Repair Design Furniture

Why does the vacuum cleaner stink? How to remove unpleasant odor from a vacuum cleaner How to remove odor from a vacuum cleaner hose

It’s hard for a modern person to imagine cleaning a room without a vacuum cleaner. But sometimes there comes a time when a burning smell appears when you turn on the vacuum cleaner. This indicates that the vacuum cleaner motor is faulty.

So the only way to fix this problem is to replace the motor if there is a burning smell when you turn on the vacuum cleaner. Using the bork vc shb 9818 bl vacuum cleaner as an example, I will tell you how to make your own repairs.

Let's start disassembling our vacuum cleaner. Remove the plastic cover on the front of the vacuum cleaner. There is a filter under it, remove it.

Immediately below the filter you can see a plastic case, this is where our engine is located. It seems so close, but no, you can’t pull it out of the vacuum cleaner through this hole. You need to get to it by completely disassembling the vacuum cleaner. Red circles mark the existing bolts that need to be unscrewed.

Now we take out the bag. By the way, the bags need to be replaced with new ones after some time, so it is better to purchase vacuum cleaners with plastic waste containers.

We remove another filter, and the bolts that we unscrew are also marked with red circles.

In addition to the white plastic case, the engine is also located in this gray plastic case, its two parts are connected by fastenings. We snap them off and remove the rubber seal.

We got to the engine and see that there are traces of burning on its surface. It is possible that the filters were not cleaned in a timely manner, they became clogged and the engine could not operate normally. So don’t forget to clean the filters in a timely manner.

We bought a bork vacuum cleaner motor in advance. All that remains is to install it in its place. As you can see, replacing the motor if there is a burning smell when you turn on the vacuum cleaner is not so difficult. Vacuum cleaner bork vc shb 9818 bl is ready. Happy repairs everyone.

Why does a vacuum cleaner stink when working, what to do if the vacuum cleaner sparks?

An unpleasant smell coming from a vacuum cleaner is not so bad. It may carry harmful bacteria that will contribute to the development of respiratory diseases (asthma, conjunctivitis), or indicate a malfunction of a household appliance.


There are 3 reasons why a vacuum cleaner stinks when working, which can be indicated by the type of smell:

  1. A burning smell indicates a malfunction of the device.
  2. An unpleasant smell of plastic indicates that the item is new and the parts have not yet had time to “break in.”
  3. A persistent smell of dust or any other similar odor indicates that the collection bag and/or filter is dirty.

What to do about the burning smell

A slight spark in the vacuum cleaner motor is normal. But if it sparks excessively and there is a burning smell, the problem is the failure of the brushes or the electric motor itself. As a rule, in addition to the burning smell, this is indicated by the loss of power of the vacuum cleaner, its constant overheating and interruptions during operation. What can be done in this case? Replace parts with new ones or repair and adjust existing ones. In any case, you need to know the possible causes of sparking:

Vacuum cleaner motor

Thus, the vacuum cleaner sparks and smells unpleasant due to:

  • mechanical damage to individual parts of the electric motor;
  • the appearance of soot and contamination due to long-term use;
  • poor contact between brushes and commutator;
  • wear due to prolonged use of individual engine parts;
  • the appearance of a short circuit.

How to replace individual parts? To do this you need:

  1. After purchasing a new spare part, it must be installed in place, following the above recommendations.

What to do about the smell of plastic

More often, inexpensive vacuum cleaners made in China emit a plastic smell. After a few days, or at most a month of active use of the vacuum cleaner, the smell should disappear on its own. In order not to wait for this, you can take special fresheners for the vacuum cleaner and suck them through the dust collector while cleaning.

What to do about the smell of dust

The smell of dust, on the contrary, appears after prolonged use of a household appliance. Most likely, its causes lie in excessive contamination of the garbage bag and (or) filter, or rather in the bacteria that settled there during cleaning and began to multiply. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Buy additional filters and dust bags. When actively using the device (4-7 times a week), experts recommend replacing removable elements at least once a month. During this time, the bacteria will have time to build an entire colony and it will not be possible for them to survive from there.
  2. Buy additional carbon filters. They are inexpensive and can be found at any hardware store. They must be cut to the size of the first filter and inserted into the vacuum cleaner immediately (not in front). The unpleasant smell should disappear, but it will not solve the problem itself. That is, all bacteria will remain in place.
  3. Before each use of the vacuum cleaner, you can pour a little coffee beans or any other strong flavor that can eliminate the unpleasant odor into the dust bag. You can also clean and ventilate the removable elements and, if possible, rub them with a strong-smelling substance.
  4. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer professional fresheners for vacuum cleaners, which must be sucked through the dust collector before each cleaning. Such fresheners not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also fight the cause of its appearance (destroy microbes).

Freshener for vacuum cleaner in granules

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to empty the contents of the garbage bag and clean the filter after each cleaning. But these operations only delay the moment when bacteria literally “capture” both the filter and the bag.

Read about how you can clean your apartment without using a vacuum cleaner here.

Causes of unpleasant smell from a vacuum cleaner

During operation, a vacuum cleaner absorbs not only dust, but also a fair amount of bacteria invisible to the eye, waste products of the smallest indoor mites, fungal spores and other little things that affect the health of the inhabitants of the house. Some moisture also gets there. Of course, under such conditions, the vacuum cleaner becomes a real dust collector. And the dust itself begins to slowly overcome him. A harmful process manifests itself in the form of a smell from inside the device. When turned on, the problem is invisible. But when heated during operation, it is clearly felt.

How to eliminate unpleasant odor from a vacuum cleaner?

The smell from a vacuum cleaner is unpleasant, but it can also be avoided. What should I do for this?

We will talk about ordinary vacuum cleaners with a dust bag. While the vacuum cleaner is new, such problems do not occur with it. Time passes, and when the vacuum cleaner is running, you begin to smell dust, not burnt wiring, grease, but dust. You change or clean the dust bag, but the smell remains.

First, if the dust bag is full, change it. I recommend using paper, disposable, original bags. They hold dust better and are more convenient to use. Why original? I've had several cases where cheaper aftermarket bags have torn or come loose due to their flimsiness, and the vacuum cleaner has been covered in dust inside. This has never happened to the original ones.

Second, check the internal filter. Almost all vacuum cleaners of this design have it inside the cavity where the dust collection bag is inserted.

Wash it well with warm water and soap and dry. Only after the filter has dried well can it be put back in place.

For greater efficiency, you can replace this filter with a carbon filter designed for a recirculating kitchen hood. It traps not only dust, but also odors. You can buy such a filter at hardware stores.

By the way, this filter can be used as a carbon filter for the car interior.

The size of the filter for hoods is 57x47 cm - for our purposes it will last a long time.

In order to use this filter for a vacuum cleaner, you just need to cut a piece of the desired size.

And put it in a frame

Thirdly, there is another filter. It is located on the side where the air comes out of the vacuum cleaner.

This filter must also be taken out, washed, dried or replaced with a new one.

After all these procedures, the smell usually disappears.

Has your vacuum cleaner smelled bad for several days now, and the reasons for this are unknown? It is necessary to review some of the cleaning product care points in order to find the true source of such trouble. The most common causes of bad smell from a vacuum cleaner and solutions to such problems are discussed further in the text.

Possible sources of odor

Even if you take good care of your equipment, it can still smell bad. And here it’s not a matter of the old age of the gadget, or even the manufacturing company. The reasons for such troubles can be very different:

  1. One of the most common is an overflowing garbage can.
  2. The plastic from which the gadget is made can also smell unpleasant when heated.
  3. Another reason why a vacuum cleaner smells bad is that one of the cleaning machine filters is dirty.
  4. Even a clean filter can fail if it is not dry enough.
  5. The source of the trouble may lie in the vacuum cleaner hose: most likely it is clogged and the debris accumulated there emits an unpleasant odor.
  6. A more serious reason is the short circuit of the internal parts of the vacuum cleaner, their melting and burning.

All these signs of an unpleasant “aroma” can be combated. Below are ways to solve the problem of smell from a vacuum cleaner.

Read also: 4 reasons why the vacuum cleaner does not suck up dust - what to do, how to solve the problem?

What to do if the vacuum cleaner smells unpleasant and gets stronger every time? Below are a number of practical recommendations on how to get rid of the stench forever.

  • If a plastic container, as in the Gorenje VC 2101 SCY model, becomes clogged, you just need to shake it out, wipe it first with a damp and then a dry cloth, and continue using it.

This is interesting: Handheld vacuum cleaner - how to choose and how to use: 5 advantages and 5 selection criteria

  • If the dirt tank is empty, and the new vacuum cleaner still smells unpleasantly of plastic, you can wait a while until the industrial “smell” disappears.
  • A more serious problem is that one of the filters is dirty. In such a situation, you need to wash it thoroughly (if the filter design allows it) or wipe it. The filter can also be disposable - then you just need to replace it with a new one.
  • Another problem with a reusable filter is that it does not dry out enough after washing. That is, drops of water remaining in it can lead to rotting of the filter. As a conclusion, you can remove odor from a vacuum cleaner by thoroughly drying the filter after each cleaning.
  • The next source is a clogged tube or hose in the cleaning product. The solution to this problem: you need to disassemble the vacuum cleaner, use a thin and long object to push the stuck object out of the pipe or hose and - voila, the problem is fixed. With vacuum cleaners-mops it is more difficult: for example, the design of the Hoover ATV30RM011 does not allow you to disassemble it yourself. If the tube is clogged, you will have to contact service.
  • If all of the above problems are not noticed, and the question of how to eliminate the smell from a vacuum cleaner is still open, you need to sound the alarm. This signal indicates that the problems lie inside the gadget: contacts are shorted and parts are melting from the inside. In this case, you need to immediately call a technician to fix the problem. Self-indulgence can lead to unpleasant consequences.

It will be useful to know: Vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner (steam mop) - what to choose? 5 advantages and disadvantages of a steam generator

Prevention of odor

To ensure that cleaning is enjoyable and that negative phenomena such as the smell from the vacuum cleaner do not need to be removed, practical recommendations are presented below:

  • Regularly clean the dust container from accumulated dirt;
  • clean the filters every few cleanings, and if they are paper (disposable) - change them after each cleaning;
  • When putting things in order, pay extremely close attention to what the vacuum cleaner sucks in: large objects that could clog a pipe or hose should not get into it.
  • keep the gadget clean and tidy, operate it carefully, avoiding impacts on its body or other components.

Cleaning up is cool! It’s not that the process itself is enjoyable, but rather it’s nice to look at the result of this hard work. And so that nothing, in particular the unpleasant smell from the vacuum cleaner, can interfere with this action, it is important to take care of your gadget and use it carefully. And, if trouble does happen, it is immediately recommended to investigate all possible sources: dust collector, filter, pipe and hose. If everything is in order with these elements, you should contact a specialist - they will definitely solve the issue of unpleasant odor from the vacuum cleaner.

How to eliminate an unpleasant odor from a vacuum cleaner, why does a vacuum cleaner stink?

A vacuum cleaner allows you to quickly clean your apartment. But he is not without his shortcomings. After a certain period of use, an unpleasant odor appears from the vacuum cleaner.

Then the housewife wonders why the vacuum cleaner stinks? However, thoroughly cleaning the waste basket does not help.

To eliminate the smell from the vacuum cleaner we need

  • Screwdriver;
  • Water;
  • Half a glass of wine vinegar.

Follow these steps

  1. Wipe the vacuum cleaner body with warm soapy water. Use an old toothbrush to clean joints and hard-to-reach corners. It is the joints and seams that are the main source of odor from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Position the vacuum cleaner so that you can take advantage of its own ability to suck up dust. Use a strong metal needle to remove stubborn dirt. You can use scissors. Thoroughly clean the vacuum cleaner brush, remove dirt from the most secluded corners.
  3. Inspect the hose carefully. If cracks appear on it, then disconnect the hose from the upper mounting. After this, shorten the hose and attach it again.
  4. Frequently changing the garbage bags helps eliminate the smell from your vacuum cleaner. Don't wait until they are filled to capacity. Throw away the bags after the first use. Don't try to prolong their life.
  5. Prepare a mixture of half a glass of wine vinegar and half a glass of warm water. Using a cloth, wipe the inside of the vacuum cleaner with this mixture. Use a toothbrush to scrub hard-to-reach areas, especially where the trash bag is attached. Remove any debris that has accumulated inside.
  6. Treat all parts of the vacuum cleaner with vinegar solution. Now let it all dry thoroughly.
  7. Soak a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of essential oil. Place it inside the filter bag.
  8. Put the vacuum cleaner back together. Sprinkle some baking soda on the floor or carpet before vacuuming it.
  • Completely clean your vacuum cleaner twice a year.
  • If possible, use a broom to sweep away pet hair and other large debris before vacuuming the floor.
  • Do not use your vacuum cleaner on wet dirt as this may cause bacteria to grow inside it.

Why does a vacuum cleaner stink?

The other day a friend complained to me that he bought an expensive vacuum cleaner, and after a week it began to emit a stench. This prompted me to write this article, because every consumer who uses vacuum cleaners with various filters, including HEPA filters and dust bags, faces this problem. In addition, I will tell you how to get rid of this smell.

So, I’ll describe the essence of the problem - what stinks and why?

When purchasing a vacuum cleaner, absolutely everything is new. A plastic smell appears - this is considered “the norm” - the new motor is running, everything is grinding in. The unpleasant odor itself is eliminated during use (most likely low-quality plastic). The second reason is much worse and more dangerous - if there is a stench, it means that bacteria are multiplying. This usually shows up after a month when some dust has accumulated on the filters and in the bag.

When dust and other debris are drawn into the bag and filter, bacteria, viruses, germs and other microorganisms also enter. Don't forget about moisture. The air itself is moist, and if you have a model of a vacuum cleaner that uses water, then this is much more dangerous. Splashes and small droplets of water fall on the filter itself and moisten it. Already during the cleaning process, everything that has lingered on the filter begins to lead an active life. Bacteria, mold, fungi, microbes actively multiply... The next time you press the vacuum cleaner's power button, the air flow, passing through the filter, blows back into the room several times more than was collected, with one difference that it is all much smaller. It is so fine that it is invisible to the human eye and only an unpleasant odor is heard. Let me remind you that we see only 3% of dust.

What will happen if you breathe such “exhausts” from a vacuum cleaner?

Attacks of bronchial asthma, dermatitis, eczema, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, and this list, apparently, does not end with respiratory diseases. Immunity decreases, and other allergens, for example, cat and dog, are more likely to cause illness or attack. And for those who do not suffer from allergic reactions, it is simply impossible to restore the body tired after a day of work in the polluted air of your own home.

Now about the good stuff - how to get rid of this smell?

1. Carbon filter. Sold in almost every hardware store. Ask in the ventilation and hood departments. Cut out the shape of the hole from which the air flow comes out and insert it after the last filter. It effectively fights odor, but nothing more. Bacteria, viruses and molds themselves easily pass through such a barrier. A kind of self-deception.

2. You should replace bags and filters after each cleaning and buy only original quality - from the manufacturer. Cheaper components often tear and/or come off at the attachment point. You can check the quality of your bag as follows. Open the lid. Check the filters and HEPA filter. Depending on your model, there can be up to 6 pieces. Replace them. Read the instructions for use; if the manufacturer does not prohibit washing it, then you can take a risk. Why “take a risk” you can read here. It is very important to let the filter dry before you can reinstall it. Logically, it can be judged that replacing HEPA filters must be done once a month, which even without this costs a lot of money.

3. Use vacuum cleaners without bags to collect dust and HEPA filters. The cleaning principle of these vacuum cleaners is the use of separator technology. This principle shows the best results and is absolutely not harmful to health. It also does not require costs for consumables.

Fighting the smell of dust that occurs when using a vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is the first assistant in the fight against ubiquitous dust. Even wet cleaning is inferior to a useful device in terms of effectiveness. Firstly, the vacuum cleaner pipe will reach the most difficult to reach corners. Secondly, there will be less humidity in the room, as well as dust.

Causes of an unpleasant smell from a vacuum cleaner During operation, the vacuum cleaner absorbs not only dust, but also a fair amount of bacteria invisible to the eye, waste products of the smallest indoor mites, fungal spores and other small things that affect the health of the inhabitants of the house. Some moisture also gets there. Of course, under such conditions, the vacuum cleaner becomes a real dust collector. And the dust itself begins to slowly overcome him. A harmful process manifests itself in the form of a smell from inside the device. When turned on, the problem is invisible. But when heated during operation, it is clearly felt.

How to eliminate an unpleasant smell from a vacuum cleaner? The smell from a vacuum cleaner is unpleasant, but it can also be avoided. What should I do for this?

Disassemble the vacuum cleaner and find out why the dust is making itself felt. Most often, the reason lies in the dust bag itself. They are made from special fabric. Dust accumulated inside and in the fibers of the bag gives off an unpleasant odor. The first rule of using a vacuum cleaner is that the collected contents of the bag should be removed immediately. Perhaps, after cleaning the dust container, you will no longer smell dust when cleaning. Some vacuum cleaner models have replaceable bags. Then everything is even simpler. Changed it - and the order.

Dust sucked in by the vacuum cleaner is retained by the filter. And the smell occurs if this part is clogged. Most vacuum cleaners are equipped with carbon filters to minimize the problem of clogging. But it's worth making sure the part is in order. And if necessary, replace it.

The previous methods do not give results - then you can get rid of the unpleasant smell from the vacuum cleaner using coffee and spices with a pleasant aroma. Dry coffee grounds or ground powder help eliminate unwanted odors by absorbing them. The preferred spices for refreshing purposes are cinnamon and vanilla. They are placed in a dust bag, where they spread their aroma, interrupting the smell of dust.

Manufacturers of vacuum cleaners are improving the models of the equipment they are developing, their components, and care products for them. We also foresaw this problem. Now they produce fresheners for vacuum cleaners. In dry form (powder), liquid and granules. It is enough to place such a product inside a household appliance or suck it through a hose during cleaning - and you will not have to breathe the dust.

Allows you to quickly clean the apartment. But he is not without his shortcomings. After a certain period of use, an unpleasant odor appears from the vacuum cleaner.

Then the housewife wonders why the vacuum cleaner stinks? However, thoroughly cleaning the waste basket does not help.

To eliminate the smell from the vacuum cleaner we need

  • Screwdriver;
  • Water;
  • Half a glass of wine vinegar.

Follow these steps

  1. Wipe the vacuum cleaner body with warm soapy water. Use an old toothbrush to clean joints and hard-to-reach corners. It is the joints and seams that are the main source of odor from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Position the vacuum cleaner so that you can take advantage of its own ability to suck up dust. Use a strong metal needle to remove stubborn dirt. You can use scissors. Thoroughly clean the vacuum cleaner brush, remove dirt from the most secluded corners.
  3. Inspect the hose carefully. If cracks appear on it, then disconnect the hose from the upper mounting. After this, shorten the hose and attach it again.
  4. Frequently changing the garbage bags helps eliminate the smell from your vacuum cleaner. Don't wait until they are filled to capacity. Throw away the bags after the first use. Don't try to prolong their life.
  5. Prepare a mixture of half a glass of wine vinegar and half a glass of warm water. Using a cloth, wipe the inside of the vacuum cleaner with this mixture. Use a toothbrush to scrub hard-to-reach areas, especially where the trash bag is attached. Remove any debris that has accumulated inside.
  6. Treat all parts of the vacuum cleaner with vinegar solution. Now let it all dry thoroughly.
  7. Soak a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of essential oil. Place it inside the filter bag.
  8. Put the vacuum cleaner back together. Sprinkle some baking soda on the floor or carpet before vacuuming it.
  • Completely clean your vacuum cleaner twice a year.
  • If possible, use a broom to sweep away pet hair and other large debris before vacuuming the floor.
  • Do not use your vacuum cleaner on wet dirt as this may cause bacteria to grow inside it.

A vacuum cleaner is the first assistant in the fight against ubiquitous dust. Even wet cleaning is inferior to a useful device in terms of effectiveness. Firstly, the vacuum cleaner pipe will reach the most difficult to reach corners. Secondly, there will be less humidity in the room, as well as dust.

Causes of unpleasant smell from a vacuum cleaner

During operation, a vacuum cleaner absorbs not only dust, but also a fair amount of bacteria invisible to the eye, waste products of the smallest indoor mites, fungal spores and other little things that affect the health of the inhabitants of the house. Some moisture also gets there. Of course, under such conditions, the vacuum cleaner becomes a real dust collector. And the dust itself begins to slowly overcome him. A harmful process manifests itself in the form of a smell from inside the device. When turned on, the problem is invisible. But when heated during operation, it is clearly felt.

How to eliminate unpleasant odor from a vacuum cleaner?

Vacuum cleaner smell– an unpleasant phenomenon, but it can also be avoided. What should I do for this?

Disassemble the vacuum cleaner and find out why the dust is making itself felt. Most often, the reason lies in the dust bag itself. They are made from special fabric. Dust accumulated inside and in the fibers of the bag gives off an unpleasant odor. The first rule of using a vacuum cleaner is that the collected contents of the bag should be removed immediately. Perhaps, after cleaning the dust container, you will no longer smell dust when cleaning. Some vacuum cleaner models have replaceable bags. Then everything is even simpler. Changed it - and the order.

Dust sucked in by the vacuum cleaner is retained by the filter. And the smell occurs if this part is clogged. Most vacuum cleaners are equipped with carbon filters to minimize the problem of clogging. But it's worth making sure the part is in order. And if necessary, replace it.

The previous methods do not give results - then Get rid of unpleasant smell from the vacuum cleaner using coffee and spices with a pleasant aroma. Dry coffee grounds or ground powder help eliminate unwanted odors by absorbing them. The preferred spices for refreshing purposes are cinnamon and vanilla. They are placed in a dust bag, where they spread their aroma, interrupting the smell of dust.

Manufacturers of vacuum cleaners are improving the models of the equipment they are developing, their components, and care products for them. We also foresaw this problem. Now they produce fresheners for vacuum cleaners. In dry form (powder), liquid and granules. It is enough to place such a product inside a household appliance or suck it through a hose during cleaning - and you will not have to breathe the dust.

A vacuum cleaner is an important device in the home that is responsible for cleaning and helps users in this difficult task by cleaning surfaces and air from dust. However, like any other equipment, a vacuum cleaner can break down and malfunction at some point. In such cases, you need to understand the causes of the problems that have arisen.

Major breakdowns

One of the main problems that cannot be ignored is that the vacuum cleaner does not turn on. First of all, we immediately check the cord that is plugged into the outlet, then whether there is any voltage at all, and only then can we begin to suspect other parts of failure. Usually, spare parts for vacuum cleaners such as shutdown buttons fail or the filter for the vacuum cleaner is simply clogged, air does not flow, and the engine will not start. However, it is better to trust the repair of such components that involve working with electrical wiring to professionals.

There is also the possibility that there is a fuse in the device, which caused the vacuum cleaner to turn off. Most often, such fuses are installed so that if the motor overheats, the device can be turned off in an emergency so that nothing catches fire and there is no damage. Fuses usually need to be replaced after they have tripped, but this is done quite simply, especially since the instructions will probably tell you how to do this. However, if this happens often, you need to pay attention to possible engine problems that need to be resolved.

Burnt smell in vacuum cleaner

It may also appear that there is a burning smell due to overheating, but this problem usually occurs when the air duct is clogged with dust. In this case, you need to clean it with an ordinary hanger, mop or other cleaning agent. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the dust does not move even deeper during cleaning and does not aggravate the situation, creating unnecessary problems for the user.

Another reason why the smell appears could be a slipped belt. You don’t need to change the part right away, it’s enough just to return it to its place, but if this is not the first time this happens, it’s better to take care of purchasing a new spare part. Replacing it is not so difficult if you follow the instructions, however, if you think that you cannot do this, it is better to contact a specialist.

Thus, to avoid a burning smell, first of all you need to monitor the condition of the motor, take care of cleaning the air duct from dust and check the condition of the drive belt.

According to materials from a store of spare parts for household appliances -