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About the native language and the language of the mother. Native language - father’s and mother’s language educational and methodological material (preparatory group) on the topic of Commentary on ““v.i. Kovalev. What is my native language?”

In the highest circles of Europe, knowledge of several languages ​​has always been welcomed. But how are things really?

You probably won’t surprise anyone with your knowledge of English, the international language of communication and business negotiations.

It is easier in this regard for children from mixed marriages - bilinguals from early childhood, and sometimes trilinguals.

Who are the most modest experts, and who deserves first place?

Unfortunately, the British royal family is not famous for its knowledge of foreign languages. And the first place can rightfully belong to the ruling ducal family of Luxembourg: children are bilingual from childhood (father’s Luxembourgish, mother’s Spanish), and in addition, they speak fluent English, French and German.

Of course, we shouldn't forget. that before any important visit, representatives of royal families must undergo an intensive special course in the official language of a particular country.

If you were to meet any representative of the royal family of Europe or the world, in what language would you speak?

Below is useful information.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark speaks English

Great Britain

Traditionally, British aristocrats study French at school.

Queen Elizabeth of Britain speaks French well, her husband the Duke of Edinburgh speaks German, French and English. Born Prince of Greece and Denmark, Philip later even tried to learn Greek. The Queen's children studied French at school, but none of them speak this language well. The late Diana also did not speak foreign languages. She tried to learn French at a boarding house, but gave up. The Prince of Wales has learned basic Welsh. William and Harry studied French at school, William also tried to learn Swahili. During the Canadian tour, William gave a French speech, which he probably had not spoken for a long time. His wife Catherine is rumored to have a conversational level of French and Italian.

In the Windsor family, the representatives of the Kent branch of the dynasty are perhaps polyglots. Prince Michael of Kent speaks Russian, having received a diploma as a military translator. His daughter Gabriella speaks Spanish. In the family of the eldest son of the Duke of Kent, children speak several languages.

Prince William speaks French in Quebec (Quebecers expected more)


Queen Sonja, in addition to her native Norwegian, speaks good English and French.

So, besides native Norwegian...

King Harald - English

Crown Prince Haakon - English

Crown Princess MM - English

Princess Märtha Louise - native Norwegian, English, some Dutch.

Crown Princess MM (English)


Rightfully, the first place belongs to Queen Silvia, a translator by profession - bilingual (her father’s native language is German, her mother’s native language is Portuguese, she grew up in Brazil), as well as English, Swedish, Spanish, and French. In addition, she speaks sign language.

King Carl-Gustav - native Swedish, English, German

Crown Princess Victoria - native Swedish, English, German, French

Prince Daniel is a native Swedish and English speaker.

Princess Madeleine - native Swedish, German, English. a little French

Chris O'Neill is bilingual, speaks English and German, but has not yet mastered Swedish.

Prince Carl Philip - English, in addition to Swedish.

Princess Sofia is a native Swedish and English speaker.

Crown Princess Victoria speaks German

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Madeleine and Prince KF speak English


In addition to native Danish:

Queen Margrethe - excellent English, French, German, Swedish

Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Joachim - English, French (the mother tongue of their father Prince Henrik, a Frenchman), German

Crown Princess Mary - native English, Danish, rumored to have learned French after marriage

Princess Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, former wife of Prince Joachim - English, French, German, French, Danish, Cantonese, Japanese (3 years of study in Japan)

Princess Marie - native French, English, Italian, Danish


Queen Matilda - French, Flemish, English, Italian, Spanish

King Philip - French, Flemish, German, Italian, French, Spanish

Children of Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenzo - French, Flemish, German, English

Queen Paola - French, English, Italian, German

The King of Belgium and his sister were accused of insufficient knowledge of the Flemish language.


Queen Maxima - native Spanish, Dutch, English, Italian, French

King Willem-Alexander - native Dutch, excellent German, English, French, Spanish

Princess Beatrix - native Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, some Danish

King VA speaks German and Maxima speaks English

French Queen Maxima


King Mohammed VI - native Arabic, French (Moroccans are Francophones), Spanish, English

Princess Lalla-Salma - native Arabic, excellent French, English, Spanish

Princess Lalla Salma's English speech


Princess Grace spoke English to the children, Prince Rainier spoke French, and the children spoke French among themselves.

Prince Albert is bilingual, native French + English (American dialect), Italian, some German

Princess Charlene - native English, some Afrikaans, Charlene has difficulty with French

Princess Caroline - native French, English (mother's native language), Italian, German

Andrea, Pierre and Charlotte Casiraghi - French, English, Italian, some German

Princess Stephanie is bilingual. like her older brother and sister, she speaks French and English


Grand Duchess Maria Teresa - native Spanish, Luxembourgish, German, French, Italian and some English

Grand Duke Henri - native Luxembourgish, German, French, English

The couple's children also speak several European languages. The Crown Duchess of Luxembourg, Stephanie, speaks Russian, but little is known about her level. but still this is official information. Stephanie's native language is French.


Queen Sofia - native Greek, excellent English, Spanish, German (higher education), French

King Juan Carlos - native Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, English

Infanta Cristina - native Spanish, English, French, Greek, Catalan

Infanta Elena - English, French, Catalan (and native Spanish, of course)

Queen Letizia - native Spanish, English

King Felipe - native Spanish, Catalan, English, French

According to rumors, Infantas Leonor and Sofia studied Chinese at school.

Future King Felipe (English speech)

Future Queen Letizia (English speech)

In the family of the Emir of Qatar, they speak English and French, in addition to their native Arabic.

Princess Maria Romanova and her son George also speak several foreign languages. Princess Maria Vladimirovna speaks excellent Russian, English, French and Spanish. She also speaks Arabic, German and Italian to a lesser extent. Prince George speaks Russian, English, German, French and Spanish to varying degrees.

English speech of the princess

Native language... Who and what could be closer than your mother and the language she speaks to you? The child hears speech even before birth. He takes his first steps, exploring the world. Mother's love and native language become his guide, support and support.

In the future, the place of residence changes, new impressions appear. At the same time, a person can perfectly master the languages ​​and cultures of other peoples. But he will speak about the most intimate things in his native language. And the point here is not the limited vocabulary of the new language learned, but the special perception of the world through the native language.

It’s surprising that in many languages ​​the word “mother” sounds almost the same. Another interesting fact is that the phrase “native language” in many languages ​​is literally translated as “mother’s language.” For example, mother tongue - English, anai kyl - Udmurt, mother tongue - Serbian, língua materna - Portuguese.

What does a native language mean to people?

Galina Kochina, leading methodologist in the field of “Tourism” at the Zavyalovo Museum of History and Culture:

My native Russian language. Associated with grandmother's dialect. She often used expressions that are commonly called dialects. The words “great” and “basco” come to mind. When I hear them, my soul becomes warmer. I regret that I didn’t remember all the sentences that she had for almost all occasions in life. Features of conversation are passed down from generation to generation along with culture and perception of life. Now I’m singing my grandmother’s songs to my granddaughter.”

Alexey Shklyaev, project manager of the Udmurtlyk community, board member of the International Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples (MAFUN):

I consider Udmurt to be my native language, although I only learned it well in high school. This is a language that opened up a new world for me, new opportunities and largely determined the type of my current activity. The Udmurt language for me is the language of my father, my mother’s nationality is Chuvash.

Galina Dzyuina, pensioner:

I consider the Udmurt language to be my native language. The first associations are connected with childhood memories, with the village where I was born. Udmurt humor cannot be translated; you need to be born an Udmurt to understand it.

Balkis Khoirunnisa, 10th grade student at Zavyalovsky School, studentAFS(Interregional charitable public fund for the development of international educational programs “Interculture”):

For me, Indonesian is not just my mother tongue. This is the language in which I understand the world. When I talk to my family and friends, I feel happy because I can speak freely without thinking. I'm proud of my language. I'm glad that now we have the opportunity to talk with people from other countries using the Internet. Language is an element that constantly needs practice so as not to be forgotten (the style of writing has been preserved - editor's note).

Ashot Martirosyan, Youth Center specialist:

My grandfathers and great-grandfathers spoke Armenian for centuries. I am proud of this language and am glad to have the opportunity to speak Armenian. I have many friends, a large social circle. During the day I mostly speak Russian. And at home we usually speak our native language.

Unfortunately, in the modern world there is an increasing tendency for the languages ​​of small nationalities to disappear or be forgotten. In this regard, state programs are appearing to support and develop them. They, in particular, are aimed at strengthening the unity of the Russian people, the development of regions and interethnic relations.

The issue of uniting the people through language was partially given attention in tsarist times - from Ivan the Terrible to Nicholas II. One of the directions was education through publishing - publishing books in native languages. Thanks to this, many peoples for the first time had their own writing and printed materials.

So, for example, our family donated a rare textbook “Guide to teaching literacy and the Russian language using a primer, the first educational book and a textbook for Votyaks” to the historical museum of the Zavyalovsky school. It was published in Kazan in 1889 in the printing house of the Imperial University (the author is the inspector of public schools of the Elabuga district Vladislav Islentyev). The textbook provides lessons on spelling, reading, and prayer in Russian and Udmurt.

In addition, the museum has unique four- and five-language dictionaries (Russian-English-Indonesian-Udmurt; Udmurt-Russian-English-Italian-Thai). They were compiled by students studying in different years under the AFS program for accepting foreign schoolchildren, under the guidance of the teacher of Udmurt language and literature Angelina Baysarova.

And what progress has come! Quite recently, machine linguo translation was created - on April 6, the Yandex.Translator service “speaked” in the Udmurt language.

As noted in Yandex, now any user will be able to translate words and phrases from Udmurt into 67 languages ​​and vice versa.

“Yandex Translator is based on statistics: the system learns to translate by comparing the same texts in different languages. The Udmurt language is one of the most difficult for machine translation, because there are few identical texts on the Internet in Udmurt and other languages,” the company explained. Users can edit phrases themselves. This will help improve the quality of translation in the future.

“The news that it became possible to translate texts into the Udmurt language through a translator was pleasing. We need to develop and keep up with the times. Now any network user can become more familiar with our language,” noted Vera Bogdanova, managing editor of the Zardon newspaper in the Udmurt language.

Maria and Daria Begishev.

Maria Begisheva, student of the School of Interethnic Journalism of the regional branch in Udmurtia, AU UR "Publishing House" Suburban News", correspondent.

Constantly living in the same environment does not make it possible to fully understand what the native language means to a person. When there are no difficulties in overcoming the language barrier, few people think about the role of communication for the psychological and moral state of each individual. Sometimes only the arrival of foreigners can shake confidence and peace. Even the slightest difference in languages ​​with the inhabitants of the countries makes it clear how difficult it is for a person without understanding the speech of his interlocutor.

The importance of speaking skill in a person’s life

From birth, a child is instilled with knowledge and skills that will help in life. And speech is one of the most important skills that a small person masters. Remember how awkward you feel when you cannot understand what exactly a two-year-old child wants from you. Babbling and distorting words, he tries with all his might to convey his point of view, desire, emotions. And if it is simply difficult for adults to understand such a “conversation,” then it is sometimes even more difficult for a child. Despite all his efforts, he remained unheard. It is from this age that it is important to form in children an understanding of what their native language means for a person, to instill a love for words.

How to educate in your native language?

It is very important to help children learn the language. And this applies not only to the school curriculum. In educational institutions, teachers polish the basis already acquired by the child, expanding the vocabulary, and correct some errors that are present in the speech of the child and his environment. But you cannot place all your hopes only on the school curriculum, which is limited by scope, time and methods. Teachers cannot always convey to their students the role of their native language in a person’s life. Discussions, reading, watching films, listening to songs in a relaxed home environment will be the key not only to spending time together, but also to preserving the native language.

The language of a people is a mirror of its soul, cultural heritage

Language is not only a tool for communication between different people. The meaning of the native language in a person’s life is much deeper and more important. He is the bearer of the culture, mentality, traditions and history of every nation. There are more than 6 thousand different languages ​​in the world. Some of them are similar, and representatives of neighboring countries can understand each other’s spoken language in whole or in part, others are absolutely incomprehensible and have nothing in common with the native dialect of a person. Even within the same country, different dialects may be in use.

Each of them is the highlight of the region, its soul. After all, language is a reflection of the thoughts of both one individual person and a group of people, an entire nation. This is a defining component of national unity, uniting people who are different in spirit, way of existence, and social aspects. E. Sapir’s statement very characteristically describes the role of language in the formation of culture as a phenomenon and the culture of an individual person: “Culture can be defined as what a given society does and thinks. Language is how one thinks.”

Away is good, but home is better

The easier it is to understand what a person’s native language means, the further he is from his home. This problem is felt very acutely by emigrants who, due to various circumstances, were forced to leave their homeland. The need for communication, which cannot be fully satisfied by speaking a foreign language, pushes people to create interest groups, communities, and diasporas. Very often, such communities preserve centuries-old traditions much more reverently and reliably than their compatriots who do not experience difficulties of a similar nature.

It is very important to have the opportunity to hear, speak, and understand your native language every day. It is a kind of path connecting him with home and loved ones. It is not for nothing that many, unable to bear the separation from their native land and suffering from nostalgia, are unable to settle down in a foreign land. Often the reason for this is not only the economic aspect, but different mentality and habits. The impossibility of free communication in the language in which you think becomes an insurmountable obstacle to permanent residence abroad.

After all, the lack of speaking practice, writing, and reading can lead to forgetting and distortion of even the native language that a person has been using since birth. Of course, some everyday phrases, absorbed with mother's milk, will not disappear forever, but vocabulary, the ability to speak freely and without an accent may be lost. It is all the more important to try to preserve a piece of your homeland, to cherish and glorify it through the word.

Is it necessary to teach a child their native language while living abroad?

For every person, their native language is the language they speak from birth, these are mothers’ lullabies, first questions and answers. However, what about children born in a country foreign to their parents, or those who moved to a new area while still a toddler? How to determine which language is their native language? How can you explain the difference between two different ways of expressing your thoughts and feelings?

The trends of the modern world are such that knowledge of several foreign languages ​​is no longer a whim or desire of parents. Most often, this is a necessity, without which it is difficult to navigate in adult life and get a good job. Psychologists and teachers say that it is much easier for a child to learn a language than for an adult. Moreover, the basic foundation is laid at a very young age, even before school. The brain’s ability to perceive information in this period of life is colossal. Children living in a bilingual country or family can freely communicate both in the generally accepted language and in their native language.

It is very important for parents to pay a lot of attention to their native speech, because school and communication with peers will help the child speak competently and clearly in the language necessary for life. But a complete absence or lack of practice will lead to the fact that the native language is completely erased from memory, forgotten and the invisible thread connecting a person and his homeland is severed.

How to overcome the language barrier

Often communication problems arise due to a person’s inability to solve this problem. An extensive vocabulary, understanding of the basics of grammar, and ways of constructing sentences still do not provide the opportunity for free communication. Such difficulties occur due to a lack of understanding of the spoken language. The acquisition of the necessary skills occurs only during live communication, through reading fiction, periodicals, and watching movies. At the same time, it is important not to forget to improve the pronunciation of individual words and phrases. What a person’s native language means will help you figure out the knowledge of several dialects. And only by feeling the difference can you really understand how much you love your country and its language.

At first glance, the answer to this question is simple: my native language is the language of my people. But here is an interesting statement by the wonderful Russian poet, Decembrist, friend of A. S. Pushkin, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker: “I am German by father and mother, but not by language: until I was six years old, I did not know a word of German; My natural language is Russian.”
Then, perhaps, the native language is the official language of our homeland - the country where we were born and live? However, why, for example, in my native Ukraine are there so many people who speak Ukrainian well and love it, but at home and with friends they speak only Russian? They prefer Russian films and TV shows, and even read all seven books about Harry Potter in Russian translation, although the Ukrainian one usually appeared a couple of months earlier. And similar examples can be found in any country, at any time...
In search of a true answer to all these questions, let’s turn to one of the best experts on the Russian and Ukrainian languages, the creator of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” and the collector of the first Russian-Ukrainian dictionary, Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. His father was Danish by birth, and his mother was French.
Pondering the most complex problem of scientifically determining a person’s nationality, Dahl came to the conclusion: “The spirit, the soul of a person - that’s where you need to look for his belonging to one or another people. How can one determine the identity of a spirit? Of course, by the manifestation of the spirit – by thought. Whoever thinks in what language belongs to that people. I think in Russian."
Modern linguists have used Dahl's insightful ideas to define the concept of mother tongue. So, a given person’s native language is the language in which he usually thinks. As a rule, this is the language of the parents, which the baby hears and assimilates from the first hours of life.
Having grown up, we, of course, no longer remember this, but our mothers began to communicate with us as soon as they first held us in their arms. They talked to us when they swaddled us, fed us, and put us to bed. Not counting on our verbal reaction at first, they still made pauses in their speech necessary for a response, and sometimes they themselves answered for us, setting an example that we unconsciously learned... Many of our linguistic knowledge and speech skills appeared, thanks to this one-sided, at first glance, communication with my mother. That is why in some European and Asian languages ​​there is no such thing as a native language, but there is a mother language.
“And I can think in Russian, and Ukrainian, and English, and a little more in French. So, do I have four native languages? Many people probably have similar questions. Therefore, the definition needs to be clarified.
The fact is that there is a difference between verbal communication and verbal thinking. With more or less ease, we can silently, without opening our mouth, communicate with an imaginary interlocutor and even with ourselves in any learned language (linguists call this action inner speech). However, when we think about our life plan for the next month, try to understand and evaluate the unexpected act of a friend, look for arguments for a serious conversation with our parents, write down an important conclusion in our personal diary, when we feel very bad or, conversely, very good - we, as a rule, think in native language.
Why is this happening? Yes, because in our native language we have a larger vocabulary and more familiar grammar. Our native language is like the right hand of our intellect, the well-worn shoes of our thoughts. In other words, a person’s native language is the language in which it is easiest and most convenient for him to think, ponder, invent, that is, use his verbal thinking in a creative, productive, constructive mode.
Having a correct understanding of your native language is also important for this reason. According to the International Organization of Applied Psycholinguistics (ICPL), when learning in a non-native language, the mental and general psychological development of a child slows down by 20 to 40 percent. Surely the above article raised other questions. And if the father and mother have different native languages, what will the child’s native language be? Is the native language always the language of the parents? But how to explain the examples of Dahl and Kuchelbecker? Under what conditions can you master several languages ​​as if they were native? Can a person change his native language during his life?..
You can find arguments and facts for these problematic issues in another article on the same site - “How many native languages ​​can a person have?” (Internet search: Svetozar – page Entertaining linguistics – section Language and society).
However, it is not enough for a real teacher to know the truth - he must convey it to his students in a vivid and memorable form. We wish you, dear colleagues, inspiration, perseverance and good luck!

Ph.D. ped. Sciences, teacher of Russian language and literature Secondary School No. 54, Lugansk

3 comments on ““V.I. Kovalev. WHAT IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE?”

    Mr. Associate Professor, you so confidently said that “However, when we think about our life plan for the next month, try to understand and evaluate the unexpected act of a friend, look for arguments for a serious conversation with our parents, write down an important conclusion in our personal diary when we feel very bad or , on the contrary, it’s very good - we, as a rule (I am amused by this “as a rule”. Is this how you define your native language at random? This is not a rule, but as a rule? - user), we think in our native language.” But this can only be said if you yourself are sufficiently fluent in a foreign language and have experience of long-term communication in it. In connection with this question. Please tell me: a) what foreign languages ​​do you speak? Because in order to claim that a native language is one in which someone thinks about something that they cannot think about in a foreign language, one must simply be able to at least speak and think in this foreign language. b) knowing your answer to the first question, I’ll ask the second: on what basis did you decide that a person who knows a foreign language cannot think about some lofty matters in it? Are there any laboratory studies to confirm this? The data from psycholinguists that you refer to do not appeal to the native language, but to the language in which a person communicates and thinks in everyday life, that is, to the functional first language. But our children studying abroad, having entered the language environment, learned the language, making it functionally the first, quickly acclimatize in this educational space. Moreover, they find it difficult to adapt to learning in their native language. So, following your logic, did they change their native language? In short: “you came up with something absurd)))” (C)

    • And I’m annoyed that some modern scientists write articles not based on the results of personal research, but based on someone else’s opinion. And then, instead of looking for the truth and answering simple questions, they try to drag their opponents through the mud, to tell them that they are uneducated, in contrast to the great and terrible, who considers a quote and a reference to authority to be the most important argument. This is not science, but a way of self-affirmation. I read your article carefully. And had fun. I just imagined how you, in order to determine what a person’s native language is, threateningly order him: “Come on, think about the innermost! Write an entry in your diary!” Don't hide behind other people's names. Try to think)

    I am also annoyed that there are such “some modern scientists”. Personally, I don’t consider the quote and link to be the main argument. When I try to find the truth and answer difficult questions, I reflect on classic research in this area and my own experience. In any case, I am glad of your cheerful, cheerful reaction to my modest thoughts. After all, “humor is a life preserver on the waves of life.”

This essay, together with well-known methods of studying language and culture, is based on the DNA of the peoples of the planet, determined by the XY chromosomes of the global human genome database FTDNA. The author of this article began such a study in the monographs “The Cradle of the Aryan Race” and “Reincarnation – the Key to the Truth,” published in 2011 by the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. To establish paternity, they are based on the fact that the Y chromosome is invariably transmitted from father to son, as well as through generations over thousands of years, in contrast to female mt-DNA (mitochondrial DNA), which is used to identify peoples. Therefore, it is worth noting: if the Y chromosome fertilizes the egg from a male XY pair, then an XY boy will be born. If the egg is fertilized by the X chromosome, a girl XX is born. Therefore, the famous expression of M. Gorbachev “Who is hu and ha-ha?” is appropriate, where “who” sounds in English “hu”, respectively, in Gorbachev, you can pronounce XY as hu, and XX as ha-ha .

So, what is the difference between mother tongue and mother's language? This problem arose in connection with the stereotype according to which it is generally accepted that the language spoken by the people is their native language. Such a stereotype is far from the truth for the majority of the peoples of Eurasia, since ethnogenesis was formed in the process of migrations, mainly the conquest of some peoples by other peoples. Therefore, as a result of countless wars over many millennia, peoples were subjected to forced assimilation. Many peoples have even forgotten the language their ancestors spoke, and in the language of some peoples there is a mixture of several languages, which is felt in dialects and pronunciation.
The mother is involved in upbringing, teaching language and culture, and the father is entrusted with the creation, construction and protection of the culture and lands of the ancestors. The tongue is grafted with mother's milk, and if there is no father, then there is no one to give the skills to create, build and protect the hearth. Ancestors, according to Orthodox customs and traditions, call the paternal line, but in no case the maternal line. The peoples of Europe go back to their ancestors through the lines of both the father and mother, which is why the paternal line is called direct descendants. This is due to the fact that Catholics married cousins, entering into consanguineous marriages with first cousins. In Orthodoxy there is a ban on marriages up to the 7th generation. With the permission of the bishop, marriage on the 6th generation is allowed.

A well-known fact of history is the education of the Janissaries from captured boys in such a way that the Janissaries completely forgot their native language and spoke only Turkish. By studying a language, you immerse yourself in the culture of that language, becoming a part of it, and sometimes a slave of the culture, for example, when living for a long time among speakers of a different culture. If a foreigner marries a girl of local culture, i.e. on an Aboriginal woman, then she will instill in his children the Aboriginal language and culture with their mother’s milk. For example, the natives in France are the French. Children from a mixed marriage, i.e. Mestizos or F1 hybrids will speak French. If the father is from Algeria, the child's native language will be Arabic or Berber, and the mother's language will be French. However, people with good hearing will hear Semitic notes in the child’s speech, which are clearly heard among Odessa Jews, and they speak the languages ​​of all nations. Each mother teaches her child in her own way, and therefore remember the first lines of S. Yesenin’s “Departing Rus'”

There's a lot we don't realize yet
Pets of Lenin's victory,
And new songs
Let's eat as usual
As our grandparents taught us.

In Eurasia, the Kazakh language for Kazakhs is the mother’s language, absorbed with mother’s milk. The Germans call their mother's language, which Angela Merkel emphasized. The Kyrgyz also call their language the language of their mother, and the Bulgarians speak of both Bulgarian and Turkish as the language of their mother. For Western Ukrainians, Ukrainian is the language of the mother, and the native language is Polish, since this is the native language from birth, i.e. on the father's side, native language. In addition, the pronunciation of Western Ukrainians is closer to the Poles, but that of Eastern Ukrainians is closer to the Russians, since the vocal apparatus has not changed for thousands of years, as it is formed under the influence of DNA, like anthropology, craniology, eye color, hair color, etc.

The genetic marker M17/M198 of the genus R1a1 is carried by Russians (>50%), Ukrainians (>50%), Belarusians (>50%), Swedes (25%), Norwegians (25%), Danes (16%), Kyrgyz (63 %), Tajiks of Khujand (64%) and Pashtuns (27%). These peoples are blood brothers (see to the right of the Mercator map or on a separate table). The population of Russia is 145 million people, Ukraine – 45 million, Belarus – 9.5 million. 9 million people live in Sweden, 5 million each in Norway and Denmark, 5.5 million in Kyrgyzstan, and half a million in Khujand. The number of Pashtuns in Afghanistan is 12 million people. Consequently, the most powerful diaspora of the genus R1a1 M17/M198 is in Russia. The marker has not changed for many millennia. This makes it possible to determine the habitat, migration and ethnogenesis of the genus R1a1 M17/M198 in Eurasia, i.e. his story. In general, who am I in this world.

The Poles are also from the R1a1 genus, but differ in the M458 mutation, but in the north of Poland the R1a1 M17/M198 genus predominates, as it goes back to the Prussians. According to the Rig Veda, the Poles in pagan times were Vaisiyas, Vans (see the second root in the word Slavs), which corresponds to their consanguineous marriages. It is these Vanir who are mentioned in the Scandinavian “Ynglin Saga” with their leader Kvasir for the period up to the 9th century. In the population of Western Ukraine along the Curzon line, the M458 mutation indicates that they belong to Poles who speak the Ukrainian language, since their mother is Ukrainian, inhabited by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, i.e. they are incestuous nephews.

In historical documents of different regions, the same people have different names. Moreover, the sources reflect the military class, the army of conquerors in the language of the document. Therefore, out of fear, conquerors are represented as a formidable, wild crowd, accordingly, the name conquerors arises. A detailed study of the document makes it possible to understand the nature of the conquerors, to establish their belonging to a specific people based on anthropological characteristics, hair color, eyes, weapons, and the battle cry of the conquerors, given that the language of the conquerors is incomprehensible to the defenders. Read the book by G.V Vernadsky “Ancient Rus'”. Currently, identification has been enriched by DNA analysis.

For example, according to Chinese and Persian sources, the Yenisei Kyrgyz are a tall, blue-eyed, blond and fair-haired people. Cross-research different sources to eliminate bias. On the entire planet, only the Russian people meet these characteristics, and the characteristics are written in DNA. Modern Kyrgyz, after the invasion of Genghis Khan for 8 centuries, have a Mongolian mother. Secondly, European geneticists isolated a gene for the white race, but it turned out that the whitest European, and Europeans from the R1b1 genus, have half as many such genes as Russians (Balanovskaya E.V., Balanovsky O.P. Russian gene pool on the Russian Plain ). The Vikings and Normans carved white XY into the dark-skinned girls of Europe. This happened during the Viking campaigns from north to south along the Atlantic coast.

The Vikings, which in translation is the life of the king (vi - life, king - king), capture the area where they breed on the daughters of the conquered people R1b1 in order to replenish the army, since the campaign lasts for centuries. If F1 boys are born, they are raised as warriors who go with their fathers to conquer distant lands. F1 girls remain to ennoble the dark-skinned inhabitants of the conquered region with white genes. Therefore, in the north of Europe the white population predominates, and in the south and interior regions of Europe the dark-skinned population predominates. Look for a woman XX!

The Kalmyk language is a Mongolian language, and it is the native language of the Kalmyks, but the Kalmyks profess Tibetan Buddhism, since the Mongolian clan (C3c) comes from Tibet, about which see L. Gumilyov. The characteristic Mongolian EPAS1 gene gives them epicanthus and a fatty layer in general. Chinese sources indicate that the Mongols descended from Tibet and in 798 completely captured Kashgaria, conquering the Turks and Uyghurs living there. As a result of the Mongol breeding on the Uyghurs, the Uyghur-speaking Mongols were born. Then, in 840, the Yenisei Kyrgyz defeated the Uyghur Kaganate and drove the Oghuz Turks from Asia to the west. Rounding the Caspian Sea from the south and north, the Turks were divided into Seljuks and Ottomans. The Oghuz tribes are ten tribes of Turks who led the Eastern Turkic Kaganate (Country of the Turks) and plundered Altai. In the winter of 710-711, they killed Barsbek and devastated the Kyrgyz Kaganate. This Country of the Turks is mentioned in the Saga of the Ynglins. The last wave of Turks reached Constantinople in 1453 and renamed it Istanbul.

Look how the Turk looks, like a bull, from under his brows. Let us remind you by translation that Ogyz, Oguz are a bull, Kyr are to exterminate, Kyrgyz are erasers of Ogyzs, Uy is a cow, Uyghur is a holy cow. However, from Old Russian wuy, uy is the brother of the wife, and therefore the Uyghurs are the brothers of the wife (nephews), since the Uyghur woman became the wife of the Yenisei Kyrgyz after 840. The Uyghur woman will teach the Kyrgyz children the Uyghur language. Therefore, a Kyrgyz speaks the same language as a Uighur-speaking Mongol, and they are similar to each other. Among the current peoples of Asia are the Kyrgyz and Kazakhs. Among the Kazakhs, 50% are C3c and 30% O, i.e. they are descendants of Uighur-speaking Mongols. For reference, haplogroup O is Chinese, and its presence among the Kazakhs is associated with the Chinese campaigns of the Tang Empire against the Huns and their descendants, the Turks. As the legend says, the Turks descend from a she-wolf and a Hun prince thrown into a swamp with his arms and legs cut off (Lev Gumilyov).

As for the word Kyrgyz, I’ll tell you a secret. It consists of two root words: kir - enter, giz - appearance, which means: enter into me. This word is pronounced by a woman who is exhausted from the upcoming copulation with a man, when she, having reached ecstasy, wants the man to pierce her, according to the formula XX+XY=SEX. Everything is accurate, without any ha-ha, even the English verb “sex”, by the root of the word, means the same process as the same Kyrgyz verb. The bottom line is that the ancient Kyrgyz language is the language of the Huns, which was the native language of the Angles and Saxons during the time of Attila (5th century). Latin contains half of Turkic words. After Attila's death, the Angles and Saxons were incorporated into the Germanic tribes and speak their mother's language.

“The Saga of the Ynglins” was translated into Russian by linguists who have no knowledge of history and geography. The Saga says: in the east beyond the Don to the mountain range that stretches from northeast to southwest, there is the Country of the Aesir of Great Sweden with its capital Asgard, and not far in the south is the Country of the Turks. Look at the map of the planet from Volgograd, since here the Don is shifted east to the Volga. You will see that the Urals stretch from north to south, and to the east Siberia opens in the passage between the Caspian and the Urals. In Siberia, only one mountain range stretches from northeast to southwest - the Sayans-Altai and then the Tien Shan. Moreover, it is the only one in this direction in the world, so it is impossible to confuse it, even for a first-grader. From Altai to the northwest-west there are the mountains of Western Siberia, all the way to Kolyma and Magadan. Now it is clear why the Country of the Turks, Kashgaria, is mentioned in the Saga to the south of Altai. As recorded on the Mercator map of 1538, the Russian Plain is Scythia, and Altai is distant Scythia, and the mountain range mentioned in the Saga is depicted. Of course, for a literate translator from Moscow or Kyiv, Turkey is not far to the south, in which case Magadan is visible from the NKVD building in the east. Other literates attributed the Caucasus, which has a latitudinal direction and is located from the Don in the south, to the east.

Note that researchers have revealed that the Mercator map is known as the map of the ancient Aryans. It was captured by Alexander the Great in Central Asia and came to Europe after the Crusades. Mercator is credited with drawing a grid of parallels and meridians on the ancient Aryan map. A similar story happened with the map of the Turkish admiral Pierce, who was convicted of using a map of the ancient Aryans from the archives of Alexander the Great for travel.

Thus, the land of the ancestors - Asgard of the Norwegians and Swedes is located in Southern Siberia, and they do not know where they came from to Scandinavia and do not know the Old Scandinavian language, since now they speak the language of their mother. Thor Heyerdahl even wandered into the Caucasus in search of the homeland of his ancestors, but the key to the solution turned out to be genetics and the origin of the Scandinavians from the genus R1a1 M17/M198. Even your name speaks of a blood defender of the faith. According to the syllables, scan-din-av contains in the roots “kan” - blood, “din” - faith, av (woof) - protector. Moreover, the Russians are one of the Scandinavian tribes, according to Swedish sources (Golovnev A.V. Anthropology of movement (antiquities of northern Eurasia) / Institute of History and Archeology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009).

The narrative dates back to the period before the 9th century, since the Saga says that the sons of Odin had to go to the northern regions due to warming, when the rivers overflowed, and the warming in Eurasia was in the 9th century. Now similar warming has led to the fact that in winter the coast of the Arctic Ocean is free of ice. They moved on boats with belongings along the Ob and with horse guards along the Great Steppe. By the way, Finns are not Scandinavians, but Ugrians, and therefore belong to the genus N1c1. Their relatives are Yakuts (N1c1=80%), Finns (N1c1=68%), Udmurts (N1c1=56%), but some are married to European women, others to Asian women.

Expelling the Turks in the 9th century, the Kyrgyz established themselves in the Crimea with the Kyrgyz settlement. Chinese sources note that after the defeat of the Uighurs in 840, the Kyrgyz disappeared somewhere. Where did the 80,000 regular heavily armed troops go? Such an army must always be kept in sight, and the tentacles of Chinese intelligence extended to the Caspian Sea and Iran.

The reason for the departure of the Kyrgyz army to the west is the collapse of the Frankish empire. In 840, King Louis died, so for three years there was a civil war over the inheritance between Louis's three sons. In 843, the Treaty of Verdun divided the empire into three parts and the redistribution of the world began. From this moment on, in Europe, the Russian military class - the Kyrgyz caste - is identified with the Rossomons or Rosses, which corresponds to the Xatria in India. In Asia they are Kyrgyz, and in Europe, first, Scythians, and then Russians, and in the North Atlantic - the Viking caste. Beyond the Urals, advancing on the Turks, the Russian Kaganate went through the Khazars, who were puppets of the Western Turkic Kaganate. It was then that the Ashkenazi Levites were born, as evidenced by their DNA age.

In 860, the Rossomons severely kicked the tail of Constantinople (Constantinople), so much so that they did not understand how the Vikings attacked the city both from the sea and from land, when they were expected from the sea. However, Byzantine historians remembered and wrote down that the Vikings called themselves Rossomons. On top of that, only the Vikings, ancient Russian warriors and Yenisei Kyrgyz had the same weapons, armor, and, therefore, weapons forged in the same forge. Since that time, the Russian battle cry “hurray” has been used so that the Turks have no doubt that they will be beaten (ur - beat).

In conclusion, let us return to the flight of the Seljuks and Ottomans. Some scuttled along the southern side of the Caspian and Black Sea, others along the northern shore, but, whatever one may say, the finish line was in Constantinople. That’s when, in 860, the Kyrgyz Rossomons nailed a shield to the gates of Constantinople. Then the army of the Rossomons arrives from the south to the crossing of the Dnieper, where Askold founded the city of Kyiv, which is known as the parish of Askold with the Rossomons in 860. Then the Slavs, for the first time, received baptism from Askold. Askold was vilely killed by pagan Ugrians in 882, but his memory is kept by Askold’s grave in Kyiv, and Rurik was a pagan, like all of Europe. For a long time they instilled Orthodoxy in Kievan Rus. Two centuries later, in 1056, the banner of Askold with dinlins reigned in Kievan Rus, with whose arrival the construction of monasteries began as a stronghold, support and defense of the faith. Previously, the pagans did not build anything. Let me remind you: din – faith; lean - lean manufacturing from English; As - the Most High; gold - treasure, gold; mon is a person, and tyr is a fence. Brahmans are an analogue of Dinlins.

The Dinlings, Geguns, and then as Jianguns, are mentioned in 201 BC in Chinese sources when describing the Yenisei Kyrgyz who expelled the Huns to the west. Moreover, the blond Dinlins were the tallest people on Earth, two-meter and taller warriors. Read about the problem of dinlins from L. Gumilyov. Such people belong to the genus R1a1 M17/M198 of the Andronovo culture, whose carriers, the ancient Aryans, spread knowledge across the planet, including bringing it to Ancient India 40 centuries ago.

Heavenly country, at what times?
You called me to distant lands,
Far away lands, far away seas,
Where in the blue silence we can be alone.

The name “hegun” as a people is based on their battle cry. In terms of syllables, ge-gun means get or ket gunn, i.e. there, so that it would be clear to the Huns, since they spoke the Turkic language. The verbs get and ket are often used in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan during the color revolutions.

It was possible to deal with the Jiangongs without difficulty, since this is the Chinese name for the heavenly iron people who process iron. The Chinese accurately indicated that the word “jiasha” is meteorite, celestial iron. Further, it was not difficult to guess, taking into account the Slavic dialects, that jiasha is iron distorted by Chinese speech. In addition, Chinese sources indicated the habitat of the Jiangun in the Urals region, i.e. on the ancient development of iron ore, on the ability of the Yenisei Kyrgyz to mine iron, copper, gold, silver and process it into weapons. On the other hand, in Western sources the Rosses are people associated with ore.

By the way, meteorite iron has magnetic properties, and the Yenisei Kyrgyz, from ancient times until 840, used it to make arrowheads. For any weapon you need to find the center of gravity, so the arrow was hung on a horsehair. The result is a torsion scale, and the arrowhead will point to the North Magnetic Pole. An arrow with such a tip was used as a magnetic compass, and therefore our ancestors were not lost in this world and knew how to return to their home. This is the history of the Fatherland, dear Jiashi! From the first steps since 840, when the ancestors first began to build a state, next year 2015 there will be 2015 - 840 = 1175 years of Russia’s unshakable existence on the world map. In addition, taking into account the Dinlins of Askold, counting from 201 BC, we get 2215 years, and there is no such history of any state on the planet.