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From the history of the issue. Salaries of tax officers in Russia Salaries at the tax office per year

A large amount of budget money is needed to increase wages for tax workers in 2017. And this would not hurt other government officials either. After all, their number in our country is quite large.

Civil service departments employ more than 10 percent of the total working population. So the very issue of income growth for this category of working citizens is very serious. First of all, it should be attributed to the competence of the Ministry of Financial Services of the Russian Federation.

How it really happens

Experts from the Ministry of Finance believe and justify certain actions that are related to the regulation of salaries in the public sector. Naturally, the topic of tax authorities has always been on the lips of our residents. Either we pay taxes for activities, then we worry about submitting declarations to the tax authorities, and also pay money for property, transport, and so on.

But we know almost nothing about the other side of the coin. It is there, behind these receipts and declarations, that there are people. They are also alive and fulfill their official duty, the result of which, subsequently, is the formation of budgets at all levels. It is from this budget that many Russians receive their salaries. In general, this is a whole cycle of funds in social activities.

People don't want to take such positions

Today, deputies are considering a Government bill, which considers a significant increase in wages for employees of state institutions. So what will happen to the tax increase in 2017? Naturally, it is very difficult to talk about tax competitiveness these days.

Also, the low salary of these employees has a significant impact on the creation of tax liability in the country. Due to the fact that the tax authorities have low salaries, staff turnover in the system is about 35 thousand people a year. And this indicator is very bad. Moreover, it is impossible to talk about stable development.

But a raise for employees in 2017 could immediately save the situation. But the latest news does not contain optimistic forecasts. And the employees themselves are not very pleased with the current state of affairs, let alone taxpayers. This is roughly what the average salaries of tax inspectors in our country look like:

Moscow – 22 thousand rubles;

Tver region – 15 thousand rubles;

Nizhny Novgorod and the region - 17 thousand rubles.

It is clear that such salaries cannot lure competent and responsible specialists. They can also find application in economically better and more profitable activities.

What do they plan to do in the state by 2017?

So, when will tax workers’ wages be raised in 2017? The bill, which was submitted by the Ministry of Finance for discussion to the State Duma, proposes to gradually increase the salaries of civil servants in their bonus parts. The Ministry of Finance suggested that it is possible to systematically increase such indicators, which on average should increase salaries every month by 0.3 times.

The Ministry of Finance also proposed introducing such a program for three years. During this time, the incomes of civil servants will reach a decent level when compared with representatives of the highest levels of the civil service. But the Ministry of Labor, on the contrary, proposed an increase not in the incentive part of income, but in the salary itself. Thanks to this plan, it will be possible to secure personnel in the field.

At the same time, some problems will be resolved, primarily those related to the economy and personnel. According to Russian legislation, the tax service is a state service. Currently, bills are still at the consideration stage, and there are no other regulations regarding salary increases.

Date of publication: 02/28/2018 14:00

On February 28, a meeting of the extended board of the Federal Tax Service of Russia was held, at which the head of the Service Mikhail Mishustin summed up the work of the tax authorities for 2017, and also outlined the main tasks for future periods.

Today, more than 500 thousand taxpayers have registered 1.6 million cash registers, which exceeds the pre-reform fleet of cash registers by 40%. 28 billion checks were punched for an amount of over 18.7 trillion rubles, including VAT - more than 1.6 trillion rubles. More than 120 million checks are processed every day. According to various estimates, the revenue for each cash register is 1.5 times more than it was before the reform.

The second stage of the reform provides for the transition to cash registers of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the field of trade and catering on the patent system and UTII (using hired labor), which amounts to about 1 million cash registers. “This is a very sensitive category of taxpayers, because... They had not previously used cash registers. The Service’s task for the current year is to ensure their systematic and painless transition to the new cash register technology,” the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia especially emphasized.

In 2017, to protect the population from substandard drugs and promptly remove substandard drugs from circulation, the Service implemented a project on drug labeling, to which about 2 thousand participants have already joined. More than 222 medicines have been registered, more than 8 million packages have been labeled.

Mikhail Mishustin noted that one of the Service’s tasks for the near future is to integrate the ASK VAT, CCP and Labeling systems and thus ensure market transparency based on reliable information on trade turnover throughout the country.

The service has already begun this work - a pilot project has been launched to automatically reflect the withdrawal of fur goods from circulation through retail sales. In the future, all fiscal information will be automatically reflected in the GIS Marking system via an online receipt.

Mikhail Mishustin reported that from February 6, 2018, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Tax Free mechanism began operating in Moscow, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, and Sochi. Now foreign buyers can return VAT included in the purchase price in Russia. It is important that sellers who participate in the Tax Free system will be able to deduct the VAT that was returned to the foreigner.

The launch of the Unified State Civil Civil Registry Register, built on the basis of import-substituting technologies, is scheduled for October 2018. The register will unite 6.4 thousand employees of civil registry offices into a single “cloud”, which will completely centralize information on acts of civil status, simplify the procedure for registering acts of civil status and providing information, and lay the foundation for the creation of a register of the population of the Russian Federation.

At the end of his report Mikhail Mishustin noted that the tax authorities are implementing many large-scale projects, for which the state allocates significant funds and the Service assesses the effectiveness of public investments. Thus, with revenues growing by one and a half times over 5 years, the costs of maintaining tax authorities increased by only 20% (in comparable conditions without the costs of administering insurance premiums). Revenue receipts per 1 tax official over the same period increased 1.5 times (from an average of 85.7 million rubles per 1 employee in 2013 to more than 130 million rubles in 2017). And most importantly, if in 2013 1 ruble of expenses for the Service brought the state 96.5 rubles in taxes, then in 2017 - 123.4 rubles. Growth 1.3 times.

The board was attended by: First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalov, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.G. Siluanov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation I.A. Yarovaya, Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia IN AND. Bulavin, Head of the Federal Treasury R.E. Artyukhin, Head of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market I.P. Chuyang, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation S.I. Shtogrin, Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation A.S. Kigim, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation N.V. Petrova, Deputy Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation A.P. Polikashin, Rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation V.A. Mau, representatives of federal authorities, territorial tax authorities and the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Considering the high turnover of tax personnel (up to 40 thousand people annually), at the federal level in 2015, a determination was voiced to radically overcome the problem of the shortage of tax personnel by increasing their salaries. It was stated that tax workers’ salaries have not been increased since 2006, so the Ministry of Finance sent a bill on a 30 percent increase in salaries for Federal Tax Service employees for the period until 2018 to the State Duma for consideration.

At the beginning of 2016, messages appeared in the press as answers to questions about when the salaries of tax officials would be increased, that by the end of the first quarter, the salaries of tax officials would be comparable to the salaries of customs employees and would approach the average of 43 thousand rubles. And in total for 2016, a 15 percent increase in their salaries was planned. However, the press reported that this size of increase would only cover the percentage of inflation, which was projected at 5-6 percent, but in fact, according to financial analysts, inflation would be at 12 percent.

According to statistical data, during 2016, the average salary of Russian tax officials was approximately 70 thousand rubles. Employees of regional branches had a salary of about 30 thousand rubles, with salaries ranging from 8 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence. The difference between these salary and salary figures are various allowances in the form of bonuses, overtime, for length of service, etc. And bonuses, as we know, have the negative property of instability - today they seem to be paid confidently, but tomorrow they may not exist.

Increase in salaries for tax officials

Surveys show that in fact the situation with the question of what the salary of tax workers is looks much sadder than the picture that statistics paint. For example, young specialists after graduating from college without experience working in the Federal Tax Service, and therefore without bonuses, are forced to work for 10-12 thousand rubles. This is why there is a personnel shortage in tax services everywhere in all Russian regions. A university graduate who believes that a salary below 50 thousand rubles cannot suit him goes to work as a simple forwarder, delivering goods to retail outlets, rather than bear the highest responsibility for the salary offered by the Federal Tax Service, working in the tax service.

Most likely, the federal authorities understand this situation and realize that if the number of tax employees is reduced at such a pace, and without the influx of young specialists, then the personnel potential that remains to work will not be able to carry out an additional amount of work, instead of those who have left. And given that it is already the second year since the tax on real estate from citizens was introduced, the question of the proper administration of this tax remains open. Moreover, despite the huge staff turnover, the Federal Tax Service announced measures to reduce the service’s management apparatus, which supposedly will not affect specialists working with the population. They say that this category of workers ensures the filling of budgets at all levels.

Despite the fact that the government plans a 10 percent increase in salaries for all state employees, which also includes tax workers, according to many experts, the increase in salaries for tax workers in 2017 will occur according to the scheme that was implemented at one time during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Due to the reduction in the number of employees, the salaries of the remaining employees increase.

Salaries of tax officials in 2017

Regarding what the salaries of tax workers will be, the latest news is contradictory and ambiguous. In addition to the increase in salaries for all public sector employees already announced by the government, which mentions the salaries of tax workers in 2017, the press reports that the Duma has received a bill initiated by the Ministry of Finance on the monthly indexation of salaries of this category of civil servants by 3 percent. However, other sources indicate that this figure is supposedly only 0.3 percent.

And one more news in response to the exciting question of whether the salaries of tax workers will be increased in 2017: that the tax department will switch to hourly wages. Moreover, existing bonuses and various allowances will be added to hourly payments.

You might be interested.

The income of tax service employees is an eternal reason for jokes and anecdotes. There is an opinion among people that “the only person richer than a taxman is a traffic cop and a deputy,” but unfortunately, this saying has nothing to do with reality. Moreover, the tax profession has long “fell out” from the list of prestigious ones, including due to inadequately low salaries with a high level of responsibility.

According to data for the first months of 2016, employees of the federal tax service received about 70 thousand rubles on average across the country. In regional divisions, the average wage is approximately 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the actual salary in this amount ranges from approximately 8 to 23 thousand, depending on the region. Everything else - allowances, bonuses and overtime, which are there today - and taken away tomorrow.

Against the backdrop of the economic crisis, these figures look quite sad, because most employees have families and children who require constant expenses. In addition, unlike many other services, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, and even officials at any level, tax service employees have practically no special benefits. And for young specialists without work experience, the Federal Tax Service offers to work for 10-11 thousand (and young people, even in their last years of institute, directly declare that work with a salary below 30-50 thousand does not suit them at all). It is not surprising that this situation ultimately led to a staff shortage in the tax service in many regions of Russia. The same young specialist, having graduated from a university, would rather go to work as a freight forwarder, delivering groceries to stores, than take on financial responsibility for a pittance by starting to work in the tax service.

From the history of the issue

Back in 2015, the federal authorities thought about this problem in order to somehow solve the issue of labor shortage. Moreover, the salaries of tax officials have not been properly indexed almost since 2006. To change this sad situation, the Ministry of Finance submitted to the State Duma a project for a gradual increase in wages for tax workers. It was assumed that by 2018, salaries in the Federal Tax Service will increase by approximately 30% compared to the data at the end of 2015.

In February 2016, federal media reported that already in March, the salaries of tax officers will be equal to the income of customs officers, and will amount to an average of 43 thousand rubles. In total, it was planned to increase the salaries of tax officers by 15% in 2016 alone. However, in modern conditions this “increase” will only just cover the rate of inflation, which (according to the most conservative estimates) will be about 12% - although the authorities traditionally talk about 5-6%.

Will tax workers' salaries be increased in 2017?

As we see, the first steps towards exiting the “salary crisis” have been taken. Officials at the highest echelons of power did not brush aside the problems of the federal service, which plays a significant role in filling budgets at all levels. And it is right! Now let’s talk about what other options for action the authorities are considering in order to restore the tax service to its former glory and a decent salary to its employees.

Despite the optimistic statements of federal officials and ministers, there have long been alarming rumors that the authorities will deal with the tax service in the same way as they did with the Ministry of Internal Affairs - when, through massive staff reductions, they managed to increase police salaries. This is partly true, but only partly. The ministries confirm the information that there will be a reduction in tax workers in 2017, but not at all on the same scale and quantity as in the past in the police force.

Apparently, those at the top still understand that tax officials already have a very busy schedule. If the number of employees is sharply reduced, then those remaining will most likely no longer be able to fulfill their duties, especially since they will have to work “for themselves and for that guy over there.” Therefore, officials had to abandon the idea of ​​total optimization of the Federal Tax Service. But the tax service was still promised cuts in 2017. They will affect, to a greater extent, the management team, which, as in many other federal services, is somewhat bloated. Reducing the administrative apparatus will minimize the impact on specialists who work directly with the population. There are no plans to lay off this category of employees, since the collection of insurance premiums and, ultimately, the filling of budgets at all levels depends on them.

By the way, it is assumed that upon dismissal, each employee will receive the four-digit salary required by law. The authorities are currently calculating how much money will be needed for these payments. We are talking about several tens of billions of rubles. Officials plan to announce the final figure closer to 2017.

In addition to increasing wages for tax officers in 2017, the tax service in Russia will see another innovation - hourly wages. According to some reports, such a bill is already being considered by the federal authorities. Various allowances and bonuses will, as before, be added to this hourly salary. Information messages about this project emphasize that in any case, the minimum hourly wage will not be less than the subsistence level of ordinary workers. How all this will be implemented in practice is still unclear; the final decision on the draft law has not yet been made.

We also know about another initiative of the Ministry of Finance - a proposal to index the salaries of tax service employees by 0.3 times monthly. Some sources indicate a different coefficient - 0.3%, again - monthly. It sounds interesting, but will a country in deep economic crisis have enough cash to implement this project?

Indexation of tax officers’ salaries for 2017 is generally a “sore spot” for both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor. Literally every six months to a year, new initiatives are born in the depths of these ministries - how to get the federal tax service out of a difficult situation and provide its employees with a decent income? But so far the only good thing we can do is create new work for tax officials. For example, from January 1, the Federal Tax Service will fully collect and administer insurance premiums - and this is only one of the innovations; it is expected that there will be several of them at once.

What will happen next to federal service salaries?

Today, the query “latest news, what will be an increase in salaries for tax officials in 2017?” is very popular on the Internet. Unfortunately, even the all-knowing Google and Yandex do not give a definite answer. What is known is that the government has promised to triple the salaries of federal service employees over three years (starting in 2015).

However, despite the negative financial events taking place in the country, there is some hope that the authorities’ promises will still come true, and employees of the Federal Tax Service will receive no less than police officers or rescuers. According to some experts, Russia has already passed the very “bottom” of the crisis, and financial indicators are expected to increase in 2017. This will allow officials to finally find funds in the budget to index the salaries of those who fill this same budget every day with their efforts and are responsible for every mistake in filling it.

The tax service is one of the most significant authorities in any state. It is within his competence to control the flow of funds from various types of activities into the country’s budget and to impose penalties on anyone who wishes to avoid paying taxes to the state treasury in one way or another.

Today, the tax profession is no longer considered one of the most prestigious, and there are not many people who want to work in the Federal Tax Service. One of the main reasons for this is the relatively low income, so today we’ll talk about what the salary of employees of this structure is and will it be increased in 2019?

How much do tax officers earn?

Despite the popular belief that tax workers earn big salaries, the reality is somewhat different. First of all, you should know that employees of the Federal Tax Service and its regional branches receive different amounts of money. According to data published by Rosstat, employees of this structure on average receive the following amounts:

  • Federal service – 70,000 rubles;
  • Regional representative offices – 30,000 rubles.

As you can see, the differences between the amounts are quite significant, and the income of tax officials working at the federal level is more than twice as high as the salary of employees working in various administrative units of the Russian Federation. In addition, we should not forget that the average indicator does not demonstrate the income of each employee in a particular city or region, which is why the difference between the income of tax officials in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Kabardino-Balkaria can reach dozens of times. What can we say if the average salary of tax officials in Moscow is only 25,000 rubles? Therefore, despite the prestige of the profession, there are also a considerable number of problems in it, such as bribery, lack of personnel, etc.

If we compare the working conditions of tax officials and employees of no less important structures, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the police, the comparison will clearly not be in favor of the former. Despite the fact that firefighters and police officers receive a little more (the average salary for employees of these structures in Russia is 33,000 rubles), the legislation provides for a number of different benefits for them, thanks to which these areas of activity look more attractive. Tax officials don't even have this.

In general, the tax personnel crisis is not surprising. Due to low income and lack of benefits, the service not only forces experienced employees to quit and look for a better life in other structures, but also does not attract young people. This is not surprising, because few people will accept a salary of 10,000 - 11,000 rubles, and the tax office, as a rule, does not pay young specialists any more. If young people come there, often the only incentive is to gain work experience, and therefore such a worker will not stay long. That is why the staff turnover rate in this body is 35,000 people per year. Quite an impressive figure.

Until approximately 2016, in addition to wages, tax workers received financial incentives (SMS bonuses), but then a bill was passed that not only froze wage growth, but also removed this norm. Soon another law was adopted, according to which the salaries of civil servants were to gradually increase annually over 5 years. Having worked for only two of the allotted years, its operation was also suspended in 2017 due to the onset of the financial crisis, the imposition of sanctions and the fall in oil prices. Therefore, unfortunately, tax officials cannot boast of a large income. However, there are certain hopes for 2019. What they are – we’ll talk further.

Should we expect wage increases?

Today it is difficult to answer the question: will the salaries of tax workers increase in 2019? However, there is still good news, at least the state remembered the tax authorities and is now working on at least two projects.

In particular:

  1. Salary increase.
  2. Rate increase.

As for the first option, it was submitted to the State Duma by representatives of the Ministry of Finance. In their opinion, thanks to this measure, not only will wages increase, but also the desire of tax workers to change jobs in search of a better life will disappear. The Ministry of Finance agrees with the opinion that the current income of employees of this department is extremely low, and therefore they propose a gradual increase in salaries.

The project itself assumes a gradual increase in income over three years with the first salary increase already in 2019. In total, it is planned that by 2019, the salaries of tax employees will increase by a total of 30%, compared to current indicators. It would seem that the amount is not so large, but such an initiative can really be considered at least the first step towards increasing income.

However, the Ministry of Labor decided to look at this problem from a slightly different angle. Due to the fact that the Ministry of Finance’s proposal affects mainly the incentive part of the salary of tax workers, Ministry of Labor officials proposed an alternative - to increase the rate. They are convinced that this particular measure will restore prestige to the tax service and convince its current employees of the need to change their place of work. It has not yet been announced how much the salary will be increased according to this proposal. As of today, both bills are being considered in the State Duma, and it is impossible to say whether at least one of them will be adopted.