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Exaltation of the Holy Cross. When does the Shift occur? Holiday Shift: traditions and rituals What date is the shift in the year

The Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is a holiday that the Orthodox Church celebrates on September 27.

On this day, believers remember how in 326 the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified was miraculously found in Jerusalem. We will talk about the events, meaning and traditions of the Exaltation of the Cross.

The full name of the holiday is the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. On this day, Orthodox Christians remember two events.

  • As Holy Tradition writes, the Cross was found in 326 in Jerusalem. This happened near Mount Golgotha, where the Savior was crucified.
  • And the second event is the return of the Life-Giving Cross from Persia, where it was in captivity. In the 7th century, it was returned to Jerusalem by the Greek Emperor Heraclius.

Both events were united by the fact that the Cross was erected in front of the people, that is, raised. At the same time, they turned it to all directions of the world in turn, so that people could bow to it and share with each other the joy of finding a shrine.

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is the twelfth holiday. The twelfth holidays are dogmatically closely connected with the events of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and are divided into the Lord's (dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ) and the Theotokos (dedicated to the Mother of God). The Exaltation of the Cross is the Lord's holiday.

Exaltation: traditional dishes

If you are wondering what to cook for the Exaltation, keep in mind that this day is a fast day. Moreover, it was believed that those who did not eat eggs, meat, or milk on this day were forgiven seven sins at once.

Since cabbage harvesting was timed to coincide with this day, it was customary to treat everyone to cabbage dishes in the evening.

Lenten pie with cabbage

  • Yeast dough: 1.2 kg flour,
  • 2 tbsp. warm water,
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (you can use ¾ tbsp.),
  • 30-40 g yeast,
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • For the filling: 1 small head of cabbage,
  • vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook: Dissolve yeast in 0.5 tbsp. warm water and place in a warm place. When the yeast foams, knead the dough from the indicated products, cover with a towel and place in a warm place. Knead twice and form into a pie.

Roll out the dough for the bottom to a thickness of 1 cm, transfer to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, straighten it, and place the filling. Cover the top with a second layer of dough, rolled out thinner - 7-8 mm, prick with a fork. If the filling is juicy, make a hole in the middle of the pie so that it does not burst from the steam during baking.

If desired, you can leave a small piece of dough, roll it out thinly and cut out various decorations with a knife or mold - stripes, leaves, berries, flowers, etc. The surface of the pie is smeared with strong sweet tea using a brush, decorated with prepared figures on top, greased with tea again and baked at 180o C until cooked.

After baking, lightly brush the cake with boiled water, cover with a towel and let it rest. It is very good to put the dough not in water, but in rice water - the dough then turns out especially white.
Chop the cabbage into strips or cut into squares, simmer in a deep frying pan under a lid in vegetable oil, adding a small amount of water, and add salt. When the cabbage becomes soft, open the lid, let the excess moisture evaporate and lightly brown. Fill the pie with cooled cabbage and bake. Shape the cake into a rectangular shape.

Pumpkin pancakes


  • 1 kg peeled pumpkin,
  • 1 cup wheat flour,
  • salt, sugar to taste,
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, add salt and sugar, add flour and mix everything together. Spoon into a heated frying pan and doused with vegetable oil. Fry on both sides. Serve with honey.

Apples stuffed with beets


  • 4 apples,
  • 1 small beet,
  • 1 tablespoon sour juice,
  • 1 apple celery root,
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish,
  • a handful of walnuts, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, dill.

Peel apples from seeds and seed chambers. Grate the beets on a fine grater, cut the celery into finely-fine cubes, sprinkle with sour juice, add chopped nuts, horseradish, season with salt, sugar, vegetable oil, chopped dill. Mix everything. Stuff the apples and bake.

Salad “Pre-simple”

Product composition:

  • 4 boiled potatoes in their jackets,
  • 2 fresh cucumbers,
  • 1 bunch of dill,
  • 1 packet of soy or lean mayonnaise.

Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the cucumber into thin strips, chop the dill and mix all the ingredients together with soy mayonnaise. Place in a salad bowl and serve with Borodino bread.

When is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrated in 2019?

The Russian Orthodox Church remembers the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 27 according to the new style (September 14 according to the old style).

This holiday has one day of pre-celebration and seven days of post-celebration. Forefeast - one or several days before a major holiday, the services of which already include prayers dedicated to the upcoming celebrated event. Accordingly, after-feasts are the same days after the holiday.

The holiday is celebrated on October 4th. The celebration of the holiday is the last day of some important Orthodox holidays, celebrated with a special service, more solemn than on ordinary days of post-feast.

Traditions and customs for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

What can you do

During the Exaltation, it was customary to harvest and prepare cabbage for the winter. Cabbage parties were held with songs, games and gatherings.

Signs for September 27

  • The caftan and fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will approach.
  • Whoever fasts on the Exaltation will have seven sins forgiven.
  • The erection will take off the caftan and put on a fur coat.
  • Exaltation with winters is not a problem, Pokrov-Father will say something (October 14).
  • The rise of autumn moves towards winter.
  • On Exaltation the reptile and the snake do not move, but the grain from the field will move.
  • Think about cabbage on Vozdvizhen’s Day, woman.
  • A good man has a pie with cabbage on Exaltation Day.
  • On Zdvizhenye, the good fellow has cabbage on the porch.
  • It's winter on Vozdvizhenie - no problem for the peasant.

Name day on September 27 is celebrated by: Ivan

The name of the day is Ivan. Characteristics of a person named Vanya
It means “Yahweh (God) had mercy, had mercy.” A man with this name is distinguished by the fact that a variety of qualities coexist in him - strength and weakness, compliance and firmness, kindness and cruelty.

As a rule, those around him think that he is scattered: he has a very wide range of interests, he takes on a lot and, oddly enough, he manages to do a lot, although there are also many failures.

Ivans, born in September, are distinguished by their openness to the world, they are interested in everything that happens - politics, football, new car models, fishing and much more.

These people are very hospitable, they love big companies, love to receive guests and approach this creatively, with imagination, so they have no shortage of friends.

What not to do on Exaltation?

According to popular beliefs, on this day you should not start any serious, responsible business, since they will not receive a successful conclusion. You cannot go into the forest on Exaltation, since bears and snakes were considered especially dangerous on this day.

This is the holiday that all Orthodox Christians celebrate on September 27 - the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, the twelfth eternal holiday, always celebrated on the same day.

When Orthodox Christians go to church in the morning on September 27, the word “exaltation” can be heard in conversations between them. An ignorant person does not understand the meaning of this word. And why does the church honor the erection of something? History of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord has deep roots.

For three whole centuries AD there was severe persecution of the Christian faith and those who followed the teachings of Christ. Whatever they did with them. They crucified them on crosses, sewed them into the skins of various animals, and then set dogs on them. They doused them with liquid resin and lit them so that these living lights illuminated the city gardens. Diocletian left the worst memory of himself, but Emperor Nero was the first to begin persecuting Christians. This home-grown poet ordered Rome to be set on fire, but blamed Christians for it.

Quest for the cross

But one day, during the reign of Constantine, before a big battle, he dreamed of Jesus, who suggested embroidering crosses on flags and going into battle with them. The emperor did not hesitate for long and ordered this to be done. The obviously losing battle was won. Constantine decided to defend Christianity and ordered the construction of God's temples. He decided to find the cross on which Christ died. Mother Elena volunteered to help her son and support him. She went on a mission to Jerusalem and there, under her leadership, the search for this priceless relic began.

Surprisingly, thanks to a Jew who indicated the supposed location of the cross, it was found. To do this, it was necessary to destroy the pagan temple, and in that place to dig a ditch filled with garbage, in which the cross resided. There was not one, but three. To find out the true cross, it was decided to bring a terminally ill woman to each of them. Placing her hand on one of them, the woman completely unexpectedly recovered. The people who came running to the scene of the event asked to at least show the cross. Then Macarius, who held the position of patriarch, raised it (erected it) several times so that the people could see the relic.

When will the Exaltation of the Holy Cross take place in 2019?, and at any other time you can go to the Church of the Resurrection, which is located in Jerusalem and see part of the cross. Elena took the second part to her son. So, in honor of the fact that the cross was found, the church announced the celebration of this event on September 27.

After the all-night service, early in the morning the priest brings out a cross decorated with greenery, which symbolizes the awakening of life, and places it on the lectern. Every layman bows and may kiss the creed. At this time, the singers in the church sing the troparion “Save, O Lord, your people.”

The Slavs celebrated this holiday more as a day of final harvesting from the fields and the beginning of preparation for a joyless long winter.

Celebration traditions

Day of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord in 2019 It may also be interesting because the warm and quiet Indian summer is ending. After the holiday, very soon a slushy autumn will come, and then a cold winter time. And the girls are trying their best to tell fortunes on the day the golden age ends. To do this, from the evening before the Exaltation, a well of matches was built under the bed at the head of the bed. Whoever gets some water from it at night will soon have to wait for matchmakers. It would also be nice to draw crosses on the front door and window frames in chalk on this day. They say they promote peace and understanding in the home.

Signs of the Exaltation

Date of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord 2019- September twenty-seventh and on this day you should not start any new business. They are not destined to be finished. How to make plans, by the way. They won't fall into God's ears. But going to worship is a sacred thing. Yes, and it is desirable to participate in religious processions. And also observing a strict one-day fast will not be difficult at all. True, this does not apply to nursing mothers and elderly laity. And people who are prescribed by doctors to eat small meals and, due to illness, the slightest diet or fasting is contraindicated. The girls wondered from the Exaltation to the Intercession itself, calling their betrothed to them. At get-togethers, you could give your boyfriend an embroidered paired belt. This was a sign for him to send matchmakers.

When is the Day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2019 celebrated in Russia, then we remember all the old traditions in the hope that if the Lord does not help us in our affairs, then nature will definitely try. It will rain when necessary, and warm it with sunshine at the right time.

For Orthodox people, the end of September is the time of the great holiday of the Movement (Exaltation of the Life-Giving, Precious Cross of the Lord). This was installed in memory of the fact that Saint Helena found the very Cross on which Jesus Christ was once crucified.

Holiday Shift. Description and legends

In 326, according to legend, excavations were carried out at the site where Golgotha ​​used to be. It was then that they found the Cave of the Holy Sepulcher, and very close to it there were three crosses. It was possible to determine which cross belonged to Jesus thanks to a sick woman. The unfortunate woman touched one of them, and her illness immediately disappeared. It was a real miracle.

There is another legend that says that a deceased person was carried past the crosses to carry out the burial ceremony, and his hand accidentally touched the cross. As soon as this happened, the deceased came to life, and so they were able to determine which cross belonged to the son of the Lord.

And the search for the Holy Cross was started by the ruler Constantine. Before this, Jesus Christ appeared to him in a dream and said that if he depicted a cross on his flags, then victory would be his. After Constantine won the battle, he vowed that he would spread Christianity throughout the world as much as possible. He sent Elena in search of the place where Golgotha ​​was, and it took her a lot of time to reach her goal. After the cross was found, the ruler ordered the construction of a temple with a piece of this cross. It has survived to this day and is considered one of the greatest shrines of Christianity.


Shift - it is considered the last day of Indian summer. As soon as the peasants finish celebrating, the cold sets in and autumn comes into its own, this is an integral part of nature. In the old days, it was believed that in honor of this holiday it was worth erecting a chapel or church, so Orthodox people often engaged in such constructions on September 27th.

In addition, in ancient times in Rus' roadside crosses were erected on this holiday. This custom is still maintained; it is believed that the cross erected on the Shift shows people’s gratitude to God for protecting them from evil and all misfortunes. In addition, in the future he will protect the village from evil forces and caused troubles.


The movement is a church holiday, and at this time the Orthodox perform crusades, since legend says that such campaigns will help protect the people from misfortunes and troubles throughout the next year. Those believers who had their own fields and plots walked around them, holding icons in their hands, saying prayers for the future harvest, so that it would be good.

They also pray for the health of sick people on this day. It is believed that in honor of the holiday, the Lord will hear them and grant the sick person forgiveness, depriving him of all ailments. This is due to legends and beliefs about the healing power of the resurrection of the Life-Giving Cross. According to popular belief, on this day prayer can even lift you from your deathbed.

The battle of good and evil

Lore also states that during the Shift there is a battle between two forces, good and evil. And when the confrontation only gains momentum, dark forces begin to win. According to legend, the earth begins to shake, and the Holy Cross of the Lord appears from it, and good begins to defeat evil. It is believed that at this time the whole earth is flooded with heavenly light, cleansing it of evil spirits. The rays of light emanating from this cross burn out evil completely, saving the common people from the evil one. And everything that is righteous and pure gains victory. And every year this battle takes place as proof that all good will always defeat the dark forces. Many are interested in what holiday the Shift is celebrated on, in order to know exactly when this eternal struggle takes place.

This point is partially mystified in some villages. So, there is a belief that on this night it is necessary to close basements and cellars. During the battle, the light drives all the evil spirits underground, and when the struggle is still ongoing, the dark forces can take advantage of human buildings and sit out the battle, and then crawl out through them. Until now, in some villages, all places that can hide evil spirits from the bright light of the Cross are closed.

Cabbage plants

Since ancient times, people began to call the holiday of the Movement as cabbage festivals. Almost all statements of that time associated cabbage with the Shift. This vegetable has always been held in high esteem by the common people, as evidenced by many proverbs and sayings of that time. Also called skits were the holidays organized by young people in honor of the Movement. In ancient times in Rus', girls put on their brightest outfits and went to their neighbors, so to speak, to chop cabbage. At the same time, they sang merry songs and had fun, and in the houses where they entered, they were treated to beer, sweet honey and other dishes. In order to recreate old traditions, it is important for many to know which holiday the Shift should be celebrated on.

At the same time, all the young guys looked at the girls and looked for a future bride among them. Towards evening, when the ritual with cabbage was already completed, it all turned into festivities and celebrations. Often after such events, weddings took place, and on Pokrov, in mid-October.

The shift is a holiday (they are still interested in what date it occurs) and is very important. From the end of September until Intercession, cabbage parties were held. It is believed that the Vozdvizhensk skits are a girls' holiday. When the guys came together in the evening to look for brides, among the guests there was always someone who the girl already liked. There is even a special conspiracy that marriageable girls read seven times during the Shift, so that the guy they like will also appreciate the beauty of their chosen one.


Although the Movement is the twelfth holiday, on this day you still need to observe strict fasting. As the old sayings say, no matter what day of the week this festival falls on, there must be fast food all day. According to church regulations, those who do not fast on this day will receive what they deserve - seven sins will be charged to them. The whole point is that people fast in memory of the torment that Christ suffered during the crucifixion.

But all celebrations are dedicated to making people remember the finding of the Cross. Since the Shift (holiday) is still being celebrated, many Orthodox people are interested in what should not be done during this period. During fasting, it is prohibited to eat meat, fish, as well as any dairy products and eggs. Anyone who observes this fast can count on the forgiveness of all

According to the clergy, he called on the Orthodox to bear their Cross with humility. That is, accept all insults for Jesus, while not being surprised by the betrayal of your closest and dearest people, and calmly accepting troubles received from friends. At the same time, it is important to remain humble, not wish them harm in return or death, and sincerely pray. It is necessary that the frankness of prayer be equivalent to how Christ prayed on the cross. That is, the Apostle calls on everyone not to forget that everyone deserves forgiveness, for he does not know what he is doing. This is the whole essence of the described holiday.

What you cannot do on the Movement (holiday) is turn away from traditions; it is very important to find your own cross for each person. After all, taking into account the rhythm of our lives, we all fill up our personal crosses with garbage, and often they lie at the very bottom. We pollute our pure souls with everything that the evil one so mercifully presents to us, and therefore it is important to understand for ourselves what kind of cross we bear. Each of us fulfills our own special mission on earth, and we should not forget what it is. We need to open our souls to the world and do everything to fulfill our destiny. We must remember that the Lord helps us carry our cross, and if we do his will, he always makes the obstacles in our path easier.


The churches have preserved an ancient tradition on the day of the Exaltation, which is called vigil and Liturgy. The difference from other celebrations is that you need to serve all night. The culmination of this event is considered to be the moment when the clergyman, dressed in a purple robe, carries out the Cross. Everyone who prays in the temple must kiss the holy object and then receive anointing with holy oil. After which the Cross is placed on the lectern, where it remains until the day of the Shift - October 4.


According to popular beliefs, you cannot go into the forest on this day, since it is during the Shift that snakes and other forest inhabitants prepare for winter. It is believed that the Shift is a holiday on the night of which Leshiy counts all the inhabitants of the thicket, and it is better for an ordinary person not to see this. Thus, it turns out that night walks can be extremely dangerous. It is also not recommended for righteous believers to begin significant undertakings, since all of them will not be completed and will go to waste. As you can see, the Shift (holiday) is of considerable importance. Is it possible to work on this day? The answer is yes, because harvesting cabbage is also work.

To protect against evil forces, in the old days a cross was painted on every door in the house. In addition, to protect livestock from harm, wooden crosses were placed in the manger. Those who did not prepare a special cross placed two branches of rowan, crossed and fastened together.

Cleaning the house of negativity

In addition to celebration and fasting, a very important point during the Shift (a holiday that everyone used to celebrate) is cleansing the house of negativity and dark forces. To do this, since ancient times, three candles have been bought in the church and placed together, setting them on fire. After which they take holy water and sprinkle all the corners of the house in a cross-shaped motion. At this moment, you need to read the “Our Father” three times from a pure heart, hoping that the Lord will help cleanse the house of misfortunes and evil.


There are a huge number of signs regarding this holiday. Basically they are connected with the urgent affairs of the people. There are signs related to preparing cabbage for winter, indicating that a good owner will definitely have a cabbage pie on this day. The thing is that in the old days, everyone really prepared this vegetable for the winter precisely for the Shift, which is why there are so many traditions for this holiday.

There are also signs that relate to trips to the forest and snakes. They are mainly intended to warn people against rash decisions. The shift is a holiday containing many warnings. After all, snakes that are looking for a place to sleep are quite aggressive, they can harm a random traveler.

Signs also call for closing all doors in houses so that snakes and other insects do not enter your home for the winter.

And the last part of the signs refers to the approaching cold weather. The rise directly refers to the end of Indian summer, and after it frosts begin at night. Therefore, signs warn people that they should dress warmer in the mornings and evenings so as not to catch a cold.

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross is an Orthodox holiday celebrated on September 27, 2018. On this day, believers remember how in 326 they found the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. We talk about the history and traditions of the holiday, whether there is fasting on this day and what not to do for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2018.

What is the meaning of the holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross?

The Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord: this is the full name of the holiday of September 27th. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers two events at once, reports the magazine “Thomas”.

According to the Holy Scriptures, in 326, Emperor Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena, went on a campaign to the Holy Land to find a shrine. Not far from Golgotha ​​they found three crosses. According to legend, a sick man touched one of the crosses and recovered. This is how they found the same Cross on which Christ was crucified.

The holiday is called Exaltation because the Cross was raised and shown to people from an elevated place so that everyone could see it and pray.

In the 7th century, the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross was combined with the memory of another event: in 628, the Cross of the Lord was returned to Jerusalem from Persia.

Now part of the Cross is kept in the altar of the Greek Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. It is not known exactly how the fate of the Christian shrine unfolded.

Exaltation of the Cross 2018: church and folk traditions

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, believers go to a festive service in the temple, try to confess and receive communion.

Church and folk traditions of the holiday of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Rus' mixed.

  • On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, peasants painted crosses on the doors of their houses.
  • Wooden crosses were placed in the feeders of cows and horses.
  • It was believed that September 27 was the last day of Indian summer;
  • The young people organized “Kapustin evenings”, and they lasted two weeks;
  • The need to observe fasting is reflected in proverbs and sayings: “Even if the Exaltation comes on Sunday, everything on it is Friday-Wednesday, Lenten food!” or “Whoever fasts on the Exaltation will have seven sins forgiven.”

Is there fasting on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross?

Yes, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, a strict fast is established in the Orthodox Church.

What can you eat on September 27, 2018?

On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, fasting people should not eat meat and dairy products, fish and eggs. Food can be seasoned with vegetable oil.

Mikhail Vinokurtsev.

What should you not do on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross 2018?

  • You can’t get carried away by all sorts of superstitions. The church considers all signs that are associated with the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross to be superstitions. They have nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.
  • You should not think that on Orthodox holidays it is forbidden to work in the garden, sew or clean. This is wrong. It is recommended to devote the holiday to God and communication with loved ones. But if a person needs to work, this is not a sin.
  • On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, you cannot use foul language or swear with others.
  • The church advises on the Exaltation of the Cross 2018 (as well as on other days) to refrain from conspiracies, occult and magical rituals.
  • September 27, 2018 You should not abuse alcohol. On an Orthodox holiday, you need to go to church, pray, take part in church rituals, and not have a riotous holiday.

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Best wishes from Home, Dear Ones. I am the Guardian of Time.

I came to you today and crossed your timeline just for a moment to touch your hearts and help you remember who you are and where you come from. You are long-distance travelers who have visited many places. However, now you are here on Earth, and you are rapidly changing everything around you. So many incredible changes have already been made by people that sometimes we simply cannot keep up with you. Today we will share with you what awaits us in the coming new year 2017, it is quite interesting to watch what is happening. Around the end of February 2017, you will feel a calmness that has not been here for quite some time. In a sense, this is the calm before the storm. Our dears, remember that most changes cannot happen smoothly and calmly. By definition, change often entails an awakening of vibrations. Don't be afraid of this, these are the changes you are part of.

We are with you

Many of you came to Earth trying to imagine where you would go, what it would all look like and what it would all mean to you. And here you are, right in the thick of things. Naturally, the biggest fear is failure. Such a frightening word is defeat. What will happen is you will not be able to complete everything, what will happen if this process harms you in some way? Well, this is an important point, we will support and insure you. We look over your shoulder and try to guide you from time to time, each of you. And it doesn’t matter at all where exactly you are, what your history is and what level you think you are at. The truth is that we are with you. It's almost the same as letting your kids out to play, but there are some places you don't want to go and some things you don't want them to do. Some of their research may create problems and troubles, but if this happens, they will learn important lessons from it, and this will also be part of the game. We assure you, dear ones, that you are in a safe zone. Especially over the next two years, when the main changes will be made. Keep in mind, dear ones, that every three to four years there are global energetic changes that elevate you very quickly, even too quickly. After this, you will have to do everything possible to ground yourself, accept this light energy, make it part of your life and anchor it. This is the hardest part.

In the past, there was a big leap, accompanied by a powerful energy wave. Before this, you could also observe many important events. In fact, you could observe a gravitational wave covering the planet, which Einstein warned about. Every three to four years such important events occur - global ones, raising the vibrational level of the planet. There will be four more such events next year.

Four Waves of Vibrational Changes

Do you foresee changes coming? All this happens not only because of nearby planets, but as a consequence of your actions, dear ones. All of humanity is reaching levels that were previously unattainable. Each of you has the potential for spiritual awareness that will allow you to touch God. The time will come and you will understand this.

Deep within many of you there are seeds of fear sown. Some of them came with you from past lives, but with others, you are ready to face them, overcoming resistance, to defeat them through your own experience, even at the cost of your life. We understand how difficult this is for you to understand and that is why we are here to help you Remember: We have your back, as you say on Earth. We are watching everything you do, because at this time, dear ones, there is chaos arising from your hidden fears. The high level of technological development on Earth at present will help you put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

All fears always seem much larger than they actually are, this always happens on the dark side, “fear has big eyes.” Therefore, we ask you to look at them through your inner self. What can you change in your belief system, what do you believe? What changes do you need to make to ground yourself and build confidence in your light energy? We ask you to do this and step into this energy and find it. Many of you are teachers and healers on your path, and are already doing a pretty good job of bringing light energy to the Earth. Continue to do this and help those who have just begun to awaken and gain faith. They need to step aside and start creating their own reality, instead of the default one that most people have nowadays.

New opportunities

We tell you that this was all planned. Some plan their lives, affairs, and where they will be in 5 or 10 years. And only a few plan their personal, spiritual development; now you have such an opportunity, the opportunity to choose who you will be over the next few years. Now you are choosing the best position in light of opportunities that you simply did not see before. Yes dear ones, there will be chaos and you will be in the very center, everything will happen at an accelerated pace and usually people do not handle change very well. Perhaps something similar has already happened in the past, but now you will do it in a completely different way. Very soon there will be another vibrational increase and the first wave will cover the Earth between March 4 – 17, 2017. They all appear in the form of waves and there are so many of them that to some extent they interact with each other. All this leads to small time shifts, which makes it difficult to predict the dates of the remaining streams, however, it is safe to say that this year you will experience four large energy cycles.

Help each other

The event that marked the beginning of all these changes occurred a couple of years ago, and entailed the intersection of time lines. This was a fairly large event that followed the shift on 12/21/2012. Four upcoming cycles of 2017 These are opportunities to repeat leaps of similar strength.

What happens to those who cannot change? This is the reason that there are so many lightworkers on the planet at the same time, just to help everyone who is at other vibrational levels. Please do not judge or divide everything into right and wrong, because in this way you negatively affect your own energy. Just watch and understand that humanity has a carrying capacity. Although there are high and low vibration levels, people can move as fast as the slowest person can go. Moreover, these four global shifts will occur for special reasons, let us explain.

Because human carrying capacity has increased so much, humanity has never experienced anything like the present events. In another situation, you would have already left the planet, perhaps in order to colonize a new one. We don't mean on interplanetary spaceships, but as a spiritual being, that is, as you have done many times before. There was a time when, and now, you live on its neighbor, Earth. If you find this interesting, wait until you hear the other part of the story. You will soon learn a lot about Mars, because now you have a strong interest in it. After all, this is your next-door neighbor. And yes, you will learn a lot about your own history, despite the fact that not everything can be understood from the point of view of physical reality. Remember, dear ones, first of all you are a person, and only then a person. Harmony between these two facets is an opportunity to change everything, but let's get back to throughput.

The reverse course of the wave will come to an end

Against the backdrop of all these amazing changes, the consciousness of humanity has shifted in a positive direction. However, while you are experiencing a recession, the wave of change is reversed. This decline is creating a division effect in everything, in every aspect of humanity, which is why division is being reborn on the planet. Also, under the influence of this wave, the division between the high and low vibrations of humanity becomes even greater. And again, instead of reuniting, humanity is divided. But, with the help of the coming global shifts of 2017, you can begin to reconnect and change the waves. This is what is currently happening. If everything goes according to plan, then, within two to three years, the decline of the wave will end, and it will go in the completely opposite direction.

Enjoy the journey dear ones and you will be able to see how deeply you understand your power of creation.

The Beginning of Creation

You are creators, but does this mean that you create new laws for everything? No, because you create only for yourself. Start realizing your wildest dreams, no matter the cost, it will bring new energies into your existence. Many people close their hearts to the anger and doom they feel around them. We challenge you to take this opportunity to move in the opposite direction and empower yourself, finding light in a time of darkness. Don't be afraid to play, expand and improve yourself. If you allow fear to control you, the downward tide will not end as quickly. Whenever possible, fill yourself with light from Home. Hidden within your body are photons that are charged with this light. We will tell you more about this soon, mainly about mastering the movement of energy so that you can consciously fill yourself with light. Over the previous seven years above, the body slowly adapted to accept and retain more light energy. This light changes the world around you in amazing ways. There are four very important steps ahead of you in the next year, and we can't wait to see how you handle them. These steps will lead you to a full understanding of multidimensionality as well as a full understanding of your spirituality. Remember who you really are, hidden under the chaos that is happening in your world at the present time.

Accept these words, dear ones. Make them your own, everyone receives a message a little different from the other, this is how it should be, even if we use words to reach you, remember that we speak to each heart individually. You know who you are, and we honor you for your work more than you can imagine. Embrace the coming four shifts - these are unprecedented opportunities, and know that this is why you came to Earth in the first place.

Continue your work.

It is with great respect and respect that we welcome you on this journey. Respect each other whenever possible. Nurture each other whenever possible and play well together on the new planet Earth.

I am the Guardian of Time and I am sending you love.


Russian translation: Ekaterina Dobrovolskaya, Alexey Pravdin

Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting: “Thank you for finding your strength.”

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