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Average score for admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

What is needed to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs and what requirements must candidates meet? When selecting applicants for entrance examinations, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guided by a number of basic rules and criteria.

  1. Education. Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 11th grade requires the presentation of a document certifying the presence of secondary general education. If you have completed 9 grades, then you need to provide a college (college, technical school) certificate.
  2. Physical training. Examiners of educational institutions carry out a number of activities to assess the physical fitness of applicants.
  3. Body check. All candidates must undergo a preliminary medical examination.
  4. Mental health assessment. All applicants are required to take part in psychological diagnostics.
  5. Drug test. Anyone wishing to enter educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must also pass a control test for the presence of drugs or other psychotropic substances in their blood.

Applicants who fail to pass the final physical examination and drug screening test will not be allowed to take the entrance examination.

Admission conditions

Here we will look at the specific conditions for admission to universities and give recommendations for successfully complying with them. So, what do you need to enroll in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  1. The age of the candidate must be at least 17 and not more than 25 years.
  2. The applicant must permanently reside in the territory of the federal subject where the Ministry of Internal Affairs university is located.
  3. Applicants must successfully pass the Unified State Exam and present a certificate with the results.
  4. Candidates must score maximum marks in an additional internal physical fitness test.
  5. Based on the results of the medical examination, the applicant must have no diseases that would prevent him from studying at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. The applicant must successfully pass repeated testing for the use of drugs and psychotropic substances.
  7. The candidate must pass a psychological and professional test with positive results.

To successfully pass exams, it is important to prepare in advance for upcoming tests. It is necessary to find out in advance what subjects are needed for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since each specialty requires passing its own disciplines.

To achieve success on the Unified State Exam, the best thing to do is to enroll in courses or hire a qualified tutor who will help you prepare for the exams more effectively. Also, do not forget about good physical shape, which is checked during internal tests of the institution itself.

It is better to start physical training a year or two before admission, since much attention is paid to this criterion.


Here, the examination process consists of two stages: at the first stage, applicants take the Unified State Exam, at the second stage they undergo additional internal tests at the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself. It is worth considering that different professions require passing different disciplines in the Unified State Exam format. In addition, internal certification will also differ. Let's consider subjects for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in various specialties:

  1. "Law Enforcement." Unified State Examinations:
    • Russian language,
    • social science,
    • story.
    • Internal exams will consist of testing in social studies and sports standards.
  2. "Radio engineering". Unified State Examinations:
    • mathematics,
    • physics,
    • Russian language.
    • Internal exams include only sports standards.
  3. "Psychology". Unified State Examinations:
    • mathematics,
    • biology,
    • Russian language.
    • Internal exams include sports standards and testing in biology.

Physical fitness certification is carried out in the form of passing standards, which represent:

  • pull-ups;
  • covering a short distance of 100 meters;
  • race for women - 1000 meters, for men - 3000 meters;
  • physical exercises using force (for girls).

You can find out more about what exams and standards are required for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the website of the educational institution you are going to enroll in.


The selection of applicants to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out by special admissions committees, which accept applications. How to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and what documents need to be prepared for this?

  1. Application for admission. The application is submitted to the head of the internal affairs agency. The document must indicate the applicant's full name, date of birth, permanent residence address and education. Also in the application it is necessary to indicate the university where the applicant wishes to study, indicate the specific faculty and specialty.
  2. Certificate of completion of school (grade 11) or technical school (college).
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Passport. Photocopies of all its pages.
  5. Folder with the results of the medical examination.
  6. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
  7. Characteristic. It can be provided at your previous place of work or at educational institutions you previously graduated from.
  8. Certificate of benefits (if available). A photocopy of it is also attached, which is certified by a notary.
  9. Certificate with Unified State Exam results.
  10. Conclusion of the military medical commission.
  11. Four 4x6 photos and one 9x12 photo. The photographs must be stamped by the relevant internal affairs agencies.

List of required tests

To enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is important to successfully undergo a medical examination and pass the following tests:

  • fluorography,
  • general urine analysis,
  • x-ray of the sinuses,
  • general blood analysis,
  • syphilis test,
  • HIV test.

In addition, it is necessary to provide three conclusions (certificates) from the therapist, which will indicate the information:

  • infectious diseases that you have had over the past year;
  • vaccinations in the past 5 years;
  • presence of allergic diseases.

Upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, each applicant must also have a certificate of vaccination against hepatitis B.

Physiological parameters and diseases preventing admission

It is impossible to enter universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow and other cities if:

  1. Presence of traumatic brain injury.
  2. Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  3. The absence of one of the limbs.
  4. Congenital heart defects.
  5. Chronic psoriasis and eczema.
  6. Mental disorders.
  7. Flat feet above the second degree and in the presence of signs of arthrosis.
  8. Varicocele of the second degree.
  9. Scoliosis (more than seven degrees).
  10. HIV and AIDS.
  11. Chronic sinusitis.
  12. Hepatitis (except for hepatitis A).
  13. Height below 160 cm.
  14. Overweight or underweight.
  15. Poor vision.

Standards for guys

How can boys enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 11th grade? To determine the level of physical fitness, all male applicants are required to pass standards at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Grades for such standards are given on a 100-point scale. Sports standards include:

  1. Running 3000 meters. The minimum possible result is 8 points (12.45 minutes), the maximum is 34 points (11.35 minutes).
  2. Pull-up. The minimum allowed number of pull-ups is 8 and corresponds to 8 points. The maximum score is 33, which is awarded for 21 (or more) pull-ups.
  3. 100 meter run. The minimum number of points is 8 when covering the distance in 14.8 seconds. The maximum is 33 at 12.3 seconds.

How to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a girl

Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 11th grade for girls is associated with the same requirements that apply to boys: when considering their candidacies, the same rules and conditions for enrollment in an educational institution are taken into account. The only difference here will be additional tests to test physical fitness. The standards for girls have been slightly changed and include:

  1. Running 1000 meters. The minimum number of points is 8 (in 5 minutes), the maximum is 34 points (in 4.05 minutes or less).
  2. Strength exercise. The lowest number of points is 8 (for 24 repetitions), the maximum is 33 (for 39 or more repetitions).
  3. 100 meter run. The minimum number of points is 8 (in 17.5 seconds), the maximum is 33 (in 15.6 seconds or less).

Enrollment procedure

Upon successful completion of external and internal examination tests, applicants are admitted to the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This decision is made by the selection committee. The enrollment order is signed by the head of the university, after which the applicant officially becomes a student of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Duration of training and benefits

The duration of training for any specialty in all universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is five years. Upon completion of training, graduates receive a diploma confirming their higher education. Next, young specialists are subject to distribution: they are sent to work in various internal affairs structures.

During their studies, students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive a number of benefits, including:

  • deferment from military conscription,
  • comprehensive provision at the expense of the state,
  • issuance of cash benefits,
  • vacation of 30 days (holidays).

Those who are interested in the opportunity to receive a free education and full state support during their studies, as well as guaranteed employment after university, should read this text!

If you are no more than 25 years old and you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, purposeful, responsible, active, capable of serving in the internal affairs bodies due to your personal and business qualities, physical fitness and health status, and have decided to become a cadet at a leading university in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation – Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya, then you need:

1. Decide on a specialty in which, after graduating from university, we are sure you will be a professional!

List of specialties and areas of training for which the University accepts students
05/40/01 – Legal support of national security (second level of higher education, qualification – lawyer);
Specializations: Criminal law, Civil law, International law.
05/40/02 – Law enforcement (second level of higher education, qualification – lawyer);
Specializations: Operational and investigative activities of internal affairs bodies, Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies.
05/40/03 – Forensic examination (second level of higher education, qualification – forensic expert);
Specialization: Forensic examinations.
05/38/01 – Economic security (second level of higher education, qualification – economist);
Specialization: Economic and legal support of economic security.
05/10/05 – Information technology security in law enforcement (second level of higher professional education, qualification – information security specialist);
Specializations: Technologies for information protection in law enforcement, Information and analytical support for law enforcement, Computer forensics in crime investigation.
05/37/02 – Psychology of professional activities (second level of higher education, qualification – psychologist);
Specialization: Psychological support for the performance of law enforcement officers.
44.05.01 – Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior (second level of higher education, qualification – social teacher);
Specialization: Social pedagogy.

2. Submit an application for admission to study at our educational organization to the department of internal affairs at your place of residence to register the applicant’s personal file. Admission to the University is carried out on the basis of a personal application from citizens addressed to the head of the recruiting body.

3. At your completing authority, you will be given documents to pass:
- Preliminary medical examination (military medical examination) in regular military medical commissions;
- Professional and psychological selection.
We draw your attention to the fact that personal (educational) files of candidates for study are sent to the University no later than June 15 of the year of admission.
4. AFTER passing all the necessary commissions (see clause 3) you need to arrive at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya for registration.
You can find out the start date of registration from the admissions office by phone. 8-495-779-39-57 (working hours: Monday-Friday from 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday from 14:00 to 17:00).