Repair Design Furniture

The Julian Circle is a secret city. Secret city. Ballad of the Dead Queen

© Panov V., 2013

© Design. Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2013

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Al Mahara Restaurant

Hotels, as any inveterate traveler will readily tell you about this, are different: ancient ones - when the history goes back to the very first meaning of the word “hotel” - and recent concrete boxes that are without regret broken for new buildings, famous ones - their names alone add to the city attractive charm - and unknown to anyone.

And there are also hotels that the whole world knows about.

Hotels vary, but if you want to quickly find out what your chosen hotel is like, take a look at the parking lot and estimate how much cash guests spent to decorate it. If the cost of polished metal, valuable types of wood, delicate leather and uniform caps even “by eye” exceeds a couple of million, there is a lot of sand around, from the piles of which well-groomed palm trees protrude importantly, pompous camels wander, and the shadow of a building stretches to the border of the neighboring emirate, then you are most likely in Dubai, at the foot of the giant sail of the Burj Al Arab, which once became the first seven-star hotel on Earth. And if you cast only a fleeting glance at the man-made rock, or even ignored it completely, then either you work here, or have been as a guest more than once, or are too absorbed in business and do not want to be distracted by the famous symbol of the construction victories of Arab petrodollars...

The black-haired man, who had just left a shiny limousine, the length of which was only slightly shorter than the shadow cast by the giant hotel, belonged to the second or third group. An ideal suit, old-fashioned cufflinks on the cuffs of a snow-white shirt, an elegant tie pin—indirect signs, discreetly but powerfully, testified to the brunette’s high status. And the behavior corresponded: the guest took the surrounding luxury for granted, without the ostentatious indifference of the soon-to-be rich.

Entering the hall, he immediately headed to the elevator, briefly ordered: “To the Oyster” - the phrase in Arabic was spoken without an accent - and just as briefly, already in the underwater hall, the following sentence was heard: “Mr. Atlantov.” The head waiter bowed and personally escorted the distinguished guest to the table, at which a very stout man of about forty was sipping rose wine, then quietly inquired when the gentlemen would consider it necessary to place an order, heard: “Later,” bowed again and left the interlocutors alone.

“I don’t like large aquariums,” the dense man said quietly instead of “Hello.”

“There are six inches of plexiglass between us and a million liters of water,” the brunette responded.

- I know. – The plump one, without taking his eyes off the fish flitting behind the glass, took a small sip of pink. – But I didn’t say that I was afraid, I said that I didn’t like large aquariums. There is a difference.

He had a large round face, a neat beard, attentive eyes - the wrinkles around them spoke of a love of smiling - and a straight nose. A pleasant, open face without any traces of excess. The once dark hair almost gave in to the onslaught of gray hair, and the silver added several extra years to the far from old man.

– Good choice, Andrey. – The black-haired one tried the wine. - You understand.

But there was no gratitude for the compliment. The dense man turned the glass over in his hand, finally turned his gaze to his interlocutor and quietly inquired:

-Are you really Yarga?

Considering that the greeting never came, the phrase turned out to be not entirely polite, but the black-haired man was not offended. Or pretended not to be offended. He slightly bowed his head to his left shoulder, grinned and said ironically:

“I never thought I’d have to confirm my identity.”

Another sip of wine. Each of the interlocutors took a sip, but the glasses did not touch. The men were separated by a transparent wall, which was much stronger than the six-inch wall behind which hid a million liters of sea water.

- Why? – Andrey showed slight surprise on his face. “How do I know you are who you say you are?”

– Why do you even need to know who I am?

– To believe in what you offer.

– You already believed it since you arrived. – Yarga wiped the grin from his face and now spoke extremely seriously. And extremely heartfelt: “The name doesn’t change anything.” Shas, Masan, Lud, Chud could sit in my place - it doesn’t matter. It makes absolutely no difference, because it was not my name that brought you here, but my proposal.

Knowledgeable Vyselki.

The name didn’t sound, but Andrei couldn’t restrain himself: he twitched his cheek as if he heard it. It was as if he had already touched upon the ancient mystery of human sorcerers. He twitched his cheek and thus demonstrated his burning interest. He caught Yarga’s gaze, became slightly embarrassed and said very coldly:

“Everyone you listed has no motive to reveal the secret to me.”

– So you answered your own question, Andrey, and you yourself confirmed my identity. – The black-haired man allowed himself a smile again. – Let’s order another bottle of wine and ask for the menu so as not to irritate the locals.

– I didn’t plan to have dinner.

– You don’t have to.

- What do you have in mind?

- We will part earlier.

- Will there be guests? – the dense one frowned.

“I’ll tell you about the Knowing Settlements in order to give the Great Houses a headache,” Yarga explained. He ignored the question about the guests, hinting with his disdain that he was in control of everything. – The return of the famous four will not please them.

– You hope that we will squabble.

- I'm sure you'll squabble.

It was extremely unpleasant to hear something like this from such an experienced sorcerer, but Andrei was not embarrassed.

– What if we unite?

“There is always a risk,” the dark-haired man waved his hand. – But if for some reason the plan does not work and the Vyselki unite with the Great Houses, I will simply destroy everyone. Four groups instead of three. I'll have to tinker, but I can handle it.

- Who will you rule over?

- Those who bow their heads before me. - Yarga glanced at his watch, opened the menu, but did not study it, looked at Andrey and asked harshly, in a very businesslike tone: - So you are interested in the history of the Knowing Vyselki?

“An object at a table with an unidentified person,” said Tamir, who had already taken control of all the hotel’s video cameras. “They just got a menu and a second bottle of wine.”

- Accepted. – Santiaga slowly ran his hand along the tabletop.

The Commissioner of the Dark Court casually leaned his elbows on the reception desk and thoughtfully examined the cup of tea served by the attendant. Tall, slender, dressed in an elegant white suit - an excellent choice for the local climate - he gave the impression of a bored dandy whose companion was staying in the room on some important ladies' business. Next to the cup lay a magnificent white rose.

The image visible to others differed from the original in a mere detail: in reality, instead of a flower on the marble there was a shiny spiral-shaped artifact, reliably hiding from scanning the presence in the hotel lobby of one of the most powerful magicians of the Secret City.

– Why haven’t the chelas been identified yet?

“The guy activated the Navsky Amulet,” Ortega reported. “We are unable to break through his defenses.”

The magical devices of the Dark Court were valued for their quality and reliability, and the commissar of this very Court could only sigh.

And turn toward the noise.

There was a slight bustle at the door: several children, apparently the children of the guests, crowded around the trainer with the orangutan. A red-haired monkey, dressed in a red fez and a blue and gold vest, made faces, clowned around, pestered the baby and thereby caused bouts of cheerful laughter. The guards pretended not to notice anything.

Santiaga rubbed his forehead and returned to business:

- CCTV Cameras?

– Yarga’s interlocutor uses the “Cape of Dusty Roads.”

And thus he forced numerous cameras to see instead of himself a long, like a pole, Englishwoman in a disgustingly tasteless dress.

- Prudently.

“I agree, commissar,” the assistant assented.

– How do we know that it is the person with the object?

“I scanned the surrounding area and I guarantee that for the last three days only chelas have approached the table,” said Shas Tamir Kumar, one of the two “Las Vegas”, who is responsible for technical issues in the team. Nav Dominga, his partner, was considered the best predictor of the Secret City.

– That is, the genetic status of the object: person?

- Absolutely right.

– Is there at least one sign that the second object is Yarga?

- Unfortunately no.

Santiaga's long finger ran across the marble countertop again.

The men sitting by the giant aquarium were studied as much as possible without the use of magic. Tamir led the object from the airport, here he connected to the hotel security cameras, but so far these efforts were of no use: in the limousine the object was silent, and the table was protected by the most reliable amulet.

What to do?

The capture group - a Hyperborean witch and six Garok in full combat gear - had already entered the Burj al Arab, and their commander was still not sure that the object was Yarga. Because if they made a mistake and now take one of the assistants of the first prince Navi, they will lose the last thread leading to the worst enemy of the Secret City.

- Commissioner? – Ortega called carefully.

“No more than ten minutes until the end of the conversation,” Dominga said.

“The capture group is at the starting point,” Boga reported sparingly.

We have to make a decision.

- Why did I choose you? – The Dark One shook his head, making it clear that he was surprised by the question. – Andrey, it’s obvious: you are familiar with the Secret City, with its realities...

- I retired a long time ago...

And he faced the icy gaze of black eyes. This look could have sunk the Titanic. However, if Yarga really was sitting at the table, then the number of his Titanics had long been in the thousands.

“Please, don’t interrupt me,” the dark one asked harshly and looked at his watch again. And again - briefly. – You have retired, but I don’t need to explain to you what the Secret City is, the Great Houses and what the Knowing Vyselki are. And the latter knowledge is extremely rare among your relatives. You are strong and well educated, you are a patriot and you are stubborn. You will want to revive Vyselki... Actually, you already want to, but I don’t need anything else. – The lips stretch into a slight smile. – You are highly motivated, Andrey, I don’t have to push or persuade you. And I know you will take the risk.

– I have a quiet life and a solid business that generates excellent income. I haven’t had any contact with the Secret City for ten years, and that suits me quite well.

- Not satisfied.

- I know better.

“You are here,” Yarga reminded with unexpected gentleness.

And I heard the long-prepared answer:

- I'm sentimental. Your proposal gave off the scent of youth, which I did not resist. He could have, but he didn't. But the longer I am here, the more clearly I understand that I do not intend to return.

It sounded confident, but the interlocutors understood that Andrei was not saying this to Yarga, but to himself. Trying to find a reason to refuse. He tries, but he can't.

Because Andrei not only felt the smell of youth, but also saw a trace of a great secret. And it was this, and not his sentimentality, multiplied by nostalgia, that the former mercenary could not resist.

“Be that as it may, I’m not going to persuade you,” Yarga continued evenly. – And I’m not sure that I’ll go to another person: the idea with Vyselki came unexpectedly and could just as easily leave me.

– We are talking about my life.

– Ten years ago you, without hesitation, put it on the line.

– Ten years is a very long time.

First Prince Navi shook his head.

– You know, Andrey, the more I immerse myself in the realities of modern Earth, the less I want to capture this rotten planet. Where is the fire? Where's the rage? Where is the pearl that the first children of the Sleeping One called paradise? Where is the Earth, because of which we waged a war of mutual destruction with the asuras? Where are we? Where are the enemies? Why can I buy almost everyone? Where are the principles? The heroes were replaced by accountants, and I’m disgusted and bored with being the emperor of accountants, but I can try. How much do you want for the operation? Do you understand this language?

“I...” Andrey blushed, abruptly put the glass down, spilling pink on the snow-white tablecloth. - I…

- I'm bored with you. – Yarga stood up, but immediately sat down again and smiled. - We have guests. – And the smile became even wider when he saw how quickly Andrei took the battle ring out of his pocket. - "Dragon breath"?

“It won’t be useful,” Yarga waved his hand. “I’ll cover you from this battle.” So listen and remember, man: I won’t have time to repeat it...

Or maybe there was no signal? Maybe the magicians struck themselves? Didn't wait?

No no and one more time no! Garki and the Hyperborean witch, led by the Commissioner of the Dark Court himself, acted as a single organism, like one hand. Here she barely noticeably trembled, tensed - the soldiers entered the hotel; Here the fingers clenched to strike, formed into a fist covered with an iron glove - the detachment took a position. And here comes the blow. A powerful fist unexpectedly...

The cry is loud, slightly confused.

- Cover it!

A powerful fist hit. But not forward, but in response. Not even in response, but into the air. It hit absurdly, weakly, and all because the brunette who jumped up from the table hit the prepared magicians with an elastic stream of “Stone Wind”. And not a simple stream, but a sharp one, gaining unprecedented strength in a fraction of a moment, and even selective, sweeping only Navas off the road. Visitors, servants, chairs, tables, plates - everything remained in their places, undisturbed by anything and not even aware of what passions were raging a millimeter from them. And six superbly equipped battle mages of the Dark Court crashed into the walls like kittens.

And they slid down, stunned. But alive, because death was in no hurry today.

And this cry, as it turned out, was made by Yana. The amazed Hyperborean witch struck in time, but struck alone. Heavy, powerful, but not strong enough to topple the first prince Navi.

- Funny…

The capture group had to work harmoniously: two would draw magical energy from the object, two would tie invisible bonds, two would hit with stuns. It fell to Yana to keep the trouble. At the very last moment, she managed to redirect most of the energy into the blow, but the result, to put it mildly, was not impressive.

- Funny…

Yarga picked up the stream directed at him, deftly spun it, intensified it, and then, without ceasing to smile, slammed it into the plexiglass.

- How do you like it?

Cracks ran along the transparent wall of the aquarium.

Forgetting that she might be under attack, Yana rushed forward and grabbed the collapsing glass with all her strength. She squeezed, glued, squeezed the scattering polymer and only then realized that she could not let it go without anyone’s help. Magic is magic, but if she loses concentration even for a moment, then a million liters of sea water and a lot of marine life will pour on the visitors of the Oyster.

– I hate aquariums.

“You’re talking about this again...” The calmed-down Yarga looked at the witch frozen by the glass with a grin, even patted her on the shoulder encouragingly, then looked at his watch and sighed: “Andrey, do you remember everything?”

- Now leave, in seven seconds there will be no crowd here from the Navs.

A black whirlwind of a portal danced a step away from the table. Chel stood up, but paused, turned to Yarga and shouted:

“Your motives are hostile, but I am still grateful.” Those who know Vyselki are worth the risk.

– That’s why I chose you, Andrey. Good luck.

Chel grinned and entered the portal.

- I won't last long!

- What's going on with you? – Santiaga turns sharply towards the elevator, intending to rush down, but the next moment she realizes that the hall has been twisted by a powerful combat lasso. “Salamander Ring” of the fourth level, not activated, but formed. All it takes is the last word, gesture, or even a sigh - depending on how the unknown magician decided to complete the construction of the spell - and everyone in the hall will be filled with fire. The commissar himself, of course, will dodge, manage to create a life-saving passage and leave, but the receptionist, guests, security guards, kids at the door...


Santiaga turns to the door and stares at the grinning orangutan.

- Schinki?

“Stay still, commissar, and no one will get hurt.” Even you.

And the orangutan quickly dives into the open doors of the elevator. From the depths of which Santiago burns the first prince with his black gaze.

- We'll see you again...

The doors collapse. A moment later they open - the amazed elevator operator stares blankly at the panel - and it is clear that the elevator operator is alone in the cabin.

And the next moment the headset goes off.

- Commissioner! – Dominga is extremely excited. - Commissioner! What's happened? Why was there no connection?!

“Yarga has left,” Santiaga says quietly, forcing the “Las Vegas” to fall silent. He takes a short pause and orders: “Repairmen from the Recycling Service are urgently needed.” – Yarga damaged the aquarium.

A monster from the Order's bestiary. S. has the body of a cat, membraned wings, a snake tail and poisonous breath. Does not burn. a combat spell that blinds the enemy either during combat or as a preventive action before an attack. cult center of Kadaf. unification of residents of the Secret City along racial lines. As a rule, S. is engaged in one business that is closest to the majority of its members. Governing bodies within villages vary depending on historical events: leaders, kings, councils of elders, etc.; some villages manage without any structures. The role of S. is extremely high, which is due to simple laws that force residents to stick to each other. a signaling spell cast either over a specific space or object, or in addition to a defensive or warding spell. When the perimeter is violated, bells begin to play in the magician's head. The spell is so simple that only a very strong sorcerer can complete it. Erlian spell. The most common spell for obtaining information. This is not mind reading, but studying the victim's memory. Thoughts can be compared to RAM and are almost impossible to read, but stored information is stored for a long time and is available for scanning. There are:
— soft scanning, in which information is extracted gradually, almost imperceptibly for the victim;
— hard (black) scanning, when you have to break through the imposed protective spells. In this case, irreversible changes may occur in the victim’s brain, including tissue destruction. The most famous hard method is the “inquisitor’s needle.” a commercial organization that ensures the concealment of traces of the life of the Secret City. the highest advisory body of the Great House of Chud. the highest hierarchs of the Dark Court. the supreme being in the minds of the inhabitants of the Secret City. Currently on vacation somewhere in space. Each Great House has its own opinion about S.: The Miracles are confident that having created intelligent S., he retired to rest, and then will return to the stage to reward the most worthy. People are convinced that S. still does not know about the appearance of intelligent ones and, upon waking up, will be unpleasantly surprised. What he will do after the first surprise passes, the Green House finds it difficult to predict. According to the Navs, everything that happens around us is just S.’s dreams, and when he wakes up, everything will stop. Ultimately, everyone agrees that S.’s intervention in real life is not expected, and therefore no cult has arisen.

No intelligent race, including humans, can call Earth their homeland. They all appeared in the mysterious Outer Worlds, but sooner or later they discovered Earth and moved to it. Strong nations created Great Houses, binding weaker races with vassal obligations, and for some time peace and order reigned on Earth. But again there were people drawn by the thirst for glory and conquest. The land, like a valuable trophy in a prestigious sporting competition, changed hands more than once. Humanity, which the ancient peoples contemptuously called “chelas,” became the fifth race that managed to subjugate the Earth.

When our ancestors took over the Earth, they mastered magic no worse than most of the inhabitants of the Secret City. The problem is that if in other families magical abilities are inherited with a 100% guarantee, then with each new generation, children gifted with a talent for sorcery became less and less common. If humanity had not chosen the technological path of development, over time it would have found itself defenseless against races for which witchcraft is an integral part of everyday life.

Gradually people forgot about their former enemies: we live and believe that we are alone on Earth. And at this time we walk along the same streets and breathe the same air with representatives of the most ancient races. A dozen ancient nations right under our noses are selflessly intriguing against each other, starting wars and scams. The ends are hidden in the water using magic. A smart and attentive person who managed to notice that something was wrong has a chance to get acquainted with the Secret City. Although the ancient races do not like people, they understand that some part of them must not only be tolerated, but even taken into account! After all, magic alone won’t get you far in this age. So non-humans have learned to use the achievements of human civilization such as television, information technology, cellular communications, cars and, of course, weapons.

At the moment, the Secret City - the same one that we used to call Moscow - unites three Great Houses under its roof.

Moscow is magical

Dark Court

State system: Absolute monarchy

Dominant family: Nav

Chapter: Prince of the House of Nav

Headquarters: Citadel on Leningradsky Prospekt

Source of magic: Unknown

Vassal families: Squirrel eating nuts

The Navs are the oldest inhabitants of the Secret City; they came to Earth about one hundred thousand years ago and for most of this time they reigned supreme over the planet. Outwardly, they hardly differ from people and look like tall, dark-haired men in the prime of life. Beneath their bright appearance lie the most powerful creatures on Earth: both in physical and magical strength they have almost no equal. The lifespan of a Nava is calculated in millennia. Only the relative small size of the family makes the Dark Court vulnerable. As a result, the Navs treat the lives of their relatives with sacred trepidation and brutally avenge the death of each of them. It is not surprising that the policy of the Dark Court is not to get involved in direct confrontations, but to intrigue, pitting enemies against each other.

The Dark Court is characterized by incredible cohesion and stability. In its entire history, the Navs have had only three Princes. The highest hierarchs of the family renounce their personalities in order to devote all their energies to serving the family. There is only one exception to this rule - Commissioner Santiaga, who is responsible for the security of the Dark Court, is the most respected and hated magician of the Secret City by his enemies.

The Dark Court skillfully preserves not only unity, but also its secrets. What is their source of magical energy, whether Nava women exist, how Navas reproduce - no one still has answers to these questions.


It's better to stumble towards the treasure,
than freely walking in the opposite direction.
Shas saying

Role in The Secret City: Traders, smugglers, swindlers

Residence: Money Tower

The Shas are perhaps the most peace-loving and definitely the most resourceful inhabitants of the Secret City. Almost no major financial transaction in the Secret City is complete without their participation: they trade in magical artifacts, information, real estate - everything that can be sold. The Shas' love for money sometimes takes on a pathological character: any of them will bargain for every penny.


We do not treat in debt.
Brother Lapsus

Role in The Secret City: Healers

Residence: Moscow monastery

The stingy, sarcastic, self-confident Erlians would arouse universal hatred if they were not the best healers of the Secret City. Although they are under the protection of the Dark Court, healers from the Moscow monastery remain neutral in all wars of the Secret City and are ready to treat everyone who turns to them. Of course, if the patient has enough money to pay for the services of the Erlians - and they charge their clients so much that even the Shas are jealous.


I'm just like you.
I drink blood. I live at night.
Lazarus Gangrel

Role in The Secret City: Spies, warriors, revolutionaries

Residence: Absent

Masans - or simply vampires - have a unique blood magic, they are very strong and are able to turn into fog; only cutting off their heads or direct sunlight can kill them. For a long time they maintained their independence and over time became a threat to the regime of secrecy maintained by the inhabitants of the Secret City. The Navs, the only intelligent creatures whose blood cannot serve as food for the Masans, have undertaken to calm down the unruly vampires. The Dark Court imposed the Dogma of Submission on its newly minted vassals - a set of laws designed to keep the appetites of the Masans in check. Naturally, not all vampires accepted such changes with joy: the clans split and almost half of the Masans refused to obey the rules of the Secret City.


They don't have very complex brains.
So they compensate for this with verbiage.

Role in The Secret City: Pathfinders, scouts

Residence: Absent

State system: Constitutional monarchy with elements of matriarchy

Dominant family: People

Chapter: Queen Vseslava

Headquarters: Green House on Losiny Ostrov

Source of magic: Well of Rains

Vassal families: Red Caps, Inspectors, Ends, Sailors

Symbol: Dancing Crane

In the Human family, only women are endowed with a magical gift, which once and for all determined the order prevailing in the Green House. It is headed by the queen, who is chosen from among the most powerful sorceresses - priestesses. It is the female sorceresses that make up the most combat-ready unit of the House - the Daughters of the Crane. Human men boast considerable physical strength, but without magic their squads usually play a secondary role on the battlefield. But do not assume that men do not play any political role in the Green House. Eight barons, who have almost absolute power, can seriously influence the decisions of the priestesses and the queen.

Having first appeared on Earth, the people took an oath to the Navas, but at that time the Dark Court began to lose control over their vassals and the Green House took advantage of the situation. It is still unknown where the people obtained their own source of magical energy, but with the help of the Well of Rains they managed to defeat you. Unlike the Navs, the Green House was unable to maintain unity. Their empire lasted for about three thousand years, but, mired in civil wars, fell when a new enemy appeared.

Red caps

Our noble family is large,
The great Fuhrer has illuminated the path for us all...
Anthem of the Red Caps

Role in The Secret City: Parasites, rowdies, drunkards

Residence: Southern Fort in Butovo

Quarrelsome, cowardly, quarrelsome shorties, deprived of even the most modest talents for magic. They organically combine stupidity, a pathological craving for illegal activities and a passionate love of alcohol. Direct participants and often instigators of fights and other troubles. They breed like rabbits. Fortunately, the constant internecine feuding of the three Red Cap clans keeps their population within reasonable limits.


The bailiffs have ironclad rules.

Role in The Secret City: Treasure Keepers

Residence: Absent

The guards are real giants, their height reaches two and a half meters, and their shoulder width can rival that of a bear, but their role in the life of the Secret City is very insignificant: they serve as guardians of treasures. At the same time, they are strangely trusting and simple-minded, like children.


You guys, when you see a beautiful woman, you lose your head...

Role in The Secret City: Showmen

Residence: Absent

Good-natured and frivolous ends prefer not to interfere in the feuds of the Great Houses and live for their own pleasure. Their main passion is amorous adventures. Not distinguished by their beauty, end men have a rare charm and rightfully enjoy the fame of unsurpassed seducers. In their free time from love affairs, the ends organize a variety of shows, competitions and entertainment.


On the one hand - a beautiful woman, on the other -
a clawed, spiky, half-crazed monster.

Role in The Secret City: Bodyguards, warriors

Residence: Pavilion of Liars

State system: Militocracy

Dominant family: Chud

Chapter: Grand Master Franz de Geer

Headquarters: Castle on Vernadsky Avenue

Source of magic: Carthaginian amulet

Vassal families: Hwang

Symbol: Rearing unicorn

The Order is the complete opposite of the matriarchal People. Although female miracles are not without magical abilities, all power in this family belongs to fiery red-haired warlike men. The Miracles have always been distinguished by their talents for combat magic, but for many years their rise was hampered by the fragmentation and poor organization of the tribes. This continued until the family had an outstanding leader named Tsung Le Guo, who gathered all the miracles under his banner. He made Chud as we know it today - a strict paramilitary structure with iron discipline.

The miracles cleverly took advantage of the civil strife that undermined the power of the Green House, and before the priestesses and barons had time to come to their senses, the Earth had already passed into the hands of the red knights. For two thousand years, the Order enjoyed its victory until the chelas turned their attention to Earth.

Today the Order is divided into four lodges - Swords, Dragons, Salamanders and Ermines, each of which plays a special role: the first two lodges provide the army with light and heavy cavalry, the Salamanders become infantrymen, and the ermines become archers. Troops of miracles are supported in battle by a variety of monsters - dragons, griffins or manticores, bred in the bestiaries of the Order.


So that your knife never breaks.
So that your hands never get tired.
And for the blood of our enemies to smoke on them!
Chameleon Marshals Battle Toast

Role in The Secret City: assassins, warriors

Residence: Altai

When the miracles came to power on Earth, almost all families had already acquired the patronage of other Great Houses, so there were no vassals left for the knights. Only one family swore allegiance to them - the four-armed Khvans. Due to the number of limbs, it is much more difficult for them to get lost among the people than for most other inhabitants of the Secret City, and therefore the lion's share of the people prefer to live outside its borders.

The Khvan diaspora lives in Altai, where they cultivate the Golden Root, a plant that can significantly enhance the magical potential of people and people, but causes drug addiction and dramatic changes in the body of those who use it. Despite their peaceful type of activity, the Hwans are among the best fighters of the Secret City - they are excellent magicians, fluent in melee weapons and are distinguished by their tenacity. The Hwans are famous for their strict code of military honor, which, however, does not prevent them from working as hired killers in peacetime.

After Franz de Geer came to power in the Order, he abolished the vassal oath of the Khvans, replacing it with a treaty. The knight considered that his family needed friends more than servants.

Guests from the past

Whatever bloody feuds separated the Dark Court, the Green House and the Order in the past, they all, along with their vassals, found refuge in the Secret City. They still don’t like each other and, if their neighbor is too lazy, they will gladly ruin his life - but at least they have learned to get along with each other. But not all magical races, whose names once thundered throughout the entire Earth, found a place in the world capital of magic.

Great House of Asura

They built the most beautiful cities, soaring under the arches of heaven.
Art flourished in their empire, and magic was raised to the level of
Sciences. There was no mystery in the Universe that the asuras could not solve.
Professor Serebryantz

The first masters of the Earth. There is practically no reliable information about them. The Navas, who fiercely hated the asuras, having won the First War, did everything possible to erase even the memory of their defeated enemies. It is not surprising that this family is surrounded by many legends: they say that it was they who created the sources of magic of the Green House and the Order and helped the people take the Earth from the Navs. However, there is no confirmation of these speculations, but it is known for certain that they were adepts of the magic of light. Perhaps this was the reason for such strong hatred from the Dark Court.

The legacy of the Asuras became the cause of the first and only civil war in the history of the Navas, as a result of which they lost their first Prince - Yarga, the same one who conquered the Earth for his people.

It was the Asuras who founded the Secret City, but when the Navas sought refuge in the territory of the future Moscow, the first children of the Sleeper were no longer there. Where they went remains a mystery. And there are still rumors circulating in Moscow that the asuras have not died out at all, as is commonly believed, but are simply hiding and waiting in the wings to take revenge and regain their former power.


Hatred burns like a fire, the glow of which is terrifying
on the enemy. Hate is power. This is sheer strength
sweeping away everything in its path. But not in every battle
The strongest celebrates victory. The meaning of Kadaf philosophy -
in the ability to control the fire of hatred.
Second revelation of Azag-Thoth

The Hyperboreans founded the first human state on Earth and led a victorious campaign against Chud. A unique magical tradition, coupled with the cruel, hate-based philosophy of Kadaf and fanatical devotion to the leader Azag-Thoth, turned the Hyperboreans into the most significant force on the planet. The source of their unprecedented power was the Golden Root. Using it, the Hyperboreans gradually lost their former appearance and humanity, and their exorbitant ambitions eventually turned their own relatives against them.

The prospect of becoming slaves of Azag-Thoth frightened the other human clans so much that they took an unprecedented step - they entered into an alliance with the Great Houses and declared war on the Hyperboreans. As a result, the adherents of hatred were destroyed almost completely. The few surviving Hierarchs of Kadaf left the Earth, and Azag-Toth himself with three witch concubines took refuge among ordinary people. Several times he tried to again reach the heights of power and overthrow the established world order, but each time he failed. His earthly journey ended in the mausoleum on Red Square.

The disciples and concubines of Azag-Toth tried to continue his work and bring their leader back to life. In the face of such a danger, the Great Houses temporarily forgot about past feuds and jointly prevented a catastrophe. As a result, Azag-Toth was safely buried, most of his students and two of his three concubines died, and the latter rejected the cursed legacy of Kadaf. It seems that the threat from the Hyperboreans has disappeared forever.

Great House of That

The philosophy of the Tat family preaches the “All or nothing” principle.
Actually, because of this they were unable to create an empire: the Tats
do not recognize unions and allies. In the end, people proved
They are mistaken in excessive independence, cutting out without exception.
Commissioner Santiaga

It is not known for certain why the Earth so attracts intelligent beings, why they are ready to shed rivers of their own and other people’s blood, just to take possession of this green-blue ball. However, one after another, the Great Houses invaded here from the outer worlds and defeated their predecessors. Only once did this rule fail. The next Great House that reached the Earth challenged its masters - and was defeated.

The Great House of Thief resembled a gambler who was ready to put his entire fortune on one line rather than be satisfied with a modest half-victory. This tactic failed them. The people forced the Tats to wash themselves with blood and practically destroyed this family, and those who were not reached by the Green House were finished off by the Navs.

Of the five divine lords who served as sources of magic for the Tats, only two survived. But even now the Tats do not accept compromises. Their family is on the verge of extinction, but they are still trying to destroy the Secret City and its inhabitants.

Muscovites are shocked by a wave of terrifying events: the maniac Vivisector attacks young girls, machine gun fire can be heard in the squares, and the seizure of buildings in the very center of the city only horrifies residents even more.
During the investigation of all these incidents, Lieutenant Kornilov unearths unusual details. He finds out that magicians, priestesses, magicians and mythical creatures live next to ordinary people, and the reason for the latest events in the city was the ancient enmity of the Commissioner of the Dark Court and the Queen of the Green House. Now, the Secret City is about to be engulfed in war, it is important to know that the losers will be the first to rush to the offensive, and in the final battle the heroes will win.

Commander of War

Who would have thought that humanity is far from the only intelligent race on Earth. The descendants of long-lost civilizations still live in the magical Secret City, which has existed on the territory of Moscow for many millennia and is hidden from the eyes of people by magical spells. However, a number of people still manage to look there and even find their place in the Secret City, among witches, sorcerers and black moreans. Artem, the main character of the novel, becomes such a person. It is he who must save the Secret City from a terrible catastrophe...

Attack according to the rules

Artyom and the inhabitants of the Secret City have another enemy on the horizon. She is a human witch with a passion for immortality. She is smart and cunning, her schemes and moves are difficult to predict in advance even for a professional chess player. Her name is Kara. And it is she who is going to cause chaos in the orderly structure of the Secret City...
But will this cunning villain be able to bring her plan to completion?...

All shades of black

Everyone was convinced that metamorphs - creatures who are able to transform their body as they please and, moreover, use magic - no longer exist. But in a tiny village, a girl named Anna is born with these unique abilities. When Anna becomes an adult, she will begin to actively take revenge for her abused childhood. She, using magic, will seduce men and destroy them by the dozens. The heads of the Great Houses of the Secret City need to save people from the evil metamorph at all costs. But what can they do?

And there are heroes in hell

The new artificial drug “stim” is becoming a way to create monsters not only in the foggy brains of drug addicts. Thanks to “stim”, a faithful servant of the Great Master penetrates into this world. He appeared to revive the seeds of Hatred sown many centuries ago. And again, as has already happened in the distant past, mortal danger forces the current owners of the Earth - people to begin collaborating with the descendants of the ancient magicians who ruled the planet in prehistoric times. With the inhabitants of the Secret City...

Concubines of Hatred

Thousands of tourists, walking along Red Square, do not even suspect that deep underground, right under their feet, in a hidden sarcophagus, the very fiend of hell is hidden - Azag-Toth, the ruler of the empire of hatred of Hyperborea. The Hyperboreans were defeated many centuries ago, but now, thanks to the drug “stim”, they have begun to rebel, and Azag-Toth is freeing himself from his old shackles. Will the Great Houses of the Secret City be able to defeat the Kingdom of Hate if they are not even able to reconcile with each other?

Last Hope Doll

The last hope doll or sleeping geisha is a powerful magical artifact that gives life to a person who has lost all his resources and is on the verge of death. Clara Sommerset tried to deliver this rare figurine to the famous collector Ivan Razin, but the artifact disappeared, and Clara dies under unexplained circumstances. Which of the residents of the Secret City is guilty of this crime? Who needed the doll of last hope and why?

Shadow of the Inquisitor

Previously, Mark was confident that he would be able to find his way to the Secret City again. He was obsessed with the desire to take revenge for his escape. He was convinced of his uniqueness, of his necessity. But the realities showed him a completely different picture and gave him an icy shower.
An ordinary person in the Secret City does not have the right to count on much. Mark's incredible capabilities only make nonhumans smile. And despite everything he did for the Great Houses, he faced a ton of indifference and indifference.
But now the shadow of the Inquisitor is already approaching Moscow, fires are preparing to blaze, the real and other worlds must come together in a bloody war. And that’s when an ordinary person can change everything...

Pulpit of Pilgrims

A century has already passed since some people discovered the way to other worlds. And for a hundred years no one has been able to repeat what they did. Members of the Great Houses of the Secret City have always wanted to take possession of the knowledge of the Chair of Wanderers (that’s what these pioneers came to be called), and now such an opportunity has opened up before them. Wanderers have appeared in our world again. A nur, a megamorph, the Keeper of the Black Book, mercenaries and others who are already familiar to the reader of the “Secret City” series are going to set out in search of the Great Road.

Blood Rules

For many thousands of years, the world of magicians and sorcerers, the remaining descendants of the ancient rulers of the Earth, has been hidden from prying eyes on the banks of the Moscow River. But the Secret City has not become a monument to itself, it is not subject to aging - no, it lives and prospers, new streets regularly appear in it, and the life of its population is filled with different colors. “Rules of Blood” is an excellent proof of this fact...

Royal Cross

Nikita Krylov, one of the owners of the largest Moscow casinos, is difficult to surprise with anything related to the world of gambling. However, a certain circumstance appeared that plunged him into confusion - a simple-looking deck of cards...
But what is surprising for an ordinary person, even perhaps a cynical and experienced one, is quite normal for any of Vadim Panov’s readers, who are well aware of the inexhaustible source of secrets and puzzles in the territory of the modern capital...

King of the Hill

For a long time now, strife and schism have been raging in the Masan family. The brothers were separated immediately after the treaty of the Great Houses with the Church was signed. The cause of the controversy turned out to be the Dogmas of Submission, with which some Sabbats did not agree, who soon left the secret City.
However, as time passed, the old slogans of the split began to be questioned. And so the brothers, tired of internecine wars, began to remember their past, where they were united. And even Commissioner Santiaga understands that it is time to unite the warring groups under the leadership of a single leader... The same opinion is shared by Baron Bruja - Cardinal Sabbat. What can they do to achieve this goal?

Dragon Day

He is a brave knight endowed with magical powers. She is a sorceress from a race in which magic is available only to women. And so, ironically, feelings flare up between these two in the Secret City. They belong to different civilizations, different types of magical creatures, and they should not have any feelings for each other.
For the first time in the “Secret City” series, Vadim Panov introduces a love line into the center of the plot...

The smell of fear

Fear is one of the oldest and most powerful feelings. It doesn’t matter who you are - chel or chud, lyud or nav, you are still afraid of something. And not to use this small (or, on the contrary, huge) weakness would be a ridiculous omission, especially if you are an ordinary sorceress, and the inhabitants of the Secret City are sure that you are mediocrity..
A series of strange crimes began in Moscow. Everything points to the fact that they are committed by someone not from the race of people...

Rebus Galla

Something terrible is happening on the territory of the Secret City: golems have begun to disappear somewhere. And the queen of the Green House suddenly decided to throw a wedding and acquire heirs. And at one construction site in the capital, for unknown reasons, mortality increased significantly. How can all these events be connected? All clues lead to the last of the remaining Gaul Rebuses.
And again the question that once split the powerful Order appears: “Was the Sleeper a magician?”

Web of Confrontation

The novel “The Web of Confrontation” by Vadim Panov is a collection of stories that are united by a common theme: the ancient enmity between Commissioner Santiaga and Yarga. It is worth noting that some of the stories are the work of connoisseurs of the author’s work, who showed a lot of imagination and strength to complement and continue the series of books about the Secret City.
The basis of the collection is the story “The Web of Confrontation.” It was created on the dialogue between Santiaga and Schinki, Yarg’s assistant, who was captured. This "interview" reveals many details about both the commissioner's past and the life of his longtime enemy.


The title of the novel “Vertigo” perfectly shows its essence, because most of the inhabitants of the Secret City will feel dizzy.
A young successful person named Dasha, despite her excellent career, lives like Cinderella. But one day it becomes known that she is an amazing fairy daikini. The girl finds herself in a new magical world, which is full of amazing creatures and magic, the world of the main character changes forever..

In the circle of times

A dozen years have already passed since Andrey Riznyk left the territory of the Secret City. He was confident that his fate would never again collide with the fate of the Great Houses and their inhabitants, but Yarga's proposal changed his views...
Knowledgeable Vyselki. An ancient mystery of human sorcerers. It is Andrei who will have to revive them again and fight the Great Houses in battle. Why does Yarga need this? He intends to destroy the greatness of the Houses. But why does Andrei agree to such a risk?

Mystery of revenge

The collection “The Mystery of Revenge” includes works by talented aspiring writers - winners of the “Secret City - Your City” competition.
And as the main chord in the collection, the reader will find a detective story by Vadim Panov. In it, there is an investigation into the murder of a young woman, and the work of the investigation brings a detective from the ordinary world to the Secret City.
New old characters, fascinating storylines, exciting adventures await you in this diverse collection “The Mystery of Revenge”.

Wild Persians

A talented employee of the Secret City (although he is not a sorcerer) Yuri Fedra is given a very unusual task. He is tasked with finding the killer of Shas Karida Kumar's beloved pet. Ridiculous? Offensive? Maybe. But 2 groups of operational intervention officers were unable to cope with this mission. And Yuri Fedra goes to St. Petersburg to find the elusive criminal. This is where his adventures are just beginning, because along the way he will need to solve a number of brutal, bloody crimes.

Hunting for ermine

The collection “The Hunt for Ermine” is a new collection of stories about the world of the Secret City, which was released by the author of the series, Vadim Panov, and fans of his work.
It includes such novels and short stories as “Letters of Chain”, “All that Glitters is Not Gold”, “The Coast of No Return”, “Three Steps to the Abyss” and “Tales of the Secret City”. These works add new details and details to the already created world...
The main story of Panov himself, “The Hunt for the Ermine,” is the story of Sharge, a father who barely recovered from grief, but now dreams of taking revenge on the inhabitants of the Secret City.

Green Gambit

Many fans were waiting for this continuation of the central plot of the series. Vadim Panov brought old characters back into history in his novel. As a result, the book acquired meaningful intrigue, and the plot began to unfold at a high dynamic level. The reader will find everything here - battles, betrayals and even irony.
A harsh and destructive war is coming. Will Yargu be able to wipe out people from the face of the earth and kill the most powerful magicians? And what will he do next if he wins?

Fools die first

The book tells about the events taking place in alternative St. Petersburg. A dangerous artifact has been hidden here for more than a century. The monster of Saint James was imprisoned in chains thanks to powerful spells. Now it is one of the popular exhibits in the city on the Neva. Every day thousands of tourists admire it and do not suspect anything. But what will happen if the demon of the past is released?..
The silver hoop that kept the monster in a state of lethargic sleep is destroyed. A fatal accident can turn into a terrible disaster. The magical world turns out to be reality...

Vampire Hunters

Even in early childhood, Veniamin Dolinsky witnessed vampire attacks on ordinary residents. And now, after a couple of decades, he, quite by accident, encounters these ominous monsters.
A dynamic plot, humor and interesting twists in the story, which is read almost in one breath. Several main lines, not connected at the beginning, intersect at the end...

Family Affair

Ozersk is a small town in which a terrible secret lurks. Here, in an ancient estate, the treasures of the count's family are buried. Therefore, the shore of the Dark Lake constantly attracts local inhabitants, German invaders and security officers. But only a few from the secret city know that the province hides not only gold and untold riches, but also enormous power that is worth spending an eternity searching for.
The moment has come when you need to find the key to the solution. But those who can lift the veil of secrecy are not yet aware that for the sake of wealth they will have to go to great lengths...

Night of the Sun

At first glance, it is difficult to imagine a more peaceful science than archeology, but the treasure discovered near Khabarovsk did not give scientists worldwide fame, but only led to death at the hands of cruel criminals. And only the leader of the expedition, a talented scientist named Mira, fairy of the Green House, managed to survive the bloody massacre. The brutal crime shocked the Secret City, because many believed that the ruthless criminals managed to obtain an artifact of the most ancient civilization on Earth - the Asuras. But the reality turned out to be much worse - the Khabarovsk box was in no way related to the asuras, but this discovery put the entire Secret City at risk...

Ring of Paracelsus

The existence of the Ring of Paracelsus has long excited the entire magical world. Many would like to subjugate the capricious artifact, but so far no one has been able to conquer and take control of its power. And yet attempts to get into the secret of the alchemist continue...
How can the death of predecessors be scary when the key to unprecedented power may be in your hands? The power to become not an ordinary strong magician, but a real ruler? Brandelius is not afraid of death and the fate of gullible people, because he is confident that he can become the first after Paracelsus to receive the ancient artifact.


The novel tells about Zoran, his torment and emotions, which the writer described with particular depth. The story is about terrible killers who have appeared in the city - they can become a threat to the whole world.
A fascinating plot makes you constantly be in suspense - what will happen on the new page? Kornyushin turns into a thirsty person. At the sight of a stone, people are ready to voluntarily commit suicide in order to water this stone with their blood. Despite the dramatic presentation, the book is surprisingly easy and enjoyable to read...

Wish Granter

For Maxim, from an early age his great-grandfather was his idol. Stately, elegant and with a watch on a chain - a true security officer of the old school. And he traveled so much! Once he even took part in the expedition of Nicholas Roerich, the seeker of Shambhala. But the old man passed away, and his chronometer ended up in the hands of the protagonist. Maxim decided to repeat the usual movement of his great-grandfather, opened the watch cover with his finger and...
Everything around has changed! Objects began to sparkle with colors, and Lenin’s portrait suddenly became a safe. In it, the heir of the security officer found diaries, and in them - golems, witches, shas and mysterious ancient forces. How did it happen that my great-grandfather found the gates of a magical land and opened a portal to other worlds?

Native blood

The death of Sofia Engel became a real tragedy for all of Vladimir - a quiet, small town. And not just because this old lady was a powerful witch. The confrontation with the killer has left too many clues in the human world and attracted relic hunters from the Secret City. They are all trying to get a legendary magical artifact, forgetting about the rightful heir... Will Sophia's granddaughter be able to escape from sorcerers, witches and other hunters? Who does Agent Lisin, who hides behind a police badge, serve? And how is the cat Sema connected with the struggle for a powerful inheritance?

Proof of strength

Sometimes even the inhabitants of the Secret City do not know what is actually a legend and what is real history... What can we say about ordinary people who, by coincidence, find themselves in a whirlpool of amazing events. These events were caused by such powerful forces that even experienced magicians fell into a stupor. Crimea and Ladoga, caves and diving, fishing that ended in death, and death that saved a man’s life for 20 years - in this story the reader will learn everything...
But this story will not end well for everyone.

Kiss of Ouroboros

To start a war, one of three conditions is enough - the desire for power, love or hatred...
On one side of the scale is the royal crown, and on the other is the life of your loved ones, and the choice is stunning with terrible force: swift and sharp. There is not a minute to think... But the outcome cannot be changed either by force or by requests, because you cannot change what has already happened...
The tragic wedding of Queen Vseslava turned out to be the prologue to a series of shocks that affected not only the Green House, but also the fate of the Secret City...

Ballad of the Dead Queen

Wounded in body and soul, the Erlian Gematus conceived plans for revenge on the world that had deprived him and the main culprit - the Sleeper, who would create such an unsuccessful Universe...
Will the prophecy, which accidentally became known to the human witch Tina, according to which all living things must perish, come true? In particular, the remaining representatives of the ancient races that ruled the Earth long before the advent of the human race. Is there really no way to destroy the plans of the Dead Queen, who is capable of devouring the Universe itself?
The clock started by the Erlian has begun its death countdown, and only Tina can prevent the coming catastrophe...

“You forgot about the twins,” Hugo grumbled.

“It’s a serious problem,” the Nav agreed.

What can they do?

Don't underestimate the Khvans, Yarina. - The Commissioner allowed himself a little irony. - Tyts made you a laughing stock, Iva mocked the Order to her heart's content...

Are you saying that it's the Dark Court's turn to be made a fool of?

Santiaga carefully studied Hugo, who was pleased with himself, for several seconds, after which he slightly shook his head:

No, I didn’t want to say anything like that. But I wouldn’t mind finding out what the four-armed brothers are doing now...

Sit, I said! - Bodo barked with deliberate rudeness.

But the fact that? - asked Shas, gray-haired like a harrier and wrinkled like the lunar surface.

Guess what! - The young hwans were extremely uncomfortable shouting at the elderly salesman, but they knew that they had to make a serious impression, and they hid their embarrassment under defiant behavior.

Give me the keys to the basement!

But the fact that? - Shas repeated.

I'm sorry, what? - Scar was confused.

Will you kill me?

The four-armed men looked at each other, after which Scar said, not too confidently:

Why not?

And Bodo waved his knife and made scary eyes.

Shas sighed heavily.

The hwans flew into the “Armory Tent” of the quietest Mi Hamzi just before lunch. They blocked the doors, stuck the owner into a chair, rolled them to the center of the trading floor, quickly armed themselves with display shotguns, loaded them with display cartridges, and froze for a couple of minutes, waiting for an attack. And only after making sure that the old Shas did not have time to call for help, they began the topic of interest to them:

We need your basement.

Because you can’t do anything with shotguns and pistols, and Shas didn’t put magical devices on display. More precisely, he exhibited small, insignificant keychains with the “Elven Arrow” and rings with “Dragon’s Breath”.

“In my basement there are things that, when caught, will cut off your extra arms right down to your liver,” Mi warned. “And they will be chopping for a long time, because they will start from the tips of their fingers.”

If he was going to scare the guys, he achieved the exact opposite effect:

I want these things! - Bodo’s eyes flashed. - Let's!

I have no right.

“You better not get in our way,” Scar warned.

But he also didn’t warn me very confidently, because he felt there was a catch.

“I’m watching the news,” Shas said. “And I know that you haven’t killed anyone yet.”

Would you like to start with you?

Oh, just don’t make scary faces. Doesn't suit you. - Old Mi pursed his lips, looked at the Hwans, remembered that they didn’t tie him up and never even hit him, sighed and revealed the Truth: - All issues can be resolved in a civilized manner.

After we pointed our guns at you? - Scar didn’t believe it.

Your T-shirts look scarier,” Shas did not hide. - And I see in front of me two polite, well-mannered young men. - And he continued, without allowing the brothers to come to their senses: - Why did you attack me?

We need equipment.

Force majeure,” Bodo explained. - We were left without supplies.

And something needs to be done.

Only we can’t say what.

Children, children, I started selling weapons and military artifacts long before your dad appeared in your grandmother’s tummy, and believe me, I know perfectly well what my goods are usually used for. I asked why did you attack me?

They are looking for us.

And you have an alarm system and nervous work.

You can call me "you".

Besides, we’re out of cash anyway,” Scar spread his lower limbs.

So we got to the point,” Shas rubbed his hands with satisfaction. - Why didn’t you ask for a loan?

At what percentage?

By the way, you can call me Grandpa Mi.

At what percentage? - Scar repeated stubbornly.

Who cares? - Bodo was surprised. - He'll fool us anyway.

Firstly, it is indecent to call me in the third person in my presence,” Mi said sternly. - And secondly, I do business, which means I know how to find compromises. You guys are risky, and that’s the only reason I’ll give you a loan at interest: the Great Houses are angry with you and may overdo it when detaining you.

So, if we survive, the percentage is cancelled? - Scar quickly clarified.

Grandfather looked at the young hwan with a long, fatherly gaze, after which he inquired:

Where did you work last summer?

In the Altai trading post of the Trade Guild.

You can feel it.

I was praised.

And you can feel it. - Shas shifted in his chair. - Help me get up. And you... - He looked at Bodo. - Take the keys to the basement from the top drawer. At the same time, unload the shotguns and return them to their place. I got nervous with you, the scoundrels... They burst in... They trampled... Why did you freeze?

Bodo scratched his neck doubtfully.

Where is the guarantee that you... That you will not hand us over to the Great Houses after we leave?

I will tell you where I keep the “Morpheus Pollen”, and you will put me into a healthy, long sleep. Just don't forget to close the doors. It's all right?

Quite! - Bodo nodded, starting to unload the shotgun.

And for the future, remember: if an honest Shas made a deal, he would rather wake up the Sleeper than cancel it.

Why are you helping us, Grandpa Mi? - Scar suddenly asked.

And I heard the unexpected:

“I started trading weapons and military artifacts long before your dad appeared in your grandmother’s tummy,” Shas repeated slowly, smiling at his thoughts. - I also watch the news and know that neither you nor your impudent dad have killed anyone yet. And in our time, children, this is worth a lot. Take my word for it.

* * *

Tigradcom central office

Moscow, 2nd Brestskaya street,

Those who know Vyselki... - Santiaga paused, which could be called theatrical, and looked around at the few participants in the meeting. - I assume, gentlemen, that you have already raised materials on this issue?

Colleagues responded with friendly nods, but Hugo did not hesitate to clarify:

I looked at the summary, but didn't understand much. Firstly, where did they come from...

Are you sure we can proceed with the secret part of the meeting? - Yarina looked expressively at the commissioner. - Aren't there too many of us?

Yana, sitting next to the nav - it was she who the governor had in mind - remained unperturbed. However, behind the heavy gold of Kadaf, which densely filled the eyes of the Hyperborean witch, any emotions were reliably hidden.

Santiaga smiled and explained:

The question directly concerns the Chel family...

Not organized and having no official status in the Secret City! - Hugo clarified.

And I’m glad that one of the two strongest human magicians agreed to take part in our meeting,” finished Nav. - Given the circumstances, the Dark Court officially insists on the presence of Mrs. Mannerheim.

The phrase sounded like a final decision.

Yarina, who during the conversation began to twirl a pencil in her fingers, continued this fascinating activity without responding in any way to Santiaga’s speech. In this case, silence meant at least non-resistance. De Laertes chuckled and shook his red head, “I wasn’t against it from the very beginning.” And Yana unexpectedly realized that she received access to the “secret” room not for excellent work and not so that the commissioner would have an extra vote “for” - she had to share responsibility for the decision made here.

For any decision.

“Now let’s get back to Vyselki,” the Nav said serenely.

What did these Vyselki look like? - Yana couldn’t resist.

She knew that it made sense to remain silent, not to irritate the red and green one, but could not resist: she, the only one present, did not have the opportunity to request “materials on the issue.”

The Commissioner understood the reason for the question and answered in sufficient detail:

Island on the Moscow River. On its southern edge, closest to the shore, the Boatman usually dozed. There was a forge in the east and a mill in the west. And in the north there was always a cloud of dense fog. There was no way to land on the island from that side.

Have you been there?

I came to visit several times. I'm curious, you know.

But Santiaga did not request “materials on the issue” for another reason: he personally visited the legendary land. "Dropped by"! Because I'm curious.

If I understand correctly, this was the first human outpost in the Secret City? - Now Yarina asked the question. - Forerunner of the Forgotten Desert?

Not really,” Nav shook his head. - Four strange people did not make any demands. They didn't threaten. They just appeared and began to live nearby. This was enough to make us... a little nervous. Besides, I'm not sure that they were chelas.

“Unknown magical energy, I read,” Hugo said. He showed that he was “also on topic.”

Apparently, it was produced by a mill. But the inhabitants of Vyselki did not sell or distribute it. Everything that Melnik received remained on the island. - Santiaga smiled thoughtfully. - The mill, by the way, was an ordinary one, but the presence of the Miller turned the rotation of the wheel into a miracle of magical energy.

Just his presence?

When he was sleeping or leaving, I did not feel the radiation of an alien force... - The Commissioner drummed his fingers on the tabletop. - You know, gentlemen, the more I think and remember, the more I am inclined to agree with Tyts’ opinion: Yarga, it seems to me, has outwitted himself and does not understand who he wants to free. The blacksmith could forge a weapon against anyone. Disposable when it comes to strong opponents, but guaranteed to kill. He prepared thirty swords, but managed to use only six. - The nava’s ears sharpened a little. - Killed six Garok in battle...

How many miracles died?

There was no answer - Santiago was only interested in such details in cases where miracles or people died at the hands of the dark ones.

The boatman was a walking artifact of the portal, and also a cargo one - he could move the boat with all its contents. - Nav narrowed his eyes. - And he was also strong, like a couple of people. - Another pause. - We killed him first.

“You have developed an excellent operation,” she reservedly praised the dark people.

And again - no answer.

But the Storyteller was inquisitive and thereby ruined everyone. - The Commissioner wanted to continue, but immediately corrected himself: - No. He ruined them by being boastful. He shouldn't have told me about the Julian Circle.

Why did he do this? - Yana was surprised.

“Underestimated me,” Santiaga chuckled. - That day we talked about everything in the world. The storyteller reveled in his superiority over us and lost his caution. I let it slip. He blurted out about the Julian Circle, capable of sliding like a boat along the river of time. Then he pretended that everything was under control and answered a couple more questions. Then he fell silent, and we didn’t talk about this artifact anymore. - The Commissioner narrowed his eyes. - Three years later we killed them.

“You are patient,” Hugo drawled.

The preparation took longer than expected, the Naval Officer admitted. “We only saved up energy for that operation for two years.”

Yana sighed, but remained silent. But Santiaga realized what was eating the Hyperborean witch, and explained:

The Great Houses themselves, without any coercion, compiled a list of prohibited arcana. We swore not to use them and have kept our word for many thousands of years. We created the Bunker of Eternal Sleep and hide the most terrible and unpredictable artifacts in it. We asked people to follow our example and get rid of the Julian Circle. - And the hard result: - They refused.

You can’t play with time,” Hugo echoed.

We can finish the game,” Yarina sighed.

And the commissioner continued:

From conversations, I realized that the Storyteller did not invent the Julian Circle and does not understand the principles of its work. He only used the artifact very skillfully.

Were you afraid of him?

And that too. - Nav was not at all offended by the Hyperborean witch’s remark. - But the power contained in the Julian Circle could stop time on the entire Earth. Or change the course of history. Or she couldn’t do anything, but the Storyteller acted as if she could. - Black eyes look carefully into golden ones. Black eyes do not ask for forgiveness, but explain. - We had no right to take risks and leave SUCH weapons in the hands of people.

Your rulers do the same,” Yarina raised her finger.

I know. - Yana turned away.

The problem was that the inhabitants of Vyselki were not alive in the full sense of the word...

Perfume? - The governor raised her eyebrows.

Ghosts? - De Laertes reacted. - I haven't read about it.

And they couldn’t read,” Santiaga winced. - The inhabitants of Vyselki were neither ghosts nor spirits, but they acquired flesh only after leaving the island, and having died outside of it, they returned back and came to life. After two experiments, we stopped killing them and began to think about how to do it for real. - A slight smile. - Let me tell you, the problem was quite different.

But you solved it,” Yarina muttered. - Although I read that Zabud’s veil also came close to the solution.

Perhaps,” the commissioner generously waved his hand. “I don’t know where the veil got to, but I proceeded from the fact that the protection of Vyselok is determined by the Julian Circle, and that is why we could not touch the inhabitants of the island - some kind of temporary focus was in the way. This became the initial assumption. Then I thought like this: time flows, which means that all possible tricks in it must be variable... Now I understand that I was somewhat naive, but I found the right grain: there must be a pause in the operation of the artifact to coordinate its changes with the general time flow. After six months of observations and experiments, I calculated it: midnight. Every night the Julian Circle was renewed, and for exactly one second the island remained defenseless. What happened next was a matter of technology, or rather, magic and swords.

It was the longest midnight.

Not a moment, but twelve of them, like on New Year’s, but not at all to make a wish. But for the sake of blood. Santiaga kept his promise: he unraveled the mystery of death and came with the war. Not a month after the first meeting and not even a year later - he came when it became necessary and the words ran out. And the power of the three Sources made it possible to deceive time, turning this midnight into the longest.

And bloody.

From your story it follows that all the inhabitants of the island died,” Yana quietly noted.

During the story, she lowered her head and even now did not look up at the commissioner.

There is no confirmation of their death,” Santiaga replied politely.

But all the details of that midnight...

With the twelfth blow, the island disappeared,” Hugo said dully. - Perhaps because we killed all its inhabitants. Perhaps because they...

“We jumped,” Yarina finished for the miracle. - Cunning bastards.

They didn't quite jump. “Santiaga rubbed his fingers, choosing the right words, and slowly continued: “With the power of three Sources, we were able to create a local Timelessness, and that’s the only reason the Storyteller did not use the Julian Circle.” But the artifact could have provided for an “emergency mode” - for example, it retained in its memory the image of the Knowing Settlement moments before the attack and is now ready to transfer it here, a thousand years into the future.

Sounds incredible even for the Secret City.

That is why we decided to destroy Vyselki and imposed a strict ban on experiments with time. However, he was not needed... - The Commissioner grinned, remembering the old conversation. - The storyteller turned out to be right: we understood how to destroy them, but that’s all. They didn't move an inch further.

That is, you were trying to understand the secrets of time! - Yarina exclaimed in an accusing tone.

You are not?

The answer was silence.

You created Timelessness,” Yana reminded, coughing. - Isn't this an achievement?

A modified and repeatedly strengthened slowing lasso,” Santiaga waved his hand. - We have been saving energy for two years to obtain the required power.

We did not control time, but deceived it.

And the Julian Circle rules.

And, apparently, he is already at Riznyk’s.

Are you sure?

“Tyts gave up,” Nav said, throwing up his hands. - He agreed to take part in a desperate adventure, played a very smart game for half a day, and now gave up. I think this is a significant sign.

Now what? - Hugo asked discouraged. - If Riznyk has the Julian Circle, then it’s all over.

But nothing happened,” the commissioner recalled. “And that’s why I think the Julian Circle needs to be taken to where the island once stood.” This will automatically launch the Storyteller's designed spell.

At midnight?

Or on a full moon. - Santiaga was silent. - As then.

Can Andrey keep the artifact for himself?

Why not? - Yarina chuckled. - People are susceptible to temptation.

If Riznyk keeps the Julian Circle, I will be so disappointed that I will definitely kill him,” the Nav suddenly said harshly.


What if he doesn’t leave? What will we do with him when we catch him? - Yana asked no less unexpectedly.

She understood that she was behaving incorrectly, but she could not do anything: the more the Hyperborean witch learned, the less she wanted to pursue the desperate mercenary.

“Riznyk is a criminal,” Hugo coughed.

He is trying to restore what we have destroyed.

“You should have consulted with us,” Santiaga said diplomatically. - And it’s really bad that Andrei got involved with Yarga.

Yarga expects that the Vyselki will take his side,” de Laertes gloomily reminded.

“And they will stand up,” the governor grimaced. - People don't like us. And these people hate.

We do not know. - Santiaga moved his fingers. - Everything could change.

Do you think they will forgive us for their death?

Are you ready to take the risk?

Green eyes and brown eyes. Tough. The looks are tough, like a battle. The military leaders of the Great Houses felt the burden of responsibility.

But is it just cargo?

The Commissioner of the Dark Court is silent because he understands.

Fear is what it is. Fear and uncertainty of the unknown, of what they are unable to understand. Fear has always called for murder, and now is only a special case of this always!

Let’s get back to business,” Santiaga said in a strange tone. “Now we know exactly what Riznyk is trying to achieve, and we must develop a plan of action.” We had time to think, we had time to talk with the lords of the Houses, we even had time to chat about the past. Now let's get down to the real thing... Yarina?

The voivode twirled the pencil in her fingers, paused and said in a voice as hard as a diamond:

The Great House of People calls on Nav and Chud to approach the solution of the problem with full responsibility. We cannot allow the return of the Julian Circle, and therefore the Knowledgeable Settlement, and we are obliged to make every effort to eliminate the impending threat.

The pathetic introduction showed that the Greens made the decision long before the meeting.

First. We propose to continue the search for Riznyk with the aim of arresting him and capturing the Julian Circle. Second. If the measures taken do not produce results and Riznyk manages to revive Vyselki, the Green House proposes using the “Tears of the Heart of the Earth” spell to destroy the island.

The pencil broke in half with an unpleasant dry crack.

It's a joke?! - whispers the stunned Yana.

Santiaga is silent. He looks straight at the green witch and is silent. Hugo strokes his beard.

Yarina finishes:

By combining the efforts of three Sources, we can easily cope with one emission.

And “Tear” is guaranteed to destroy Juliansky,” Hugo adds, and it becomes clear that the Order and the Green House found time to discuss what was happening.