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Coffee horoscope. Coffee astrology: what kind of coffee is for you? A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Capricorn

A drink that can invigorate and bring pleasure can be a wonderful addition to a pleasant day for both women and men. Knowing your date of birth, it’s easy to prepare coffee according to the recipe recommended specifically for this zodiac sign, thereby becoming a little happier. I really like to get acquainted with unusual horoscopes, I think that the coffee one will be of interest to many. A drink that can invigorate and bring pleasure can be a wonderful addition to a pleasant day for both women and men. Knowing your date of birth, it’s easy to prepare coffee according to the recipe recommended specifically for this zodiac sign, thereby becoming a little happier.

There is an opinion that representatives of the fire element love coffee very much, appreciating the taste and aroma of this drink and preferring to drink it from a familiar cup.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Aries

four tablespoons of any ground coffee;
water - 0.5 l;
a third of a teaspoon of ginger root (preferably candied);
four teaspoons of honey;
cream - optional.
Chop the ginger finely, add water, put on the fire and bring to a boil, keep on low heat for another 5-7 minutes. Pour coffee into a container for preparing the drink, add honey, pour boiling infused water with ginger and stir. Cover with a lid and leave for a few minutes (no more than 10). Then strain thoroughly and pour into preheated cups. You can add cream to taste.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Leo

black strong coffee - 600 g;
a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon;
a pinch of nutmeg;
two tablespoons of chocolate syrup;
half a glass of whipped cream;
two tablespoons of sugar.
Add half a dose of cinnamon to hot coffee. Mix the remaining cinnamon with cream, granulated sugar and nutmeg, then beat again. Pour hot coffee into cups, adding chocolate syrup. Top with spiced whipped cream.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Sagittarius

coffee brewed according to a classic recipe - 250 g;
four tablespoons of chocolate syrup;
two tablespoons of cherry juice;
a quarter cup of whipped sweetened cream;
tablespoon grated chocolate
two candied cherries (for two cups).
Mix freshly brewed coffee with chocolate syrup and cherry juice. Pour into warmed cups, garnishing the drink with grated chocolate, cream and candied cherries.

For representatives of the Earth element who love this drink, the order in which coffee is prepared is important in order to preserve its active substances.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Taurus

espresso coffee - one cup;
30 ml coconut liqueur;
a tablespoon of sweet whipped cream;
a pinch of grated almonds.
Pour liqueur into the prepared espresso coffee, decorate the surface of the drink with whipped cream and sprinkle with grated almonds.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Virgo

double espresso - 1 cup;
a small pod of hot pepper;
thirty ml of dark rum;
a tablespoon of whipped cream.
Brew double espresso coffee. Place the pepper in the cup for a few seconds. Take it out, add rum to the resulting drink and stir. Decorate the surface of the drink with cream.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Capricorn

cold water - four cups;
six tablespoons of ground coffee;
a teaspoon of cardamom seeds;
half a cup of pineapple;
eighteen candied cherries.
Place cardamom seeds in water and boil for 4-5 minutes. Refrigerate for an hour; Brew coffee using the strained infusion. Pour into cups and garnish with candied cherries and chopped pineapple.

Representatives of the air element appreciate the tonic effect of coffee.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Gemini

a teaspoon of ground coffee;
one and a half teaspoons of honey or powdered sugar;
boiling water - 200 ml;
fresh clove of garlic.
Add garlic to the ground coffee, add freshly boiling water, add honey or powdered sugar (to taste). Pour into a cup and drink immediately to experience the unusual taste and aroma of the drink.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Libra

a teaspoon of ground coffee;
boiling water - 200 ml;
half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
two teaspoons of rum;
three grains of roasted coffee;
a teaspoon of sugar;
one bud of clove (spice).
Place cinnamon, coffee beans, cloves in a cup, add rum and sugar. Pour all this over freshly brewed regular black coffee. Cover with a saucer and leave for 3-5 minutes.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Aquarius

Colombian coffee beans;
peeled almonds;
coffee spoon of almond extract.
Fry the nuts for 10 minutes until dark brown, then mix them with coffee beans and grind. Brew coffee at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of coffee-almond mixture per 200 ml of water. Add almond extract to boiling coffee and bring to a boil. Make up the coffee-nut mixture based on the desired strength of the drink.

Often, representatives of the water element value coffee for its healing qualities, attributing almost magical properties to it.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Cancer

a tablespoon of brown sugar;
five tablespoons of coffee;
vanilla and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
Pour brown sugar into the bottom of a Turk or other container for brewing coffee and place on low heat. When the sugar begins to caramelize, add water (up to 500 ml), add vanilla and cinnamon and bring to a boil. Remove the vessel from the heat, pour ground coffee into it and, putting it on the fire, bring to a boil.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Scorpio

ground dried zest of one orange;
thinly sliced ​​peel of one lemon;
a teaspoon of cognac;
four teaspoons of coffee;
a teaspoon of honey.
Place the lemon peel in the first pot (or other container), add water (no more than 400 ml) and put on low heat, boil and let sit for half an hour. In the second pot (container), lightly heat the coffee with ground orange zest, pour in the infusion from the first pot and immediately bring to a boil, then add cognac and honey. Strain thoroughly and pour into two cups.

Recipe for those born under the constellation Pisces

two teaspoons of ground coffee;
cardamom fruit;
clove bud (spice);
a teaspoon of sugar;
cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
Heat water (200 ml) in a Turk until the first bubbles appear and reduce the heat to a minimum. Pour in coffee, add beans from an open cardamom box. Add sugar, cinnamon and cloves there. Wait until the foam begins to rise, but do not let the drink boil. As soon as the coffee starts to rise, remove from heat and let steep for a few minutes.

Of course, all these recipes are conditional. Nobody forbids you to try and experiment. Bon appetit!

The importance of coffee in modern life is difficult to exaggerate. This drink comes in handy during business negotiations and presentations, on romantic dates and friendly gatherings. Add one more to the list of your coffee and chocolate recipes, compiled taking into account the recommendations of astrologers, and you will notice that your life is changing for the better.

Coffee "Aries"

●4 tablespoons of ground coffee,
●1\2 l. water,
●1\3 teaspoons candied ginger root,
●4 teaspoons honey,
●cream to taste.


1. Cut the ginger into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat.
3. Put ground coffee and honey in a coffee pot, add boiling ginger water, stir.
4. Cover with a lid and leave for 7-10 minutes.
5. Strain and pour into warm cups.
If desired, you can add cream.

Coffee "Lev"

●strong black coffee - 600 g,
●ground cinnamon - 1/4 teaspoon,
●grated nutmeg - 1 pinch,
●chocolate syrup - 2 tablespoons,
●whipped cream - 1/2 cup,
●sugar - 2 tablespoons.


1. Mix ready-made hot coffee with half the cinnamon.
2. Mix the whipped cream with the remaining cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar, beat again.
3. Mix hot coffee with chocolate syrup and pour into cups. Gently place the spiced whipped cream on top of the drink in a heap, and the one who drinks decides whether to stir or drink through the foam.

Coffee "Sagittarius"

●250 g of coffee brewed according to a classic recipe,
●4 tablespoons chocolate syrup,
●2 tablespoons dark cherry juice,
●1/4 cup whipped sweetened cream,
●1 tablespoon of grated chocolate,
●two candied cherries.


1.Mix coffee, chocolate syrup and cherry juice.
2. Pour 170 g into two heated cups.
3. Top with grated chocolate and cherries.

Coffee "Taurus"

●1 cup of freshly prepared espresso,
●30 ml coconut liqueur,
●1 tbsp. l. whipped sweet cream,
●a pinch of grated almonds.


1. Pour espresso into a larger cup, add coconut liqueur.
2. Place a cap of whipped cream on top and sprinkle with almonds. Place the cream in a heap on the drink, carefully, and whether to stir or drink through the foam is up to the drinker to decide.

Coffee "Virgo"

●1 cup double espresso,
●1 chili pepper (the smallest pod),
●30 ml. dark rum,
●1 tbsp. l. whipped cream.


1. Prepare double espresso.
2. Dip a hot pepper pod into a cup for 7-8 seconds.
3. If you like it spicier, you can hold the pepper for up to a minute.
4. Remove the pepper, add rum to the cup of coffee and stir.
5. Place whipped cream on top and drink through the layer of cream.

Coffee "Capricorn"

●1 teaspoon cardamom seeds,
●4 cups of cold water,
●6 tablespoons of ground coffee,
●1/2 cup fresh or canned pineapple,
●18 candied cherries.


1. In a small pot, mix cardamom seeds with water and boil for 4-5 minutes.
2. Cool and put in the refrigerator for an hour.
3. Strain and brew coffee with this water.
4. Pour hot coffee and garnish with large chunks of pineapple and candied cherries. If you drink this coffee in the summer, you need to put a large piece of ice in three hundred gram glasses, pour over the coffee and garnish with pieces of pineapple and cherries.

Coffee "Gemini"

●1.5 teaspoons of powdered sugar or honey,
●water 200 ml (boiling water),
●1 petal of garlic.


1. Add the finest freshly cut garlic petal to the coffee powder.
2. Pour almost boiling water over the coffee.
3. Add powdered sugar or honey.
4. Serve without delay, otherwise the flavor notes will be lost.

Coffee "Libra"

●1 teaspoon finely ground coffee,
●water 200 ml (boiling water),
●0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
●2 teaspoons of rum,
●3 roasted coffee beans,
●1 bud of clove,
●1 teaspoon sugar.


1. Prepare boiling black coffee.
2. Put half a teaspoon of cinnamon, two teaspoons of rum, three roasted coffee beans, one clove bud and one teaspoon of sugar into a cup.
3. Pour all this over ready-made boiling black coffee.
3. Cover with a saucer and leave for 3.5 minutes.

Coffee "Aquarius"

●shelled almonds,
●Colombian coffee,
●water 200 ml,
●almond extract (coffee spoon).


1. Place the almonds on a baking sheet and toast for 10 minutes until they are dark brown.
2. Mix them thoroughly with coffee beans and grind.
3. Brew coffee at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the prepared mixture per 200 ml of water.
4. Add 0.5 coffee spoon of almond extract to boiling coffee (for 4-12 cups of coffee).
5. Next, brew the coffee as usual.

Coffee "Cancer"

●1 tbsp. spoon of cane sugar (brown),
●vanilla powder on the tip of a knife,
●ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife,
●5 tablespoons of coffee.


1. Pour 1 tablespoon of cane sugar (brown) into the bottom of the Turk and put the Turk on the fire.
2. When the sugar begins to caramelize (take on a dark brown color), pour in water, add vanilla and cinnamon and bring to a boil.
3. After removing the Turk from the heat, pour coffee into it and put it back on the fire.
4. After boiling, serve to the table.

Coffee "Scorpio"

●dried zest of 1 orange,
●peel of 1 lemon,
●1 coffee cup of cognac,
●4 teaspoons of coffee,
●1 teaspoon honey,
●2 Turks.


1. Grind the dried orange zest.
2. Cut the lemon peels into thin strips and place in the first pot.
3. Put the Turk on low heat, pour in water, boil, let it brew for half a minute.
4. In the second pot, lightly heat the ground coffee mixed with orange zest.
5. Pour the contents of the second turk with the infusion from the first turk. Immediately bring the drink to a boil in a second pot and pour into small cups.

Coffee "Pisces"

●2 teaspoons ground coffee,
●1 cardamom fruit,
●1 bud of dry cloves,
●ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife,
●1 teaspoon sugar.


1. Heat water in a Turk until the first bubbles appear and reduce the heat to low.
2. Add coffee and stir gently. Split the cardamom pods and throw the grains into the coffee.
3. Throw in cloves, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and sugar.
4.Wait about three minutes until the foam slowly rises, but do not let the coffee To do this, periodically lift the Turk over the fire so that the bottom cools slightly.
5. As soon as the coffee starts to rise, remove it from the heat and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

We will not say that this or that coffee is necessary for a certain zodiac sign. However, take our advice into account: we are sure that they will help you out more than once when choosing a gift for a coffee lover!

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Aries.

The Aries man, one of the strongest in spirit among the representatives of all 12 signs of the Zodiac, will appreciate someone who is just as strong, i.e. strong coffee - choose a coffee blend with a lot of robusta as a gift for Aries.

When you invite an Aries Woman to a coffee shop, order her a strong, viscous mocha coffee with thick foam without milk. By the way, about the coffee shop. You need to choose a place for a date with Aries carefully - there should not be many visitors there, and the interior of the cafe should look elegant and even with a touch of luxury. By not fulfilling these conditions, you risk being left without a date with the Aries lady - having entered a cafe that she does not like, she will immediately walk out of there with a confident gait, citing sudden urgent matters.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Taurus.

A Taurus man, like no one else, will be happy to receive coffee accessories as a gift - for example, convenient coffee jars (glass, tin, porcelain).

Taurus woman to the question “What kind of coffee do you prefer?” Most often the answer is “Ordinary good coffee.” Treat her like this - order her a classic espresso from your friend the bartender (he’ll definitely make how to, brewing coffee only from freshly roasted beans).

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Gemini.

It’s easy to invite a Gemini man to a cafe (and what’s not easy with him? ;), where he will gladly taste any new blend of coffee with you, give his criticism or admiration about it and, of course, support his conclusions with data from certain encyclopedias. Here lies the key to a gift for Gemini: he will always be happy with a good new book about coffee, as well as a bag of coffee he just tasted - for repeated research;)

The Gemini woman, despite her easy-going nature, is very conservative in her coffee preferences. Therefore, if she loves, for example, cappuccino, then she may refuse to even try anything else - find out about her favorite coffee in advance.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Cancer.

The Cancer man is often a homebody, so gifts related to home or his favorite workplace will be very useful: coffee spoons, cups with funny pictures, a coffee tray - everything will be greeted with delight and immediately used for its intended purpose, with good memories of the givers .

The Cancer woman is extravagant and loves gifts with extravagances. All the same coffee spoons, but with individual engraving on the occasion of, or silver spoons - will be received with sincere delight! What kind of coffee is best to treat dear Rakinya? Of course, also non-trivial. For example, such as Maria Theresa coffee (Maria Theresia, it is served in Viennese coffee shops): with orange liqueur, powdered sugar and multi-colored sugar crumbs.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Leo.

The Leo woman, when choosing a cafe for a meeting, will subconsciously choose one where she will have the opportunity to be the center of attention: even in a small street cafe, the beautiful Lioness will sit at the best table with the best view (of her). However, according to the rules of royal etiquette, the Lioness will order coffee quite simple, if not the simplest, which does not prevent you from making another order and treating your friend as befits her Leo status. For example, Pharisaeer coffee: with whipped cream, hot rum, cinnamon, lemon peel, and sugar and cocoa.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Virgo.

The Virgo man is very thrifty and, like a child, will be glad to receive gifts that take into account this feature of his. For example, give him not just one pack of good coffee, but a large package or even a bag. As an option, you can beautifully decorate and give as a gift a wicker basket filled with assorted coffees for all tastes (by the way, the Virgo man will also appreciate the basket! :)

The Virgo woman, although modest in appearance, prefers strong drinks, including coffee - treat her to a double espresso with hot cherry liqueur, adding to it a woman's favorite whim - a large amount of whipped cream.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Libra.

The Libra man is always busy with something and it’s difficult to catch him “for a cup of coffee,” so a coffee lover’s travel kit in the form of a convenient thermos will be received with a bang as a gift, because the most delicious hot homemade coffee will now always be at hand.

The Libra woman carefully monitors her health, so she often refuses coffee. But dear Vesunya will not refuse decaffeinated coffee or a weak coffee drink (for example, based on chicory), especially if she is in the company of cheerful friends in a pleasant environment.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Scorpio.

The Scorpio man will show with all his appearance that he doesn’t need a gift and that your smile is the best thing that can make him happy. But we know that he longs for something very special that he can treasure for many years, proudly showing off the gift to his grandchildren and telling wonderful stories about the giver. An unexpected character trait of Scorpio, don’t you agree? However, if you manage to provoke a male representative of this sign to be frank, be sure of our words one hundred percent. What gift is suitable? We recommend paying attention to antique books about coffee from second-hand bookstores and handmade coffee tables made from rare wood.

The Scorpio woman will also be happy to receive a useful gift of exceptional quality, like an oak coffee table. What kind of coffee would she prefer to drink with him? We advise you to treat Scorpio to the most ordinary Turkish coffee, lovingly brewed personally for her in a copper cezve. The secret of this most ordinary coffee is simple: it is always excellent! Of course, if it is cooked according to the rules;)

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius woman “loves to have fun, especially to eat”:) Remember this cute feature of hers when you invite her to a cafe: order the Sagittarius the largest coffee cocktail or a huge portion of coffee ice cream. Don't forget to take your camera with you - fun for the whole evening is guaranteed!

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Capricorn.

The Capricorn man is too conservative: only proven varieties of coffee, only traditional recipes, only manual coffee grinders - no technical progress will knock stubborn Capricorn out of his habits. By the way, about the coffee grinder - we recommend giving it as a gift; Capricorn’s old one is probably already on its last legs. A new convenient manual wooden coffee grinder is always a useful and beautiful piece of furniture in the kitchen.

The Capricorn woman loves gatherings in cafes for any occasion. It’s a pity that there are no “coffee subscriptions”, or are they available somewhere? Then be sure to give her one! And be sure to order coffee for her with her favorite liqueur.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Aquarius.

The Aquarius man may seem like a flighty romantic, but only he alone knows the serious demands that he places on literally everyone around him. He will also subject the gift to a critical eye, so do not choose it in a hurry. We advise you to pay attention to the spices in which the Aquarius coffee lover rightfully considers himself an expert: cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts - all this will be useful for him to experiment with coffee blends on long winter evenings.

Between going to a cafe or a get-together at home, the Aquarius woman will choose the latter. Cute homebodies Aquarius love latte coffee with pictures on the foam. Can you do this? If not, we recommend taking a correspondence video master class on.

A gift for a coffee lover born under the sign of Pisces.

The Pisces man is perhaps the most gallant gentleman among all representatives of the zodiac signs. He cares for women so sincerely that he even prefers gifts that will make his courtship look even more refined. Give him a hot chocolate fondue for several people, or a large copper pot with a sand heater - both future guests and the recipient of the gift will be flattered.

The Pisces woman is very partial to cute little things that they can touch and see from time to time. Even if they already have 10 of the best coffee cups at home, they will happily accept as many more as a gift if they meet their aesthetic requirements - “a thing with a twist.” Pisces ladies like their coffee very hot, very strong and very sweet, so don’t skimp on anything, Pisces don’t forgive this;)

The coffee horoscope was written specifically for the virtual coffee shop "" (c)

Coffee horoscope: your favorite coffee will tell you about your character

There is a whole coffee horoscope, which allows you to reveal your inner secrets with the help of your favorite drink. So, your preferences depend on your character.

Oriental coffee or Espresso coffee

There are different cooking recipes. But the result is, although different, but definitely a strong drink.

Characteristic: Having absorbed the maximum aroma and taste, this concentrate of vigor is preferred by purposeful people. They strive to get the most out of life, while putting in a minimum of effort.

At first glance, it seems that they are not familiar with sentimentality. But the coffee horoscope claims that strong coffee lovers know how to appreciate true feelings, are able to criticize loved ones for small minor weaknesses, while performing heroic deeds for the sake of friendship or love. These people know how to think creatively, which is why there are so many creative people among them.

Coffee "Cappuccino"

Wonderful Cappuccino coffee is distinguished by thick foam, on which the masters masterfully draw exquisite patterns. Real Cappuccino coffee can only be prepared in a special coffee maker with a special attachment. That’s why they rarely prepare it at home, and more often go to a coffee shop to get their favorite drink. And it’s not just about technology; according to the coffee horoscope, such people need communication just like coffee.

Characteristic: These are romantic natures, very vulnerable and tender. They are capable of sensitively capturing the slightest nuances of human relationships. Their vulnerability taught them to treat the people around them very carefully. They really value comfort in general and every pleasant little thing separately, and they know how to be grateful.

Since such people cannot live without communication, they are perfectly suited to working with people, which involves constant negotiations. Indeed, in this element, Cappuccino lovers feel great and achieve great success.

Coffee "Americano"

Americano coffee allows you to enjoy the aroma without a tonic blow to the body. It is prepared in a large cup, since it is diluted to a greater extent with water, and therefore not as strong.

Characteristic: The coffee horoscope states that this drink is liked by people who are able to find compromises, but do not want to limit themselves. Usually these are balanced, calm people. Thanks to their character traits, they can skillfully maneuver between contradictions, remaining true to their principles. Especially in relationships with people, they value reliability. Therefore, in love they demand sincerity, getting irritated by understatement and not forgiving lies.

Because of their ability to prioritize correctly, they are excellent at hard work. Among Americano fans there are many excellent analysts and talented financiers.

Latte and Mocha coffee

These are types of coffee, in the preparation of which, in addition to the coffee beans themselves, sugar, milk and other ingredients are involved: syrups, chocolate, etc.

Characteristic: It is not surprising that the coffee horoscope classifies those who cannot stand monotony in life and are constantly looking for variety as lovers of these drinks. For them, every day is a small holiday that they happily share with others. Being incorrigible optimists, these people always give warmth to those around them; being with them is easy, fun and interesting. Even in difficult circumstances, they will find positive aspects and will definitely support and help. Their love is also full of positive emotions.

We rarely think about how much the things we surround ourselves with tell us about us. Meanwhile, psychologists are confident that the ability to listen to the voice of these speaking objects can teach us to better understand ourselves and the people around us. After all, even a cup of coffee, with which we usually start the day, is a very striking detail by which one can judge the character of a person as a whole. So, what does your favorite coffee say about you?

Espresso, oriental coffee. The preparation method is different, but the result is similar - a small cup of a strong drink that has absorbed the maximum taste and aroma from the coffee bean, a kind of concentrate of vigor and good mood. This drink is preferred by single-minded and purposeful people who know how to get maximum results with a minimum of effort. And although sentimentality is alien to them, lovers of this coffee know how to appreciate genuine feelings. They can sometimes condemn loved ones for minor weaknesses, but at the same time they often perform real heroic deeds in the name of friendship and love. The ability to creatively rethink even the most ordinary everyday things makes them indispensable in creative fields.

Cappuccino. Wonderful coffee with thick milk foam, which the masters masterfully paint with exquisite patterns. It is impossible to prepare this type of coffee at home without a coffee maker with a special attachment, so cappuccino lovers usually go to a coffee shop to get their drink. And this is not surprising, because they need communication as much as coffee. These romantic natures sensitively capture the nuances and undertones of human relationships. They are very gentle and vulnerable, so they themselves treat the people around them very carefully. They know how to be grateful, really appreciate pleasant little things and love comfort. Work that involves active communication is suitable for them - this is a natural element for cappuccino lovers, in which they feel great and are able to achieve great success.

Americano. A large cup of this aromatic, but not too strong drink allows you to enjoy all the benefits of coffee without causing an excessive tonic blow to the body. This option is chosen by people who strive for reasonable compromises, but at the same time do not want to deny themselves pleasure. As a rule, they are distinguished by their balance and calm character, thanks to which they skillfully maneuver between the contradictions of life without betraying their principles. In relationships with people, reliability is especially valued. In love, they require sincerity and attentiveness from their partner, do not tolerate understatement and do not forgive lies. They know how to correctly set priorities and are often distinguished by a penchant for painstaking work; they often make excellent analysts and talented financiers.

Latte and mocha. What these drinks have in common is that they are prepared with the addition of sugar, milk and other ingredients of your choice, in particular various syrups and chocolate. Such scope of variations is adored by those who love variety and do not tolerate monotony. For such people, every day of life is an occasion for a small holiday, which they are happy to share with others. These sunny optimists will always find a reason to rejoice; being around them is warm, easy and interesting. In difficult circumstances, they will definitely lend a friendly shoulder and help you find positive moments, even if it seems that there are no more of them left in life. In love, as in life in general, people are looking for positive emotions, so they can be charmed by frivolous individuals who know how to create the illusion of a holiday at the expense of others. In a psychologically comfortable environment they cope well with any work.