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The abstract of the lesson on biology on the topic "The value of breathing. The structure and functions of the respiratory system (grade 8). The lesson abstract" The value of breathing. Respiratory System Organs "(Grade 8)

Lesson on the topic "Breathing value." 8th grade

"So far I breathe - I hope," Ovid

Objectives lesson:

  1. learning skills to put the problem and experienced way Search response
  2. development of skills and experimental skills,
  3. education of confidence in their creative abilities.

Tasks lesson:

  1. do not give ready-made facts, but to determine the value of breathing by setting problematic issues,
  2. attract students to work on the search for ideas, nomination of hypotheses on the proposed questions about breathing,
  3. development of work skills with digital laboratory equipment and special NOVA PC applications.

Equipment: Digital Laboratory, PC, Projector, Balls.

1. Totalization of knowledge

· The purpose of the lesson - by setting the experiments, answer the question ...

· What do you need a person for life? Food, water, air

· How long can a person can do:

no meal (month), water (week), air (up to 20 minutes). Why? (no stock)

· What will be the most important for a person? Air

· How does the air go to the human body? In the process of breathing, through the skin

2.New material

The theme of today's lesson "Respiratory value", and therefore, we need to answer the question "What is the function of breathing?". To present the process of breathing as a whole, I suggest watching a video about breathing (respiratory organs, 2 min.)

Remind me which human life systems are direct involved

in the process of breathing? Respiratory and circulatory

Do they perform one function? Not

How are functions between systems distributed?

D.S. - Communication of the body with environmental, K.S. - Transport of gases in the body

3.Practic work "Gas exchange in the lungs. Respiratory Samples »

Do you think the composition of the inhaled and exhaled air is the same? Not

What is part of the inhaled air? Oxygen, corner. gas, nitrogen, water vapor, impurities

And exhaled? Oxygen, corner. gas, nitrogen, water vapor, impurities

Let's try to check the composition of the air. We will experience experience: being in one place, inhale and exhale the same air three times ...

To do this we need special equipmentwhich will show the result.

Tutorial card for working with NOVA - execution of experiments

4. Socialization

What are the results of experiments? The amount of oxygen changes or not? Yes

How? Decreases

Why? Spent by the body in the process of oxidation

If the amount of oxygen decreases, and the portion of the inhaled and exhaled air is the same, then the amount of which gas increases? Carbon dioxide

What happened in the body? Gas exchange

Let's see how the composition of the air during breathing changes

(Clip-composition of air on the breath and exhalation).

What gas does not change? Nitrogen

Let's see how the gas exchange process occurs

(Clip-gas exchange in the lungs). Tell me what is happening in the scheme.

5. Silent warm-up

And now we compare the methods of breathing to ensure the body with oxygen:

1) nasal breathing - close one nostril and take a deep breath and exhalation, now the second ...

What is the cause of difficulty breathing? Nose Convenience, Nose Trauma

What are the consequences of difficult breathing? Insufficient supply of oxygen

2)Surface breathing - Breathe often and shallow ...

Respiratory result? Poor supply of oxygen, part of the lungs is filled with inneru enough air

Call the reasons for breathing. Wrong posture, overeating, small mobility

3) full breathing (executed lying) -

· Relax right hand on the stomach, left - on the chest,

· We consider: once - inhale, lifting the abdominal cavity

2, 3 - inhale, raising the chest

4, 5 - exhale, drawing the abdominal cavity

6, 7, 8 - exhalation, chest pulling

Respiratory result? Good supply of oxygen

Respiratory Value: Increased Rack, Strengthening Respiratory Motor

Learning to breathe correctly (sitting):

1.Proper breathing

· Raise your head, straighten your back

· Take the shoulders, connect the blades

· Remove the stomach, pull the legs

· Make deep breaths 4 times

2.Wed to the sun, hands up ... omit

3. Creating the lungs from unnecessary air - hands on the sides and up, deep breath, sharp exhale, lowered hands (3 times)

6. Frequency


What is breathing? Exchange gases between the environment and organism cells

What is the respiratory function? Gas exchange

It turns out that breathing also has other functions, but we will talk about them in the following lessons when we meet the respiratory authorities.

7. Operation of work

Now we return to the experiments carried out and make out practical work In the form of a presentation on Nova PC. Open the presentation on the desktop and fill the slides.

Open Slide number 3 (experience of experience)

8. Camera lesson

9. Mandatory task:

Most people do not suspect how great the value of the exhalation in their lives.

Tell me what importance is exhausted in the life of people.

Nesareva T.Yu., teacher biology, geography and chemistry

MBOU "Lesozavodskaya Sosh" p. Konosha, Arkhangelsk region, 2014

Summarizing lesson on the topic "Breath"

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational: lead to the system of knowledge of students on the structure, functions and hygiene of human respiration.

Developing: to form skills to compare, classify and summarize the studied facts and phenomena.

Raising: continue the formation of the need for healthy education Life.

Introductory word Teacher. Today, at the lesson, we will remember, analyze what we know about the respiratory authorities. To do this, we will have to form a circle of major issues and problems. What do you think, what questions will we consider? (What is breathing, its meaning, respiratory tract, respiratory mechanism, main diseases, etc.)

On the slide and on interactive blackboard Record: "I breathe, and that means I live ..." V. Vysotsky

- What do you think, can these words comply with our topic? Why? (Pupils express their opinions). As a result, we can conclude that breathing is a complex vital process.

- We formulate the main goals of our lesson

Before the start of the lesson on the board recorded a lesson plan:

I. The structure and functions of respiratory organs.

II. Performance laboratory work.

III. Solving biological tasks

IV First Aid Rules. Hygiene breathing.

V. Summing up the lesson.

The class is divided into groups. At the head of each group - a consultant. Each consultant before the start of work issued a memo (Appendix 2).

The structure and functions of respiratory organs.

A representative from each group pulls the issue number. For 1 minute, students are preparing and answering the question. Representatives of other groups have the right to complement comrades.

1. What is so breathing? Why do you need to breathe through the nose?

2. How are speech sounds?

3. What happens inhale and exhale? Nervous and humoral regulation?

4. How does gas exchange occurs in lungs and tissues?

Performing laboratory work.

Each student is issued a sheet with text to perform laboratory work.

Laboratory work number 1 "Life capacity of lungs"

An adult man depends on growth and age in a calm state with every breath consumes 300-900 ml of air and exhales it as much. In this case, the possibility of lungs is not completely used. After any calm breath, you can breathe an additional portion of the air, and after a calm exhalation - to exhale even portion of the air. The maximum amount of exhaled air after the deepest breath is called - the life capacity of the lungs (eating). It is determined using a special device - spirometer. On average, the vital capacity of the lungs is 3-5 liters.

Objective: learn how to count the vital capacity of the lungs with the help of formulas.

Progress: Calculation of the life capacity of lungs. For adolescents, it is calculated by the formulas:

Boys 13-16 years:

Zappa \u003d ((growth (cm) x · 0.052)) - ((age (years) x 0.022)) - 4,2 \u003d:.

Girls 8-16 years:

Check \u003d ((growth (cm) x 0.041)) - ((age (years) x 0,018)) - 3,7 \u003d :.

Form of reporting:

Calculate your own beloved using formulas.

Compare the results with the average tables.

Take conclusions:

1) What is the meaning of your body?

2) Compare your value to the average tabular data.

3) how many participants in the group elated above the norm, and how many - below.

4) RESULTS Write in a sheet with work.

Announce the results of the work done.

The indicators of adolescents

Age (years)

Flag of boys

Fel girls

Fizminutka. Today we will check the capacity of our lungs without the help of a spirometer, and try to do it "relative to the neighbor" and with the help of a balloon. Everyone will have three attempts. So, one exhale you need to fill the ball with air and compare the bulb with neighboring. (Second attempt after 10 squats). This is not all the trials. Without releasing the air from the ball, you need to do several exercises:

Made pull up hand with ball

At this height, shifting the ball into another hand

At the height, take the ball with two hands and how much you can get old

Thank you very much! Everyone got everything great!

Solving tasks.

Each command, in the same manner, as in the previous task, read the text of the task. On thinking a response is given a minute.

1. Time is great Patriotic War There was such an episode. Our intelligence was instructed to get valuable documents from the headquarters of the enemy. Changed into a German form, the scout stayed down the colonel with a portfolio in which were required documents. With a cry: "Uncle, I'm alive!" - The scout rushed into the neck of the Colonel and introduced him through the healing hole to the brain. Death occurred instantly, which allowed our people to master the documents. Which brain department got a needle, and what center ruined?

Answer: The needle introduced by the Colonel inside the skull struck the oblong brain where the centers of breathing and blood circulation are located.

2. Many novice smokers are gaining tobacco smoke in the mouth, and then release it without tightening. Why is this entertainment can go into the habit of which then it will be difficult to loosen, and become a real reason for smoking?

Answer: Beginner smokers do not take into account that a number of substances: nicotine, alcohol, validol, nitroglycerin - are able to absorb in all departments of the digestive tract, starting with oral cavity.

3. Why do children who for one reason or another is difficult to breathe through the nose, are more often exposed to colds? Air entering with breath into lungs is subjected to "sterilization". What ensures the protection of the body from entering into it along with the inhaled air of pathogens of microorganisms?

Answer: The nasal cavity is enjoyed by fiscal epithelium and densely penetrated by blood vessels. Air entering into the nasal cavity: 1) heated, 2) is moisturized, 3) disinfected, 4) warmed up. If the nose is running, the children breathe through the mouth, so the cold and polluted air enters the lungs.)

4. SELLS and any mammal breathe normally when food is fed in the mouth. Do they breathe during sorting of food? Why is this happening?

Answer: in humans and mammals, the digestive tract and the respiratory tract are divided into swallowing the food with the nastrostnik, so they breathe during the sort of food.

First medical care (pull the task for discussion 1 min)

1. The first help is drowning

2. Help when choking, ground winding

3. Clinical and biological death

4.Is to breathe and indirect heart massage

And now, I will read you a small passage from the book. You try to answer the question about which event in it this is speech:

"Looking ashore, we went deep into the island. We met a lot of almost naked people, very slender and strong who went from their villages with burning heads in their hands and grass, whose smoke they drank. Others carried one big wrapper and at each stop lit her. Then each did three of it - four tightening, the release of smoke through the nostrils "(meeting Columbus and his teams with natives).

List the diseases that may arise from a smokers



What is said what is the conclusion?

Output: ( tobacoccoing is very negative effect on the body. We once again convinced that there is not a single organ in the body that would not be damaged by nicotine.)

What are you great! With honor withstood the test. Slide yourself points for work at this stage. And now fill in the memo, which will exchange at the end of the lesson (Appendix 3)

    Summing up the lesson

According to estimated sheets, each group calculates the number of points scored by each participant and the group as a whole. Determine the most efficient group and student of the group. Congratulations!

(music sounds)

"So far I breathe, I hope (Dum Spiro, Spero)"

Probably now filled with a new meaning these words of the Roman poet Ovidi. Breathing is life while a person lives, he develops, gets new knowledge, becomes a person, looks at the future with hope.

Installing estimates for work in groups.


Schoolboy's directory. Biology. M., "Enlightenment", 1996.

Batuev A.S. Biology. Human. Grade 9. Textbook. M., "Drop", 1998.

Batuev A.S. et al. Biology: Dictionary-Directory to the textbook "Biology. Man. Grade 9" Ed. Batuev A. S. / m., Drop, 2002.

Mash R.D. Biology. Man and his health. Collection of experiments and tasks. 8-9 class. M., "Mnemozina", 1997.

V.S. School workshop. Biology. Human. Grade 9. M., Drop, 2001.

Appendix 2.

Surname name student

Laboratory work

The structure and functions of respiratory organs.

First aid

Memo to the head of the group

Before the seminar, check the presence of a group of school equipment.

Performing laboratory work:

Read the progress of work;

Work. Each member of the group performs work independently;

Make conclusions for work;

Observe the results obtained.

Read the text of your question. Mark in the sheet of accounting of active students.

The solution of the problem. Discuss the solution to the problem. Announce the decision of the decision.

Load the results of the work at the seminar lesson. Exhibition of estimates in the account of the account.


"+" - full of correct answer

"+" - the correct, but not quite accurate answer

"?" - incomplete answer

"^" - addition

Appendix 3.

Theme lesson: Breath. The need of a human body in oxygen. The structure of respiratory organs.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Objectives lesson:

Educational: explore the features of the structure of respiratory organs; find the relationship of the structure of the organs and the functions performed; reveal the essence of the respiratory process, its value in the metabolism; Find out the mechanisms of voice formation;

Developing: continue the formation of the basics of hygiene (respiratory hygiene rules);

Develop the ability to compare, analyze and draw conclusions;


Bring up a careful attitude to its body, to his health, to health surrounding;

Conduct an analogy: Breath - Life;

Equipment: tables: "Breathing Organs", "Lands and Oral Oral Organs when breathing and swallowing", Presentation "Human Respiratory System".

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of the knowledge necessary to study the new material.

Through the nose passes into the chest

And back holds the way

He is not visible, and yet

Without it, we can not live.

(air, oxygen)

Frontal survey:

1) What is the organism for oxygen?(Oxygen is involved in the chemical processes of cleavage of complex organic substances, as a result of which the energy required to maintain the livelihoods of the body, its growth, movement, nutrition, reproduction, etc. 6 cl.)

2) What is called breathing?(Breathing is an admission to the organism of oxygen and the extraction of carbon dioxide. 6 CL.)

3) where energy is formed and accumulated in the cell?(Mitochondria - Organoides, the main function of which is the oxidation of organic compounds, accompanied by the release of energy. This energy goes to the synthesis of adenosine trifosphoric acid molecules (ATP), which serves as if a universal cell battery.)

4) How are metabolism and breathing related?(Breathing is a part of the metabolism at which gas exchange occurs between the organism and the external environment: oxygen enters the body from the external environment, and carbon dioxide is removed from the body. 8kl.)

5) What is the purpose of the respiratory authorities?(Respiratory organs are saturated with oxygen blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. 6 CL)

6) Which respiratory authorities are you known?(Gills, trachea, lungs)

7) whether the structure depend respiratory system From animal habitats?

8) Is it possible to assume that the respiratory system of man and mammal animals has a similar structure? Justify the answer.

9) What participation in the breath takes the circulatory system?(Blood performs transport function.)

3. Studying a new material.

1) Teacher formulates theme lesson:The structure and function of the respiratory system

The teacher formulates the purpose of the lesson:

  • explore the features of the structure of respiratory organs;
  • reveal the essence of the respiratory process, its value in the metabolism;
  • find out the mechanisms of voice formation.

We often say: "We need it like air!". What does this saying mean?

Another ancient Greek scientist Anaximen, observing the breath of animals and man, considered the air condition and root cause of life. Great doctor Ancient Greece Hippocrates called the air of the "pasture of life." Although the ideas about the air as the only separate cause of the entire existing naive, but they reflect the understanding of the enormous importance of air for the body.

We will conduct practical observation: make a calm breath and hold your breath. What do you watch? After what period of time do you experience a shortage of air?

How many days a person can live without food? Without water? And without air? (up to 30 days, up to 8 days, up to 5 minutes)

Why without air even trained people can do no more than 6 minutes?

Air contains oxygen. A longer oxygen fasting can lead to death. After all, in our body there are no oxygen reserves, so it should evenly enter the body.

Breath - This is gas exchange between the body and the external environment: from the outside to the body comes with oxygen, and carbon dioxide is released from the body into the external environment.

The process of breathing consists

of the 4 stages:

  1. gas exchange between the air and light;
  2. exchange of gases between light and blood;
  3. vehicles of gases blood;
  4. gas exchange in tissues.

The system of respiratory system performs only the first part of the gas exchange. The rest performs the system of blood circulation. There is a deep relationship between respiratory and circulatory systems.

The human respiration organs on a functional basis can be divided into two groups: air-capable, or respiratory and gas exchange organs.

Airways: Nasal cavity → Nasopharynx → Large → Trachea → Bronchi.

Gas exchange organs: Light.

2) the structure of the respiratory tract.Performing a task 140 on page 92 of the working notebook.

Human respiratory organs

Signatures for slides:

Prepared Teacher Chemistry and Biology Raskkina Vera Yuryevna

The purpose of the lesson: to study the characteristics of the structure of the respiratory organs; reveal the essence of the respiratory process, its value in the metabolism; Find out the mechanisms of voice formation.

The riddle through the nose passes into the chest and back holds the way, it is not visible, and yet we cannot live without it.

Evolution of respiratory organs

Breathing is the exchange of gases between cells and the environment. The respiratory process consists of 4 stages: gas exchange between the air and light; Exchange of gases between light and blood; vehicles of gases blood; Gas exchange in tissues. The system of respiratory system performs only the first part of the gas exchange. The rest performs the system of blood circulation. There is a deep relationship between respiratory and circulatory systems.

The human respiration organs on a functional basis can be divided into two groups: air-capable, or respiratory and gas exchange organs. Respiratory roads: Nasal cavity → Nasopharynx → Gortan → Trachea → Bronchi. Gas exchange organs: lungs.

Nasal cavity

Functions Nasal Widdle and Cleansing Air Moisturizing Air Disinfection of air Air heating The perception of smells (sense of smell).

Fuchery and bronchi - organs of the lower respiratory tract. Fuchery Building: a wide tube, consisting of cartilage half-colts with a soft side facing the esophagus. Inner wall The trachea is covered with fiscal epithelium. Functions: free passage of air into the lungs, eliminating pollen particles from the lungs into the throat. Bronchi Building: branching tubes of smaller diameter. Consist of cartilage rings that protect them from falling during inhalation. Functions: Air flow to the lung alveolum.

Lightweight occupy all the free space in the chest cavity. The extended part of the lungs is adjacent to the diaphragm. Total surface Lungs 100 m 2. Each light is dressed in a shell - pulmonary pleutra. The chest cavity also widespread the shell - an asshole pleura. Between the trumpet and pulmonary pleull, the narrow slit is pleural cavity, which is filled with the finest layer of fluid, which facilitates the slide of the pulmonary wall during the inhalation and exhalation.

Light people consist of the smallest pulmonary bubbles - Alveol. Alveola is thick braided by a network of blood vessels - capillaries. An epithelium alveoli is formed, which highlights a special liquid, the thinner of the lining alveoli. Its functions: reduces surface tension and does not allow alveolum to climb; Kills microbes that penetrated into the lungs. In Alveola, gas exchange is carried out between blood and ambient air by diffusion.

What do you choose?

Questions for consolidation: Why do you need to breathe through the nose, and not through your mouth? Why the piece of lungs is not sinking into the water? How does the sound occur and is formed?

During this lesson, we learn about what kind of breathing types are and what bodies provide this process.

Subject:Respiratory system

Lesson: Respiratory Structure

Fig. one.

No food and water, a person can live a few days, and without air will not be able to live and 10 minutes.

Breathing is the process of oxygen flow into our body for the purpose of oxidation of chemicals and carbon dioxide and other exchange products.

There are 2 types of breathing (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Oxygen is part of air. It contains 21% (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. .

To get oxygen into the body, a respiratory system is necessary (see Fig. 4). It consists of air pathways and lungs.

Fig. four.

The aerial paths include the cavity of the nose, the nasopharynk (this is an VDP), larynx, trachea, bronchi.

The respiratory part includes lungs.

With normal breathing, air falls into the human body through the nose. It passes through the outer nostrils into the nasal cavity, which is divided into a bone-cartoile partition for 2 half (see Fig. 5).

The walls of the nasal moves are lined with mucous membrane. It highlights a mucus that moisturizes the incoming air, delays dust particles and microorganisms, has a bactericidal property. Under the mucous membrane is located a large number of blood vessels that heats the inhaled air. Also, the nasal cavity is equipped with receptors that provide sneezing.

Fig. five.

The nasal cavity is connected to the cavity cavity cavity: gaimor, frontal and wedge-shaped. These cavities are resonators when applying.

From the nasal cavity, the air through the internal nostrils (chohans) enters the nasopharynx, and from there in the larynx.

The larynx is formed by cartilage, its cavity is lined with mucous membrane and is equipped with receptors causing a reflex cough (see Fig. 6). When swallowing, the entrance to the larynx is closed with a haunted cartilage.

Fig. 6. Gortan

The largest chucks of larynx - thyroid. He protects the larynx in front.

Fig. 7. The thyroid cartilage

Thus, larynx functions:

Obstacle to the trachea

First you need to find on the neck of the thyroid cartilage. After that, perform a swallowing movement. So you can feel that when swallowing, the thyroid cartilage is first climbing up, then lowers down. This is a protective mechanism in which the Nadrostnik closed, preventing food in the respiratory tract.

At the time of swallowing, breathing stops. Because during swallowing, the tongue closes the output from the nasopharynx, and the epiglotter overlaps the entrance to the trachea.

Therefore, during an active conversation in the process of food, a person may be suppressed.

Lainan goes into the trachea. The walls of the trachea are formed by cartilage half rings. Back wall The trachea adjacent to the esophagus does not have a cartilage. This is due to not to prevent the passage of the food lump of the esophagus.

At the bottom of the trachea is divided into 2 bronchi. The trachea and bronchi from the inside are lined with a mucous membrane covered with fiscal epithelium. Here the air continues to warm and moisturize.


1. Wheels D.V., Mash R.D., Belyaev I.N. Biology. 8. - M.: Drop.

2. Book V.V., Kamensky A.A., Shvetsov G.G. / Ed. Book V.V. Biology. 8. - M.: Drop.

3. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology. 8. - M.: Ventana Graph.

3. Medical Encyclopedia ().


1. Wheels D.V., Mash R.D., Belyaev I.N. Biology. 8. - M.: Drop. - pp. 138, tasks and question 1, 2; from. 139, tasks and question 5.

3. What building is trachea? What is it connected with?

4. Prepare a small message about diseases caused by the accumulation of pus and foreign substances in the sneakers of the human skull.