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Mayonnaise using a blender at home. How to make natural homemade mayonnaise without chemicals? Homemade mayonnaise recipe using blender

I think many housewives have at least once thought about how to make homemade mayonnaise so that it tastes no worse than store-bought mayonnaise. Some may have tried to make mayonnaise at home, but it didn’t work out, it didn’t whip up, it separated, or something else happened to it. In general, today I will write a recipe for making homemade mayonnaise, which always works! And it not only turns out to be the right consistency, it turns out very tasty.

Preparing this mayonnaise takes only 5 minutes (this time includes preparing the products). That is, making mayonnaise yourself is faster than going to the store. But to make mayonnaise, you need to make it with an immersion blender. In this case there will be a 100% result! If you prepare mayonnaise with a mixer or a whisk, you need to use other recipes. But not everything is so simple with them, you need to pour the oil very carefully, you need to beat for a long time, you need to take the ingredients at the same temperature and it still may not work.

In general, take an immersion blender, a bowl (or a jar - not a wide dish) and read on to find out what ingredients you need. I will write two recipes for homemade mayonnaise: with egg and with milk.

Remember that homemade mayonnaise does not last long because it contains raw eggs (shelf life - 2 days, maybe 3). Mayonnaise made with milk can be stored a little longer and given to children.

Quick mayonnaise “Provencal” in a blender with egg

Make mayonnaise in the amount indicated in the recipe. If you need more mayonnaise, make it again. Use one egg at a time, so you get a guarantee that everything will work out. Eggs for mayonnaise should be taken as fresh as possible. You can buy ready-made mustard. But if you want to get the most natural product, make your own mustard from powder.

You can put any acid - lemon juice, vinegar (table or fruit). Take only refined oil so that it is odorless. If the oil is unrefined, the mayonnaise will taste like oil, which is not very pleasant. Add a little salt, sugar, mustard and acid first. Then taste it and add the ingredient you are missing. This way you get a delicious “Provencal” mayonnaise, but natural.

  • refined vegetable oil - 180-200 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Method for preparing mayonnaise using a blender.

1. Break an egg into a narrow blender bowl (you can take a jar). An important nuance - the yolk must be whole and not float.

Many people say that the egg should be at room temperature, as should all the ingredients, so that they mix more easily. You can take the egg out of the refrigerator in advance to be on the safe side. I usually take an egg from the refrigerator and everything works out.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the yolk, add mustard, salt, sugar, lemon juice or vinegar. In this recipe, all ingredients are added at once; no gradual additions are necessary. The only thing is that after cooking you can add acid or salt with sugar to your taste and beat again.

3. Now take an immersion blender and cover the yolk with it. Press the blender into the bottom of the bowl.

4. Turn on the blender at maximum speed and blend for the first 10 seconds without lifting the attachment from the bottom of the bowl.

5. The yolk will begin to emulsify with the oil, and white mayonnaise will begin to appear from the holes in the nozzle!

6. Then, after holding the attachment near the bottom for 10 seconds, begin whisking the mayonnaise in an up and down motion as usual. The oil will be mixed in small portions with the yolk and you will get real mayonnaise.

7. Beat for 1-1.5 minutes until smooth. Taste and adjust if necessary to taste and mix everything again. That's all! Quickly and without hassle, you get real homemade mayonnaise, thick and tasty.

Make mayonnaise according to this recipe and you will succeed.

Homemade mayonnaise without eggs with milk

If you are not sure about the quality and freshness of eggs or there are children in the house who will eat salads with mayonnaise, prepare this sauce with milk. In this case, it will be stored longer than mayonnaise with egg.

Important! The milk for this recipe must be at room temperature. Cold milk will not make mayonnaise. Natural milk without herbal additives will also froth better.

The ratio of milk to vegetable oil should be 1 to 2. Add the amount of salt, sugar, mustard, vinegar to your taste.


  • milk - 100 ml
  • refined vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice, or table vinegar) - 1 tbsp.
  • mustard - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • natural yogurt - 150 gr. (optional to reduce calories)

Method for preparing mayonnaise with milk.

1. Pour milk and vegetable oil into a jar or blender bowl. Pour it all at once, not in portions. You need to beat this mayonnaise, like the previous one, with a submersible blender. Beat near the bottom for a few seconds first, then beat in a smooth motion from top to bottom.

2. When the whole mass is whipped (about 1 minute), add all the flavoring additives to the mayonnaise: mustard, salt, sugar, vinegar. Beat again. The mayonnaise should be thick. Taste the sauce and add missing flavor elements if necessary.

3. Now the mayonnaise is ready. If desired, you can add natural yoghurt without sugar (150 g). This will reduce the calorie content and make the mayonnaise lighter.

4. The finished mayonnaise turns out like real Provencal. Very tasty and natural. To give mayonnaise a new flavor note, add garlic squeezed through a press, chopped herbs, capers or your favorite spices.

This mayonnaise is suitable for dressing salads. When heated (baked), it will separate.

Mayonnaise can be simply irreplaceable when preparing various salads, sandwiches, and some dishes made from meat, fish, vegetables and cheese. You can buy it in any store, but read the ingredients list of this mayonnaise - no comments are necessary... So why poison your family with a sauce of such quality. Let's eat healthy. I haven’t bought mayonnaise for several years now, but make it myself. And today I want to tell you how to make homemade Provencal mayonnaise. Natural, from high-quality products, it turns out very tasty, and most importantly - without any harmful preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.

Ingredients for the recipe “Homemade mayonnaise “Provencal”:

  • Refined vegetable oil - 250 - 300 ml
  • Fresh chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 1 tsp. (without top)
  • Sugar - 1 tsp (heaped)
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. (vinegar 1 tbsp.)
  • Pepper or other spices to taste

How to make homemade Provencal mayonnaise

Let's prepare homemade mayonnaise using regular refined sunflower oil. It is better to take homemade chicken eggs with bright yolks. You can use any vinegar: wine, apple, the main thing is that it is white vinegar of good quality, although you can also use black balsamic, but this will change the color of the sauce. Mustard is added to Provencal mayonnaise, while regular classic mayonnaise is prepared without it. I like “French” mustard made from whole grains; the mayonnaise is more piquant. All products should be at the same temperature, preferably room temperature, so remove them from the refrigerator in advance.

To make homemade mayonnaise, I use a blender with a whipping disc, or you can take an attachment with knives.

Break the eggs into a blender bowl, add salt, sugar and mustard. Mayonnaise can be made with yolks alone, but whole eggs make it fluffier. It is better to take finely ground salt and sugar, since large crystals do not dissolve well (they can be ground in a mortar).

Turn on the blender and beat the eggs and spices well until they turn white and the salt and sugar dissolve.

We start adding vegetable oil in small portions - this is very important. The less oil in the prepared mayonnaise, the less amount you need to pour in. Therefore, the first portion should be very small - 1 teaspoon, the second - a little more, and so on. Pour in the oil in a thin stream and beat well until smooth. Then add the next portion. If you pour in a large portion of oil at once, the sauce may turn out uneven and separate.
With each new portion, the sauce will become lighter and thicker until it becomes the way you are used to seeing it, but not white, but slightly yellowish or creamy, since high-quality products were used: homemade eggs and good vegetable oil.

When the mayonnaise has thickened enough (the more vegetable oil, the thicker the mayonnaise will be), add lemon juice and beat again. You can add vinegar instead of lemon juice; you need to take half as much of it. But with lemon, the taste of mayonnaise is more delicate.

At the end, you can add spices to taste and mix well. Delicious homemade mayonnaise “Provencal” is ready!

Transfer the mayonnaise into an airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. It can be stored for about a week. But such delicious mayonnaise is eaten much earlier.

The taste of mayonnaise can be varied: change the amount of sugar, salt and mustard, use lemon juice instead of vinegar, replace a chicken egg with a quail one, and replace sunflower oil with olive oil, or mix them.

By adding various spices and other ingredients to mayonnaise, you can get interesting and tasty combinations.

  • Finely chopped parsley and basil will give the sauce a pleasant taste and aroma, and go well with fish dishes
  • Mayonnaise with finely chopped garlic will add a piquant taste to meat dishes, salads, and is perfect for toast and baguettes
  • Finely grated lemon zest will add citrus notes to the sauce and go great with vegetables and fish and seafood dishes.
  • Finely grated cheese and mixed with mayonnaise goes well with vegetable dishes
  • Tomato paste will add a slight tomato flavor to the sauce and will go well with meat dishes and salads
  • Finely chopped olives or whisked with the rest of the ingredients add a southern flair to the sauce and go great with potatoes.

Experiment and find the best combination for yourself.

Hello! Today I am writing a good recipe for homemade mayonnaise in a blender. Our family doesn’t eat mayonnaise every day; I use this sauce only on holidays. Because, whatever one may say, there are too many calories in mayonnaise. For 100 gr. it comes out to 624 kcal! Therefore, if you eat right, then mayonnaise should be excluded from your daily menu. But you can’t do without it during the holidays. And the homemade mayonnaise recipe will come in handy in this case.

It turns out that homemade mayonnaise is very similar to store-bought “Provencal”. Only it can be stored for only 5 days in the refrigerator, because we will not add preservatives. You can make mayonnaise at home very quickly from products that are always available. And do it faster than going to the store for ready-made ones. And cheaper...

Try making mayonnaise according to my recipe: it always turns out perfect if you do it right. This mayonnaise does not separate, it turns out thick, soft, tender.

So, let's go in order.

Recipe m Ionnaise at home.

Ingredients for 250 ml of finished product:

  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • refined vegetable oil (sunflower or olive with sunflower) - 200 ml
  • salt - 0.5 tsp. incomplete
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • table vinegar 9% - 1 tsp. (or lemon juice, or apple or grape vinegar - 2 tsp.)
  • ready mustard - 1 tsp. (approximately, add to taste)

It is better to take refined vegetable oil for mayonnaise, because it has no odor. This time I took unrefined (mostly I only use this), the finished mayonnaise has a slight aftertaste of oil. As I wrote in the list of ingredients, you can take 100 ml of sunflower oil and olive oil. This way the mayonnaise will be a little healthier, but there will be an olive flavor (not everyone likes it).

It is better that all components are at room temperature. Therefore, remove the egg from the refrigerator in advance. The egg must be fresh because it will remain raw. Some people are afraid of salmonellosis, which can be in raw eggs. If you want to play it safe, take quail eggs. Replace one chicken egg with five quail eggs. I buy chicken eggs at the store because they are double checked there (I want to believe it). The egg white should be transparent, not cloudy.

You can also sterilize the egg. To do this, lower it into boiling water for 30 seconds. During this time, all bacteria will die. But the egg itself will not have time to cook.

Making homemade mayonnaise.

1. First, beat the egg into the blender bowl. It is better that the yolk remains intact and does not spread. Add half a teaspoon of salt there, otherwise it will be too salty. If you want to add more salt, you can do this at the end, when you bring it to the desired taste. And pour in 1 tsp. table vinegar. If you don’t have table vinegar, but have vinegar essence 70%, dilute it with water, as written in. If you want to make your mayonnaise more natural, replace the vinegar with lemon juice. And also don’t forget to put 1 tsp. sugar - with it mayonnaise will whip up better and will not be sour.

2. Now pour in the selected vegetable oil in an amount of 200 ml. There are markings on the bowl that you can use to guide you. The egg will remain at the bottom.

3. Now carefully lower the blender into the bowl. It is important to cover the yolk with the nozzle; the nozzle itself should rest against the bottom of the bowl. Now start whisking. I immediately beat at the highest speed. First, beat the egg, then add oil little by little. At the base of the nozzle you will see the appearance of a dense white mass. Only when there is already a lot of whipped mayonnaise, and there is still untouched butter on top, then slowly raise the blender and beat everything together.

4. Continue whisking until the mayonnaise becomes fluffy and smooth. This takes about 3 minutes. Then add your favorite ready-made mustard (about 1 tsp), beat again. After this, you can taste and adjust to taste. If it is too sour, add sugar, if there is not enough salt, add more salt, if there is not enough acid, add vinegar. The toga produces Provencal mayonnaise.

1. You can add various spices and products to homemade mayonnaise. For example, add garlic, capers, ketchup, soy sauce, paprika or herbs. There is room for imagination and experimentation here.

2. Prepare mayonnaise not in advance, but if necessary, in small portions, because it cannot be stored for longer than five days. From this amount of ingredients you get 250 ml of mayonnaise.

3. You can add a little water to the mayonnaise at the end of cooking (and beat again). Then you will get a lighter, thinner and whiter version of this sauce.

4. Do not take homemade mayonnaise dishes with you on the road.

5. You can prepare mayonnaise using a mixer or whisk (if you don’t have a blender). Then, instead of a whole egg, take 2 yolks and pour in the oil gradually, otherwise the sauce will separate.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce that is used to prepare a huge number of dishes. In industrial production, various dyes, emulsifiers, thickeners and other substances are used that negatively affect the functioning of the human body. All this is necessary to ensure that the product remains on store shelves for a long time and does not deteriorate.

Classic mayonnaise should contain only the following ingredients: olive oil, yolks, sugar, salt and lemon juice. As you can see, there shouldn’t be any “E” in the recipe, and if you look at the packaging, there are too many of them.

Since the number of people who watch their diet is increasing every day, you can prepare the sauce at home.

There are several different recipes that differ in ingredients and taste. In addition, you can conduct culinary experiments, which will allow you to get an original version.

How to make mayonnaise from yolks?

The most common option, which has been used for a long time. The final product will have a yellowish tint.


  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Mustard – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Olive oil – 100 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt, sugar.

Cooking process:

You can beat the mixture in a blender, which makes the work much easier, but many people prefer to use the old method - a whisk. Place the egg, mustard, salt and sugar in a container and beat everything well.

Without stopping stirring, pour in the olive oil in a thin stream. An important rule is not to beat too fast or slow. When the sauce begins to stick to the whisk, it is ready. If you want a lighter shade, add lemon juice or balsamic vinegar.

How to make homemade mayonnaise from eggs?


  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • Mustard – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking process:

Combine all ingredients except butter and start whisking. When the mixture becomes homogeneous and you notice that it is thickening, start adding oil in small portions. Once you achieve the desired consistency, the sauce is ready.

Recipe for making homemade mayonnaise from milk

For many, this option is considered unusual, but in appearance and taste it will not be inferior in any way to the traditional sauce.


  • Full-fat milk – 15 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 270 ml;
  • Mustard – 2.5 teaspoons;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt, sugar.

Cooking process:

The milk should not be cold, so remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Add butter to it and beat with a blender, but it is not recommended to use a mixer. Do not stop until the consistency thickens. Then add the other ingredients and beat for another 5 seconds. As a result, you will see that even without eggs you will get a tasty and, most importantly, healthy mayonnaise.

How to make mayonnaise in a blender from quail eggs?

This option is intended for real gourmets. In addition, quail eggs are very healthy. Making sauce from them is also easy.


  • Quail eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 140 ml;
  • Mustard – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Black pepper, salt, sugar, herbs.

Cooking process:

We also make this mayonnaise using a blender, but remember that if you don’t have one, a whisk will also work. Mix for 1 minute. all ingredients except oil. Continuing to beat, start pouring in the oil. Do this until the sauce becomes thick.

Making Lenten Mayonnaise at Home

This option is suitable for use during fasting, and it is also intended for people who want to lose excess weight.


  • Vegetable broth - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vegetable oil – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Mustard – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

To make mayonnaise, divide the broth into two parts. Add starch to the first half and mix. Bring the other part to a boil and combine with the starchy broth. Stir over low heat until the consistency thickens.

Turn off and leave to cool. As a result, the mixture should resemble jelly. To make mayonnaise, add other ingredients and beat everything well. Without stopping whisking, pour in the oil in a thin stream.

Recipe for mayonnaise with mustard powder


  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Mustard powder – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • Ground pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

Everything needs to be done as in the previous options, that is, combine all the ingredients except the oil and beat them thoroughly with a blender. Then pour in the oil in a thin stream and continue stirring until the required consistency is obtained.

Homemade mayonnaise recipe with vinegar

If you don’t have lemon juice, you can use this option.


  • Yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • Mustard – 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Pepper, salt.

Cooking process:

Place the yolks, mustard, salt and a teaspoon of vinegar in a container. Stir and beat with a blender or whisk until smooth. After this, pour in the oil in a thin stream until you get the desired thick consistency. Other ingredients can be used to improve the taste.

Let's figure out what to do if mayonnaise does not thicken and other problems

Each housewife has her own unique secrets that help improve the taste and appearance of the sauce.

  • Use only fresh ingredients in the recipe as this directly affects the taste. It is important that all foods are not cold, so take them out of the refrigerator in advance;
  • If the mayonnaise turns out to be bitter in the end, then next time it is better to combine olive oil with regular sunflower oil, in a ratio of 1:5;
  • If the sauce turns out liquid, there is a way out. The thickness directly depends on the amount of oil used. If you overdo it and the consistency becomes too thick, you just need to add water and stir. You can also use milk;
  • In order for sugar and salt to quickly dissolve, they can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder or crushed in a mortar;
  • It is best to use glassware as it is environmentally friendly;
  • Let's figure out what to do if the mayonnaise doesn't work out, because it's a shame to throw away food. If the mass is not whipped, but simply separated, do not worry, there is a way out. Add salt and mustard to it. Place 2 yolks in a container and begin to beat them slowly, and then slowly begin to add the resulting mayonnaise;
  • To make the sauce piquant, you can add ground pepper, chopped garlic, coriander or ginger. If you add finely chopped greens, it will acquire a greenish tint and a fresh aroma. Adding olives, the mayonnaise takes on Mediterranean notes. You can also use cheese;
  • It is important to know what to do if the mayonnaise turns out liquid. You can add salt to the mixture. In some cases, it is enough to leave everything for a while or put it in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add a little flour.

Keep in mind that since homemade mayonnaise contains only natural products, it should only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than 4 days.

  1. All ingredients should be at room temperature.
  2. If you prepare mayonnaise using the eggs of domestic chickens, its color will be yellow. Moreover, the fresher the eggs, the richer the color. Eggs bought in a regular store will make light mayonnaise.
  3. Prepare mayonnaise with sunflower oil or a mixture of olive and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1, or better yet 1: 2 or 1: 3. If you use only, especially extra virgin, the sauce will be bitter.
  4. If you add a little more oil than indicated in the recipe, the mayonnaise will turn out even thicker. This same method can be used to save the sauce if the mixture does not thicken when whipped. If, on the contrary, you want to make it thinner, then pour a little water into the sauce.
  5. To diversify the taste of the sauce, you can add dried or chopped fresh garlic, ground black pepper, paprika or chopped dill. And the amount of salt can be changed to taste.
  6. Ready-made homemade mayonnaise is stored in a hermetically sealed container for no more than 4–5 days.

4 homemade mayonnaise recipes


The ingredients can be whipped in two ways: with a blender or mixer. In both cases, the sauce turns out tasty and aromatic, but both options have their pros and cons.

It's easier to make mayonnaise with a blender because you can use whole eggs. The sauce prepared with a mixer will be thicker, but you will have to spend time separating the yolks from the whites.


  • 2 raw eggs;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons mustard;
  • 250 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Break the whole eggs into a tall, not too wide container, such as a jar or a special blender glass. Do this carefully so that the yolks do not spread. Add salt, sugar and mustard.

Lower the blender to the bottom and beat the mixture until smooth. Then, moving the blender up and down and continuing to beat the mixture, pour in the oil in a thin stream.

When the sauce thickens, add lemon juice and beat the mayonnaise with a blender again.

A quick way to make a thick sauce from whatever you probably have in your kitchen. It will turn out no worse than mayonnaise with mustard.


  • 2 raw egg yolks;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vinegar 9%;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil.


Place the yolks in a tall, narrow container. Add salt, sugar and vinegar. Instead of table vinegar, you can use it, then the mayonnaise will be softer.

Pour in the oil and, placing the blender at the bottom of the container and without moving it, beat the mixture for about 3 minutes. When the sauce begins to thicken, start moving the blender up and down to mix the ingredients evenly.

The sauce prepared according to this incredibly simple recipe turns out to be quite thick and has a delicate creamy taste.


  • 150 ml milk of any fat content;
  • 300 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2–3 teaspoons mustard;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Pour milk and butter into a tall, narrow container. Blend the mixture with an immersion blender for a few seconds. You should get a thick mass. Add mustard, lemon juice and salt and whisk again until smooth.

This unconventional but delicious sauce is a great option for those who don't want to use raw eggs and vegetable oil.


  • 3 boiled yolks;
  • 2 teaspoons mustard;
  • 300 g fat sour cream;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Add mustard to the yolks and mash with a fork until smooth. Add sour cream and salt and mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain.