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If you dreamed of a fictitious marriage in a dream. Marriage: what is the dream about?

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Marriage in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Marriage” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Marriage - in a man's dreams more often means a desire to leave marriage. In a woman’s dreams there is a premonition of the instability of marriage. The bride/groom can be considered as the animus of the dreamer himself, in which case the experience of marriage is of a conditionally pleasant nature. Spiritual union or its desire. Ideas of death.

Combined dream book

Marriage seen in a dream- means great joy, pleasure (in the case when everyone is dressed in light clothes).

If in a dream you yourself lead this celebration- worries await you.

A good sign, success in business.

A woman marries an old man- health problems.

When a married woman or widow dreams that she is getting married- in the future she will face problems in the family, quarrels, conflicts.

Divorce for a married man- to problems in the family.

Accident during marriage- moral suffering.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Marriage?

If in a dream you get married- such a dream, depending on your mood and condition, can foreshadow both the receipt of a gift and the upcoming sadness. Getting engaged in a dream is a sign of joy.

For a man to marry a young and beautiful girl in a dream- to success in business, on someone else's wife - a warning against hidden criminal desires.

If a girl dreamed that she was getting married- soon new changes are coming in her life; For a married woman, such a dream promises great family troubles, additional financial expenses and physical labor.

Marry a widower- to danger, for a foreigner- unfortunately, for widows, marriage to a young man promises annoyance or a quarrel.

Seeing your wedding in a dream- to family happiness, be at someone else's wedding- to fulfill desires, at his beloved's wedding- to regrets and secret suspicions.

For unmarried people to take part in a wedding- for a quick marriage, for married people - for children, be at a wedding only among men or women- to confusion in life.

Seeing a groom at a wedding in a dream- to joy, be your own groom- to gossip.

A man sees someone else's bride in a dream- to a happy meeting, your bride - to danger.

Seeing a wedding in a dream- to a new acquaintance; get married yourself- to joy. For lovers, wedding in a dream- portends an imminent wedding.

Divorce in a dream- to big changes in reality, news, new love affairs await you.

Wedding ceremony- means the arrangement of your affairs, joy, pleasure (if everyone present is in light clothes).

If in a dream you yourself hold this celebration- you will receive the care and attention of others.

Marriage of a man with a young girl- success in business.

A woman marries an old man- troubles, illness.

When a married woman or widow dreams that she is getting married- in the future she will be overwhelmed by frustration, there will be quarrels in the family, etc.

Divorce for a married person- to troubles in the family.

Accident during a wedding- suffering.

A young woman in a dream sees herself as a bride in sadness- to disappointment in love.

Guests wearing dark or black clothing- to melancholy.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Marriage (matrimony, but not wedding)- unification in general. The need to recognize two principles in oneself: masculine and feminine. The need to enter into the position of a spouse, to establish mutual understanding. Reflecting unnecessary thoughts about marriage.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which a girl sees that she is unhappy before marriage- means that she will also be unhappy in marriage.

For a married woman- such a dream is favorable.

If a woman dreams that she is marrying an old man- this means illness and failure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Divorce proceedings- to a long family life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you dream that you are divorcing your husband- this means a quick divorce in reality.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dream about a couple's divorce proceedings- you will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about Marriage in a dream?

Marriage- return to fulfilling your duties.

Miller's Dream Book

For a woman to dream that she is marrying an old, decrepit man- means that illness will be added to all other troubles.

If during the ceremony her lover in black passes by, looking at her reproachfully- this foreshadows the cooling of her friends towards her.

Seeing a marriage ceremony in a dream- means joy and pleasure, if only in a dream the guests are dressed in light clothes and are cheerful.

Black clothes on guests- promise sadness.

If you are an officiant at a wedding ceremony- you will experience pleasure and self-care in reality.

See an accident during a wedding- foreshadows suffering.

If a young woman sees herself as a bride, but not very happy- this portends her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person who is happily married. But for any married woman, a dream about her own wedding- encourages her to abandon vanity and pettiness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Marriage in a dream?

A dream in which you are present at a wedding ceremony- means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that may cause your anxiety and obstacles to success.

If those present are dressed in all light colors and express joy about what is happening- in reality you experience joy, and maybe even pleasure. Black clothes, on the contrary, portend sadness.

If a girl sees herself as a bride, but is sad at the same time- this promises her disappointment in love in real life.

Dreaming that you are marrying a widower- portends troubles, and if for an old man, then illness may be added to everything else.

If the person you are marrying seems to be a famous actor- this means that your current hobby will make you repent.

Marry a doctor- a sign of possible deception in the future.

If during the wedding your chosen one, dressed in black- passes by you with a dissatisfied expression, then in reality you will experience cooling from your friends.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a registry office employee and marrying a young couple- this means that in reality you will experience many pleasant moments in the company of brilliant and prominent people.

A bride who dreams that their wedding procession is crossing a cemetery- will lose her husband as a result of an accident.

An accident that occurred during a wedding- foreshadows suffering.

Dream about marriage- very favorable for women who are happy with their family. In general, for married people it is intended to encourage them to abandon pettiness and vanity.

Taking a vow of celibacy in a dream- means that in reality an insidious woman will lie in wait for you.

Medieval dream book

Get married- to tears or losses.

Ukrainian dream book

Getting married means success in business; return to your duties.

Marry a bride in white- to illness or death.

Gypsy dream book

Marriage is a symbol that a foreigner will come to you from a distant country and will have a strong influence on your life.

Video: Why do you dream about Marriage?

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Did you dream about a wedding, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Marriage in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I saw myself married to a stranger. I lived in his house with his parents, and they treated me very well. Then we left the house and found ourselves in the epicenter of the accident. The cars flew and overturned right in front of my nose, but they didn’t hit me.

    I dreamed that I was signing with my ex-boyfriend, with whom I have not spoken for about 2 years. There were no guests, they were dressed as usual, without a suit or wedding dress. I had conflicting feelings: both joy and doubts, since we broke up earlier on his initiative.

    I dreamed that I was signing with my ex-boyfriend, with whom I had not spoken for a little less than 2 years. There were no guests, quietly, without a suit or wedding dress. I had mixed feelings: both joy and doubt, since we broke up then on his initiative.

    I had a dream that my husband (my real one) and I were getting married and the receptionist asked him to write me a greeting card (light-colored in my husband’s hands, and he was smiling - his face was visible). Afterwards we find ourselves in an apartment (it seems that it was given to us or we rented it), looking around - I see old curtains on the windows, I open them and see a balcony outside the window, there are mountains of things on it and cats (dark colors) are lying on them; this view did not cause special delight and I close the curtain, the apartment resembles an old one, things are crooked, hanging, etc. - but subconsciously I understand that we can handle it and put it in order, the husband “snorts” and says that he won’t do anything, citing that this is not our apartment. Thanks for the interpretation!

    The first dream was about an ex. We actually had great love, after which we parted very painfully, with a scandal, and did not see each other for a long time. I dreamed that we met, the meeting was very warm and cordial. What does this mean?

    In general, I’ve been dating a guy for almost 2 years now, and then I had a dream that we got married to him, and my ring was strange, it was a little crazy, but from it there were shelves in different columns and a second ring was attached on top, the volume was much larger than from whom the sticks were coming off, I asked what it was, he said now we’ll fix everything and cut it off and then everything was fine, well, that is, a normal ring, but at the wedding we were dressed in casual clothes and there were no guests..

    I dreamed that in September my boyfriend’s friends asked when we were getting married, we said that I would graduate from university in two years. Then I dream about December with a baby bump... and on December 30th my daughter was born. Then we celebrated the New Year at home. Subsequently, they chose a name for their daughter... she named her Sonya. And about a year later we started having a wedding... there was a daughter, we dressed her up. But I was sad because I didn’t want to get married and everything that happened in life. There was a feeling of regret and grief.

    I don’t know where my wife and I appeared, she appeared in white without a photo, I didn’t understand what with St. George’s ribbons attached in front of the rebels and the right-wing governor, or maybe it was a wedding or maybe I don’t understand who was wearing what, I don’t remember, but they seemed to be happy for us, I’m following the situation in Ukraine, and I had a little fight with my wife in the evening

    I dream that I come to an apartment next to the zaksa with my friend. we are preparing for registration. I don’t feel much excitement about the arrival of guests. Then my relationship with my friend is registered. I’m surprised by this even in a dream, but my soul is good and calm. It seems to me that all the guests are the same
    the union seems strange, but there is no condemnation in their eyes. I don’t remember that there was a wedding dress or any sexual innuendos, not even kisses. At the end of the dream, we all lie down in rows, just leaning against each other and I feel good.

    In fact, my husband is in the hospital. Last night I had a dream that I was marrying someone else. I haven’t seen the future and don’t know. At the same time, my real husband is always there, and I am tormented by remorse. “How can I do this, we have two children?” And he's so depressed next to me. At this time I was combing my hair so long and beautiful. In fact, my hair is shoulder length.
    This is such a dream.

    Hello, I dreamed of my marriage, and they passed me off as a stranger, and not as the one with whom I was in a relationship, I was very upset, then we were married in church, throughout the dream I thought that this marriage could not be avoided and the wedding can't stop. I was dressed in a very beautiful white wedding dress, a beautiful veil, everything was lush and beautiful, but the sadness did not go away. The guy with whom I was in a relationship was nearby all the time and watched as if from the sidelines. Then I noticed that the stockings were not fastened to the belt, but they were put on as expected. Then I wandered between some buildings and floors.

    Hello! I’m married, today I dreamed that I had a close relationship with my cousin, I understand that this is not right, but I don’t interfere, the next moment, I see myself in a wedding dress with a bouquet and supposedly I married my brother, wedding I was in some park, there were green trees and a lot of sunshine around, everyone was having fun at the wedding and to my surprise, our parents approved of our marriage. I can’t understand the meaning of this dream, if you help, I will be very grateful!

    I had a dream that I was marrying an old man on the initiative of my parents...another girl tried on a wedding dress; I wasn’t wearing it, I cried a lot in the dream and didn’t want to get married...why was this dream?

    I’m a married woman today I dreamed that I was getting married to someone I don’t remember, I remember how I was getting ready, but nothing was ready, somehow everything was in a hurry and I was very worried. My relatives were there. I don’t remember exactly whether it came out or not?

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that my boyfriend proposed to me, I didn’t expect it, but I accepted it. And we went to the registry office. But there was no wedding as such, we got married together, without guests, without anyone at all. And there were no outfits either .Throughout the entire dream there was a feeling that this was some kind of secret wedding. I was happy and at the same time it was somehow strange that no one knew about it... I don’t know how to explain... on the one hand everything seemed so cloudless (well, they decided and decided on sign secretly from everyone..), and on the other hand, it seemed like something was wrong here.. But this is far from the worst thing.. I read the interpretation on the Internet and this dream did not bode well... and as a result, I quarreled with my boyfriend .with whom I signed in a dream...what does it all mean?

    I dreamed that I was getting married twice fictitiously to different men, they need this for some reason, but not me! In the dream, I understand that I have two husbands at the same time, this is not allowed by law! I’m afraid that they will punish me for this, husbands Much younger than me, I’m 54 years old and have been living alone for 25 years after a divorce!

    Good evening, please tell me what such a dream could mean.
    I saw the entire dream in first person. I dreamed that I was having a wedding with a girl, or rather, we have relationships and feelings with her, and so that everyone understands how serious this is, we decide to get married.
    And here we have a wedding, we are standing next to each other, she is in a white dress and gloves with her hair down, I don’t know this girl in reality, but her face reminds me of someone, it seems like an actress, and this girl is younger than me, obviously very young, then for a moment I see myself from the outside, I’m in a light trouser suit, almost a man’s suit, with loose hair (apparently in the role of the groom), and we even laugh a little from this.
    Then we are driving in the car, apparently to celebrate, we are sitting next to her in an embrace, and the state is like this, and thoughts, as if we are comforting ourselves that everything will be fine, at the same time we are having a conversation with a plump man driving, apparently a relative from this side girls, then we come to some place unfamiliar to me, either a low private house with a summer kitchen, or just the first floor, there are a lot of people there who are unfamiliar to me, they all seem to be from the bride’s side, something is happening, but on in the background there are some disturbing thoughts, is everything normal, is this right.
    Then I enter the room and suddenly see my mother in a blue suit, more fit young than in life and blonde, although she is now brown-haired, I am clearly unhappy with her presence, I am indignant at this, then we argue about something and go our separate ways from different angles, and I think that I didn’t want anyone on my side to know about this, because I was unsure of the seriousness and durability of what was happening.
    Then these thoughts overwhelm both me and the bride more and more, and then we decide that it was still very reckless to get married and have a wedding, we are unsure whether we want to pull this burden all our lives, but now we want it anyway, but, We don’t know what will happen next, maybe our feelings will cool down, but then there’s marriage, and in general we don’t owe anyone anything, and we decide to get a divorce.
    Then I vaguely remember, we seemed to have gone to get a divorce and then I woke up.
    I constantly have dreams, I almost always remember them, they are usually intense and vivid, as if I had watched a movie, and most often they are not realistic, I would like to understand and understand more about this aspect, maybe you can tell me who I can consult with on such topics.
    Thank you in advance (:

    I dreamed that there was a young man with whom I was in a relationship, but for some reason I was marrying an old man, who said that this was a fictitious marriage and he was not against my relationship with this young man, but the whole feeling of the dream was very intense.

    My man came up to me and asked why I was sad, and I answered that I just wanted to get married, without a wedding, celebration, without traveling, just get married. He took me to the tax office, my friends came there and put on a dress for me, I stand surprised and don’t understand how they knew and how they ended up here with a white flowing dress with gold embroidery, and then we ended up in some house

    I had a dream that I married a neighbor from my building, as if our parents wanted to marry us, I remember that I agreed, even though I didn’t like this guy, I saw myself in a white dress, but as if it was decided so quickly that in the morning I managed to put on this dress and later I put on makeup in a hurry, I didn’t see the wedding itself in my dream, I only had a wedding ring, somehow it was normal, I treated this guy like a husband and there was no disgust for him

    I had a wedding with my best friend, despite the fact that she was married and in a dream she had a child
    In the dream there was no celebration, but just a painting where we came with our mothers and a couple of other people
    There were no feelings, it felt like there was some kind of trick on her part.

    There is a person with whom I am in love, but we are not together. He treats me kindly, we were very close, but he never wanted a relationship because he doesn’t get attached to people. And I dreamed of a wedding with him. Everyone took a long time to get ready, the groom arrived right at the beginning of the ceremony, I don’t remember seeing him, but I think I already saw him at the altar. And we got married. But at the same time, in the dream I was in love with his best friend / in life he has another best friend / and it was very mutual

    In a dream I was marrying an unknown woman. I am in ordinary but formal clothes. But I have an unusual hairstyle. This is a high hairstyle of blue glowing hair that my late father gives me, but the hairstyle gets shaggy all the time, it doesn’t fall, but the hair gets shaggy. Then for some reason my elderly neighbor became interested in this wedding and said that we should take Nadezhda Bvbkina as the wedding tomada. I myself have never been married in reality. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed that my boyfriend had finally decided to marry me, I was very surprised and happy in my dream, I saw in my dream that my family was preparing for our long-awaited wedding, everyone was happy, even the guy himself was happy, then we officially signed at the registry office, And in my thoughts, we were also married in the mosque, then I see myself as a kelinka (daughter-in-law) preparing beshbarmak for the guests.
    I woke up very happy from the dream, because I really want and look forward to this event (in reality - I live with my boyfriend, but he is against marrying me, he used to put it off, now he’s keeping silent)

Marriage - take - success in business.

Return to your duties.

Marrying a bride in white means illness or death.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Seeing Marriage in a dream

The wedding ceremony means the organization of your affairs, joy, pleasure (if everyone present is in light clothes).

If in a dream you yourself hold this celebration, you will receive the care and attention of others.

The marriage of a man with a young girl is success in business.

A woman marries an old man - trouble, illness.

When a married woman or widow dreams that she is getting married, in the future she will be overcome by vexation, there will be quarrels in the family, etc.

Divorce for a married person means troubles in the family.

An accident during a wedding is suffering.

A young woman in a dream sees herself as a bride in sadness - to disappointment in love.

Guests in dark or black clothes mean sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Marriage mean?

A dream in which a girl sees that she is unhappy before marriage means that she will also be unhappy in marriage. For a married woman, such a dream is favorable. If a woman dreams that she is marrying an old man, this means illness and failure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See Marriage in a dream

This can symbolize the unification of the feminine and masculine sides and the integration of different aspects of your being.

Marriage can also mean the coming together of people or ideas.

Are you getting married or are you exploring some options that may impact your marriage relationship?

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Marriage

(See interpretation: wedding, get married)

If a single man dreams that he has married a charming girl, then success awaits him in all enterprises and profit from a profitable business. If a widow dreams that she married a young man, then she will face disappointment and quarrels. For a girl to marry a decrepit old man in a dream, the dream predicts a lot of troubles and illness. For an unmarried woman to see a dream in which she got married is a harbinger of changes in her life. From worst to best and vice versa. For women, seeing themselves as a bride in a dream is a sign of sorrow and grief, minor grievances and quarrels.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Marriage mean in a dream?

Getting married - such a dream, depending on your mood and condition, can foreshadow both the receipt of a gift and the upcoming sadness.

Seeing your wedding in a dream means family happiness.

Someone else's wedding - to the fulfillment of desires.

The wedding of your beloved - to regrets and secret suspicions.

Taking part in a wedding means for unmarried people to get married soon.

Taking part in a wedding is for married people with children.

Being at a wedding only among men or women means confusion in life.

Seeing a groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign of joy.

Being the groom yourself at a wedding is a sign of gossip.

Seeing someone else's bride in a dream means a happy meeting for a man.

Seeing your bride means danger.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance.

Getting married yourself is a joy.

Wedding - for lovers, it portends an imminent wedding.

Getting a divorce in a dream means big changes, news, new love affairs await you.

Getting engaged in a dream is a sign of joy.

Interpretation of dreams from

The wedding ceremony means the organization of your affairs, joy, pleasure (if everyone present is in light clothes).

If in a dream you yourself hold this celebration, you will receive the care and attention of others.

The marriage of a man with a young girl is success in business.

A woman marries an old man - trouble, illness.

When a married woman or widow dreams that she is getting married, in the future she will be overcome by vexation, there will be quarrels in the family, etc.

Divorce for a married person means troubles in the family.

An accident during a wedding is suffering.

A young woman in a dream sees herself as a bride in sadness - to disappointment in love.

Guests in dark or black clothes mean sadness.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Marriage

Getting married - such a dream, depending on your mood and condition, can foreshadow both the receipt of a gift and the upcoming sadness.

Seeing your wedding in a dream means family happiness.

Someone else's wedding - to the fulfillment of desires.

The wedding of your beloved - to regrets and secret suspicions.

Taking part in a wedding means for unmarried people to get married soon.

Taking part in a wedding is for married people with children.

Being at a wedding only among men or women means confusion in life.

Seeing a groom at a wedding in a dream is a sign of joy.

Being the groom yourself at a wedding is a sign of gossip.

Seeing someone else's bride in a dream means a happy meeting for a man.

Seeing your bride means danger.

Seeing a wedding in a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance.

Getting married yourself is a joy.

Wedding - for lovers, it portends an imminent wedding.

Getting a divorce in a dream means big changes, news, new love affairs await you.

Getting engaged in a dream is a sign of joy.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Marriage in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Marriage?

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Marriage according to the dream book?

This dream is favorable for someone who is happily married. For a woman to dream that she is marrying an old man is a sign of illness. Seeing yourself as a bride, but not very happy, is a sign of disappointment in love. I dreamed of a marriage ceremony - expect joy and pleasure, but on condition that the guests were dressed in light clothes and cheerful. Black clothes on guests promise sadness. An accident during marriage means suffering.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Marriage mean?

Marriage (marriage) - For many, marriage is associated with a serious decision that can change their whole life, and for some it is the long-awaited result of romantic meetings. In any case, marriage is an important event, after which in your life the concept of “we” comes to replace the concept of “I”, that is, two people become one, a family. Getting married in a dream in real life may mean the need to make an important decision.

Why do you dream about marriage - If you dreamed that in a dream you see who exactly becomes your spouse, you can get additional characteristics of the eventual manifestation of your dream in life. So, marriage to a handsome prince means that you make decisions in life based solely on superficial judgments regarding your situation. If you marry an old woman or an old man, then this dream may indicate a certain benefit from your decision, but this benefit will be accompanied by some kind of moral torment.

Marriage according to the dream book - Marriage with an ordinary person, this dream may portend you a decision that will only be intermediate in a series of events and, most likely, will be related to your professional activities. Marriage to someone of the same sex as yourself may indicate a profitable business partnership.

Grandma's old dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Marriage?

Marriage between a man and a girl means success in business; for a widow, marriage with a young man means a quarrel, trouble, this is how this dream in which Marriage is dreamed is interpreted, for more details, if you dream about Marriage, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Marriage, interpretation of the dream:

Marriage/wedding - union, balance of masculine and feminine qualities; at the spiritual level there is a transition from the mundane, lower “I” to a higher level. Wedding dress - the outer and inner “I” are ready to unite.

Marriage at Cana - Since there was no mention of a bride and groom, metaphysically it signifies the union of the spiritual and the human in Jesus. The transformation of water into wine (his first miracle or sign of inner development) symbolizes the change in the level of our existence (water was first poured into a stone vessel, representing the highest level of understanding - the true truth).

If you dreamed that in a dream you were present during a marriage, you would quickly find a way out of a difficult situation. White clothing at the ceremony portends joy. Black clothing, on the contrary, portends sadness.

Marriage with a widower or widow means trouble awaits you, and if with an old man or woman, a serious illness awaits you. If during the ceremony your chosen one or chosen one passes by you with a dissatisfied face, then your relationship with friends will deteriorate. Working in a registry office and getting married means having a nice time in brilliant society

Dream Interpretation of Marriage - If a woman dreamed that she was getting married in the fall, her husband will be a worthy and wealthy man; for details, if she dreams of Marriage, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Marriage in a dream?

Newlyweds - A favorable sign. Did you dream that you congratulated the newlyweds on their marriage and told them parting words? You can consider this a wish addressed to you. Your kind words will come true towards you. If the newlyweds seen in a dream look sad, it means that the joy anticipated from something will be overshadowed by unforeseen circumstances. Also unfavorable is a dream in which the newlyweds clearly do not match each other in age or appearance - after such a dream there is a risk of getting sick

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Marriage in a dream?

Marriage, matrimony. For a woman, marriage to an older man can mean that illness will be added to the existing troubles. Black clothing for those present at the wedding ceremony is a sign of sadness. Seeing yourself as a bride, but not very happy, sad - means suffering. If your lover is dressed in black and looks at you reproachfully, there is a cooling in relations with friends.

I dreamed that the wedding ceremony and the guests in light clothes, cheerful - to pleasure and joy. An accident during marriage is misfortune, suffering. A married woman's dream about her own marriage is an indication of the need to reduce vanity, not to attach great importance to little things, and not to make mountains out of molehills. For a man, marriage is success in business. For a widow to see that she is marrying a young man is a sign of quarrel and trouble.

Best man. To be a best man during a marriage in a dream means to participate in an unpleasant, troublesome task.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream and what does Marriage mean in a dream?

Such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent marriage. Soon either you will be offered a hand and a heart, or you will do it, this is how the dream in which Marriage is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream about Marriage, how to understand the dream?

Dreaming about a registry office for young people at night is a guarantee that you will want to legalize your relationship with the man you are interested in, and that means your marriage is not far off,” and if you have not yet received a marriage proposal, get ready, this event will happen very soon. Wait a bit

Summer Dream Interpreter

I dreamed that registering a marriage meant celibacy.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

For pregnancy, as the dream book says about this dream.

For many, marriage is associated with a serious decision that can change their whole life, and for some it is a long-awaited outcome of romantic meetings. In any case, it is an important event, after which in your life the concept of “we” comes to replace the concept of “I”, i.e. two people become one, a family. Getting married in a dream in real life may mean the need to make an important decision.

If in a dream you see who exactly becomes your spouse, you can get additional characteristics of the eventful manifestation of your dream in life. So, marriage to a handsome prince means that you make decisions in life based solely on superficial judgments regarding your situation. If you marry an old woman or an old man, then this dream may indicate a certain benefit from your decision, but this benefit will be accompanied by some kind of moral torment.

Marriage with an ordinary person, this dream may foretell you a decision that will only be intermediate in a series of events and, most likely, will be related to your professional activities. Marriage to someone of the same sex as yourself may indicate a profitable business partnership.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Marriage/wedding - union, balance of masculine and feminine qualities; at the spiritual level there is a transition from the mundane, lower “I” to a higher level. Wedding dress - the outer and inner “I” are ready to unite. If in a dream you are present during a marriage, you will quickly find a way out of a difficult situation. White clothing at the ceremony portends joy. Black clothing, on the contrary, portends sadness.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

If you dream that you work in a registry office, and an endless line of newlyweds pass in front of you, then you devote too much time to the problems of your friends, they begin to abuse. You dream of your own marriage, provided there is no such thing in reality, as a sign that the changes in the situation you have thought up will not give the expected effect, and soon everything will return to its previous places.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If a married woman dreams that she and her husband are connected by a civil marriage, and not a legal marriage, then her husband may have a mistress. It is even possible that he lives, as they say, in two houses. Seeing in a dream how an interethnic marriage is concluded means disagreements in the family, which can become critical.

Vanga's Dream Book

Attending a wedding as a guest of honor means that one of the close friends of one of the spouses will soon seek help. It is not recommended to refuse him, since later he will also be able to provide significant support

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dreaming about marriage means luck in life. If you performed a marriage ceremony, then return to your previous duties.