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Large species of monkeys with a square muzzle. The largest monkeys in the world. Snub-nosed golden monkey

Among the smallest monkeys there are record-breaking primates, considered the smallest monkeys on Earth. Let's find out what they are called, where they live, what kind of life they lead and whether they live in captivity.

The smallest monkey breeds

Among the many breeds of monkeys, the smallest ones can be distinguished. These are marmosets. They are among the smallest primates on our planet. Their habitat is Latin America. An adult weighs no more than one hundred grams with a body length of up to twenty-three centimeters. The length of the tail always exceeds the length of the body and can reach thirty centimeters. The smallest marmoset, smaller than a person's thumb, is the Swiss Lilliputian marmoset.

The small ones include dwarf marmosets, whose average weight is about one hundred and twenty grams, and their body length does not exceed fifteen centimeters. These primates are considered the smallest on Earth. Their second name is pocket monkeys.

The narrow-nosed monkey is relatively small in size. Body size is largely determined by subspecies. So, the smallest among them are the talapoin pygmy monkeys. The body length of an adult is thirty-five centimeters. The tail is about the same length. The weight of the pygmy monkey is about one kilogram, three hundred grams. They live in the swampy forests of Gabon, are excellent swimmers and can see underwater.

Talapoins live in large groups of up to one hundred individuals, gathering in the evenings in trees near water. During the day, they scatter in search of food in small groups. Each large group contains several mature males and many females with offspring. These monkeys are omnivores. They eat fruits, small vertebrates, bird eggs, and aquatic plants. Sometimes they are kept at home. The talapoin should not be allowed to move freely around the apartment. He must live in a spacious and very strong cage. These monkeys love to break everything and see what's inside. Talapoins need to be walked.

Where do little monkeys live?

Small monkeys, like larger representatives of primates, mainly live in the subtropics and tropics. There are many of them in South and Central America, Africa, and the southern parts of Asia. It is there that they can feed themselves freely. It is not uncommon for monkeys to remain in the jungle for a year.

Thus, marmosets live mainly in the upper reaches of the Amazon. They can also be found on the borders of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. They live in the jungle, practically never coming down from the trees. Marmosets live in Latin America. They were first discovered in Western Brazil in 1823. The habitat of the Talapoins is the forests of Gabon.

Pygmy marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world

There is a palm-sized monkey - a pygmy marmoset. In size it can be compared to a small kitten. The animal is very agile. Marmosets move through the jungle, jumping from branch to branch. The primate's body, excluding the tail, is from ten to fifteen centimeters. The tail itself often exceeds the length of the entire body. An individual can weigh from one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. The animal has thick, long fur, brown on top, white or yellow below. They live in western Brazil, the upper Amazon, Ecuador and northern Peru.

Marmosets usually live in the jungle, spending almost their entire lives in trees; at night they are in hollows. The animal's legs are so well developed that they can jump up to two meters. Thanks to their sharp claws, marmosets can move along vertical branches.

Monkeys obtain food using sharp incisor teeth. Their main delicacy is tree sap. To get it, monkeys gnaw through tree bark. They also indulge in fruits and eat spiders, insects and small birds. They are content with fresh water, which they find in flowers and on the leaves and shoots of plants. Due to their miniature size and low weight, these animals are able to obtain food from thin branches where larger and heavier jungle inhabitants cannot reach.

Pygmy monkeys live in groups with a male, female and offspring. Often there are four generations in a group at once. Usually the female gives birth to two cubs, each weighing about fifteen grams. It seems that the marmosets are chirping something to each other non-stop. These are sociable animals. From time to time they whistle, and if they want to report danger, they start screaming loudly. It is impossible to calculate the total number of these dwarf primates in nature, which is due to both their mobility and camouflage coloring. It is definitely true that they are not on the verge of extinction. It is known that their average life expectancy is ten years.

We can say that the marmoset is like a cat, a bird and a person at the same time. These monkeys are also kept in captivity. It is important to provide them with a constant temperature within twenty-five to twenty-nine degrees with a humidity of more than sixty percent. They are placed in an enclosure with decorative elements and shelters.

By the way, monkeys are considered dangerous. They are even included in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world..
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Monkeys are the most interesting mammals, which are also the closest relatives of humans in the wild. The diversity of representatives of the P...

From Masterweb

02.04.2018 16:00

Monkeys are the most interesting mammals, which are also the closest relatives of humans in the wild. The diversity of representatives of the Primates order is truly amazing. Indeed, more than 400 species of monkeys have been studied to date. In this article we will look at some types of monkeys with photos and names and get acquainted with the features of each of them.


Almost every person is familiar with monkeys, macaques, baboons, gorillas and orangutans. These representatives of primates are kept in almost every zoo. Enclosures and cages with them are equipped with special play complexes, and both children and many adults love to watch the fun of various primates.

Monkeys are highly developed animals. They are able to contact each other using various sounds that express their desires and emotions. Numerous attempts by people to teach monkeys to talk, unfortunately, have not been successful. However, it is worth noting that some representatives of primates show good intellectual abilities and can solve not very complex logical problems.

What species of monkeys deserve the most attention?

Rhesus monkey

The rhesus macaque is the most famous and widespread representative of the Macaque genus in nature. Rhesus dogs are not large in size or brightly colored, but they are very popular. Representatives of this species of monkeys are kept in almost all zoos. This can be explained by the fact that rhesus dogs are very friendly, are not afraid of people, and sometimes like to swim.

In their natural habitat, they live in small flocks of monkeys of different sexes and ages. Despite the general cohesion of the pack, females and males stay somewhat apart, earning authority in groups of their own sex.

Representatives of this species of apes are typical herbivores, feeding on fruits, seeds and shoots of various plants.


The hamadryas is significantly larger in body size than the previous species. So, its height can reach one meter, and its body weight can reach 30 kilograms. The coloration of hamadryas stands out strongly from other species of monkeys. The entire body is covered with thick gray fur; nature has left only the face bare, the color of which varies from light to dark brown with a slight red tint.

Hamadryas are often frightened of people and can react extremely aggressively to them. They also persistently protect members of their flock, and especially their family, from dangerous predators.

Black Howler

Black howler monkeys are the name of a species of medium-sized monkeys with beautiful fur. Moreover, male and female howler monkeys are very different from each other. Among the most obvious differences is the color of the coat. Males are completely black, while females are reddish-yellow.

Howler monkeys got their name due to their unique ability to make loud, roaring sounds. The call of an adult male, for example, can be heard 7 km away.

Black howler monkeys gather in small flocks, consisting mainly of females, and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Their diet includes various plants, which monkeys can easily obtain if necessary. Howler monkeys also love to eat fruit.

On average, representatives of this species of monkey live 15-20 years in their natural habitat.

common chimpanzee

Common chimpanzees are familiar to anyone who has diligently studied biology at school. These monkeys have a good-natured appearance, a fairly powerful body and a face free of hair. Until recently, chimpanzees were distributed almost everywhere, but for reasons related to human industrial activity, the species' range has decreased significantly.

Chimpanzee flocks can unite more than a hundred individuals. They are able to communicate very well with each other, using not only sounds, but also gestures and certain postures. Like most monkeys, common chimpanzees eat plant foods, although they can sometimes supplement their diet with small animals and insects. Being in a desperate situation, chimpanzees are able to organize a hunt even for a large predator that poses a danger to a small number of monkeys.

For many reasons, chimpanzees are currently under threat of complete extinction, so more and more individuals are kept in various parks and reserves.


The appearance of the proboscis monkey can be called the most extraordinary and memorable among all monkeys. The very large nose, for which the species got its name, is a distinctive feature of males. The female has a neat, slightly elongated and raised nose. Also attracting attention is the bright color of the proboscis, which can vary from orange to dark brown.

This type of monkey, the photo of which you saw above, is certainly famous for its appearance. However, this is not their only feature. Proboscis cats love to swim and do it quite often. It is also not difficult for them to walk 2 to 5 kilometers every day in search of edible food. Proboscis monkeys are considered active and mobile animals.

Experts have different points of view regarding the purpose of the nose of monkeys. Many believe that this feature serves to attract females, but an exact answer has not yet been found.

Eastern gorilla

Eastern gorillas have a menacing and commanding appearance, their gaze filled with strength and masculinity. In addition, eastern gorillas are the largest apes among the primates living on Earth. The height of representatives of this species can reach two meters, and their weight can reach 160-200 kilograms.

The powerful body of monkeys is decorated with a large head, broad shoulders and massive arms. It is noteworthy that the fur of male eastern gorillas turns gray with age, acquiring a silver-gray tint.

Like other apes, eastern gorillas live in groups of up to 40 individuals. Despite the impressive size of gorillas, their diet does not include anything special. They feed on various parts of plants, sometimes eating mushrooms and small animals.

Eastern gorillas are protected, however, unfortunately, cases of animals being killed and illegally hunted are not uncommon.

White-handed gibbon

White-handed gibbons are miniature monkeys whose body weight does not exceed 5 kilograms. Representatives of this species are classified as great apes. Such gibbons are often kept in zoos, where they live in special structures that resemble their natural habitat - tropical forests.

Gibbons of this species are distinguished by their black complexion. They also do not have a tail. White-handed gibbons are one of the few species of monkeys that live their entire lives with one partner. Gibbons live in families, occupying a certain territory into which other relatives do not have the right to enter. They eat plant foods.

Sumatran orangutan

Sumatran orangutans, along with eastern gorillas, are fairly large mammals. The male grows up to one meter and gains weight up to 60 kilograms. Orangutans also have a powerful body and strong arms to help them move.

Male orangutans lead a solitary lifestyle, while females gather in small groups, which helps them feed their offspring. Sumatran orangutans spend most of their lives in trees, moving with the help of powerful arms and strong fingers. The basis of their diet is the fruits and seeds of plants; Sumatran orangutans also often eat insects.

So, in this article we met the brightest representatives of the Primates order. Now, if you are asked to name the species of monkeys, you can not only easily list the most prominent representatives, but also tell interesting information about them.

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It is known from history that monkeys appeared in the Mesozoic era 200 million years ago. Over the years, these creatures have changed little. Monkeys are called primates, i.e. primary, main.

The brain of monkeys is slightly smaller than that of a human, but more developed than that of other animals. That's why these mammals are very smart.

The eyes are deep-set, bulging, the pupil is small. The mouth is large, bulging forward. Teeth are formed in 2 stages: in small individuals, milk teeth appear; in adulthood, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The ears are large, protruding forward.

The limbs of the front paws of many species of monkeys are similar to those of humans. The first finger is opposed to the other four. There are nails on the tips of the fingers. The back is hunched.

Height depends on the breed of the mammal. It varies from 15 cm (dwarf) to 2.5 meters (Gorilla). The coat is thick and uneven. Color brown, black, gray, chestnut.

Types of tiny monkeys

It is considered the smallest representative of monkeys. The length of the marmoset is 11-15 cm, weight from 100 to 150 grams. It fits easily in the palm of your hand. Habitat: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. The fur is reddish in color and thick. Due to it, the animal seems 2 times larger. Lives in trees, is diurnal, very nimble and mobile. Marmosets are too clean and pay great attention to cleaning each other's fur. They feed on tree sap, insects, and fruits. The photo shows all the beauty of these small primates.

  • Tamarin.

The body length is 31 cm. The tail reaches a length of up to 44 cm. Weight is 300 grams. A characteristic feature of these monkeys is the presence of a beard and mustache. The color is brown, yellowish, brown with black splashes. They live in America and Colombia. They live in families in the treetops. They feed on insects, bird eggs, plants, and fruits.

  • Squirrel monkeys.

These primates live in South America in forests located near bodies of water. Body length 25−35 cm, weight 1 kg. The tail is long - 40 cm. The color is grayish-yellow. Very agile, can easily jump 5 meters. They are awake during the day and sleep at night. When in danger, they emit a piercing cry and freeze motionless in place. An inexperienced person will not be able to notice a squirrel monkey even “under his nose.” They feed on eggs and chicks, fruits, nuts, and shellfish.

Species of average monkeys

  • Capuchin.

They live in South America. Body length 50−70 cm. Weight 4−5 kg. These monkeys are too smart and very timid. On the treetops where they live, capuchins find food for themselves. They eat frogs, insects, and steal birds' eggs. Capuchins are easy to train, which is why they are popular with monkey lovers. They can live up to 50 years.

  • Howler monkey.

They live in Brazil, Central and South America. Maximum height 70 cm. Weight 5−8 kg. The tail is long and tenacious, reaching almost the length of the body - 60-70 cm. Every morning, like roosters, they make loud sounds to intimidate enemies. And also, these sounds attract females and show rivals that this is their territory. Howler monkeys feed on leaves, plants and fruits. They hunt birds, insects and even large snakes.

  • Spider monkey or spider monkey.

They live in Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America. Height is 40−60 cm. The length of the tail reaches a length of 90 cm. Weight is 5−10 kg. They are only awake during the day and sleep at night. Fleeing from a predator, he can spend a lot of time at the top of a tree. They feed on wild figs and plants. Individuals will not refuse delicious fruits. They live a maximum of 40 years.

  • Baboon.

Baboons live in Southern and Eastern Africa. Body length is 70−80 cm. Weight ranges from 30 to 45 kg. Color yellowish-brown. Baboons feed on plants, fruits, leaves, and bark. The best lunch for baboons are caught gazelles and antelopes. Babuns live in clans, which are always headed by leaders. If a baboon is hungry and there is a human house nearby, he will gladly climb into the building for food. They are very agile and, upon noticing an enemy, quickly climb a tree for cover. The lifespan of baboons is 40 years.

  • Colobus.

Thick-faced monkeys (colobus monkeys) live in the dense forests of Ethiopia, Senegal, Nigeria, and Guinea. These primates can rise to a height of up to 3 thousand meters. They rarely come down from trees and are nocturnal. The height of colobus monkeys is maximum 70 cm, weight - 12 kg. The tail serves as the fifth limb. The color is black and white, the back is reddish. In appearance, these primates are very beautiful and majestic. The peculiarity of monkeys is the absence of a thumb on their hands. Colobuses feed on tree leaves, bark, and fruits.

  • Langur.

Langurs belong to the monkey family. Height 75 cm, maximum weight 20 kg. Primates feed on fruits and vegetation. Langurs' jumps reach a length of ten meters. Habitat Thailand, Tibet, India. Langurs can live in areas where there is snow.

  • Toque.

Macaques live in forests, mountains, and even cities. The height of individuals is 40−70 cm, weight maximum 14 kg. Color brown, yellow, brown, black. Macaques adapt well to city life. Trainable. In the wild they live in flocks of 10 to 20 individuals. Each has its own function in the family. Individuals live in Nepal, Northern India, and China. They feed on small animals, leaves, and fruits.

  • Gibbon.

Gibbons live in Southeast Asia. The weight of primates is 6−9 kg, height 40−90 cm. Gibbons feed on juicy fruits, vegetation, eggs and chicks, and insects. Primates live in families: parents and cubs. When a young male grows up, he goes into the thicket of the forest to look for his chosen one. But there are also specimens that do not want to leave the family hearth. The parent has to kick out his child.

Great monkeys

  • Orangutan.

They live in Kalimantan and Sumatra. The height of large individuals reaches 130 cm, weight 90−120 kg. Orangutans live alone or in harems. One male can have several females, and other representatives of this breed do not have the right to enter the territory. If such a daredevil appears, then both males run to different trees and begin to shake them violently. This may continue for several hours until one of them is removed. Orangutans feed on bananas, plums, leaves and bark.

The gorilla is the largest of all monkey breeds. The primate's height reaches 2 meters and weight 280 kg. This species lives in Central Africa. Primates feed only on vegetation. They live in groups: 2 males, several females and cubs.

Gorillas have a terrifying appearance, but they themselves are friendly. If males sense danger, they begin to beat their chests with their hands and growl loudly. This is how they protect themselves from enemies. The lifespan of gorillas is 50 years.

There are many more subspecies of these mammals. All subspecies differ depending on their habitat, environmental conditions, weather conditions, and food preferences.

A monkey (anthropoid, higher primate) is a mammal, closest in structure to humans, belongs to the order Primates, suborder of dry-nosed primates, infraorder Simiiformes.

The origin of the Russian word “monkey” is quite interesting. Until the 16th century, the monkey in Rus' was called “opitsa” - the same as the Czechs now call it. At the same time, the Persians called the monkey “elderberry”. According to one version, Afanasy Nikitin brought this name with him from his travels and used it in his work “Walking across Three Seas.” According to another version, the monkey got its name from the word “abuzina”. At the same time, Ushakov’s dictionary clarifies that “abuzina” is translated from Arabic as “father of fornication.”

Monkey - description, characteristics, structure, photo. What does a monkey look like?

The body length of an adult monkey can vary from 15 cm (for the pygmy marmoset) to 2 meters (for the male gorilla). The weight of a monkey also depends on the species. If the body weight of a small monkey barely reaches 150 grams, then individual gorillas weigh up to 275 kg.

Most arboreal monkey species have a long back, short and narrow chest, and thin hip bones.

Gibbons and orangutans have a wide chest, as well as massive pelvic bones.

Some monkeys have a long tail that exceeds the length of the body and acts as a balancer when moving through trees.

Monkeys living on the ground have a short tail, while apes have no tail at all.

The body of monkeys is more or less covered with hair of various colors from light brown and red to black and white and gray-olive.

Adults sometimes turn gray over the years, and male monkeys even go bald just like humans.

Monkeys are characterized by mobile, well-developed upper limbs, endowed with 5 fingers, the phalanges of which end in nails, as well as an opposable thumb.

The extent to which a monkey’s arms and legs are developed directly depends on its lifestyle.

Monkeys, who spend most of their lives in trees, have short thumbs, which makes it easy to fly from branch to branch using limb swings.

But, for example, the feet of baboons are long and graceful, convenient for walking on the ground.

Most monkeys have binocular vision, and the whites of their eyes are as black as their pupils.

The dental system is similar to the human one, but differs between narrow-nosed and broad-nosed monkeys. Narrow-nosed monkeys have 32 teeth, while broad-nosed monkeys have 36.

The teeth of apes are massive and have a complex root structure.

The monkey's brain is well developed and has a complex structure.

Apes have highly developed parts of the brain responsible for meaningful movements.

Monkeys communicate using a special signaling system consisting of facial expressions and sounds. Monkeys and capuchins are considered especially noisy and talkative.

Both methods of transmitting information in monkeys are well developed and can demonstrate the widest range of feelings, which is expressed, first of all, by rich facial expressions.

Monkeys live on almost all continents: in Europe (namely in Gibraltar), in the south and southeast of Asia (in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, China, Japan), in Africa (except Madagascar), in the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, in Australia. Antarctica is not inhabited by monkeys.

Chimpanzee live in the countries of Western and Central Africa: Senegal, Guinea, Angola, Congo, Chad, Cameroon and others.

Habitat macaques extends from hot Afghanistan to the countries of Southeast Asia, including Japan. The Magot macaque lives in North Africa and Gibraltar, representing the only species of the family. Macaques live in Cambodia and Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines; small populations are found in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

Gorillas live in the equatorial forests of western and central Africa. Populations are found in Gambia and Cameroon, Mauritania and Chad, and inhabit Guinea and Benin.

Orangutans They live only in the rainforests of the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra.

Monkey howler monkeys They live mainly in the countries of southern Mexico and Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina.

Monkeys They live in Southeast Asia, throughout the Arabian Peninsula and the African continent. In Europe, monkeys live only in Gibraltar.

Almost all varieties gibbons They live only in the Asian region. Their natural habitat is the forest areas of India and Malaysia, the humid tropical thickets of Burma, Cambodia and Thailand, Vietnam and China.

Hamadryas (baboons) distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Africa, being the only primates living in the northeastern part of the continent (Egypt and Sudan). Baboons are also found on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula.

Habitat capuchins includes vast expanses of tropical rainforests from Honduras in the north of the range to southern Brazil and Venezuela in the south.

Tamarins they prefer to settle in the warmest regions of Central America, in the cozy climate of Costa Rica and in the favorable South America - that is, almost throughout the entire area of ​​​​the fertile Amazonian lowland. Certain species of tamarins thrive in Bolivia and Brazil.

Monkey baboons very widespread in Central and Eastern Africa: they live in Kenya and Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan, Congo and Angola.

Monkey saki- inhabitants of South America. Found in Venezuela, Colombia, Chile.

How do monkeys live?

Some monkeys live in trees: some prefer to live in the very crowns, others live in the lower tiers, but leave their habitats if absolutely necessary.

Land monkeys live in a specific individual territory, but borders are rarely guarded. Random encounters between a dominant male and a lone male usually end in a visual demonstration of dominance, and it rarely comes to a fight.

The average lifespan of monkeys is 30-40 years, some monkeys live up to 50 years.

Monkeys are omnivores, and the diet of each species depends on its habitat. Tree monkeys eat what they can get from trees: leaves, buds, young shoots, nuts, fruits. Sometimes insects are added to the food.

Land monkeys have a much wider choice of food: they eat rhizomes and shoots of plants, including ferns - a favorite delicacy of the gorilla.

All monkeys have a varied diet and, in addition to various sugary fruits (figs, mangoes, etc.), they happily eat fish, shellfish, rodents, and anything else edible that they can find or catch.

Some species of monkeys eat a specific type of food: for example, Japanese stump-tailed macaques eat only tree bark, cynomolgus macaques feed exclusively on crabs, and marmosets use their long incisors to extract and eat gum.

Chimpanzees, in addition to being the only species of monkey that can create hunting accessories to facilitate the process of obtaining food, attack birds, small animals and small monkeys, including other chimpanzees.

But baboons always hunt in large groups, so they are one of the most dangerous predators in the jungle.

Types of monkeys, names and photos

The infraorder Apes is divided into 2 parvoorders:

  • Broad-nosed monkeys(Platyrrhini), which includes species of monkeys found in Central and South America.
  • Narrow-nosed monkeys(Catarrhini) - species of monkeys living in Africa, Asia, 1 species lives in Europe (Gibraltar).

The modern classification identifies more than 400 species of monkeys or higher primates. Each species of monkey is individual in its own way, but they all have common features. Among the diversity of representatives of the order of primates, the following species of monkeys are of greatest interest:

  • (Alouatta caraya)

a member of the spider monkey family. The howler monkey makes characteristic roaring sounds that can be heard 5 km away. The males are covered with black hair, the female monkey is yellow-brown or olive in color, the cubs are golden-yellow. The length of the male monkey is 52-67 cm and weighs 6.7 kg, females are much smaller and grow up to 49 cm in size and weigh 4.4 kg. The basis of the diet is fruits and foliage. The howler monkey lives in Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina.

  • Mourning capuchin(Cebus olivaceus)

a species of monkey from the prehensile-tailed family. The weight of a male monkey reaches 3 kg, females are a third smaller. The color of the monkey is brown or light brown, with a grayish tint, and there is a characteristic triangle of black hair on the head. Within the pack, infanticide is practiced - the deliberate killing of cubs, as well as grooming - mutual picking of fur. To protect themselves from blood-sucking insects, monkeys rub themselves with poisonous centipedes. Black capuchins are omnivores and eat a variety of insects, small vertebrates, fruits and young tree shoots. They live in the crowns of virgin forests in Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname.

  • Crowned monkey (blue monkey)(Cercopithecus mitis)

got its name due to its gray color with a blue tint and a white stripe of fur passing over the eyebrows like a crown. The body length of an adult is from 50 to 65 cm, body weight is 4-6 kg. The male monkey is distinguished by well-developed white sideburns and long fangs compared to females. This species of animal is widespread in the forests and bamboo groves of the African continent, from the Congo River basin to Ethiopia, Zambia and Angola.

  • White-handed gibbon (lar) (Hylobates lar)

a species of apes of the gibbon family. Adult monkeys of both sexes grow to 55-63 cm in length and have a body weight of 4-5.5 kg. The monkey's fur color can be black, brown or sand, and its arms and legs are always white. The monkey's diet consists of fruits, leaves and insects. White-handed gibbons are monogamous and lead a predominantly arboreal lifestyle in the tropical forests of China and the Malay Archipelago.

  • Eastern gorilla(Gorilla beringei)

the largest monkey in the world. According to the testimony of famous zoologists, a giant male gorilla was killed by hunters at the beginning of the last century: his height was 2 m 32 cm. Usually the size of a male monkey reaches 185 cm with a body weight of 160 kg (sometimes 220 kg). Female gorillas are much smaller; the adult body length is 150 cm and weighs 70-114 kg. Massive animals, distinguished by a large head, broad shoulders, open chest and long legs. The coat color is mostly black, but in the mountain gorilla subspecies it has a blue tint. A stripe of silvery fur runs along the back of seasoned males. Monkeys feed on all parts of plants, less often invertebrates and fungi.

  • Pale saki (white-headed saki)(Pithecia pithecia)

a type of broad-nosed monkey with long, shaggy hair that rarely leaves the trees. The size of adult animals reaches from 30 to 48 cm in length, a male monkey weighs about 2 kg, a female monkey is slightly lighter. The black coat color of the males contrasts markedly with the white or pink complexion. Females are black-gray or gray-brown and just as pale. The monkeys' food consists of seeds and fruits of various trees native to Venezuela, Suriname and Brazil.

  • Hamadryas (frilled baboon)(Papio hamadryas)

a species of narrow-nosed monkeys of the genus baboons, spending their entire lives on earth. The body length of adult males is 70-100 cm and weighs about 30 kg. The female monkey is 2 times smaller than the male. The male monkey is distinguished by an original arrangement of hair: long hair on the shoulders and chest forms a kind of fur cape. The color of the fur resembles the color of dry grass, and the female monkey is darker in color. The hamadryas' diet is dominated by plant rhizomes, insects, worms and snails, as well as crops from nearby plantations. Hamadryas monkeys live in open spaces of African and Asian countries: Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Nubia, Yemen.

  • Nosach, or kahau (Nasalis larvatus)

an animal from the subfamily of slender-bodied monkeys of the marmoset family. The monkey lives exclusively on the island of Borneo, forming populations in the tropical forests of its coastal regions. The color of the nosed monkey is yellowish-brown, with a whitish undercoat. The fur on the limbs and tail of the monkey has a gray tint, the muzzle is hairless, often bright red. The mammal's size ranges from 66 to 77 cm, with the monkey's tail being about the same length. The weight of a male is 15-22 kg; female monkeys are usually half that weight. A special feature of the proboscis is its unusual drooping nose. In males, it grows enormous in size with age, so the monkey has to hold its nose to eat leaves, fruits or flowers of plants.

  • Japanese macaque ( Macaca fuscata)

a species of monkey mainly found in the northern part of the island of Honshu. At the end of the last century, a small population of Japanese macaques was artificially settled in Texas, where today these animals thrive. The population living on the island of Yakushima is usually classified as a separate subspecies - Macaca fuscata yakui, which is associated with some differences in the behavior and appearance of macaques. The height of a male Japanese macaque varies between 80-95 cm, weight - from 12 to 14 kg, the female monkey is slightly lower, and weighs almost 1.5 times less. The macaque monkey has bright red skin, which is especially noticeable on the face and buttocks, which are completely devoid of hair. The thick coat is dark gray with a slight brown tint. The monkey's tail is quite short, rarely exceeding a length of 10 cm. Japanese macaques usually choose forests, both tropical and located in mountainous areas, as their habitat. They live in groups, often reaching 100 individuals, where a strict hierarchy reigns. In the northern regions of Japan, where snow cover lasts for 3-4 months and winter air temperatures average −4-5 °C, macaques survive frosty days in natural hot springs, basking in their thermal waters. Surprisingly, in order not to freeze wet while going for food, these resourceful monkeys draw up a duty schedule: while some individuals sit in warm water, others, with dry fur, bring them food. Monkeys feed on leaves and roots of plants, sweet fruits of tropical trees, bird eggs, insects, mollusks and crustaceans, and fish.

  • Sumatran orangutan ( Pongo abelii)

a species of monkey found exclusively on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Sumatran orangutan is a fairly large animal. The height of an adult male can reach one and a half meters or more with a weight of 150-165 kg. Females are slightly smaller in size - their height does not exceed 1 meter, and their weight is 50-55 kg. Monkeys have well-developed muscles, a massive body, covered with hard red-brown hair, which is quite long in the shoulder area. The forelimbs of an orangutan often reach 3 meters in span, the hind limbs are short, with wide, stable feet. Male Sumatran orangutans have an unusual face: there are clearly defined fat pads on the cheeks, and the beard and mustache give the animal a slightly funny appearance. The diet of the Sumatran orangutan is dominated mainly by plant foods - leaves, bark, nuts, sweet fruits, however, the monkey will not refuse to feast on bird eggs and chicks, grasshoppers, spiders

  • Common chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes)

a species of monkey whose habitat covers the forested areas of the tropics and humid savannas of the African continent, especially its western and central parts. Mature male chimpanzees reach a height of 140-160 cm, and monkeys weigh between 65-80 kg. Females weigh 40-50 kg with a height of 120-130 cm. The body of the animals is covered with very coarse, hard fur of a dark brown hue. Near the mouth and on the tailbone the fur is partially white, but the feet, palms and muzzle of the monkey are completely devoid of it. Common chimpanzees are practically omnivorous, although the main part of their diet is plant food. These monkeys happily eat nuts and fruits, sweet potato leaves and tubers, feed on mushrooms and termites, and feast on sweet honey, bird eggs and small vertebrates. It is not uncommon for a school of chimpanzees to successfully hunt red colobus monkeys (primates from the monkey family) and even young ungulates, replenishing the lack of nutrients with meat. Chimpanzee monkeys are the only primates capable of creating the semblance of tools that facilitate the process of obtaining food: they skillfully sharpen the ends of sticks and twigs, turning them into imitation spears, use palm leaves as traps for insects, and use stones in the form of projectiles.

  • Pygmy marmoset ( Cebuella pygmaea)

this is the smallest monkey in the world. Adults grow up to 10-15 cm in length and weigh from 100 to 150 g. They inhabit the forests of South America and feed mainly on tree sap.