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The meaning of the sun card in love layouts. Major Arcana Tarot Sun: the meaning of the upright and inverted card

The nineteenth tarot card, the Sun, is a symbol of knowledge, enlightenment, as well as carefree happiness and the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of one’s labors. The Sun speaks of the ability to enjoy life, enjoying every minute and gratefully accepting the generous gifts of Fate.

Description of the Sun card

In the upper central part of the map, the Sun is a huge image of the daylight with diverging rays and a wise face inscribed in it. The face of the Sun looks at us carefully, it is friendly and calm.

Under the Sun is depicted a naked (symbol of purity) child riding a white horse in a flower wreath. Behind him is a brick wall and cheerful large sunflowers.

The triumphal scarlet banner in the hands of a child is a symbol of energy, victory and spiritual rebirth.

The entire Sun card is literally imbued with a feeling of carelessness and sincere joy of being - the kind that only happens in childhood.

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the Sun tarot card is one of the happiest and luckiest signs. This lasso portends you growth and progress, happiness, prosperity, success, and the implementation of your plans. The Sun appearing in the chart indicates that you have all the qualities to achieve your goals. It also foretells you material wealth and a new stage in life, when enormous prospects will open up before you.

The sun promises you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, be it marriage, the birth of a child, an increase in your standard of living or career growth. It is the personification of your many possibilities and a harbinger of no less numerous victories that generous Fate will help you win in the near future.

Basic interpretations of the direct Sun card

  • Excess vital energy, good health
  • Self-confidence, great opportunities, material prosperity
  • Success, joy, happiness
  • New beginnings: successful projects, exciting prospects
  • Happy marriage, birth of a child, strong friendships and family ties

Reversed card meaning

In its inverted meaning, the Sun tarot card has the same positive meaning as in its upright meaning, but with one significant caveat. Yes, the Sun is generous to you and is ready to shower you with a great many blessings, but beware that such a disposition of Fate does not turn your head!

Otherwise, the Sun falling in the scenario speaks of good health, energy, positive attitude and material wealth. It portends a gradual but steady increase in the standard of living, as well as the fulfillment of desires. Also in the scenario, it can indicate that previous labors were not in vain: they will soon bear their rich fruits that will exceed your wildest expectations.

Basic interpretations of the inverted Sun card

  • Good health, energy to realize your plans
  • Good state of affairs, success, positive, progress
  • Overconfidence
  • Impatience, lack of moderation

This time we have an article about one of the most positive cards among the major arcana - the Sun. This card brings light, happiness and prosperity. To better understand the meaning of the 19th Major Arcana, I suggest turning to the picture. We will analyze an example card based on the Rider-White Tarot, since it is the most common deck.

19 lasso symbolism

We start, as always, with the background. The map is set against a white and azure background. This means that the Sun Tarot has a positive interpretation. A slightly turquoise color indicates that it is worth using the subconscious, but not relying on it too much. Like the Sun in astrology, the 19th Arcana in the Tarot signifies consciousness. To answer the question, you need to use your mind.

This lasso is much easier to read by design than others. It does not consist of many symbols, archetypes. The daylight is depicted in the center of the map. A symbol of growth, light and help. A little lower, a naked child sits on a white horse. This is a symbol of naivety and purity, faith in the best, optimism. He spread his arms to the sides, revealing himself to the world. The child has a wreath of red flowers on his head. In his left hand he holds a banner. Like an experienced commander he leads goodness and happiness. He's ahead. The expression “on horseback” means everything is going the way we want, everything is working out for us, a white streak in life. Behind the rider on the 19th lasso of the Tarot are sunflowers - sunny flowers. They are drawn to the light, just like the rider.

Tarot Sun - meaning

The first and most important meaning of the 19th lasso is good prospects and a “white streak in life.” In a “Yes-No” Tarot reading, this card means yes, or you need to turn on logic or consciousness to answer. You already know the answer to the question.

This lasso symbolizes masculine energy. This is pure and naive following your own path. This card is a continuation of the 18th Arcana of the Moon. If the Moon is the transition from night to day, then the Sun is the Rising. Consciousness awakens.

The second meaning is luck, happiness. Only she will come to you if you behave like a child, naively, openly, directly.

In a professional reading, this card means a good period, the possibility of promotion. At this time, all attention can be turned to one person. You can receive a certificate, an award, and I don’t exclude speaking in front of other people.

Symbolism for the day

Last October I had an event. Our family now has a cat. The problem was that I already have a cat. Who, without exaggeration, fell into depression from her arrival in our house. He sat under the bathtub for three days. Our bathtub is designed in such a way that only a hand can get under it and, unfortunately, not very far. My cat is smart and hid in the farthest corner.

There was no way to get it. And then one fine day my mother came home from work somewhat irritated. I saw that the cat got out for a second and grabbed him by the tail. The bathroom is under lock and key. After this, the cat’s appetite was sluggish, he was afraid of the cat. Then I took out a card for the day and the Sun fell for me. And on this day our cat began to behave as usual. I started eating well, going to the toilet, and allowing myself to be petted :) On the same day I found the thing I had been looking for for more than a year. To say that I was happy that day is to say nothing.

In a personal life scenario, it means a successful period, the resolution of many conflicts. We need to learn a lesson - to be open and trust each other, to warm each other with your warmth. For a woman, this card may indicate pregnancy in the near future.

The Sun is the best card in relationships. She can talk about a wedding, an engagement, the consolidation of a union. Also, this card can tell about the character of the future spouse when asked about the betrothed. He will be an optimistic, energetic, cheerful, charismatic, kind person who “radiates light”

Karmic lesson of the 19th arcana - it’s worth learning to open up to people, to believe in the best.

19th lasso - inverted meaning

Even in reverse, this card is not as bad as the others. It can mean a happy outcome, despite the circumstances. But this may indicate a refusal of happiness and good luck.

Sometimes a person himself gives up his happiness, does not use consciousness and logic, and is closed from the world. Therefore, he himself provokes negativity. After all, the Sun is the image of Yourself as a person. And the inverted meaning of the 19th Arcana is a renunciation of one’s beliefs, worldview, and personality. Your goals and life path are taken from other people.
This card also indicates that happiness may not be so durable. For example, I had a case where a man met a girl. He proposed to her, but the wedding was upset. I was interested in the question of the wedding, how it would go. And this card fell to me long before the actual date of painting. I can’t help but note that the lovers were really happy. However, there was only happiness for a certain period. Therefore, the inverted Sun can be called sunset, and the upright position can be called Sunrise.

Sun – combinations with the major arcana.

Usually the 19th lasso in combination with other cards speaks of happiness and changes for the better, a favorable outcome of any business. If, in addition to the Sun, there are negative major arcana in the layout, such as the Tower, the Devil, it smooths out the negativity.

Many sources claim that the Sun is the best Arcana card. It does not carry secret ambiguity or exorbitant sublimity that could be alarming (and which is present, for example, in a card such as the World).

This is the very flowering of life, the happiness of being, tangible success. A person will receive some significant gift from life, which he can simply enjoy. According to the Sun, a person can receive gifts beyond what is deserved and expected, which he may not have considered himself worthy of. These gifts must simply be accepted and enjoyed without asking questions, without questioning, without trying to understand their real meaning. Achieving the goal. A celebration of the accomplishment of something important. The sun makes it possible to enjoy both what was achieved and received by right, and what was given free of charge (although this does not mean karmically undeserved).

The Sun is the new perspectives of existence that opened up before a person after the dream of the Arcana Moon, when he has the desire and strength to directly engage in the life of the world in its entirety, freed from illusions, fears and doubts. Life turns its sunny side towards the questioner, a bright and successful streak begins, a period of activity, success and happiness.

Without a doubt, the Sun is one of the best cards in the deck. When answering almost any question, she gives a favorable answer, which means the achievement of something important, the long-awaited fulfillment of desires.

When the situation unfolds, the Sun portends an unusually calm and successful resolution. The plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as quickly as we would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful, and it will soon be forgotten that it was necessary to wait some time for the fulfillment of hopes. This Arcanum shows the absence of darkness in some matter, and this is very rare.

In a narrow practical sense - a trip to warm countries, vacation.

The sun brings a holistic, healthy and unclouded state of mind.

A rich and wise soul who now knows what happiness is, trust in reality, the ability to accept life as it is. You have to live in constant distrust of the world and fear of life in order to understand what it is - the gift of the Sun, the taste for life, the serene pleasure of everyday existence. The ability to live with a child’s heart, wise in its kindness and willingness to rejoice in goodness, enjoy every day, bring warmth and light to the lives of others.

High spirits, contentment and security. Optimism, clarity of judgment, knowledge and understanding. Personal strength, self-confidence, confidence in one’s own position. The ability to clearly see your path, without doubt, yearning and tossing, overcoming anxiety and fears, trusting yourself. Reconciliation with one’s “shadow” side - brought to the bright light of the mind, the previously unconscious is no longer scary and the person is ready for further self-improvement (despite the fact that he very clearly distinguishes right from wrong and is able to look directly at his thoughts and actions).

The Sun often reports that a person has managed to smooth out some significant internal contradiction that was causing tension. In our consciousness, it corresponds to the forces that help us gain clarity, overcome fears and deep fears, and overcome delusions. This is energy that resists those influences of the unconscious collective field that give a person doubts about the correctness of his actions. The sun helps to profess one's originality, lovingly accept oneself as a unique person, denotes a person who lives not by reflected light - he has found the ultimate source of inner light, radiating his wisdom and love into the world, filling himself with the light of transformation.

Usually this card appears when a person has done a lot of and most likely intense spiritual work, and has somehow realized the highest within himself. Now he receives, as if as a gift, the fruits of his labor and must taste them with feeling and sense. The feeling of joy and fullness of being, the freshness of feelings and perceptions is the result of spiritual enlightenment, which is often preceded by a crisis.

Arcanum The Sun often literally “peeks out from behind the clouds.” It describes the state of a person who has experienced being “born again” and now admires how blue the sky is, a state that usually occurs after a “thunderstorm.” And if you follow the logic of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - after the difficult emotional journey of the Moon, through layers of dark and difficult experiences, a veil of fears and doubts, along the unsteady path of painful compromises, sliding between the swamps.

The lesson of the Sun is somewhat similar to the lesson of Temperance. It would seem that nothing could be simpler. Inhale the scent of roses. Live here and now.

This is the ability to perceive life with the simplicity of a sage and a child, to rejoice in every favorable circumstance, to enjoy its simplest gifts without empty questions and worries. The difference from Temperance is that the Sun does not emphasize patience, restraint and inner peace. It proclaims the sacred truth of happiness. It's not always simple. No wonder the famous psychotherapist Bert Hellinger remarked: “Happiness is scary. It takes courage to feel it."

This card suggests that there is a center in life around which everything revolves - a child, a project, a relationship or some other aspect - and from which a person finds passion and meaning.

In addition, it brings light to the situations under consideration, making the secret obvious, revealing hidden facts and motives, bringing unexpected awareness of the truth, revelations about what is happening. This is a direct and bright light (which is greatly enhanced by the presence of Justice or the Ace of Swords in the layout).

The sun is a source of heat and light and serves as a kind of material symbol-intermediary between God and man.

It is the lowest aspect of the divine and the highest aspect of the earthly. The sun is a symbol of spiritual rebirth, the path to which is open to everyone. It heralds the miracle of Personal Transformation, including the next unity granted to the forces of consciousness and subconscious, masculine and feminine. The formation of a new spiritual personality, whose sensual aspirations are purified (a child on a white horse, psychologically the horse is Eros, controlled by a chaste “like a child” knight). The triumphal scarlet banner and crown are symbols of the victory won and the beginning of a real revival. Something new and transformative is brewing, demanding the completion of the alchemical process, the “great work.” It will no longer be the unsteady instinctive light of the moon, but complete clarity and understanding of some deep issues of the mysticism of life.

The card symbolizes the transition between the light of this world and the spiritual light of the heavenly world, higher awareness, spiritual wisdom. The union of the earthly and spiritual has almost been achieved - the last wall separates it. This is an injunction to continue, to take the last steps on the path of initiation, the Sun says that from now on a person will see it absolutely clearly.

The sun symbolizes the highest level of consciousness, decisive steps in self-awareness, achieving purity and clarity of mind and heart. If the Priestess and the Moon are the female path to wisdom, then the Magician and the Sun are the male path, they emphasize the ability to think logically and rationally, to bring the hidden to the light of God.

The test of the Sun is the preservation of a pure and bright perception of the world, not clouded by any blackness. This Arcanum recalls the old truth that true luck comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, act easily and joyfully in their simple day. Resisting oppressive influences, maintaining innocence, warmth and virtue according to the word of Christ “Be like children.” Refusal of the pursuit of “wisdom of experience.” The sun is an allegory of the seeker’s self-identification, his joy of living here and now, as well as the hope that life will move to a higher level of existence. This is not one of the first, but one of the final major Arcana. Then there is only Judgment and Peace.

The fall of the Sun may herald liberation from a significant karmic debt. According to this Arcanum, the oldest and most painful wounds are healed.

We were able to find approximately the following text describing the stage in spiritual development symbolized by the Sun:
“In esotericism they say about people like you: “Initiated.” You have gained some sacred truth and, along with it, self-confidence and essential satisfaction with life. You have already overcome the fears and main disagreements in your life, become optimistic, and become a charismatic and bright person. You have reached the highest level of self-awareness, you see your bad and good sides, you know how to overcome shortcomings and deepen your virtues. You have a rich, wise and experienced soul that has experienced a lot in this and previous incarnations. You knew happiness and were able to leave your mark on our land. You know what the mission with which you came to earth this time is, and you do not refuse to fulfill it, because by realizing it, you are realizing yourself. You have already paid off your karmic debts, made peace with your shadow side, worked out everything that you had to work out in this incarnation. Your character did not break under the blows of fate and you did not succumb to trivial temptations. Now you can earn good karma for yourself, and also help others with this. Be kind to them."

Good luck in business.

Successful overcoming of difficulties.

Understanding your purpose, working according to your calling, enjoying your work (which, of course, is best achieved by representatives of creative and public professions). It is believed that the Sun also patronizes businesses related to education, enlightenment, children and play, as well as animals (horse breeding, dog breeding).

Ability to inspire and persuade others, lively and fun creative environment, teamwork. Control over the situation, the presence of power, authority (if not due to a high position, then due to personal charisma). Self-realization, self-development and self-education. Joining any professional groups, associations (or even creating them!).

Professional triumph, award, recognition, well-deserved honors. These are new beginnings (the birth of an idea, a project) and achieving a goal. Successful career, professional growth. Great successes, achievements in any field of activity (and especially in the field of art and public relations). Staying in the spotlight.

The Sun is a very favorable card in professional matters, it says that what you have worked hard and hard on is ready to be illuminated with the light of complete clarity and completion.

Among Russian tarot readers, there is an opinion that in combination with unfavorable Arcana, the Sun may hint that business will encounter difficulties due to government policy.

The sun is a symbol of wealth, high social status and material security.

Success in business ventures and financial investments.

Stopping money problems.

Increasing standard of living.

Material well-being and prosperity. Enjoyment of well-being.

The Sun is a very favorable card in the sphere of personal relationships, both in the meaning of “happiness” and in the meaning of “reconciliation”.

Sometimes this is a very important reconciliation with oneself, which is necessary for happiness with another person. The Sun also carries the message that the questioner will finally lovingly accept his partner as he is, without trying to somehow change his nature or correct his shortcomings, and can count on the same unconditional acceptance on his part.

If the situation is tense, the difficulties will be resolved, the essence of the problem will become clear, the best human qualities will be shown in its solution, people will become closer to each other, everything will become simpler and clearer. The card speaks of a real opportunity to truly make peace, overcome contradictions, forget quarrels and disagreements. Even if all bridges are burned and it is no longer possible to restore relations, the card still indicates “warming” and trust.

Openness and harmony in the interaction between two people. Consent and warmth in relationships, enjoyment of mutual love, sexual satisfaction. True understanding, joy and happiness. Partners pamper each other with attention and tenderness, receiving affection and love in return, enjoying life together and feeling like one. This is a card of trust and kindness, loyalty and devotion. A strong protected union, a very strong connection. Sincere and selfless feeling, generosity, generosity and willingness to give more than to take, the joy of giving to a loved one, the ability to give oneself without losing oneself at all. A feeling of personal relevance, importance for a partner, one’s enormous value and desirability.

The Sun describes a good partner, courageous, energetic, creative and decent. For those who have not yet met their half, it tells them that this half will be the best! The sun confidently foreshadows a new relationship, great love, the appearance of a loved one who will have a great influence on the life of the questioner.

The Sun's advice is to be someone's “sun”! Do not skimp on warming your heart with warmth, delighting with friendliness and affection, filling with positive energy, helping another person to believe that life is beautiful, “even when it is difficult and when it is dangerous.” Comfort, approve, love and support.

The sun is considered the significator of a fateful meeting, declaration of love, engagement, wedding, successful marriage. This card predicts a joyful union (marriage), a happy married life and/or the imminent birth of a child. Alchemically it relates to the harmony of the masculine and feminine principles. This is their dance and the right attraction - suitable partners will find each other. The sun is a symbol of liberated partnership, when all energies are available for creative processes and are not wasted on fighting with something or for something. The freedom gained is expressed in a state of joy in which a true alchemical transformation of both souls can take place.

Joy about the children’s successes, the well-being of children in general.

In an inverted form, the Sun can, according to one of the authors, indicate a “joyful divorce” - both are grateful to each other, are quite happy about the end of the relationship and sincerely wish happiness in later life. Also relationships with a large age difference, where there is more demonstrativeness than genuine feelings and intimacy.

Excellent health, vitality.

Full of strength, activity and vigor.

Excellent physical and spiritual condition, complete well-being. Recovery (and sometimes literally victory over death, because the Sun is the source of life). Good state of mind.

The sun can serve as a reminder that we live not to work, but to live.

Reversed may indicate exhaustion, professional burnout. Heatstroke, sunburn (in very severe cases - skin cancer). Sometimes - heart problems, but usually caused by overheating or physical activity beyond one's years.
An interesting observation is that the inverted Sun can indicate seasonal depression (what is called SAD in Western psychiatry - seasonal affective disorders). The sunny day shortens, time changes, the rhythm of life changes and a person feels a loss of spirit and strength. Perhaps this may generally relate to a person’s increased sensitivity to the solar cycle and activity (eclipses, flares, magnetic storms, etc.).

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes difficulties in contacts with people, problems in marriage and partnership, misunderstandings, false ideas about success, excessive fuss, and activity that does not produce results. Sometimes an inverted position foreshadows health problems, family troubles, temporary separation from a loved one, or a postponed wedding. While not a bad card in the strictest sense, the Nineteenth Arcanum reversed means that all the positive influence of the Sun in this position is weakened: success but only after considerable effort, partial success, delayed triumph, hopes and dreams regarding matters of the heart will come true, but not completely , the fulfillment of hopes will be postponed for some time (but this does not mean that everything is lost), ends meet will be possible. In rare cases, authors emphasize emptiness, loneliness, loss of meaning and other direct negations, but most agree that the Sun, no matter how you slice it, remains the Sun. This card never carries a negative meaning.

Even in an inverted form, it retains its meaning, except perhaps pointing to a cloud that has flown towards the Sun, but this cloud will dissipate (or it has meaning and the ability to “throw up your hands”).

In theory, in combination with very unfavorable cards such as the Tower, one can literally assume such things as combustion, fire, explosion.

And Mary Greer’s interpretation is interesting, which emphasizes precisely the “fear of happiness” according to Hellinger: a person is afraid to give himself joy and accept good things, he lacks faith that he is worthy of all this, it is “too good to be true.”

Like the World, the Sun smooths out and softens the negative influence of other cards in the layout, changing its meaning for the better.

With the Jester - serenity, carelessness and spontaneity.

With the Magician, you have the opportunity to realize all your creative plans without any risk and with financial success.

With the Empress, the situation is truly wonderful, luck is on the side of the questioner, you need to seize this moment.

With the Emperor there is a greater tendency to voluntarism, excessive volitional pressure on people (either from the questioner or some person in his environment).

With the Hierophant - a favorable combination, a clear vision of the purpose and meaning of one’s actions and aspirations, a blessing from fate.

With the Hermit - the period of loneliness is over, it’s time to share your inner wealth with others.

With Death - a favorable combination, rebirth is completed, the view on the changes taking place in life is wise, and the positive filling of the cleared space will not take long to arrive.

With the Devil - blindness by the pursuit of material wealth. Deceptive prosperity in the financial sphere. Sexual dissatisfaction.

With the Tower - a good combination, insight, rebirth. There may be temporary problems with health or money (it is better to refrain from investments and debt obligations). There is a high likelihood of depression.

With the Star - a wonderful combination, victory is very close, all that remains is to make the last effort to achieve the goal.

With the Moon - disorientation, illusions.

With Peace - the completion of something, a great achievement. This is a colossal combination of cards in terms of positive energy, bringing good luck and protection to a person on all planes of existence, from the most earthly to the highest, cosmic level.

With Ace of Wands - marriage

With the Two of Wands - personal strength, vitality.

With the Six of Wands - approval received, position achieved.

With the Ace of Swords - childbirth, successful birth.

With the Six of Swords - depression, loss of strength.

With the Eight of Cups - fatigue

If in the horoscope they are in tension (square, opposition), then the loss of this card symbolically speaks of a period when the aspect functions as if it has been worked out and a usually unattainable lightness of being appears.

In addition, the card symbolizes favorable life circumstances, but does not contribute to favorite secret affairs - you will have to lead a life “in the light”, and at the same time with a smile of gratitude for simple human joys. This card gives and requires the ability to perceive earthly life as it is, appreciating what is, even if it is not exactly the joys you want, so this is not such a simple lesson. Moonlight lovers are tormented and scorched by the sun.

19th Arcana - Sun

This card in the Tarot deck is one of the most prosperous. Its traditional name is “Sun”, but sometimes “Lord of World Fire” is also found. Look at the picture in front of you: two children, completely naked, playing happily. The sun is shining brightly, and a dilapidated wall is visible not far away. The whole picture exudes serene happiness.

Before you is innocence and virtue, to which the world generously gives its warmth and light. This whole image is a reminder to you that without these invaluable qualities, any action or even thought will be doomed to quick death. True success comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, without complicating it with ambitions and ambitions.

The Arcana “Sun” fell out in your personal scenario! Well, that means you are a nature generously endowed with the gifts of nature. Life has given you not only an attractive appearance, but also an unusually clear, truly “sunny” character. It’s as if you carry a piece of the sun within you, under whose protection you invariably remain.

Undoubtedly, you have already appreciated such powerful patronage: there has never been a case in your life when events would have led you to the final collapse of all your plans. Even in times of the darkest despair, a “ray of hope” always shone for you, allowing you to see the light of a new day behind the wall of darkness.

Given the situation, the Arcanum “Sun” foreshadows an unusually calm and successful resolution. Your plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as soon as you would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful, and you will soon forget that you had to wait some time for the fulfillment of your hopes.

In a narrower sense, this card predicts a happy married life and (or) the imminent birth of a child.

18th Arcana - Moon | >>

Straight position

A good card that tells about a bright and sunny streak of life. There comes a period when a person feels happy and lucky. This could be due to the birth of a child or another situation where something new and positive is happening. The person who receives this lasso is a cheerful person, he is confident in his own future. Any difficulties and disagreements are easy for him, since he knows how to specifically describe the situation.

The Arcana Sun highlights a person who strives for bright, pure and high ideals. He moves towards the light, overcoming all the dark sides of his personality. And, in fact, great success awaits him in many areas of activity.

In addition, he is doing great at work. He achieves incredible success and triumph not only in his career, but also in purely personal matters. And with this lasso, he can successfully enter into a marriage in which love, respect, prosperity, joy, success will reign.

Inverted position

Obstacles are expected in a person's path that stand in the way of his happiness and success. Perhaps he is able to achieve his goals, but this path cannot be called cloudless. All he will achieve is a difficult road with the result of great effort and overcoming difficulties. If in an upright position the Sun simply bestows a person with happiness and great success, then in an inverted form - you need to achieve a lot, thanks to your hard work and efforts.

The lasso seems to have the same meaning as in the upright position, only the person receives less joy from what is happening. The victory he will strive for will take a lot of energy from him. His career successes are insignificant, and his material wealth cannot be called significant. And even if he achieves his success, it is far from easy for him, because he receives his joy with a slight taste of grief.

The sun, oddly enough, cannot carry a negative meaning. It’s just that everything that happens in a person’s life does not have such bright colors, successes, or achievements.

Sun: Meaning in love and relationships

Straight position

Arkan speaks of cloudless happiness, the union of two caring and warm-hearted people, and the stability of relationships. The sun symbolizes the beginning of a love relationship that will be promising and fruitful. The relationship will definitely end in a successful marriage.

Moreover, each of the lovers will want to have children together and start some new business. Under the influence of Arkan, problems in the family are completely absent, and one can only envy such harmonious relationships. In marriage, the following are noted: sincerity of feelings, trust and admiration for the loved one.

Inverted position

There are temporary troubles in relationships that are associated with the grinding-in period. If a person has been preparing for some important and culminating event for a long time, then the inverted Sun will indicate that good news will have to be temporarily postponed. If it has anything to do with love or a wedding event, then the person will need time to clear his doubts about his loved one. Only after this will he be ready to take a decisive and final step.

Anything can destroy the relationship between two people under the influence of this lasso. These include: bad habits, passion, bad assumptions that can ruin your life.

Sun: Meaning in situation and question

Straight position

In a situation, the Tarot card helps a person move forward, achieve success and career growth. Any of his undertakings are very promising. And these are not empty words, because we are talking about quite significant difficulties and considerable responsibility, which a person, as it turns out, is able to overcome. He knows how to do his job silently, slowly, without looking back into the past.

Thanks to his determination, he is capable of much, therefore he brings joy, security, peace and tranquility into his life. He is able not only to rejoice at some great successes and accomplishments, but also sees happiness even in the little things that fate presents to him.

Inverted position

This lasso does not have a very good meaning. A person strives for great success, but in the end can only count on average achievement. The situation will develop in such a way that certain obstacles will not allow him to easily and quickly move towards his goal. This may be a delay in success. But for success to happen, a person will have to make every effort.

It is possible that an inverted card may indicate poor health, temporary separation from a loved one, or family problems. There is a weakening of success, so even dreams that come true will not be fully realized.

A person will have the opportunity to taste the fruits of his labor. It is important for him to understand that people do not live in order to work, but work in order to live.

Sun: Meaning of the card of the day

The day will be remembered as bright and happy. Either it will be associated with some kind of victory, or perhaps the day will simply pass without problems and worries. You should take up some new activity, it will become successful. Don't forget that there will be people who will also want to take part in this. Don't deny them this opportunity.

If you quarreled with someone on this day or someone is offended by you, then it is better to settle this issue as quickly as possible. You need to immediately make peace and ask for forgiveness. It is on this day that everything will work out.

The most important advice is to believe in yourself and your success. Only in this way can you achieve a lot in life. A person will definitely be helped by his charisma and luck, life goals and inner attitude.

A person has enough strength, knowledge and abilities that he has to confidently pursue his goals. And happiness and joy will become his life companions. You just need to trust fate and live under the rays of the sun, fame, goodness, love and wealth.

Sun: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

Inspiration, search for truth, ability to realize oneself

Ace of Wands

Happiness, luck, optimism

Ace of Cups

Cornucopia. happiness

Ace of Swords

You can get rid of the yoke

Ace of Pentacles

Receiving sudden profit, good financial situation

The emergence of a brilliant idea, the implementation of which you can make good money

King of Wands

Achieving your goal

King of Cups

Rich, confident man

King of Swords


King of Pentacles

Ideal husband

Gaining skills, knowledge, advanced training

Queen of Wands


Queen of Cups

Ideal wife

Queen of Swords

Receiving a profit

Queen of Pentacles

Wealth, luxury, material goods


Conception or birth of a child

Knight of Wands


Knight of Cups

Movement towards the goal

Knight of Swords

Selfishness, winning the lottery, arguing with a narrow-minded person

Knight of Pentacles

Young but promising worker


Happy marriage, new relatives

Page of Wands

Start of a new project

Page of Cups

The appearance of a young admirer

Page of Swords


Page of Pentacles

A neat, well-mannered young man

An early wedding with your loved one

Two of Wands

Lack of confidence in the future

Two of Cups

Jealousy, negativity, difficult relationship with spouse

Two of Swords

Betrayal from two acquaintances

Two of Pentacles

Warm family relationships, disappearance of the enemy from the battlefield


A very close union based on love

Three of Wands

No matter what business you take on, fortune will be on your side

Three of Cups

You'll be lucky

Three of Swords

Happiness will be illusory

Three of Pentacles

Pregnancy, birth of a daughter


Have a good trip, problems will solve themselves

Four of Wands

Happy future

Four of Cups

The dark streak in life is ending

Four of Swords

Getting rid of illnesses

Four of Pentacles

Quarrels over inheritance

You will be able to get rid of negative habits that were destroying your life

Five of Wands

It is necessary to look at the situation from different sides

Five of Cups

You will receive just a huge inheritance

Five of Swords

Struggle, resistance, tears

Five of Pentacles

Heavy material losses


Finding yourself

Six of Wands

Your merits will be appreciated

Six of Cups

Have a nice trip

Six of Swords

You can achieve your goal, but you will have to sacrifice something

Six of Pentacles

Vulnerability, recklessness

Dramatic changes are possible, but don't worry, they will only be positive