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Create your own horoscope. Astrology for Beginners - Basic Concepts

I think you will agree that there are special days in every person's life. You have a business meeting on this day, you get a new job or ask for a salary increase. Or maybe you are proposing marriage? Of course, you want everything to go smoothly, so you just can't help but worry. What can I tell you? How to proceed? If you determine the vibration of this special day and the strength that you receive, all you have to do is think through your tactics and - you can relax, knowing that you are in control of the situation.
So, to determine your personal day number, you should add the following numbers (remembering that numerology only operates with single-digit numbers from 1 to 9, that is, January corresponds to 1, September to 9, October to 1 again, and so on):
the day of your birth month;
the number of your birthday;
date of the current year;
date of the current month;
date of the current day.
For example:
You were born on March 2nd. Let's say you want to know the vibration of a date like September 8, 2014.
You should add the numbers of the month, day and year: 8 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6.
Then you need to add the number “6” with the numbers of the month and day of your birth.
6 + 2 + 3 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 - personal number of the day.
Do not forget that a personal day lasts only a day, and you need to re-define the vibration as the dates change.

Day number 1
The number 1 always means a beginning: thus, this is a great day for some kind of activity, for the implementation of something planned. You will wake up in the morning full of strength and ambition - you are ready to start the day, and today you will surpass everyone in the world!
The worries of the previous nine-day cycle are forgotten - you have “turned the page”, you are determined to ensure that the upcoming new nine-day cycle brings you success. It's really nice to know that you can start over and try again where you failed before.
One is invariably the vibration of enterprise, and therefore devote all your time and energy to the implementation of some large task, regardless of whether you are doing big things or not. If you are in a leadership position, any creative ideas you have can be implemented without delay. If you occupy a subordinate position, the spirit of creativity will not bypass you either - share your plans with a person who has the opportunity to implement them. Among other things, the day is favorable for those who would like to receive a promotion or increase in salary - their chances are very high.
If you are in trade, dedicate today to expanding your clientele. Profitable deals await you, you will open new accounts. You should definitely put negotiations with people important to you on your agenda if your line of work includes such activities.
On such a day, creative forces manifest themselves in a variety of ways - keep this in mind. New ideas may dawn on you, you are able to master new skills. Wherever your imagination takes you, follow it and new roads will open before you.
No matter what you do, there is always the opportunity to expand your horizons, and in this sense, the day could not be more suitable. Even a homebody can take advantage of the forces associated with the vibration of “one” for self-development and enroll in some circle, make new friends, join a club, plant or redesign a garden, travel, read a new book.
Expanding your interests and activities will result in increased authority for you both in the business sphere and in your social circle. Be sincere and pleasant with people. Forget old disputes and grievances. Grudges have never made anyone happy. “Forget and forgive” is your motto from now on. And if you follow it, you will have many well-wishers, and thanks to a feeling of inner peace, you will gain what you tried in vain to achieve, consumed by hatred of those who offended you. Be tolerant and patient, self-possessed and decisive, let nothing and no one disturb the peace in your soul - otherwise what you have achieved will turn to dust.

Day number 2
Two is the number of cooperation, so today you will not put pressure on others with your authority. Let others have the deciding vote today - your boss, partner, friends, spouse. This does not mean that you can remain indifferent and indifferent; on the contrary, it is important that you provide support and coordinate, to the best of your ability, the plans and activities of others. Your give-and-take attitude will impress them and they will repay you with loyalty. Be tactful if you disagree with something, and try to guide people into the right thinking and right actions, without resorting to strong-willed methods and dictatorship. You need flexibility and diplomacy.
Even if you are a dynamic person by nature, slow down and give others the opportunity to express themselves. Listen, and don’t “become a nightingale”: today the main role is not yours, so it’s better to prompt and encourage everyone with whom business or chance brings you together. Those who listen learn a lot, even if the news is not earth-shattering. The moment you pause, when you direct your attention to people, you learn something important about them. Perhaps you will notice some facet that previously eluded your gaze.
Time is passing slowly for you today. No rush or fuss. Don't let yourself be pushed. The result of haste on the second personal day will be wrong decisions and actions.
Two is also a number that means you can easily find a common language with women. If you follow the spirit of cooperation that marks today, you will succeed in all matters, at work and at home, in which women are engaged. Time favors petitioners - you will be provided with a favor. It’s better to wait with purchases - you have everything you need. Dedicate the day to what was started the day before, on your first personal day.
Charm, understanding, tact and willingness to help - this is what is valued today. If you have been proposed, you should accept it on your second personal day, because marriage, after all, is a long-term partnership, isn’t it?
Intuition will unmistakably tell you what is the right thing to do today. Trust your intuition - on such a day it is especially strong. But if you are negative and argumentative, if you act contrary to the vibration of cooperation inherent in the second personal day, your actions will turn against you. Calm! Relax and be happy.

Day number 3
Today your personal beginning triumphs - you will sparkle as a star of the first magnitude. Everything that makes up your “I” must be expressed, because the “three” stands for self-expression. Joy, fun, charm, tenderness and inspiration - that's what suits you today. People will be drawn to you like a magnet. And since you are especially attractive today, is there a better day to socialize or talk about the position you would like to take, about a salary increase?!
Go to a party, a dinner party, a dinner. The day is conducive to vigorous activity in societies and companies. If your third personal day falls on a weekend or holiday, do not sit within four walls - there will be time for relaxation. Go to a club, play golf, tennis - visit any crowded place. Are you a homebound person? A great day for you to invite friends over or go shopping. Today you are distinguished by subtle taste, because self-expression is “in focus.” Why not buy gifts for birthdays, weddings, holidays - those that you will need soon? It’s better to do this today, when the vibration of the day gives you the ability to make the right choice, because on some other day you won’t be in the mood, but today you will be able to purchase something that will make the right impression.
On this day love and affection are celebrated. You will undoubtedly feel a special tenderness for those you love. Express your feelings without concealment, and people will answer you with double love. Everyone wants warmth and special attention, and the person you caressed will be grateful to you - you will be even more closely connected with him by bonds of love.
Serious questions, worries - all this has no place today: the day of pleasure and fun has come. Whatever happens, accept it lightly and things will get better. Brush off adversity. Nothing can shake you unless you give in, and today you cannot give in. Your positive attitude will help you overcome everything, and you will be surprised that any crisis is not difficult to deal with if one does not focus on the negative side of things.
Do not waste your time and attention, although the festive nature of the day may lead to such temptation. The forces of self-expression and attractiveness that dominate the third personal day should be directed towards achieving your goals. It is a sin not to take advantage of this gift - do not neglect anything to achieve what you want. At work, at home, in society - everywhere, rely on self-expression and your undoubted charisma - the day will pass, but you will remain a winner forever and will constantly increase it.
The love of art may prompt you to go to an exhibition, watch a play or a movie today. Be sure to do this - you will get a rare pleasure like no other day. Choose your toilet carefully and invite someone for company. Enjoy every moment of this day, and at the end of it admit: the day is beautiful.

Day number 4
Work is the order of the day, so forget about fun. Take on things you haven't gotten around to before. Get up early, work late, and stick to a rigid routine. You will have the strength and motivation to do everything that you usually put off due to lack of interest. However, you simply need to do a lot, so it’s better today than ever later. All your efforts will pay off in the future.
Any large-scale activity today will be successful - signing contracts, concluding partnership deals. Today your intellect is strong, and you can easily cope with the responsibilities assigned to you.
The vibration of the fourth personal day also turns a person towards home, so housewives will have a whole mountain of urgent matters. Spouses can make plans together for the future of their children: they may consider it necessary to open a trust fund, prepare children for school; Other suitable topics include savings, home expansion and remodeling, and relocation. Anything that requires a strong mind and detailed planning is better decided today - it is unwise to miss the opportunity and not take advantage of the favorable vibration of the day in this regard.
A visit to the dentist or a general medical examination is also recommended. We really don’t like to do this and always put off such things - to our own detriment. Tell yourself: the day has come - and go with the whole family to your doctors. And if this is not possible, make an appointment on the next day. Health cannot be neglected. If nothing hurts, then you don’t want to see a doctor, but an examination by a doctor can promptly reveal a disease that you don’t even suspect about.
Look around your wardrobe - somewhere you need to sew on a button, fix something, wash something, iron something. Go down to the basement, look into the garage - put things in order. What's the state of your budget? Check your checkbooks to see if there are any errors? And check your utility bills carefully too. Are you spending too much? If so, then today is a good day to carefully review expense items and cross out unnecessary ones. Talk about them with your family, stock up on compelling arguments, in a businesslike tone - and everyone, without a doubt, will support the changes you propose. Carelessness and poor management of financial affairs can result in an economic crisis that will drag on for a long time - for the entire nine-day cycle.
Spend your money wisely, if you need to spend it at all. Be frugal. Luxury items will wait for another day.

Day number 5
Don’t be surprised if the meeting scheduled for today is suddenly cancelled, because the essence of the “five” is variability and action. However, knowing about the nature of the fifth personal day, you will not be upset, you will perceive the change of plans lightly and take on something else. You will be rewarded, because on this day one thing is lost, another is found - again, completely unexpectedly. In fact, such a rapid change of events may push you to cancel a planned meeting - suddenly some more urgent and important matter arises.
Take advantage of the curious vibration of the fifth personal day and plunge into the flow of life. Diversity is the key word for this day, and you will gain diversity by interacting with many different people. Go to a place where you have never been before, where you will certainly meet a new circle of people - you will find among them a person you like. Throw all precautions aside, forget about your habits and do everything - or at least something that you have always wanted to do. Put on some exotic outfit, get involved in some new game - anything that goes beyond the boundaries of the “norm” for you will bring you pleasure and pleasantly invigorate you. If you want action today, why not try something that puts you on speed? Yes, you remember the wise saying: “Hasten without haste.” But if you enjoy the speed “slowly”, with caution, nothing bad will happen.
Speed ​​also involves making hasty judgments, and this is where you need to be careful. Don't get involved in any adventure without thinking carefully about your step, especially when it comes to your career or home. Have fun, but don't get reckless!
You will spend most of the day talking - reports, discussions, negotiations and... quarrels are possible. A smart and witty conversation will bring you interest, but the vibration of speed, under the influence of which an argument will begin, is not good for you, and therefore refrain from arguing. All forms of art and media related to speech will give you special pleasure today - plays, films, literature, radio and television programs, as well as lectures. Be sure to allow yourself at least something from this list and enjoy your choice in pleasant company. Since the fifth personal day is very suitable for entertainment, why don’t you and your friends go to the theater?
Write all the necessary letters today. Are you overwhelmed by the desire to write a story, a play, a poem? Follow your impulse, because today has the most suitable vibration for this. Even if you don’t end up with a literary masterpiece, a note or just a few lines on a postcard to someone you value will make the right impression on the person.

Day number 7
This is the only day in the nine-day cycle when you should remain calm, remaining alone. Deep reflection is the key to this day, so, when left alone, take the opportunity to think about current problems, your present and desired future. Clear work of thought and subsequent conclusions and decisions will help you understand yourself and get on the right path to success.
Now is not the time for action - words come to mind slowly, gestures are slow, because every step needs to be carefully considered before taking. This is exactly the mood of this day. Perhaps reflection will help you cope with some kind of discord in your soul, with weakness of spirit, since the number “7” is associated with religion and spirituality. You are also attracted to the occult sciences; interest in mysticism, in unknown world laws will push you to master secret knowledge.
You will improve your skills, and the new methods you discover that give good results should be introduced into general practice or recommended to authority figures. As for your home, all your discoveries can find a variety of applications here, which will make life easier, reduce the cost and make housekeeping more efficient.
Intelligence and creativity are given to you in full measure today - take advantage of your advantages at your own discretion. Any of your creative proposals will be duly appreciated by your boss or spouse and will elevate you in their eyes. It’s great if you can spend this day quietly in the lap of nature - outside the city, on the seashore. The seashore is an ideal place to relax on the seventh personal day. How good it is to swim if you have a day off! And if only the evening is free, you will get great pleasure from some kind of “cultural program”. Your thoughts today will also be partly occupied with home and all domestic problems, and if you have the opportunity to sit down and discuss matters with everyone concerned, do not miss this opportunity.
Take everyone's opinions into account before forming your own, and try to find a solution that is practical and will satisfy the majority. Today, analysis reigns supreme - you are gifted with the ability to think clearly and comprehend things through the power of intuition. However, under the influence of the same vibrations of the day, you risk falling into pettiness and being somewhat unfair. Criticism makes no one happy, and some may be seriously offended if you do not show tact and diplomacy. Avoid showing your moral superiority, otherwise you will make enemies.
The day is not favorable for investing money in stocks, bonds and other financial transactions. But it is even advisable to think about this, since your ability to foresee everything will undoubtedly help you make the right decision, which you will implement tomorrow, on the eighth personal day, most suitable for this kind of activity.

Day number 8
Don't waste a minute on this day of material success. You woke up in the morning to enjoy all the benefits; Let your good mood continue from dawn to dusk, because the most financially successful day of the cycle has arrived.
Number 8 indicates entrepreneurship and finance and is also a good sign in this regard - provided you put in the right effort. You will be given determination and energy will flood into you so that you can cope with your tasks. If you are working hard to implement a plan, then today is the day to reap the rewards.
Your efforts should be aimed at improving your financial situation, and therefore do not neglect the chance to achieve an increase in salary or promotion - go to your boss.
Don't wait for a lucky break - take the initiative and grab any offer. Be sure to meet people who can help you, and don't hesitate to ask for the position you want to fill. Courage and confidence are what you need, and then you will certainly get the desired place or at least “get closer” to it. He who does not take risks does not win.
Carefully analyze the state of affairs - maybe you have overlooked some opportunities to earn more money or advance in your endeavors. Change the direction of your activity if it does not generate income, and direct the freed-up funds to something else that will bring you profit.
Today is favorable for investing capital, as well as for lending transactions: lend money or take out a loan in order to develop your business.
All your business relationships should be based on diplomacy - show tact, be considerate of people and do not hurt their feelings, otherwise you will harm yourself.
It will be great if you engage in charity, since the number "8" also implies support and help, even if it is only good advice that will allow someone to get out of a difficult situation. Suppose you cannot make a contribution to the fund of some charitable society - in this case, provide personal assistance to the society by taking part in its programs.
Today your intuition is heightened - rely on it in all your endeavors and especially when it comes to money and entrepreneurship. Calculation again? Yes, you cannot miss a favorable time, no matter what you do, no matter what you think about, because the case is also “programmed”. You are simply following the instructions of a higher and more powerful force.
Be sure to pay attention to the people you care about today and devote part of the day to taking care of your appearance. Today all this is more important to you than usual. If you decide to visit your loved one - and today is favorable for such visits - take some souvenir that will testify to your affection.

Day number 9
Nine always means a “big cleaning” of the house, so to speak: you should put things in order and prepare for a completely new cycle, which begins tomorrow, from your first personal day. Give up any endeavors that do not bring the desired results and seem unpromising. Such things should not “clutter up” your life - value your time and energy. The same applies to dating, both business and personal. Find the courage to abandon burdensome relationships, but at the same time show honesty and nobility.
Be generous, but don't be hesitant. Unsolvable situations weigh you down, and obsessive and selfish people cling to you like leeches and draw blood from you without giving anything in return. You should avoid such situations and protect yourself from such people.
You have a great many things to do, and you can’t count the interesting people you can meet on your life’s path, but time flies... Treasure time as a priceless treasure and don’t waste it.
Thus, the ninth personal day is intended for “cleaning”, which will clear your personal space and allow you to function unhindered. Don't compromise if you've already made a decision.
Nine also indicates distances, and therefore you may go on a trip or someone from afar will appear on your horizon. Everything will become clearer during the day, and you should treat this turn of affairs with due attention. Send the necessary telegrams, letters and other papers that are expected of you. If you suddenly need to go somewhere, don’t think about it, but immediately get ready and go: you will be rewarded.
The vibrations of the "nine" suggest mysticism, and today you may want to delve into the occult sciences - you will discover a lot of new things. The facets of the world are innumerable, and you can peer into any one, without necessarily subordinating your whole life to this activity - just satisfy your curiosity.
Another important aspect of the “nine” is the impulse for creativity. If you are a housewife, then today you will bake some unusual cake and start arranging your home or garden. Or maybe the day will be marked by inspiration and a surge in mental abilities - for those who are busy solving intellectual problems. In any case, give vent to these forces - and you will experience pleasure.
All kinds of confidential conversations are also on the agenda. Under no circumstances should you divulge any secrets that have been revealed to you. Give advice without prevarication, but do not allow yourself to be drawn into any deception, refrain from lying.
Today is a day marked by the spirit of competition, and you have a chance to overtake others, and therefore you can take part in some kind of sports tournament or do something worthwhile. Charity on your part will be highly appreciated by those whom you support, and will elevate you in their own eyes: it is a worthy step in anticipation of the new nine-day cycle; the time will come and your efforts will pay off.
(According to the Jeri Bauer method)

Pseudoscience. Astrologers only grin in response to these statements - they are daily convinced that the stars really influence a person’s destiny. If you see that astrology really works, then why do you care what pundits say?

Astrology is a very ancient and complex science. Drawing up a horoscope until quite recently was a real sacred act - the astrologer calculated the location of the planets from ephemeris tables, put their symbols on a sheet of paper with a drawn zodiac, etc. and so on. All this took a lot of time, and any mistake could lead to incorrect results.

Everything changed with the advent of computers. Thanks to modern computer programs, even a child can compose. Compose, but do not interpret. The technical side of the issue has become easier, but knowledge is still needed to interpret the horoscope. However, the most general natal chart (birth horoscope) is quite simple to make. Start studying astrology; as you gain knowledge, your interpretations of horoscopes will become more complete and accurate.

First of all, you will need an astrology computer program. One of the best programs of this kind today is the ZET astroprocessor. Download its free but fully functional version from this link:

If you like the program, you can purchase the full paid version, which allows you to perform almost all currently existing astrological calculations.

Download and install the program. After launching it, indicate the initial data - the place where you are. Please note that since the summer of 2011, winter time has been abolished in Russia, so take this into account in the settings. So for Moscow the difference with Greenwich should not be 3 hours, as the program automatically sets, but 4.

After entering the settings, click “Run” - your location and current time will appear in front of you. If at this time a child was born in your city, then this horoscope will become the horoscope of his birth (natal chart). But usually an astrologer draws up a horoscope for a person who has already been born. Try making your own natal chart. Click in the program window, at the top left, the “Initial data” icon. Enter your place and time of birth, check your gender and click “Run.” Congratulations, you have drawn up your birth horoscope. Remember that the time of birth should be indicated to the nearest minute - this is very important. Moreover, even if the time seems to be known exactly, it still has to be clarified using special methods. A difference of even a few minutes can have a very significant impact on the accuracy of the horoscope.

After drawing up the natal chart, the very stage begins - its interpretation. The astrologer determines the balance of the elements, the distribution of planets in the upper/lower and left/right hemispheres, looks at the cardinal, fixed and mutable crosses, determines the rulers of the Houses, etc. and so on. Thanks to this information, the character of a person and the characteristics of his destiny gradually begin to emerge. To interpret your horoscope, read astrological literature. First of all, the 12-volume work of Count S.A. Vronsky "Classical Astrology". The books of Alexander Kolesnikov will also be of great help to a novice astrologer - written in a simple and accessible form, they will help to master the basics of astrological science. You can find all this literature on the Internet. And don't forget that astrology is largely an art. Many can learn the basics, but become true masters of this matter
destined for only a few.

Tired of reading or listening to the same type of horoscopes for your zodiac sign, which, moreover, often do not come true? Judge for yourself, how can the predictions of the 12 zodiac signs be correct for all 7 billion people? However, you yourself can create your own personal horoscope, which will best suit you.

The most accurate horoscope can be called a natal chart, which determines the main character traits of a person, his possible interests, talents, attitude to life, etc., that is, this is a general horoscope. Let's talk about how to create such a horoscope.

Natal chart: we make it ourselves

Drawing up a natal chart is quite a painstaking job that requires high precision and care. It is believed that you cannot do this without special knowledge, but if you take the matter seriously, then you will be quite capable of drawing up a true natal chart.

  1. First you need to find out as accurately as possible the time of your birth, down to the minutes, as well as your place of birth. The position of the stars in the sky is calculated relative to time and place, which influence the fate of a person.
  2. After this, you need to find out the position of the stars in the sky at the moment of birth, taking into account the place and time. It is necessary to determine the position of all the planets in the solar system, as well as the Moon and the Sun. To do this, you need to calculate the ecliptic longitude of these celestial bodies. The ecliptic for a horoscope is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which leaves 30 degrees. By degrees you can determine in which constellation a particular planet was located at the time of birth.
  3. Then you should calculate the relative positions of the planets relative to each other. So, if the planets form astrological aspects, we can say that they influence a person’s life. The following aspects are highlighted:
    • Conjunction (planets are in the same degree and in the same sign) - a positive aspect, denotes the merging of the functions of the planets;
    • Sextile (planets at a distance of 60 degrees from each other) - a harmonious, successful aspect, signifies a mitigation of the situation, predicts positive opportunities;
    • Trigon or trine (planets are 120 degrees relative to each other) - a harmonious aspect, denotes constancy and stability;
    • Opposition (planets opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees) - a negative aspect, denotes opposites, difficulties;
    • Square (the relative position of the planets at a distance of 90 degrees) is a negative aspect, signifying tension, contradictions and obstacles.
  4. You also need to calculate the values ​​of the intersection with the horizon: the ascendant, the descendant, the intersection with the points of the middle and the base of the heavens.
  5. Each of the 12 sectors represents a specific house. Houses in a horoscope describe a person’s life in different areas. The characteristic will depend on the position of a particular planet in a particular house at the time of birth. Here's what the houses mean:
    • 1st House - personality, appearance, early childhood, consciousness;
    • 2 House - a person’s possessions, his material security, finances, and related moral values;
    • 3 House - relationships with people, social life, communication, communications, perception of information, mind;
    • 4 House - connection with the past, ancestors, roots, parental home, traditions, family karma;
    • 5 House - creativity, love, self-expression, children;
    • 6 House - health, work, daily work, working relationships with people;
    • 7 House - partnership, marriage, friendship, enmity, business connections, social work;
    • 8 House - the house of metamorphosis and rebirth, is responsible for inheritance, rebirth, death, etc.;
    • 9th House - religion, philosophy, worldview, education, world consciousness;
    • 10th House - profession, career, purpose of life, power, connection with the outside world;
    • 11 House - groups and organizations, acquaintances, friends, creativity in a team, hopes, achieving goals;
    • 12th House - mystical abilities, occultism, freedom, state of mind.

Taking into account all these points, you can create a detailed horoscope yourself. The main thing in this matter is maximum data accuracy.

Horoscope using ephemeris tables

You can create a horoscope using ephemeris tables. You will need a table of Houses, a world atlas, an ephemeris table, and a calculator.

  • Ephemerides are tables that indicate the relative positions of the planets for each day. This means that you don’t need to calculate anything yourself; you can just look at the table and get the information you need. Thus, the “Rosicrucian Tables” are considered good (the entire 20th century is considered);
  • The table of houses will help determine the cusps of the Houses and the axes of the horoscope (for example, you can use the Placidus table);
  • The atlas will help calculate the exact geographical location at the time of birth;
  • The calculator is needed for calculations in ephemeris tables.

But if you find it difficult to create your own horoscope, then you can use ready-made astrological natal charts, for example, this one. You just need to correctly enter all the necessary data, click on the “Calculate” button, and you will receive a personal detailed natal chart.

Most people feel an irresistible desire to look into their future. This is why astrology is widely popular. If you don’t know how to learn how to make a horoscope yourself, then now there are various schools and astrology courses where you will not only be taught how to make a personal horoscope, but also how to decipher it correctly.

In addition to such schools, there are all kinds of astrological programs on the Internet that allow you to cope with the task yourself. Here are a few principles that will help you create the right personal horoscope:

Find an astrology program on the Internet that can help you create your natal horoscope and decipher its meaning.

In the window that opens on the website, you will need to fill out all the fields that the program offers. This is necessary for a more accurate calculation. You must enter your full name, time and date of birth. After that, choose your place of residence and the city in which you were born. After you have filled out all the fields, click the “calculate” button

Next, you will be provided with a birth horoscope specially constructed for you or a natal chart, on which you can see the location of the planets at the time of your birth. It is worth studying it carefully, and also reading the following description. This is exactly what deciphering your personal horoscope is.

Carefully study the texts that provide explanations for your horoscope, as well as your further development of events, your capabilities and predispositions. Also read recommendations for improving your weak positions.

After reading your personal horoscope, as well as the text, which contains all the details and nuances of your natal chart. Pay attention to the list of literature with the help of which your astrological forecast was compiled.

Such astrological programs have a lot of positive aspects. For example, you can create a personal horoscope, not a general one, but for a specific date. This is also done simply: fill in your birth information and select the month and year for the forecast. Thus, you can almost instantly find out what awaits you in the near future.

If you are not satisfied with this forecast, you can look for ways to learn how to make a horoscope yourself in other ways. Fortunately, there is now a lot of information on the Internet.

The origins of astrology date back to ancient times, when people first began to think about the structure of the Universe. It was then that the assumption arose that the whole life of a person is closely connected with the cosmic processes that accompanied the moment of his birth. This is how the horoscope and its various variants appeared. Some of them, for example the zodiac circle, are still popular today.

What is a horoscope

The question “what is a horoscope” can be answered using different concepts. For example, it is often defined as the totality of the relative positions of celestial bodies during a certain period. In ancient times, this concept meant the so-called. "ascendant", or ruling planet at the time of a person's birth. And nowadays it usually means a description of the horoscope - zodiac signs or specific forecasts.

The term itself is of Greek origin and is translated as “observer of time.” The first evidence of making predictions dates back to the 5th century BC. e. It is believed that horoscopic astrology began in Mesopotamia, and was further developed in Egypt, Greece and Byzantium.

The version most famous today appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that a famous British astrologer named Alan Leo compiled an accelerated method of description based on the cyclical movement of the Sun, which passes through the same constellations every time during the year. Since that time, a person’s zodiac sign has been determined mainly through the position of the star at the moment of his birth.

How to make a horoscope

All diagrams, be it a weekly horoscope or a natal chart, are compiled according to a certain methodology based on geometric constructions and mathematical calculations. For a specific moment in time (this can be any date), the astrologer calculates the position of celestial bodies, and he also uses the geographic coordinates of the event.

To understand what a horoscope is, you need to imagine the ecliptic - the circle on which the projection of the planets is plotted. It is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is assigned a specific symbol. Analysis of the position of the celestial ones shows that each of them falls into one of the segments of the ecliptic, i.e., into a specific zodiac sign. The totality of data on the coordinates of the luminaries and planets forms a horoscope cosmogram.

The basis of the astrological description is the interpretation of the diagram obtained from the symbolic image of the sky. As a rule, the process of building it takes quite a long time and requires thorough training of a horoscope specialist.

Natal chart

The fact that the determining role in a person’s fate is played not only by the position of the Sun, but also of all the planets of the system, is best demonstrated by the natal chart. It is something like a personal horoscope relating to the moment of birth. When compiling it, not only the date is taken into account, but also geographical coordinates and the most accurate time of day. It is believed that even because of a difference of a few minutes, people born on the same day can have completely different character traits and destinies.

Professional astrologers are able not only to correctly draw diagrams, but also to “decipher” the received information, resulting in a complete and detailed description. This is what allows us to understand what a horoscope is in its true meaning. A natal chart helps to reveal a person’s character, his inclinations, “weak points” and predict important life circumstances and turning points in fate.

Other types of horoscope

The local horoscope is calculated in a similar way. However, it no longer refers to the date of birth, but to the coordinates of the person’s current location. It makes sense to draw up a local map, for example, when changing your place of residence, in order to assess the possible consequences of this decision. There are other versions of the horoscope:

  • horary - used to answer a question;
  • mundane - refers to historical events, the fate of entire states and future large-scale events;
  • thematic (one of its most popular varieties is the marriage horoscope) - allows you to calculate possible success or failure in a particular area;
  • karmic - aimed at revealing the circumstances of past lives;
  • compatibility horoscope - calculated on the basis of two natal charts and characterizes the essence of the relationship;
  • by year of birth (one version is the eastern calendar).

Zodiac circle

The most popular type of horoscope is the so-called. "zodiacal circle" Each of its 12 sectors corresponds to a specific symbol, which is under the auspices of one of the 10 celestial bodies. The zodiac circle allows you to determine a person’s sign by the constellation through which the Sun passed on the day of his birth.

An early version of the system was invented around the 7th century BC. e. The symbols of the constellations through which the Sun passes during the calendar year were taken to represent the 12 signs. Half of them depict animals, the other part - characters from ancient Greek myths (according to one version, all names arose on the basis of legends about the exploits of Hercules). The astrological cycle begins with the constellation Aries and ends with Pisces.

It is noteworthy that once another sign, the 13th, was singled out in the zodiac circle. It is known as Ophiuchus and, according to the calendar, its period - from October 30 to November 16 - lies between the Scorpio and Sagittarius sectors. Currently, astrology does not include it in the circle due to the discrepancy between the modern arrangement of signs and the pattern that existed 2.5 thousand years ago.

Zodiac signs

The characteristics of each of the 12 representatives of the zodiac are greatly influenced by several factors. In particular, this is the ruling element and the degree of its expression. In addition, it is believed that people born “on the border” of zodiacal periods will also have features of the neighboring constellation. At the same time, representatives of the “middle” are carriers of the pronounced qualities of their sign.

Representatives of the zodiac circle can be divided into groups according to several criteria. Thus, in astrology, each of them can be classified as “dominant” or “subordinate”, “male” or “female”, “northern” or “southern”, etc.

Each of the 12 “solar” signs is also under the protection of one of the 4 natural elements. This allows us to divide them into special groups - trigons. Fire is personified by Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Under the influence of Air are Gemini, Libra and Volodya, and the trine of Water symbolizes Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


The natural element determines mainly the personal characteristics of its “wards”. “Fire” horoscope signs are distinguished by their strong-willed character and leadership qualities. Representatives of the Air element are sociable and have a developed imagination. “Earth” signs are endowed with a calm temperament and a tendency towards rational thinking. People born under the influence of Water are emotional and have developed intuition.

It is also believed that “fire” and “air” signs are predominantly extroverts. As for Water and Earth, they mainly correspond to introversion.

The first constellations of the zodiac circle have the most striking features of the ruling elements. This applies to Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. At the same time, in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the traits of their protective natural forces are manifested with the least strength. As for the “average” signs of the zodiac circle (Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio), they have moderately expressed characteristics of their element.

Compatibility Horoscope

Clients of professional astrologers most often ask to draw up not only a natal chart, but also a relationship forecast. The compatibility horoscope is very popular and is calculated by comparing individual characteristics obtained by date of birth. After a series of calculations, the astrologer can give a detailed picture of the relationship: the similarity of two people, the nature of their interaction and future prospects.

A similar forecast can be made not only for a romantic union, but also for colleagues and friends. It is important to understand that even a not very favorable compatibility horoscope does not sign a “sentence” on the relationship. Rather, it helps to predict and prevent their weaknesses in advance.

Today, the compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs is widely known. It is based mainly on the nature of the mutual influence of different elements. Of course, such a forecast is somewhat useful. But to get a much more accurate and detailed picture of the relationship, a conclusion about the compatibility of two people should be made on the basis of their natal charts.

Astrological predictions for every day

A horoscope for today or any other specific day may contain advice from astrologers compiled for each sign. Such a forecast is carried out on the basis of the daily lunar phases and the position of the planets in relation to a particular zodiac sector. In it you can get information about the success of a particular undertaking, possible dangers and general emotional and even physical state on a certain day.

The horoscope for tomorrow can often be heard in radio programs and found on the Internet. For many people, their idea of ​​astrology is formed precisely on the basis of these “express tips”, which they are very skeptical about. Meanwhile, when planning particularly significant events, a horoscope for one day can really be very useful. Especially if it is compiled in detail, taking into account not only the zodiac sign, but also the person’s natal chart and the exact coordinates of the upcoming event.

Eastern (Chinese) calendar

The Chinese horoscope by year of birth has a very ancient history, much longer than the zodiac circle. It was compiled approximately 4.5 thousand years ago during the reign of the legendary Huang Di. The eastern horoscope by year is based on the movements of the Sun, Earth, Moon and two planets: Jupiter and Saturn.

Several legends are associated with the origin of the Chinese version. One of them tells that Buddha once called all the animals to celebrate the New Year. He promised to give everyone who came a gift of a whole year of reign. However, only 12 animals responded to the invitation, which then became symbols of the Chinese horoscope, and in the sequence in which, according to legend, they appeared at the holiday. Thus, the Rat opens the cycle and the Pig completes it.

According to the calendar, each sign can “rule” under the auspices of the energy “yin” or “yang” and a certain natural element: wood, fire, water, metal or earth. 5 primary elements multiplied by 12 animals result in 60 years of the eastern cycle.

Eastern calendar signs

By analogy with the zodiac system, the Chinese horoscope by year serves to characterize a person’s personal qualities. The animal symbol of the year is capable of imparting its own special traits, including both positive and negative. All signs are divided into 4 groups: competitors, intellectuals, independents and diplomats, which determines their most striking qualities.

The patron element, which gives a person’s personality a special shade, is of great importance. Representatives of the same sign, born under different elements, will have rather different characters. It is noteworthy that the eastern calendar also has its own version of the compatibility table, containing pairs of “allies” and “antagonists”.

In addition, the Chinese horoscope allows you to obtain characteristics of a person based on the time of day of his birth. Every 2 out of 24 hours correspond to one of the signs, and this cycle traditionally begins with the Rat. All animals have the most suitable birth hours. For example, the same Rat, born at night, has greater determination and dexterity than the “daytime” representative of this sign.

There is another very interesting type of eastern calendar - age. This yearly horoscope begins with the Rooster, and the last, twelfth period of a person’s life, meaning the transition to death, passes under the sign of the Tiger.

Other prediction systems

The traditions of different cultures have had a significant influence on what types of horoscopes there are. Almost every ancient civilization had its own way of predicting fate at the moment of birth. Some of them have survived to this day and are known as horoscopes, although this designation is not entirely correct. These include, for example, the Druid calendar, as well as numerological, Zoroastrian, Tibetan and a number of other systems.

An individually compiled horoscope is something like a “map of fate”. It can convey a lot of valuable information about a person. To get the most detailed picture, you need to rely only on professionally interpreted planetary maps.

As for popular descriptions of zodiac signs and daily forecasts, they mostly contain too generalized information and cannot claim high reliability. You can only get a complete understanding of what a horoscope is and how well it corresponds to the real state of affairs with the help of an experienced specialist.