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Signs and superstitions about the betrothed. TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity. Apricot bone as a talisman

Some people find it difficult to make new acquaintances, so they for a long time remain alone. And others cannot keep a person close, although they do everything possible to do this. A conspiracy to meet your soulmate will help you get rid of loneliness, help you meet your destiny and keep it. Magic will help push you to a meeting and further action. After the long-awaited fateful meeting happiness will only be in your hands.

A meeting ritual will help get rid of loneliness

The rules must be followed

Many people suffer from their loneliness. Despite their beauty, wealth, intelligence, they cannot start a family. Why do people experience loneliness?

the person is very shy, he is unable to make new acquaintances or attract attention; they fail to be attractive; there are too high demands; cannot recover from a previous breakup; there are complexes and excessive self-doubt.

Every person can meet love, regardless of status, external characteristics, financial situation. In order for a plot to attract a betrothed to bring the desired result, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  1. Before performing any rituals, it is very important to tune in and prepare for it.
  2. You should make sure that the intervention of magic is really necessary, that without it it will not be possible to create a family.
  3. Confidence in own strength In order for the ritual to work, it is important to sincerely believe in the power of magic. Three days before the expected date of the conspiracy, you need to refrain from swearing, quarrels, fights and other negative emotional manifestations. Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.
  4. You should also minimize the amount of meat products in your diet. It is better to eat only plant foods - this will help cleanse yourself spiritually and physically.
  5. You should never rush.
  6. All actions must be deliberate.
  7. All rituals should be taken only from verified sources.
  8. It is recommended to carry out rituals during the waxing moon.
  9. With the help of conspiracies, you can meet your soulmate in the near future, as well as strengthen the feelings of your existing betrothed, and make sure that he always wants to meet.

It is important to remember that if the desire to start a family is fleeting or appears under the influence of any external factors or surrounding people, the result will not always be satisfactory. It is important to really want to find love and be determined.

Proven rituals

One of the simple but effective magical rituals is performed with the help of beer. Buy a bottle of the most expensive beer. Splash a little near your threshold, then take it to a vacant lot, pour the remaining liquid under a tree, while saying:

“Just as everyone is going, going and gathering for this beer, so let the suitors come to me, the servant of God (name), come, hurry, and gather. The matchmakers are rushing to me, getting ready, they will arrive very soon, they will bring their merchant. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

This ritual is very effective. Very soon you will meet your person.

Meet the groom

To meet your soulmate faster, it is recommended to use a spell on the groom. The instructions for the ritual indicate that you need to go out into the field. But if the girl lives in the city, you can perform it in a park or other deserted place. So, go out into the field, stand in the center, spread your arms to the sides, say the following words three times:

“As a burdock clings to my hem, so let a good groom cling to me. So let him fall in love with me, keep up with me, and ask me to marry him. Amen".

Sign yourself with the cross. Leave the field as quickly as possible, without turning around under any circumstances, even if they call and shout.

This ritual is very effective. Usually after a week it appears in life the right person.

After the ritual, the groom meets within a week

There is also a conspiracy to dream about your betrothed. To carry it out you will need a new scarf and a small handful of flax seeds. Take the seeds to left hand, read the following words above them:

“Where are you, my betrothed-mummer, come to me outside. I want to see your beauty, admire you, and then meet you and never let you go.”

Meet the bride

In addition to the fact that there is a conspiracy to meet your betrothed, there is also a conspiracy to meet your wife. This magical action is performed in order to attract your love and meet her soon. The ceremony is performed by a man who dreams of a bride. Buy 4 candles from the church, preferably thick ones. At night, place them in the corners of the room, stand in the center and say:

“My house has four sides, four corners, four walls. There are three wells in each corner. Their name is goodness, comfort and peace. They live here and guard my house. They will call their sister named love. Let her live forever in my house and bring my bride with her. I’ll give you a beauty mirror and beautiful ribbons for your braid.”

Then take the cinders to the intersection and leave them there. Leave without looking back. Soon a man will meet a person in his life who will become his destiny.

The cinders will have to be left at the intersection

To holy water

To meet your soulmate, you can also perform a holy water ritual. Many women found half with the help of this conspiracy. Read on Saturday evening for holy water:

“Mother Water, help. Let my lips be kissed, my breasts be pardoned. I will wash off the centuries-old hair and put on the wedding crown. Let the suitors see me, invite me to marry, and give me happiness.”

After the ritual, wash with water. This magical effect is very strong and effective, acting quickly.

For clean or spring water

Rituals with spring water are very powerful

To find your soul mate or see your betrothed in a dream, you need to perform rituals using spring water. They have great power. After such magical actions, the girl will be asked to marry. Collect water from any natural source. It must be clean. The ritual is carried out after sunset. Light a red candle and place a glass of spring or well water next to it. Read these words:

“I’ll tell you straight, I dream of getting married soon. May love come to me and bring me happiness. May my betrothed and I meet each other soon. My dear hurries to me, nothing can stop him, he doesn’t waste time. I’m waiting for him with all my heart, with all my soul, I’ll keep my love for him.”

After reading the hex, blow out the candle. Let it stand with water on the table. In the morning, bury the cinders, pour the water into the river, saying:

“Swim to the betrothed-mummer, bring him to me.”

After this you will definitely get acquainted with good guy who will not only ask you on a date, but will also become your husband. For a girl, this ritual is easiest to perform.

To the pear

The pear should be ripe and tasty

If girls or women are looking for a soul mate, magic can help with this. In order to find love, you need to buy a delicious ripe pear. You will also need aspen branches. Carefully cut the pear into two equal parts. Say these words:

“I divide the whole, I separate it. I am alone, like one half of a whole.”

“As a half looks for a half, so I look for my destiny. As these two parts unite, I find my love and drive away my loneliness. Let your wishes come true, let your words be steel.”

To dream about your future lover, there is also a dream book for your betrothed. Look for signs in dreams, remember numbers and faces. This will help you unravel the signals that your subconscious is sending you.

It is necessary to look for signs in dreams and remember them

Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for unbreakable love and dove loyalty Smorodova Irina

To meet your betrothed

To meet your betrothed

First you need to take a ball of dark wool thread, unwind, pass every centimeter of thread through your hands, and then wind it into a ball again with your own hands. Then put it under your pillow and sleep on it for three nights. And on the fourth night you need to pretend that you have gone to bed, and a few hours later, when the moon is shining brightly in the sky, take the ball in your left hand, quietly leave the house, walk to a vacant lot, which the moon completely illuminates (you can just sit in a deserted yard , where the windows do not face, so as not to disturb prying eyes).

Stand up straight, look at the sky, turn around yourself three times over your left shoulder and say:

In heaven there is Jesus Christ, ever-virgin Mary, angels and archangels, cherubim and seraphim. The moon shines for them and helps them see. So they see all my thoughts, they know everything in advance, they cry with me about all my sorrows and sorrows. Help me, moon, to find my beloved among everyone, lead me to him, shine on my road, show the way to him. As soon as three nights have passed, I will meet my betrothed, let my ball roll to him. But the ball will not roll and the road will not be illuminated - let his name fall from the lips of the man whom in three days I will begin to welcome in my house. In my words, heaven is the key, earth is the lock, from now on and forever and ever. Amen.

Take the ball into right hand, unwind it a little, put it on the ground and push it slightly so that it rolls. Then cross yourself three times and go home without looking back. And leave the ball where it was. When you come home, read the “Our Father” nine times.

After three days, return to that place: if the ball is very unwound or is not visible at all, then soon you yourself will meet the right person. If the ball rolls nearby, it means that your guests who will come that day will introduce you to your betrothed. Well, if the ball still lies as it should, there is no help for you.

There can be two reasons for this: either you already have the right person in your life, or such a turning point will soon occur in your life that you no longer need anyone dear. For example, you will get sick or die. It’s scary to know this about yourself, but it’s better to know than not to know. Because when you know, you can do something else.

How to check why the plot is not working

For the same reasons, any conspiracy may not work. We need to find out exactly the reason. Go home. Light thin wax candles in the four corners of the room. Sit in the middle of the room, bare-haired, barefoot, on the floor. Take your favorite ring, preferably without a stone, tie to it a thread from the ball you talked about. Take a clay bowl with water. Read “Our Father” three times over the water. Then take a ring on a thread in your right hand, you will get a pendulum, the thread should be about ten centimeters. Hold the pendulum above the water, five centimeters from the bowl. Stop him with your left hand. Then hold it and ask questions:

I have no help, because my darling is already next to me, but I don’t see him?

If not, ask further:

I have no help because I'm going to get sick soon?

If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes. Then ask further:

Can I take that illness away from me?

If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes.

If the pendulum answered no to the question about illness, ask further:

I have no help because I'm going to die soon?

If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes. Then ask:

Is it possible for me to avert death from myself?

If the pendulum is standing or moving in a circle, then no, if it swings from side to side, then yes.

After you have learned everything you need, quickly blow out all the candles and throw them into a bowl of water, cover it with a clean linen towel, cross yourself twice and say:

“Jesus Christ, you are a prayer for everyone, our representative in heaven, forgive me my sins and trespasses, I trust in your mercy and the ever-virgin Mary, I wash your feet, I wipe with my hair, forgive my sinful servant (name) in her orphanage and stupidity , and my misery, forgive my sins.”

After that, cross yourself, take that bowl as you eat barefoot, and bareheaded, take it out into the street and pour it out behind the house. Throw away the towel that covered her. Boil the bowl itself and never eat from it or cook food in it.

How to cleanse yourself to get help if illness or death awaits you

If illness or death awaits you, but you are told that you can take them away from yourself, you need to cleanse yourself. Here's what you need to do:

1. Fast for three days, then confess in church to the priest and receive communion.

2. Remember all the people you have offended and ask for their forgiveness. If they are not nearby, ask mentally. Write letters. Give those around you small gifts as well.

3. Distribute all debts, if any. Even if you took a ruble from someone, remember, give that ruble back too.

4. Exchange one hundred rubles for metal money and distribute to the poor.

5. Buy a variety of simple food and feed stray dogs and cats.

6. Buy a loaf of bread and feed the birds.

7. Bake pies and treat all your neighbors.

8. Sort out your clothes, take everything unnecessary out into the street and leave it there so that everyone who needs it can take it.

9. For a week, don’t drink wine, don’t smoke, don’t eat meat, don’t swear (this means not only swearing, but also any showdowns, manifestations of dissatisfaction).

How to know what to do after cleansing

How has the week passed, go to bed and before going to bed say, looking at the lit church candle:

“Jesus Christ, son of God, wondrous Light, teach life, save from adversity, accept repentance, put thoughts into my head, as for me the servant of God (name) from myself sadness-attack-sorrow-bitterness of death, what should I do, how to trouble help yours. Now and forever and forever and ever, Amen.”

After this, drink a cup of herbal tea (brew valerian herb, thyme, a sprig of basil, and three dried rosehips into a mug), lie on your right side, put your right hand under your cheek and read “Our Father” until you fall asleep. In a dream, you will see the path to healing and alleviation of trouble.

What to do if you are told that help will not be provided

If the pendulum tells you that you don’t have to wait for help, cleanse yourself and do the following. Take a leave from work, if you work, for a week or better, two, and go to any monastery. Having arrived there, pray from morning to night and ask the monks to pray for the salvation of your soul and the extension of your life. And when you give out alms, ask all the poor to pray for you. And ask all your friends and relatives to light a candle in church for your health. Perhaps they will pray for you with the whole world.

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Fortune telling for the betrothed by echo Running out of the hut onto the street, the village girls hooted and listened - from which side the echo will respond, from there the groom will be. Other details were also noted. If the echo responds quickly and lasts a long time, the wedding will be soon. If the echo is thin-voiced,

So that the girl quickly marries good man, old village witchcraft and homemade love spells for success in this difficult matter will help. Marriage is a serious decision, a turning point for a person. And so that it doesn’t happen, as in the old saying: “ One got married and saw the world, and the other got married and disappeared with his head.”, you need to take this step with a warm heart, but a cool head.

The answer to the question of how to quickly and easily attract love will be given by white magic- rituals and spells for independent performance.

How to read women's conspiracies to attract love

Wedding spells for a rich groom, chants, and whispers have been used in practical love witchcraft since ancient times. This is an integral part of the Russian wedding tradition. Brides told fortunes and bewitched successful grooms. And the guys also tried their luck about their betrotheds, they read spells to meet love.

For example, they did this: on the waxing moon, you need to stand facing east, look at the sky and read the words of the conspiracy to love and attract your betrothed three times:

“As dew rushes into the heavens and gathers in the clouds, so my betrothed (name) will reach out to me as if to the light, come and stay with me forever. Amen".

And this is an old village plot for a girl to find love in the near future.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to read at the crossroads, at magical place The forces where any life choice is made, where you can encounter not only evil spirits, but also meet your magical patrons. In all famous cultures crossroads - a place: with the gods, with light and dark spirits, with the restless dead. And from time immemorial, both creative and destructive witchcraft rituals were performed at crossroads to meet love.

A love plot at a crossroads will help you quickly find your love

For this independent conspiracy to call for love and for a rich groom, you need to prepare:

  • 13 green peas
  • blue scarf

Wrap the pods in a scarf and at dawn go to the cross-shaped intersection. Scatter 12 pea pods at the intersection, and keep 1 for yourself.

For each pod, before throwing it, you need to read a conspiracy to attract love into your life:

“When I, slave (name), go to the road cross, I’ll stand in the middle. I stand without looking back, scattering my shoulder blades. My darling will pass and find me. He will be drawn to me, will stay with me, will burn with love, will want to marry. He will be handsome and stately, with a good soul, young and hard-working, smart and well-spoken. He will be sweet, loving, faithful, caring to me. The cat sits, the dog guards, and the darling comes to my house. As roads run into the distance, so is my word forever and ever. Amen".

From the crossroads, having read this strong 13 times plot to get married, you should leave, as with any place of Power, without looking back. The pod that you keep for yourself must be wrapped in a scarf and worn on your chest for 3 days, after which you remove it and keep it in a secret place until your wish to get married successfully is fulfilled. When everything comes true, plant the peas in the ground.

Home spell for a good groom - the power of women's wedding magic

In order to find a good groom and get married successfully, girls in the old days did such a ritual. Over a bouquet of herbal carnations they read an independent conspiracy to meet her husband, tied the flowers with a new blue ribbon, and placed them in running water.

Read the text of the home plot for a good husband like this:

“The herbaceous meadow carnation reaches out to the sun and opens with its petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, to walk around with a wedding ring, to meet my sweetheart, and to get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my destiny is coming to me. Just as a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear one will find me, a beautiful, smart and stately girl (name), and marry me. Amen".

What are the consequences of conspiracies to attract suitors?

Could there be Negative consequences from love magic made at home, aimed at finding love and happiness in marriage? As with any job done poorly, from witchcraft rituals and reading independent conspiracies, you can get undesirable results. But the thing is that people turn to different Forces trying to influence their destiny.

Much depends on which particular tradition the novice magician turns to in pursuit of the goal of fulfilling his desire. It's one thing to read easy conspiracy on your birthday for marriage, and it’s completely different to achieve a goal by calling on Dark spirits, or turning to the power of the dead. Strong, dark ways to bewitch your beloved husband carry a hidden threat. But whether you need to turn to black magic yourself, you decide for yourself.

The consequences of black rituals (in black magic practices they are not usually called conspiracies for a quick marriage, but rather for the passion and submission of a man) in their classic version– rollback or reverse strike. There may also be side effects negative problems– unforeseen unpleasant effects resulting from illiterate witchcraft. In some cases, side effects effects from independent love spell the one you like embedded in the rituals themselves.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Warlock strong spells for a successful marriage work not only on the visualization and strength of the intention of the magician performer, as you understand. Dark spirits are summoned, and with their support and help the magician gets what he wants. You can avoid troubles and consequences from independent conspiracies to find your love only if you know all the intricacies of real witchcraft, have experience and a clear understanding of what you are doing and why.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that when reading the so-called white conspiracies to attract the love of your husband, you most likely will not receive side effects and negativity, but the impact will be light. This means that to get lasting results love spell to find a groom, witchcraft work will have to be carried out continuously.

If you just do an independent ritual, read a plot for love and marriage, and sit with your hands folded, waiting for a miracle, it is unlikely that you will get anything. Love magic is work, and for a miracle, people go to the circus to see magicians.

Independent conspiracy against your future husband - calling on your betrothed

“As soon as I (name) go out into the wide courtyard, I will call forty pigeons to me, sprinkle them with Saracen millet, and punish them firmly. You fly, gray, in forty directions, you find your dear friend, fly up to his porch, to the window, circle above your head, sit on his chest. Lead me (name), show me the way. Let him hurry to me, reach out with his heart, and stay with me. For the pigeons - Saracen millet, for me - my betrothed! You can’t escape fate, paths will converge, the witch’s word will come true. Amen".

A real conspiracy for a quick marriage should be read only on the waxing moon, and carried out magical ritual not just once, but do it for at least three days. This will strengthen and strengthen the result. And it is clear that one effective conspiracy getting married quickly is not enough to achieve your goal; You can read at home completely different love conspiracies with the same purpose, aimed at realizing a specific plan - to quickly marry a rich guy.

An easy spell at home using flaxseed to attract love

This is an old, proven, effective conspiracy to gain the attention and love of men - potential suitors. For the ritual you will need:

  • handful of flaxseed
  • new headscarf

Holding flax seeds in your left hand, read a love spell over it three times to attract handsome suitors, so that your breath touches the seeds. Then tie the seeds in a scarf and hide until spring. When the time comes, you need to sow flax under your windows, burn the scarf, and sprinkle ashes on the place where the seed is sown. Self-conspiracy to find love may not be the most powerful, but the village has been very effective since ancient times.

You need to read the words of a love spell to attract the love of the groom

“The field is blue and wide, the sea is blue and deep, the blue waves are shaking, obedient only to the free winds. The sun will come out, the winds will disappear, the blue sea will calm down, the blue petals will curl up, press against each other, and turn into seeds. The seed is smooth and shiny, like water, flowing between your fingers. I’ll tie a handful of seeds in a scarf and say the right word. The seed will sprout, my betrothed (name) will find me, will find me, will not give it to anyone, will never betray me. In the field there is blue flax, and my betrothed will marry me down the aisle. Amen".

Love plot from a photo for a successful marriage of a widow

Every woman wants to be successful and needed. If a girl was already married and became a widow, she does not lose her right to be happy. Some women are chosen by fate itself; everything works out for them, if only they wish it. And others have to work hard to make life work. Including in the magical field.

In Russian witchcraft there are household spells for various everyday situations; There are also spells - assistants aimed at ensuring that the widow gets a successful marriage. For the magical ritual you will need:

  • church candle
  • photo of the man you like

Light a candle and hold it over the photo, while reading the words of the conspiracy to marry a widow 7 times:

“Warm the candle of God’s servant (name), his body is white, so that it burns with a love flame, so that the lust in him grows, into my hands (name), given. So that this fellow will go down the aisle with me for all the days, for all the years, now and forever. Amen".

A strong plot for a widow to find her beloved husband again must be read 7 evenings in a row. A girl can also use this magical ritual with a candle to get married after a divorce. Love spells of this kind are practiced in white witchcraft, as well as in love spells, along with black witchcraft rituals.

Exist in the year special days most suitable for fortune telling and magic.

This is the time when the border between reality and reality is blurred, which allows you to look into the future or the distant past, and rituals performed on these days have special power.

In order to find effective ritual To attract my betrothed, I went on a journey through ancestral memory.

From all the variety of memories, I singled out 3 girls. Each of them dreamed of meeting a loved one and starting a family with him.

First rite. Handicrafts and embroidery

I see a girl sitting at the table, the light is falling from the window, she is humming a song and embroidering a handkerchief. What sings is put into the pattern.

He composes the words of the song as he handicrafts, in them he prescribes the image of a future meeting and what will happen after the meeting, how the house will be built, how life together will take shape, children.

After the embroidery is ready, she folds the handkerchief closer to her heart and wears it there until spring. On Maslenitsa, when the effigy of Winter was burned, she threw a handkerchief into that fire.

Rite two. Doll Desire

The second girl makes a doll from salted dough, the size of half a palm. A female doll is a little bereginka - a desirable one. She has no face, I see a sundress, her long hair is sculpted in an outline. The girl, preparing the doll, also sits at the table by the window, does everything in the light of day and also hums a song.

Like the previous beauty, she composes the words herself and puts in the images: what kind of meeting she sees with her beloved, she prescribes the feelings that will stir in her soul, how their gazes will meet, what kind of love they will have.

By making, doll 3 days and 3 nights it stood on a shelf in the bedroom, where the eye often fell, and then that girl burned it in the oven, as if letting go of her desire, transferring it into the hands of the Universe.

Rite three. Doll Bereginya

The third girl also makes a small bereginya doll, only a rag one, from fabric and pieces - scraps. I see a girl sitting on a bench by the window. He makes a doll, decorates it and also sings a song.

He puts together his dreams and images about his loved one and family, sings them, and passes them on to the doll to take care of. Then he puts it at the head of his bed for 3 days and 3 nights. After this period, she buries the doll under her beloved tree, as if transferring her wishes into the hands of Mother Earth, releasing him to freedom.

All three of these girls are in no way related to each other, they lived in different time, V different places and families. But all three rituals were performed at sunlight, for one day.

All three sang the song, putting together the words as they went. The motive was not important, focusing on the images, they, humming, put them into their needlework, as if passing them on to the dolls or the pattern (on a handkerchief).

In this way they wrote down a meeting with a loved one, their feelings, the sensations that, when meeting him, would wake up, stir, then their family life, happiness and joy together.

Each did it in her own way, chose her own words, put them together in different ways and sang them. But all three did it alone, focusing only on creation, without being distracted by anything or anyone else, neither in their actions, nor in their words, nor in their thoughts.

A ritual to attract a betrothed. Methods of carrying out these days:

Those of you, dear needlewomen and craftswomen, who know how to make and embroider dolls, you can use the methods described above.

Important! Remember that a needle is not used when making ritual dolls.

For those who are not yet good at needlework, I suggest taking a different route:

1. Prepare in advance, ask that no one interferes or distracts you.
2. Choose a place where sunlight shines. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write.
3. Imagine your meeting with your loved one, do not describe the meeting place and clothes, but your feelings, the sensations that will awaken from this meeting.

Describe your dream, love, joint aspirations, joys. It is not necessary to write down your whole life, let everything be written by someone, as the syllable goes. It is advisable to hum what you write, let the words flow smoothly, as in fairy tales.

Write without thinking about the form of what you write. Try to convey your meaning, your dream, as brightly, deeply, and multifacetedly as possible.

4. When you finish, fold the sheet and leave it somewhere within it so you can open it and read it. Do not place it on the mirror or next to it, under the pillow or on desk. Just so that no one else can read or see what you write. Then you can burn this leaf in a candle flame, on a fire or in a fireplace (the main thing is that the fire is alive).

The image of the soul is important

  1. Before you schedule your meeting with your betrothed, you should already register, know the image of his soul. Those. how you see him, not external data, but personal qualities, character.
  2. Think about it, do you really want to meet, get to know him, change your life?
  3. After the ceremony, look back at yourself. Are you ready for the meeting? Are you living up to your dreams or do you need to work on something? Change something in yourself, perhaps develop some qualities or skills? Take a close look and start preparing yourself, because everything will happen very soon.

Meeting with your betrothed

I suggest you look at our three girls who performed this ritual this winter. Let's look ahead a little. Maslenitsa, festivities.

One meets her betrothed at the fair. I see how their eyes met and their feelings flared up immediately.

The second one found her destiny at the games, watching how the fellows showed off their prowess.

The third one wove and embroidered shirts and sold them herself at the fair. There he found her. He liked the shirts so much that the wedding was soon celebrated.

Those. It turns out that the dreams of all three girls came true in the spring, when winter had receded. Moreover, it came true exactly as they wrote it down, what feelings they put in, that’s how it all happened, and that’s how it turned out in life later.

Fairy tales or miracles? Or maybe self-understanding?

I give this ritual to everyone who is ready to accept it.

Make it happen, dream it, make it happen.

And let everyone who has not yet found their love be sure to meet it.

Why am I used and not loved? This question worries more than one representative of the fair sex, alas. Why do men take everything you can give and then leave for others? Most women with similar problems have completely disrupted priorities. What should a normal priority scale look like? healthy person? First he himself, then his husband (if he has one), children, parents, work, etc. But he always comes first. This is not selfishness. This is one of the commandments of the Lord: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” That is, first yourself, and then the others. Otherwise, you carry and cherish the program of “uselessness”. But if you don’t love and value yourself, then why do you expect this from others? Having met a man, you give yourself away, as if telling him: “Use me, I don’t love myself anyway and I don’t want happiness for myself.” They use it, why not? This is exactly what you need to change in yourself. Start by taking care of your appearance, go to the hairdresser every month, go for a massage, sign up for a swimming pool, start realizing your dreams. And a man - he himself will be attracted to you when you are sufficiently filled with love for yourself and the world. To help, use a mantra that should be pronounced immediately upon waking up:

“I am valuable in myself, I am unique, I find love for the world through love for myself, I love and attract love.”

Mirror ritual to attract love

If your personal life is not going well, perform a ritual for 2 weeks in a row - as soon as it gets dark, turn off the lights, sit in front of large mirror, light 3 pink candles and, looking at your reflection, list out loud all your virtues. Note, for example, a good figure, beautiful eyes, patient nature, listening skills, etc. And at the end say:

"I'm good, very good!
my appearance is beautiful, my appearance is beautiful inner world!
I'm so good that all men
Paying attention to me!
My word is true, so it will be!”

After this, extinguish the candles (you cannot blow them out - it is better to press the wick with wet fingers).

Conspiracy for dating on the Internet

Are you planning to look for your destiny on an online dating site? In order for you to find a worthy person, before uploading a photo you need to make a mirror image of it and say:

“My face will reflect evil, will not accept bad, will not take away good!”

And quietly, using Photoshop, place a cross anywhere in the photo.

Conspiracy to attract a betrothed

A simple ritual will help you meet love: go to church on Saturday, buy 2 wax candles, take one home, and put the second one on the Mother of God. In your own words, express to her your request and hope for meeting your betrothed. At home, light a candle and whisper into it:

“I bless the beginning of the journey with fire; it will burn in the very heart. Heavenly Mother, bring to me someone who will see my light. Amen".

Put out the candle with your fingers. Cut it in half along the wick, and remove the wick itself. There should only be two halves. Place your hair between them and connect them. Now try to form a ball out of the candle, as if making a ball. And finally, wrap the wick around this ball, pressing it into the wax with your fingers to securely fix it. Start with the burnt tip, it should be buried in your ball.

On Sunday, go to morning service. Before leaving the house, whisper into the ball:

“Neither animal nor bird lives alone. So my betrothed knocks on all the windows. He knocks - he doesn’t find him, he dances around with sadness. You, little ball, roll, roll, come back with my betrothed. Amen!"

Unnoticed, throw a ball at the church gate, cross yourself and enter the temple. It is necessary to defend the entire service, and before leaving, light the candle to the Mother of God again. The betrothed is found very quickly.

Witchcraft ritual with veil

If you have a friend and she is happily married, then try asking her for the veil she wore when she got married for the ceremony. This would be the best, one hundred percent option. But I predict that nothing will work out; who would want to part with their veil? Then we use the second option to get married.

We buy some white organza or tulle. You also need your photo, fabric, red thread and a white flower, which must be bought on Friday, the day of Mokosh, the Slavic patron goddess of the family. We make a small veil from organza by pulling the fabric on one side. We attach the flower there, tying it with red threads. We “put” a veil on our photo. The bottom of the veil must be secured with a belt. To make it, cut a strip of fabric from your underwear, it could be a nightgown, or even panties. Rewind this section and the red thread. Tie a double knot at the bottom of the photo to secure the veil. You should end up with something like candy. After this, speak into the amulet:

“Mati Makosh, be kind, protect and help me find a family, so that our family will continue forever! Glory to Rod! Goy!

Hide the amulet in the southwest of your home, in any room, maybe in the kitchen, so that no one finds it. After you get married, burn the amulet. Perform the ritual on the waxing Moon, in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Lure for the betrothed

To lure your betrothed, cut out a flower from a white sheet of paper, put it in a book with a beautiful love story, say:

“As white as a flower, so bright and pure
My love will come to me
Will find me wherever I am.
Happiness is on the doorstep, mouth shut."

Place the book on the window so that moonlight falls on it at night and sunlight during the day, and leave it there until you meet your happiness. Do not tell anyone about the ritual and do not allow the book to be put away, leafed through or read.

Spring ritual for meeting your betrothed

To invite love, you need to go to the forest in the spring, take with you three pink candles, 3 previously prepared branches with leaves that have appeared (put the cut branches in water shortly before the ceremony so that they bloom). Find an open clearing, place candles on the ground, light them, stick branches next to the candles and sing:

“Lado, beautiful Lado, come,
Lead with love!
As Lada is waiting for you, So I am waiting for my dear, my only one.
Let him be like you - faithful and strong,
Good and brave!
I’m waiting, calling and clicking!”

Sing, dance to your heart's content and go home. Soon you will meet your future husband.

Ritual to attract a man

You will need 2 new mugs and your neckerchief. Before the ceremony begins, apply red lipstick. Place a neckerchief on an empty table. Light a white candle. Place mugs on the table, let each one contain a little water. Take the candle in your hands and, moving it clockwise around the mugs, say:

“Water becomes the magical nectar of love. My betrothed will come to drink it, he will stop at nothing. So!"

Take one and drink water from it. You can drink it all, or leave a little, it doesn’t matter. Then put both mugs in the cupboard, and do not wash off the lipstick from “yours” under any circumstances. Let them stand next to each other. Then take a scarf and tie it to one of the table legs. You can only remove it on the last lunar day of the month! The ceremony must be performed on the new moon, preferably on women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Love spell for the waxing moon

To meet love, put on a new shirt for the new month, stand by the window and read 3 times:

“Mother Moon, mistress of the night,
Help me, light the path to love.
Bring your betrothed to me, just
I have only one faithful husband!”

Then close the curtains and go to bed, imagining your future husband.

Spell on a dress for early marriage

If a girl has no luck with guys, you can try this way to change her fate. For its implementation, 2 conditions are needed. First - White dress or a nightgown. The second is for a rainbow to shine in the sky. If such a coincidence happens, go outside in your dress, turn to the rainbow and say:

“I went out to see Mark, the dress is not stained, the sky is bright, I’m not hot alone. Find someone to warm me up!”

Whatever time of day it is, go to bed and try to sleep. Until another day (at least until one minute after midnight), do not talk to anyone. In the morning, take off your dress and take it to the trash. Tell him:

“I was married to no one, I’m taking a divorce, I’m waiting for a new husband!”

Throw away the dress. Fate will find you soon.

Conspiracy to attract suitors

To get married, go to the market and, without haggling, buy a broom and a yellow dustpan, do not take change. On the waxing Moon, go out the door and sweep the threshold thoroughly. Collect garbage in a yellow dustpan and place it in a white bag with the words:

“I collect litter, I attract suitors - good, smart, generous and attractive!”

Keep the garbage in the house under the bed until the new moon, and when the new moon rises, take it out into the yard and bury it under an old tree.

A conspiracy to make a guy find a bride

There are universal rituals that both men and women can use to attract love (you just need to change the words according to your gender). And there are special ones, like this one, for men. Read the plot on Monday and Tuesday:

“I, servant of God (name), will stand up and pray,
I will cross myself before the icon of the saint,
I'll go into a wide field and stand to the east
Facing west with the ridge, I will see an arrow
Fiery. Oh you, arrow, you
How fast the wind is.
Fly in the right direction, find me
My betrothed, ignite her blood, awaken her mind.
Let her look for me and find me.
Let love descend upon us.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spell for bindweed

Summer is the most the right time for one love spell, but you need to find bindweed for it, a plant that wraps around pillars, fences, trees. Pick so that there is an odd number of leaves and 2 flowers on the stem. It should be picked after sunset, when the moon is waxing. Take a candle at home Pink colour, wrap the bindweed around it, light it and say:

"Not around a pillar, not around an oak tree,
And around you, hot, smart,
Good, rich.
I'll wear my clothes forever,
Go away, woe betide.
You burn, you warm me,
I need to protect, keep warm!”

It is important that the stem does not break when you wrap the candle; if this happens, reschedule the ritual for another day! Put the bindweed candle under your pillow at night, then tear off the flowers and carry them in your purse in a white envelope until you meet your destiny.

Kupala ritual for love

2 days before the night before Ivan Kupala - July 5 - the time of enchantment comes. This is when you can find your happiness for life! The main thing is not to harbor evil or envy in your heart, not to be afraid of anything, and to perform the ritual correctly. Go to the forest, it’s better if it’s at sunrise, choose a tree - healthy, strong and something you like, just not aspen. Take off your shoes, lean your back against the tree, and shout so that the echo answers:

“I call, I cry out to the best, dear, kind, beloved, rich, noble, generous, beautiful. I don’t know the name, but I recognize it by the face. He’ll respond, he’ll find him, he won’t pass by!”

If the echo does not answer, then do not count on a meeting yet, but if it does, then you will soon meet your betrothed, and to do this, take a branch or a piece of bark from your tree and carry it with you. When leaving, bow to the ground to the tree, don’t forget to thank the forest for its help, otherwise you’ll invite trouble!

Spell against timidity when meeting people

If you really like a guy, but you just can’t get to know him, find a bright scarlet piece of paper, cut out a heart from it and write on it by hand in as small a hand as possible:

“Strengthen me, Almighty Lord, with your word and covenant, give me the strength to overcome the hare’s timidity. As soon as I speak to my beloved and betrothed, cover me, Lord, with your vestments, protect me from fear and evil intent. No one will stop me from accomplishing my plans on my way. Amen".

Cross the paper heart, fold it in four and hide it in your clothing pocket before you get ready to meet your chosen one. And it’s better to do this any day on the waxing Moon, then the enchanted heart will quickly help the birth of new relationships.

Ritual for a rich groom

This ritual helps those who want to grab themselves a rich groom. You need to buy 2 wedding rings, find a beautiful box and imagine the image of your future husband (you can also cut out a photo of a handsome rich man from a magazine). Sit at a table covered with a white tablecloth, light a red candle and think about your betrothed (or put a cut out photo on the table), then hold the rings in your right hand and say:

“Just as the sky cannot live without the sun,
How the earth cannot live without rain,
So you don’t have a happy life either
Without me. I won’t call, I won’t look,
I won’t guess at you, you’ll understand everything yourself,
You will find a path, and you will come to me.
We should be together, inseparable, while I'm on my own
I want that. I speak the truth, I prophesy the truth.”

Blow out the candle. Tie the rings tightly with white woolen thread, put them in the box along with the extinguished candle and hide them in a secluded place.

Conspiracy against failure in love

If you are haunted by failures in love, you need to break 3 large flower(asters, peonies, chrysanthemums, etc.), place them in a vase in front of a mirror, pick one up and say:

“I see love, I breathe in love, I feel Love, I am filled with love!”

Then mark the flower by tying a red ribbon on the stem and put it back, it has already given up its energy. Repeat the ritual with the remaining flowers for the next two days. If it doesn't help, start again in a month.

Spell to attract a man's love

There are stories when girls tell fortunes about the groom, and the prediction becomes disappointing - loneliness. A simple recipe for happiness will help you cope with this diagnosis and attract a groom. After bathing, you need to go into your room and spread a piece of red velvet on the floor. Arrange and light 12 pink candles in a circle. Pour holy water into a glass and light incense. Having thrown off all your clothes, stand on the velvet, raise your hands up and say the spell:

“Tetragrammaton! I command the spirits of the earth! I conjure with the powers of heaven! Angels of the East, Arise! Angels of the West, assemble! Angels of the north, wake up! Angels of the South, Look around! Gather your mighty strength! Find my betrothed, wherever he is. At this moment, without delay! Through the mountains and seas, find the heart of the one who will bring me Happiness! May my word be fulfilled! Amen!"

Then you need to spin around yourself, mentally counting 55 turns, then kneel down and drink water from a glass. Go to bed right away and don’t talk to anyone until the morning. In the morning, give alms, mentally repeating:

“This is my payoff for fulfilling my wish.”

You can't skimp. And you will have to keep a piece of velvet under your pillow until the wedding.

Ritual to attract love on the full moon

Are you having trouble organizing your personal life? Beg for love from your ancestors! On the night of the full moon, you need to cook kutya (sweet rice with raisins) and bake pies with any filling. Then put everything cooked on a rag and tie it in a knot. After that, go to the bridge, taking with you a bundle and a whole pack of salt. You need to stand at the end of the bridge, hang the knot on the elbow of your left hand, and with your right hand pick up salt and sow in front of you, gradually moving your back to the beginning of the bridge. At the same time, read the slander:

“Hear me, you who gave flesh to my mother and father. Hear me, my ancestors! I open the way for you across this bridge, so come to my aid. Take dinner from my hands and listen to my loneliness. Find a husband for me and marry me for a good life. Wherever he is, open all the doors, look into all the windows, find him and bring him to me for happy love. So that my lineage does not end, and my blood does not disappear, forever and ever. Amen!"

Say the hex 9 times. Take 2 pies from the bundle, leave the rest at the end of the bridge. Leave without looking back. Pies should spend the night at the head of the bed. This night you may have a prophetic dream. The next morning you need to treat any person to pies and ask them to remember their departed ancestors.

Conspiracy to meet a good man

To attract a caring man on the new moon, make a ring from copper wire, do as you know how, think about love. Take a new red candle, put a ring on it (pull it halfway), light the candle and read:

“Goddess Rada, I have no harmony in love. I praise you, I call on your strength for love, for family, for fidelity. Truly so!”

Let it burn to the level of the ring and put it out. Go to bed. Place this candle so that you see it first when you wake up. When a man comes into your life, burn the candle to the end.

Love spell for lipstick

Before using a new lipstick, talk it into making your lips sexy. To do this, sit in front of the cosmetic table and put a new lipstick on it. Place 5 red decorative candles on the table in random order, lay out all your gold jewelry, especially if they have red or pink stones, but so that it looks beautiful. Jewelry with reddish splashes should be in the most visible place. Light the candles with a match and, looking at yourself in the mirror, read the spell:

“I am a beautiful maiden (your name). Attractive, beautiful, sexy. My lips are the most desirable. As soon as the Dear One meets my heart, he will immediately fall in love with my lips.”

Now, every time you go on a date or to a party, use one of the charmed lipsticks, and also tint your lips if you meet an attractive young man.

A mother's word for her daughter to find a good groom

This ritual is performed by mothers for their daughters in order to attract good grooms for them. Light a wax candle, put a photo of your daughter in front of you, with a new one on it wedding ring, cover it with your left hand, and hold your heart with your right. Feel love with your entire being and read:

“As a thread stretches from my heart to the heart of God’s servant (name), so let it continue to stretch. Let love be attracted into her life. May she never part with her betrothed. Let the betrothed be according to her temper and to her liking. It’s a joy to her, and a delight to my heart. Amen".

It is favorable to read on a full moon. After that, extinguish the candle with your fingers and put it together with the photo in a secluded corner. After your daughter finds happiness, light a candle to the Mother of God for this, and use the ring at your discretion.