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“We survived everything with God’s help. “We survived everything with God’s help. What does it mean with God’s help?

“We survived everything with God’s help”

Vera Zaitseva, a participant in our competition “Holy People and Places of the Land of Saratov”, met with an old resident of the village of Aleksandrov Gai, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Raisa Grigorievna Ignatieva. Raisa Grigorieva is a friendly, active woman with an excellent memory, despite her 94 years. She lived a wonderful life, raised children, and now has grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Fate was not always favorable to this woman - she was not spared the loss of relatives and friends, difficulties and hardships, but, as she herself says, “she survived everything with God’s help.” Raisa Grigorievna told how the destinies of the village churches and human destinies merged.

I grew up in a large family, where there were 6 of us children - two sons and four daughters. We lived on the Bai-Guzha farm, we lived poorly, we were hired to work “for grub” by those who lived richer. Then the family moved to Algai. The only joy for us children was the visit of our Aunt Varvara, my mother’s sister. She was betrothed to a wealthy merchant Gavrila Andreevich in the Fakeev farmstead or, as it was also called, Mashtaksai (this is in Kazakhstan, more than 200 kilometers from Algai). Aunt Varvara was a beautiful woman, her husband loved her, they had a nice big house and a big store, but there was one problem: there were no children. They suffered greatly, and Aunt Varya came to Algai to church to beg for a child for herself. Many people used to do this, and children were born strong and healthy. Prayer worked such a miracle!

Aunt Varya’s husband came to the Algai station to negotiate about goods in a very beautiful buggy drawn by two white horses with combed manes. And of course there are bells in the arcs. Kind, affectionate, caring and attentive - he loved his Varvarushka and us children very much. Since we lived on the edge of Algai, the ringing of the bells of his stroller could be heard from afar. It used to be that neighboring children would come running to us and shout: “Your uncle is coming to you on bells!” We jump up and race into the yard to meet him. Uncle will drive into the yard, easily jump off the tarantass, say hello and say: “Dushanyushka (our mother’s name was Dunya), where are your helpers, let’s go to the kitchen, I’ll give them gifts.”

How happy we were in those distant years of the 20th century! He gave us balloons that, if you let the air out of them, sang “ooty-ooty,” and, of course, thin candies with terry patterns on the candy wrappers. Everyone received 1 piece of candy, and we thanked God for such gifts.

Uncle Gavril and Aunt Varvara began to ask my mother to give me to them to raise. But the parents did not give consent to this.

In 1928, Gavrila Andreevich was dispossessed. Aunt Varya, while everyone was being taken from the barns and store, prayed and asked God to help. Gavrila Andreevich was sent to prison for 8 years. Aunt Varvara left for Algai on horseback, having managed to pick up a chest with her gold jewelry, dishes, good clothes and light things. They had a clerk, his name was Shayap-aka. He was also convicted with confiscation of property and received 6 years in prison.

My parents sheltered Aunt Varya. She loved me very much and constantly took me to the temple of God to pray. The temple was located in the center of Aleksandrov Gai, approximately where the central boiler house now stands. The entrance was on the west side. If you look now, the entrance was from the Children's Art School. There was a small chapel nearby.

Aunt Varya taught me all the main prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary”, “Alive in Help” and others, she taught me to observe fast days.

It used to be that my aunt would wake me up early in the morning, when everyone in the house was still sleeping, wash me, dress me warmly, and we would go with her to the temple to pray. And the bells are ringing!!! They encourage you to pray for your sins, to ask God for health and forgiveness.

We’ll come to the prayer service, but the people won’t be able to get through. But the local priest especially respected Aunt Varya, he saw us with her and accompanied us to the choir. There we stopped to pray. The morning prayer lasted 2 hours and it was called “matins.” I remember how the prayer would end, the priest would come up to my aunt, baptize her with his cross, and then pat me on the head and thank me. And I’m so happy and content that I go to church. I remember that many parents brought their children to church. Aunt Varya baptized me in the church and put a cross on me.

In 1931, Uncle Gavril suddenly returned from prison, all sick, having caught a cold from hard prison work. He served only 3 years and became mortally ill from the exhausting work. He was sent home to die, which soon happened.

Aunt Varvara remained a widow. She began to live next door to my parents’ house, and I was constantly with her. She kept a milk cow, mowed the hay herself, and managed the farm. And she did everything with prayer. We kids tried to help her in everything.

But quite unexpectedly, at the beginning of March 1932, their clerk Shayap-aka returned from prison. Since there was a muddy road and the road to Kazakhstan was washed out, he asked to stay with Aunt Varya for a while until the steppe dried up and carts with cargo went to Kazakhstan, so that he could go with them to Mashtaksai.

Over the years in prison, Shayap-aka became gloomy and gloomy. He slept on a large chest, helped manage the cow, but was silent all the time. Auntie told my dad that Shayap-aka was probably up to something evil. She prayed that nothing would happen, that God would have mercy and avert the misfortune.

Time passed, spring was in full swing, the snow had already melted from the fields, the roads were drying up, and Aunt Varya asked Shayap-aka: “Why aren’t you going to go home? Small carts have already gone to Kazakhstan - leave.” He replied that he would leave in two days.

In the evening, my aunt prayed; nothing foreshadowed trouble. At night she suddenly wakes me up and quickly dresses me. He whispers: “Shayap-aka went into the yard, and he’s been gone for a long time, maybe he’s up to something bad...” She grabbed me in her arms and ran to my parents. We didn’t sleep the rest of the night, aunt and mom prayed. When dawn broke, the adults discovered that Shayap-aka had harnessed a cow to the cart, broke open the chest, taking everything valuable from there, took a feather bed and pillows so as not to freeze in the steppe, and managed to escape. And on the bed where we slept there was an ax. He wanted to kill my aunt and me, but we escaped in time. This is how prayer saved us.

In 1932 I went to 1st grade. The school was next to the temple. I always looked at the domes with joy, but also with timidity. I remember well how young girls in red scarves walked around the courtyards to campaign for people to join the Octobrists and forget their faith in God. The girls explained that religion intoxicates people, that it benefits the rich, so many began to join the Octobrists, and then the Pioneers, taking off their cross. People also joined collective farms, their workdays were counted, and at the end of the year they were supplied with food - grain, vegetables, hay.

The church began to empty, and in the fall of 1935 it was closed. A club was organized in the temple. Aunt Varya went to live in Uralsk and was still sad that the Algai church was closed, because this place was holy and prayed for.

Some village residents removed icons from the red corners of their houses and hung a portrait of Lenin. But my mother left every single icon, she didn’t take it down. Residents of the village prayed in their homes, and the prayer house was on Krasnopartizanskaya Street, opposite what is now Gorgaz. A low adobe house, lamps were always burning there, silence, order, cleanliness. Many Algai people did not stop praying; they prayed for health, so that there would be no war. We also went there, knelt on the clay floor and prayed in front of the images. The house of worship was there until about the end of the 60s.

But let's go back to 1935. I remember this incident: the lesson had just ended, and at recess we saw that our drawing teacher Nikolai Alekseevich Timonin was walking towards the church, and over his shoulder, across his entire chest, was a red canvas with the inscription “Down with God!” Nearby is Komsomol member Tonya Filimonova. We had a corner class, and after recess we all, together with teacher Valentina Ivanovna Kalatina, crowded at the windows that overlooked the church. Nikolai Alekseevich was tied with a rope, and in this red bandage he began to climb to the domes of the temple. Then Valentina Ivanovna and I went out into the street and, surrounding our teacher, watched in fear what would happen...

Our art teacher was climbing very hard; he still couldn’t throw a loop of ropes that were tied to two tractors below on the church domes with crosses. Then he finally succeeded. The command to pull came, the tractors hummed, the ropes tightened, and something cracked terribly.

And we were so scared, everyone surrounded their teacher and could hardly hold back their tears. I silently read a prayer that my aunt taught me. Both domes crashed to the ground. From their fall, even the earth began to tremble under our feet, and we, crying, pressed ourselves tightly against one another and to Valentina Ivanovna. She said: “You see, guys, what the atheists are doing, even the ground under our feet began to tremble.”

Then we returned to class, but suddenly our teacher was called somewhere from class. The next day we learned that she was taken to the police station and put in prison. Apparently, someone heard her words about atheists. The school was located 3 houses away from the police, and since we felt very sorry for the teacher, we decided to run to her on dates when she was taken out for a walk. We missed her very much, we looked through the crack in the fence. And she was still in a brown sweater and a black skirt, walking with her arms behind her. We whispered to her: we love you, we miss you, come out quickly, we are waiting for you, but she just nodded her head and - not a word. Then they found out about our dates, and the policeman threatened us that he would also put us all in prison. We stopped running. We soon learned that she was transported to Saratov and there she was convicted of treason. I heard that she was shot.

The church was empty for a long time, and then they turned it into a House of Culture. And those people who removed the domes from the church suffered in their lives. Tonya Filimonova got married and gave birth to a disabled son. This boy was born with a big head, could not speak, and only whistled all day long. Nikolai Alekseevich Timonin was accused of theft, he was convicted, then returned to Algai and worked as a teacher. Children loved him, he drew talentedly, made sculptures, and adults called him a wretched man and said that God was punishing him.

In 1942, I went to the front as a volunteer and was at the front until 1945. Our family was deeply religious, especially our parents. At home they kept all fasts and celebrated all religious holidays. Even though we children were Komsomol members, we all wore crosses that our mother gave us. When I left for the war, my mother attached a cross to my underwear. Many girls at the front wore crosses constantly pinned to their shoulder straps so that the commanders would not see.

We, the VNOS fighters, had to endure so many difficulties during the war. We lived in groups of 6 people in damp dugouts and always prayed to God and asked that the arriving Henkel or Junkers would not harm our positions. And how we jumped with happiness that our fighters shot them down. Faith saved us.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Kachin flight school was transferred to Algai; many evacuees were Ukrainians, Poles, Latvians. They demanded cinema, various productions, and local youth needed to develop culturally. Therefore, the club, located in a former church, was in great demand. Having already returned from the front, I also began to go to the club-church, but I was always taken aback, I remembered how there was a service here and the church choir sang once. I couldn’t let go of the thought that this was God’s temple, but life is life...

The club operated in the church until 1951. And then there was a fire. People put out the flames, but the wooden temple burned like a candle. They pour water from a hose, but the flame does not go out, as if they were pouring kerosene on it. In just three hours the entire building burned down. The costumes of the drama club, the brass band and all the club equipment were burned. This was God’s punishment for all of us, Algai villagers.

But a church finally appeared in the village: since the late 80s, it was built in an old brick building. Now there is a Sunday school here.

And, of course, I was very happy when the idea to build a new church in our area appeared in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. What a good project was chosen, and the location is good. It took the whole world 9 years to build, and in 2016 the Great Consecration took place. My soul rejoiced when the bells rang. I remembered my whole life, my pilgrim Aunt Varvara and everything that is connected with the church in my life. I am increasingly coming to the conviction that “Without God there is no way.” I believe that only the Lord God saves us, protects us, and keeps us from harm. You just need to live, keeping the Lord’s commandments - live in peace, love, kindness.

The material - a participant in the competition "Holy People and Places of the Saratov Land" - was prepared as part of the project "Spiritual Bonds of the Fatherland - History and Modernity." When implementing the project, state support funds are used, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2016 No. 68-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the Perspective Foundation for the Support of Civic Activity in Small Towns and Rural Areas.

Photo from open Internet sources and provided by the author

Attaching the word “Holy” to the main traditional names of monasteries and churches through a hyphen is not recommended.

Currently, the most stable and commonly used phrase of this kind is the name – Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius (along with the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius). Although this name came into use only in the 20th century, in this case it is justified, since it comes from the stable term The Holy Trinity.

The word “Holy” in the name of a temple or monastery is also justified when they are consecrated in honor of the Holy Spirit.

In all other cases, adding the word “Holy” to the name of a monastery or temple is unnecessary (see for more details: Mark, Bishop of Yegoryevsk. Church protocol. M., 2007. pp. 99–100).

HalleluYah or HalleluYah?

Divinely inspired or divinely inspired

Both options are correct (for example, the Divinely Inspired Book (Bible)), but the Divinely Inspired (Book) option, according to specialists from the Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, is preferable.

God's or God's?

From the point of view of the Russian language, both ways are correct. The difference between the adjectives “god’s” and “god’s” is only in stylistic affiliation and scope of use.

The word “God’s” refers to the high book style and is used mainly in church texts and phrases:

Mother of God

God's grace

God's help to believers

The word “god’s” refers to general literary vocabulary, characterizes objects and phenomena that are more mundane, and is more often found in stable combinations:

God's creature


bird of god

The same distinction holds for some other forms of the adjective God's:

husband. b., b. P.: God his and God and I,

husband. r., dat. P.: God I'm talking to him and God Iyu,

Wed R.: God ye and God Yep,

pl. h. God yi and God II

Deacon or deacon?

Both options are correct. Church texts traditionally use the older spelling: deacon, hierodeacon, protodeacon, in secular - writing through "b".

Deacon is the lowest clergy, an assistant to the priest during church services.

Abbess or Abbess?

There is a tradition of writing one of the names of the Mother of God - Heavenly Abbess - with both words in capitals, while in the word Abbess save ending -and I.

When this word is used in relation to the abbess of the monastery, the word is written with a lowercase letter ending in -ya: abbess.

Source: Editorial and publishing design of church printed publications: a directory of the author and publisher. M: Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, 2015.

The book of the prophet Isaiah or the book of the prophet Isaiah?

Pectoral or pectoral cross?

Right confidant, from the Church Slavonic word percy– chest, i.e. pectoral cross.

Basic principles of church spelling

The writing of lowercase and uppercase letters in publications on church topics in Russian, as well as in Church Slavonic liturgical texts published in Russian transliteration, is not a new problem. Until recently, almost every Orthodox publishing house had dictionaries for internal use, however, as you might guess, different dictionaries implemented different principles for solving this problem.

Each publisher approached this issue, at best, relying on the spelling and syntactic rules of the Russian language, using manuals for proofreaders and editors. But, taking into account the specifics of the published texts, literary workers made amendments and additions, which sometimes did not correspond to generally accepted norms of the Russian language. During the Soviet period, church vocabulary, as a rule, almost never found its way into dictionaries, much less was mentioned in editing and stylistics manuals. Therefore, editors, at their own peril and risk, turned for samples to publications published before the revolution in Russia or abroad in the 20th century. But in all these books there were also no uniform rules for publishing such texts.

An important step in this direction is these rules. The basic principles according to which “church orthography” was developed boil down to the following:

– Spelling in texts on church topics, in general, should not contradict the currently generally accepted spelling norms of the Russian literary language.

– Deviations in texts on church topics from generally accepted norms should be few, clearly motivated and, if possible, systematic - in order to avoid the erosion of time-tested rules. In addition, it should be taken into account that these rules will be applied not only in publishing practice, but also in the process of training in secondary and higher church educational institutions - and this training, of course, should not involve memorizing dozens of illogically formulated rules and hundreds of exceptions .

– In Russian, all words found in the middle or at the end of a sentence (with the exception of proper names) are written by default with a lowercase letter. Writing a capital letter is a special case that always requires a special description and strong justification.

The text should not be overloaded with capital letters, otherwise problems arise with its visual perception, and the capital letters themselves are rapidly devalued in the reader’s mind. The above applies to both secular and ecclesiastical texts.

– Realizing that no guides and reference books can accommodate all the variety of real cases of word usage, it should be recognized as acceptable and normal that there are variations in the spelling of various words, phrases and terms depending on the genre of the text, the intended audience, and individual author preferences. At the same time, it is necessary to refrain from any strict regulation of the writing of lowercase and capital letters in literary texts: in works of this kind, language is not only a means, but also a goal. The freedom of the author's ideas should not be limited.

Source: Editorial and publishing design of church printed publications: a directory of the author and publisher. M: Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate, 2015.

Patriarchal or patriarchal?

True without the soft sign: patriarchal, patriarchal. And: Patriarch's (Patriarch's Ponds).

Adjective patriarchal in initial form looks like a possessive adjective answering the question “whose?” and ending in -й (-jeго), cf.: fox - fox, shepherd - shepherd, turtle - turtle, bird - bird, human - human, monk - monk, landowner - landowner, buffoon - buffoon etc. Such words are declined according to a special (pronominal) declension, and a soft dividing sign is written in them.

However, the words royal And patriarchal are declined not according to pronominal, but according to adjectival declension, that is, like adjectives good (good), most holy (holiest), deceased (deceased), greater (greater), august (most august) etc. In such words the separating soft sign is not written.

For this reason it is correct: patriarchal(Not patriarchal) blessing, patriarchal(Not patriarchal) sacristy,Patriarchal(Not Patriarchal) ponds. And correspondingly: royal, royal, royal.

“Russian Grammar” (edited by N. Yu. Shvedova, M., 1980) indicates: “Possessive adjectives orly(obsolete), father's, royal And patriarchal, the stem of which ends in a group of consonants (- th- inflection im. p.un. h. husband p.), vary according to the soft variety of adjectival declension. Education from the possessive. adj. royal, patriarchal case forms according to the type of possessive. adj. sable, shepherd, wolfish not normative for modern language.” At the same time, “the writers of the 19th century. formation of indirect case forms of feminine possessive adjectives with a hissing consonant before j ( Cossack, robber) following the pattern of changing pronouns. adj. our, your(see below) without the j at the end of the stem: You will not die from the blow of a Cossack saber(Fluff.); Not for the amusement of robbers So early the Adekhi gathered in the courtyard of old man Gasub(Fluff.); The guy was Vanyukha red, Tall man, – Don't give in to the power of your enemies, I would live a long time(Necr.) (for modern language the normative forms Cossack, bandit, enemy)».

So, the spelling of words differs: monastic - patriarchal; monastic - patriarchal; nun - patriarchal; monks - patriarchal .

Imagine that you are the chief physician of a Russian state hospital. Now this automatically means that your facility is short of drugs, beds, equipment, supplies, transportation, staff, and subsidies. What will you do to keep the hospital afloat? Will you build effective management? Will you push for subsidies with all your might?

No! First of all, you need to sign a cooperation agreement with the Russian Orthodox Church. This is exactly what the head physician of the Kamchatka Regional Hospital did. Lukashevsky Olga Aleksandrovna Zubkova. The State Budgetary Healthcare Institution signed an agreement with the Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka diocese.

These are the words of the chief physician:

“We are glad that you are helping us; of course, the body and soul are inseparable. Therefore, when we heal the body, we must also heal the soul.”

Archbishop of Peter and Paul and Kamchatka Artemy made the first contribution to the healing of the sick by presenting Zubkova with an icon of St. Panteleimon.

Photo: Orthodox Kamchatka

But that is not all.

It turns out that four days earlier an agreement with the diocese was signed by the government of the Kamchatka Territory. “The document deals primarily with cooperation between the parties in promoting sobriety, preventing drunkenness and alcoholism, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle.”, – reports the information department of the diocese.

Photo: Orthodox Kamchatka

Present from the Kamchatka Territory government were:

Untilova Irina Leonidovna, first vice-governor of the Kamchatka Territory;
Prigornev Vladimir Borisovich, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory;
Koirovich Inessa Erikovna, Minister of Social Development and Labor of the Kamchatka Territory;
Lemeshko Tatyana Vladimirovna, Minister of Health of the Kamchatka Territory;
Lebedev Sergey Vladimirovich, Minister of Territorial Development of the Kamchatka Territory;
Sivak Victoria Ivanovna, Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Kamchatka Territory;
Korostelev Dmitry Anatolyevich, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Kamchatka Territory;
Gulyaev Igor Viktorovich, head of the agency for internal policy of the Kamchatka Territory.

There was also the chief doctor of the Kamchatka Regional Narcological Dispensary, Dmitry Ivanovich Kurgak.

This whole cheerful team decided to shift responsibility for the social situation in the region onto the Russian Orthodox Church. Meanwhile, the diocese is simply fulfilling its tasks of mass construction of churches:

“One of the long-term projects – “Program 20” – involves the construction of churches in regional centers, so that churches are within walking distance. After all, the spiritual component should play a major role in a person’s life.”

I was in it... And you know what? Here I completely agree with the Russian Orthodox Church and the regional government. In such a situation, only prayer and fasting can save the population from alcoholism.

But such wild things happen, of course, not only in Kamchatka. For example, in the Belgorod region there is a “law on spiritual security”, adopted thanks to Governor Savchenko. Every hospital in the region has a church or chapel, and priests attend school proms.

And in the city of Stary Oskol, since 2012, a woman cannot simply have an abortion. First, she must talk to the priest and psychologist, and then bring their signatures on the bypass sheet to the antenatal clinic.

Already now, a priest in Russia is perceived not only as a moral guide, but also as an expert in matters to which he has nothing to do. Apparently, the time is not far off when the clergy will once again become the most educated Russian class, as in the 13th–17th centuries, and the country, together with the president, will be ruled by the “great sovereign patriarch,” as was the case under Filaret or Nikon.

There was an evening service in the church in the Voronezh village of Uryv. The rector of the church, Father Sergius, again saw in the front rows of parishioners a fervently praying woman with a little boy in her arms.

I guessed that this was a mother and son and the child had serious health problems; many in need remember the Lord,” says the priest. - That same day they told me that the baby had a brain tumor, the doctors did not undertake to operate on him and directly told the mother: “Except for God, no one will help the boy...”

Evgenia THOMSON,

Vladimir LAVROV (photo) Sasha was not a wanted child. The mother, milkmaid Valentina Rusikova, decided to give birth out of spite to her mother, who constantly repeated: “You and your husband will not be able to bear two children!”

My son was born a week prematurely: I kicked the cow in my heart, and for this she pressed me with my stomach to the wall,” recalls Valentina. - The family came up with a name for their son like this: they threw them in a pile of pieces of paper and passed them around. The notes were meant as a joke: no one cared what the child was called. The 7-year-old sister took care of the baby; the mother had no time - she took care of the cattle and the garden. - My daughter once told me: “Mom, Sashka’s eyes are crossed...” And I told her: “Leave me alone!” It’s time to sleep!” Valentina sighs. - She told me: “He doesn’t want to eat, he drinks poorly,” and I: “It’s less trouble for you!” The baby was taken to the hospital only when his head became monstrously enlarged. Having examined Sasha, the doctors rendered a verdict that was more like a sentence: an advanced brain tumor, atrophy of the optic nerve and, as a result, blindness in one eye.

Gift from heaven

They explained to Valentina that no one would undertake to operate on the boy: it was impossible to cut out a tumor located directly on the optic nerves. The only way to help is to irradiate the tumor so that it does not grow. Leaving the office, the mother heard the doctor sigh heavily and say to his colleague: “Give up, it won’t work!..” - and she burst into tears. A doctor passing by asked what happened and quietly said: “Go to church, at least your soul will feel better...” This was the last chance, but a drowning man clings even to a straw. Valentina became a permanent parishioner of the village church, traveled with Sasha to holy places for a whole year and prayed earnestly every day. A miracle happened on Easter.

“I knew that the Holy Fire would be brought from Jerusalem and a piece of it would be distributed to all the churches. She carried the burning candle home as if it were her most precious possession, and lit a lamp in the room,” the woman says. - Sanechka was sleeping. She woke him up, brought the light to his blind eye - the son didn’t even shrink back. I held a lamp and asked: “Look, my good one!” - cried and prayed. On Great Sunday of Christ the blind eye began to see! And when Valentina and Sasha arrived for the next medical examination, the doctors reported another amazing news - the terrible tumor had shrunk by several centimeters! “Having learned about this, my husband even began to drink less often, and then stopped altogether - he’s afraid of angering God,” Valentina smiles. - Sanechka is now four years old, the tumor continues to shrink and I believe that the Lord will not abandon us - and my son will finally recover!

With God's help Ustar. With hope for good luck, for a happy occasion. Other generals thought only about how to restrain the “adversary” or “with God’s help” leave him without shame(V. Rakov. Wings over the sea).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

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