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How to create your own personal horoscope yourself. Deciphering the natal chart of the house

1. Natal chart.

The natal chart is the main working tool of an astrologer - a diagram that depicts all the elements that are analyzed: signs of the Zodiac, houses (fields), planets and aspects between planets. Houses are counted according to the Koch system. In calculations of the North Lunar Node, its average value is used. To the right of the map are all the calculated data: the position of the planets in the signs and houses and the numbers of the houses they rule, the positions of the apexes (cusps) of the houses in the signs and the planets that rule them. If you are interested in astrology only for the practical purpose of getting the information you need, you can go straight to section 2.

2. Basic personality traits

Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology, astrological calculations and automatic interpretations have become commonplace. However, in most cases it is a set of texts describing individual phenomena and factors in the horoscope, the interpretations of which can be contradictory and confusing. Professional astrology is distinguished by a synthetic approach, when the strongest and most significant influences are identified and the individual “building blocks” of the natal chart are combined into a holistic picture. For this, the art of interpretation has its own special methods, which we use in this section to form a comprehensive picture of the owner of the horoscope and his main features.

First we identify the qualities and natural characteristics that are inherently present and inherent from birth. They are determined by the position of the planets in the signs and appear already in childhood:

  • Temperament (balance of elements). The correlation of elements in a horoscope allows us to determine the temperament and basic psychological qualities of a person.
  • Type of behavior (balance of crosses). The predominant cross in the horoscope determines the preferred strategy of action.
  • Predominant character traits (dominant sign). Character depends not only on the sun sign, especially if the Moon and personal planets are located in other signs.

Then we analyze how and where the natural qualities of a person will manifest themselves and be realized in life, which areas will be most necessary and interesting. This is determined by the position of the planets in the houses of the horoscope, and here the exact time and place of birth is especially important for the calculation.

  • The sphere of realization (balance of hemispheres) indicates a tendency towards individualism or reliance on the environment, the need for active social realization or immersion in oneself and caring for loved ones.
  • The form of expression and type of experience determines what motivates a person, what are the main incentives and needs that will seek fulfillment in life and determine its circumstances.
  • Main areas of life (dominant house). The selected houses of the horoscope indicate more specifically the main areas of interest, circumstances and directions for the realization of the individual.

And finally, probably the most important thing is to understand whether there are energies in the horoscope and which ones, which not only determine the main tendencies of a person’s character, activities, circumstances, the direction of a person’s entire life, but can also help or hinder him from achieving maximum realization. This can be power, wealth, but also the heights of art, science, and spirit. This largely depends on the energy that will be predominant in the horoscope. To do this, we analyze the planets themselves, their strength and significance in various ways.

3. Astropsychological characteristics

If you carefully study the materials in the previous section, then the main personality traits and characteristics will already be known to you. In this section, information is presented and grouped by all factor planets, symbolizing various psychological components.

  • The Sun, Moon and Ascendant form the core of the personality and determine the main character traits:
    • The sun is essence, consciousness, will, spirit, life force,
    • Moon - soul, feelings, unconscious reactions, need for security,
    • The Ascendant is the image of “I”, role, image, self-awareness, appearance and vitality of the body.
  • Mercury, Venus and Mars, so-called. personal planets complete the picture:
    • Mercury - mind, intellect, thinking, means of communication,
    • Venus - love, ideas about beauty and harmony, taste and perception,
    • Mars - willpower, determination, perseverance, struggle, passion.
  • Jupiter and Saturn determine the qualities and characteristics that a person exhibits as a social being.
  • The higher planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) determine spiritual ideals and needs, problems and tasks of the spirit and irresistible forces of transformation.

4. Areas of implementation and life circumstances

In this section we look at the horoscope and almost the same factors, but from a different angle, from a more practical point of view, namely, how circumstances and life will turn out in specific areas: health, finances, family, children, etc. To do this, we examine the horoscope in the structure of its houses (fields), each of which symbolizes and, as it were, “responsible” for certain areas of life. The signs that houses fall into symbolize the background properties and qualities that characterize the circumstances of the house. Planets entering a house bring their energy and directly affect this area of ​​life, and the position of the planets that control the house shows what other areas of life and your actions or inaction in them determine the situation of the house being analyzed.

About the authors of the texts

To describe various elements of the horoscope, we use fragments of books and reference books by famous astrologers.

The work of American astrologers Frances Sakoyan and Lewis Ecker is perhaps the most famous and widespread in the CIS among other translations of foreign reference books and enjoys well-deserved respect. It should be noted that many domestic authors, to a greater or lesser extent, quoted or retold this reference book.

Grant Lewey is a famous foreign astrologer who strived to achieve the goal of making astrology accessible to millions. His book “Astrology for Millions,” from which horoscopes are compiled, became a bestseller and was reprinted many times.

Astrological interpretations by German authors Hayo Banzhaf and Anna Hebler are taken from their book “Astrology: Key Concepts,” published in Russia in 2002. These are exceptionally clear and modern interpretations. Bill Herbst's interpretation of the planetary positions in the houses is profound and also very modern.

Probably many astrologers studied from the books and lectures of Absalom the Underwater 10-15-20 years ago. These interpretations are written in a style that makes it possible to unmistakably identify their author.

Descriptions of the elements and types of houses are partially borrowed from the book “Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements” by Stefan Arroyo.

Tired of reading or listening to the same type of horoscopes for your zodiac sign, which, moreover, often do not come true? Judge for yourself, how can the predictions of the 12 zodiac signs be correct for all 7 billion people? However, you yourself can create your own personal horoscope, which will best suit you.

The most accurate horoscope can be called a natal chart, which determines the main character traits of a person, his possible interests, talents, attitude to life, etc., that is, this is a general horoscope. Let's talk about how to create such a horoscope.

Natal chart: we make it ourselves

Drawing up a natal chart is quite a painstaking job that requires high precision and care. It is believed that you cannot do this without special knowledge, but if you take the matter seriously, then you will be quite capable of drawing up a true natal chart.

  1. First you need to find out as accurately as possible the time of your birth, down to the minutes, as well as your place of birth. The position of the stars in the sky is calculated relative to time and place, which influence the fate of a person.
  2. After this, you need to find out the position of the stars in the sky at the moment of birth, taking into account the place and time. It is necessary to determine the position of all the planets in the solar system, as well as the Moon and the Sun. To do this, you need to calculate the ecliptic longitude of these celestial bodies. The ecliptic for a horoscope is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which leaves 30 degrees. By degrees you can determine in which constellation a particular planet was located at the time of birth.
  3. Then you should calculate the relative positions of the planets relative to each other. So, if the planets form astrological aspects, we can say that they influence a person’s life. The following aspects are highlighted:
    • Conjunction (planets are in the same degree and in the same sign) - a positive aspect, denotes the merging of the functions of the planets;
    • Sextile (planets at a distance of 60 degrees from each other) - a harmonious, successful aspect, signifies a mitigation of the situation, predicts positive opportunities;
    • Trigon or trine (planets are 120 degrees relative to each other) - a harmonious aspect, denotes constancy and stability;
    • Opposition (planets opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees) - a negative aspect, denotes opposites, difficulties;
    • Square (the relative position of the planets at a distance of 90 degrees) is a negative aspect, signifying tension, contradictions and obstacles.
  4. You also need to calculate the values ​​of intersection with the horizon: ascendant, descendant, intersection with the points of the middle and base of the heavens.
  5. Each of the 12 sectors represents a specific house. Houses in a horoscope describe a person’s life in different areas. The characteristic will depend on the position of a particular planet in a particular house at the time of birth. Here's what the houses mean:
    • 1st House - personality, appearance, early childhood, consciousness;
    • 2 House - a person’s possessions, his material security, finances, and related moral values;
    • 3 House - relationships with people, social life, communication, communications, perception of information, mind;
    • 4 House - connection with the past, ancestors, roots, parental home, traditions, family karma;
    • 5 House - creativity, love, self-expression, children;
    • 6 House - health, work, daily work, working relationships with people;
    • 7 House - partnership, marriage, friendship, enmity, business connections, social work;
    • 8 House - the house of metamorphosis and rebirth, is responsible for inheritance, rebirth, death, etc.;
    • 9th House - religion, philosophy, worldview, education, world consciousness;
    • 10th House - profession, career, purpose of life, power, connection with the outside world;
    • 11 House - groups and organizations, acquaintances, friends, creativity in a team, hopes, achieving goals;
    • 12th House - mystical abilities, occultism, freedom, state of mind.

Taking into account all these points, you can create a detailed horoscope yourself. The main thing in this matter is maximum data accuracy.

Horoscope using ephemeris tables

You can create a horoscope using ephemeris tables. You will need a table of Houses, a world atlas, an ephemeris table, and a calculator.

  • Ephemerides are tables that indicate the relative positions of the planets for each day. This means that you don’t need to calculate anything yourself; you can just look at the table and get the information you need. Thus, the “Rosicrucian Tables” are considered good (the entire 20th century is considered);
  • The table of houses will help determine the cusps of the Houses and the axes of the horoscope (for example, you can use the Placidus table);
  • The atlas will help calculate the exact geographical location at the time of birth;
  • The calculator is needed for calculations in ephemeris tables.

But if you find it difficult to create your own horoscope, then you can use ready-made astrological natal charts, for example, this one. You just need to correctly enter all the necessary data, click on the “Calculate” button, and you will receive a personal detailed natal chart.

You can predict small, everyday events without understanding astrology. To do this, you only need to know the order of the Zodiac signs and have with you a tear-off calendar, which indicates the position of the Moon for each day. This information is available in all calendars except Orthodox ones. More information about the movement of the Moon can be found on the Internet. You can quickly learn how to make a horoscope yourself. And after a month or two of practice, you will be able to recognize the events of your future accurately. Let's see how it's done.

Necessary calculations

You probably know your zodiac sign. This is the sign the Sun was in at the time of your birth. If the Sun was in Aries, then you are Aries, in Taurus - Taurus, etc. Number all the signs of the Zodiac, starting with yours. Yours will be first. For example, if you are Scorpio, then Scorpio will be sign No. 1, Sagittarius – No. 2, Capricorn – No. 3, etc. For Leo, the first sign will be Leo, the second will be Virgo, etc. If you are in doubt about the order of the signs, look at the picture above. There they go in their traditional order from Aries to Pisces. To make it even easier, you can write out the names of the signs in a column, putting your sign first, and then all those following it, one by one. Save this list; you will need it constantly for forecasting.

Now take a tear-off calendar (or a printout from the Internet with the course of the Moon for the current month). Determine which zodiac sign the Moon is in today. Please note that the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days. Therefore, the area of ​​life that will require the most attention will also change every 2-3 days. So, you found today’s day in the calendar and saw what sign the Moon is in. Now look at the serial number of this sign in your list.

Example: someone was born under the sign of Libra. Libra is his No. 1 sign. He is interested in the forecast for July 1, 2014. On this day the Moon is in the sign of Leo. Leo for our hero is the 11th sign (Libra 1st, Scorpio 2nd, Sagittarius 3rd and so on in a circle, Leo will be the 11th).

At this point, all calculations are completed and it’s time to move on to decoding.

Moon position values

The moon in astrology symbolizes familiar, small and everyday affairs. There is no need to try to determine anything important from it. To predict important events, you need to build a professional horoscope that takes into account individual birth data and use at least 11 basic astrological elements (Houses and 10 planets). We are now studying how to draw up a personal horoscope ourselves without this special knowledge. Such a horoscope tells only what a person will devote himself to during the day and what people and activities will take up the most of his time.

Finding out such information is easy. That's why you needed character numbering. The sign under each serial number has its own meaning. Look at the meaning of the number where the Moon is on the desired day; the main events of the day will be related to the things listed.

1 Your appearance, manners and behavior. When the Moon is in the sign you were born under, you will be sensitive to any words addressed to you
2 Money and things. Most often these days money comes in, purchases are made, small expenses increase
3 Communication, bustle, news, moving around the city. These days you won't have to sit down for a minute
4 Home, life, parents. These days, most people feel inclined to sit at home and mind their own business.
5 Rest, holiday, date. These are the days for fun
6 Daily responsibilities at work and at home. These are busy days. You also need to monitor your health, get treatment, get healthy
7 Partnership and cooperation. These are the days of transactions, consultations, teamwork, business partnerships, and the beginning of serious personal relationships.
8 Fears escalate. The risk of injuries and accidents increases. Even at this time, you often have to deal with other people’s money (take out a loan, pay off a debt, receive alimony, a pension)
9 Abroad, foreigners, communication on the Internet, obtaining higher education, contacts with political and public organizations, courts, visiting church
10 Career, business, professional success, communication with superiors, participation in professional competitions
11 Friends, like-minded people, voluntary public associations (scientific and creative communities, volunteer organizations, online communities)
12 Secrets, intrigue, closed establishments, rumors and gossip, privacy

The person from our example in the previous section has the Moon in the 11th sector on July 1, 2014, which means that he will most likely spend the day with friends. And the next day he will be withdrawn, alienated and prefer to be alone.

It is important to take life circumstances into account. For example, if this person is an animal lover, then on July 1 he can collaborate with a volunteer animal protection organization, and the next day visit his charges in the inpatient veterinary clinic (closed institution).

Astrology is an amazing science that allows you to know the future and deeply understand the past. We decided to talk with an experienced astrologer to clarify a lot in this mysterious area.

It is often quite difficult for people to understand how, by the date and time of a person’s birth, they can tell about the most subtle nuances of his character and predict his future. But still, this is not fantasy or magic. This is astrology! An incredibly complex science that dates back thousands of years of history. People often have many questions about astrology. How does a specialist in this field work? Can we trust general horoscopes for all zodiac signs and why do they not always come true? For what period can a horoscope be drawn up? And can everyone learn this skill? We decided to ask a representative of this profession the most interesting questions about the secrets of the work of an astrologer. Today we will talk with Stella Mira, a practicing astrologer with 13 years of experience, and learn from her a lot of interesting things in the field of astrology. - What does an astrologer need to know about the person for whom he is drawing up a horoscope?- I know from my own experience that very often people are mistaken and believe that an astrologer only needs to know a person’s date of birth to do his work. This is not true at all! It is impossible to compile a horoscope based on one date alone, otherwise the Fates of all people born on the same day would be identical. And this is simply unthinkable. The time and place of birth of a person are also very important data for the work of an astrologer. The fact is that a very important indicator depends on where a person was born - the house of the horoscope (the sector into which the zodiac circle is divided). Each sector is responsible for a certain area of ​​life of a given individual. So, for those born at the same time in Moscow and Vladivostok, this indicator will be different. Why does an astrologer need to know the time of birth recorded on the tag in the maternity hospital? Everything is very simple. Every 4 minutes the degree of the Zodiac changes, and each degree is a different Destiny. For example, if I had the wrong time of birth, then I will make the wrong calculations. I will tell you that you will get married in 2014, but then this will not happen. And everything will happen, for example, in 2015. In our business, everything is very subtle and a small error leads to an error in predicting an event. In any case, when recording the time of birth, the doctor usually rounds up the time. For example, a child was born at 15 hours 3 minutes, but they record 15 hours 5 minutes. The astrologer’s task is to clarify the time of birth to the minute. This procedure in astrology is called horoscope rectification - clarifying the time based on the events of your life. We can calculate the time of birth if it is not even approximately known. True, in this case much more time and information about a person’s life is needed. - What factors influence personality traits? Which planets shape our character?- There are four most important indicators - this is, in a way, the basis of the character of each of us. These basic factors in astrology are the Ascendant (the astrological sign rising on the horizon at the time of your birth), the planet that rules the sign of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. Without delving into the meanings of these astrological indicators and their essence, I would like to say that they constitute the core of personality. And the positions of other planets at the moment of birth only complement the character, adding certain nuances to it and creating a unique complex set of qualities. Thus, the position of Mercury is responsible for a person’s intelligence, his ability to formulate thoughts. The position of Venus determines a person’s ability to love, to express feelings and emotions. Mars is a way to realize energy potential. People who have a strong Mars in their horoscope are very active, courageous, strong-willed (the gender of the person in this case does not matter). That is why the zodiac sign may not always accurately describe a person’s character, since other planets in the horoscope have contributed their own meanings. - For what period of life can a horoscope be drawn up? Are there any restrictions?- If we have all the necessary data, we can draw up a horoscope for any period, right up to the end of a person’s life. Moreover, I can say that the reliability and accuracy of the horoscope for the coming year and for the year that will be in 20 years will be the same. So, you can safely order a horoscope for any period that interests you. - How long does it take an astrologer to draw up a personal horoscope?- I must say that drawing up a horoscope is a very time-consuming and painstaking task. Working on a horoscope usually takes at least a day. Here you also need to understand that I bear serious responsibility for the result. Firstly, this is my professional reputation. Secondly, the person to whom I make a horoscope trusts me. If a businessman’s deal falls through because of my advice, of course, I will be responsible for it. - Is it possible to trust general horoscopes (for all zodiac signs), what is the degree of reliability?- As I said above, to draw up a horoscope you need to know and take into account several indicators at once. In general horoscopes for all zodiac signs, only the position of the Sun can be taken into account. Of course, this gives us some information, but it is still too general. Of course, you can take these tips into account in your daily life, but for more, you need to draw up a horoscope specifically for you.

This women's practice helps improve and harmonize one of the three most important areas in the lives of each of us. Improve your relationships, improve your well-being and simply become a successful person with the help of this practice.

500 rub- Can everyone understand the basics of astrology and learn how to draw horoscopes? Or is this the lot of the chosen few? - Of course, if desired and interested, every person can study the basics of astrology. But this is a slow process. Before attempting to make predictions, some experience is required. I started studying astrology in 1995, several years were spent studying theory and practical training at an astrological school. And only five years later, in 2000, I started working as a professional astrologer. Of course, in one interview we could not ask the astrologer everything that raised questions and interest in this area. But we still managed to find out a lot. Astrology is, without a doubt, a huge and fascinating world. And we will continue to talk about its secrets on the pages of our Astromagazine!

It is no secret to anyone who is interested in astrology that a person’s horoscope is informative and multifaceted. But from what direction should we approach interpretation and not drown in an ocean of different meanings? This article will give you a step-by-step guidehow to read a natal chart.

A typical mistake of astrologers

Often, even in consultation with a practicing astrologer, you can receive the following set of interpretations: you have the Moon in Taurus - you love comfort, delicious food, and Mars in Leo - you are a proud person.

These interpretations may contradict each other. As a result, instead of understanding yourself, you end up with a mess in your head. And the astrologer looks at you with a mystical gaze, believing that you yourself should see the truth.

As they say, personality is a complex thing. For example, at work you are a strict boss, but at home you are a caring mother. The main skill of an astrologer is to learn to synthesize different meanings of a horoscope, to assemble them into one image of a person.

So, now let's find out how to read a person's natal chart, where to start.

Step No. 1. Elements and temperament

Before analyzing the planets and signs, determine the main and weak elements of the horoscope. The energies of air, fire, earth and water indicate the human temperament. The elements show the general background of the personality, against which the main events will already unfold.

Imagine that you are painting a picture. Sketches, first sketches are planets and signs. And the background, the background, is temperament.

Step #2. Sun, Moon and Ascendant

After we have determined the general background of the horoscope, we move on to analyzing the most important functions of the psyche and soul.

The sun is the core, the center of personality, the true meaning of life, why you came into the world. Astrological predictions in the magazine are based specifically on the sun sign. For example, the Sun in Taurus - the main meaning is beauty, matter, money, practicality and simplicity. , which makes the world full, the force that lifts you off the couch and brings you happiness and success.

The moon is the center of psychic energy, perception of the world, a point of internal comfort. Basic needs, the ability to change, the talent to adapt favorably to circumstances. Mom's image. – this is more than half of the information.
The Ascendant is how you appear in the universe. The physical body, how other people perceive you. Material embodiment of the spirit. shows social and earthly tasks.

  • Sun - I, personality, my true meaning
  • Moon - how the world is reflected in me, a point of comfort, needs
  • Asc is my physical embodiment

Step No. 3. Collecting card details

The next step is to supplement the psychological portrait with personal planets that show different functions and tasks.

  • Mercury – speech, thinking, communication, learning
  • Venus – eros, love, finances
  • Mars – activity, strength, ability to overcome obstacles

Mercury shows how you think, learn, and work with information. How you communicate, commercial skills, conducting household affairs. Logical or creative thinking.

Venus is a manifestation of love, feelings, a point of pleasure and attractiveness; a man has the image of his beloved woman. Significator of marriage. Pocket money, easy income and spending. Art, creativity in general.

Mars is a manifestation of aggression, a way of overcoming difficulties, problems, defending one’s positions, behavior in conflict situations, starting a business and activity in general.

In addition to the interpretation of the planet in the sign, do not forget about the aspects that make significant additions. For example, Mars in Aries is passionate, hot-tempered, hot-tempered. But the square from Saturn cools him down a little, giving him strategy and endurance.

Step #4: Identify Your Weak Points

Almost every horoscope has vulnerable points: afflicted planets, problematic Houses and tense aspects. And this often brings difficulties and misunderstandingshow to read a natal chart, when everything is fine in one place, but there is a problem in another.
The planet is affected if

  • there is a predominance of tense aspects
  • being in the sign of exile and fall
  • burning by the Sun
  • connection with Lilith, evil stars

Stressed areas of the map are the source of problems, blocks and sets that the native needs to work through.

Step 5. Event level

Houses or sectors of the map are responsible for the event level. In other words, the House shows where circumstances require the manifestation of one or another planet. For example, Mars in VIII - disputes over money.
To interpret, you need to evaluate

  • manager – is generally responsible for the affairs of a certain area of ​​​​life. Through what and how the House is realized.
  • cusp – gives a description
  • planets inside - strong positive or negative factors influencing the affairs of the House

Making synthesis