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Passage of the game Assassin's Creed Unity (Unity). Assassin's Creed Unity Walkthrough

Article contains full walkthrough Assassin's Creed: Unity games with detailed descriptions of missions and challenges in missions, as well as tips for passing the most difficult moments of the game.

We observe history through the eyes of the Templars. We follow the mentor. We won't have to fight. The Master will send us to the library for a book and a sword so that we can steal these treasures from the Assassins. We will not be able to pass the usual way, the bridge has already been raised. Remembering our favorite parkour skills as we climb the library window. There will already be an assassin inside, whom we need to catch up with and take away things. We fight with him, and then we chase him again, finish off and take things. We will save our things, but our order is almost destroyed, the mentor is taken away in shackles, and the assassin is killing us ourselves. After that, the game shows us the execution of the master seven years later.

Now we find ourselves at the monitor and listen to an old friend about Abstergo and so on. We are again transported, but already to France and in the body of Arno - a little boy. We find ourselves in Versailles with our father. We run after the girl who will lead us to the gazebo. Having succumbed to the provocation, we steal the apple and hide from the guards, running into the tent behind the bushes. We are waiting for him to go to the door. Again we distract him with the help of a learned trick and resort to the girl. Hearing the exclamations of the crowd, we run there and see the corpse of our father.

The game takes us 13 years ahead. We run after the worker, overcoming obstacles, and then we grab him (follow the instructions). After that, watch the video. Get rid of the tail and return to the estate.

Don't let yourself be intercepted... Just run away from the guards after you pick up the watch.
Objects overcome (top or bottom) 5: The game will teach you how to overcome objects. Do it while you catch up with the worker.

Part 1: Reminiscence 2 - States General

Talk to Olivier in the hall of the estate. We need to catch up with Monsieur de La Serre and give him the letter that the courier did not manage to deliver. We run after the cart and after a while we lose it. We climb the church spire and synchronize to find Monsieur and Eliza's wagon. We follow to the reception, merging with the crowd and avoiding the guards.

Once inside, go downstairs to the meeting, and then go backstage, where you will be attacked by the brothers, from whom you took your watch in a past memory. Deal with them and run away from the guards.

Attacks parried: 2... Do this during a fight with your brothers.
Attack Evasions: 2... You need to dodge two attacks. Do this during a fight with your brothers.

Part 1: Reminiscence 3 - High Society

We need to see Eliza at the ball. But first, leave the letter under the door of Monsieur, and then change your clothes and go to the ball. They are not allowed to the ball without an invitation. Make your way in the crowd and hide from the guards. Climb into the open window and keep stealth there as well. You will find yourself at the ball. Follow Eliza and watch the cutscene.

Now you need to leave the palace. Use stealth and do not show yourself to the guard. At the exit from the palace, you will see the assassination of Monsieur de La Serra. The guards immediately knock us out and we find ourselves in prison.

Don't get involved in conflicts... Do not fight the guards and do not show yourself in front of her.

Part 2: Flashback 1 - In Prison

Go to bed. The next morning you will be woken up by an unpleasant man with your watch in his hands. Grab a stick and fight him. After a little thrashing, the old man will say that he is one of the assassins. In 2 months there will be a revolution that will help us escape.

We take shelter and wait for the guard to open the door. We kill the guards and run further. We cover the partner while he opens the door. First, throw a smoke bomb at your feet, and then hit your enemies. On the third wave, the old man will open the door and we can escape. At the top, you will meet 5 enemies. Throw a smoke bomb and pay special attention to the arrows. Their shot takes a lot of health and can be fatal for you. After that, we follow the old man and jump off the ledge.

Stun the thief. With Perfect Parry (when the enemy indicator turns yellow when attacking, press the parry button) you will complete this challenge.
Kill the guard
Shoots and use of a smoke bomb: 2/2... To do this, throw a checker at your feet.
Perfect Parries: 3/3... When the enemy indicator turns yellow when attacking, press the parry button.

Part 2: Flashback 2 - Rebirth

After escaping from prison, you need to find the old man and talk to him. But first you need to solve the puzzle in the temple. We rise to the very top and inside we put the medallion on the pedestal. After that, we jump to the beam at the end of the hall. Hurry up, this is a test of time. When you reach the beam, take a leap of faith from there into the opened space.
We will find ourselves in the sanctuary, where Bellec will meet us. We follow him and come to the elders. We listen to them, drink from the thicket and travel inside the glitch.
Take a leap of faith and move on to the second glitch. We run after the shadow of the father, overcoming obstacles. At the end of the glitch, we relive the death of our father again and find the letter.
In the third glitch, run after your father's killer.
In the fourth glitch, you need to kill the assassin without being noticed. With the help of the crowd, go behind him and thrust your blade into his back.
After that we will be ordained to the assassins and the memory will end. We again find ourselves at the monitor and listen to our old friend.

Part 3: Flashback 1 - Issue

We pump a couple of skills and choose new equipment. There should be enough money for the initial arsenal. We go to Bellek and get the first task from him. We jump down, kill three guards secretly and break the bell.
We kill the enemy and run after Bellek simultaneously throwing smoke bombs to distract enemies. At the end of the assignment, we will find ourselves in the Assassins' hall and receive a task to kill Siver.
Stealth Kills: 3/3... Corner or hay kill counts.
Follow Bellec... Just follow it and don't be distracted by anyone.

Part 3: Remembrance 2 - Confession

It's time to kill Siver. Use eagle sight and follow the man who stole the keys. You can kill him and the bodyguard and take the key. Return to the crowd and keep an eye on Ducheneau. Wait until he talks to the priest, and then kill him. From there climb to the roof of the cathedral and use the keys to open the window, which is closer to the confessional. Sneak past the guards to the confessional and wait until Siver enters the confessional. Watch the video and press the kill button. Leave the same way.

After completing the mission, run to the portal to hide from search engine Abstergo.


Cover Kills: 2/2... You will make the first murder in the confessional above Siver, and finish the second on the way back.

Silver Age. Fault

We will find ourselves in Paris at the end of the 19th century. We need to find another portal, which will be located in the metro. We make our way along the metro to the end. On the way out, you will see the Statue of Liberty and the Unstable Vortex. Hurry to the portal and don't forget to dodge the debris.

Part 4: Reminiscence 1 - The Kingdom of the Beggars

As a reward for killing Siver, we are given a ghost blade. Now we need to find out the location of the Beggar King. Examine the courtyard and find the King's henchman. After the video, follow the henchman to come to his clinic, where he cripples his subordinates. We penetrate into the house through the window, knock out the door and find out the location of the king at La Touche.

... You will be taught how to use a crossbow. Use it on any enemies.
Lure with a cracker: 2/2... Throw a cracker into a crowd of enemies and complete this test.

Part 4: Flashback 2 - The King is Dead

First, disable the chimneys, and then help the beggars fight off the Templars. After that, go to the main building and go down into the drains. If you helped the beggars, then most of the guards will run out of the drains to suppress their revolt. And thanks to the blocked chimneys, the visibility of the guards will be reduced and it will be more difficult to identify you. We run along the drains, kill the guards and finally reach the king, but from the other side. The king will be warned by a henchman from last mission and the guards will be at the ready, so be careful. As soon as you reach the henchman, he will escape and we can go further to the king. The king will be on the ledge. Go to the right side, kill enemies in ambush, climb the stairs and jump along the beams, sometimes hiding behind a wall to slow down the king's attention. After that, from the last beam, inflict a fatal blow on the Beggar King. Get out of here. The drains smoked even more and you can ignore the guards.

From the cutscene we get another clue and complete the sequence.

Air Kills: 3/3
Ghost Blade Kills: 2/2

Part 5: Remembrance 0. Report to the Council

We report to the council and get a new task. We need to find a jeweler and ask him about the pin.

Part 5: Remembrance 1 - The Silversmith

There will be a lot of guards in the jeweler's house. Explore the house and find your target with the eagle vision. Use the ghost blade to remove some of the most difficult to reach the jeweler. Also, I advise you to go through several co-op missions and pump the "Disguise" ability in the "Stealth" branch so that you can go through some areas with guards. We kill the bandits near the door and on the lower floor. On the lower floor we break open the lock and there we also kill the bandits. In general, we follow the marks and clear the estate. I advise you to shoot at the thugs with berserker darts, and then finish off the rest.

After that, clear the roof and return to the ambushed jeweler. Help him and follow him.

Doors cracked: 4/4
Thug driven insane: 2/2... We switch the ghostly blade to the dart of madness and shoot at the thug. We enjoy the spectacle.

Part 5: Reminiscence 2 - Bread Market

You need to research the bread market and find out what Lafreniere is up to. You need to get into the office and view the records. Use firecrackers and smoke bombs to distract the guards. Once in the office and after reading the notes, run out of the burning market.

Pistol Kills: 3/3
Objects overcome (top or bottom): 4/4

Part 5: Remembrance 3 - The Prophet

We know where Lafreniere is and we need to kill him. First, we disable all signal bells on the territory (4 pieces), then we steal plans for the retreat of the Templars at the other end of the cemetery and at the end we go down into the catacombs and protect the gravediggers.

Now we hide in a haystack at the end of the cemetery. We are waiting for the master to make a speech and pass next to our haystack. We get out of there and inflict a hidden blow with a blade to the master. If someone saw your murder, then run into the catacombs. There will be gravediggers waiting to distract your pursuers. Come out from the other end of the catacombs, disguise yourself and use a quick climb, and then get out of there.

Stealth Kills: 3/3
The note: For completing this sequence, you will be able to acquire new skills.

Part 6: Reminiscence 1 - The Jacobin Club

The Council is not very happy about the murder of Lafreniere, but gives us the next task. We need to check the Beauvais mansion. In the mansion we will meet our old friend - La Touche. I advise you to pump the hack to the second level, go around the building to the end and kill two guards near the front entrance, and then break the lock and get to the meeting, where La Touche will be.

Watch out for the rat without drawing its attention. He will lead us to the spy, whom I will immediately throw out of the window after the split. Follow him and his friend until closed door... After that, go down to the basement to continue spying. After watching the video, break open the door, copy the disguise from one of the soldiers and leave the same way as you entered.

Cover Kills: 2/2
Gunmen insane: 2/2

Part 6: Flashback 2 - Templar Ambush

We need to warn Eliza about the Templar ambush. Eliza is not at home, so run to the meeting and help her fight off the assassins. After that, run after her and get out of the maze, fighting off the assassins along the way.

Once out on the streets, you will need to kill the remaining targets. Don't forget about the shooters. After killing the last target, watch the video, distract the detectives and run away from them.

Headshot Kill: 4/4
Double Kills: 2/2

Part 7: Reminiscence 1 - A careful union

We are watching the video. The council of assassins did not go very smoothly. We walk along the street and tell everything that we managed to do. Hearing Germain's name, Eliza will rush through the streets. We run after her and come to Germain's house. It turns out that Germain has long been dead. Then who did we see? We rise to the workshop and run into an ambush. We deal with snipers.

Enemies Stunned: 3/3
Headshot Kills: 3/3

Part 7: Flashback 2 - Meeting Mirabeau

We rise into Mirabeau's room and see that he is dead, and Eliza is standing next to him. Explore the crime scene. From the diary, we learn that Mirabeau had an appointment. We go to a meeting with Kemar. After the conversation, go to the pharmacist and ask about aconite. Seeing us, he will immediately run. Run after him through the catacombs. You will catch up with him in the garden and he will tell you everything, and also give the coordinates of the place where to leave the second dose.

Lifts used: 1/1
Objects overcome (top or bottom): 5/5

Part 7: Flashback 3 - Confrontation

Turn on eagle vision and follow the yellow trail of poison. The killer will be Belleck, who after the conversation will pounce on us. After losing most of his health, Bellec will drop to his knees and have a QTE scene. Press the necessary buttons and continue the battle. This will happen a couple more times: you shoot health, a scene, a change of location. In the temple, he will hide for a while, and after the end of his speech he will attack you and try to kill Eliza. Kill him.

Daze Strikes: 5/5... You must first buy this move in the skill tree. Use it when Bellec is aiming a pistol at you.
Don't be knocked down

Captured Paris (1944)

Abstergo is trying to smoke us again. Run to the portal again. Run out of the drains and find yourself in the captured Paris of 1944. You need to get to the Eiffel Tower. Do not get caught in the spotlight, otherwise the sniper will notice you and start shooting. Climbing the tower, beware of planes and snipers. Once next to the machine gun, shoot from it at the plane and hide when it starts shooting at you. Continue climbing the tower. Two planes will attack us in front of the portal. Take the machine gun and continue the same scheme as with the previous plane. After defeating the planes, climb to the top of the tower and take a leap of faith.

Part 8: Reminiscence 1 - Royal Correspondence

We need to steal Mirabeau's correspondence with the king so as not to endanger the lives of other assassins. You need to get into the palace. Jump into the hay and use the Disguise skill. Walk on the left side, climb the stairs and eliminate the sniper. Jump out the window and you are in the palace. Now you need to find the king's office. He will be at the far end of the hallway if you used this method of entering the palace.

Napoleon Bonaparte will meet us in the office. In the closet, pull the switch and take away the correspondence in the cache and burn it in the fireplace. After that, repulse the attack of the enemies and escape with Napoleon through the secret passage.


Signal Bells Disabled: 3/3

Stealth Kills: 3/3

Napoleon will give a tip to our enemy - Rui. He will be near the prison. First, kill the bandits who captured the guard. From there climb through the window to get to the prison. In the prison you will need to help a couple of detachments to fight off enemies. After that, break into one of the cameras and from there climb up. Set fire to the tower with snipers so that they do not interfere with us in the future. After that, jump from there, wait for the guard to turn away, climb onto the pedestal with Rui, use disguise and kill him. After killing the target, throw a smoke bomb and get out of there.

Ledge Kill: 3/3
Stealth Kills: 3/3

Part 9: Flashback 1 - Hungry Times

Go to the pier and chase the barge. As soon as they moor, jump into the water and get the plans from the captain of the barge. Do not show yourself to snipers if you want to do everything quietly.

Don't touch the water
The signal bell should not go off

Part 9: Reminiscence 2 - Provisions Harbinger

Now we need to kill Marie Leveque. Jump down and help the gunpowder merchant fight off the bandits. As a result, we will have fireworks that will help. Return to the beginning of the mission and approach the girl, next to the grate. Listen to their conversation. Go upstairs and see the key keeper next to the cameras. Jump down on him and his partner from above, take the key and unlock the cameras. With the resulting commotion, you can get inside the palace. After freeing Tom, switch to killing Marie. Break open the door near Tom's "prison", jump off the balcony and kill Marie.

The signal bell should not go off... We'll have to turn off all the signal bells before killing Marie.
Free Tom Leveque... Once in the palace, do not climb the stairs, but turn right and go up to the third floor. Deal with the guards (shoot someone with the berserker's poison, and then finish off the survivors) and free Tom.

Part 9: Flashback 3 - Escape

It's time to run away from your enemies. We cut three ropes and run for balloon on which Eliza. Run onto the lift and start the race across the rooftops for the ball. Do not pay attention to the enemies, Eliza will shoot them herself. Once the ball catches on the rope, cut it open. After the roller, use the lift and run along the roofs until Arno jumps onto the ball.

Keep up with the balloon
Don't touch the ground

Part 10: Reminiscence 1 - Invitation to Dinner

Now we can pump the remaining skills. We will need to kill Monsieur Lepeletier. Try to collect for this mission that gives a tangible increase to stealth. Jump into the hay and walk on the right side. Kill the guards at the gate with a double kill. Go a little further and steal the wine and poison from the cart. Return to the same gate and wait for the guard to appear at the window. Kill him with the ghost blade and wait for the hype to subside. Now we are waiting for all three guards to look at the entrance, we jump over the partition and hide in the crowd on the second floor. We apply disguise and put on the poisoned wine. We go into the back room and wait until the intoxicated Monsieur Lepeletier enters there. We listen to his speech and kill. Leave as you came.

Thug driven insane: 2/2
Double Kills: 2/2

Part 10: Flashback 2 - Execution

Great Master Germain must be killed. It will be on the right pedestal for the nobles and the target will glow golden. It will not work to kill him, he knew about the murder and after the speech he will set enemies on us. Fortunately, Eliza arrived in time and helps us kill them all. After that, we run after Eliza and kill all enemies on the way. Germain left, and Eliza was upset that we put love above the goal.

Gunmen killed: 2/2
Enemies Stunned: 5/5. Throw a stun bomb at a cluster of enemies and complete this challenge.

Part 10: Reminiscence 3 - Report to the Council

The council expels us from the fraternity, stripping us of all ranks and titles.

Part 11: Recollection 1 - Exhausted Opportunities

We lost our watch and we need to find it. Remembering last night. You need to get past the guards and pick up a barrel of wine. Distract the guards at the aisles and doors with the help of a firecracker, go up to the upper floor, break the lock and take the keg.
We return to the present and go to the bar. Again we rewind a couple of hours back, fight with drunks and lose. They kick us out of the bar and take our watch. Fast forward to the present, one of yesterday's drunks is in the bar. We catch up with him and find out where the leader is.

In the palace, try to act secretly, but if you are already found, then throw a smoke bomb and run further, or kill enemies. In principle, the path to the leader will be linear. Along the way, Arno will be tormented by passages from the past. Once at the exit from the palace, we will see the leader and his minions. Remove a couple of pawns and him from the ghost blade, and then finish off the rest. He won't have a watch, but Eliza will meet us and give us the watch.

Lure with a cracker: 4/4
Kills with Poison: 2/2... To do this, you need to pump the skill of wearing poisonous grenades. Pump over, buy and throw in the direction of a cluster of enemies.

Part 11: Flashback 2 - Assassin's Career

We need to kill La Touche. Try to destroy most of the snipers and soldiers before killing La Touche to make it easier to escape.

Jump along the right side of the rooftops until you reach a food box. Wait until the guards turn away and apply Disguise in the crowd. Rip the curtain off the box and the crowd will distract the guards for a while. Make your way to the left side, wait until the guards move away from the cage and make your way to it to talk with old acquaintances. They will say that one of the guards has the key. Go to the house opposite, climb to the second floor, kill the bandit and take the key from him, and then go into the cell while none of the guards sees you. As soon as you leave the cage, follow the guards and quickly run towards La Touche, and then kill him. Throw a smoke bomb and run to that very box with food. The crowd will delay the pursuers and we can escape. Thanks to the murder of La Touche, we learned the name of another conspirator. It turned out to be a certain Robespierre.

Headshot Kills: 3/3
Stealth Kills: 4/4

Paris, late 14th century

Abstergo is tackling us again. We run to the next portal and jump into it from the roof.
We ended up in Paris at the end of the 14th century. Run from the cemetery to the catacombs. Make your way through the catacombs to the exit. At the exit from the catacombs, dodge the stones. After getting out of the catacombs, run to the portal and do not forget to wait out the shelling of stones behind the shelters.

Part 12: Memory 1 - The Supreme Being

We need to discredit Robespierre. We follow Eliza and reach the Champ de Mars. Enter Robespierre's tent using disguises and read all the letters and diaries that are here. Eventually, you will find lists of politicians that will come in handy for you. Get out of here using disguise. Return to Eliza and help her carry out her plan. Immediately run to the tent and kill the first guard who comes out of there. Then run to the crowd and wait for the game to mark the second guard: kill him in the crowd. At the end, kill the two marked guards with a double kill and return to Eliza.

Now we need to add letters to three people. Wait until the guards move away or turn away, stand behind your back and enclose letters.

Signal bells disabled: 1/1... You will need to disable the bell, which is located next to Robespierre's tent. Distract the guards with a firecracker and break the bell.
Don't let Eliza be found. The method is described in the walkthrough.

Part 12: Flashback 2 - The End of Robespierre

It looks like we overdid it. Robespierre was arrested and taken to the Luxembourg prison. We run to the place and see that the convoy is defeated, and Robespierre has disappeared. Talk to the surviving guard. After the conversation, Eliza leaves for the prison, and we need to find the attackers. With the help of eagle vision, we find the survivors and follow the direction they indicated. They took him through the catacombs. We pass through them (they are linear) and go out to the crowd and Robespierre. Robespierre will run away, leaving the bandits behind. We do not pay attention to them and run after him.

Robespierre will hide in the house with security. Jump into the crowd and use disguise there. Walk to the end of the square and go to the arch, there will still be a carriage. Kill the guard, jump up, but do not climb, and climb to the other side of the house. There, kill the guard, climb into the window, kill the sniper above and climb into another window. Go to the end of the room using disguise. In the next room, wait until one guard moves away from the window, and the other falls asleep. Kill the guard at the table and go to Robespierre. Watch the video.

Don't get involved in conflicts... When you run after Robespierre, do not touch anyone and do not catch the eyes of your enemies.
Doors cracked: 1/1... You can break open the door next to the entrance to Robespierre's office.

Part 12: Reminiscence 3 - The Temple

The denouement is close. Climb to the beginning of the fortress and eliminate snipers around the perimeter and on the roofs so that they do not interfere with your climb to the top of the fortress. At the top of the temple, Germaine will fire a sword at you as soon as he spots you. Go behind him and stab him. You will be thrown back, and Germaine will disappear. Run to the catacombs. There will again be snipers and bandits. Throw the smoke at the main entrance and run into the catacombs. Eliza will catch up with us in the catacombs. We open the strange door and go inside.
Germaine is waiting for us again. Move between shelters and try not to fall under the beam. As soon as he starts talking, and you are close to him, run up and strike. Sometimes it will shine through and hit the area: you will need to leave the shelter in which you are now. Repeat until victorious.
We are watching the video. We were overwhelmed, and Eliza promised to single-handedly finish off the main master. Having got out, we run to them and ... we watch the video. In the end we finish off the wounded master and watch the remaining videos.

Congratulations, you have completed the game!

Double Air Kills: 3/3

The new part of the game looks like a large family, in which mom Ubi and dad Soft are insanely happy with their numerous children, but even with all the desire they cannot keep track of everyone. One child climbed into the texture, another is hanging in the air, and the third is floating somewhere at the level of the underworld. In general, bugs do not interfere with enjoying the adventure as long as they do not affect performance.

Unity is rightfully the prettiest and biggest part of the series. Perhaps the only one where the function of fast travel is justified, because sometimes it is very tiring to rush here on foot. Paris itself, where the main scene takes place, is incredibly lively. In Unity, NPCs live their lives, go about their business and in every possible way prevent you from running through the streets. In one part of the capital, you will visit a market where merchants praise their goods in every possible way, and in another location you will see ordinary people dancing or arguing about something. But the intellect of the crowd praised by the creators, alas, did not impress. The delight that you get at the very beginning of the game is the beautiful buildings.

If you have never been to Paris or suddenly did not find the end of the 18th century, you can easily be stunned by the original scale of Notre Dame de Paris or the House of Invalids. In connection with the improvement of buildings, acrobatics were also improved. The assassin's animation has been significantly enriched. The hero moves smoothly and harmoniously. An attempt was made to strengthen the mechanics in relation to the combat system, but here, apart from a few beautiful gains, nothing has changed. We attack, we parry, we run away in a veil of smoke bombs. The same new ghost blade is just a firearm counterpart with several benefits.

We are dealing with murders in the old fashioned way, simultaneously observing the development of the French revolution and finding out who killed Arno's father. Side missions it became more. Remained synchronization of locations and in order to open additional tasks in a certain area, you must first take a look around it. Remained and the search for treasures, which are even more tied to all sorts of fragments and secrets. As soon as all of them are found, you will be able to stand guard and help local ministers solve entire crimes.

But the main secondary quests were the long-awaited co-op missions. With all the variety that undoubtedly appeared in the series in this particular part, Ubisoft should still seriously reconsider its attitude to development. The game has been making for four years, but why it came out so not optimized and buggy, that is, raw, is not clear.

Assassin's Creed Unity release date. Assassin is a new part.
Assassin's Creed: Unity release date. Angry Birds Transformers.
Assassin's Creed Rogue Walkthrough
Impressions of passing Assassin's Creed Black Flag

After attacking the temple, follow the mentor. Interrupt the enemies blocking the path and move to the green mark. The gate will close right in front of the protagonist's nose. Look around. Pay attention to the window on the left. Climb up there along the ledges. Climb inside. Move through the building, then climb over the beams to the other side.

In the new part of Assassin's Creed, the developers have significantly reworked the mechanics of parkour. We advise you not to ignore the prompts and study the controls.

Go down the spiral staircase. Run after the assassin until you reach the smoke screen. During the fight with the enemy, go through the mini-tutorial, from which you can learn the basics of the game. After the final hit, watch the cut-scene.

Versailles memories

Finding yourself in the role of little Arno, move after the girl. Steal an apple from the table. At this moment, the guard will notice you. Hide from him behind any bush or in a tent. Then attract the attention of the guard at the door, thereby clearing the way through the gate. Talk to the girl and go with her to the crowded place.

After the video, go after Hugo. Take your watch and run away. To escape the chase, climb onto the roof of a building or simply dissolve into the crowd. Then, travel to the ancestral domain and complete the Flashback Fragment.

The crowd is one of the key features of the stealthy passage of the game. With the help of groups of people, you can discreetly get into the protected area, hide from the pursuit and avoid unnecessary attention when tracking.

States general

Go down the stairs and take the next quest. After the cut-scene, take the letter. Follow the carriage. It will be extremely difficult to move on the ground, as there will be many obstacles. Therefore, in front of the closed gate, climb to the roof, and then move towards the goal.

After the cut-scene, head to the green mark. Use acrobatic moves to climb the church spire and sync. Take a Leap of Faith. After landing, hide in the crowd. After that, make your way to the main entrance. Go into the hall and turn on the eagle vision - with its help you will find the right person.

As with any part of Assassin's Creed, the viewpoints make the game a lot easier. Having explored the area, you can not only explore the territory, but also find out the location of various secrets, workshops and chests.

Go backstage. Take a moment to engage your pursuers. After the cutscene, jump down to find the police. Leave the orange area and then go incognito. To do this, hide in a secret place, or simply confuse the guard by jumping on the roofs.

High society

Climb the stairs and enter De La Serra's office. Go to the door and put a letter under it. After the cutscene, head towards the palace using eagle vision. Climb the wall and climb into the open window. Inside, be careful not to be seen by the guards.

Using the cover system, move to the green zone on the map. Turn on eagle vision. Find Eliza and follow her. After the cut-scene, go downstairs - there you will find another surprise.

In prison

Once in custody, talk to the inmates of the prison. After the conversation, go to bed. Watch the cut-scene. Learn about your purpose by talking to the prisoner. Hide behind the wall. When the guards enter the cell, kill them.

Run with your partner along the corridors, simultaneously dealing with enemies. When there are too many of those, jump out the window. Once outside, kill the remaining guards. Use smoke bombs during the battle. Climb up the wall, and then follow your friend. Now take a leap of faith.


Take on a new quest, which invites you to explore Saint-Chapelle. Walk to the green reach mark and then jump down. Follow Bellek. Take initiation. Once in a parallel world, run straight. Avoid landslides along the way. Find the father, and then run further along the platforms.

Experience points are awarded for in-game actions. Do not forget to spend them on improving your current abilities or learning new ones.

Walk through the crowd of people. Approach the goal from the back. Kill her with the hidden blade, then watch the cutscene. As you move into the present, listen to instructions from a Helix employee. Then follow a few directions.


Covertly kill three guards and then disable the bell. After your partner kills the enemy, approach the enemy from behind and finish him off. Follow Bellek as he tells you about the extremists. After reaching the villa, go to the council room and listen to the instructions of the mentors.


Talk to Bellek on the roof and go downstairs. Approach the nearest exclamation mark and activate the "Possibility for penetration". One of the guards will have the required key. Approach him from behind and steal the key. If he notices something amiss, then just kill him.

Climb onto the cathedral and use the key found to unlock the door. Mix with the crowd, and then neutralize the guards. Clear the first floor, and then get to Sivero. Please note that everything must be done discreetly. If the alarm bell goes off, you will have to replay. For extra spectacularity, you can wait for Sivero in the confessional and finish off there.

silver Age

Get to the rooftop portal as quickly as possible. Find the entrance to the subway, then make your way through the tunnels. Jump over the obstacles until you reach the exit to the surface. After that, climb onto the Statue of Liberty and complete the task.

Kingdom of the beggars

Use your eagle vision to find your target. Go downstairs. There you will meet the Marquis de Sade. Go outside and follow La Touche without drawing attention to yourself. After reaching the gate, go upstairs and deal with the guards on the roofs. Make your way through the attic to La Touche and interrogate him. Then leave the clinic the same way.

The king is dead

Jump down and deal with the guards without raising an alarm. In this assignment as additional missions you need to disable two chimneys, as well as distract the guards with the help of the crowd. Move to the green zone on the map and look for the stairs icon. Get down into the dungeon and go to the green mark.

Move forward through the drains, but never raise the alarm. Use hidden blades and smoke screens to kill enemies without making a fuss. Reach the Beggar King. In the catacombs, deal with the guards, and then go upstairs.

Clear the floor and then find the Beggar King. Deal with enemies, but do not draw attention to yourself. Use the tranquilizer to shoot at the enemy and finish off the immobilized enemy. Leave the area and complete the mission.

Tell the council what happened and move on to the next assignment.


Make your way along the rooftops forward. Enter the palace. There will be a lot of enemies inside, so be careful. It will be extremely difficult to lure the enemy out. Don't forget about the smoke bombs.

Find the jeweler at the very end of the building and talk to him. Deal with the enemies marked with red markers. Use berserker blades on heavy fighters. Neutralize the remaining enemies and talk to Germaine.

Bread market

Walk carefully into the secured area. As in most missions, you cannot raise the alarm here either, so act stealthily. An additional task will be three kills with a pistol, but remember that the shots are heard by the enemies around.

Turn on eagle vision, then get to the green mark. When the fire starts, turn around and run outside. Some beams and awnings can collapse, so don't stay in one place for long.


Read the information carefully before starting the assignment. Location and security reports can be very helpful in the passage if you need to kill some important person.

Jump down, then hide in the haystack. There are opportunities for help and infiltration in this assignment. In the first case, you need to protect the gravediggers, and in the second, you need to steal the plans. It is also possible to disable signal bells so that reinforcements cannot be called. Wait for Lafreniere. Deal with him and leave the area.

Jacobin Club

Go to the Beauvais Mansion. Moving along the roofs, climb inside the building and find La Touche. Deal with the enemies around without raising an alarm. Then track down the target and learn about the further plans of the Templars. Now get out. To do this, use stealth kills and smoke bombs.

Templar ambush

Get to Eliza and deal with the attackers. After protecting your friend, run from the crime scene to the maze. Climb up the tower and find a way out of the trap. Enemies are scattered throughout the labyrinth, which must be killed secretly. As an additional task, it is proposed to make two double kills and four headshots.

Cautious union

Take Eliza to the Brotherhood and listen to the opinion of your companions. Then follow her to Germain's workshop. An ambush awaits you there. Deal with the enemies, but do not forget to monitor Eliza's health - if she dies, the mission will fail. After the cut-scene, deal with the arrows on the rooftops. For an additional task, kill enemies with headshots.

Meeting with Mirabeau

Examine the crime scene. The clues will be on the bed, in the closet, and on the table. Go outside and head to the Teatr cafe. Talk to Master Kemar about what happened. Now visit a pharmacist who is illegally selling various substances. He will refuse to speak, so rush after him in pursuit. As you catch, interrogate.


Follow the trail in the form of yellow spots. After the cutscene, climb up the building wall to the green mark. Now fight Bellec. Don't let yourself be knocked down. Get 5 stunning strikes to complete side missions. After a certain moment, the fight will move inside the building. Finish off the enemy and finish the mission.


Run straight along the drains until you reach the exit. Then walk past the gate. Climb the Eiffel Tower Do not fall under the spotlight as the sniper will shoot you right away. We recommend hiding behind corners from planes. Be careful not to get caught in line. Destroy planes with a heavy machine gun and jump into the portal.

Royal correspondence

Jump down. Keep to the right and then enter the palace. To complete side missions, disable the signal bells and get three stealth kills. Once inside, be extremely careful. Use darts and smoke bombs to avoid drawing attention to yourself.

Go up to the second floor and follow the yellow zone until you reach the king's office. To activate the cache, go to the closet and turn the knob. After the cut-scene, protect Napoleon while he tries to open the secret passage. Follow Bonaparte and complete the quest.

September pogroms

Now you need to kill Commander Rui. In this mission, there are special options for help and distraction. To activate the first one, deal with the bandits, and for the second one, light a fire on the wall. Kill enemies, gradually moving deeper into the building. Then climb up and deal with the target. After watching the cut-scene, go downstairs and leave the area.

Hungry times

Walk to the pier and then follow the barge. For an additional task, do not touch the water. Make your way to the protected area. Steal orders. Move carefully. Don't let the alarm bell go off. Taking away required documents, leave the area and complete the mission.

Provisions concealers

The next victim is Marie Leveque. The assignment has an opportunity for help and distraction. First you need to pick the lock or steal the key, and then protect the merchant. Now enter the guarded palace. For an additional task, you will need to free Tom Leveque, as well as prevent the alarm bell from going off. After the kill, leave the area and become incognito.

The escape

Deal with the enemies around you. Now cut the ropes. Then go upstairs and follow the balloon along the rooftops. Do not touch the ground and keep up with the ball for additional tasks. Finally, hop on to Eliza and admire the evening Paris.

Dinner invitation

The next task will be the assassination of Lepeletier. This mission has the ability to infiltrate and kill. To complete the first, you need to ask the cook to open the window, and for the second - to steal wine. If you want to complete additional tasks, then you need to make two double kills, and also drive two thugs to insanity (using darts). Stealthily knock out the guards. Then deal with Lepeletier and leave the area.


Make your way through the crowd to the tent located near the execution site. Go around the area on the right and go up to Germaine. After the cutscene, protect Eliza from the attackers and then follow her. To complete additional missions, you need to kill two shooters, and then stun five enemies.

Report the incident to the council.

Exhausted possibilities

When you wake up, go out into the yard. Move towards the target and kill enemies along the way. Lure them out with the help of jokers, which will also be needed to complete an additional task. Not finding wine in the right place, head to the bar. Intercept the bandit and interrogate him. Make your way through the palace and fight the leader of the gang. An additional task will be a two-time kill with poison.


Jump into the portal. Opponents are trying to hack the server again. Leave the cemetery and head forward through the catacombs. Then exit the main hall and cross the bridge. There will be a portal at the opposite end of the field. Watch out for flying cannonballs while running.

Supreme Being

Together with Eliza, head to the Champ de Mars. Inspect Robespierre's tent without attracting the attention of the guards. Disable the signal bells for an additional mission. After reading the letters, stun the approaching guards and talk to Eliza.

End of Robespierre

Talk to the survivor after the attack. Go to the green area and use the eagle vision to find a few more soldiers. The circle on the map will shrink. It is there that you will find Robespierre. Don't get involved in fights. Run on rooftops or use detours.

Having reached the place where the enemy lives, go up the wall and then find the entrance. An additional task will be breaking one door. Get inside and move deeper into the building without raising an alarm.


It's time for the final battle. Go to the yellow area and find Germain. Perform three double kills from the air and disable two signal bells, thereby completing the side quests. Climb the tower where you will find your target. You won't be able to kill her right away, so keep on pursuing.

Find the enemy with the help of the eagle sight. As soon as you find Germain, on help will come Eliza. You can't just get close to the enemy and you can't take it with simple techniques. Therefore, throw a smoke grenade and use the hidden blade to hit Germain. Repeat this procedure several times and watch the final video.

Text: Artem Kusakov.

  • Tutorial

My strange creative path has taken me into game development. Thanks to an excellent student program from an IT company, whose name consists of one Greek small letter, cooperating with our university, it was possible to assemble a team, generate documentation and establish an Agile game development under the supervision of a high-quality QA engineer (hello Anna!)

Without much thought, Unity was chosen as the engine. This is a wonderful engine on which you can do very quickly and easily bad game, which, in their right mind, no one will ever play. To create good game, you still have to shovel through the documentation, delve into some of the features and gain development experience.

Our game used the physics engine in a way it didn't expect, which caused a lot of performance issues on mobile platforms. This article, using our game as an example, describes my struggle with the physics engine and all those features of its work that were noticed on the way to a viable beta version.

The game

GIF with the game

A few words about how it was done.
Made with Blender and a couple of python scripts. At the time of shooting, in the corner of the screen there were 16 squares, the color of which encoded 32 bits of a floating point number - the rotation of the phone in this moment time. R, G - data, B - parity. 0 - 0, 255 - 1. The video shot on the computer was split into frames using ffmpeg, each frame of the render was assigned a decrypted corner. This format allowed us to survive any compression in the shooting process and overcame the fact that all programs have slightly different ideas about the passage of time. In reality, the game is played in the same way as on the render.

The plane flies through an endless and unpredictable cave, in which there are bonuses, all sorts of coins and enemies in which you can shoot homing missiles. Crashed into a wall - immediately lost.
A distinctive feature of the game is that the level is nailed to the horizon and the control in it is gyroscopic, and, moreover, absolute. I tilted the phone 45 degrees - the airplane flew at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to make a dead loop - you have to twist the tablet. No sensitivity, just hardcore.
Let's highlight two main and obvious problems for a developer:
Problem 1: Infinity
Unity stores and processes the coordinates of objects in the form of ordinary 32-bit floats, with an accuracy of somewhere up to 6 decimal places. The problem is that the game is endless, and if we fly long enough, all sorts of crazy bugs will start, up to teleportation through walls. There are several approaches to solving this problem:
  1. Ignoring. In Minecraft, for example, rounding errors only made the game more interesting, giving rise to the Distant Lands phenomenon.
  2. Teleportation to (0; 0; 0) when the plane is too far from the origin.
  3. Changing the starting point. It is not the plane that moves, but the level around it.
In our case, the only valid option is the third one, which was implemented. About the implementation - a little later.
The first, ignoring, is absolutely unacceptable. Creating a robot that can play our game forever is an interesting (and very simple) task that someone will solve. And ordinary Korean players should not be underestimated - the airplane is fast, the level is generated unpredictably. And if you fly and fly before passing through the walls, then much more accurate shooting will obviously start to fail after 5 minutes of flight.
The second - teleportation of the player and the whole world - puts mobile devices on your knees, in some cases - about half a second. This is very noticeable, and therefore unacceptable. But this is a perfectly acceptable option for unpretentious endless PC games.
Problem 2: level generation

There are several basic approaches to building endless runners:

  1. Using ready-made level segments that dock at random. This is done, for example, in Subway Surfers. It's easy to implement, but the player quickly gets used to it and knows what to prepare for, which is boring.
  2. A level is just a straight line on which obstacles are randomly placed. This is done in Joypack Joyride and Temple Run. In our case, this would greatly limit the number of maneuvers.
  3. Everything is randomly generated. The most difficult, unpredictable and interesting option for the player.
Of course, we chose the most difficult option. At its heart is a very complex state machine that performs random transitions over them. But within the framework of this article, it is not the mechanism that is interesting, but the process of generating the level and its organization, taking into account the chosen starting point.
Level structure

We are flying in a cave, it has a floor and a ceiling - a couple of blocks, elementary building units. The blocks are combined into segments that seamlessly fit together. The segments, as a whole, revolve around the aircraft and move along its velocity vector, creating the illusion of flight. If the segment leaves the field of view of the camera, it is cleared of blocks, docked to the last segment of the level and filled with new blocks, according to the generator's instructions. The aggregate of such segments is the level.

Experienced Unity developers could justifiably grimace at the scope of work and all the possible pitfalls. But in words everything is simple, and I had no development experience ...

Basic Laws of Physics in Unity

In a month of development, experimenting and reading the documentation, I have identified three basic laws of physics in Unity. They can be violated, but the price for violation is performance. The engine will in no way warn you about a mistake, and without a profiler, you may never know about them. Failure to comply with these laws can slow down your game. in tens once. As I understand it, violation of any law leads to the fact that the physics engine marks the offending collider as invalid and recreates it on the object, with the subsequent recalculation of physics:
1. Colliders should not move, rotate, turn on / off and resize.
Once you've added a collider to an object, forget about any impact on it or the objects that contain it. A normal collider is a purely static object. A tree, for example, can have one collider. If the tree can fall on the player, the tree will fall along with the performance. If this tree grows from a magic nutrient cloud, which does not have a collider, but can move, this will be accompanied by a drop in productivity.
2. If the object moves or rotates - it must be a rigid body, i.e. have a Rigidbody component.
This is written in the documentation, yes. Which you don't have to read carefully to start making a game, because Unity is very simple and intuitive.
Rigidbody changes the relationship of the physics engine to the object. They start to influence him external forces, it can have linear and angular velocity, and most importantly, a rigid body can move and rotate by means of a physics engine, without causing a complete recalculation of physics.
There are two types of solids - regular and kinematic. Ordinary bodies interact with each other and with ordinary colliders - one body cannot pass through another. Kinematic bodies follow simplified simulation rules - they are not affected by any external forces, including gravity. They can freely pass through each other and colliders, but they repel ordinary solids, as if they have an infinite mass.
If you don’t mind putting objects under the control of a physics engine, use ordinary rigid bodies. For example, if you need to beautifully roll stones off a cliff. If your scripts or animators control the object directly, use kinematic bodies, so you don't have to constantly struggle with the engine and random object collisions. For example, if you have an animated character or a guided missile that explodes on contact with something.
3. If the object is a rigid body, it must move and rotate through the methods of a rigid body.
Forget about calling Transform "on an object immediately after adding a collider to it. From now on, Transform is your enemy and a performance killer. Before you write transform.position = ... or transform.eulerAngles = ..., say" I now absolutely clearly understand what I am doing, I am satisfied with the brakes that will be caused by this line. ”Do not forget about hierarchical connections: if you suddenly move an object containing solid bodies, the physics will be recalculated.
There are three levels of rigid body control:
- The highest and, therefore, natural, level - through forces. These are the AddForce and AddTorque methods. The physics engine will take into account body weight and correctly calculate the resulting speed. All interactions of bodies occur at this level.
- Medium - speed change. These are velocity and angularVelocity properties. On their basis, the forces affecting bodies during their interaction are calculated, as well as, obviously, their positions at the next moment in time. If a rigid body has a very low speed, it "falls asleep" to save resources.
- The lowest level is directly the coordinates of the object and its orientation in space. These are the MovePosition and MoveRotation methods. At the next iteration of the physics calculation (this is important, since each subsequent method call within one frame replaces the call of the previous one), they teleport the object to a new position, after which it lives as before. This level is used in our game, and only it, because it provides complete control over the object.

What's left behind? Turn on / off the object and scale. I don't know if there is a way to resize the object without confusing the engine. Quite possibly not. Turning off the object is painless, and turning it on ... yes, it causes a recalculation of physics, in the vicinity of the turned on object. Therefore, try not to include too many objects at the same time, stretch this process over time so that the user does not notice.

There is a law that does not affect performance, but does affect performance: a solid cannot be part of a solid. The parent object will dominate, so the child will either stand still in relation to the parent, or behave in an unpredictable and incorrect manner.

There is another non-physics feature of Unity that is worth mentioning: dynamically creating and destroying objects via Instantiate / Destroy methods is INSANELY slow. I'm afraid to even imagine what happens under the hood during the creation of the object. If you need to create and delete something dynamically - use factories and fill them with the necessary objects during game load. Instantiate should be called as a last resort - if the factory suddenly ran out of free objects, and forget about Destroy forever - everything created should be reused.

Application of laws in practice

(this section contains the line of reasoning when creating a game and its features)

The level should obviously rotate and move.
Let's make our life easier forever by placing the level's axis of rotation - the airplane - at the origin. Now we can calculate the distance from a point to it by calculating the length of the coordinate vector of the point. A trifle, but nice.
Moving objects together is easy through the object hierarchy in Unity because children are part of the parent. For example, the described level structure is logically implemented as follows:
- Axis of rotation
- - \ Level
- - - \ Segment 1
- - - - \ Block 1 (Collider)
- - - - \ ...
- - - - \ Block N
- - - \ Segment 2 ...
- - - \ Segment 3 ...
- - - \ Segment 4 ...
(You can even do without the level object)

The script on the axis receives data from the gyroscope and sets the appropriate angle to it ... And it breaks many rules at once, because the rotation will be transmitted through the hierarchy to the colliders, which will drive the physics engine crazy. You will have to make the axis a rigid body and rotate it through the appropriate method. But what about level movement? Obviously, the axis of rotation and the object of the level will not move, each segment must be moved individually, otherwise we are faced with the problem of infinity. This means that the segments must be rigid bodies. But we already have a rigid body higher in the hierarchy and a rigid body cannot be part of a rigid body. A logical and elegant hierarchy is not suitable, you have to do everything by hand - both rotation and movement, without using an object for the axis of rotation. Be prepared for this if you have unique gameplay features.

If you had to move the segments directly and so, then they would have to be rotated. The main difficulty is that the Unity physics engine does not have a method to "rotate an object around an arbitrary point" (Transform does, but don't be tempted). There is only "to rotate around its center." This is logical, because rotation around an arbitrary axis is both rotation and movement, and these are two different operations. But it can be imitated. First, we rotate the segment around its axis, then we rotate the coordinates of its “own axis” around the plane. Due to the fact that the plane is at the origin, we don't even have to remember school geometry and go to Wikipedia, Unity already has everything. It is enough to convert the angle of rotation to a quaternion and multiply it by the coordinates of the point. By the way, I found out about this right at the time of writing the article, before that the rotation matrix was used.

We have enemies who push the plane against the wall, hoping to kill. There is a shield that pushes the plane away from the walls, helping to survive. This is implemented trivially - there is an offset vector, which is added to the coordinates of each segment every frame and reset after that. Anyone who wants to kick the airplane, through a special method, can leave the vector of his kick, which will be added to this displacement vector.

Ultimately, the actual coordinates of the segment, each frame, are calculated by the level's motion control center something like this:
Vector3 position = segment.CachedRigidbody.position; Vector3 deltaPos = Time.deltaTime * Vector3.left * settings.Speed; segment.truePosition = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, deltaAngle) * (position + deltaPos + movementOffset);
After all the calculations and crutches necessary for the precise alignment of the segments to work during regeneration, segment.truePosition is sent to the MovePosition method of the segment's rigid body.


How fast does it all work? On the old flagships - Nexus 5 and LG G2 - the game flies at 60 FPS, with a barely noticeable drawdown when turning on new colliders during segment generation (this is inevitable and does not work around) and worms pushing out of the ground (you can create some kind of hell, to get around this, but now there is a deliberate violation of the third law). 40 stable FPS is given by any device with a gyroscope that we come across. Without knowledge and consideration of all the laws, the performance was, to say the least, unsatisfactory and the phones overheated. So much so that I thought to write my own simple specialized engine for 2D physics. Fortunately, physics in Unity turned out to be flexible enough that all the problems could be bypassed and create a unique game, it was enough only a couple of weeks of experimentation.

Now that you know all the main pitfalls of the Unity physics engine, you can quickly clone our game, destroying the dreams, lives and faith of three poor students in humanity. I hope this article will save you a lot of time in the future and will help you find not entirely obvious violations of the laws of productive physics in your projects.

Read the documentation and experiment, even if you use simple and intuitive tools.

We present a complete and detailed walkthrough... This walkthrough was created to facilitate the passage of the game if you have any difficulties. The game once again continues the traditions of the famous game series: a very twisted plot, cool parkour, a wide variety of weapons for killing your enemies, secrets and intrigue!


When your game begins, then select the item of the task "The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay".

Now you need to move after the target - de Molay. When the cutscene passes, then follow de Molay through the streets of the village. Along the way, he will bring you up to date. Soon you learn that you need to find a special artifact, which is hidden somewhere in the walls of the tower.

Try to avoid the battle and follow to your nearest mission. Climb to the top. Now turn your camera to find the indicated location of the treasured artifact.

Your goal is to find the Templar artifacts. The artifacts are stored inside a huge tower. Climb to the next tower and move through the balcony (you will notice the Assassin throwing his smoke bomb).

Now go inside and a short video clip will open soon, after which a chase will take place.

Now your task is to neutralize the killer. A sword fight with the killer will take place immediately after you reach the required distance. Try to keep the defense and parry more often, and then you can defend yourself without any problems! Attack immediately after parrying

After a couple of nice hits, your killer starts to run away again with his tail between his legs. You need to rush after him in pursuit again, after which the final battle will follow, after which you will finally finish the prologue of the game.

Sequence - 1

Versailles memories

Your target is a girl. When your task begins, then move after the little girl. It will run from room to room. Chasing her will end up just taunting you.

Now you have to steal an apple and hide from the guard. Make your way carefully and eventually interact with the beautiful apple. By doing so, you attract the attention of the guard.

Rather, run around this courtyard and find the closest curtain to hide underneath. You will have to wait for the moment when your fame does not "settle down". After that, you can continue your game.

Now you need to talk to the girl and find out what is happening here. After your path is cleared again, then return back to the castle to Eliza. And from there, return back to the corridor where your task once began.

Your new target is Hugo and what he knows. It takes about thirteen years and Arno has become much older, and much more problematic. After the next video, you will have to chase Hugo through the completely crowded streets of Paris!

Now you have to run away from your brothers. The brothers are chasing you, so rather run ahead and use the environment to your advantage. That is: hide, jump, hide and much more. After you become anonymous, you can go back to your estate.

Now you need to go to De La Serra real estate. If you have extra time left, then explore this town a little more, otherwise you will not return back, since the task will be completed.

States general

You need to follow the carriage. When your new assignment begins, then follow the transportation on the roofs. Take the nearby lift so that you can move our Arno further up the rooftops.

Soon you will need to go to the rooftops of Versailles, then jump straight to the carriage. Now you will need to catch up with her and another new target will appear.

Now you need to walk to the church and climb the spire. Move to the church next door. Once you are there, start your ascent to the very top of the bell tower. From there, you will need to Synchronize the area, after which you will receive the eagle of the bird's flight of Versailles.

Now you need to define the lower galley. Now take the haystack eagle dive below. After that, use the free play option and move down to the streets.

From here, our Arno will be able to enter the castle, thereby not being discovered. Take advantage of the crowd and blend in gently to avoid prying eyes on you. Thus, move from place to place and stay close to people.

Move in the direction to the front doors of this castle and after, go inside. Inside, you will need to use the eagle's vision to identify the golden doors. After passing through them, you can get to another area.

Now we need to find De La Serra. Move to the lower galley. There will be no guards here, so don't worry. Move through the huge crowd straight to the goal. De la Serra will be on the left side of this speech stage.

Go behind the scenes and protect yourself. Take the stairs that lie on the right side and go backstage. Here the next cutscene will follow, and after that the battle will take place.

When Victor joins the battle, you will have to dodge his attacks. When you need to dodge, Arno will grab the blow. Parrying will not work here, since a fighter who is much stronger than you is opposing you. Fight enemies until they fall to the floor.

When your battle is over, you will have to quickly escape from the castle and reset all visibility in order to finally complete this task.

Higher community

You must go to the main office of De La Serra and leave a letter there. Move to De La Serra's office through the top and soon find yourself near the white doorway... Place your letter under the door and get a new target soon.

Now you have to enter the palace. After the video, move towards the huge crowd of people. Move carefully between them, thereby you can remain as stealthy as possible. Use your eagle's sight to spot local suffering. They will move around the central courtyard in which you are.

Try to move on the left side of this palace and keep a close eye on the guards. You need to find a window here, which is located on the second floor of this palace. Try to be extremely careful to climb to the open window, and then find yourself inside the building.

Now you have to get over three rooms that are patrolled by guards. Walk very carefully and it is best to crouch down, so the guards will not be able to detect you.

When you find yourself near the exit, you will have to jump to the next balcony to trigger the next cutscene. From here you will need to go to the ballroom and find your friend Elise.

Now you have to get out of this palace as soon as possible. Move with Eliza to your destination and another cutscene will soon follow. As soon as it passes, then you will be able to leave the palace unnoticed.

As you find yourself outside the doors of this palace, then leave this territory sooner to complete the task.

Sequence - 2


Now your game begins with the main character, Arno, sitting in the dungeon of the Bastille. There are several things you can do here. This is done inside this cell. First, talk to the prisoners. Secondly, examine the rattle near the doors of this dungeon. Thirdly, I'll look out my window. And fourthly, go to sleep at last.

After you complete all the steps, then jump as indicated above into your "bed" and sleep. You will summon the next target shortly.

You will need to beat the thief. Wait for the moment when the thief begins to perform his actions, you will have to immediately use parry. If you get the hang of parrying correctly, then Arno will successfully block, and then strike in the knee or on the head of the opponent. After you make a successful parry, you need to make three of your strong blows in order to continue to resist the enemy. According to this principle, you will have to fight with almost all enemies. After you have successfully defended and dealt a critical blow to the enemy, another video will follow.

So, now you have to hide and quietly kill the guards. After the events that happen unexpectedly, rather move towards the wall, which is located near the doors of this prison. Here you need to take cover quickly. Wait for the moment when the guards dump and then, crawl up. Eventually, you will need to neutralize them.

It's time to get off the Bastille. Follow your new friend through the halls. Soon you will reach a dead end with him, at the end of which there are locked doors. You will have to deal with the defense while your friend tries to open this castle.

When the guards arrive, throw your smoke grenade at them quickly and then attack them while they are temporarily neutralized. After you make a couple of hits on them, let them attack you, and thereby parry yourself. Do this thing three times.

After all five guards fall, then continue to run from Bastille with your friend. Climb with him along the walls, which are located on the right side of the entrance, and then continue to run along them already on the roofs.

When your partner passes through the halls, then move to the entrance, where you will meet another group of guards. They are already waiting for you. Use your smoke bomb and then kill them all with your combo strike.

Keep following your friend and you will soon find yourself near an adjacent wall. Here you need to climb to the very top. The guards who will be on the roof will not harm you in any way, so rather move to the left side and soon you will call the next splash screen.

When the corresponding request appears, then rather jump, and then complete your next task very beautifully.


You will have to explore inside Sainte-Chapelle. Your mission begins far beyond Sainte-Chapelle. You have to go up to the second floor and walk straight to the cathedral.

There will be a cunning puzzle above the entrance to this cathedral. You can see it in front of a large stained glass window. We'll have to climb to this very stained-glass window and solve the riddle of this puzzle.

Jump from chandelier to rope. As a result, you will be able to reach the chandelier, which is located not far from the altar on the opposite side. From here, make your trademark jump and move to the next area.

Follow Bellec. After the next video passes, then follow Belleck to the cameras, where you will have to meet with very important people.

When prompted, drink from a cup and recall a new sequence shortly. Go down the stairs and soon you will need to use the eagle jump down.

When you find yourself in the next sequence, then various objects will begin to explode and fall apart as you move around the large hall. When the hall starts to collapse, then start moving faster. You will find yourself in several areas where the floor is crumbling under your feet, so move quickly.

Soon you will start sliding across the floor. At this moment, you will need to turn to the right in order to finally land successfully on the bottom. And keep in mind that here you have to dodge the fireballs.

In the next area, you will have to jump from square to square to the next area. Some objects will rise, while others, on the contrary, will fall - at these moments you will have to jump without looking back. Make your way to the opposite side and soon you will call the next sequence.

You now have a new task - to kill the killer and not be detected. When you go to the next location, you will notice a huge crowd of people in hoods. They all stand in a circle. You need to walk to the center of the room and use eagle vision to find the mysterious killer. The killer will have to be killed quietly, so carefully move through the crowds of people. You can move both on the left and on the right side. In the end, approach the cautious before him and cunningly kill.

Soon Arno returns to real world and on this the task will be completed.

Sequence - 3

High school graduation

You need to kill the soldiers and sabotage the bell. When your task begins, then take the eagle jump and jump into the cart with hay. There are three guards in this area, and most of them are watching you.

Keep an eye on every guard. When the moment arises, then jump out of the hay quickly. After that, you need to quickly sit down and rather move to the roof, which is located not far from the guard on the left side.

Wait carefully for the moment when he looks to the side. Nearby there is an object behind which you can hide. Use this hideout to kill him. But keep in mind that you should kill him not only when he is looking away, but also when the other guard is not looking at him.

As for the other two soldiers, you will not be able to get close to them without being noticeable. Therefore, go to the iron gates and wait for the moment when one of the guards will notice you to come closer. When he comes up to you, then at that moment you should already be on the roof and from here jump on him to commit murder. The same will need to be repeated with the last soldier.

When all three guards are dead, then go to the bell and carry out your sabotage here. As a result, you will call the next sequence.

After the video passes, then approach the enemy from behind and kill him from behind. A smoke bomb will fall shortly. Try not to get lost and follow Bellek across the rooftops.

Now you need to return to the Cafe-Theater, and then to the headquarters of the assassins. Bellec will move half of the mission through the streets, rooftops and apartments. You need to avoid battles as much as possible. It is best to use smoke bombs to remain stealthy. Stay close to your partner right up to the checkpoint.

Eventually you will reach the Cafe-Theater. Go through the doors and follow your friend to the camera to complete your mission.


You have to steal the key. To do this, walk slowly and use your eagle vision to find the person who holds the keys.

Now you need to kill the bodyguards, and then go upstairs and clean out your pockets to get the keys to Notre Dame. There is also an option with murder, that is, kill him in order to take the keys.

After you receive the keys, then go quickly to the side of the crowd, so as not to get caught by the guards or nationalists. The keys will allow Arno to open the doors at the very top of the cathedral.

Approach another crowd and again use your eagle vision to determine the target to be killed.

Your target will be talking to several soldiers, so if you chase him, you will be immediately noticed. You need to avoid unnecessary eyes, so climb to the roof of the building and determine where your target will be in front of you so that you can chase him from above when he passes a little lower.

Soon your target will be near the haystack, so before he gets to the hay, you will rather make a jump and hide there. When he comes closer to you, then rather kill him. Thus, Arno will kill the specified target without unnecessary trouble and eyes.

After you have obtained the keys and killed the indicated target, it is time to enter the church. There are several ways to get inside:

The first method is an underground tunnel. You have the opportunity to use the tunnel that will allow Arno to get inside the cathedral through the bottom. The tunnel will lead straight to the first floor. All you need to do is press a button on the bottom of the stairs to unlock the floor.

Method two - roof doors. At the top of Notre Dame, you can crack open the large doors that will lead you inside this cathedral. If you do not have the keys with you, then you can use the lockpick.

Method three - an open skylight. If you do not have the keys to Notre Dame, then you can use the open windows, but here you have to deal with the guards of the cathedral.

There are confession rooms inside the cathedral. There will be only three such rooms in the cathedral, so there you can make a hidden murder so that no one will notice.

It is best to use the underground tunnel that will lead you to the first floor. When you find yourself in the cathedral, then immediately activate your eagle vision and look to the right side of the exit - you can notice two guards and a room for confession.

You need to quietly and as quickly as possible get to the prayer booth and wait until the guard comes to you. When he gets close to you, then you can make a hidden kill. Here you can also kill the main target.

Before killing the main target, you first need to clear the premises of the rest of the soldiers, basically these are the sentries in the other part of the cathedral. There are three of them. The first one will stand behind the altar, the other two will patrol the prayer room - this room is used by your main target.

Use the walls on the second floor and move along them to the guard who stands below. The guard will be behind the altar, so you can make a cunning murder. You can also sabotage with an alarm in the center of this cathedral.

There are now two guards left patrolling the confession room. Climb up the wall again and use your eagle's sight there to see the route of these sentries.

Jump down and kill one of their guards, then kill the second. As a result, you will clear the confession room.

When you clear the cathedral from the guards, then enter the confession room and wait for the main target to arrive, which will come straight to you.

It will take a little time, but as soon as he enters your room, then press the button that will be on the screen rather. In the end, you will kill him.

As soon as you kill the target, then leave this booth and kill the soldiers. Now get out of this place quickly.

If you used the bell before, then you will have no problem escaping from the cathedral, but if you did not, then it is best to stay out of sight - use the underground tunnel or return to the second floor and go to the roof, where then jump down.

After you get out of the cathedral, then quickly leave the restricted area and your task will be completed.

North Bridge: Silver Age

Shortly after completing the previous mission, the Animus will begin to approach you. You need to find a portal to avoid detection.

Go through the portal to the west of Notre Dame Cathedral. Use the roofs to make it easier to find it.

When you find this portal, then rather jump into it so that the server's reconnaissance will not find you.

When the new north is loaded, Arno will find himself in the future, in 1889, in the same city of Paris. Soon the server will start shutting down you.

When a new cleanup begins, then you need to run in the direction of the metro, which is located not far from the cafe. The server is trying to shut you down inside.

You have to find a way back to the city. When you get to the metro, you will find a staircase that will take you to the top floor. Go through the tunnels and jump to get to the other side. A splash screen will appear shortly with a train that will ride on you. Next, use the door and climb higher. Go to the next location and continue to move through the tunnels.

When you find yourself in the next zone, then Arno will fall through the roof and then suddenly there will be a train ahead of him.

You need to run away to the side at this moment. After, go under the rubble and soon find yourself in a safe place.

When the train stops, then go through the following doors and take the elevator. Soon, you find yourself in a completely different field. Here you will see the incompletely completed Statue of Liberty.

Jump down and take cover. Several pieces of debris will fly towards you every few seconds, so move from cover to cover so that you don't get killed.

At the end of your path, you will need to climb the structures, and then go to the statue.

Walk around this huge statue. Find the pillars. Climb to the top along them and synchronize.

Sequence - 4

Kingdom of the beggars

The next sequence becomes available after Arno completes the previous sequence.

So, you need to get to the old lair of the Assassins, which is hidden in the Cafe-Theater in the district of Ile Saint-Louis. You pass into the tunnel, which is located near the coast. Go further inside and climb up the stairs, after which a video will start.

After watching the video, your hero will receive a ghost blade. This weapon is a modification of an old hidden blade.

Now go to the marker that is on your map. Soon Arno moves to the beginning of memory. You will find yourself in La Dvor Miracles, on January 19, 1971 street.

You need the explorer La Dvor Miracles. In the green in the green zone on the map. You need to find the indicated target. Another scene will start soon.

Keep a close eye on the man named La Touche. Also here you can finally use your Ghost Blade. Try to kill the guards who are all alone so as not to attract too much attention. It's best to keep an eye on everyone from the rooftops. As a last resort, be prepared to escape. To use the blade, you first need to mark the target, and then strike.

So, go to the La Touche door (left doors at the very end). As always, you need to stay in the green zone. To find the indicated target, then use the eagle's vision. When you find him, try to keep your distance and keep a close eye on him. You need to follow it until the next scene starts.

Now we need to find La Touche. So take a little distraction from the task and use the bombs. Take these bombs and throw them as close as possible to the guards who are walking around.

La Touche will be located on the second floor of this building, which is surrounded by a red zone. Go to the first floor, where operations are now being carried out. It will not be difficult for you to kill the local guards in the premises. In addition to those who will be here, there is also a guard who is standing on the balcony. Climb through the open window, find the balcony and kill the guard who is standing there.

As you cope with the guards, then move on to La Touche. Find the locked doors and break them, after which the next scene will begin, after which you need to leave the red-green area in order to complete this task.

The assassination of Le Roy

So, this task will be immediately available after completing the previous one. You need to kill Le Roy. As a reward, you will receive an officer's pistol.

The quest begins after the columns of the church in Port Saint Denis have been destroyed.

You need to find shelter. So, move to the goal and along the way kill enemies from the air. But respect that the enemy must be isolated from the rest, as you can be noticed.

The entrance to the hideout will be located slightly lower on the stairs. Find the stairs and get down below. Please note that you will find yourself in the red zone. As you find yourself below, you will need to avoid people who will be located between Arno and the entrance. Now you have to deal with objects on the floor.

In this quest you can sabotage the chimney, which is an optional quest. The chimneys where you will sabotage are not at the top, they are located on the ground in the form of hatches. If someone does not understand, then these are the most common sewer pipes, only on the floor.

Your chimneys will be marked on your radar with special markers. From the current position, jump down to the left side and try to neutralize the guard standing here in the air, and then sabotage the chimney. As soon as you are done with this chimney, then switch to the next one.

You have the ability to distract enemies, therefore given opportunity will be useful with a group of thugs. You can also distract enemies who are standing near the entrance to the restricted area.

After you go through the guarded passage, you will find yourself in the sewer. You need to find your way to a huge round square. The main problems for you will be the guards, of whom there are a lot.

When you reach the specified point, then all you have to do is fall down. Then go through the cameras, which are also guarded. Cameras will soon appear on your radar near the main room. In this chamber, climb a little higher up the stairs, and then go to the platform. Move on overcoming obstacles and soon another scene will start.

It's time to kill Le Roy. After the scene has passed, then continue to move on to eventually get into the cell and kill Le Roy. Move along the tunnel on the left side, then turn back to the left side and carefully go around the guard, which will mostly stand in the corners of this room.

Go to the right side and climb the stairs on the left side, after which you find yourself at the entrance to the basement chambers.

Now you have to kill two guards with your ghost blades. Several people will roam around the main chamber. You need to find two targets and kill them.

It soon turns out that the murder is not so easy to pull off, since Le Roy is not sitting in his chair - he is standing at the top.

Don't rush to move towards the camera right away. First go to the right side and go through the small hole in the chamber. Then move to the right side and soon climb up the stairs. Use the ghost blades and kill the guard with the rifle on the right side, and then go along the beams that are located above the square with lit candles and a locked door. If you have a master key, then you can break open the locked doors and go to the left. After that, you will eventually arrive at Le Roy. You are behind him, so you can unexpectedly kill him by candlelight.

If you cannot pick this lock, then the option remains to fight it face to face.

It's time to get out of here now. After you have finished all the work and the scene has passed, then it's time to go back. Move to the green marker - it will lead you to the exit. Please note that the way back will not be too easy and guards will roam everywhere. But where there are chimneys, visibility becomes very low and Arno can neutralize enemies without any problems. In one of the corridors you will have to climb a high wall up to the next tunnel. In the end, the marker will be practically in front of you and you can leave here, after which you watch the next video.

Sequence - 5


After you have completed the previous task, then visit the lair of the Assassins under the Cafe-Theater. You will have to enter the indicated place and find one person, and then escape with him from the hotel.

Now you have to enter the indicated hotel. There are a couple of easy entrances to this building. You can find a couple below. A few more are located as open windows - at the top. Your target - Germaine - is at the very top, so if you enter the building through the window, you can save a lot of time and nerves. There are guards or an animal in almost every hotel room, but they are all too inattentive here, so you can quietly sneak up and kill them without any problems. In addition to ordinary and inattentive enemies, you can meet stronger ones in the rooms, with whom you have to fight with the help of a ghostly blade or bombs.

Jarmen is located in the northwest part of this building, so head straight there.

Now you have to cut out the thugs. Jarmen insists that you clear the path. Well, there is nothing difficult here, act as usual, use your weapons and a variety of skills. You can also use the berserker arrow on the upper staircase that leads to the guards with the animals.

In addition, keep in mind that there are still two shooters who must also be neutralized. Walk harmoniously through the crowd, and there already to the elevator on the left side, after which you will find yourself on the roof. From here you can easily neutralize a couple more guards.

After clearing the area, talk to Germaine again. So, return back to the hotel to Germain and soon, in addition to your friend, you will meet guards who act as guards. Don't worry about Germaine. Just follow the instructions and the next scene will start soon.

Then follow François Thomas Germain to see the final cutscene shortly.

La Holly O'Baulse

So let's go to explore this place. Here you will have to kill a couple of soldiers with your pistol, for this just get out of the crowd and shoot at the enemies, and then go back.

La Holly O'Bles is very well guarded on the ground. If you go straight from the control point, then you will soon meet a couple of guards who will need to be killed from the crowd with their pistols. Then go to the exit.

Here you will come across a row of beams and several platforms, so you can walk from above. Move to the central hall and jump to the suspended platform, then jump onto the ledge to the guard, who is standing with a rifle. He can be killed from behind without any problem. After the kill, follow the tightrope to the upper room. In the upper room you will need to work with a book. An interesting scene will start soon.

Now it's time to get out of here. First you have to follow the instructions given to you.

The building is collapsing. Walk straight across the room, then move the small hole in the wall. Go through the window and after, go to the structure in the center. Here you need to move on the opposite side. Watch your slide carefully.

Go to the room on the left side and then go back to the circle through the window in the next room. Soon you find yourself again near the structure in the center. Climb up it and soon you will reach the rescue point. Move from here along the beams and rather jump to the platform, which is located at the side of the wall. Turn your head to the right and move to the wooden wall, which will lead you to an even higher platform. Climb up the wall and then back to the site. From here, move to the center of the room and follow the tightrope.

Bread market

Make your way to the protected area with extreme caution. As in the main part of the tasks, you cannot raise the alarm here, so you need to work as secretly as possible. As an additional task, you need to make three kills with a pistol, but keep in mind that your enemies will be able to hear the sounds of shots.

Activate your eagle vision, then get to the mark Green colour... The fire will start soon. After that, turn around and move outward. Some of the beams and canopies can collapse, so try not to stand in one place for a long time.


Jump down and rather hide in a haystack. In this assignment, there are such opportunities as help and penetration. In the first case, you have to protect the local gravediggers, but in the second - to steal plans. In addition, you can disable the alarm bells so that enemies cannot call for reinforcements. Wait for Lafreniere, then deal with him as soon as possible and leave this territory.

Consecutively - 6

Jacobin Club

So, move to the mansion of a man named Bove. Move on the rooftops. Soon you will find yourself near the building - then make your way inside the house and find La Touche. In addition, you will have to deal with all the enemies that are on the territory. Try not to raise an alarm.

After that, you just have to track down the specified target and find out about the plans of the Templars. Then get out again. To do this, use stealth kills and smoke bombs.

Templar ambush

Get to Eliza. Once on the spot, deal with the attackers as soon as possible. How to protect your girlfriend, then escape from the scene of this crime to the maze. Climb the tower and find a way out of this trap. Please note that opponents will be placed throughout the maze, which you can secretly kill. As a side mission, you will need to get two double kills and up to four headshots.

Move further along the street and kill enemies along the way together with Eliza. Deal with a group of enemies using your smoke bombs. In addition to bombs, you can simply join the fray. After the small cutscene passes, kill the detective or become incognito.

Sequence - 7

Cautious union

It's time to take Elise to the Brotherhood and listen to the opinion of your companions. After that, move with her to Germain's workshop. Soon you will stumble upon an ambush. Deal soon with your opponents and do not forget to monitor the health of your girlfriend. If Elise dies, then your mission will fail. After you defeat the enemies, then the cut-scene will start. After it, you will need to neutralize the shooters on the roof. To complete an additional task, you just need to kill your enemies with headshots.

Meeting with Mirabeau

Examine carefully the scene of this crime. You can find interesting clues on the bed. Next, look at the closet and table - there are also evidences here. Now go outside and move to the Cafe-Theater. There, talk to Master Kemar about the events that happened. Next, you should visit a local pharmacist, who turns out to be illegally selling various substances. Naturally, he will refuse to talk to you, so you will need to catch up with him. As soon as you catch him, interrogate him as soon as possible.


Follow the tracks, which are marked with yellow spots. After the next cutscene, climb up the side of the building to the green mark. Soon you will have to fight with Bellek. In a fight with him, try not to be knocked down. To complete the additional mission, you will need to make about five stunning blows. Soon there is a moment when your fight goes into the inside of the building. Finish off the enemy now and you will be able to complete the task.


Move straight along the drains all the way to the exit. After that, go past the gate. Here climb the great Eiffel Tower. Try not to get caught by the beams of the local searchlight, as you will be immediately shot by a sniper. We recommend that you hide from the planes in the corners. Also try to be attentive and not get caught by bullet bursts. Finally, destroy the planes with the tank machine gun and jump back to the portal.

Sequence - 8

Royal correspondence

Jump down now. Here you need to keep to the right, after which you will go to the beautiful palace. To complete an additional task, simply disable the bells that are located here, then make three covered murders and that will be all. Once inside, then try to be extremely attentive. Use your own darts and smoke bombs to avoid drawing special attention to yourself.

Climb to the second floor and follow the area marked yellow... Move until you reach the king's office. To find the cache, go to the locker and turn the handle there. After that, a cut-scene will appear and you will have to protect Napoleon for several minutes while he opens a secret passage. Then follow in the wake of Napoleon and the task will be completed.

September pogroms

You will have to neutralize the commander named Rui. In this assignment, you have unique opportunities for distraction and assistance. To activate the first one, deal with the bandits rather, well, and for the second one, you will need to light a fire on the wall. Kill enemies while moving to the very middle of this building. After that, climb to the top and finally deal with your goal. Watch the cut-scene and go down further, then leave the area.

Sequence - 9

Hungry times

Move to the pier, and then follow the barge, which is marked. Try not to touch the water to complete the side task. Get into the guarded territory. Here we need to steal orders now. Move very carefully and do not give a reason to go off the alarm bell. Once you pick up the indicated documents, then leave this area and finish your task.

-Provisions concealers

The next victim will be Marie Leveque. The house is once again a unique opportunity for distraction and help. First, pick the lock and steal the key, then protect the merchant. Next, make your way to the protected palace. To complete an additional task, you will have to free a man named Tom Leveque and, along the way, prevent the signal bell from going off. After the kill is done, leave the area and hide.

The escape

So, kill the guards around you and cut the ropes rather. Then climb to the top and follow the balloon in the sky, move along the roofs. Try not to touch the ground and keep up with this ball to complete the side mission. In the end, you will need to jump into the balloon before Eliza and admire Paris with her in the evening.

Sequence - 10

Dinner invitation

The next task is to kill Lepeletier. In this task you will have the opportunity to kill and penetrate. To penetrate, you will need to ask the cook about the open window, and to do the following, you will need to steal wine. To complete additional tasks, you will need to make two double kills, as well as bring two thugs to madness with the help of your darts. Covertly cut down the standing guards, then deal with Lepeletier and leave this territory.


Move through the huge crowd to the tent, which is located not far from the execution point. Go around rather the platform on the right side and go up to Germain. After the video, you will have to protect Eliza from the attacking enemies, and then, as always, follow her. To complete an additional task, you will have to kill two shooters, and then try to stun five opponents.

Sequence - 11

Reporting to the board

Move to the council and report to it about what happened.

Exhausted possibilities

As you wake up, then go out into the yard. Advance to the goal and along the way kill the enemies standing in your way. Lure out your opponents with the help of jokers, which will also come in handy to you to complete an additional task. When you do not find wine at the appropriate place, then move to the bar. Rather intercept the bandit and interrogate him. Now clean up inside the palace and kill the leader of the local gang. To complete the side mission, you will have to commit a double kill using poison.


Hurry up to the portal. Enemies are trying to hack the server again. You need to leave this cemetery and go through the local catacombs. Walk to the main hall and go to the bridge. On the opposite side there is a portal. When you run, try not to get caught by cannonballs.

Supreme Being

Together with Eliza, move to the Champ de Mars. Examine Robespierre's chamber carefully and try not to attract the attention of local guards. To complete an additional task, you will have to disable the bells standing here as always. After you read the letters, then stun the guards who are rapidly approaching you. In the end, all that remains is to talk with Eliza.