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Green smoothies helped me get pregnant. Green smoothies are magical health drinks. Green from fresh ingredients

Ecology of life. Drinks: These smoothies are made from fruits and herbs in a blender. They are good because they contain chlorophyll. You already know about the effect of chlorophyll. But the presence of chlorophyll is not the only advantage

Green smoothies are prepared from fruits and herbs in a blender.They are good because they contain chlorophyll. You already know about the effect of chlorophyll. But the presence of chlorophyll is not the only advantage of green smoothies. First, they are cheaper than green juices.

It is very difficult to get a large amount of juice from greens: to produce one glass you need a large amount of it. A green smoothie made in a blender only requires a handful or two of greens.

Secondly, When preparing a green smoothie, the blender preserves much needed and beneficial fiber for the body..

Greens are the richest in fiber content. Fiber has a positive charge, and waste, toxins and pathogenic formations in our body carry a negative charge. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, fiber attracts all the accumulated dirt (plus is attracted to minus), and, like a sponge, absorbing it, removes it from the body.

Green smoothies can be made with fruit. Then they turn out very sweet and tasty. If the cocktail turns out unsweetened, or you feel the taste of greenery, you just need to add another sweet fruit, a banana, for example.

You should start drinking green smoothies little by little. Over many years of eating boiled food, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract organs have become weak, the muscles have completely lost the habit of working. But to digest fiber you need strength, you need strong strong muscles.

Therefore, you need to gradually accustom your gastrointestinal tract to work, make its muscles strong, so as not to overload. This is the same as with physical activity - training should begin with the gradual development of muscles.

When you strengthen the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with digestion will go away on their own. The gastrointestinal tract will work like clockwork, heaviness after eating, skin problems will disappear, weight will normalize, and all the wonderful effects of green smoothies cannot be described.

During the first month, stick to this norm - 1 glass of a delicious green smoothie per day.

The ratio of fruits and greens should be such that you enjoy drinking it.

After a month you can start drinking 1.5 glasses, and then watch as you wish, you can take a small amount twice a day.

After a few months, cocktails can be drunk in very large quantities. I give recommendations for the amount of cocktails to take because they have such an awesome taste that you will immediately want to drink a large amount.

Only by drinking cocktails daily can you be convinced of their miraculous effects.

They are very easy to prepare. After the greens with fruit and water have been swirled in a blender, the cocktail should be poured into a mug and the blender should be rinsed with water. That's all. If the blender is low-power, the fruit will have to be cut into quarters or smaller pieces, and if your blender has a good and strong motor, then the fruit can only be cut into halves, and the greens can be torn by hand.

Any dark green is suitable for cocktail greens, but weeds and wild plants are especially valuable: dandelions, nettles, spruce needles.

A small list of edible greens:

regular salad greens, sorrel, parsley, dill, cilantro, celery; “spicy” greens: watercress, nasturtium (capuchin) leaves; bitter greens: dandelion; weeds: chickweed, purslane, alfalfa, quinoa, nettle, duckweed; edible flowers: nasturtium, red clover, marigolds (marigolds), chrysanthemums, etc. berry leaves: leaves of strawberries, wild strawberries, currants, as well as those leaves that are usually collected and dried for tea; "tops": tops of carrots, radishes, beets, kohlrabi cabbage"

What are the benefits of green smoothies:

  • They allow you to eat a significant amount of greens raw, without salt or oil. When you drink a green smoothie, you physically feel how the beneficial substances spread throughout the body - they are clearly “for the good”!
  • Cocktails give you a feeling of fullness for a long time and without heaviness in the stomach. Accordingly, less other, less healthy food is consumed.
  • They are really tasty and can be used as a substitute for snacks throughout the day.
  • Green smoothies are easy to digest and contain fiber.
  • They are easy and quick to prepare.
  • After just a few days of “green smoothies,” you begin to want to eat more greens and simple healthy foods in general. For example, we began to drink much less tea, replacing them with plain water.
  • In addition to general health benefits, green smoothies help cure many diseases and help you lose weight (or increase it, if necessary).

Green smoothie recipes

Sweet green smoothies


  • 2 cups quinoa, plantain, chickweed, or other weed.
  • 1 banana; 1 mango; 2 cups of water.


  • 1 stalk of celery; 2 cups fresh blueberries; 1 banana; 2 cups of water.


  • 8 leaves of romaine lettuce; 5 cups chopped watermelon; 1 cup water.


  • 6-8 leaves of romaine lettuce, 1 cup of red grapes; 1 medium orange, 1 banana; 2 cups of water.


  • 6-8 leaves of red lettuce; 4 apricots, 1 banana; 1/4 cup blueberries; 2 cups of water.


  • 1/2 bunch of spinach; 4 apples; 1/2 lime with peel; 2 cups of water; 1 banana.


  • 4 ripe pears; 4-5 leaves of cadet lettuce; 1/2 bunch of mint; 2 cups of water.


  • 2 pears; 1 handful of raspberries; 4-5 leaves of cadet lettuce; 2 cups of water.

Unsweetened green smoothies


  • 6 leaves of red leaf lettuce; 1/2 lemon (juice); 1/2 red onion; 2 stalks of celery; 1/2 bunch of fresh dill; 2 cups of water; 1/4 avocado.


  • 5 leaves of cadet lettuce; 1/4 bunch of fresh basil; 1 lemon (juice); 3 cloves of garlic; 1/4 cup dried tomatoes; 2 cups of water.


  • 1/2 cup spinach; 1/2 bunch of cilantro; 1 clove of garlic; 1/2 red sweet pepper; 1/2 lemon (juice); 3 tomatoes; 2 cups of water.

Recipes taken from V. Butenko’s book “Greens for Life”

More cocktails

1. Green smoothie for beginners from Victoria Butenko:

  • one mango, a cup of kale leaves, water.

2. Green smoothie “Rocket Fuel” from Victoria Butenko:

  • two cups of green or red seedless grapes, three golden kiwis, peeled one ripe orange, one small aloe vera leaf, five red lettuce leaves, two cups of water.

3. Smoothie (cocktail) from Victoria Butenko’s family:

4. Super green smoothie:

6. Fruit cocktail:

  • lettuce, watermelon.

7. Smoothie:

  • lettuce, one cup of red grapes, one medium orange, banana, water.

9. Berry Pudding:

10. Simply useful:

  • coconut juice.

11. Green smoothie from Sergey Butenko:

  • small pineapple, one large mango, romaine lettuce, small piece of ginger.

12. Morning cocktail from Victoria Butenko:

  • four bunches of dandelion leaves, two stalks of celery, a small piece of ginger, two peaches, half a pineapple.

13. Morning cocktail from pea sprouts from Marina Gladkikh:

  • Mix pea sprouts with water in a blender.

14. Cocktail recipe from Marina Gladkikh:

  • three och Mix the selected oranges in a blender with a small piece of ginger.
  • one apple, one pear, leavesplantain, nettle and dandelion.
  • one mango, one pear and any greens.

17. Cocktail with spinach and dandelion leaves from Irina Seifert:

18. Watercress Green Smoothie:

19. Healthy green smoothie from Marina Gladkikh:

  • green salad leaves,
  • one apple,
  • two bananas,
  • celery leaves,
  • water,
  • lots of love.

20. Green smoothie from Olga Schastlivaya:

  • Orange, celery stalk, savoy cabbage!

21. Spring green smoothie from Marina Gladkikh:

With the greatest joy, take green spinach leaves, add a few mint leaves, sunflower sprouts, water, and mix in a blender along with 2 kiwis, an apple and a banana.

22. Recipe for a healthy holiday green cocktail:

  • green salad leaves,
  • one apple,
  • two bananas,
  • celery leaves,
  • one small piece of aloe vera,
  • water,
  • lots of love.

Smoothie (cocktail) from Victoria Butenko’s family:

  • spinach leaves, water, pineapple and one mango.

Super green smoothie:

  • spinach leaves, one cucumber, celery stalks, cilantro, water, salt as desired.

Calcium cocktail for teeth and bones:

  • two tomatoes and a large bunch of dandelion leaves, water, salt as desired.

Health-improving cocktail:

  • one cup of natural apple juice, banana, one mango, one small piece of aloe, any greens, water.

Berry pudding:

  • celery stalks, two cups of any fresh berries (not frozen), banana, water.

This might interest you:

Cocktail with spinach and dandelion leaves

  • 100 gr. spinach leaves, the same number of dandelion leaves, 3 bananas, 2 cups of water. Mix everything in a blender and you're done!

Green watercress smoothie:

  • 100 gr. watercress, one banana, a cup of water.

Bon appetit! Cooking with love!

Magic health drinks- so you can call it green smoothies, so easy to prepare and incredibly healthy. All we need is herbs, fresh vegetables or fruits and a blender. The result is a surge of strength and energy, strengthened immunity and a good mood!

Benefits of green smoothies:

  1. Smoothies with greens are very nutritious due to the high content of proteins and amino acids, they give a feeling of fullness without causing heaviness in the stomach.
  2. These drinks are very rich in mineral salts and trace elements, vitamins and chlorophyll.
  3. Green smoothies contain fiber, which is necessary for normal bowel function and helps eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  4. Green smoothies contain antioxidants that protect the body from harmful environmental factors.
  5. Green smoothies are quickly and completely absorbed by the body.
  6. Green smoothies help normalize weight and cleanse the body of toxins, and help in the treatment of many diseases.
  7. Green smoothies tone you up, give you lightness and energize you.
  8. Green smoothies are very beneficial for children, pregnant women and the elderly. Children can be given cocktails from the age of six months.
  9. Green smoothies are very tasty, they evoke a lot of positive emotions and pleasant sensations when consumed regularly.

How to properly prepare a green smoothie:

Have to take greenery(dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet and carrot tops, nettle leaves, dandelion or other greens) and vegetables(or fruits) in a ratio of 2:3, i.e. 2 parts greens and 3 parts vegetables or fruits (it is better not to use vegetables and fruits in the same cocktail). Grind everything in a blender. Add water to obtain the required consistency. If you do not add water, you will get a thick mass that can be eaten with a spoon. You can also add freshly squeezed juices to green smoothies.

It is advisable to use dark green greens (with the maximum content of nutrients). It is also recommended to constantly alternate the greens, using different recipes every day.

It is best to use the cocktails immediately after making them, but if necessary, they can be stored in a cool place for 3 days.

How to drink green smoothies:

The daily intake is 2-4 green smoothies.

It is better to start with small portions (1 glass per day) to avoid food allergies.

Green smoothies can be drunk before meals or instead of meals.


Fruity green smoothie recipes:

  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • banana – 2 pcs.
  • lemon – ½ pc. or sorrel leaves;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • strawberries – 1 glass;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • dill (parsley, sorrel) - several sprigs;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • pear – 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 5 leaves;
  • mint - several sprigs;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • nettle (quinoa, dandelion) - several fresh leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.
  • sweet plum - several pieces;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • basil - a bunch;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • green seedless grapes – 1 cup;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • lettuce - a few leaves;
  • water – 1-2 glasses.

Vegetable green smoothie recipes:

  • tomato – 5 pcs.;
  • lemon – ½ piece;
  • parsley, dill - a bunch;
  • chopped garlic – 1 clove;
  • water – 1 glass.
  • chopped carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • juice of a piece of fresh ginger;
  • lettuce - a few leaves.

Recipe 10:

  • sauerkraut brine – ½ cup;
  • tomato – 4 pcs.;
  • parsley, dill – 1 bunch;
  • water – ½ cup;
  • a little sugar.

Recipe 11:

  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 5 pcs.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • a little salt.

Recipe 12:

  • chopped carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • celery root;
  • dill, parsley – 1 bunch;

You can prepare very unusual and tasty green mixtures. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and listen to your taste sensations. And healing greens will take care of you and your health!

Eat with pleasure and health!

Nowadays, when the topic of a healthy lifestyle is trending, you can increasingly see the name “green smoothie” in popular and specialized sources of information. However, few people dare to replace their traditional breakfast with a glass of green smoothie. Sometimes simply because habit works, and sometimes due to lack of information. It's time to correct this gap and understand in more detail what the benefits and harms of green smoothies are for the body and the organism as a whole.

Ingredients of green smoothies

How healthy a green smoothie will be is determined by its composition - what ingredients you add are the vitamins you get.

The base of a green smoothie always includes a soft fruit or vegetable - for example, a peach, banana, soft pear, plum, kiwi or tomato - it gives the drink a slurry consistency and an underlying flavor.

Then the greens come into play. Any type of it will be beneficial; dill or parsley will be optimal in terms of vitamin properties. For the “cocktail beginner,” the flavor properties of parsley and dill may be too strong and specific. Then it would be right to dilute the drink with greens that are no less healthy in properties and have a more neutral taste: spinach, lettuce or celery are perfect. The fruit base can be set off by sorrel with its sourness, as well as dilute the taste of dill or parsley and make it almost invisible.

You can experiment with more original taste properties, for example, mint, arugula or basil - in the combinations you find, you can discover a “signature” shade of healthy fresh juice.

Now it has become known about the benefits of sprouted cereals in the diet, the idea of ​​​​using their properties in a cocktail will be very practical. Wheat, the most popular among sprouted grains, will complement the benefits of the drink with a serious dose of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, which with their properties will help strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel, easily digestible protein, and fiber.

The last component of the miracle drink will be water - on average, 500-600 ml per serving is required, but here you should rely on your own taste and preferences. If the mixture is too thick, you can add more water, and if the cocktail turns out to be too thin, add more fruit or herbs.

Benefits of green smoothies

Few people realize what enormous benefits just one glass of such a “healing” and incredibly tasty drink can bring: a green smoothie is perfect for cleansing the body as a whole and for treating various diseases. Green smoothies are especially beneficial for men - it has been proven that regular consumption improves the functioning of the reproductive system.

Undeniable advantages, or what are the benefits of a green breakfast

  1. Chlorophyll is “liquid solar energy” and has incredible benefits for the human body. Once in the body, this element can prevent even forms of cancer and atherosclerosis, so green smoothies are an excellent prevention against oncology. In addition, chlorophyll is able to remove toxins from the body and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and even regulate blood pressure!
  2. To enhance the effect and speed up the absorption of nutrients, it is best to tear the greens into small leaves and grind thoroughly.
  3. Alkalinization. The beneficial properties of greens do not end with chlorophyll. Incredibly, it is considered the most alkaline food that is so lacking in our diet. That is why by consuming at least 150-200 g of greens per day, you can easily normalize your acid-base balance and thereby improve your body’s health.
  4. Proteins. There is a stereotype that a person can get proteins by eating exclusively meat products, but this is not true. The truth is that greens are an excellent source of protein: they are found in the leaves in the form of amino acids. Moreover, “green” proteins are absorbed in the body much easier and faster than proteins from meat.
  5. Cellulose. During the preparation process, the cocktail retains the fiber of the plant products that are added to it. And as it passes through the body, fiber acts as a “sponge”, absorbing all the accumulated dirt - various toxins and impurities. It also contains antioxidants that prevent cancer and heart disease, which is why it is so important to consume green smoothies in old age.

How to drink green smoothies correctly

You need to enter into a diet with healthy green smoothies gradually, since for the gastrointestinal tract, which is accustomed to eating thermally processed food, it is necessary to rebuild peristalsis and the functioning of the enzymatic system: you need to “accustom” the body to such food in small steps so that the benefits do not turn into harm.

It is also worth remembering a few simple rules for preparing and drinking green smoothies:

  • It is advisable not to mix fruits and vegetables in one drink;
  • vegetables and fruits in the cocktail should make up 60%, and greens – 40%;
  • all ingredients you choose must be exclusively fresh, without heat treatment;
  • It is necessary to carefully grind all the ingredients to the consistency of a homogeneous slurry, in order to avoid the formation of lumps.

In the first month, for a gentle introduction and to minimize harm from a sudden change in diet, cocktail intake should be limited to one glass per day, then you can increase the dose to 1.5 glasses, then as desired.

Attention! You can feel all the magical power and benefits of green smoothies for the body only if you take them on a regular basis.

Rules for making green smoothies

There is probably no more healthy and easy-to-prepare “dish” than a green smoothie. It is very easy and quick to prepare, which is important for people who lead an active and busy lifestyle.

All you need to do is blend the selected fruits/vegetables and herbs together in a blender, pour the cocktail into a mug, and voila!

If the blender is not powerful enough, it is best to divide the fruit into quarters or smaller pieces, but it is better to simply chop the greens.

Recipes for making green smoothies in a blender

The green “vitamin bomb” can also become a complete meal: nutritionists recommend cocktails for breakfast: there is no better time of day to give your body the necessary vitamins than the morning! This miracle drink significantly speeds up your metabolism, so you can even lose weight with green smoothies!

Cocktail with celery and kiwi

This green smoothie recipe has fat-burning properties and speeds up your metabolism.

Cocktail ingredients:

  • 1 banana;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 2 stalks of celery.

Cooking method:

First you need to peel the fruit - peel the banana and kiwi. Celery needs to be thoroughly peeled and rinsed with water. Next, cut all the ingredients into large pieces and place in a blender, adding water to the desired consistency. And then just beat the ingredients into a paste - and the cocktail is ready!

Smoothie with banana and apple

To prepare this cocktail you will need

  • 2 medium apples;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

The first step is to peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Then a banana comes into play - you need to peel it and cut it into the same small pieces into a blender. Add honey, boiled water to the desired proportion of liquid, add cinnamon to taste, puree it all using a blender.

Important! Banana gives the cocktail the perfect elastic consistency, which is clearly visible in the photo and is suitable for any combination with green herbal ingredients.

Green smoothie with cucumber and basil

To prepare you need to take:

  • 4 small cucumbers;
  • 2 medium bell peppers;
  • medium bunch of basil.

You need very little water, literally 1-2 tbsp. l, since both cucumbers and peppers already contain a lot of juice

Peel the cucumbers, remove the seeds from the peppers, and tear the basil into small leaves. Throw all ingredients into a blender, add salt and pepper to taste. Whip everything together in a blender - bon appetit!

Tropical cocktail with orange and spinach

For one serving of this exotic drink you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 orange;
  • 1 mango;
  • a bunch of spinach;
  • 2 stalks of celery.

Peel the mango and orange and cut them into small pieces. Chop the celery and spinach stalks with a knife, place all the products in a blender, add up to half a glass of water and mix together - and you can enjoy a tropical miracle cocktail.

Harm of green smoothies and contraindications

In such an elixir of health as a green smoothie, it is difficult to find harm.

The only contraindications to taking green smoothies are individual intolerance or an allergic reaction of the body to a particular product in the drink.

But it’s also worth remembering that you need to cook it strictly from fresh vegetables and fruits, and add exclusively fresh herbs.

It is recommended to take the drink immediately after preparation, but if you want to save the drink for later, you need to cork it and place it in the refrigerator in order to preserve its taste and pleasant appearance as much as possible: the property of its ingredients to quickly ferment and oxidize can cause harm to the disorder.

The green drink should not be stored in the refrigerator for long: no more than a day.

Attention! For those who suffer from gastrointestinal problems, in order to avoid possible harm from this healthy drink, be sure to include it in the menu after consulting with your doctor and nutritionist.


Having understood in more detail what the health benefits and harms of green smoothies are, you can discover not just a new drink, but also a completely different lifestyle, where an ordinary breakfast becomes a real medicine. If there are no contraindications for use, the inclusion of green smoothies in the daily diet can rid the body of diseases, ranging from minor ailments to the treatment of cancer problems.

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By including green smoothies in your daily diet, you will immediately feel their magical effects on your health. After all, they have many more beneficial properties for the human body compared to freshly squeezed juices, as well as vegetable or fruit smoothies. This is first of all:

  • supplying the body with fiber, which promotes proper digestion, prompt removal of waste and toxins from the body, and, as a result of all this, the loss of extra pounds and strengthening the immune system;
  • such drinks contain much more valuable substances for the body (vitamins K, as well as C and A, minerals, folic acid, calcium, iron, chlorophyll and others) and at the same time have much lower energy value compared to cocktails made from sweet fruits and;
  • the presence of antioxidants in their composition protects the body from aggressive environmental influences, premature aging, and also contributes to the prevention of cancer;
  • one serving of a green smoothie can provide our body with a third of the total amount of nutrients recommended by experts, contained in vegetables and fruits;
  • By taking such drinks in the morning (before the first meal), we not only help cleanse and detoxify the body, but also effectively nourish it with valuable substances, because, as you know, they are best absorbed by the body from carefully ground liquid food, one of the options of which is are green smoothies;
  • due to the presence of amino acids and proteins, drinks with greens are very nutritious, they can replace one of your daily meals;
  • Green smoothies are especially useful for the younger generation, women expecting a child, and older people; they activate the body’s defense against viral, colds and other diseases;
  • The pleasant taste of such drinks will give you a lot of positive emotions when drinking them and a great mood.

Possible contraindications

Despite many of the most valuable health properties, green smoothies may still have some contraindications. First of all, their use should be excluded for people who have individual intolerance to the products included in the drink. In this case, you can replace foods that cause a negative reaction in the body with other ingredients when preparing the drink. Also, the drink should be taken with caution by those who have contraindications to taking vitamin K, which greens are so rich in.

As with any other food or drink, moderation is necessary when consuming green smoothies. This is especially true for people who have digestive problems and other health problems, as well as those taking medications.

Therefore, if you decide to introduce green drinks into your daily menu, before you start taking them, be sure to consult your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to their use.

Composition of drinks

Green smoothie recipes will give you the opportunity to feel their beneficial effects on the body even in winter, when the choice of greens, fruits and vegetables is not as varied as in summer. In this case, you will be helped by fruits that are available all year round: cabbage, beets, carrots, as well as greens, berries and fruits prepared in the summer by freezing. Of course, fresh ingredients for such a drink are much preferable than frozen ones. But if there is no alternative, you can use fruits and greens from the freezer.

Fruits and berries that are suitable for making green smoothies: apples, citrus fruits, blueberries, pears, kiwi, grapes, strawberries, bananas, pineapple and others.

Vegetables most often used in making green drinks: cucumber, cabbage leaves, bell peppers, tomatoes and others.

The following greens can be used in green smoothies: lettuce, parsley, basil, mint, celery greens, arugula, cilantro, spinach, dill. Also, when preparing such drinks, medicinal plants such as nettle, dandelion leaves and tops of root vegetables such as carrots and beets can be used.

It is recommended to use dark green greens (it contains the maximum amount of useful substances). When drinking the drink every day, experts advise alternating the greens used, preparing it according to different recipes.

The ideal proportion of vegetables or fruits and greens in a drink is a ratio of 3:2, that is, three parts fruits or vegetables and two parts greens. However, it is not recommended to use both fruits and vegetables in one cocktail.

What other components may be included in such a drink? This is water or freshly squeezed juices (without them the cocktail may be too thick). Peanut butter or natural yogurt can be used in small quantities for more nutrition. It won’t hurt either, which will make the drink fuller, and the cocktail itself will have even greater health benefits due to the presence of such a valuable substance as Omega-3 in flax seeds.

If in summer it is appropriate to use ice when preparing green smoothies, then in winter you can add spices such as crushed ginger and cinnamon to the cocktail for a warming effect. By doing this, we will not only help the body resist colds and various viruses, but also, thanks to the properties of ginger, we will improve digestion and enhance cleansing of the body, and thanks to the properties of cinnamon, we will be able to normalize blood sugar levels.

How to use it correctly

The daily intake of such cocktails recommended by experts is 2-3 servings per day. At the same time, in order to avoid negative reactions of the body to their components, it is better to start taking them with one small portion per day. It is advisable to drink them either before meals (this will promote satiety and, as a result, decrease appetite at subsequent meals), or instead of meals.

It is advisable to drink such drinks immediately after preparing them. But if necessary, they can be stored for some time in the refrigerator (up to 2 days).

Homemade green smoothie recipes

Preparing green smoothies in a blender according to the recipes below will not take you much time and will not require much effort. Everything is done very simply and quickly! To do this, place the prepared ingredients in the blender bowl, put it into operation, and in just a minute the drink is ready! You have the opportunity to verify this by preparing drinks according to our recipes.

Cabbage smoothie

Ingredients for the drink:

    • chopped white cabbage - 100 grams;
    • finely chopped broccoli – 200 grams;
    • chopped celery stalk – 50 grams;
    • apple juice – 0.5 cups or 2 green apples;
    • water - if necessary.

Before you start preparing this healthy drink that contains cabbage, read the following recommendations:

  1. Before adding cabbage to the drink, it is advisable to grind it in a blender, adding a little liquid. And only then can you add the remaining components.
  2. If you or your children are not big fans of cabbage, you can soften the taste of the vegetable by putting it in a bag in the freezer before using it.

Banana Apple Green Smoothie

For two servings of the drink you will need:

  • green apple – 1 pc.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • chopped white cabbage or kale (spinach can be used instead of cabbage) – 1 cup;
  • parsley – 0.5 cups;
  • water - half a glass.

Energy drink from Victoria Butenko

A famous researcher and author of many books about the properties of green plants called this cocktail “Rocket Fuel”.

Ingredients for preparation:

  • grapes (preferably seedless) – 2 cups;
  • kiwi – 3 pcs.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • one aloe vera leaf;
  • red lettuce leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • water – 400 milliliters.

Tropical cocktail


  • peeled orange – 1 pc.;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • pineapple cut into small pieces - 100 grams;
  • chopped spinach or romaine lettuce leaves - 200 grams;
  • water (if necessary).

Green smoothie with beets

To prepare it you need:

  • 1 small raw beet, cut into pieces;
  • spinach or chopped cabbage – 200 grams;
  • 1 bell pepper, cut into pieces (preferably red);
  • chopped ginger root - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • water if necessary.

Recipes for green smoothies in a blender will come in handy both in summer and winter. Made at home from natural products, they will amaze you with the depth of their taste, ease of preparation and, most importantly, bring invaluable health benefits.

A green smoothie is not only an obligatory component of the raw food diet, but also a healthy and tasty addition to the diet of “ordinary people.” You will learn about why these cocktails are so healthy and how to prepare them in this article.

Victoria Butenko's ideas turned out to be so simple and easy to implement that they immediately captivate everyone who learns about them!

In any case, all our friends who try a green smoothie at our house immediately begin to think about a blender.

What’s most interesting is the approach itself: instead of forcing yourself to chew packs of greens, Victoria found an ingenious solution - you can make cocktails from them! It is not proposed to give up everything else, so you cannot accuse the idea of ​​blind fanaticism.

What is a green smoothie?

A green smoothie is prepared from any edible “grass,” water, and fruits or vegetables. The ratio of fruits and greens is approximately 60 to 40. Recipes can be very varied, the only thing is that in order to avoid unwanted effects, it is better not to mix fruits with vegetables. The greenery itself can be combined with anything.

To prepare the cocktail, all ingredients need to be mixed in a blender. Usually, you first pour water over the greens, mix them together to create a bright green slurry, and then add fruits or vegetables to it.

Green smoothie recipes

It is not at all necessary to look for outlandish “overseas” ingredients. On the contrary, the closer the plant is to the place of residence, the easier it is to digest and provides more benefits.

Salad cocktails

All ingredients are mixed in a blender. Yields approximately two cups of cocktail

Recipe No. 1

  • a bunch of lettuce of any kind;
  • a third of a bunch of dill;
  • a cup of cold boiled water;
  • two bananas.

Recipe No. 2

  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • sorrel;
  • water;
  • banana.

Recipe No. 3

  • salad;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • water.

Recipe No. 4

  • salad;
  • apples;
  • sorrel;
  • banana;
  • water/juice

Recipe No. 5

  • fresh nettle leaves or lettuce;
  • parsley;
  • bananas;
  • water/juice

The exact quantity of products is not given here, because this is a matter of taste. The proportion of fruits and greens is approximately 60 to 40. Some people prefer thick cocktails, then less water should be added, while others need more liquid. In this case, the amount of juice or water should be increased. Some people prefer vegetable cocktails, others fruit cocktails, the main thing is that it’s tasty and you want more!

What benefits do green smoothies provide?

Everyone knows that greens are necessary and good for health. Greens do not mean green vegetables, although they are also very healthy, namely “grass” - salads of various varieties, sorrel, dill, parsley, celery, as well as any wild and “not very edible greens” - beet and carrot tops, leaves dandelion, plantain, linden, honey¹, nettle, quinoa, etc. – the more variety, the better!

Historically, we eat greens at best in salads, and as a decoration for dishes (although many do not eat such “garnishes”). Victoria Butenko, after a detailed study and practical experiments, proposes to bring greens into a separate class of products and use them as food along with fruits, grains and vegetables.

Why should you eat greens?

In fact, almost everything you need for life: fiber, proteins, amino acids, including those essential for humans, micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc.), vitamins (and in volumes , often greater than in vegetables or meat) and, most importantly, chlorophyll - all this contains greens!

Currently, people consume catastrophically little fiber, and it is necessary for good intestinal function and removal of toxins from the body. Imagine many meters of intestines!

Every day we stuff a bunch of refined stuff into it, starch, products without fiber and internal structure. And all this sticks to the walls of the intestines and accumulates there for years.

Fiber is a substance with a fibrous structure. As it passes through the digestive tract, it absorbs toxins and other substances that are not beneficial to the body. Fiber should be consumed in at least 30-50 grams daily. However, the “average” person eats no more than 10-15 grams.

Chlorophyll² is essentially the blood of plants. In composition, it is very similar to erythrocytes - the red blood cells of the blood, the only difference is that there is an iron molecule in the blood, and magnesium in the chlorophyll, so the blood is red and the chlorophyll is green.

The body requires almost no effort to digest chopped greens, and at the same time it contains almost all the necessary substances. Greens help the body prevent oxidation processes. It is advisable to eat it not just a couple of leaves a day, but one or two bunches! The easiest way to do this is to make a green smoothie.

What else do green smoothies provide?

  • They allow you to eat a significant amount of greens raw, without salt and oil, without the need to chew these bunches of greens.
  • Cocktails give you a feeling of fullness for a long time without heaviness in the stomach. This is especially good for people trying to lose weight, as they will eat significantly less food.
  • These smoothies are really tasty and can easily replace snacks throughout the day.
  • Green smoothies are easy to digest and contain a lot of nutrients and fiber.
  • Preparing such cocktails does not take much time - a few minutes are enough.
  • After several days spent “on green smoothies”, you want to eat more greens and simple healthy foods.
  • To get the maximum amount of useful substances from greens, you need to chew them very carefully, since this product has a rigid fibrous structure. Otherwise, the greens will not be completely digested, and there will be much less benefit from them. This is where a blender helps! (However, solid foods are still necessary to keep teeth in good working order.)
  • In addition to general health benefits, green smoothies help cure many diseases and normalize weight.

More detailed information about green smoothies and a raw food diet can be found in V. Butenko’s book “Greens for Life”. In conclusion, here are a few more popular green smoothie recipes.

Green smoothie "Rocket Fuel"

  • 2 cups green or red seedless grapes;
  • 3 kiwi;
  • peeled ripe orange;
  • one small aloe vera leaf;
  • five leaves of red lettuce;
  • two cups of water.

Green Simplicity Smoothie

  • spinach leaves;
  • water;
  • a pineapple;
  • one mango.

Smoothie “Super-green”

  • spinach leaves;
  • one cucumber;
  • celery stalks;
  • cilantro;
  • water;
  • salt as desired.

Cocktail “For teeth and bones”

  • two tomatoes;
  • a large bunch of dandelion leaves;
  • water;
  • salt as desired.

Fruit cocktail “Freshness”

  • lettuce leaves;
  • watermelon.

Smoothie “Fruit Abundance”

  • lettuce leaves;
  • one cup of red grapes;
  • one medium orange;
  • banana;
  • water.

Cocktail “Healing”

  • one cup of natural apple juice;
  • banana;
  • one mango;
  • one small piece of aloe;
  • any greens;
  • water.

"Berry pudding"

  • celery stalks;
  • two cups of any fresh berries (not frozen);
  • banana;
  • water.

Green smoothie “Morning”

  • four bunches of dandelion leaves;
  • two stalks of celery;
  • a small piece of ginger;
  • two peaches;
  • half a pineapple.

"Healthy breakfast"

  • pea sprouts;
  • water.

Cocktail with spinach and dandelion leaves

  • 100 grams of spinach leaves;
  • 100 grams of dandelion leaves;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 cups of water.

"Green Mix"

  • 100 gr. watercress;
  • one banana;
  • a cup of water.

Green smoothie “Wellness”

  • green salad leaves;
  • one apple;
  • two bananas;
  • celery leaves;
  • one small piece of aloe vera;
  • water.

Green cocktail “Spring”

  • green spinach leaves;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • sunflower sprouts;
  • water;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • apple;
  • banana.

Lunch cocktail

  • sprouted mung bean;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • salt as desired;
  • kefir.

Mix everything, add kefir and mix in a blender. The cocktail turns out to be very satisfying - you won’t drink more than 1 glass. Just what you need for lunch!

How to germinate mung beans?

They buy mung bean, fill it with water and put it in a dark and warm place. After 12 hours, small sprouts will already be visible on it. You can use it in this form, or you can leave it for another 12 hours, then the sprouts will become much larger. The choice is based on personal preference.

Try drinking these cocktails daily, and very soon you will notice an improvement in your well-being. Green smoothies will also have a beneficial effect on changing your appearance - your skin will become firmer and healthier, your complexion will become more fresh. Nails and hair will become strong and healthy. Your beauty will shine with renewed vigor!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Tomato is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Apiaceae family (Wikipedia).

² Chlorophyll is a green pigment that colors plant chloroplasts green (