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Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees. Sberbank’s salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees: what’s the catch? Do you need a salary project for individual entrepreneurs?

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In the modern world, cash is being replaced by plastic cards. Using plastic in many situations is much more convenient, and Internet banking makes it possible to pay any bills. Therefore, such a phenomenon as a salary project for individual entrepreneurs has become widespread.

What it is

Many people are interested in what a salary project is? This is an agreement concluded with a bank, under which an organization or entrepreneur has the opportunity to transfer the wages of its employees to plastic cards.

Initially, the salary project provided support for large industrial enterprises, but the development of the banking sector led to the availability of the service for legal entities and private entrepreneurs.

Financial regulators offer comfortable conditions for the salary project, which can be compared on banks’ websites. However, they do not tie the provision of services to the number of employees in the enterprise. There is even the opportunity to formalize a Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees.

Banks want to expand the circle of potential clients and focus on serving employees of a specific organization or individual entrepreneur.

The essence of the salary project is to issue a debit plastic card (most often at the expense of the organization) and transfer employees' salaries to it.

This possibility is enshrined in labor legislation and may be reflected in an employment agreement with employees or a collective agreement.

All leading banks in the country offer this service. To obtain it, it is enough to conclude an agreement with a credit institution to provide support for employee salaries.

When drawing up a contract you need:

Benefits for employees

Participants in salary projects are faced with the pros and cons of the service.

Benefits for employees who receive a card as part of the salary project:

On video: Accounting 3.0, lesson No. 32 - paying salaries to cards

An employer who decides to formalize a salary project receives:

What do banks get?

Credit organizations that provide the online salary project service also remain in the black:

  • The customer base is growing. This promises an increase in credit projects, since for the financial regulator the risk is minimal;
  • employee money transferred to the account remains untouched until a certain time, which allows the bank to dispose of it;
  • if an individual entrepreneur runs an online business, the salary project will include payment to the bank of a commission, a monthly fee and other fees stipulated by the contract.

Documents for switching to a similar remuneration scheme

To receive the “salary project for individual entrepreneurs” service, an application is required from each employee of the organization expressing a desire to receive the money they earn on a plastic card. Additionally, you must attach a copy of your passport.

Instructions for an accountant when concluding a contract with each employee include requirements for notification of the rules for using “plastic” and the cost of all main types of operations included in the salary project register.

The obligation when drawing up an agreement for a Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs is to provide:

  • charter of the enterprise;
  • full list of employees. A salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees excludes this point. It will be enough to provide the entrepreneur’s passport;
  • other documents as required by the bank. Their list is not fixed by law and is determined by the credit institution independently.

Bank offers

Almost every major bank in the Russian Federation offers services to support the salaries of employees of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

Some credit organizations are developing plans for budgetary institutions, while others propose installing ATMs in company offices.

Each bank tries to attract a potential client with a unique offer.

leading three banks:

  1. Sberbank salary project. The largest bank in the country offers support for the movement of funds within large organizations, public sector enterprises or individual entrepreneurs. Sberbank provides the opportunity to obtain an international plastic card, serviced in all branches of the bank. After six months of using the card, the client receives the opportunity to have a simplified procedure for issuing a credit card or a loan on preferential terms. Very often, an employee is not required to write a statement. The Sberbank salary project involves a bank employee visiting the organization to complete the necessary documents. Top managers and heads of companies can order premium cards as part of the agreement. The cost of servicing a Sberbank gold card will be 3,000 rubles. for the first year.
  2. VTB24 salary project. Visa and Maestro cards are available for participants. VTB Bank, whose salary project is subject to a 0% commission, offers acquiring at a reduced rate - only 1.64%. When you connect to the service, you can open your personal account and conduct transactions using 3D secure technology. To order the service, you must call the hotline. Registration of documents takes no more than 7 days.
  3. Salary project Alfa Bank. This is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the procedure for calculating and paying salaries as much as possible, which is confirmed by reviews from employees who receive money on the cards of this bank. The salary project tariff is flexible. The bank offers no limits on cash withdrawals from ATMs during the day, individual tariff plans for services, and no hidden fees.

Other credit organizations

In addition to the main players in the financial arena, there are smaller regulators offering to use the services of issuing salary cards:

  1. Tinkoff salary project. Another successfully developing bank that conducts its business online is the “brainchild” of Oleg Tinkov. Reviews about the salary project are only positive. The bank offers issuing a card completely free of charge, with zero commission for cash withdrawals and delivery of issued plastic to the specified address. One of the “tricks” that the bank offers is cashback on the card in the amount of up to 30% and 7% per annum on the balance on the card account. 24/7 technical support will help resolve any issue.
  2. Rosselkhozbank salary tariff. A tool for tracking salaries not only for public sector employees in the agricultural sector, but for everyone who wants to receive benefits and convenient tariffs. The official website of the bank offers to familiarize yourself with the conditions for issuing and servicing “plastic”.
  3. Salary project world. As part of the creation of a national payment system, it was decided to launch the MIR brand, aimed at ensuring the movement of funds among public sector workers. Starting from 2018, at the initiative of the government, public sector employees will be required to pay only with the MIR salary card.
  4. Salary project opening. A “young” bank offering its own version of the salary project service. Instructions for opening a card and drawing up an agreement are provided on the website. A positive difference between the offer and Otkritie is the delivery of “plastic” to your home and the complete absence of commission for withdrawals and card account maintenance.
  5. Project from Europe Bank. Another small bank that makes it possible to arrange salary support for individual entrepreneurs. The credit institution offers a number of advantages: issuing premium cards for executives, connecting to an SMS information service. Another advantage that the salary project provides is a loan on preferential terms. Reviews from accountants confirm the high quality of service at Credit Europe Bank.

Setting up software support for the project

The presence of software to simplify accounting allows you to conduct a salary project in 1C. The program supports the ability to accrue employee remuneration, transfer the required amount to the bank, and maintain electronic document management.

The salary project in 8.3 (the latest version of the program) allows you to pay salaries and manage the personal data of each employee.

To set up, you need to enter the “Payments” menu and create a new salary project.

Instructions for the accountant are available in the software documentation.

First you need to fill in the bank details by selecting it from the drop-down list or entering all the data manually. When using the electronic document management procedure, this fact should be indicated in the settings. After filling in the required fields, the created file must be saved and closed.

On video: Salary plastic card of an entrepreneur


What conditions can the Sberbank salary project offer?

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in the country. In terms of the scope of issuing cards for salary transfers, it also holds the position of leader.

450 thousand companies They have already entrusted their finances to the bank, including resolving the issue of settlements with employees.

One of the advantages of crediting money for salary payments through Sberbank is ease of formation registry and short transfer times finance to a payment card.

Project conditions

Sberbank's salary project is a contract between two organizations. On the one hand there is a banking structure, on the other there is an individual entrepreneur.

The corporate client undertakes to promptly provide the bank with a register containing data on employees, accounts and amounts to be credited.

In turn, the bank undertakes to promptly transfer funds to the bank payment cards of employees.

All actions are carried out remotely. Estimated banking transaction time - 90 minutes. But as a rule, enrollment occurs within 10 minutes.

First of all, to connect services, the corporate client must be registered in the Sberbank Business Online service. After signing the contract, a new section is activated in your personal account.

To test the service, two experimental transactions are performed.

Sberbank salary project - tariffs for legal entities

Cooperation between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with Sberbank makes it possible to use such proposals:

  1. Settlements with employees, cash and non-cash transactions;
  2. Crediting amounts to a bank card;
  3. Cashing out your own money;
  4. Opportunity carry out transactions remotely via the Internet service.

The contract is being drawn up on a paid basis. The cost of servicing the project depends on the amount that will be transferred monthly through the online service.

If a corporate client uses additional services, then loyalty programs can be organized for him.

For corporate users, salary transfers are organized on such conditions:

Tariffs and terms of service may vary depending on the turnover of funds and the activation of additional services.

If a company employee wishes to receive an individual card, then the fees for it will be explained personally by a bank employee.

Offers for individual entrepreneurs without employees

The law stipulates that an individual entrepreneur cannot pay his own wages.

Often, setting up a service for crediting wages is a tool for transferring funds from an individual entrepreneur to an individual’s card.

This is more beneficial for the account holder since it is the same person.

A businessman’s income is transferred through an account opened for salary transfer. The Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees allows you to reduce the commission for transferring money up to 0.3%.

Banking transactions are carried out through Sberbank Online service- salary project for small businesses. To withdraw funds, the entrepreneur independently creates a register for crediting. The payment falls into the category " other payments».

Benefits for salary recipients

If an organization becomes a client of Sberbank for transferring money for wages, then its employees and accounting department become the owners of a number of advantages.

Sberbank salary project - instructions for an accountant:

First of all, accounting can use simplified procedure for issuing salaries.

Accrued funds are transferred to a payment bank card.

There is no need to carry a large amount from the bank to the organization, ensure its safety and organize the issuance to employees.

Remains with the accountant payroll, working with taxes, preparing statements for the bank. According to the payroll data, funds are transferred to employees’ payment cards.

What is debt restructuring and how to apply for it? The answer is here.

What are Thank You bonuses from Sberbank and how to use them:

In addition, you can organize salary transfers through Sberbank without opening a current account.

Business accountants have another advantage. This is an opportunity to transfer funds independently through your personal account. And also perform a number of other procedures online.

To enter your personal account, there is a login and password, which the accountant receives when connecting to this service.

A Sberbank card is profitable and convenient for both corporate clients and individual users.

: advantages of using a salary project from Sberbank


How to organize a salary project in an organization?

Do you want to minimize the costs of non-cash payments to employees? You will need to formalize an agreement with the bank and open card accounts for your subordinates to transfer money.

The terms of such an agreement should be beneficial not only to the company, but also to the employee. Otherwise, he may require transfer through another financial structure, and the law will be on his side.

What it is?

A salary project is one of the ways of non-cash fulfillment of obligations to employees.

Under this scheme, the company selects a credit structure to carry out operations related to the issuance of remuneration, and assumes all associated costs and solving organizational issues.

To transfer funds, an account is opened in the name of each employee and a plastic card is issued.

Why and what is it needed for?

The implementation of a salary project is, first of all, a reduction in the organization’s costs associated with issuing salaries.

This may include:

  • simplification of document flow and work of the accounting settlement group;
  • reduction in cash transportation costs;
  • saving working time, since there is no need to separate subordinates from performing their immediate duties.

The transfer of wages from the company’s account in favor of individuals who are clients of the same credit structure is carried out in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded with the bank:

  • money is sent as a total amount by payment order to the organization;
  • accrual of employee benefits is reflected in the register, which is provided to the financial institution no later than the day following the transmission of instructions to complete the transaction;
  • based on the data contained in the received statement, the funds will be posted to the employees’ card accounts;
  • the register must contain the full name of each employee, his account details, the amount to be credited, signatures of authorized persons and a seal;
  • If the credit institution does not receive the necessary lists within the time limits specified above, it will not be able to pay the salary and will return the money to the company within five days after receiving the payment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attitude of business towards bank salary projects is very ambiguous. This is due to the fact that the terms of cooperation depend on many parameters and are therefore determined individually.

For the bank

Today, an agreement to credit salaries to employees’ card accounts cannot be classified as an independent financial product that brings profit to a credit institution.

Rather, it is a tool for attracting retail customers with a predictable level of regular income.

Thus, the salary project gives the bank access to a large amount of information. This allows you to draw up adequate proposals and calculate risks, which is of particular value for financial institutions.

They, in turn, are ready to make every effort to attract new organizations to cooperation.

This may include:

  • zero commissions for enrollment;
  • free card service;
  • preferential lending;
  • no requirement to open an account;
  • connecting companies with a small staff (from one person).

For enterprise

In relation to the company, a salary project is an opportunity to save time and money:

  • salaries are sent to employee cards without commission;
  • no need to collect a huge number of payments;
  • there is no need to store and transport large amounts;
  • You can get a loan on favorable terms;
  • It’s convenient to pay employees who are not in the office.

Organization managers name the following as weaknesses of centralized payment:

  • additional costs for production and maintenance of plastic;
  • disagreement of subordinates to join the payment system chosen by the company;
  • the likelihood of the bank refusing to extend the agreement for the next year.

For staff

Employees pay attention to the product properties of cards and general parameters of banking services.

Therefore, the presence of pros and cons is assessed depending on a number of conditions:

  • plastic category;
  • number and availability of terminals;
  • cash-back;
  • interest on balance;
  • commission for cash withdrawal;
  • availability of information;
  • Internet bank;
  • preferential offers on other products of the financial structure.

How to formalize and organize a salary project in 2018

A good scheme for non-cash payments to employees should solve two important needs of the company:

  • cost savings;
  • simplification and transparency of business processes.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of product and comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What do you need?

According to the law, payment of salary to an employee by transferring funds to a bank account must be secured by local acts of the enterprise.

If this condition has not yet been stated, it should be added to the collective agreement, or an additional agreement to the employment contract should be drawn up.

In addition, you will have to prepare regulations for the use of cards and make changes to the accounting policy.

Transition stages

To avoid mistakes, when preparing a salary project, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • issue an order to issue remuneration for the performance of labor functions by non-cash means;
  • obtain written consent from each employee;
  • make appropriate entries about payment through a bank account in the local acts of the organization;
  • conclude an agreement with the credit institution on transactions for crediting salaries to employee cards.

Documentation for the bank

To formalize a contractual relationship with a financial institution, you need to submit a package of documents:

  • a list of persons whom the company trusts to transmit salary information to the bank (in paper and electronic form);
  • a list of employees authorized to certify enrollment forms, with examples of signatures;
  • employee register;
  • agreement on the provision of a card;
  • statement of commitment of each subordinate;
  • certified duplicates of subordinates’ identity cards;
  • reward schedule.

Conclusion of an agreement

For the practical implementation of the project, the head of the company needs to sign an agreement with the bank, which establishes the procedure for servicing transactions of transferring salary funds to the card accounts of employees.

The form of the document is usually provided by the financial structure.

Cost and features of service

Today, in the lines of many banks you can find products with a minimum commission. The purpose of such offers is to attract customers. At the same time, users of salary projects have to bear some costs.

Such expenses are classified as other expenses and are transferred by a separate order.

For example, the organization’s funds pay for:

  • production and maintenance of cards;
  • remuneration to the bank for transferring money to employee accounts.

The employee, for his part, can only spend money on withdrawing cash from a third-party ATM.

Registration in the organization

After concluding an agreement with a credit institution, an account is opened and a card is issued for each individual participating in the project.

The company's management, in turn, is obliged to issue an order on the introduction of a new scheme indicating the start date of its validity.

Sample order:

Employee Notification

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation of the employer on the day of salary transfer to provide each subordinate with a pay slip containing the following information:

  • components of wages in the corresponding period;
  • other accrued amounts;
  • deductions made;
  • the amount of funds to be issued.

Are employee statements necessary or not?

According to current legislation, the organization of non-cash payments to employees is impossible without their consent.

Therefore, written confirmation of such an agreement is mandatory and must be submitted to the bank along with a package of documents.

Process of crediting funds to cards

To transfer salaries, an accountant needs to complete several steps:

  • prepare a payment for the total amount and send it to the bank;
  • draw up a salary register, certify and transmit it to the financial structure servicing the operations, in paper form or via telecommunications networks;
  • the funds will be posted to the accounts according to the statement no later than the next day.

Accounting entries

The transfer of remuneration for the performance of labor functions to employee cards is reflected in accounting as follows: Debit 70 Credit 51.

How to add a new employee?

If a newcomer appears in the organization, then in order to join him to the current non-cash payment scheme, you will need:

  • obtain the employee’s written consent;
  • open an account for him and issue a card;
  • include the necessary information in the register.

Does it need to be included in the employment contract?

Based on Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following points must be included in a labor or collective agreement:

  • on the introduction of cards;
  • about transferring salary to a bank account.

Situation when dismissing employees

If the contract with the company is terminated, the employee has the right to continue using plastic, provided that he will bear all associated costs himself.


To date, employees of many organizations have become participants in salary projects.

Trying to attract new customers, banks offer products on different terms, which creates misunderstandings. Some of the issues that users are facing are given below.

Is it possible to register for an individual entrepreneur, including without employees?

In the employment contract concluded between an individual entrepreneur and his employee, you can add the possibility of non-cash payments and subsequently organize a salary project.

If an individual entrepreneur carries out activities on behalf of another person, then he can use the specified scheme to reduce the commission.

In this case, the register is formed indicating the purpose of the transfer as Other payments.

Is it profitable to apply when there is a high staff turnover?

If you choose a product with free service and card issuance, you can avoid unnecessary costs and save money.

Is it possible to pay dividends through such a project?

A shareholder's income is not considered salary when distributing profits.

Such a translation is a violation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, if you make the necessary changes to the employment contract and receive a corresponding application from the individual, then this action will become completely acceptable.

What are “other payments” in the project?

These are non-salary transfers in favor of employees or their dependents, for example, benefits, compensation.

Can an employee refuse a card?

The legislation allows the employee to independently choose the method of receiving remuneration.

Is it possible to register for free?

The product line of some credit institutions includes such conditions.

How can an organization refuse to work on a project?

The procedure for terminating the contract must be specified in one of its clauses.

Is it possible to organize in several banks?

Yes, if it is possible to conclude appropriate agreements with different credit institutions.

Who pays for card servicing?

While the employee is registered with the organization, it bears all costs.

reference Information

To choose the most profitable salary project, you need to take into account several parameters:

  • connection cost;
  • commission size;
  • reduction of labor costs;
  • availability of Internet service;
  • additional bonuses.

At the same time, the credit structures themselves, when considering potential clients, in most cases select an individual work plan, assessing, first of all, the size of the wage fund and the number of employees.

Bank conditions

The offers of financial institutions are most easily systematized according to the following characteristics:

  • card issue price;
  • annual maintenance costs;
  • preferential loans and additional rewards.

best projects (comparative table)

Of the many products on the market, you can pay attention to a few of the most interesting ones and make a decision based on the characteristics of the company and the needs of its employees.

Sberbank is one of the largest banks in the country. In terms of the scope of issuing cards for salary transfers, it also holds the position of leader. 450 thousand companies They have already entrusted their finances to the bank, including resolving the issue of settlements with employees. One of the advantages of crediting money for salary payments through Sberbank is ease of formation registry and short transfer times finance to a payment card.

Sberbank's salary project is a contract between two organizations. On the one hand there is a banking structure, on the other there is an individual entrepreneur. The corporate client undertakes to promptly provide the bank with a register containing data on employees, accounts and amounts to be credited. In turn, the bank undertakes to promptly transfer funds to the bank payment cards of employees.

All actions are carried out remotely. Estimated banking transaction time: 90 minutes. But as a rule, enrollment occurs within 10 minutes.

First of all, to connect services, the corporate client must be registered in the Sberbank Business Online service. After signing the contract, a new section is activated in your personal account.

To test the service, two experimental transactions are performed.

Sberbank salary project - tariffs for legal entities

Cooperation between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with Sberbank makes it possible to use such proposals:

  1. Settlements with employees, cash and non-cash transactions;
  2. Crediting amounts to a bank card;
  3. Cashing out your own money;
  4. Opportunity carry out transactions remotely via the Internet service.

The contract is being drawn up on a paid basis. The cost of servicing the project depends on the amount that will be transferred monthly through the online service.

If a corporate client uses additional services, then loyalty programs can be organized for him.

For corporate users, salary transfers are organized on such conditions:

Tariffs and terms of service may vary depending on the turnover of funds and the activation of additional services.

If a company employee wishes to receive an individual card, then the fees for it will be explained personally by a bank employee.

Offers for individual entrepreneurs without employees

The law stipulates that an individual entrepreneur cannot pay his own wages. Often, setting up a service for crediting wages is a tool for transferring funds from an individual entrepreneur to an individual’s card. This is more beneficial for the account holder since it is the same person.

A businessman’s income is transferred through an account opened for salary transfer. Z Sberbank arpay project for individual entrepreneurs without employees allows you to reduce the commission for transferring money up to 0.3%.

Banking transactions are carried out through Sberbank Online service— salary project for small businesses. To withdraw funds, the entrepreneur independently creates a register for crediting. The payment falls into the category " other payments».

Benefits for salary recipients

If an organization becomes a client of Sberbank for transferring money for wages, then its employees and accounting department become the owners of a number of advantages.

Sberbank salary project - instructions for an accountant:

First of all, accounting can use simplified procedure for issuing salaries. Accrued funds are transferred to a payment bank card. There is no need to carry a large amount from the bank to the organization, ensure its safety and organize the issuance to employees.

Remains with the accountant payroll, working with taxes, preparing statements for the bank. According to the payroll data, funds are transferred to employees’ payment cards.

For representatives of small businesses, Sberbank cards for payroll are a great opportunity to save money on cashier work.

In addition, you can organize salary transfers through Sberbank without opening a current account.

Positive points
receiving salaries for company employees through bank cards:

  1. opportunity get cash at any time after accrual at a convenient time and at any ATM;
  2. sufficient quantity ATMs operating without commission;
  3. possibility to withdraw any amount of money at any time;
  4. opportunity transfer money without commissions;
  5. Maybe make cashless payments, pay for purchases on the Internet, pay utility bills, pay taxes;
  6. application " mobile bank» provides many opportunities for its users;
  7. after six months of cooperation, the client can apply for an additional Sberbank credit card, as well as take advantage of offers of mortgage and consumer loans on preferential terms;
  8. can be done duplicate payment instrument for your family;
  9. the card can be issued subject to ;
  10. Bank card holders often become participants shares and use various bonuses.

Business accountants have another advantage. This is an opportunity to transfer funds independently through your personal account. And also perform a number of other procedures online. To enter your personal account, there is a login and password, which the accountant receives when connecting to this service.

A Sberbank card is profitable and convenient for both corporate clients and individual users.

Video: benefits of using a salary project from Sberbank

Sberbank's salary project is a widespread and in demand service. Clients of the credit institution appreciated the advantages and convenience of payments. Among other things, along with a salary card, the client receives access to the bank’s remote services and other privileges from the credit institution. Both the employer and individuals themselves can handle the preparation of a salary project.

But often the bank independently offers its clients, current account holders, to use this service. Moreover, such proposals are received even if the individual entrepreneur does not have full-time employees. Of course, this can be confusing and suspicious. In this article we will answer the question of whether it is possible to use the Sberbank salary project service for individual entrepreneurs without employees, what is the catch.

Why do we need a banking service for entrepreneurs?

In fact, obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur does not make him a legal entity; accordingly, he is still an individual, but with a special status. Therefore, on the basis of current legislation, monthly earnings are accrued to him in accordance with the employment contract, in which two parties take part: the employer and the employee. As for an individual entrepreneur who does not have full-time employees, he is both an employer and an employee, and he cannot independently calculate his own wages.

From all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that an individual entrepreneur, if he has no employees, does not need a salary project. But in practice, everything is not quite like this; then we will try to understand this issue in more detail.

Is it possible to formalize a salary project without employees: legal grounds

In essence, a salary project is a banking product, in accordance with which a credit institution regulates the procedure and features of the execution of this service. But as for Sberbank, it does not have a definition for the minimum number of employees in an enterprise; accordingly, as part of a salary project, an individual entrepreneur can use it. True, with the only peculiarity that after submitting an application to the bank, the credit institution opens a salary card and a personal account to which funds will be received from the current account upon a personal application and instructions from the individual entrepreneur himself.

Profitable or not

Probably, the majority of individual entrepreneurs believe that if there are no employees on staff, there is essentially no need to use Sberbank’s salary project. But in fact, in practice, this is not the case: in order to receive money for consumer needs, he is still forced to report this to the bank and sign documents. Among other things, in this option, problems may arise with the tax office, because the movement of funds in the current account is monitored by regulatory authorities. Therefore, when transferring large amounts, they may be subject to taxes at a rate of 13%. And the bank, in turn, will charge a commission for each transfer of 3% or more.

If an individual entrepreneur uses the salary project service, then he receives several advantages from Sberbank. Namely:

  • his income will be transferred to a debit card, from which he can withdraw cash for free from any Sberbank ATM;
  • Together with the card, the entrepreneur gets access to a personal account in the online system and a mobile bank, with the help of which they can effectively track their accounts;
  • for transferring wages to a debit card, a commission of only 0.3% per transaction is charged;
  • holders of salary cards, including individual entrepreneurs, receive preferential lending conditions from Sberbank: consumer and mortgage;
  • Salary card holders can take part in the Thank You bonus program and receive cashback for their expenses.

How to register a salary project in Sberbank if there are no employees

As a rule, Sberbank independently offers its clients to use the service, and as part of a personal offer. You just need to follow the instructions from the manager of the credit institution. But at the same time, individual entrepreneurs can initiate such a process on their own. They will only need to go through a few steps, namely:

  • go to the official website of the credit institution, fill out an application for participation in the salary project;
  • Using the contact information specified in the application form, the manager of the credit institution contacts the potential applicant and schedules a personal meeting;
  • at a bank branch, an employee advises on connecting to the salary project service and offers to sign an agreement;
  • as part of the salary project, the applicant must select the type of plastic card to which the income will be transferred;
  • The entrepreneur will be required to submit a salary slip and other documents to the bank.

After the bank card is ready, it should be obtained from a bank branch, and along with it a service agreement. Based on the statement, the bank will debit money from the entrepreneur’s current account and transfer it to the plastic card account.

Please note that when submitting an application to the bank, an individual entrepreneur will need an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a passport and a tax registration certificate.

Terms of Service

Probably, an individual entrepreneur, especially if there are no employees, is thinking about whether he should use a salary project if he can legally transfer money from a current account to his personal card. But here it is worth noting that the benefit really exists, because within the framework of the salary project, the transaction fee is 0.3% of the transfer amount. And if you transfer funds directly to a personal card, the commission increases and will range from 1.12%, but not less than 115 rubles.

In addition, within the scope of this service, an individual entrepreneur can choose a plastic card with a reduced cost of service. Entry-level cards are provided in the first period at a rate of 0 rubles, from the next period their cost increases to 300 rubles per year. A visa or MasterCard Classic will cost 750 rubles per year.

As you can see, Sberbank’s salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees is a completely standard procedure. Each entrepreneur independently decides whether to use the service or not, but at the same time it has several advantages. Among other things, from the point of view of the law, transferring funds from a current account to the personal needs of an individual entrepreneur is not an illegal act.

Sberbank is recognized as the first institution in the country to implement a salary project. Now this program is used by most organizations - after all, the advantages of this method of remuneration are significant. This is especially true for individual entrepreneurs - there is no need to carry out additional activities and maintain unnecessary equipment. However, there are certain nuances even if the individual entrepreneur does not have employees.

Is it necessary for entrepreneurs to draw up a salary project?

Sberbank's salary project is an effective option for achieving complete optimization for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. With its help, you can significantly simplify the procedure for paying wages. In addition, project participants have access to other benefits that contribute to a clear increase in the organization’s performance.

Is it possible to become a participant in a salary project for an individual entrepreneur without employees?

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has already highlighted more than once that individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to calculate and pay salaries to themselves. At the same time, it is not uncommon for an entrepreneur to use a salary project even if there are no employees under his command. This is due to the fact that with the help of such a service it is possible to achieve a reduction in interest when transferring sums of money from an individual entrepreneur’s account to an individual’s card.

Judging by the reviews, Sberbank's salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees involves reducing commission fees to 0.3%.

Benefits of the program for small/medium business owners

The program under consideration has considerable advantages for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses:

  • Significant simplification of the procedure for providing wages to employees of the organization. For example, there is no need to transport funds, allocate equipment and premises for their storage;
  • there is no need to spend time issuing salaries to each employee - this is especially true for large companies;
  • a significant layer of unnecessary activity is removed from accounting;
  • small businesses can save on cashier wages;
  • ensuring the security of document flow with the bank;
  • allocation of premium cards to management;
  • assistance with 1C software;
  • the ability to check the status of documentation processing and transfer money to individuals’ cards online.

Among other things, a legal entity can receive the additional function “Bank at work”. According to it, representatives of the financial institution arrive at the organization to conduct on-site consultations.

How to become a participant in the salary project

Cooperation between individual entrepreneurs and Sberbank is carried out on a contractual basis. To gain access to the salary project, the applicant will have to ensure that his candidacy meets the requirements.

Existing conditions

Sberbank’s project takes into account individual conditions both for those who have a cash register and those without them. In particular, the following preferential rates are provided:

  • no commission for issuing and servicing the card;
  • cashing out funds without charging a fee within the established limit;
  • the opportunity to receive a card with more favorable conditions when applying for a unique tariff plan.

The features of each salary project option can be clarified on the official website of Sberbank.

Connection procedure

To gain access to participate in the salary project, you can use one of the following methods:

  • visit the official website, familiarize yourself with the options provided and study the terms of provision. After which you should fill out an application and send it through your personal account;
  • personally appear at the Sberbank branch dealing with legal entities and submit a request there;
  • provide the necessary data for registration by phone - to do this, just contact the bank manager.

After the application is signed, the bank provides the client with all the requested information on the tariff of interest. Next, a bilateral agreement is signed. The applicant sends to the financial institution all documents containing the necessary data for each employee. Within 10 days, the bank issues personalized cards for each person specified in the application.

What problems may arise

The main problem is the employee’s refusal to receive a new card. Many simply do not want to multiply the “plastic”, others prefer cash, others are afraid of setting a credit limit.

As for the obvious disadvantages for the organization, these are the payment of commissions and the need to repay mandatory amounts for annual card servicing. However, the opportunity cost of using the standard wage option is much higher.

Offers from competitors

In addition to Sberbank, the salary project is provided by almost all major banks:

  • VTB 24 - acquiring is offered at a reduced rate;
  • Alfa Bank - flexible tariff plan;
  • Tinkoff - free card registration, cashback up to 30%;
  • Rosselkhozbank - special conditions for agricultural workers.

In general, each institution has its own characteristics, so the applicant will find the conditions necessary for himself without any problems.


If we consider Sberbank’s salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees, then what is the catch in this proposal? In fact, there are no unforeseen risks in this situation. The entrepreneur only pursues the goal of reducing the commission. For the bank, this moment is acceptable due to the desire to expand the client base and correct the statistics on the provision of current services towards positive dynamics.

It serves more than 1 million organizations, almost half of which (450 thousand legal entities) are connected to the salary project.

Opening a salary project at Sberbank is available not only to enterprises, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Sberbank’s salary project should be considered in terms of stakeholders.

For the employer

The salary project in Sberbank for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with employees allows you to get the following benefits:

  • The service is provided to enterprises with or without a current account in Sberbank.
  • Fully remote service (the remote banking system is provided even without opening a current account).
  • Support is available 24 hours a day.
  • Payroll is credited within 10-90 minutes.
  • Wide possibilities for technical integration.
  • If it is necessary to open a bank account, a bank employee can draw up an agreement in your office (the service is free).
  • The enrollment fee does not depend on the region in which the employee is located (the main condition is the presence of a bank card).
  • Managers may be provided with benefits for servicing personal Gold level cards (discounts depend on the volume of service consumption and are calculated individually).
  • A small commission for transferring salary.
  • If there is a large number of staff and the requirements for the premises are met, it is possible to install an ATM on the territory of the outlet.
  • If an organization does not maintain its account with Sberbank, a subscription fee will be charged for using the remote banking system. A one-time payment is also required to connect to it.
  • Cardholders of other banks cannot be connected to the Sberbank salary project. Transfers to their cards will be processed in separate payment orders at an increased commission.
  • If the funds required for payroll settlements are deposited through the cash desk, an additional commission is charged (according to the current tariff within the cash settlement package, or according to the bank’s standard commission).
  • Tariffs depend on the service region and are calculated individually (it is difficult to estimate costs before concluding a contract).
  • Special service packages for managers are offered only to large and medium-sized enterprises - with payment funds from 5 and from 25 million rubles.

For staff

The conditions of Sberbank’s salary package for employees are quite comfortable:

  • The bank has the largest network of self-service devices (about 80 thousand ATMs) and branches (over 14 thousand offices, they are located in almost all cities and regions) - most often within walking distance.
  • All remote service options (including applications for all popular mobile platforms, even Windows Phone) are free.
  • A number of cards within the framework of the salary project are serviced free of charge or at a discount.
  • Almost all salary clients have access to the “Thank you” program (Sberbank’s own bonus program).
  • Cash withdrawals within limits without additional commissions, transfers within the region to Sberbank cards are free.
  • Cards can be added to Google/Apple/Samsung Pay systems (there are restrictions on types).
  • Consumer loans and mortgages are provided to users of the Sberbank salary project under special conditions. For example, you can get a loan even without visiting a branch within a few minutes.
  • Depending on the type of payment system and service package, holders may be offered special discounts and promotions.
  • If you already have a bank card, you can connect to the ZP project without re-issuing it or opening a new one.
  • Salary cards do not accrue interest on the balance (you must open a separate deposit).
  • There is no possibility of activating an overdraft on ZP cards (at least for the most inexpensive ones - Electron and Maestro). Only a separate credit card and a classic loan are offered.
  • World cards, often offered as part of the project's PO, cannot be added to Google/Apple/Samsung Pay.
  • Despite the fact that a comprehensive service agreement is concluded with all private clients, it is almost impossible to transfer the issue or even the issuance of reissued cards to another branch.
  • You cannot connect cards from a third-party bank to the project.

For an accountant


  • Cards for the Sberbank salary project can be issued centrally (based on an electronic registry).
  • The remote servicing system can be integrated with accounting software (for example, with 1C via Direct Bank).
  • The online system has a simple and intuitive interface. It will take no more than 10 minutes to download the statement.
  • A sufficient level of security is ensured (login using both a “cloud” signature and using hardware keys).
  • The company is run by a separate manager who can help with many issues.
  • 24/7 technical support (may be limited by contract).
  • Cards from third-party banks cannot be connected to the project. Such employees will need to make payments in separate payment orders with an increased commission.
  • To issue cards, it is necessary to motivate employees to come to the desired bank office on their own, or the accountant will need to collect an impressive package of documents, which can take significant time.

Salary project tariffs

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs

The cost of servicing a salary project in Sberbank for an organization is formed based on several components:

  • Connection fee.
  • Subscription fee.
  • Percentage from transfers.
  • Percentage on deposits.

If you do not have a valid account with Sberbank:

  • Connecting to the Sberbank Business Online system will cost 960 rubles. one-time + for each hardware token 1400 rub. (“cloud signature” with one-time SMS passwords - free).
  • The subscription fee for using the remote banking system is 650 rubles/month.
  • The commission for each salary transfer is 0.1-0.7% (calculated individually based on the service region, the size of the wage fund and the number of employees). For example, in Central Russia, with a staff of 10 people and a payroll of 300 thousand rubles. the commission will be about 0.15%.
  • Depositing funds by electronic transfer is free, depositing through the cash register is 1%.

If an individual entrepreneur or organization already has a settlement account with Sberbank:

  • Connection and maintenance are carried out according to the tariffs of a package or contract for RKO (it is worth mentioning here that the project can even be connected to packages from the “Easy Start” line, which have a completely free service package).
  • The transfer commission is calculated on the same principle - 0.1-0.7% (does not depend on the presence of a bank account in the bank).
  • In addition to the methods indicated above (transfer/cash), funds can be deposited into the account through self-collection (via a business card) - 0.15% (unless otherwise provided by the package).

For employees

Tariffs depend on the cards chosen by the company. The bank, in turn, offers a large number of different solutions. The most popular ones are listed below.


World Premium


For free

For free

For free

For free

First year service

Service in subsequent years

Cash withdrawal

Free (within daily limit)

Free (within daily limit)

Free (within daily limit)


For free

For free

For free

For free

Internet banking and mobile applications

For free

For free

For free

For free

Additional options

Overdraft at 20%

Overdraft at 20%

Increased withdrawal and deposit limits.

There is no overdraft.


Up to 0.5% (and from partners up to 20%) of the purchase is converted into “Thank you” bonuses

Up to 5% (and from partners up to 20%) of the purchase is converted into “Thank you” bonuses

Up to 10% (and from partners up to 20%) of the purchase is converted into “Thank you” bonuses, special discounts from partners

Cards are subject to promotions carried out by the payment system.

Salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees

Often, individual entrepreneurs who have opened an account with Sberbank receive notifications that they have the opportunity to connect to the salary project.

In fact, it's just automatic mailing. Using a salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees in Sberbank, as in any other credit institution, is pointless.

An entrepreneur can withdraw any funds from his account at any time without any additional reporting or penalties.

Having a salary project for an individual entrepreneur for himself will not affect his credit history in any way. For the bank, you will still remain the owner of the business, which means that when issuing loans, it will rely on the turnover in your account, and not on transfers within the framework of the ZP project.

Cards for salary project

The bank offers a wide range of card products, including for salary projects.

The most popular cards are:

  • classic (payment systems MIR, MasterCard, Visa) - from 0 rubles/year;
  • gold (MIR, MasterCard, Visa) - from 0 rubles/year;
  • cards with bonuses from Aeroflot (PS VISA, gold or classic - from 450/0 rubles/year, respectively).

There are other proposals. The size of the annual service fee and the range of available services, as well as certain systems of bonuses and discounts, depend on the selected card.

Loans and mortgages for employees

Compared to ordinary clients, salary card holders receive:

  • reduced interest on consumer loans (2-1% lower than usual conditions + individual offers);
  • reduced mortgage interest (by 0.5-0.7% compared to others);
  • In addition, in accordance with the size of monthly income, salary clients are offered to receive a credit card with a pre-approved limit and a deferment of the first payment of up to 50 days.

The application procedure is significantly simplified (in some cases, only a passport or an application through an online bank is sufficient).

How to connect/disconnect

To open a salary project in Sberbank without an account you will need:

If you have a bank account with Sberbank, you just need to activate the service (this can be done through an operator by phone or online using the remote banking system).

To disable the service, you must submit an application to the service department or upload a document through the online service system.