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What can replace the pass in needlework. What to use instead of packle? Polymer seals. Disadvantages of use of flax

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Replacing Fume Ribbon

In the sanitary work, new technologies have long come, and Foney ribbon came to replace winding flax. But there are such situations when there is no winding flax, neither, especially the fuma ribbon. How to get out of this situation, in the literal sense, dry? Than replace Fumu Rentu?

It turns out that we have such a replacement material today at every step. For replacement Fume Ribbon It is quite suitable for a regular polyethylene bag, which is packaged products in the store, be it bread, meat, fish or vegetables. Any products of the supermarket and the store are packaged to such bags, just do not use the rustling packing from dumplings or freezing for these purposes.

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8 comments left to the record.

Everything is so simple, and there is an armor and there is nothing at hand.

Really got into a situation when nothing turned out to be at hand, but I didn't think so, thanks for the advice!

I can not imagine a reliable connection without Tangita. However, what happens that. Then yes.

how to replace Fuma Rent

Polyethylene is a good advice.

This is an option to the avian situation, but it is better to apply Fuma Rent. It was, I know.

I do not argue with you that it is better, of course, use Foney ribbon, but when there is no one at hand, but you need to perform work, then this way can be exit dry from the situation.

Good advice! Sometimes you have to perform the role of a brilliant plumbing.

All ingenious just! Thank you, take advantage.

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How can I replace FUM tape?

FUM RENTA can be replaced by flax + paste unipacle. These sets are sold in any plumbing store. Pasta is needed in order for Len not rot in contact with water. Previously, this paste was replaced by primer

As well as thread tense unin

The most high-quality connection in responsible places is a connection with the use of flax with pasta.

Tape Fume appeared relatively recently, and before the package was used in might and main, and now when the tape suddenly ended and not hunting to go to the store, it is quite possible to use the passage. True, the packle now went not very good quality (too much explicit straw), but in this case, if you use it together with the Palace of Unipacle, but in the extreme case with ordinary paint, then the connection will be reliable. It should be noted that when co-wolked a pacle with paint, to promote such a connection will be problematic.

You can replace FUM with simple plumbing flane, because before the appearance of the Fume tape no one and did not try to shock the connections than flane. Yes, and still all plumbing prefer Len, and not some kind of tape there. Len and reliable much and cost much cheaper of these imported bells.

How to replace FUM RENT at home

When choosing a fum-tape or linen strand to seal the thread, it is reasonable to consider the third option - modern and more convenient. However, if in practice the question has become rigid - what is better than the fuma ribbon or package - then the answer will depend on several factors: what threads are compacted, in which system, where, what is its feature. Let's talk today about the advantages and disadvantages of these classic sealants and we will analyze the scope of their use.

Pakle and plumbing - how it works

Sanitary linen, palable, linen strand - all this name is the same. Flax panel - sealant used for household needs for more than 50 years. We were compacted in the USSR, they do it in new Russia. Flax did not touch any cataclysms: the transition to a market economy, the emergence of metalplastic in the market, the demand for innovative seals. Perhaps I will survive Len and renovation.

Among the orders there is an opinion that the sealing of the thread on flax is if not the last century, then accurately smacks naphtalin. There were cases when, seeing in the hands of the wizard of the pass, the customers rounded their eyes and advised not to do so anymore. Like, there are materials in stores and better. However, professionals know that it is necessary to work with any sealant, because the need for it may arise unexpectedly.

Flax is a coach in the form of a braid, from which the required length is cut to compact the thread of a particular diameter. Calculate the exact amount of flax for the connection is difficult. Do it on the eye, based on previous experience. It can be said for sure that the flax is suitable for the thread in any condition: dirty, wet or old. Those. For those who have kindled systems, for example, in the homes of the Old Fund, Len is irreplaceable.

Popular package for pipes and low price. The cost per 100 grams of sanitary flax begins with 50 rubles and depends on the quality of the material. However, not all so simple. Linen strand itself is useless. It is impossible to just wind the flax and collect the connection. Additional impregnation is required, reinforcing sealing properties. The impregnation-paste is applied from above wound on the thread of flax and protects against corrosion, swelling, rotting. Together with the impregnation, the price of flax reaches 150 rubles per 100 grams.

The usual form of release of flax - in braids - causes consumer claims. Flax fibers interfere, cling to clothes, stick to impregnation and spoil the appearance of the connection. Some manufacturers are published today in a spool. There is a coil of more than 200 rubles for 80-100 grams. What, of course, takes conversations about the availability of flax on no.

Two main flax deficiencies - in its nature and application technology. Flax is an organic, vegetable material. And how the vegetable material rotates or elapses. The impregnated panel serves longer than the one without treatment, but still the connection on flax has a completely concrete and very small shelf life - 3-5 years. Such compounds must be regularly inspected and check for leakage.

As for applying, Lena requires a hand and experience. First, the difficulty consists in the exact amount of flax ribbons. Secondly, winding it strictly along the thread, getting into every turn. Thirdly, the end of the strand is also fixed by a special way at the beginning of the thread - so that when twisting it does not roll and stopped. To secure flax on a thread specifically make notches or choose fittings with notches ready, factory. It is not recommended to use flax on plastic, metal-plastic, thin-walled thread. In general, in the presence of a variety of seals on the market, the use of flax causes a lot of questions.

What can be used instead of packle? Synthetic sealants. They serve longer, and less trouble with them. We will analyze an example of such a sealant - fum-ribbon.

Fuma ribbon - synthetic sealant based on fluoroplastic. As it is clear from the name is a ribbon produced in the coil. The cost varies from 30 to 160 rubles and higher and depends on the quality of the material, widths and thickness. To compact the thread, the FMU is selected individually, under the diameter.

Fuma tape, in contrast to flax, most effective on plastic pipes and fine threads. Many masters note that the fluid for diameters is not more than 1 inches, because Otherwise, the ribbon consumption can not be economical.

To apply the fum-ribbon, it will first stretch into the thread, wound on every turn of the thread several times, and then apply the entire width of the tape on the thread and fix it. Getting started to collect the connection and make it very carefully so that the tape does not come down and did not break. If before you did not have to deal with a sealant of this kind, we advise you to practice "dry" - try the winding of a couple of times, and then proceed to work. By the way, so you will quickly understand what to replace the pass-tape or some other material.

In principle, the moment of choice of tape. If flax is estimated in appearance, the FMU must be tested. High-quality tape stretches well and does not break. But it is possible to understand this by purchasing sealant - on the facility. The store or market is unlikely to be allowed to test the product without paying.

In addition to plastic and thin-walled thread, where is the relevant fum-tape?

For gas supply systems and non-standard liquid media

For high temperature systems

For repair of rubber rings and gaskets in mixers, showers

What is important to know when buying a ribbon?

Ineffective in heating systems, because does not withstand multidirectional loads and pressure drops

Demanding of the quality of the thread - before winding the threads check for the presence of burrs, notes, roughness that can damage the ribbon

Caprigance and shows the result only in the hands of a professional - to work with FUM-ribbon, you need experience not only in application, but also the choice of good material

Fuma ribbon or palable? These sealants have a lot of common - low price, market fame and professional environment, accessibility in any region. But they combine their and serious disadvantages: not the most convenient application, a limited scope of application, a big consumption. If there is a bulk work - installation of communications in a private house, installation of equipment and plumbing - it is better to choose the latest generation seals: a polymer thread, an anaerobic gel. With them you will do everything 3 times faster due to the high rate of application and instantaneous sealing.

anaerobic sealants as an alternative to traditional sealing

Differences FUM ribbon from the isol?

In this article, as in the video, I will try to decompose a rather complicated and interesting topic on the shelves on the shelves regarding what is better to pack the threads. In addition to several less common threaded seals, which many people have not heard, there are three main competitors in the market in the struggle for the hearts of Plumbers and everyone who ever produced winding threads in their household. It is flax, fum-tape and thread.

In Soviet times, such a question was not stood, since in addition to flax, the Soviet industry simply did not offer anything else. Now for many years, the disputes of the "classic" approach do not poison, that is, flax adepts and their "more modern" colleagues using fum-ribbon and plumbing thread. Who is right?

The fact is that among these three sealing materials there is no obvious favorite and a frank outsider. Each seal is good in its own way, and also has its own negative sides. We will analyze them.

Santechnic Len.

Positive sides of the flax:

  1. Absolutely reliable compounds. The age-old experience of using this seal speaks of its absolute reliability. If it is not necessary to wind up the thread correctly, you do not need to worry about tightness.
  2. Low price. This is the cheapest seal, the ratio of the amount of threaded threads to the spent money is clearly in favor of flax.
  3. The possibility of adjustment. Connection on flax with pasta Even after a few years, you can adjust a little, twist, slightly unscrew, but not more than 45 degrees. In this case, the tightness will not be broken.

Negative sides of the flax:

  1. Level speed with flax very low.

    Seals: Luck, Tape Fume, Thread, Sealants

    During the time spent on one winding, you can cut a few thread thread or fump. If the facility needs to pack the threads with dozens and hundreds, it can easily pour out in half a day the difference in time. And time is money. If you need to cut one or two threads, then this moment is not fundamental.

  2. Dirty hands. The fact is that flax is used in conjunction with sealing paste. Read more about pasta in this article. This paste is very marking and after each use of her hand needs to wipe.


Positive aspects of FMA tape:

  1. Speed \u200b\u200bof work. Motion threads FUM-ribbon is the fastest option.

Negative sides of Fuma tape:

  1. Requirement for experience. With all the seeming simplicity of using Fium-ribbons, it is very cunning and requires experience and knowledge in the winding. The newcomer is most likely not able to wind out the first time. Also for different types of thread there are different types of fum-ribbons, differing in width and thickness, it also needs to be considered.
  2. Unreliability. They will argue with me, but in my opinion the connections on Fum-tape are the most unreliable. I think this fact is for the most part caused by the reasons from paragraph 1.
  3. The impossibility of adjustment. If during the operation or repair of pipelines and connections a little damage, move, scroll the connection to the fum-tape, then it will inevitably flow. What does not happen when using flax with paste and thread.

Plumbing thread

Positive sides of the thread:

  1. Thread is good all. This is the most modern material that has little shortcomings.
  2. Available for newbies. Even the one who has never broke the threads in life by reading the instructions or watching the video on YouTube, it will be able to hermetically picking the thread from the first time. She forgives mistakes and keeps very good.
  3. The possibility of adjustment is very big. The threaded connection, suitable thread, can be adjusted up to 180 degrees without loss of tightness.

Negative thread properties:

  1. Price. Thread is a very expensive seal. For home use when winding one or two threads per year, this is not so fundamentally. For a professional winding threads dozens a day, it can be very bad for his pocket.
  2. The need for a knife. The thread is usually very strong and not to break it with their hands. Always at hand there must be a knife or scissors, which affects the winding time.


  1. A thread - For home use and for those professionals who do not save money.
  2. Linen - for professional use.
  3. FUM-RENTA. - for temporary connections.

Plumbing carving is imperfect. Without a seal - no way. But what to choose from a variety of offers on the market: flax, fum-tape, sealing thread or anaerobic sealants? In this article, I will tell than and under what circumstances to use the thread when contented. It so happened that I use 4 types of seals:

  • Linen
  • Sealing thread
  • Anaerobic sealants

As a professional plumber, in his suitcase I wear all 4 types - it is difficult to say, with which you will have to face in the conditions of real mounting. Any of these seals, with proper installation, works 100%. But which one to apply and in what conditions - depends on the circumstances. We analyze the circumstances.

At the cost of flax with paste - in the first place. Many believe that this is the last century. It happens even surprised and bumps my eyes:

"What do you like to wind into the thread? - Ask. - I have a FUM and thread here, let me teach you as it should ... "

You have to interrupt the excited homeowner and tell, in what cases, what sealant works better. So, flax. Previously, it was used with a special lubricant - Surikom or with oil paint. Now instead of them are used sealing pastes of gray.

There are soluble in water and insoluble. But this will be discussed in another publication. This is not a sealant. These pastes prevent the drying and rotting of flax. Without them, on hot water and heating, flax will dry out over time, turn into a duchus and - the connection will flow.

In cold water, flax will turn into a black slush and the connection will also flow.

Sealing paste will prevent these processes. Linen joint together with paste absolutely reliably and durable. Moreover, the paste allows you to adjust the connection - adjust to unscrew up to 45 °.

And not be flaws in flax, if not other seals that fled the linen connection.

Pluses of flax

  1. Flax dulls on any diameters
  2. On dirty and wet surfaces
  3. There is no doubt about the reliability of the connection

Minuses of flax

  1. The connections will still have to reach the key.
  2. When working with flax and paste, hands are always dirty. Very dirty. Because of this, when working, for example, white polypropylene tubes are easily dirty.
  3. We need to be neat on plastic threads, on fine or cramped threads, on thin-walled fittings and with other "jewelry" works.

And, personally, I do not like Lyon, and the fact that with constant use of his threads will be everywhere: on the castles of bags and clothes, it will stick to the keys, live together to clothing. Lyon demands a professional relationship, including when applied - it needs to be able to wind. He also needs supervision and regular revision. TOTAL. Luck is a reliable seal that, with the right installation, will last for many years. But if there are doubts, I do not want to mess around with winding, soaking your hands in a paste or just such a way seems to you morally obsolete - pay attention to other sealing options.


Fuma ribbon could always be wind and everywhere:

  1. hands are always clean,
  2. safely wind on thin-walled fittings
  3. on dirty thread, on wet thread,
  4. on plastic and very small.

Conveniently. But much more expensive than flax with pasta. Price and creates restrictions in the use of fumlents. I never spend a fum-tape on the threads more inches. I think it is economically unreasonable.

Another disadvantage - the fum-tape does not allow you to adjust the connection. That is, it is impossible to unscrew back to put the faucet or pressure gauge in the desired position: tightness is lost. Higher labor costs and consumption during sealing ribbon FUM lead to the fact that I use it little and does not use with large thread diameters.

Sealing thread

For example, Tangite Unifier-presented in our market:

professional Loctite (Lokatet):

  1. Hands are always clean
  2. You can adjust the connection to unscrewing up to 180 ° without loss of tightness. Really - more than 90 ° I have not tried. It seems to me dangerous.
  3. You can wind on a dirty thread, you can wind in the heat and frost, but just like Luck and Fuma, you must always reach the key connection. It is much more expensive than linen connections and are comparable to the cost of the FMU tape.

Manufacturers declare the excellent properties of their threads due to the ability of the microfolocone to hold tightness in conditions of vibrations, temperature drops and concomitant displacements in the thread.

I myself prefer to use the thread, when you need to replace something quickly and reliably, for example, a dozen gauges send to verification:

Pros in working with thread: The versatility of the material, the speed of working with it, good quality of the obtained seal.

All of the three above threads served me equally reliably. I did not notice the differences. However, the record is distinguished by an abundance of impregnation and price, so she lives lately in his suitcase.

Anaerobic sealants

The offer of anaerobic sealants in the market increases with each day. For today I would noted the following: LOXEAL (LOCCAL)

Unitec (UNITEC)

and the domestic compactor Santekhmastergel

If several years ago it was not clear that this tube was lying on the showcase, then today a rare master is not aware that it is. A professional audience holds many hours in disputes about whether to use anaeroba or not. My practice of working with anaerobic sealants suggests that with proper application (full filling of the threaded clearance) - leaks do not happen. Before applying, I carefully prepare threads, sometimes up to degreasing. Then I appreciate the likelihood of dismantling the connection in the future and the ability to bring out the key. Based on this, I choose the desired anaeroba composition. Each manufacturer has a dismantled and difficult-referred composition, so I work, then the other. According to circumstances.

I use the anaerobic sealant of Santekhmastergel for several years. The advantage of anaerobov is the speed of work. I would attribute to the disadvantages:

  1. A relatively high price is the most expensive seal from my list. Although the price here is a relative drawback and soon you will understand why.
  2. Applicability Only on pure new threads glue-sealant can only be put on clean new threads. Foreign objects and impurities are not allowed.

You can collect without keys. It is convenient when you need adjustment and position of the desired element (crane or pressure gauge) in advance.

Examples of life

Choosing a sealer when installing a collector

We will analyze an example. Let us have a collector on cold water for 9 taps:

  1. washing
  2. drinking filter
  3. bath
  4. sink
  5. dishwasher
  6. toilet
  7. boiler (water)
  8. washer

In front of the collector - a coarse filter, counter, check valve, pressure gearbox, a trunk filter. On hot water the same, but the rejunctions of the collector smaller. It is necessary to twist an American for each collector removal, because there is no other material. (A frequent situation away from megacities).

So on the whole group with a mood on the wall and with cleaning thread with flax, I spend almost all day, with a fumalent or thread, a little less. With an anaerobic sealant, I have everything about everything takes 2 hours.

Lon: all day

FUM or thread: smaller

Anaerob: two hours

And it turns out that even a tube of the seal is initially worth more, due to the time won, it pays off four or five times.

Due to such savings?

Everything is simple. Lyon, tape and thread after winding on the threads need to twist the keys. It takes time. Anaerobic sealant: I smeared, twisted my hands until it stops or until the desired angle and everything was put to dry. You do not spend time tightening the keys. The remnants of the glue wipe the rag. But extra flax or thread need to be cut, on which it also takes time. (Fuma ribbon is easier than flax or thread).

As you can see, the price of anaerobic sealant is compensated by considerable time savings. Two lack of this sealer remain:

  1. It is impossible to compact the old unclean needless thread. If you generalize strongly, then, in fact, the anaerob is designed for new systems and is not suitable for the repair of old.
  2. It is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible, to disassemble the connection without heating. Depends on the type of glue-sealant.

Otherwise, this is the perfect seal for new systems. Why do I have all seals in the instrument bag? The fact is that it is impossible to say for sure that it is formerly to be sealing and in what volume on the facility.

No matter how paradoxically sounds, but most plumbers are managed to concentrate threaded compounds ... pacles, or transferred to the publicly available tongue - linen fibers. Len with a sealant, just Len - fantasy of the employees of "Plumbing Niva" is limitless. However, otherwise than inertial mission, this approach is not explained. Pacle, being natural fiber inevitably collapses with time. The use of packle was justified during the times of conventional metal pipes, the main method of which was welding - the Vitoga of Pakly was present only at the junction of the pipe and the mixer. The number of threaded compounds in metroplastic pipes is greater than the service life is much higher. As a result of a tremendous likelihood of leaks in threaded connections in a few years.

In order to avoid trouble, we recommend to clarify the question with the performers which sealing materials they plan to use. As you already understood the flax and its derivatives are unacceptable - require the use of modern polymer sealing matters, only they guarantee the reliability, tightness and durability of the thread. Small retreat: If you need to urgently change the mixer, there is no desire for the reserve of the polymer seal, and work is planned personally - you can use the usual thin packaging package from the nearest supermarket (not paper), simply winding it on the thread. However, we will return to professional materials: Italian, German, Polish materials, Chinese and naturally domestic brands are quite widely represented on the market. There is no special difference between them.

The main difference of new polymeric sealing materials compared to traditional is the stability of their properties during the entire service life, high reliability, ease of use and preparation of tightness of the compounds. Polymer seals can be divided into two types: winding for pipes and plumbing anaerobic sealants. They differ in the "form factor" and the method of applying.

When choosing a material to seal threads, the conditions in which will be installed (ambient temperature above 15c or below), connection conditions (heating, hot or cold drinking water, the presence of antifreeze in the system), compound materials (metal metal, plastic -Metal as well as the type of metal), the availability of the connection (easy access or difficult, the need to subsequent access to the connection). If it is easier to speak, then for the threaded connections that you in the future do not plan to disassemble (for example, heating) is better to apply an anaerobic sealant, for the systems that are periodically subjected to disassembly (faucets, shower, water filters, and indeed water supply systems in general) It is better to use the winding for pipes. However, you can do with one type of polymer seal.

How to apply the polymer seal? For winding and sealant schemes are different, so we will give them consistently. So, if the choice fell on the winding: it is necessary to clean the thread from explicitly contaminants, for which it is enough to rub a rag, then pull out the recommended amount of the threads and trim the built-in knife, the thread should be cooked chaotic crossing the thread turns, crosswise (in the middle of thread threads it is desirable to wind several More than around the edges), then maximize the tight using the keys connect the threaded items. Connections collected on the thread can be tested for tightness immediately after twist. Another option is to use the FMU tape (ribbon from fluoroplastic sealing material) - tightly watered on the thread and cut the edge, the rest is described above.

If you decide to use the sealant, then: the thread is extremely desirable to degrease, for which we wipe with a rag with an alcoholic solution, glass-cleaning liquid, etc.; Next, we take the brush and thoroughly missing the threaded grooves, cover the layer of gel all the outer and initial turns of the inner surface of the thread in an amount sufficient to fill the threaded gap as a whole. After the composition is applied to twist-uninstall the connection without the fittings connector. Running there is back promotes the correct distribution of the composition in the thread, eliminates air inclusions. An effort in a twist is not required, a contact of several threaded turns is sufficient for sealing.

Compounds collected on an anaerobic gel at room temperature can withstand low medium pressure sufficient to check for leakage after 1 hour. The full launch of the system is possible after 1 day. The heated junction with a hairdryer is able to accelerate the sealing process at times. The main feature is the rejection and reduction of the transparency of the gel in the thread clearance.

The subjective opinion of the author - the winding for pipes is somewhat easier to use and significantly saves time.

Dear master! Is it possible to build a house from a bar instead of packle, flax, jute to use foam phol? At first glance, the advantages are obvious. Fenofol Elastic, waterproof, not thought out, good insulation, easy to use. And why not use it as a gasket between bars? And what are there any contraindications? Thank you in advance.

Evgeny Vladimirovich, Pereslavsky district, D. Krasnogor.

Hi, Evgeny Vladimirovich from Kraschenar!

Penofol is the insulation of two main components, namely, polyethylene and aluminum foil. What kind of type, type or brand is neither.

Polyeneetylene is not natural and, despite almost unanimous assertions of manufacturers and sellers of its complete environmental safety, such, in my opinion, is not.

As an example, the full name of dicis always citing a wide name ofe, which at one time was advertised as completely harmless. I remember how they generously shook clothes in the cabinets so that the mole did not start, as they diluted with water and then the greens were watered on the beds with the aim of the destruction of any bad agricultural pests. In short, it was a panacea from all, or almost all, troubles and misfortunes.

There was a little more than fifty years and something I do not remember that this substance is somewhere so widely used. It is so harmful for the human body and can accumulate in it, which is used only in the most extreme cases to combat mass epidemics. When "not to fat, I would live."

Neither you nor I, and no one else, with one hundred percent confidence, to declare about so much ... to make it, which is politically not decomposing, during the whole time, as it was produced, does not have the bad properties, which are not known now.

I am not a supporter to reject technical progress when using more and more new materials in construction, but still give preference to the old, tested by many dozens, and even hundreds of years.

With the right technology of construction package (linen, jut, hemp), the most durable and environmentally friendly laying material-insulation between the wooden crowns in residential construction. At the same time, they must be completely dry (as well as wood logs, timber, etc.), and on the outside, from the side of the street, ideally should be covered with oil or other types of coatings of protected insulation from absorption of atmospheric moisture.

Yes, sometimes used as insulation and when there are no normal pacles at hand at hand. But the use of foams to fill the interventory space is unknown to me.

In my opinion it is connected with another factor. You noticed that in stone houses and in wooden, the waterproofing layer is placed only on the basement basement. That is, further from this waterproofing layer are solid walls that create an array. Why is it done? Then even with local, concentrated hips of an excessive amount of moisture on any part of the wall, this moisture is not delayed in one place, and redistributed in all parties. And over time, this moisture evaporates not with a small one, but with a larger area. As a result, it does not rotten the tree and the destruction of the masonry.

If you put a foam, then the layers of aluminum foil through each crown will not allow the possibility of penetrating moisture, which fell on one log (or wooden bar), to others and redistributed with a faster further drying with a large surface area. With all the ensuing consequences.

But it is more than the area of \u200b\u200bthe theory.

Len - separately, impregnation - separately ...

Even the modern editions of the SNIPs developed in the 80s of the last century are not excluded from the appeal of such a threaded sealant, as a flax strand, it is often referred to as "Pakle Plothenic". However, the GUTs prescribe to soak Len Leken Surikom on the Olife. Modern paints do not contain the former number of lead, which defended the threaded compounds from corrosion, and the lead Surik on the olife is a composite product whose components still have to search. In addition, the winding of flax or Pakli plumbing requires a certain one. Incorrectly wound linen plumbing strand or palable badly impregnated (especially, an unsuitable means) will not create the necessary level of protection of the plumbing compound. The assembly on flax without impregnation is prohibited, the passage is necessary to impregnate! The impregnation of sanitary silicone threaded sealant is also prohibited. What are fraught with the consequences?

- Early aging of the thread: due to the fact that the package is impregnated with plumbing threaded sealant takes place or corrosion of metal parts.
- leaks.
- Gap pressure under pressure.

But there is this type of sealing and pros:

- When impregnating packle or flax plumbing special paste and experienced handling of flax, the connection will serve quite a long time.
- - cheap and publicly available material for tighting thread. Padclock can be found in any specialized plumbing store or on the market.

Flax is an environmentally friendly vegetable product, which does not require certification, so connections on linen strands can be used to seal the pipeline water supply pipelines. Provided that the impregnation of the packle is also safe when used in plunical conditions ...

FUM-IDO - Plumbing Code

Instead of flax or Pakli plumbing often, more modern threaded sealant is often used. Many wonder: What is better than Fuma Ribbon or Pakle? The quality of the compound on the fum-tape largely depends on the quality of the tape itself, so many masters who have already had no success than successful to find a worthy fum-tape, prefer to use exclusively flax or pass. Cheap base winding is poorly stretched and easy to break. Even an experienced master such a threaded sealant will deliver a lot of trouble. Of course, in this case, he will not have a question that it is better for him to use: FUM tape or pass, most likely it will prefer a more traditional and proven seal. Calm, only calm ....

When handling the tape FMU, experience with such a sealant is necessary, however, as well as with flax or Pacles of Plumbing. The correctness of the winding of the FMU ribbon or the thickness of the layer is selected by the experimental way, which is also similar to the technology of the application of the packle. Therefore, the newcomer will have to spend a lot of time for a fum-ribbon seal. In addition, when assembling nodes that require the positioning of parts relative to each other, there may be a problem of nonconformity, and to promote the FUM connection - it means starting all the work again.

- Fuma tape is not used in heating systems due to the properties of the fluoroplastic. Here Fuma Ribbon is inferior to flares or a pacule.
- It does not withstand vibratory loads, so this thread sealant is not used as a seal of pipelines subjected to vibrations during operation. As a tape and the packle here occupy the same position.

The advantage of this type of sealing material is high chemical resistance. This allows the use of FMU in conditions of aggressive media and in the medium of pure oxygen.

Pipe does not "make you nerves"

Len and Fuma tape are used in plumbing work for several decades, so they can already be called "Dedovsky". It is worth saying that each master decides that it is better for him a fum-tape or all the same old proven package. Alternatively, such "Dedovsky" methods using flax and fum-tape make up a modern method of sealing - a plumbing thread, impregnated with a special sealing composition. As you know, wimming the plumbing thread is much more pleasant and easier than using flax or fum-tape for these purposes.

In addition, the plumbing thread has a number of advantages:

- Synthetic fibers of this sealant (subtechnic thread) do not dry from high temperatures and do not swell under the action of moisture in the process of sanitary work.
- Plumbing thread in the production is impregnated with the optimal amount of sealing composition, so you can be sure that it performs a protective function fully.
- No cleaning of carving from sealant (from threads) during contamination in plumbing works is required.
- The material does not require special skills in circulation. The plumbing thread "Record" is easily and quickly wound with 10-15 turns, crossing the threaded protrusions.
- The thread withstands the pressure is 2-3 times higher than plumbing threaded connections on flax.
- forms fast-being connected.

By the way, collect the node on the plumbing threads is also several times faster than on flax, which is very important in the emergency conditions, and just more convenient.

How to wear a sanitary thread?

Probably, everyone who first takes a winding asking as a question: how to wind the plumbing thread? Everything is very simple! To wind the plumbing thread do not need to apply a lot of effort, as it is inherent in the winding of the thread of flax with pasta. For this you do not need special skills and labor. Even an inexperienced master after the first time adapts and will notice the plumbing thread without any problems the next time on the next threaded connection.

Here is a small instruction that will help you deal with the question: how to wind the plumbing thread.

The first turn of the threads is closer to the edge of the thread, and the rest is applied crosswise. Upon completion of the winding, the connection is twisted. Thus, the wound plumbing thread reliably compact the threaded connection.

We reviewed the three most popular winding methods with: linen strand, fum-tape and synthetic thread. All of them are eligible for use, as in each case, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of sealing systems.

Linen strand FUM-RENTA. Thread "Record"
Price 80-100 rub. / 100 gr. Plus impregnation 200 rubles / 50 p. M. 245 rub. / 50 pound M.
Easy application Experience is required Experience is required Experience is not required
terms of application Does not withstand high pressure, requires impregnation, bio-decomposed Not to be applied in conditions of increased T °, \u200b\u200bnot decomposing Universal material under the conditions of application is not decomposed
Resistance to aggressive environments + +
Vibration resistance Average Very low High
Clean and quality thread With restrictions Required Unpretentious
Preparation of material Requires treatment with impregnating composition Ready for use Ready for use
Working temperature Up to +150 From ° С -50 to +120 ° С From ° C -60 to +150 ° С
Connection service life From several months to 5 years Up to 13 years old Over 15 years

Favorite for the price is, of course, Lena or Pacle Santechnic. His motto could be slogan: "cheap and angry." Being a rather demanding and not universal material, it may, all the same, claim the role of temporary threaded sealant, which is desirable to replace soon to more modern. However, the price of such a seal method may vary depending on the impregnation material (paint, paste, sealant, etc.). FUM tape at an average price of 3.5 rubles / pog. m is a less reliable method of seal than synthetic thread (plumbing). It will be quite well in the sealing of cold "calm" pipelines (without fluctuations in temperatures and vibrations).

Winding "Record", which represents the thread of Plumbing, perhaps the best sealing option from all represented. This is the most universal sealant, unpretentious and durable with plumbing work, which fully justifies its price.

However, if you need a really durable and reliable connection, universal to all aggressive environments, what to choose? When choosing a sealant, it is also important to remember that in some cases it is better to apply for help to anaerobic sealant. For example, all windows - flax, fume and plumbing thread are well suited for carving with notches or roughly sliced, but are not suitable for smooth and for conical threads - scoop. European threads are often found "smooth." Here the winding or thread will not save, you need a sanitary sealant.

A reliable compound provide modern anaerobic sealants that are easy to use and much more economical than other seal methods in terms of one fitting. You can purchase such sealants from us in directly from the manufacturer or in the nearest store, the address of which can be clarified in the section "".