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Why do saints dream? Why dream about saints? Seeing images of saints in a dream

I dreamed that I and my loved ones were in some kind of danger.
In a dream, for some reason I decide that only Saint Helena can help me, in search of whom I go.
I travel to different countries and times, asking people I meet about St. Helena, but no one knows where to look for her. Along the way, I help everyone: either I console them with words, or I physically help them do something, wondering how people need help, care, etc.
It seems to me that I have found St. Helena, this is the queen of some country in a golden dress and diadem, but then I understand that it is not her again. I find myself again in some new dimension: there is a lot of greenery around, there is either a grove or a forest nearby, it seems like a river flows nearby, it seems like the outskirts of the city, and everything is very similar to reality.
I see a man and ask him if he has heard anything about St. Helena, he says no, but at the same time talks about his life, I listen to him carefully and suddenly an insight occurs (either the light sparkled, or just I suddenly realized) and I understand that Saint Helena is me.
That is, all this time I was looking for myself..

Alexander Reply

A beautiful metaphorical dream describing the progress of the individuation process. Actually, I have nothing to add - the dream does not need to be deciphered. I would like to note that after reading the first paragraphs, I was already going to write to you that you are looking for yourself - the names miraculously coincided - but the last sentence made this unnecessary.

62 Reply

I stand at the window, look at my palm, a ray of light falls on it, and on my palm I see images of saints, they seem to be looming in my palm, but they are somehow terrible, with fangs, with big eyes, although I definitely I know that these are saints (who are depicted on the icons). I feel surprised and afraid that they are scary.

Llenchikk-inbox-ru Reply

Night. I'm alone, surrounded by trees and graves. There are mountains on the right and left. I need to go forward, but for some reason I don’t go, I stop looking around (I’m not afraid of anything at the moment, although in reality I would be afraid). I don’t remember who, but then there was someone’s voice and he gave me 6 apostles to accompany me. The apostles were hovering above the ground, but above their heads there were luminous crosses, and not auras as they depict on icons - this surprised me. But then I suddenly woke up (the baby woke me up). I also talked to them, but I don’t know about what. I’m 27 years old, female, and I’ve been thinking about sleep for three days now and I can’t figure it out.

637 Reply

Empty room. I don’t know what size, because I’m kneeling in front of a pale orange wall. Twilight. There seems to be a hole in the wall in front of me, although it doesn’t have to be. I see some kind of saint in her (for some reason I know for sure that this is a saint). He is dressed in clothes embroidered with gold. Very beautiful and solemn. Although I didn’t pay attention to this then. It took my breath away, I looked up at him and couldn’t say anything. I was simply delighted and a little shocked and at the same time happy. Behind the Saint there were clouds, large loose clouds, they were illuminated by the sun with a warm, pleasant yellow-orange light. They looked like they were painted by Michelangelo. And here I am standing in front of the saint on my knees, he looks at me (I don’t remember his face) and says I BLESS YOU. And I couldn’t even think at that moment, and I didn’t really want to. The only thing I remember is that I felt joy and triumph, I felt chosen, as if I had touched something true, eternal and real. I don’t know how it all ended and I didn’t wake up right away, there was just nothing after that

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

Why do saints dream??!! In my dream, at first I worked for some reason on television, in a huge building with dark narrow corridors. our department consisted of me, my female employee and a male boss. We found ourselves in a small, clean room without windows. I liked my boss, but my colleague tried in every possible way to denigrate me, put me in a funny position, and the like. I was very sad in the dream, and I decided to leave this job. New Year was approaching. All television employees had to perform either a performance or a matinee, in a word. some kind of theatrical performance. I got the role of Santa Claus. I was walking along a dark dark corridor to the assembly hall when I saw many, many children in pairs in New Year's costumes. They entered the hall, and I followed them. The door is on the side, we immediately find ourselves on the side and in the middle of the hall. The hall is filled with people of different ages, all in some kind of costumes, that is, I understand that these are not their real clothes. I sat down among my people, they looked at each other, glanced sideways at me, apparently knowing that I was going to leave work. Out of the corner of my eye I look at the stage; unlike the hall, it is brightly lit. Suddenly a tall figure in a dark robe enters the hall. Everyone becomes quiet: this is Seraphim of Sarov. He stood there for a minute, then clearly walked towards me, but even then I didn’t think that he would stop near me. However, he stood in front of me, put his hand on my head and said (in his mind), “What do you want to be?” At that moment, something flashed, and his clothes turned from black to dazzling white. I answered: “My wife.” Developing the thought, she said. they say, there were so many jobs, and nowhere a person is valued for his dedication to his work (company, management, etc.), and at my last place of work I achieved nothing for two and a half years - for the first time in my life. And I want to have a person next to me who loves, understands, is faithful, reliable. Then, after the interruption, I’m still standing next to the saint and... I see myself, my copy, or something. I dress in a white uniform, stick on a wig and brown sideburns on my cheeks and become like the last Russian Tsar. At this moment I wake up.

In ordinary life it is almost impossible to meet saints; Of course, such an opportunity exists, but it is given to a person very rarely. However, people pleasing to God can be seen in a dream, and such a dream can affect the future.

Our article will tell you why saints dream.

Saints in our dreams

Dreams in which saints were present must be remembered, since such dreams are mostly prophetic. It is important to remember in detail the conversation, warnings and words of the saints, since they may be useful in the future. If the elder advised you to do something, then you must definitely do as he ordered. Sometimes it may seem meaningless, but later the meaning will be revealed, and then you will understand that the advice was correct. As a rule, saints and their images promise joy and favorable resolution of problems, so you should not be afraid of them.

Interpretation for women

If a woman sees the face of a saint, then this is a warning: she needs to be more careful and try to deal honestly with people, since evil will certainly return multiplied. Praying to the saints means participating in a church ceremony. If the figure of a saint has turned into a demon before the dreamer’s eyes, then in reality she should reconsider her morals, since she often does not act very well.

Interpretation for men

If in a dream the elder told the dreamer something, then everything must be done exactly as he ordered, otherwise problems will appear literally out of nowhere. Going to a shrine in a dream means joy; worshiping a saint in a dream means a successful solution to a problem. Seeing a monk is a sign of divine protection. A holy hermit often foreshadows loneliness, but it will not be a burden for the dreamer.

The holy image appears in a dream as a good messenger or “morality police.” The dream book, interpreting why sacred objects are dreamed of, promises great joy and pleasant surprises for the sleeping person.

How does Miller interpret what he saw?

According to the psychologist, a dream of a holy face is identified with insight, a brilliant idea, a good deed that will bring satisfaction. Seeing a sacred spring in a dream means a prosperous and calm life. Bathing in such a source portends health and longevity.

Turn away from the past!

A modern combined dream book, interpreting why you dream of plunging into a holy spring, compares what you saw with the opportunity to free yourself from the past. A woman’s dream reminds her of the need to improve her current relationship with her lover.

Medea states: the position of the sleeping beauty is based on past, often unsuccessful, experiences in love, which directly affect the current relationship.

A “reboot” awaits you!

Denise Lynn explains why you dream of washing your body in holy water, getting rid of complexes, remorse and self-doubt. The dream in which the blessed elder visited you, according to the dream book, is compared with changes that will occur not only in life, but also in the soul.

Details: who showed up?

The interpretation of a dream about holy faces, according to dream interpreters, depends on the divine characters in the dream. So, to see a holy image or icon:

  • Seraphim of Sarov - broadcasts the need to make a decision on your own;
  • The Most Holy Theotokos - calls for patience, the ability to accept and forgive;
  • Spiridon Trimifuntsky - to resolve the lingering housing issue;
  • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - avoid serious financial losses;
  • Matrona of Moscow - promises quiet family joy and harmony in relations between partners;
  • Peter the Apostle - symbolizes spiritual revelation, the acquisition of a mentor;
  • St. George the Victorious - speaks of the protection of higher powers from adversity and misfortune;
  • Panteleimon - to get rid of diseases and various ailments.

Get things done in Cupid!

The dreamed face of the blessed Matrona heralds the assistance of higher powers in love affairs. The young lady, who in a dream happened to pray to the icon of Matronushka, will meet her betrothed in reality.

For married ladies, a dream about the image of the blessed Matrona heralds a family idyll, a harmonious relationship with her husband. A man who happened to pray in a dream on the relics of Matronushka is foreshadowed by the dream book to have faith in one’s own strength and to easily overcome difficulties in the business sphere.

Kissing the icon of the Mother of God promises the appearance of an heir for the whole family. She appeared in the flesh - there will be great joy in the house.

Heaven help you!

Finding the meaning of life is promised by a universal dream book, explaining why one dreams of distributing prosphora or consecrated bread to the poor. Seeing yourself in the guise of a holy father in a dream means: the time has come to set an example for others with good deeds. Sometimes such a plot heralds insight and peace.

Venerating to holy relics in a dream means unexpected help that will come from an unknown direction. A night vision in which the holy spirit appeared means the protection of a strong and kind person.

Be careful!

The dream book from A to Z warns about the insincerity of loved ones, interpreting why the holy father dreams. People who happened to see the holy spirit in the house in a dream should visit a priest in reality and confess their sins. In some cases, such a plot indicates the presence of ill-wishers.

Holy images appear in our dreams as messengers of good or representatives of the “morality police.” Although these dreams are generally positive, they can leave you feeling like you are not doing your best to be an ambassador of good in the world.

In terms of practical help, the dream can inspire you to participate in a charitable enterprise or fundraiser, on the other hand, it is a reminder of the choices you have to make in real life.

If your psyche is in the middle of a conflict between the desires of the IT and the restrictions of the SUPEREGO, the latter may enlist the support of symbols of justice to strengthen its position.

Sometimes this happens under rather strange circumstances.

A dream about an object of sexual desire can unexpectedly dress this object in the cassock of a priest, pastor, rabbi, the clothes of a policeman or a strict teacher who could teach you in the third grade.

If the figure of a saint in your dream suddenly turns into a demon, or begins to show emotions that are atypical for his rank and position, perhaps this is a sign indicating the need to reconsider the moral principles that you adhere to in real LIFE.

Does a saint appear in your dream as a bearer of emotional good or a helper, or like a guardian of law and order?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Holy images

Holy images appear in our dreams as messengers of good. You can become involved in a charitable enterprise or fundraiser.

If the figure of a saint in your dream suddenly turns into a demon, this is a sign indicating the need to reconsider your moral principles.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Loff's dream book

Holy images appear in our dreams as messengers of good or representatives of the “morality police.” Although these dreams are generally positive, they can leave you feeling like you are not doing your best to be an ambassador of good in the world. In terms of practical help, the dream can inspire you to participate in a charitable enterprise or fundraiser, on the other hand, it is a reminder of the choices you have to make in real life. If your psyche is in the middle of a conflict between the desires of the id and the restrictions of the superego, the latter may enlist the help of symbols of justice to strengthen its position. Sometimes this happens under rather strange circumstances. A dream about an object of sexual desire can unexpectedly dress this object in the cassock of a priest, pastor, rabbi, the clothes of a policeman or a strict teacher who could teach you in the third grade. If the figure of a saint in your dream suddenly turns into a demon or begins to show emotions that are atypical for his rank and position, perhaps this is a sign indicating the need to reconsider the moral principles that you adhere to in real life. Does a saint appear in your dream as a bearer of emotional good or a helper, or like a guardian of law and order?