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Rules of etiquette for men: on which hand to wear a watch. Which hand should the watch be worn on? Basta watch on the right hand

Time is now the most valuable resource in human life. It is about him that we worry no less than about our own wallet or folder with securities. It is time that a person tries to use with the maximum benefit for himself. A The best way To use time correctly is to be able to keep track of it. That is why mankind invented the clock.

Wrist watches came into use in the eighteenth century, replacing pocket watches and becoming popular among officers. At that time there were no such questions: “Who wears a watch on right hand? And who is on the left? Watches were used as it was convenient for the person himself. However, it was believed that it was more convenient to wear a watch on an inactive hand, so that they were subjected to less physical impact.

But in the Soviet Union, left-handers were persecuted and retrained to use the right hand from childhood. And the clock was put into production only for the right-hander. The difference was in the winding mechanism, which was located with right sides s. And this meant that it was simply inconvenient to start the watch with the left hand.

However, nowadays left-handers are no longer retrained, and watches are already being produced without this mechanism, using more simple ways watch accuracy control. Therefore, now that the watch can be worn on either side, psychologists around the world are trying to figure out who wears the watch on the right hand.

Watch on the right hand

It is believed that the clock is located on the right side of people who are more susceptible to positive thinking and innovative outlook. These people are hasty in their conclusions, swift and impulsive. Often these are also creative people: writers, poets, artists. Despite the fact that many of them are right-handed, they still wear their watch on the right side. Usually, this is due to the fact that their left, creative hemisphere is more active, so it is more convenient for them to look at the right side. Also, socially significant people, for the most part, wear watches on their right hand. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that a person who looks to the right side is more likely to get rid of heavy and negative thoughts, putting his own mind in order.

However, despite what psychologists say, only the one that is comfortable for the person himself will be the correct wearing. Therefore, it is worth trying to wear a watch on different hands, listen to the sensations and choose what is more important: psychological aspect or practical use.

Why is the watch worn on the left hand?

The word "clock" appeared in the 14th century. Translated from Latin, this word meant "call". Watches appeared among mankind relatively recently, in the form in which they are presented now. Before that, there were sand, sun, water. The right has always meant the best, the good. The right thing is good luck. For some reason, initially, when there was an hourglass, a person put them on the right side of the house, because time came to life then. AND Wall Clock also hung on the right side of themselves. The aristocracy always took out a pocket watch on a chain from the right pocket, which indicates that they also gravitated towards the right side. They were people of great wealth. This was considered a sacred secret, which they did not always try to give out.
When we wear a watch on our left hand, we work for time, we obey it, we listen to time, we obey it, and it rules over us. Wearing a watch on her right hand, activating the right side of her universe, she is responsible for money, power, property, we subordinate time to ourselves, it listens to us and works for our well-being and well-being. We will have time for everything. Only under the onslaught of fashion, people began to wear watches on the left hand. To activate your time, to improve your capabilities, for the successful flow of affairs, change the side of wearing a watch from left to right, and you will see how gradually your affairs will proceed more decisively the way you want it, problems will be solved, there will be enough time for large quantity work to achieve your goals. And even wall or table clocks, it is better to put and hang on the right side of the place where you spend your time.

Baltics and the CIS Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus, told why he took the habit of wearing a watch on his right hand, the magazine reports.

At a press conference in Minsk, Alexander Grigorievich was asked completely different questions, including why he constantly wears a watch only on his right hand: does he imitate the President of the Russian Federation in this?

The President of Belarus answered this question very simply: for him, this is the most common habit, and quite a long one at that. He explained that he has been wearing watches since childhood: in high school, he learned to play the button accordion at a music school. Lukashenka explained that those who are a little closer to the button accordion know perfectly well that there is a harness on the left. Therefore, if you wear a watch on your left hand, then it really interferes with the game.

Which celebrities wear watches on their right hand

It is believed that the watch must be worn on the left hand. After all, the right one - for most people - is a "working" one. And in order not to damage the watch, and also so that it does not interfere with our work, we need to put it on left hand. However, many celebrities "destroy traditions", preferring to wear the necessary and beautiful accessory on their right hand. And despite the fact that quite a few people already do this, wearing a watch on the right hand is still considered unusual.

Everyone, perhaps, knows that he wears a watch on his right hand. Back in 2002, he explained this fact in one of his televised dialogues with compatriots. Vladimir Vladimirovich said with a smile that he wears a watch on his right hand, because the crown does not rub his brush.

One of the most popular stars on the Internet, the singer, songwriter and actress also prefers to wear a watch on her right hand. Recall that according to Glamor magazine, Selena was named Woman of the Year 2012. The singer, despite her young age, has already received the ALMA Award and the Kids' Choice Awards.

As befits a rapper and performer R "n" B, wears expensive wrist watch, characterized by a massive body. Moreover, such an accessory is liked not only by the rapper, musician and poet, but also by his wife. However, she, unlike her husband, prefers to wear a watch on her left hand.

An Olympic and world champion, he also wears a watch exclusively on his right hand. He has a special reason for this. He says that in 1985 he began training with the legendary coach - Gennady Mikhailovich Ryzhikov. He began to train his left hand. Alexander is right-handed, he needed to mask the blow with his left hand. Therefore, a lot of loads went to the left hand - dumbbells, thousands of blows ... And it simply seemed to Alexander that he began to “twist” on this hand, he needed balance. The watch on the right hand began to play the role of such a balance.

On the right hand, the favorite of the public, the Soviet and Russian singer, who is the legendary soloist of one of the most famous groups at the end of the last century, "Tender May", and in the present tense and a singer engaged in a solo career, also wears a watch.

I like to wear such an accessory on my right hand and - who is an Israeli political and public figure, as well as the sixteenth Prime Minister of Israel.

Tribute to "fashion" and pays - Russian actress and TV and radio host. She is the host of the Cosmopolitan. Video version ", and is also known for her participation in the reality show "Dom-2".

In addition, an American woman, who is one of the most paid actresses in the world and has an Oscar for Best Actress in her arsenal, can boast of an expensive watch on her right hand.

One of the most famous people on Russian television - - also wears a watch on his right hand. Recall that Ksenia is the host of the reality show "Dom-2".

The main character of the famous television series "Margosha".

is a Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and public figure.

Russian journalist, actress, TV presenter and socialite.

Popular American actress, model, producer.

December 14, 2012 08:42 AM

Usually watches are worn on the left hand, and left-handers - on the right. It is believed that it is easier to wind the watch with the right hand when it is on the wrist, writes the portal "How simple". Keeping track of time is also easier when this accessory is placed on the passive arm.

On which hand to wear a watch: the opinion of esotericists

Esotericists believe that the perception of life depends on which hand it is more convenient for you to wear a watch on. The left side is associated with the past, and the right side with what will be.

It is believed that when a person constantly looks at his left hand, he bears the burden of the past. All the time experiencing events that have already happened and it is already impossible to change them. He regrets his imperfect actions and missed opportunities.

If a person looks at his right hand more often, then he lives with hopes for the future and is not burdened by the past. This helps him become more punctual, responsible and active.

If you experience discomfort, feel apathy and constantly remember the past, then try wearing a watch on your right hand, and your life will change for the better.

Why you need to wear a watch on your right hand: Chinese version

In China, it is believed that very important energy points are located on the wrist of the left hand, which are directly related to the well-being of a person. The Cun point is responsible for the work of the heart. This point is where the watch strap would normally be. If you wear a watch on your left hand and constantly irritate the Cun point, then this may interfere correct work hearts.

On which hand you need to wear a watch: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that depending on which hand a person wears a watch on, one can determine his character. The accessory on the left hand speaks of a person’s internal dissatisfaction, his regrets and resentments for the past. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild and start something new.

The watch on the right hand indicates that its owner is a creative person. Many poets, musicians and artists wore watches on their right hands. People who wear a watch on their right hand are also punctual and not afraid to take responsibility.

Today in use modern man many previously unknown gizmos appeared, such as, for example, smartphones, laptops, tablets. All these items are “trends” of the 21st century. But even from past times, something has remained ... One little thing is still a companion of most people to this day: from business men to stylish women. It's a wristwatch! Let's think about whether there are any specific requirements on which hand to wear a watch, and also why did our President change his left “watch” hand to his right?

Wear it the way you like

Immediately, we note that your watch is polygamous:

as a personal chronometer;

and as a stylish accessory

as a commemorative relic, passing from generation to generation.

At all, certain rules On which hand to wear a watch, they have not yet figured out. They are worn in a way that is comfortable. For example, a left-hander is on the right hand, and a right-hander is on the left. They are so comfortable to work with. But for some people, the determining factor in this matter is the type of their professional activity. For example, doctors and builders wear watches on their left wrist so as not only to damage their own body, but also the watch itself.

Why does Putin wear a watch on his right hand?

As soon as Putin became president, everyone immediately noticed that he wears a watch on his right hand. Why? After reading a lot of books on oriental medicine, we came to the conclusion that our president is familiar with the ancient Chinese system Fukuri Meditation. According to her, on both wrists there is an area called CUN-KOU, which combines the three most important energy points responsible for the health of the whole organism - these are CUN, GUAN and CHI. They are located one after another on the left and right sides of the wrist (when looking at the palm), down from the thumb. And it is by pulsation (with light and deep pressing) of these points that you can find out the state of the intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, Bladder, hearts. Ancient physicians believed that the secret of health and success in life is hidden in the area of ​​Tsun-kou. When the “pulses” on the wrists beat with the same force, the person is cheerful, cheerful, hardy. The most important point is CUN, because it is responsible for the work of the heart. Interestingly, in men and women, the pulse of the "fiery motor" is on different hands: for men - on the left wrist, and for women - on the right. According to the healers, the reason for this phenomenon is that in the stronger sex, blood flows from the “tip” of the heart to the left side, and in the weak, supposedly to the right. An important conclusion follows from this: if a man wears a watch (no matter what bracelet - made of gold, silver, platinum or with a leather or leatherette strap) on his left hand, then this will interfere with the normal functioning of his heart. Women, fortunately, do not need to change their almost innate habit.

Putin explained why he wears a watch on his right hand

Russian President Vladimir Putin explained to Russians on air why he wears a watch on his right hand. This intriguing question was raised at the end of a two-hour direct televised dialogue between the head of state and compatriots.

“I wear a watch on my right hand, because that way the crown does not rub my wrist,” the president said with a smile. "That's the whole secret."