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Affirmations. Rituals for purchasing housing, apartments

When I got married and gave birth to a daughter, we decided to sell our small two-room apartment in Khrushchev and find a larger apartment. All the realtors said that we wouldn’t sell it for more than 16 thousand USD. But I had a goal, and I mentally drew a picture - what kind of apartment I want, in what area of ​​the city, what kind of renovation would be there, i.e. initially created the image of the environment where we would live.

I didn’t rely on real estate companies and started advertising myself. I had time to think about how to correctly formulate and present the ad so that it would be presentable. The apartment was in a good area, my husband did the renovations himself, and at that time it was quite good. I didn’t want to sell it for pennies.

Two weeks passed and the call rang, a deal took place for the price we had planned - the joy was off the charts :). I realized that the dream was already coming true, and it was time to look for a new place. We wanted to buy a new apartment inexpensively so that we would have money left over for new furniture and renovations. And so it happened - they found an apartment inexpensively, although they had to tinker with the redevelopment. I graduated from a civil engineering university and have two art degrees, so I came up with the entire design of the new apartment myself. For each new interior detail, I mentally drew an image of what it would be like in the future, and why I needed it. And everything turned out perfect.

And the diagram visualization image - initial stage auto-training– my dad advised me. So he bought himself a dacha and a car. He cut out a picture from a magazine (a house, a car) and glued them onto a large sheet of paper, just looked at them every day and thought about his dream. A few years later he got a car and bought a dacha (a wonderful orchard had already grown there). It worked for him, but it took time. Based on his practical experience, I decided to create visual pictures in my head and visualize my desires every day, complement the image and set the time for which I will achieve the goal.

After my successful work, I understand that every little detail and goal must be presented clearly, in every detail. Autogenic training need to be done every day, it will take about 20 minutes. I work out in the evening before going to bed - I create an image, and then supplement it with events and time frames. To fulfill your cherished dream, everything will begin to spin around you and attract itself: people, money, opportunities, work. I never indicate in what way this will be achieved: a new job or simply success in an old one, the announcement of an influential relative or receiving capital. But I have no doubt that it works one hundred percent. Now I use this practice all the time, from buying small household appliances to a car and an apartment.

Own housing provides the need for security. That's why it's so important for us to have it.

Magic methods can also help in solving housing issues. These can be conspiracies, rites and rituals. Conspiracies to get an apartment, that’s what we’ll talk about.

What needs to be done before the conspiracy?

Here are the actions that serve as some kind of preparation for a plot to get an apartment:

  1. To get an apartment, the family first needs to go to church. Find the icon of St. Matrona there and ask her for help in prayer. This Saint is responsible for the improvement of the house, for prosperity in the house.
  2. In addition, each family member must take communion.
  3. During this period, it is important to drive away any negative thought.

Conspiracy to buy a home

When each family member has completed the ritual, in the evening everyone in bed needs to read the following plot:

“I am a servant of God in bed, lying to the East and looking at the West with my eyes. There, in a distant place, live three glorious apostles: one of them asks riddles, the second of them answers them, and the third of those apostles always speaks only the truth. It is you three apostles that I ask for help. Help me find a new home for me, I promise to honor you, respect you, and treat you deliciously for the rest of my life. Amen".

This plot to get an apartment needs to be read three times. And you need to cross yourself three times. After this, you can’t talk, you need to go straight to bed.

Conspiracy to wish

To get an apartment, you can safely use general desire spells. In this case, your desire will be to get an apartment. To perform the ritual you will need: one green candle, any keys.

Choose a day during the waning moon. This ritual can be performed by the whole family. Sit down at the table and light a green candle. Hold hands and tune into your desire. Imagine your new apartment down to the smallest detail. Visualize the entire situation. Where, what is it worth. Now feel yourself in this apartment. She is already yours, imagine that this happened. Feel this joy, delight. It is important that you feel these emotions in your body. How does this joy feel? Maybe it’s trembling, maybe it’s taking your breath away from emotions, or maybe joy manifests itself in tears? How does this happen for you?

When you strengthen these emotions in the body, start reading the plot for the apartment:

“Three travelers were walking along a winding road, they were far from home, but still far from their new shelter. The three of them were starved and decided to look for a place to stay for the night. On the way we saw a hut that the grandmother owned. We stayed with her for the night. And the next morning they came out as good as new and reached their new shelter faster than usual. So that it would be like those travelers with us, so that we would get our apartment faster than planned, so that the grandmother-witch would cast a spell on us and erase all our doubts. Go ahead and Find! Amen".

Let the green light candle burn out completely. After this, the whole family can go to bed.

If you are alone or alone and also want to get an apartment, then the ritual can be performed alone.

Conspiracy on the wish card

A good way to bring your desire closer, including getting an apartment, is to draw it or make a collage. It’s also better to do this with the whole family, because the more people there are, the higher the energy from the action. But it is important that only people who will live in the new house participate in this activity. Therefore, if you are going to live alone, then you need to make the collage yourself.

If you know how to draw well, then just draw your new apartment. Divide whatman paper into two parts, in one part draw the house from the outside, and on the other side the entire interior.

If you don’t know how or don’t want to draw, you can make a collage. This is even more interesting.

To create a collage you will need: Whatman paper, a stack of glossy old magazines, scissors and glue. This is a fun activity for the whole family. Sit down together on the floor, let everyone choose pictures from magazines that match their image of home. This could be the picture of the house itself, or it could be something from the interior. Cut out all these pictures and paste them on whatman paper. Admire your work of art.

Ritual for getting an apartment. Part 1.

A conspiracy to buy an apartment, house and other property.

Then stand in a circle, place the collage in the middle of the circle, hold hands, you all need to simultaneously jump inside the circle and at the same time shout this short spell:

"Forward! Find it!

These are magic words. This must be done with incredible positivity. The higher your energy is at the moment of performing the ritual, the faster you and your whole family will “jump” into a new apartment.

This ritual is from Simoron’s psychology. Simoron's techniques are entirely aimed at fulfilling desires.

This ritual can be performed whenever you want.

Magicians and some psychologists believe that we get what we want when we seem to pay for the desire with our energy. When we thought about it enough, wanted it enough. In this case, what we want becomes part of our thoughts, so it can easily come true.

A conspiracy that is repeated while walking

Here's another simple way to attract the desired apartment. Every time you walk down the street, look at the houses or through the windows of houses and imagine that this is your own apartment. Imagine its setting, visualize it as much as possible. Do not forget to catch your sensations in your body. When you catch them, pronounce the spell energetically and quickly:

“What is theirs is mine, what is mine is ours. Get! Forward! Find it!”

For the successful sale of an apartment or house, there are conspiracies and affirmations. Conspiracies can be addressed to elemental forces, to spoken objects, or to a brownie. Conspiracies are carried out at a certain time of day and on a certain day.

To fulfill their desires, more and more people are turning to affirmations. This is a very powerful technique that affects the subconscious. It is necessary to set a goal for yourself; the words of the affirmation should not contain the particle “not”; it must be pronounced in the present tense.

The spoken words are a positive statement of what is desired. You can read the words out loud or silently, they will “work through” our desires. Then, new thought forms begin to gain strength and materialize. They become stronger and positive changes begin to occur in their lives. You can come up with the right words yourself, create your own affirmation, which will work better than other people’s words.

For example: “I sold my apartment, I sold my car.” “I’m open to selling the car, I’m ready to get money for it.” “I receive money for a sold car. Money is good." An affirmation containing a future tense will not be relevant. Words should change your mood and inner state. You can use visualization at the same time.

Affirmation will work in conjunction with other influences and will strengthen its actions. It opens a person to events that are about to happen and always with a positive message.

To quickly sell an apartment, you should say the words: “I’m selling the house, the buyer likes it. The buyer brought money for the house.” “I’m giving you to a reliable new owner, let me go, make me happy. Amen". “Money comes to me easily, I get it for the apartment I sell.”

You need to clearly know that affirmation will not influence the minds and subconscious of buyers, but will only attract them in large numbers.

The spoken words should be directed at yourself, at your personality. It is better to do this early in the morning, when your consciousness wakes up or before you go to bed. During the day, the affirmation also needs to be said several times.

By working with your desires to sell an apartment and car, you can quickly attract many people who want to buy them. Which will lead to a profitable sale, and thereby you will realize what you want. The more clearly the desire is expressed, the faster it will be fulfilled with amazing accuracy.

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It’s good when you have your own apartment, and also when it’s big and cozy. And everything is going well there, and everyone there is happy. But if this is not the case for you yet, there is no need to despair. For a real sorceress, changing her place of residence cannot present any difficulty. Let's start moving into the home of our dreams.

Introducing a new apartment

  1. We start by imagining a new apartment. Find pictures of interiors that you like, decide how many rooms should be in your new home. Browse construction and furniture sites. What kind of wallpaper-tiles-curtains do you want? What kind of furniture? Don't be shy, take a look! Take a mental walk around your new apartment. “Straighten” the curtain, “drink” coffee at the new table, “lounge” on the sofa. Mentally return to your future nest at every opportunity. The power of beneficial visualization is very great.
  2. Now look around? What do you see? A cramped rented apartment? Or yours, but so small, so nondescript? No good! After all, you will take this same feeling with you to your new home, and there you will also feel cramped and uncomfortable, or some other problems will arise. So start thanking: the Universe for the roof over your head and your own corner. And the apartment is for the fact that you have it. Put it in perfect order, decorate it and make it comfortable, even if it’s not your own. One of my friends miraculously solved her housing problem: she and her husband rented an apartment. And to make it more comfortable there (at least temporary, but housing), they bought wallpaper with their own money and re-glued everything. (The owners did not object: the apartment was indeed nondescript). And just a couple of weeks later, my husband was offered an excellent job and provided with departmental housing - with the right to buy and on some very favorable terms.

Now that you are completely satisfied with your housing, you can begin the most interesting thing - the Simoron rituals to solve the housing problem. There are quite a lot of them, choose any one! Simoron for an apartment is fun and very effective.

gold fish

Remember - what did the famous Goldfish from Pushkin's fairy tale cope best with? Well, of course, with improved living conditions. Judge for yourself - from the shack (albeit with a view of the sea) she moved the old woman to the royal chambers. And if being the mistress of the sea is of no use to you, and earthly life suits you completely, then feel free to go to the pet store for goldfish. An aquarium with fish is good in the house even without magical purposes, but simply for Feng Shui and from an aesthetic point of view. And such a universal wish fulfiller will come in handy.

Don’t forget to arrange a cozy “house” for goldfish - with algae and stones. And only then make your request.

Do I have a plan?

Draw a plan of your future apartment on a piece of paper. You can use a standard A4, or you can take whatman paper for this purpose. Inside the apartment, mark the furniture - sofas, beds, bedside tables and tables. Place all the household members with whom you plan to live there. Of course, in the form of photographs. Place your child at the computer desk, your husband on the sofa, and yourself, for example, in the bathroom (why not get some pampering?). From time to time, “gather” the whole family at the table and clean your apartment (wipe with a cloth). Or you can involve the whole family in this task - do some spring cleaning. The more fun it is, the better. Also, don’t forget to write down inside the house everything you want to take into your new apartment - love, happiness, harmony, abundance, etc.

Buying a house

Another delightful Simoron ritual for buying an apartment. Did you want to buy a new apartment, get a new house? So buy it! That's right - take a toy house and buy him in the bath. Simple, like everything ingenious.

Exchange and departure

If you need to quickly and profitably exchange an apartment, and for this case there is a corresponding magic ritual. You need to start by encoding your desire (I already wrote how to do this). We copy the magic code onto a banknote and exchange it right there at the nearest kiosk or store.

Our villa

If you dream of your own home, there is also a suitable Simoron ritual for you: buy a rake (you can do it in the Children's World). You won't have to step on them. Just put them in a corner at home and say loudly: “Well, I already have a rake, so villas are not far off!”

Complementary food for the apartment

I dug up this funny ritual on one Simoron forum, and I was simply amazed at how many wizards it helped improve their living conditions. The fact is that a new apartment needs to be fed. And definitely not borscht. Apartments like nail soup. So, cook a thick, rich broth from nails - in a large saucepan. We don’t need the nails themselves; they can be put aside and cooked later (or drive one into the door frame, we did that too). You can sprinkle the broth on the joints in your current apartment, or you can go to the crossroads with a saucepan and pour it there. According to reviews of cheerful sorceresses, both work. Choose what purrs for you personally.

I'm in the house!

Our sweet kids never bother with purchasing a home - they covered the table with blankets, climbed inside, and that’s it: “I’m in the house!” Why don't you follow their example? Make yourself comfortable. Take a cup of tea to the “house”. Or maybe you can persuade other family members to join? You definitely won’t have to persuade the children. So, everyone said in unison: “I’m in the house!”

Make any changes to these rituals, come up with new ones, your own, write about the results in the comments, but most importantly - be sure to enjoy life, thank the Universe for the many benefits and do not wait tensely for the result - and then everything will definitely work out.

What you will learn from the article:

How to get an apartment - don’t deny yourself anything!

Nowadays, buying a home is a very difficult, one might say overwhelming process for many. Some people have been saving money for years, but never have enough, others cannot find a suitable option, others constantly encounter obstacles on their way to buying a new nest. And there are those who don’t even dare to dream about buying an apartment, much less a house, and therefore don’t even save, don’t look, don’t look, and don’t dream about such things. But in vain!

In the article you will find a whole bunch of pleasant, and sometimes funny, rituals for those who have been wondering for years “ how to buy an apartment», « where to get money for an apartment», « how to manage to buy a house" Read, choose your recipe for getting a new home and - act! And the last point is the most important point. And yet, buying is not the only possible option. What you want is possible get another way, albeit still unknown. Therefore, it is better to formulate your desire with the word receive - how to get an apartment, how to get a house. Give the Universe the opportunity for self-expression and multiple options.

How to buy an apartment by jumping from a chair

Find the ideal apartment or house plan for you on the Internet. Thanks to the developers - on most sites you can even make a print screen of apartment layouts. Here's your finished plan!

Of course, you can make it yourself. Draw out the layout of your future home on a large sheet of paper. Outside the premises, write down the desired city, area where you would like to live, as well as the approximate time frame for moving.

Find beautiful interiors that inspire you, pictures with beautiful furniture - in magazines, print on a printer or photo. Explore everything that is on the market and choose the interior you want. Do as you did - cut out beautiful pictures and paste them directly onto your house plan.

Be sure to do this in a good mood, in a meditative state. Intersperse your work on the collage with thoughts about how you walk around your new apartment, how you feel in it, how comfortable and good you feel. How nice this apartment is for everyone who comes into it.

It is better to do a collage on, new moon and full moon are also suitable. Taboo only. During such a period, it is better to get rid of what is unnecessary rather than create something new.

Creating a collage may take you several days. Take your time, you are creating the home of your dreams.

So, the collage is ready, and you are completely satisfied with everything in it. Write down on the free space INSIDE your “home” all the emotions and feelings, as well as everything you want that will “live” with you in this house: joy, happiness, mutual understanding, inspiration, wealth, love, laughter, hopes, fulfillment of desires and everything -everything you can think of...

Then place the collage on the floor. Place a chair opposite the “door” to the apartment or house indicated on the plan. Climb on it and scream “I’m moving in!” jump straight into the apartment or house depicted on the paper.

Repeat this at least a couple of times, as long as you feel like it. All. You have “incorporated” the collage into your work. Now you can put it away in a secluded place. Next, the Universe will use all its forces, means and possibilities to bring your housewarming date closer to the ideal home for you.

How to buy an apartment or house using a brownie

Buy a small broom - you can, for example, take one of the amulets from a souvenir shop. Or make such a broom yourself from twigs, herbs, or a whitewash brush, and decorate it.

Browse real estate listings in the area you are interested in. Arrange viewings.

When leaving home to meet with a realtor or the owner of an apartment building, take your broom and say: “Brownie, jump on the broom, we’re going to look after a new house! From this moment on, I appoint you responsible for the appearance of a new apartment (house) for us!” Put it in your bag and go look at apartment houses.

At the same time, do not be embarrassed by either the lack of money or internal insecurity. You are going to look at new housing. And choose, inspect everything as if you were really going to buy it, if it really suits you. Note what you like and what you don't. Thus, after viewing at least three or four options, you will already have a clear understanding in your head of what kind of apartment you want. Ideally, you need to look at 8 options. Then release the situation to a higher resolution.