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How to cook Easter cake and Easter correctly: four Easter recipes. Recipe for cottage cheese Easter The best recipe for cottage cheese Easter from Yulia Vysotskaya

On April 16, the Christian world will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ. And of course, the table would not be complete without Easter cake and Easter.


Kulich occupies a special place on the Easter table along with Easter cottage cheese and colored eggs. And if the Easter cake is prepared on Maundy Thursday by the housewife herself, and even with prayer and consecrated in church - grace to this house and household members! It is believed that on this occasion the resurrected Jesus is present invisibly.

Before preparing Easter cake dough, you need to read a prayer, wash the kitchen, cleanse your hands, and most importantly, your thoughts and soul. And start cooking. Nothing should interfere with you. A bad mood, quarrels and feuds in the family will harm your baking.

Easter cakes are baked in special molds, which are filled only 1/3 full. In the oven the dough will rise again and fill the entire pan. In a large pan, the cake is baked at 180° for an hour. You can check the readiness of the cake for the first time no earlier than after 30 minutes, otherwise the dough will fall off.

The finished Easter cakes are pulled out onto a wet towel. If you grease it generously with butter before placing the dough in the mold, the baked goods will easily “jump out” after cooling.

Easter cake with honey and glaze


15 eggs, 1 liter of milk, 100 g of yeast, 500 g of butter, 500 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of honey, 50 g of vodka, 0.5 cups of sour cream, vanillin, salt, flour, powdered sugar.

Mix half a glass of flour with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and grind with 0.5 cups of cold milk. Boil 2 cups of milk and, stirring, pour in a thin stream into the prepared flour mixture and boil it. Add a little flour to warm milk with honey and dissolve the yeast in it. When they are ready, mix with the brewed flour mixture and let the dough rise. Then add the yolks mashed with sugar, softened butter, sour cream, vodka, salt into it and carefully mix with the whites whipped with vanilla.

Add as much flour as needed to give the dough the desired consistency, knead thoroughly and place in a warm place.

Let the dough rise, mix it, place it in molds greased from the inside, filling them 1/3 full. Let the dough rise again, place in the oven and bake at 180–200° until done.



1 cup granulated sugar, 2 egg whites, 1 cup water.

Mix sugar with water and simmer over low heat until caramelized. Beat the egg whites until stiff and pour in the sugar syrup. Stir, put on fire and heat.

Cover the finished cakes with glaze. Decorate with Easter sprinkles, pieces of chocolate, marmalade, nuts, coconut flakes, cocoa powder or ground cinnamon.

Signs about Easter cake

If the Easter cake was a great success, tasty and baked, the whole year will be successful.

Birds flew to the window on Easter Sunday - the whole year will be rich and joyful. These birds definitely need to be fed Easter cake.

If you feed your children Easter cakes blessed in the church in the morning and only after that treat them to holiday food, the children will not get sick all year round.

Curd Easter

There are a great many recipes for cottage cheese Easter. We offer three - classic, custard from Yulia Vysotskaya and “Tsarskaya”, which is traditionally made in the Mikhalkov family.

Classic cottage cheese Easter


1 kg of cottage cheese, 3 egg yolks, 150 g of sour cream 30%, 1 cup of sugar, a pinch of salt, 1–1.5 cups of raisins.

Grind the egg yolks with sugar, add salt. Mix the mixture with cottage cheese. Add sour cream. Stir pre-soaked and dried raisins into the mixture. Place cheesecloth in the Easter pan, and then pour the mixture into it. Flatten, cover with gauze on top and place a press. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

Custard (from Yulia Vysotskaya)


500 g of dry fat cottage cheese, 300 g of powdered sugar, 100 g of butter, 2 eggs, 1 handful of raisins, 1 handful of dried apricots, 30 g of pistachios, 100 g of heavy cream, 50 g of cognac.

Soak raisins in cognac. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with butter, which has previously been softened at room temperature. While stirring, gradually pour in the cream. Beat the eggs with powdered sugar and then add to the curd mixture. Chop the dried apricots, squeeze out the raisins, take some pistachios, mix everything into the mixture. Place in a mold with gauze, after 4 hours put it in the refrigerator, where the Easter should stand for at least another 12 hours.

Easter "Royal"


3 eggs, 0.5 cups seedless raisins, 100 g butter, 0.5 cups dried cranberries, 1 cup sour cream, 150 g sugar, 500 g cottage cheese, zest of 1 lemon, 1 vanilla pod, 0.5 cups sweet almonds .

Squeeze out the cottage cheese, rub through a sieve and place in a large saucepan. Add eggs, butter and sour cream, and then put on low heat and cook, stirring. When the mixture becomes hot, remove from heat and continue stirring until it reaches room temperature. Add sugar, almonds, cranberries, vanilla, zest and raisins, mix everything, place in a mold and cover with pressure. Wait a day.

Prayers before preparing Easter cake and Easter

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Prayers after preparation

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

There must be Easter cheese made from cottage cheese. It is made to look like a truncated pyramid. In Church Slavonic, this dessert is called “milky thickened”. They prepare it once a year for this long-awaited event.

There are several types of cottage cheese Easter - boiled, baked in the oven or raw. The main component of this dessert is cottage cheese. To prepare it you will need a sandbox - a collapsible container of four parts. The container for pressing and shaping the product can be found on the open market.

Products must be chosen fresh and with high fat content. Cottage cheese should not only be fresh, but dry and homogeneous. Currently, there are a huge number of variations of this holiday dessert. I want to bring to your attention a variety of ways to prepare a tender, healthy Easter treat.

If you are planning to cook Easter cottage cheese yourself, read, look at the recipes and make your choice. Cook with love and pleasure, surprise your family and friends with your culinary skills!

Easter in 2018: When will Orthodox and Catholics celebrate it?

The holiday of Easter does not have a fixed date and changes from year to year. It is celebrated immediately after the end of Lent. In 2018, Lent ends on April 7, which means that the Orthodox Resurrection of Christ will be celebrated on April 8, and the Catholic one on April 1.

  • For Catholics, 2018 is April 1, 2019 is April 21, 2020 is April 12.
  • For the Orthodox, 2018 is April 8, 2019 is April 28, 2020 is April 19.

Easter recipe for classic custard cottage cheese

Let's start with the most traditional recipe. I can't say this recipe is any easier to make than the others. It is traditional rather because the products for its preparation could be bought in any store. And now there is such an abundance on the shelves that it takes your breath away. But we will not deviate from tradition. And to your attention a classic of the genre.


Butter – 200 grams;

Cottage cheese (fat) – 1 kg;

Eggs – 5 pieces;

Cream – 400 ml;

Nuts (any) – 100 grams;

Raisins – 100 grams;

Sugar – 200 grams;

Candied fruits – 100 grams.


  • Grind the cottage cheese, pureed using a sieve, with soft butter.
  • Beat eggs with granulated sugar in a separate bowl.
  • Add vanilla and cream to the sugar and egg solution and stir.
  • On a hot stove, bring to a boil and reduce temperature. It will begin to thicken, remove from the burner and cool.
  • Grind nuts and candied fruits. Sort out the washed raisins and dry them.
  • Mix candied fruits, raisins and nuts with cottage cheese.
  • Combine the curd mixture with the egg mixture and mix well.
  • Cover the container for forming with gauze moistened with water. Place the cottage cheese in it, close it and place it under pressure and in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Place the beaker on a dish into which the whey will drain.
  • After 12 hours, release the treat from the mold and decorate as you wish.

Recipe for Easter cottage cheese - “Tsarskaya” boiled

This recipe differs from the previous one in that the cream is replaced with sour cream. Still, it may be less caloric. By adding it we will reduce the calories of the dish. Although you can eat everything on Easter, this takes into account what you have observed. And, of course, they cleared their spirit and lost weight :)

Cottage cheese (fat) – 500 grams;

Butter – 100 grams;

Eggs – 2 – 3 pieces;

Sugar – 100 grams;

Sour cream – 200 grams;

Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;

Raisins – 100 grams;

Nuts (any) – 50 grams.


  • Wash the raisins, sort and dry.
  • Twist the curd in a meat grinder or rub through a sieve or grind using a blender.
  • Mix sour cream, eggs, vanilla and regular sugar with cottage cheese.
  • Finely chop the butter, at room temperature, and add it to the curd mass. Then beat it until smooth.
  • Place on the stove, bring to a boil at low temperature, but do not boil.

When heating, bring the curd mass to a boil. Don't boil!

  • As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove from the stove and cool. Then place in the refrigerator for one or two hours.
  • Add nuts and raisins to the cooled mixture. Stir well.
  • Line the Easter pan with damp gauze.
  • Compact the cottage cheese in the sandbox.
  • Fold the ends of the gauze. Place under pressure and then place in the refrigerator. The beaker needs to be placed on a plate, the whey will be drained into it.
  • After 1 - 2 days, remove the finished Easter cottage cheese from the mold, open the gauze, and place on a dish.
  • Decorate as you wish.

Cottage cheese Easter without baking - a simple classic recipe

Cooking raw Easter is much easier and faster than cooked Easter. But you need to remember that its shelf life is much shorter than that of custard. Therefore, prepare a small amount.


Cottage cheese (fat) – 500 grams;

Sugar – 0.5 cups;

Sour cream – 0.5 cups;

Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;

Butter – 100 grams;

Raisins – 100 grams;

Any nuts – 50 grams;

Candied fruits – 50 grams.


  • Finely chop candied fruits and nuts.
  • Wash the raisins, sort and dry.
  • Grind the cottage cheese using a sieve.
  • Mix sour cream with granulated sugar and vanilla. Granulated sugar should dissolve in sour cream.
  • Combine sweetened sour cream and softened butter with cottage cheese. Mix with a mixer.
  • Add nuts, raisins and candied fruits to the curd mass and mix.
  • Line the bean box with wet gauze.
  • Place the curd mass into it.
  • Fold the edges of the gauze material. Press down the Easter with a weight, and then put it in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 hours. The mold must be placed on a dish to allow the whey to drain.
  • Remove the finished product from the mold and decorate.

Easter from cottage cheese in the oven - a step-by-step classic recipe

I highly recommend trying it! This easy cooking method will not leave anyone indifferent.


Cottage cheese – 1 kg;

Eggs – 5 pieces;

Cream – 300 mg;

Sugar – 350 grams;

Butter – 250 grams;

Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;

Candied fruits – 150 grams.


  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft.
  • Grind the curd using a sieve or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Beat the butter until white, combine with the cottage cheese and mix.
  • Add and mix the remaining ingredients.
  • Place the curd maker in a baking dish and place in a preheated oven at 160 degrees. Bake for about one hour. When baking, a crust will form, so that it does not become too hard, brush the top with warm milk.
  • The readiness of the Easter cake can be determined with a toothpick or match.

Easter recipe from cottage cheese without eggs with almonds and raisins

The almond kernel will add an exquisite and wonderful taste and aroma to your festive Easter dessert.

Cottage cheese – 800 grams;

Sour cream – 2/3 sour cream (20% fat content);

Butter – 3 tablespoons;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 2/3 cup;

Vanilla sugar - half a bag;

Almonds – 0.5 cups;

Raisins – 150 grams;

Almond liqueur – 1 tablespoon;


  • Peel off the brown film from the almond kernel. To easily remove the skin, it is necessary to boil the almonds for several minutes in boiling water and then pour in cold water. Then, drain the water and remove the peel from each kernel. Dry.
  • Fry the almond kernels until golden brown and chop.
  • Pre-wash the raisins, sort and dry.
  • Mix soft butter with granulated sugar, sour cream, vanilla and almond liqueur (optional). Mix well.
  • Add sour cream mixture, almonds and raisins to the grated cottage cheese. Stir.
  • Place damp gauze in the mold.
  • Place the curd cheese.
  • Fold the edges of the gauze fabric. Press down the product with a weight, and then place it in a cool place for 12 - 24 hours. Place the mold on a dish to remove the whey.
  • Remove the finished Easter cottage cheese from the mold and decorate as you please.

Easter recipe for cottage cheese with condensed milk without eggs and candied fruits

The recipe with condensed milk will not leave you indifferent, and will also appeal to children and adults. Your kids will ask for more!


Cottage cheese – 450 grams;

Condensed milk – 200 grams;

Butter – 150 grams;

Vanillin - on the tip of a teaspoon;

Candied fruits – 50 grams

Sour cream – 150 grams.


  • Rub the curd through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder, or you can grind it in a blender.
  • Next, mix sour cream with vanilla and melted butter. To stir thoroughly.
  • Candied fruits can be crushed, added to the curd mass and stirred.
  • Add condensed milk.
  • Cover the bean box with wet gauze.
  • Spread out the curd mixture.
  • Fold the edges of the gauze. Place under a press and then put in a cool place for 12 hours. Place the mold in a container to remove excess liquid.
  • Remove the finished product and decorate it to your liking.

Easter from cottage cheese without baking with cream and chocolate

In this version, you can use milk chocolate or dark bitter chocolate. With dark chocolate, Easter will have a slight bitter taste.

You'll need:

Cottage cheese – 300 grams;

Powdered sugar – 40 grams;

Butter – 70 grams;

Cream – 250 ml;

Chocolate – 200 grams.


  • Combine half the amount of cream with chocolate and heat, stirring constantly. Once the chocolate has melted, cool.
  • Grind the curd using a fine sieve, mix with soft butter, the rest of the cream and powdered sugar.
  • Add melted and cooled chocolate to the curd mass. Stir until smooth.
  • Cover the sandbox with wet gauze.
  • Place the workpiece in the bean box.
  • Wrap the edges of the gauze fabric. Press down the product with a weight, and then put it in a cool place for 12 hours.

Cottage cheese Easter without baking with gelatin and cream - a very tasty dessert

An easy and healthy dessert for jelly lovers. If your baby doesn't want to eat regular cottage cheese, this option is for you! Please note that you can shape the Easter into any shape you want for this recipe.


Cottage cheese – 800 grams;

Heavy cream – 500 ml;

Vanilla sugar – 1 tablespoon;

Egg – 1 piece;

Gelatin – 12 grams

Sugar – 5 tablespoons.


  • Rub the cottage cheese using a sieve.
  • Add vanilla sugar and stir.
  • Pour four tablespoons of water over the gelatin and let it sit until it swells.
  • Mix cream and granulated sugar with gelatin. Place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. The gelatin should dissolve. Then cool.
  • Add the egg to the gelatin solution and beat.
  • Mix the cottage cheese with the gelatin solution and beat well again.
  • Place the dough in the mold and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Easter recipe from cottage cheese - step-by-step preparation with poppy seeds

A very successful combination, not quite familiar, but original. The dessert will delight you with its appearance and unusual taste.


Cottage cheese – 500 grams;

Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;

Egg yolk – 2 pieces;

Cream – 250 ml fat;

Butter – 125 grams;

Milk – 50 ml;

Poppy – 50 grams;

Sugar – 100 grams.


  • Beat the cottage cheese with a blender.
  • Mix cream with egg yolks.
  • Grind the butter with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.
  • Boil the poppy seeds with milk; it should boil for a few minutes.
  • Mix all solutions and beat with a mixer.
  • Cover the container for forming with gauze cloth moistened with water.
  • Place the curd mixture in the sandbox.
  • Fold the edges of the gauze. Press down the curd with a weight, and then put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

How to make Easter from cottage cheese with white chocolate and dried apricots - a simple and original recipe at home

Surprise everyone with a delicate combination of delicate vanilla cottage cheese and white chocolate. Try it, cook it and you won’t regret it!

You will need:

Cottage cheese – 450 gr.;

Butter – 100 gr.;

White chocolate – 100 gr.;

Eggs – 2 pcs.;

Cream – 100 ml;

Granulated sugar – 100 grams;

Dried apricots – 50 grams;

Vanillin - on the tip of a teaspoon.


  • Grind the cottage cheese using a blender.
  • Mix softened butter with sugar and vanilla and grind.
  • Add the cream to the sugar mixture, stir and place on the stove. Boil. As soon as it starts to thicken, remove from heat and cool.
  • Pour hot water over the dried apricots, then drain and dry, chop finely.
  • Divide the white chocolate into two parts. Grate one part and set the other aside.
  • Combine cottage cheese with dried apricots and grated white chocolate.
  • Line a container for pressing with damp gauze and place the curd mass into it.
  • Wrap the edges of the gauze. Press down the product with a weight, and then put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Place the mold on a dish, the liquid will drain into it.
  • When Easter is ready, pour melted chocolate over it.

How to cook striped Easter from cottage cheese - video recipe

That's all for today!

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The Easter table should be decorated with three dishes: colored eggs, Easter cake, Easter custard, the recipe for which I still have from my grandmother. But the uniform broke, and I never dreamed of doing Easter without it. And here in the video there is such beauty - from a flower pot! Thanks for the tip. This year my table will finally be decorated with Easter custard cheese. According to grandma's recipe, but with your idea.

The Easter custard recipe presented in your catalog made me start cooking. I didn’t even think how easy it could be to create a gastronomic masterpiece. My wife was surprised at my cooking capabilities. Now I will be on duty for such goodies, as my wife and children decided. All my warm wishes are addressed to you. You are a master of your craft. There are few such people, give your warmth to those around you. Peace to your home.

Stunningly interesting video series of custard cottage cheese Easter recipe made by you. Adding sour cream turned the dough into pure tenderness. The flower pot idea solved my problems with the lack of shape. It didn’t stick, I didn’t have to peel it off, as often happens to me. I advise all housewives I know to attend your virtual academy. I often look at the baking section. You taught me how to bake shortbread.

Good afternoon I came across a video of Easter custard cottage cheese recipe from your wonderful site. I’ve never cooked such a delicacy as custard Easter before. Looking at you, I decided to pamper my family. Tasty, original, economical. I thank you souls. I will constantly come in, look at new items, and gain knowledge. I would like to wish you vitality and energy. Continue to delight fans of your talent.

Custard cottage cheese Easter seemed very difficult to prepare to me. The recipe is kind of confusing. But in the video with Grandma Emma, ​​I began to do it step by step: they rub the cottage cheese through a sieve - I rub it, she grinds the mass - and so do I. I was especially afraid that the mixture would burn and spoil so many products. But everything turned out just like in the movies. And the family devoured the new dish faster than the rest of the Easter delicacies.

Custard cottage cheese Easter recipe, which can be found on your website, caught my eye by accident. Previously, I spent hours searching on other portals in the Easter custard sections for recipes, but they didn’t suit me. I liked this one. I did it and liked it. Divine with candied fruits. I have never kneaded dough by pre-heating it. From now on I will do it strictly according to the instructions shown by you. Photos with detailed descriptions helped me complete the task even more. All my friends have already followed my example. We are waiting for new, relevant releases.

About three years ago I mastered baking Easter cakes; I have my own signature recipe, which I share with everyone I know. One day one of them said that what I call Easter is not Easter at all, but Easter cake. And Easter is made from cottage cheese. None of my friends suggested a recipe for cottage cheese Easter to me: there’s no need to mess around, it won’t work anyway, and there’s no shape. It’s good that I didn’t give up and looked at The good sorceress Grandma Emma found a form for me, showed me the recipe, and taught me how to decorate. My cottage cheese custard Easter was a great success.

Everything on the Easter table is symbolic: Easter cottage cheese in the form of a pyramid is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, from which He rose. Therefore, on Easter Sunday there must be Easter custard on the table. Recipes can be different: the most crucial moment is heating over a fire, you need to constantly stir and wait for the first bubbles. I learned this from the video. And for the first time my Easter burned on fire. Now I’m waiting for the new Sunday of Christ, Easter custard will definitely be on our table.

A recipe for making cottage cheese Easter is not difficult to find: websites, newspapers, magazines, friends - everyone claims that their recipe is the best. And I believe that even the best recipe is not a guarantee that it will turn out delicious. Personally, I’ve already screwed up three Easters and gave up on this losing cause until I went through the entire cooking process with Grandma Emma on video. She calmly says what needs to be done - and everything works out by itself. This year, my family finally realized that cottage cheese Easter is finger-licking good.

My granddaughter and I were looking for how Easter custard is prepared. The recipe was found on a cooking video. For a long time, my granddaughter memorized how much butter, eggs and sugar she needed for Easter. But all this information flew out of her head. But when the ready-made Easter cottage cheese custard appeared on the table and my granddaughter began to decorate it, I simply gasped: berry to berry, candied fruit to candied fruit, from memory she laid out the same ornament as in the video!

Hello! I would like to thank you for the excellent recipe for making cottage cheese Easter. For the first time in my life I made such a treat yesterday. Inspired by the incredible success of the first batch, I immediately began the second batch for my mother and grandmother. This was our first time trying this type of cake. Unusual, finger licking good. Now this Easter cottage cheese will become the main dish of the festive family table. Health to you and your team.

I found a lot of videos on the Internet about custard-curd Easter. But your site’s Easter cottage cheese recipe inspired me. It turned out amazing. Adding lemon zest gave it an incredible aroma. I will continue to cook according to your recommendations. Thank you.

I express my gratitude to your entire culinary family for founding the site. This is a reference book for beginning chefs. It was easy for me to learn unique wisdom from the advice of my wise, experienced grandmother Emma. I was pleased with the recipe called Easter cottage cheese custard. Quick to prepare, affordable ingredients, amazing taste. Good luck, prosperity, prosperity.

All my relatives are grateful to you for the idea of ​​the cottage cheese Easter custard dessert. My daughter and I spent some useful time in the kitchen. We are glad to see the arrival of a new branded sweet for the bright Easter day. I advised my friends to join the many guests of your resource.

Once, a master I knew gave me a real bean bag: wooden, with crosses and the letters XB on the sides. And I thought that Easter cottage cheese custard, the recipe for which I read in an Orthodox newspaper, would be ready without any problems. No such luck: my Easter fell apart, I cooked it raw, I thought it would be easier. Now I found a cooking video on how Easter cottage cheese custard is prepared: it’s not complicated, I’ll definitely try it this year.

Recipes for Easter cakes from Yulia Vysotskaya turn out airy and incredibly tasty. First, we present a recipe for a delicious Easter cake from Yulia Vysotskaya, which is considered simple and at the same time one of the most popular.

Easter cake


  1. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp
  2. Granulated sugar with vanilla - 8 tbsp plus an additional 75 g
  3. Yeast - 10 g
  4. Premium flour - 525 g
  5. Chicken eggs - 5 pcs
  6. Butter - 250 g

Step 1

Rinse the lemon well and cut into two equal halves. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. You will need two tablespoons. Place eight tablespoons of sugar and vanilla into a bowl. Add lemon juice to the sugar and stir thoroughly until smooth.

Step 2

Pour 10 g of yeast into 50 ml of warm water. You can preheat the water in the microwave or on a gas stove. In this case, the yeast will begin to ferment faster. Stir thoroughly. Measure out 25 g of flour. Add to yeast to make dough. Do not forget that the dough should only be stirred with a wooden spoon. Cover the container with the dough with a lid and place in a warm place where there are no drafts for 40 minutes. The dough will double in size.

Step 3

At this time, measure out 500 g of flour. Remember that to prepare Easter cake you need to use only high-quality flour. Choose premium white flour. Sift the flour through a sieve. Add 75 g of sugar and 15 g of salt to the flour. Stir and add the dough. Begin stirring gently with a wooden spoon.

Step 4

Add 5 eggs into the dough. Don't forget that when using them as an ingredient in Easter cake dough, the eggs should be at room temperature. That is, before you start preparing the dough, just put them out of the refrigerator on the table. After adding the eggs, add softened butter to the dough. Continue stirring with a wooden spoon. The dough at this stage will look like a shiny buttery mass.

Step 5

After thoroughly stirring with a wooden spoon, the next step is to knead the dough with your hands. The dough will be somewhat runny to the touch. Don't let this scare you. Due to this consistency, it is possible to achieve lightness and airiness of the dough when baking. Leave the well-mixed dough in the refrigerator with the lid closed for 10 hours. Ideally, prepare the dough for Easter cake in the evening, and bake Easter in the morning.

Step 6

In the morning, the dough should be placed in baking tins and left in a warm, draft-free place for another four hours. You can place the molds filled with dough in a large container and cover with a towel. After this, brush the dough “caps” with egg and you can start baking. Brush the tops of the beads with the egg mixture using your hands.

Step 7

Bake Easter cakes at 200 degrees. After 10 minutes, open the oven and check the condition of the cakes. The dough will rise well. After this, you can lower the temperature and bake small cakes for another 10-15 minutes, and if the mold is large, another 35-40 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake with a match or wooden skewer. When pierced, there should be no “wet” dough left on its surface. Grease the finished Easter cakes with the sugar-lemon mixture.


Regarding the use of butter when preparing Easter Easter cake dough, follow a simple formula: 2 to 1. If the recipe calls for half a kilogram of flour, then you need to use half as much butter. In our example - 250 g.Please note that when preparing the egg mixture for brushing Easter cakes before baking, you need to add a little warm milk to the egg broken into the bowl. This will provide that shiny crust that we are used to seeing on Easter cakes.Also remember that you only need to put Easter cakes in the oven after preheating it. So like this Easter cake recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya, video which is presented below.

Now let's see what it is recipecottage cheese Easterfrom Yulia Vysotskaya.

Creamy Easter with candied fruits


  1. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  2. Butter - 200 g
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese - 500 g
  4. Granulated sugar (fine fraction) - 200 g
  5. Sour cream - 200 g
  6. Vanillin - 5 g
  7. Cranberries - a handful
  8. Dried peaches and pears - a handful each

Step 1

Take two chilled eggs. In this case, the whites will whip better and easier. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks thoroughly with a whisk.

Step 2

Mix with softened butter. Add the oil little by little, continuing to whisk. Measure out 200 g of sugar. Start adding it to the egg mixture, continuing to stir with a whisk. Rub until white. You can also use a mixer for mixing, but it is believed that Easter will be more delicious if you mix the ingredients manually, without using equipment. After 10 minutes of mixing, you will get a homogeneous creamy mass that resembles cream in appearance.

Step 3

Add 200 g of fat sour cream or cream to the egg-butter mixture. Keep stirring. Add a pinch of vanillin or a few drops of vanilla essence. Add cottage cheese. The cottage cheese should not be greasy and homogeneous. Add a handful of cranberries and dried peaches and pears. If these are not ready-made candied fruits, then cut them into small cubes.

Step 4

Beat the whites. Pour them into a deep container, add a pinch of salt and whisk well. Well-chilled whites will turn into a white fluffy mass much faster. In a separate container, beat the cream with a small whisk. They need to be beaten to the same consistency as the whites. Add cream to the dough.

Step 5

Begin stirring the dough gently but quickly. You can use a large flat spatula. After this, fill a special wooden form in the form of a pyramid with dough. First cover the form with gauze. This way, excess water will drain from the curd. Cover the top with the ends of the gauze, so that they lie edge to edge.Excess water will also drain away along the edges of the gauze.Press the shape down with a weight on top. Leave for a day, after which disassemble the form.


If you decide to mix all the ingredients in the Easter cake by hand, as suggested, make every effort to ensure that the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. This is the main secret of taste Easter recipe from cottage cheese from Yulia Vysotskaya.

Let's try to cook another original Easter cake. Below is recipe for Italian Easter panettone from Julia Vysotskaya.

Italian Easter cake panettone


  1. Fresh yeast - 70 g
  2. Premium flour - 1.2 kg
  3. Milk - 360 ml
  4. Granulated sugar - 150 g
  5. Chicken eggs - 8 pieces.
  6. Chicken egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  7. Butter - 500 g
  8. Vanilla - 1 tsp.
  9. Orange zest - 20 g
  10. Raisins - 200 g

Step 1

Warm the milk slightly. Pour the milk over the yeast, add half a tablespoon of sugar and place in a food processor to mix.

Step 2

Add 600 g of flour to the milk mixture. Turn on the food processor and mix thoroughly. Add the eggs at the same time. First, break four pieces. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of vanilla. After this, carefully add the remaining four eggs and the remaining 600 g of flour into the mixer bowl. The processor should mix the dough for about 10 minutes more.

Step 3

In a separate container, mix three yolks and 150 g of sugar. Add softened butter - 250 g. Add the whipped mass to the dough, which continues to knead. Add another 250 g of softened butter to the dough. Turn on the processor for 15 minutes - the dough will continue to mix in a gentle mode.

Step 4

Transfer the dough to a larger container, such as a large saucepan. Grease it with butter. Cover the pan with a towel soaked in hot water and wrung out. Place in a dark place. For example, in an oven that is not turned on.

Step 5

Take out the dough that has risen and doubled in size and add grated orange zest and raisins. Knead the dough. Lay it out into shapes.

Step 6

Divide the dough into three parts and place in three large pans. Leave the molds with the dough in a dark, warm place for an hour. You can put it back in the oven that is not turned on, also covering the containers with a towel dipped in hot water.

Step 7

Brush the risen Easter cakes with yolk mixed with milk. Bake at 180 degrees in a well-heated oven.


Butter pies, like Italian Easter cakes, are best made with fresh yeast.

Today you will learn a lot from us about custard paskha (from cottage cheese) and if you have never cooked this before, then perhaps it’s time to learn and start cooking.

What's so good about Easter? At least because it doesn’t need to be cooked for as long as Easter cakes. That's right, it's just a mess. But the dough is kneaded several times and you have to wait each time! And then I mixed everything, brewed it, poured it in and it’s done!

Easter is also good because it is made with cottage cheese, the fat content of which you choose yourself. Therefore, it is suitable even for those who adhere to a certain diet. This will not work with Easter cakes, because the dough for them is prepared with butter, yeast and flour.

And by the way, if the Easter cake can dry out, then such Easter will only taste better if it sits for a long time. It’s only in the classic version that we taste Easter after twelve hours, but in general, many people wait for it for several days in a row and only then serve it.

It’s tasty, sweet (and that’s why children really like it), satisfying, festive and even a little special. We highly recommend you try it!

Classic recipe for “Royal” Easter

Easter “Tsarskaya” custard is prepared as follows:

  1. Place the cottage cheese in a sieve or use a blender. This is necessary in order to avoid lumps;
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar and then beat with a mixer into a white, fluffy mass;
  3. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly with a spatula;
  4. Soft butter, which is better to remove from the refrigerator earlier, cut into cubes;
  5. Add it to the yolks, and add the cottage cheese there;
  6. Mix all ingredients again with a spatula;
  7. Place the bowl with the resulting mass in a larger bowl and pour water into it;
  8. Next, you need to brew Easter in a water bath;
  9. This will take about thirty minutes, then the thick mass will become more liquid and lighter;
  10. Immediately after this, transfer the bowl to a cold bath (also a larger bowl, but with cold water);
  11. Stir the mixture continuously until it cools;
  12. The water that is heated must be changed several times;
  13. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them and let sit while the curd mass cools;
  14. Then drain the water and dry the raisins;
  15. Finely chop the almonds;
  16. Add raisins, zest and nuts to the cooled curd mass;
  17. Cover a clean bowl with several layers of damp gauze;
  18. Place the curd mass there, cover with gauze and put the next Easter under a press;
  19. Place in the refrigerator overnight and garnish to taste before serving.

Custard cottage cheese Easter with cream

  • 5 eggs;
  • 120 g raisins;
  • 1150 g cottage cheese;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 130 g candied fruits;
  • 425 ml cream;
  • 230 g granulated sugar;
  • 115 g nuts;
  • 225 g butter.

Time – 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​250 calories.


  1. Process the cottage cheese with an immersion blender or put it in a meat grinder to achieve homogeneity;
  2. Remove the butter for several hours before cooking so that it has time to become soft;
  3. Mix cottage cheese with butter, stirring thoroughly with a spatula;
  4. Break the eggs into a bowl, add both types of sugar, beat until foamy;
  5. Add cream and stir until smooth;
  6. Place on the stove, turn on low heat;
  7. Slowly but surely bring the mixture to a boil, then it should begin to thicken;
  8. Remove from heat and cool;
  9. Add candied fruits, nuts and raisins to the cottage cheese;
  10. By the way, pre-wash the raisins, pour boiling water over them and rinse again after ten minutes. After this, dry it and only add it to the cottage cheese;
  11. After this, mix the cottage cheese with the eggs and mix thoroughly;
  12. Place the mixture in a special form covered with gauze;
  13. Wrap the edges of the gauze and place a press on top;
  14. Place in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

Read how to bake, the simplest and most delicious recipes.

Kiev Easter recipe

  • 3 mint branches;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 chocolate bar;
  • 120 g raisins;
  • 3150 ml milk;
  • 380 g powdered sugar;
  • 130 g dried apricots;
  • 275 g butter;
  • 535 ml sour cream.

Time – 8 hours and 45 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​155 calories.


  1. Beat the eggs a little, add sour cream to them and beat the mixture with a mixer;
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan and place on the stove;
  3. Then bring to a boil and reduce heat;
  4. Pour eggs with sour cream in a thin stream, stir until cottage cheese forms;
  5. Remove from heat and cool the mixture;
  6. Place several layers of gauze in a colander and pour the contents of the pan onto it;
  7. Leave the mixture to glass;
  8. Then tie the bag and hang it so that the glass is all excess for about two hours;
  9. If the cottage cheese still remains liquid, put it under the press for another hour;
  10. Cut the soft butter into cubes and mix with powdered sugar;
  11. Beat into a fluffy mass with a mixer;
  12. Add cottage cheese and beat the mixture again;
  13. Wash raisins and dried apricots, pour boiling water for ten minutes;
  14. Then drain the water, rinse and dry the dried fruits;
  15. Set aside some raisins and dried apricots for decoration;
  16. Chop the rest of the dried apricots a little and mix with raisins;
  17. Add dried fruits to the curd mass;
  18. Line the mold with gauze, put the curd mass there and leave it like that for two hours at room temperature;
  19. After this, put it in the refrigerator for five hours;
  20. Next, take out the Easter, decorate with mint sprigs, chocolate and dried fruits.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

  • 225 g cream cheese;
  • 1 handful of candied cedro;
  • 1200 g dry cottage cheese;
  • 20 ml orange liqueur;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 2 handfuls of candied tangerines;
  • 125 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 handful of candied orange peels.

Time – 1 hour and 55 minutes.

Calorie content – ​​189 calories.

Custard Easter is prepared like this:

  1. Place the cottage cheese in a sieve so that there are no lumps;
  2. Chop the candied fruits a little;
  3. Break the eggs and add sugar to them, beat until foamy;
  4. Add vanillin, stir;
  5. Without stopping, pour in the liquor;
  6. Mix eggs with cottage cheese, add cream cheese to them and mix everything well;
  7. Send all the candied fruits there, mix well;
  8. Transfer the bowl with the entire mass to a water bath and brew it;
  9. Then remove from heat and stir until cool;
  10. Cover the mold with gauze, folded in layers and put the whole mass there;
  11. Place a weight on top and leave for several days.

To easily and easily remove Easter from the mold, it is better to cover it with damp gauze. Dry gauze will be wetted with sweet curd and, as a result, will stick to the mold.

To grind cottage cheese, you can use not only a sieve. This can be an immersion blender or a meat grinder. But in the latter case, you will have to scroll through the product twice.

The curd Easter must stand under the press for at least twelve hours so that all the liquid flows out and the mass comes together. The last recipe takes less time, since the cottage cheese is made independently, and its structure allows you to enjoy Easter faster.

To diversify the taste of cottage cheese custard Easter, you can add fresh berries or fruits to it. It can also be various nuts - macadamia, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and so on. Well, you already know about dried fruits.

If you want variety, you can add cocoa to the mixture itself and you will have a chocolate Easter. Or add different types of dyes. From natural ones - mint, turmeric, beets, carrots.

When adding Easter to raisins, you need to remember that they must first be washed, then filled with water or even steamed. Then drain the water, rinse the dried fruits and dry them with dry cloths.

To clean the almonds during Easter, you can pour boiling water over them for half an hour. After this, drain the water, remove the peel and dry the nuts. They can then be crushed.

Your table will be truly bright and special if you prepare not only classic Easter cakes, but also cottage cheese custard Easter.