaching 50 meters.

Many land owners could face such a problem as a deep binding of the aquifer. But, as you know, without water, it is absolutely impossible to do, so people find a solution to such a problem by establishing an ejector pump on their plot.

Unfortunately, surface equipment using pumps does not always bring positive results, and it can not always provide water. Sometimes water is absent completely, and sometimes enters the system, but very slowly and without pressure. It is in such cases that the ejector pumping station of water supply is best to apply.

Varieties of ejector pumps and their features of application

The injection pump can be represented by several varieties:

Principle of operation of the device

The injection pump has a fairly simple foundation of work and many people are trying to create an ejector pump with their own hands. At the same time, before understanding the principle of operation, it is necessary to know from which this unit consists of:

  • Nozzle through which fluid flows, accelerating and leaving the unit already at greater speed. It is a high water velocity that avoids unnecessary high pressure on the surrounding planes.
  • The device is mixing, where water from the nozzle hits. It is in the mixing device that the fluid is discharged throughout the volume.
  • A suction chamber where water gets from the well.
  • Diffuser, which promotes all the fluid on the existing pipeline.

In a large account, the principle of operation of the injection pump for water is the process of transferring kinetic energy from water at high speed to aquatic environment low speed.

Almost everywhere you can connect autonomous water supply. However, the main problem is depth groundwater. If the water in the prepared well is at the level of 5-7 meters, then you can not expect special problems, because then you can use almost any type of pump that is suitable for power and performance. If water is much deeper, then an ejector comes to the rescue for pumping stations.

Ejector for pumping stations

Why do you need an ejector?

To raise water from a high depth, a submersible pump is required or an increase in the mass and dimensions of the equipment, which is becoming ineffective and consumes a large number of Electricity. To prevent such problems, you need to resort to help additional devicewhich can push water to the surface, facilitating its rise. This uses an ejector.

Operating principle

By design, this is a simple device. It consists of the main components that are:

  • Nozzle,
  • Mixer,
  • Suction chamber
  • Diffuser.

Nozzle is close-up. The liquid coming out of the nozzle quickly accelerates and breaks out of it on high speed. Bernoulli brought the formula according to which the fluid flow at high speed does not have a large pressure on environment. From the nozzle, water passes into the mixer, creating a considerable discharge in its borders.

In fact, the ejector works in such a way when kinetic energy moves from the medium with a greater speed to the medium at a lower rate. How does his interaction with the pumping station occur?

The pipe ride from the well to the pump includes an ejector. Water that rises to the surface goes back to the well to the ejector, at the same time it is formed recycle line. It is pushed out of the nozzle with a huge speed, taking a new portion of the fluid from the well, which provides additional discharge in the pipeline. As a result, the pump to ensure lifting fluid from a large depth spends less energy.

A valve is installed on the recycling line, which helps to adjust the volume of the fluid coming back into the system of its fence than the efficiency of the entire system is configured.

Excess water, which remained unused in recycling, is delivered to the consumer, this determines the productivity of the entire station. Therefore, you can use the engine with less power indicators and a less massive pump part, thereby you can trace its increase in service life, as well as reducing energy consumption.

Thanks to ejector fighter system launch. A small amount of fluid creates a discharge in the pipeline and initiates its initial fence to prevent long-term operation of the pump.

Equipment of the pumping station with ejector occurs in two ways. It is inner when its design implies his presence. The second method is based on a separate external node. The pumping station with one or another way of layout is selected taking into account the claims.

Built-in ejector

This type allows you to take water to recycling and create pressure in the ejector through the pump itself. Such a design looks not so massive.

The pump with a built-in ejector is almost insensitive to additives from sand and snap. Water filtration is optional.

This equipment is needed to ensure water dropping from the depth of up to 8 meters. It creates a sufficient water pressure for watering a large farm. Among the disadvantages of the ejector embedded in the pumping station, you can call an increased level of noise when working. Therefore, it is better to install it in a separate utility room.

In order to ensure the recycling system, the electromotor is properly chosen high power. It is suitable for situations with a well, the depth of which is up to 10 meters. If the depth is more, then pumping stations with an ejector do not have alternatives with the exception of the submersible device. But in order to customize his work, you need to equip a well with a large diameter.

If the device of the pumping station does not include an ejector, then need additional bak For water flow. It occurs in the required pressure and additional discharge for removing some pump load. The ejector is connected to the submersible part of the pipeline. In order for it to start working, take two pipes into the well, which there are some requirements for the permissible diameter.

Pumping stations with a remote ejector reduce the efficiency of the system to 30-35%, but it allows you to extract water from deep sources up to 50 meters. The plus is the muted noise level of the working pumping station. Thanks to this, it can be installed directly in the house. Without lowering efficient work Distance from the well may be up to 20-40 meters. These characteristics are determining in the selection of a pumping station with an external device. The equipment is located in one prepared place at home, thanks to which it becomes a long service life, as well as implementation preventive work and system settings.


Installation of the pumping system with an internal ejector is almost no different from the installation of the nonsense of the pump. It is necessary to combine the pipeline from the source to the suction instrument input, as well as equip the pressure line with necessary equipment, in particular, the hydroaccumulator and automation that will manage the operation of the entire system.

For pumping stations with an internal ejector, fixing separately, as well as for devices where the external ejector is present is added two additional stages:

  • An additional pipe laying is required for recycling, it is stretched from the pressure line of the pump to the ejector. The main pipe is connected to the VSAP pump.
  • Having a check valve and coarse filter The nozzle for raising water from the source is connected to the Ejector ASPU.

If required, then in the recirculation line is mounted for setting the valve. This is advantageous in the case of the water level location in the well is significantly higher than the pumping station is calculated. The water pressure in the ejector can be reduced, due to which its flow in the water supply system will increase. Some models equipped with built-in valve For such a setting. The instructions for equipment indicates its placement and adjustment.

Production of ejector with your own hands

To make the device yourself you will need the following details:

  1. The tee will perform as the basis for the device.
  2. The fitting will become a conductor of a stream with high pressure.
  3. With the help of couplings and taps, the ejector will be assembled and its connection to the system.

The above items for assembling the device do it yourself collected in a certain order:

Threaded connections are installed on polymer seal . If instead of pipes performs a molecule from polyethylene, then the crimping elements are used as collet fittings under metal plastic, which are calculated on the reverse shrinkage of polyethylene. Pipes made of stitched polyethylene can bend in any direction, due to which it can be saved on the corners.

After assembling the ejector, it is required to make it connect to the pump station for the house. If the device is connected outside the well, then the pumping station with internal deviceIf the ejector goes into the mine under water, then equipment with an external unit.

Then in the latter case it is necessary to the assembled device will connect three pipes:

First trumpet It must be completely hidden in water, the other two come out of it on the surface.

Ejector is an indispensable device for creating a good water pressure, as well as to protect from work, the intake of supply equipment. It can be bought with a pumping station or collect it yourself. It will work efficiently for a long time, providing even from a deep source uninterrupted water supply.

Let's figure out what an ejector is. It is worth starting with the fact that it is an integral part of the pumping station intended for injection of water. What is his essence?

The main purpose is to help the pumping station. In such cases, when water is at great depth, for example, at a depth of 7 meters, the usual pump may not cope with water supply. And then, to solve the problem of water injection, even from such a depth to help the pump is installed ejector. In this way, the problem is solved simply. In other words, the device is used to improve the efficiency of the pumping station.

Of course, if the water is too deep, it will be necessary to use such a technique as a powerful submersible pump.

Features of the device

The ejector device is very simple, it can even be collected manually from ordinary materials. The design of the device consists of parts such as:

  • Diffuser;
  • Knot for offset;
  • Camera suction water;
  • Nozzle, Single Book.

The operation of the device is based on the law of Bernoulli. With an increase in the speed of movement of a certain stream, a low-pressure field is created around it. In this regard, the effect is created. discharge. The liquid passing through the nozzle, the alien on its design, gradually increases speed. After that, the liquid, falling into the mixer, creates low pressure in it. Thus, the pressure of the fluid that enters the mixer through the suction water of the camera is significantly increased.

It is also worth noting that for proper work Ejector it should be installed on the pump so that some of the fluid that rises with the pump remains inside the device, and, more precisely, the nozzle, creating the necessary pressure constantly. It is due to such a principle of work it is possible to maintain a constant accelerated stream. The use of such a device can significantly save electricity.

The main types of ejectors

Depending on the installation, ejectors can be different. They are customary to divide into two main types: built-in and remote. The difference between these species is small, that is, they differ only in the installation site, however, and this small difference can affect the operation of the pumping station . And he and the other species possesses its advantages and disadvantages..

The built-in, as you can guess from the title, is mounted directly into the pump housing, being its component.

Built-in model

Built-in ejector has its advantages:

  1. Just mount the pump itself without installing additional equipmentThis saves place in the well.
  2. It is inside, that is, it is protected from dirt from entering the device, and this, in turn, saves funds to purchase additional filters.

Of the disadvantages, only a small efficiency at high depths exceeding 10 meters can be noted. However, the main purpose of the built-in models is to use them for water injection from small depths. And one more nuance in defense of embedded devices: they provide powerful and uninterrupted water pressure. Therefore, they are often used for watering and other business needs.

Another minor disadvantage can be a high noise of the pump, amplifying due to water flow noise. Such pumps are customary outside the residential building.

Remote device

Remote, or external, the device is mounted on a pumping station at a depth of at least 20 meters. And in the opinion of some specialists, it is necessary to install the device at a distance of the half meter from the pump. That is, it can be placed right in the well or bring to the water source. Thus, noise from work will not be a problem for tenants. However, there are nuances here. For example, for connecting the pump to the source, a pipe is necessary to allow water to return to the device. The length of the pipe must Correspond a well depth. In addition to the recycling pipe, the tank is needed from which water will be taken.

Steam, pairs of and gas

Steam ejectors are designed to pump out gas from closed spaces and to maintain air in a sparse condition.

Parosted devices in contrast to steam use steam stream energy. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the flow of steam coming out of the nozzle makes a stream passing along the annular channel around the nozzle with it. Similar station It is used to pump water from ships.

Ejector air or gas applied in gas industry. During the operation of the device, the gas medium with low pressure is compressed, compression is achieved due to gas vapor with high pressure.

Vacuum devices

The work of vacuum ejectors is based on the effect of Venturi. They are many and single-stage. Compressed air enters the device and passes through the nozzle, and this leads to an increase in dynamic and to a decrease in static pressure, that is, a vacuum is created. In this way, compressed air, entering ejector, mixed with pumped air and comes out through the muffler.

In multistage ejectors, in contrast to the first type, the vacuum is not created in one, but in several nozzles, which are located in one row. Thus, the compressed air passes through the nozzle and comes out of the muffler. The advantage of the second type It is that when using the same air volume, great performance is ensured than in single-stage.

Difference from the injector

Both of these devices belong to the inkjet, that is, for sucking liquid and gas substances.

Ejector is a device in which kinetic energy is transmitted at a high speed to non-working, that is, a passive medium, by means of their displacement.

Injector - devicein which the compression of gases and liquids occurs.

The main difference of these devices is in the method of transmission of energy to the passive environment. For example, in the injector, the feed occurs due to pressure, and in the ejector the feed occurs due to the creation of the self-priming effect.