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Why do you dream about the third leg? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Legs? Why do you dream about legs according to the Ancient Dream Book?

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 30th day of the month. The dreams you had last night are fantastic and do not always come true and do not come true soon.

Today is the 27th lunar day. Dreams that occurred last night are not dangerous.

Today is Sunday. Day of the Sun. Sunday talks about what can warm our hearts, bring happiness, and make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and limitless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, darken joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting ideas with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will discover a talent in yourself that you did not suspect. A beautiful dream calls for active creative activity. But Sunday's mean dream warns of the approach of a joyless, empty period and calls for searching for the positive aspects in any troubles. A stingy Sunday dream can also indicate a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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LEGS – Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you admired slender female legs, be careful: soon you will meet some charming person, lose your head and show unworthy frivolity.

If you see ugly legs in a dream, this dream means that you will have unprofitable activities ahead of you. Your friends will be annoyed.

A wounded leg portends loss.

If you see that you have a wooden leg, this means that you will put yourself in a false position in front of your friends.

If in a dream you saw that your legs were covered with ulcers, this portends a decrease in your income due to the fact that you will have to help other people.

If you saw in a dream that you have three legs or even more, this means that your entrepreneurial spirit is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

If you dream that your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty.

If you dream that your leg is amputated, you will lose valuable friends, and the despotic influence of your family will make your life almost unbearable.

For a young woman to admire her own legs means that her insatiable vanity will alienate the man she adores.

If she dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in the future.

If in a dream your legs are slender and in good shape, this means a happy future and loyal friends.

Simply seeing your feet in a dream often foreshadows a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your position in life with greater will and energy.

In a dream, washing your feet means that the cunning of others will somewhat confuse your plans and discourage you.

Seeing that your legs are red and swollen portends trouble: shame and humiliation, a break with your family, and sudden changes in business are possible.

LEGS – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see your legs in a dream - you will actually find yourself in a very difficult situation, you need to mobilize and act, there should be no place for despondency, and confusion will destroy you.

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful road awaits you.

Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person.

You dream of slender female legs - impressed by some event, you will lose your reasoning for a while. Try to pull yourself together quickly - you are defenseless until you are able to assess the situation and make the right decisions.

You dream of ugly women's legs - what you do in life will help you make ends meet, but will not bring tangible benefits, you will not make savings.

In your dream you seem to have three legs - you seem to be very active, but in fact you are only creating an appearance, in your imagination you are a hero, but in reality no one notices your exploits, it makes sense for you to try your hand at the theater stage.

Your leg is wounded in a dream - get ready for some losses.

You see that you have a wooden leg - you will behave incorrectly when communicating with friends, they will be surprised, and you will not be able to quickly find a way out of an ambiguous situation.

Your legs seem to be covered with ulcers - circumstances will force you to help other people, you will not experience hardship, but you will have to tighten your belt.

Getting your feet dirty in a dream is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you, which will not be easy for you to survive.

It’s as if you are washing your feet - you will encounter someone’s cunning, you will be prevented from fulfilling your plans. Washing your feet in a pond with clean and clear water is a sign of happiness and good luck. If the water was cold, then the dream predicts a cold. If someone washes your feet and rubs them with aromatic oils, then great success, pleasure and prosperity await you. Washing someone's feet or kissing them in a dream means that you will have to repent of what you have done and come to terms with the circumstances.

You cannot stand on your feet, they do not listen to you and seem to have become numb - poverty is destined for you.

Your legs seem to be swollen - in reality, all troubles will fall on your head: you will be disgraced, humiliated, crushed, your business will decline, your family will fall apart.

It’s as if your leg is being amputated - most likely, you are not the boss in the family, you are under the heel, you are being “nazed” from morning to evening, many of your troubles are caused by softness - including the loss of friends.

If you dream that you have become disabled and lost both legs, then expect great failures, hardships, and misfortunes.

Seeing the calves of your legs in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business. A dream in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet.

If in a dream you scrape someone’s legs until they bleed, then bad news awaits you about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation.

If you dream that your legs are on fire, then you should postpone your planned trip, even if it is very important to you. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business.

A dream in which you put your feet in the fire foretells you that only by intervening in some kind of squabble can you put an end to it.

Making any deft movements with your legs in a dream is a sign that your business will be successful thanks to your quick wits, ingenuity and ability to make the necessary contacts.

Spraining your leg in a dream is a sign that you will soon have so much trouble that headaches will begin.

Having many legs in a dream is a sign that profit in trade or a profitable trip awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts leg disease, colds or swelling.

Seeing or having crooked legs in a dream is a sign of damage due to a risky business.

To see or have thin legs in a dream means trouble or shame.

Admiring children's feet in a dream is a sign of consolation and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts making a small profit.

Having hard calluses on your feet in a dream is a sign that, despite the obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

If someone bit you on the leg, then grief, disappointment and trouble await you.

A dream in which you felt that someone was tickling your feet or heels warns you of cunning flatterers.

Limping in a dream is a sign of dishonor, loss and humiliation.

A dream in which you saw that a legless man is threatening you or chasing you portends great difficulties and obstacles in business.

If you dream that one leg is stuck and you cannot pull it out, then expect obstacles in business. If in a dream you were able to free your leg and continue the work you started, then success awaits you, no matter what.

To dream that you have a hole in your heel means expect trouble. The situation will become even worse if the wound on the heel bleeds or the leg hurts. However, if you pulled out some foreign object from it, then your affairs will improve.

If you dream that your legs hurt due to gout, then expect obstacles in getting money.

If in a dream your feet are barefoot, then a love adventure awaits you. Seeing someone else's feet barefoot in a dream is a harbinger of financial losses.

LEGS – Slavic Dream Book

Success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble; wash your feet - travel; putting your feet in the fire - ending a family quarrel; putting on shoes - fast road; having a prosthesis is a sad injustice.

LEGS – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

Wash - speedy recovery; if a man urinates at his feet - good luck, success; You are kicked - acquisition of wealth.

LEGS – Indian Dream Book

Anyone who dreams that he has four or five legs runs the risk of catching a cold or getting swelling in his legs. However, this dream is very happy for merchants and sailors.

It is a very bad sign to dream that your legs are on fire.

To dream that you dance easily and deftly means intercession and friendship.

Severed legs mean displeasure and trouble.

If you dream that you are admiring your children's feet, this foretells joy, profit, health, pleasure and consolation.

Seeing a woman on your feet means things will improve.

Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means sorrow.

To dream that you are standing by a fountain or river and washing your feet means meekness, happiness, but sometimes catarrh and swelling.

Seeing yourself kissing someone else's feet means repentance and humility.

To dream that a snake or other reptile is entwined around your legs and is trying to bite means envy. If you dream that it actually bit, it means that sadness and displeasure await you.

If someone dreams that someone is tickling his sole, it foretells loss due to flattery.

If you see in a dream that someone is washing your feet with perfumes and aromatic oils, this symbolizes the respect of employees.

If someone dreams that he has a broken knee or foot, then his subordinate will have to experience loss, sadness or delay in travel.

A person who dreams that he is limping expects baseness and dishonor. If he is a prisoner, then punishment is predicted for him. For a rich person, this dream foreshadows the loss of his fortune.

To dream that you walk on your knees due to the loss of your legs means poverty or the loss of your fortune and your servants.

If someone sees in a dream that he has one wooden leg, this leads to a change in circumstances for the better or vice versa.

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Dreams in which your own or someone else’s legs appear can sometimes signal hidden sexual motives, upcoming love affairs or grief. Why else would you take off your legs? Most often it involves finding a way to avoid hostile, unpleasant situations, and the need to act.

Big dream book

    Look at dirty feet: you are experiencing passion or insatiable love.

    Look at swollen, sore legs: you will suffer from losses associated with an enterprise that is unprofitable for you. Wounded limbs - take this as a warning sign of a possible accident. Cut feet - your trust and friendship will be crossed out.

  • Thin, crooked: family quarrels or get ready for your partner to cheat on you.

    Washing your feet means joy or travel.

    Beautiful legs, slender: most likely, with impudent words you will push away a person who does not deserve such an attitude.

    Turning point: you will communicate with distrustful lenders or unprofitable enterprises await you.

  • Amputation: You are overprotected by someone in the family and you will suffer from this. Gangrene - you should not rush to help someone, so as not to harm your own interests.

    Wash someone else's feet: you made someone happy.

    You see prosthetics instead of your limbs: those who express a desire to help you will deceive you and deceive you.

    Insensitive legs: a person will appear on your way, he will bring you a lot of bad experiences.

    Play ball, pedal - court cases await you.

To see a basement window and many passers-by walking in it - there is something at home that you have lost.

    Walking in a dream with your feet up: be careful, there is a danger that your head will be turned, and you will lose your pride from the passionate feelings that wash over you.

    Feet in hair: You want to dominate everyone, especially your husband. Your family suffers from your despotism.

    Someone showers your feet with kisses: you will gain full power over this person.

  • You shower other people's feet with kisses: a persistent gentleman will achieve intimacy with you. Moreover, you will do this to spite your partner or marriage companion.

    Warm your feet by the fire: peace will finally come to the family.

    You see how you walk barefoot in the cold: the road is not close.

    Your legs are burned: with your stupid vanity you will push the person away, but he could make you happy.

    You are trying to put on your shoes in a dream: obstacles will come from where you did not expect.

  • Shaving your legs in a dream: you will lose your friend.

    Walking barefoot on hot coals and glass in a dream: a good sign is happiness in the future, as well as loyal friends. On ice: a difficult situation awaits you if you cannot firmly defend your right in a difficult issue.

    The wind lifted the dress so that the thigh was visible: sexual pleasure or a successful deal.

    Knees: You may be tempted by a scoundrel.

  • Look at your naked feet: a new love adventure. Dirty feet - worries will leave you. You have wide feet - wait for an accident to happen. If the feet are crooked, an interesting acquaintance may be ahead.

    A woman sees herself washing her feet in a dream: patronage and patronage from a wealthy person.

    Other people's hips: happiness in love or a successful marriage.

    Legs in venous nodes: business losses.

    Fracture in the ankle joint: failure awaits you due to your rash actions.

  • In a dream, you look at beautiful shins: a good sign, promising you a calm old age surrounded by children and grandchildren, as well as a foreseeable future without problems.

Ancient dream book

In ancient times, our predecessors explained such dreams as follows:

    You look at your dirty limbs: most likely trouble is on the doorstep.

    You wash them or smear them with something - to joy or pleasant trips.

    Wipe before entering the house: you will be given something.

  • Look at your crooked limbs: you will be able to fool your enemies or recognize them. Swollen limbs - help from true friends. Thick ones mean joy, thin ones mean grumpiness from loved ones. Long - frivolity, for women - trouble, for men - to gain benefits.

    Seeing one of your legs as normal, but not, for example, crooked or lame: your loved ones will get sick, unfortunately, there will be harm caused by inaction.

    Why do you dream about legs being broken in a dream: your heart’s hopes will not come true. And if both limbs are broken - impending death on a foreign side, abroad.

    In a dream, you suddenly cut your leg or a splinter got into it: there is a danger from being too mobile, careless, and not being careful.

  • Walking on crutches: you will become someone's student, perhaps you will learn something again.

    You see that instead of your legs, you have prosthetics: you have a journey ahead of you, or you will live at someone else’s expense, or you will not live with your own thoughts.

    Your legs are amputated: you are in a bad environment, but you don’t notice it.

    The woman was washing her dirty feet: she was in for trouble.

    You were given someone else's legs: a joyful sign - you will receive support and help.

    Your feet have become huge: don’t hesitate in vain - act!

    Scaly feet, scabbed: your vicious inclinations and sins will lead to degradation.

    If you are a man and you see beautiful legs, then most likely you have hidden homosexual tendencies. For both sexes, this also means a desire for the joys of love.

    If a woman obsessively and carefully takes care of her own legs in a dream: hidden lesbian tendencies.

    My legs felt like they were filled with lead: harm from the inertia of my mental life.

  • Crossing water means they are talking a lot about you. If you cross a shallow ford, good conversations take place. If you cross a deep ford, they talk about you very badly, gossip.

It is very good if you see in a dream how you successfully forded water, a stream or a stream - this means the same success in business. If not, then things will go badly, figuratively speaking, there will be no bread in the house.

Dreams reflect our subconscious experiences and emotions, interpreting them in a unique way. Some of our dreams are quite conscious and understandable, but often we have to think for a long time about what this or that object in the dream meant. Let's say, for what reason can you dream about legs? Different dream books explain this phenomenon in different ways...

Legs. Miller's Dream Book

As Miller's dream book says, if you are a man and in a dream you admire a woman's slender legs, this means danger. Surely, you will soon meet someone who will charm you. Don't lose your head and be frivolous! Ugly legs mean unprofitable plans and activities. Be more forgiving of your friends' irritation. The wounded portend loss. The wooden leg symbolizes falsehood and lies. Sick, ulcerative - to help other people, loss of finances. If in a dream you have three legs, then know that this means your imaginary enterprise, which in reality is not supported by anything. Uncontrollable legs mean poverty. Amputation threatens you with the loss of a friend. Admiring your own legs in a dream means that you are a narcissistic and vain person. A woman with hairy legs in a dream is a commander by nature. Slender, good legs mean happiness in the future. If you see your legs in a dream, it means that you have a strong position in life, energy and will. Swollen, reddened and unattractive limbs, seen as a sign of trouble in the family and society.

Legs. Dream book Slavic

Legs seen in a dream bring good luck and success to your home. As the dream book says, dirty feet that you wash are a sign of travel. On fire - a truce in the family. A prosthesis instead of a leg is an injustice in life. Putting on shoes in a dream means a quick journey. As the dream book says, bare feet in mud means money, in blood means the enemy. - to the destruction of plans. Losing a limb means losing a friend.

Legs. Dream Interpretation Indian

If you dream that someone has three, four or even five limbs, then this person should take care of his health. For merchants, sailors and travelers, this dream is favorable, because it means a good road. Dirty feet in a dream mean grief, loss, sadness. Also severed and burnt, they bring misfortune and trouble to you and your family. Friendship and good attitude mean watching the legs in the dance. If you watch children’s feet in a dream, this will bring you joy, health, profit, and pleasure. Washing your feet is good luck. Kissing the foot means repentance and humility. A snake entwined around the legs means envy, hypocrisy, malice on the part of another person. If in a dream someone washes your feet and rubs aromatic oils into your feet, this means the employees’ respect for you. Lame and sick limbs mean illness, dishonor. If you have no legs in a dream, it means poverty, loss of wealth. A wooden leg means a sudden change in circumstances.

Legs. Dream book noble

Dirty feet mean troubles in life, clean and washed feet mean travel and joy. for men they mean benefits, and for women they mean troubles. If one leg is lame or crooked in a dream, it means misfortune, illness, harm. A bruise means superficiality, a cut means danger. Walking on crutches means learning something new, unknown. Constantly talking about women's legs speaks of his penchant for homosexuality. Legs with scales, hair or hooves indicate your hidden sins and vices.

Legs. Freud's Dream Book

As Freud said, a leg in a dream symbolizes the phallus. Beautiful, long and strong legs speak of your excellent sexuality, while skinny and dirty legs indicate problems with intimacy. A fracture means impotence, and ulcers, wounds and scars indicate a craving for masochism. Several legs in a dream - to sexual activity and frequent changes of partners. Shoed feet in a dream mean your desire for protected sex.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dreamed of legs, then you will soon successfully complete your business.

Why dream of seeing your leg broken - that is, the possibility of losing an old friend and depriving him of his support.

If in a dream you drove a splinter into your leg, then you will have problems at work.

Why dream of seeing that you have severely burned your feet - then you will be in big trouble.

See also: why do you dream about socks, why do you dream about crutches, why do you dream about tight shoes, why do you dream about hairy legs.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about Legs according to the dream book:

If you dreamed about your leg, then health problems or liberation from something await you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Legs according to the dream book:

If you see that you have washed your feet, then you will soon go on an interesting journey, where you will have a little love adventure.

Why dream of seeing dirty feet - then you are very insatiable in love.

If you saw sore legs in a dream, then financial problems await you due to an unsuccessful business.

Why dream of seeing thin legs - then family conflict and betrayal await you.

If you dreamed of beautiful legs, then you will needlessly say nonsense to a loved one and greatly offend him.

Dream Interpretation of I. Ermakov

Why do you dream about Legs according to the dream book:

Hairy legs - It is a very bad sign to see in a dream that your legs are on fire.

Seeing that you dance easily and deftly is intercession and friendship.

Severed legs are displeasure and trouble.

If you dream of admiring your children's feet, this foretells joy, profit, health, pleasure and comfort. Seeing a woman at your feet means things are improving.

Seeing your feet dirty is a sign of grief.

Seeing yourself standing by a fountain or river and washing your feet means gentleness of disposition, happiness, and sometimes catarrh and swelling.

Seeing yourself kissing someone else's feet denotes repentance and humility. To see that a snake or other evil reptile could be entwined around and trying to bite means envy, but if you dream that it has bitten, it means sadness and displeasure.

If one dreams of someone tickling his sole, it means loss due to flattery.

To see in a dream that someone is washing your feet with perfumes and aromatic oils is a sign of respect from your employees.

If someone dreams that he has a broken knee or foot, it means that his subordinate will have to experience loss, sadness or a slowdown in travel.

A person who dreams that he is lame expects baseness and dishonor, but if he is a prisoner, then this seems to him to be punishment; For a rich person, this dream foreshadows the loss of his fortune.

To see that you are walking on your knees because you have lost your legs means poverty or the loss of your wealth and servants.

If someone sees in a dream that he has one wooden leg, this means a change in circumstances from bad to good or from good to bad.

Everyday dream book

If you dream about Legs, what is it for:

Seeing your feet is an opportunity to find out how strong your position in society is, how strong your family ties are, relationships with partners, and so on.

If you dreamed of slender female legs from which you cannot take your eyes off, then in real life you may lose your usual prudence and commit an act that is unusual for you.

If you dreamed of ugly crooked legs, then in reality you will soon have to engage in unprofitable business that will not bring any profit.

If you dreamed of legs that do not obey you, then you are facing large financial losses, possibly bankruptcy. If your legs are wounded or covered with ulcers in a dream, then in reality your income will be reduced, but due to the fact that you will engage in charity.

If you see that your leg has been amputated, then in real life you will lose someone very close to you, better than a friend. In addition, tension in family relationships is possible: misunderstandings and mutual reproaches can lead to divorce.

To see that you have seen your legs, usually such a dream means that you are in a very difficult situation and cannot soberly assess your strength in order to develop an action plan on how to get out of this situation with the least losses. If you see that you are washing your feet, then in real life you will have to face the betrayal of people close to you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about Legs according to the dream book:

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful road awaits you. Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person. Wounds, ulcers or broken legs in a dream foreshadow misfortunes, obstacles in business and failure of plans. Having hard calluses on your feet in a dream is a sign that, despite obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

Seeing beautiful legs is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you. Seeing that your feet are rubbed with fragrant herbs or aromatic substances means respect and love from subordinates. Kissing another's feet in a dream means repentance, an insulting confession, and a change of fortune. Seeing your legs cut off signifies difficulty and loss. Having light legs in a dream means joy, pleasure, friendship and general goodwill. Seeing your feet burning in a dream is a sign of the greatest misfortune. Having sore legs in a dream foretells relief in labor and a happy path.

Seeing swollen feet denotes loss, harm, loss, and also foretells illness and death of friends or servants. Seeing a wooden or other artificial leg in yourself foreshadows a change in condition from good to bad.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Legs, interpretation:

If in a dream your legs are beautiful, then in reality you will find success, good luck, a wonderful future and true friends. Swollen, red legs, legs with ulcers - to losses, troubles. Washing hairy legs means travel or recovery; breaking or losing a leg means difficulties in friendships and at work. Calloused feet - to wealth, a wooden leg - to sadness from injustice. Legs do not obey - to poverty. Putting on shoes - to the fast road; losing shoes is an obstacle to a profitable trip.

Only for women - If a young woman dreamed that she had hairy legs, then in reality, when she got married, she would command her husband.

Dreaming about Legs? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Legs, for what reason:

Legs (Feet) - Legs have a wide range of meanings from sex to submission. They also symbolize mobility, freedom and solidity. Various metaphors can be represented in the literal image of feet in a dream: “taking a step in the right direction,” “standing with one foot in the grave,” “kick in the butt,” and so on. Legs - "Rise from your knees" means that the dreamer has regained the confidence to stand up and take control again. Legs also mean movement, particularly running.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about legs:

to illness or freedom. Aquarius. See what Aquarius is associated with in your horoscope.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about Legs according to the dream book:

Dreaming of bare feet foreshadows a new love affair. Seeing strange-looking feet is a new acquaintance. Looking at your feet means loss of desire. Looking at strangers means you will lose money. Having very large legs in a dream is a misfortune.

Seeing your bare feet means starting a new love affair; washing them means freeing yourself from worries and worries; to look at them means to lose the position in society that you had. Looking at someone's feet means losing money.

Legs in a dream- Sore legs in a dream indicate that in real life, by helping your friends, you are sacrificing your health and your interests. And it is not at all necessary that in return you will receive gratitude and respectful attitude towards yourself.
Sick, red or thin legs signify troubles, a breakup with a loved one, the loss of loved ones or a fiasco in business.
It happens that in a dream people see themselves with several extra limbs. Extra legs and arms tell us that we should not create illusions and dream of large incomes. Amputation or cutting off arms and legs means loss or betrayal of loved ones.
Seeing ugly or crooked legs means hard work that will not bring any results.
Seeing your legs wounded, bloody or covered with ulcers means that in real life you will face losses, both material and spiritual. Health problems, disappointments, pain of betrayal, poverty - the meaning of this dream.
Hairy legs in a dream- a sign of awakening in you leadership qualities and the ability to command people.
Dirty feet in a dream prophesy troubles for their owner.
Dirty, crooked, unpleasant legs portend a collapse in business, irritability, petty dirty tricks from colleagues, your ideas and initiatives will be met with hostility.
Dirty, scary feet that you dreamed of are a prophecy of trouble that you are bringing upon yourself.
If you dreamed about your own legs, then most often this foreshadows an unpleasant situation from which it will be very difficult to find a way out.
If you dreamed that you were washing your feet in a dream- this means that in reality vile and cunning people will interfere with the implementation of your plans.
If in a dream your legs are covered with abundant hair, then this speaks of your domineering nature, strong personality, and leadership habits. You tend to control the actions of people around you and dictate your life position.
If in a dream you saw crooked, ugly, dirty legs, then in reality you should be more careful in your statements and avoid irritable and angry people.
If your legs do not obey you in a dream, then this is a harbinger of poverty and long-term material difficulties.
If the legs you see are slender and beautiful- in the near future, circumstances will develop generally well, new acquaintances may appear on the horizon, among whom a true friend will be found.
There is a chance that she is looking for benefits in a relationship with you.
A woman who sees her legs as hairy in a dream will be the main one in family life, and her husband will be her henpecked man.
Beautiful slender legs in a dream- be careful not to become dependent on a beautiful woman, because her intentions are not entirely honest.
Beautiful, slender female legs that you dreamed of foreshadow temptations and lust in real life. Love adventures, new novels, and “going to the left” from your spouse in search of new experiences are likely.
Beautiful, slender, clean legs seen in a dream foreshadow falling in love, rapid development of relationships, loss of reason from all-consuming passion.
Admiring your own legs in a dream means vanity and selfishness, pushing good people away from you.
You can safely take risks and stop complaining about fate, build your own life.
Washing your feet in a dream- someone will ruin your mood in reality, confuse your plans or take away your last hope.
Ugly legs portend unprofitable activities and unfaithful friends.
Feet in beautiful expensive shoes- the dream indicates to you that in pursuit of material well-being you do not allow yourself to relax, have fun and follow fashion.
Legs are wounded, with sores or bruises during sleep- a sign that you have nothing to lose in the real world.
Swollen, swollen, red or blue feet promise an impending threat to your reputation and family well-being. Divorce or severance of relations with a spouse, shame and embarrassment are possible as a result of an indecent act.
The absence of a leg or legs in a dream foreshadows the loss of close friends, a serious conflict with loved ones, which will lead to separation for a long time.
Wounded and crippled legs promise you illness and loss.
A wound in the leg or a wooden leg in a dream foreshadows loss, separation, and disappointment. the dream suggests that you may find yourself in a disadvantageous, uncomfortable position. Legs covered with thick black hair in a dream symbolize power, leadership, and strong character.
Swollen, tired, red feet- a dream threatens you with humiliation, shame, and reproaches in real life.
The dream in which you saw legs can have several symbols at once.
Slender female legs mean thoughtlessness and recklessness in decision-making, which often leads to financial losses.
Seeing yourself in a dream with missing legs- to the loss of a friend, close acquaintance or parents in reality, so that this does not happen for a long time, it is necessary to give your loved ones more attention, time and care.
Seeing your own feet bare in a dream promises danger in reality, poverty, attacks from competitors.
A person who sees his hairy legs in a dream will be an excellent leader and head of the family.