Repairs Design Furniture

The abstract of the lesson on biology on the topic "The value of breathing. The structure and functions of the organs of the respiratory system (grade 8)

Breath - a set of physiological processes involving gas exchanges between the body and environmental and a complex chain of biochemical reactions involving oxygen. Respiratory system - Specialized organs for gas exchange between the organism and the environment. (Respiratory system, gas exchange system) consists of air (respiratory) paths and paired lungs which actually occurs gas exchange (blood saturation with oxygen and carbon dioxide)

A man breathes absorbing from atmospheric air Oxygen and highlighting carbon dioxide into it. Each cell for vital activity needs energy. The source of this energy decay and oxidation of organic substances included in the cell. Squirrels, fats, calves, entering into chemical reactions with oxygen, are oxidized ("burn"). In this case, the collapse of molecules occurs and the internal energy enclosed in them is released. Without oxygen, exchange transformations of substances in the body are impossible.

There are no oxygen in the organism of the human body and animals. Each continuous admission to the body provides the respiratory system (system of respiratory organs). The accumulation of significant amounts of carbon dioxide as a result of metabolism is harmful to the body. Removal from CO 2 is also carried out by respiratory authorities.

Respiratory system

Organ Structure Function
Nasal cavity Seeded with eyelet epithelium; The sense of smell is in depth - a group of nerve cells that perceive smells Cleaning, moisturizing, air warming, smell perception
Nasopharynx The space between the nasal and oral cavity lined with eyelet epithelium Moisturizing air
Larynx The stripping group connected by ligaments (the largest - thyroid cartilages and the halter) and forming a voice gap Air, sound formation; Halling closes the entrance to the larynx
Trachea (tube 10-12 cm) Chickening semirings connected by bundles; The inner surface is laid out with a crewing epithelium separating mucus Air carrying out air, additional air purification from dust and microorganisms
Bronchi Network tubes consisting of cartilage rings; branch in every light Air carrying out
Lungs. Pleura A connective tissue bag on the surface of the light, filled with liquid; Consists of two layers, between which the pleural cavity is located, filled with pleural liquid. Due to the negative pressure in the pleural cavity, stretching the lungs during inhalation; Pleural liquid reduces friction with breathing
Lungs. Alveola Bubbles consisting of one layer of epithelial cells and densely excreted capillaries Gas exchange by diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the walls of the capillaries due to the difference in the concentration of these gases in capillaries and alveoli

Vital activity of respiratory organs

Respiratory value:

  • providing an organism with oxygen and using it in oxidative reducing processes
  • education and removal from the body excess carbon dioxide
  • removal of some finite metabolic products: water vapor, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other gases

This is a summary on the topic. "Breath. Respiratory system. Choose further actions:

  • Go to next abstract:

Knowledge of the world

Subject: "Breath organs. Light and their work. "

Objectives: form the concept of respiratory organs, their functions and the meaning of breathing for the body; introduce the rules of breathing hygiene, to explain the need to fulfill these rules; Develop thinking, memory, attention, curiosity, promote the upbringing of cooperation, self-control.Equipment: Table on the topic, model of human organs.DURING THE CLASSES

    Org.Moment. Message Topics lesson.

    Check your homework. Crossword.

        1. The largest blood vessel coming from the heart. (aorta)

          Vessels carrying blood from the heart to all organs and tissues. (arteries)

          What does blood take from the body (takes into lungs)? (carbon dioxide)

          By what vessels, dark blood returns to the heart? (Vienna)

          What are the smallest blood vessels, bearing oxygen and nutrients in each cell of our body? (capillaries)

          This muscular bag is located on the left side of the chest and acts as a pump. (a heart)

          What is the arterial blood of each cell? (oxygen)

          This liquid supplies all organs in the human body with oxygen, nutrient substances and vitamins. (blood)

9-10 It makes tremendous harm to the work of the heart. (smoking, alcohol)Keyword: What is needed for good heart work? (workout )

    The assimilation of the new material.

1. Assumption. -How blood gets oxygen?Work in groups.2. Formulation of the theme and lesson purposes. 3. Observation. - Look for your breath.Take a breath and exhale.- What happens when inhalation?- What happens when exhaled?- Which air is inhaled, and what exhale?4. Explanation of the teacher.

When we breathe, oxygen comes into our body, which we need as the most important gas for life. Our brain can live without it for more than 5 minutes. All cells from which the body consists absorb oxygen and isolated carbon dioxide. Our breathe-helping machine Consists of two lungs. Passing from the nose and mouth into the lungs, the air passes into them through the channels gradually decreasing in size. This channel system looks like a tree upside down (barrel, branches, leaves), where the trunk is trachea, branches - bronchi, leaves - alveoli. Thanks to breathing, we can talk, as it makes vibrating voice ligaments, like strings of the guitar, and produce sounds.

We are breathing and draw air to the nostrils. It quickly passes through the nasal cavity and falls into the breathing throat - the trachea. It is a pretty cunning. When we swallow something, the trachea closes a small flap so that food does not hit the lacquer into the lungs. And when we breathe in the breath - the throat closes, and the air runs out not in the stomach, but in the lungs.

But if we try to scream or catch, swallowing food, the damper can not close the damper, the baby or drop will fall into the trachea, and we will have to cough it long until it crashes.


Light (1) are similar to air pumpwhich is powered by the muscles of the chest. Lights swell, inlet air, and cut, releasing it like an air ball. When we breathe, the air passes from the mouth and the nose in the trachea (2), then in two wide tubes - bronchi (3), which branched into smaller bronchi (4). From the inside bronchi covered with tiny cilia. These wet cilia capture the dust who managed to slip along with the air through the trachea. In the lungs should come perfectly fresh air. Bronchas perform the role of filter. The smallest bronchi ends with alveoli, similar to millions of air bubbles. Next to Alveoli pass small blood vessels. Blood takes oxygen and throws carbon dioxide into Alveolu, which we exhale.

Inhale and exhale.

The respiratory movement does not obey the will of a person. We breathe without thinking about it. But you can inhale and exhale more or briefly detain your breath. When we do inhale (a), the chest muscles push the rib, the chest and light expand and absorb air. When we do exhale (b), the muscles relax, the ribs shifted, the lungs are compressed and the air comes out.


Perform physical exercises

Calculate the number of breaths and extensions for 1 min

Take output

5. Riddle.

Here is a mountain, and the mountain

Two deep holes.

In these badges, the air wanders,

That comes, it turns out. (Nose)

6. Assumption.

Why can the nasal cavity be called a filter, stove, controller, watchdog posting the organism?

Blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity performed as if the role of water heating, heated inhaled air to the body temperature. Contacting the mucous membrane, the inhaled air is moistened and cleaned from dust particles, which settles on a thin layer of mucus covering this shell. Nervous endings of olfactory nerves carry out "control" chemical composition Inhaled air, this is the only organ capable of perceiving smells.

Explain the meaning of the following hygienic rule:

It is impossible man

Purify in the box.

Residence ventilation

Better and more often. (Mayakovsky)

7. Drawing up respiratory hygiene rules and measures to prevent diseases of respiratory agencies.

Work in groups.

Make a word from letters:

What causes strong harm to respiratory authorities?

IRUKN (smoking)

No food and water, a person can live a few days, and without air will not live a few minutes. In the room where many people are going to breathe, less oxygen becomes in the air. Spoits air, makes it unsuitable for breathing and tobacco smoke. In the air, there is always dust in the air. When talking, coughing and sneezing of sick people in the air, microbes fall, so do not forget to speed our room more often. Walk more in the forest, on the fields and meadows. In parks and squares and other places where many greens. There air is especially clean and fresh, contains more oxygen.

Being indoorsremember the main rules:

Be sure to ventilate your room, open the window before bedtime.

Do not clean clothes and shoes indoors. More often wash the floors and erase dust from the objects with a damp cloth.

Before entering the room, wipe your legs thoroughly.

When coughing, and sneezing, close your mouth with a handkerchief.


1. Reading text textbook with marks.

What did you know new?

2. Riddle.

Two air petals,

Pink slightly

Important work performed

And they help to breathe. (Lungs)

    The outcome of the lesson.

Name and show respiratory organs.


Lesson on the topic "Breathing value." 8th grade

"So far I breathe - I hope," Ovid

Objectives lesson:

  1. learning skills to put the problem and experienced way Search response
  2. development of skills and experimental skills,
  3. education of confidence in their creative abilities.

Tasks lesson:

  1. do not give ready-made facts, but to determine the value of breathing by setting problematic issues,
  2. attract students to work on the search for ideas, nomination of hypotheses on the proposed questions about breathing,
  3. development of work skills with digital laboratory equipment and special NOVA PC applications.

Equipment: Digital Laboratory, PC, Projector, Balls.

1. Totalization of knowledge

· The purpose of the lesson - by setting the experiments, answer the question ...

· What do you need a person for life? Food, water, air

· How long can a person can do:

no meal (month), water (week), air (up to 20 minutes). Why? (no stock)

· What will be the most important for a person? Air

· How does the air go to the human body? In the process of breathing, through the skin

2.New material

The theme of today's lesson "Respiratory value", and therefore, we need to answer the question "What is the function of breathing?". To present the process of breathing as a whole, I suggest watching a video about breathing (respiratory organs, 2 min.)

Remind me which human life systems are direct involved

in the process of breathing? Respiratory and circulatory

Do they perform one function? Not

How are functions between systems distributed?

D.S. - Communication of the body with the environment, K.S. - Transport of gases in the body

3.Practic work "Gas exchange in the lungs. Respiratory Samples »

Do you think the composition of the inhaled and exhaled air is the same? Not

What is part of the inhaled air? Oxygen, corner. gas, nitrogen, water vapor, impurities

And exhaled? Oxygen, corner. gas, nitrogen, water vapor, impurities

Let's try to check the composition of the air. We will experience experience: being in one place, inhale and exhale the same air three times ...

To do this we need special equipmentwhich will show the result.

Tutorial card for working with NOVA - execution of experiments

4. Socialization

What are the results of experiments? The amount of oxygen changes or not? Yes

How? Decreases

Why? Spent by the body in the process of oxidation

If the amount of oxygen decreases, and the portion of the inhaled and exhaled air is the same, then the amount of which gas increases? Carbon dioxide

What happened in the body? Gas exchange

Let's see how the composition of the air during breathing changes

(Clip-composition of air on the breath and exhalation).

What gas does not change? Nitrogen

Let's see how the gas exchange process occurs

(Clip-gas exchange in the lungs). Tell me what is happening in the scheme.

5. Silent warm-up

And now we compare the methods of breathing to ensure the body with oxygen:

1) nasal breathing - close one nostril and take a deep breath and exhalation, now the second ...

What is the cause of difficulty breathing? Nose Convenience, Nose Trauma

What are the consequences of difficult breathing? Insufficient supply of oxygen

2)Surface breathing - Breathe often and shallow ...

Respiratory result? Poor supply of oxygen, part of the lungs is filled with inneru enough air

Call the reasons for breathing. Wrong posture, overeating, small mobility

3) full breathing (executed lying) -

· Relax right hand on the stomach, left - on the chest,

· We consider: once - inhale, lifting the abdominal cavity

2, 3 - inhale, raising the chest

4, 5 - exhale, drawing the abdominal cavity

6, 7, 8 - exhalation, chest pulling

Respiratory result? Good supply of oxygen

Respiratory Value: Increased Rack, Strengthening Respiratory Motor

Learning to breathe correctly (sitting):

1.Proper breathing

· Raise your head, straighten your back

· Take the shoulders, connect the blades

· Remove the stomach, pull the legs

· Make deep breaths 4 times

2.Wed to the sun, hands up ... omit

3. Creating the lungs from unnecessary air - hands on the sides and up, deep breath, sharp exhale, lowered hands (3 times)

6. Frequency


What is breathing? Exchange gases between the environment and organism cells

What is the respiratory function? Gas exchange

It turns out that breathing also has other functions, but we will talk about them in the following lessons when we meet the respiratory authorities.

7. Operation of work

Now we return to the experiments carried out and make out practical work In the form of a presentation on Nova PC. Open the presentation on the desktop and fill the slides.

Open Slide number 3 (experience of experience)

8. Camera lesson

9. Mandatory task:

Most people do not suspect how great the value of the exhalation in their lives.

Tell me what importance is exhausted in the life of people.

Dokuchaeva Elena Ivanovna

biology teacher

GBOU SOSH "School of Health" № 404

Lesson on biology and English on the topic:

"Respiratory authorities: structure and functions"

Objectives lesson:


      study the features of the structure of respiratory organs due to their functions;

      reveal the essence of the respiratory process, its value in the metabolism;

      learn to call them not only in Russian, but also in English (extension of the vocabulary stock)

      develop monologic speech skills

      studying the design "I have ..."

      examine how to breathe correctly.


      continue the formation of the basics of hygiene (respiratory hygiene rules);

      develop memory, attention, thinking;


      bring up a careful attitude to its body, to his health, to health surrounding;

      conduct an analogy: Breath - Life; Lightweight person - the light of our planet (plant world)

      teach to work in the group.


I. Organizational moment

II. Actualization of reference knowledge

Questions of biology teacher:

1) In which environment do we live with you? (Terrestrial air).

2) What gas enters our body from the air? (Oxygen)

3) For what process is a person and all living organisms need oxygen? (For breathing).

4) What gas we exhale with breathing? (Carbon dioxide).

5) What kind of kingdom of living organisms delivers oxygen into the atmosphere?. (Plant Kingdom in the process of photosynthesis)

- Why say: breathing is life?
- Does the structure of the body affect the function performed by them?
For all these and many other questions, we will try to find answers in today's lesson.

III. Studying a new material (teacher of English language)

How did you guess the topic of our today's lesson - "Breath Organs" or "Organs of Respiratory System" (Theme of the lesson represent both teachers)

Objectives of our lesson: (biology teacher)

1. Find out which organs are involved in the respiratory process.

2. To learn to call them not only in Russian, but also in English (expansion of the vocabulary stock)
3. Find out how to breathe correctly.

Breath - This is a combination of processes that ensure oxygen flow, using it in the oxidation of organic substances and removing carbon dioxide and some other substances.

Oxygen is in the surrounding air, entering it into the body and provides a respiratory system.

Breathing value (2 teachers)

    Providing an organism with oxygen (teacher of English writes on the Oxygen board and says, students repeat behind him)

    Removal of carbon dioxide (English teacher writes on the Carbon Diocide board and says)

    Oxidation of organic compounds with the release of energy required by a person for vital activity (ENERGY)

    Removal of finite metabolic products (vapors of water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.)

The new topic is introduced together by two teachers. The biology teacher tells about the functions of each respiratory body, and the English teacher introduces the vocabulary as follows: the biology teacher calls the authority respiratory system And explains the functions of this body, and students record basic information about this authority. Teacher English Language calls the same body in English, students repeat this word and emphasize in handouts (Appendix 1).

Upper respiratory tract

With normal breathing, air necessarily passes through nasal cavitywhich is divided by a bone-cartilage partition into two halves. In each half there are winding nose, increasing the surface of the nasal cavity. Their walls are distinguished by a mucus, which makes the inhaled air wet, delays dust and microorganisms. There are many blood vessels that warm the breathe air. With the help of the nose, we feel different smells, and we protect sneezing .. The nasal cavity opens into the nasopharynk, and from there - in the larynx.

Respiratory system

Air andRespiratory part

    Easy nose cavity

(The air is cleaned, (gas exchange between the organism

moisturized, warmed) and the environment)

3. Trachea

(passage of air in bronchi)

4. Bronchi

(passage of air into the lungs)

The scheme is written by the English teacher and introduces vocabulary, the biology teacher represents the material in oral form.

Nasal breathing hygiene

    The sick person who does not comply with the rules of hygiene becomes a source of infection.

Mountain - tube 10-12 cm long and 15 - 18 mm in diameter is formed by cartilage semirings, so the lumen of the trachea is always open. The entrance to the larynx closes the nastestrian when eating. It also distinguishes the mucus that cleans the air.

Creek damages voice ligaments, which can cause their inflammation, lead to hoarseness or voice loss. When slapping, ligaments relax. Frequent respiratory inflammation, smoking and alcohol provide negative influence on voice ligaments.

Down below trachea is divided into 2 bronchi.

Swallowing large pieces of food, you can be stored and overlap the trachea. Folk wisdom reads "When I eat, I'm deaf and it."

With inflammatory processes there is a cough that helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract.


Lightweight is a large pair body of a cone-shaped form. There is right and left lung. They consist of pulmonary bubbles. The walls of these bubbles are very thin and consist of one cell layer. Lung cells are isolated biologically active substances that impede the sticking of pulmonary bubbles and neutralizes the microorganisms that have fallen into the lungs.

. Hygiene breathing

Smoking violates the physiological properties of biologically active substances, the lungs stick together and do not participate in gas exchange.

IV. Fastening a new material. (English teacher)

Nowyou.lLdivideinto 4 groups.of.three..

Primary consolidation of vocabulary. (Students are divided into 4 groups, each given a list of transcriptions of words, they must sign words, and the words are in different ways for each word))

You Shald Write The Words, using their Transcriptions.

["NEɪZ (ə) L] [" Kævətɪ]



["OR (ə) L] [" Kævətɪ]

      THE GAME "SNOWBALL" (The gamesnowcom).

Let's Play The Game. The First Student Should Name One Organ of Respiratory System and Show Where IT IS. The Second Pupil Will Repeat The First Word and Call His / Her Own One. For example: I Have a Nasal Cavity: I Have a Nasal Cavity, a throat, ....

      Development of spelling skill.

Every Group Has a Picture of a Person. You Should Stick Different Organs of Respiratory System on the Picture of a Human Body and then Sign ( subscribe) Them. You have 5 Minutes to Do This Task.

Now let. s. check. ! (Upon completion of work on a magnetic board, the works of groups are postponed and evaluated together by the following criteria: the sequence of the location of the organs, the correct writing of words in English)

      Song "Respiratory System" Listen and Say What Organ of Respiratory System A Singer Has Mentioned in This Song. Sing A Song.

      Activation of le in speech.

Work in groups. Make Up the Sentences from the Given Words and Translate Them Into Russian. Use the Words in Brackets. (Appendix 3)


(We have to breathe through the nose)

    group: Warms / In / A / Cavity / Cleans / NASAL / THE / AIR / AND / MOISTENS

(In the nose cavity, the air is warmed, cleaned and becomes wet.)

If there are problems with the transfer of proposals, turn on 1 part of the song « Respiratory. system. "And ask about which organ of the respiratory system is speech.

    group: for / is / lungs / dangerous / smoking

(Smokingdangerousforlight. )

    group: Throat / The / Vocal / In / Codes / There / Are

      Summing up the lesson

check yourself (Fixing material by groups or house. Task)

It is necessary to relate the name of the organ with the function performed by it by putting the necessary letter near each figure. (Appendix 4.)

1. - ? 2. - ? 3. - ? 4. - ?

Did you like the lesson? What bodies of the respiratory system did you find out? Can you call them in English? How should I breathe correctly: through the nose or mouth? What is dangerous for our lungs?

XI. Homework

Learn words, practice full breathing


Avenue path Organ breathing

    Nose lungs

a NASAL CAVITY. lungs.

(a nose)


a Larynx

(Here of the world a vocal codes.Here are voice ligaments)


a trachea.


bronchi. ( a. bronchus. )

    Oral cavity -aN. oral cavity.

[" br.ɔŋ kA.ɪ]

[ trə" ki.ːə]

[" l.æ r.ɪŋ ks.]

[ l.ʌŋ z.]

[" neɪ z.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[" or.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[" neɪ z.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[" br.ɔŋ kA.ɪ]

[" l.æ r.ɪŋ ks.]

[" or.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[ trə" ki.ːə]

["OR (ə) L] [" Kævətɪ]

[" neɪ z.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[" l.æ r.ɪŋ ks.]

[ trə" ki.ːə]

[" br.ɔŋ kA.ɪ]

[" neɪ z.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

[" br.ɔŋ kA.ɪ]

[" l.æ r.ɪŋ ks.]

[ trə" ki.ːə]

[" or.(ə) l.] [" k.æ v.ə t.ɪ]

1 Group:

















    group :







4 Group:








1. - ? 2. - ? 3. - ? 4. - ?

1. - ? 2. - ? 3. - ? 4. - ?

1. - ? 2. - ? 3. - ? 4. - ?

1. - ? 2. - ? 3. - ? 4. - ?

In this lesson, students will reveal the value of breathing, find out how the respiratory system works and how it works. In addition, students will get acquainted with the mechanism of voting education and find out why votes different people They differ from each other, will get acquainted with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and their prevention.

(Approx. Computer presentation is attached to the lesson.)

Breathing value. Respiratory system. Breathtaking, voice formation. Diseases of respiratory tract.

Epigraph lesson: "While I breathe, I hope"
(Dum Spiro, Spero)
Ovid - Roman poet.

Lesson tasks: give the concept of respiratory value as the process required for life; establish the relationship between the structure and functions of the air pathways, consider the votition and articulation of speech sounds; become acquainted with the diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Develop the ability to apply knowledge gained in life, solve problematic and intellectual tasks.

Demonstration equipment: larynx lingerie, man torso with internal organs, wall tables, breathing system.

Type of lesson: Lesson-Introduction, acquaintance with new material.

Studying a new material

In antiquity, the breath considered the root cause of life. The saying "We need it like air" proves it. People have noticed that without air a person dies in a few minutes (at the most after 6 minutes). Do not know for a long time that for breathing one person in a hermetically closed room 2m 3 air is required for 1 hour. So in 1846, a soldier battalion was killed on the Mary Som vessel, who was killed during a storm in the hold, although the ship remained absolutely unharmed.

Question: But why do we breathe? What is the meaning for us, how, however, for any living organism, has breathing?

(A teacher, together with the class, discusses this issue and proceeds to the message of the lesson goals, brings to the desired conclusions.)

I. Respiratory value:

1. Ensuring the body with oxygen and the use of it in oxidative reaction reactions.

2. Education and removal from the body of carbon dioxide and some finite metabolism products: water vapor, ammonia, etc.

3. Oxidation (decay) of organic compounds with the release of energy required for the physiological functions of the body.

Oxidation formula

Organic substances + oxygen \u003d carbon dioxide + water + energy.

Attention! Energy is necessary for the vital activity of the body: you are listening, see, write. I say, moving - energy is spent on everything.

Conclusion: we breathe for the sake of energy. Thus, oxygen is the basis of the vital activity of the body.

Question: How is oxygen enters the cells?

Answer: through blood.

Question: How does oxygen penetrate into the blood?

Answer: Through the lungs.

(Pupils are proposed to define the respiratory process.)

Detailed definition:

Breathing is the process of receipt of 2 into the cells of the body, participation about 2 in oxidation reactions, removal of decay products.

Brief definition:

Breathing is the exchange of gases between cells and the environment.

(Students write the definition of breathing into the workbook.)

The exchange of gases between blood and atmospheric air occurs in respiratory authorities - this light breathing. The exchange of gases between blood and tissue cells is called tissue breathing.

Breath organs are aerial doors in the body. We will get acquainted with the structure of the respiratory bodies, follow the way the air is doing before it turns into the blood, and carbon dioxide will be separated.

II. Respiratory structure

The air path begins with nasal cavity.

Question: And maybe it would be easier that the air go through the mouth? Is more economical and better? Why do the child say: breathe a nose?

Experience with two rabbits. They took two rabbits. One of them was introduced into the nasal cavity of the tube so that the air was passed, without touching the walls of the nasal cavity. A few days later, the rabbit died, and the other, breathing normally, remained alive. Explain why?

Conclusion: In the nose cavity, the air is disinfected.

Question: What happens if we will breathe mouth in frosty weather? Explain why.

Conclusion: In the nose cavity, the air is disinfected, heated (with blood vessels) + purified from dust and moistened.

(Students write down the conclusion in their notebooks.)

1. The structure of the nasal cavity. The nasal cavity is separated from the mouth of a special partition - NEB. The nasal cavity is divided into a bone-cartilaginous partition (it is it gives the shape of the nose) to the right and left half. In each of them there are winding moves, which significantly increase the inner surface of the nasal cavity.<Рисунок 1>

The whole nasal cavity is lined with mucous epithelium. Epithelium has special grows - cilia and cells producing mucus. As well as in the mucous membrane, a very large amount of blood vessels.

Question: What do you think for what in the nasal cavity is so many blood vessels?

Answer: For warming.

Question: What is the cilia in the mucous membrane?

Answer: Cleansing from dust.

Approx. If the cilias were not removed from the respiratory tract of dust, then in 70 years in the lungs, it would accumulate 5 kg.

Question: Why do you need a mucus?

Answer: For moisturizing and disinfection, as lymphocytes and phagocytes are in mucus.

From the nasal cavity the air falls into nasooplot(upper pharynx) and then in sip with which it is reported and oral cavity. Therefore, we can breathe through the mouth. By the way, the throat as intersection also leads to the food canal, and in the respiratory throat (trachea), which begins to lag.<Рисунок 2>

2. The structure of the larynx. Lowenames kind of funnel, the walls of which are formed by several cartilage. The largest of them is thyroid. In men, he performs a little forward, forming Kadyk. Entrance to the larynx during the swallowing food is closed by cartilage - the nastestrian.

The task. Find the larynx. Make a few swallowing movements. What happens to the ladder?

(The thyroid cartilage during swallowing rises up, and then returns to the old place again. At the same time, the movement closes the entrance to the trachea and on it, like on the bridge, the saliva or food lump in the esophagus is moving.)

The task. Find out what happens with breathing during swallowing.

(It stops.)

In a narrow part of the larynx there are 2 pairs voice ligaments. The lower pair is involved in the voice formation. In front of the ligament attach to the thyroid cart, and behind - to the right and left damn cartilage. When driving, the scapal-shaped cartilage ligaments can come close and stretched.

With calm breath, binders are divorced. With enhanced, they are bred even wider so as not to interfere with the air movement. When talking, the bundles are closed, leaving only a narrow slot. When air passes through the edge of the edge of the ligaments vibrate and publish sound. Creek harms voice ligaments. They strain, rub each other.

The task. Figure 65 of your tutorial depicts vocal cords of three people. Determine the voice ligaments, which of them breathe deeply after running, who is calm, who sings.

(Pupils give answers.)

In men length voice ligaments 20-24 mm, in women - 18-20 mm. The longer the vocal ligaments and thicker, the voice below.Voices of girls and boys practically do not differ, only in boys in adolescence begin to change - break (due to uneven growth of cartilage and ligaments). The stronger the vocal ligaments fluctuate, the volume is louder.

(Approx. Remember Creek Tarzan, who played Johnny Waismüller - world record holder and Olympic swimming champion. Four people screamed with him.)

Question: Sounds of speech arise when inhaling or when exhaling?

Answer: when exhaling.

But it turns out that vocal ligaments are not enough. For the occurrence of a self-consistent speech, certain positions of the language, teeth, lips are needed. The mouth and nasal cavity enhance the sound enriched with various shades. ( Approx. Say the phrase: "The Ministry of Meeting Messel". Why did the offer distorted?)

There are special speech centers in the brain. They coordinate the work of the muscles of the speech apparatus and are associated with the processes of consciousness and thinking. The process of education of speech is called articulation and is formed in small children up to 5 years.

Output. The value of the larynx: swallowing, the formation of speech sounds.

From the larynx, the air falls into the trachea.

3. The structure of the trachea. The trachea is a wide tube that consists of 16-20 cartilaginous semi-colts and is therefore always open to air intake. The trachea is located in front of the esophagus. Her soft side is addressed to the esophagus. When food is passing, the esophagus is expanding, and the soft wall of the trachea does not prevent this. The inner wall of the trachea is covered with a fiscal epithelium, which displays dust particles from the lungs. At the bottom of the trachea is divided into 2 bronchi: bronchi have cartilage rings. They enter the right and left lung. In the lungs, each of the bronchi branches, like a tree, forming bronchiols. Bronchols end with alveoli - with light bubbles, in which gas exchange occurs. Light bubbles form a spongy mass that forms lung. Each lung is covered with a shell - Pleverra.

Nasal cavity - Nasophack - Lanes form upper respiratory tract.

Fuchery and bronchi form lower respiratory tract.

III. Diseases of respiratory tract.

Most microorganisms are delayed and neutralized by the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes they cause various diseases: influenza, angina, diphtheria, sinusitis, front.

In some bones of the skull there are air cavities - sinuses. In the frontal bone there frontal sickness, and in the topless - gaimorov sinuses. They strengthen the sounds of speech and give them extra shades. The form of voice ligaments and hymorrheal sinuses are individual. Therefore, the voice of every person is unique, and we will distinguish people vote.

Influenza, angina, ORZ can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the sinuses - sinusitis and frontitis. A person has a nasal breathing, a purulent mucus from the nose is distinguished.

Prevention. It is necessary for the treatment at the otolaryngologist.

Before the entrance to the lads and the esophagus are almonds (from lymphoid tissue), they contain many lymphocytes and serve to protect against infection. Inflammation of almonds called tonsillitis.

Soft Naba are sipboard almonds - adenoids. With their inflammation, breathing is hampered.

For diphtheria(in per. loop) The almonds are inflamed: they have diphtheria film-raids. gray-white. Swell her neck. Because of the toxins, the heart suffers - myocarditis.

Prevention. People make vaccinations from diphtherite.

1. The vital activity of the body is possible only when the oxygen is admitted in its cell and remove carbon dioxide.
2. The air is cleaned in the nose cavity, heats up and moistened.
3. In the larynx there are two pairs of voice ligaments. The lower pair is involved in the voice formation. Sounds of speech are formed in the oral and nasal cavity.
4. Gas exchange takes place in alveoli lungs.

Fixing the material studied

View a training video (5min.).

Questions for repetition

1. Why do we breathe?
2. Why can not talk while eating?
3. Why does a person change the voice when the teeth are lost, runny nose, finding food in the mouth?

Test "Respiratory System"

1. In which respiratory organ is heated?

A) nasal cavity;
B) larynx;
C) trachea.

A) nasal cavity;
B) larynx;
C) trachea.

3. What organ front wall is formed by cartilage semirings?

A) nasal cavity;
B) larynx;
C) trachea.

A) does not affect any way;
B) improves;
C) worsens.

5. Which of the listed bodies does not apply to the respiratory system?

A) lungs;
B) trachea;
C) Emirates;
D) bronchi.

The results of the lesson. (Assessments for active work in the lesson, for the test. Homework: 26, answer questions p.138-139)