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The concept of creativity and the development of creative abilities. Creative activity Creative activity of the artist presentation

“Human activity” - The result does not correspond to the goal. Beliefs. Activity. Fill in the missing word. Spiritual activity (related to the transformation of people's consciousness). Result. Practical activities (aimed at changing the environment). Interests. Needs. Prognostic activity. Social attitudes.

“Activity and personality” - Model of dynamic structure. Personality structure. Activities. Kind of activity. Personality structures. The process of human creation of material and spiritual values. Game time. Category social. Activity and personality. Abstract model. Various definitions of the concept. The concept of personality. The personality of each person.

“Students’ Hobbies” - Conclusions: Mathematician and writer. Hypothesis: HOBBY - any hobby, favorite leisure activity. Objectives of the work: Results of a survey of parents. Results of student surveys. Coloring math pictures helped us understand the multiplication tables. Will help in studying history and geography. The drawings in the book were made by the author himself.

"Jewish Games" - It's interesting to see how father and son play "sixty-six." If there is a bribe, I can cover up, but if there is no bribe, I can’t cover up. The loser of the game also benefits. And, imagine, our brother is the Jews. Episode 3. Gambling in Jewish culture. No thief can get there. Noble, isn't it?

“Free time” - What a waste of time. Once - rise. TIME is a specific moment at which something happens (S.I. Ozhegov). For 18 years he composed the opera “Prince Igor”. Hobby is a passion, a favorite activity for oneself. One of the organizers and teachers of Women's medical courses. Videos, excursions and travel.

“People’s activities and its diversity” - The concept of “activity”. Activities. Check yourself. Essence and structure of activity. Classification of activities. Means of achievement. What drives human activity. Aristotle. Needs and interests. Activity. The form of existence of human society. Human activity and its diversity.

Art is aesthetic
activities of people according to laws

The question of what art is is both easy and difficult to answer. It’s easier to say: art is fiction, music,

theater, cinema, architecture, etc. But this will not
answer, but only a listing of the different types
art. It is much more difficult to give a logical
defining different types of art, i.e.
point out the common ground that underlies all these

We can say this: art is an aesthetic human activity. Is he writing a novel, a picture, dancing in ballet or

monument – ​​it creates aesthetic value. IN
in turn, aesthetic activity
performed according to the laws of beauty, aimed at
creation of beauty and excitement
positive emotions.

Beauty in art is more than pretty and pleasant. It is inseparable from fortitude, harmony, inner

nature and character. About
The sculptor Rodin said this very figuratively: “In art
Only the characteristic is beautiful. Character is deep
the truth of any phenomenon of nature and society, all the same -
whether it is beautiful or ugly.” Thus,
aesthetic value of any work of art
determined by the measure of its internal truth, i.e.
quality of reflection. Let's remember how he played the role in the movie
Baba Yaga famous actor Milyar: not at all likeable
the image in his work turned into a masterpiece. Why?
Yes, because this is exactly the kind of Baba Yaga we imagine
imagined from children's fairy tales.

Artistic image The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it expresses limitless content in a limited form, in

expresses little
many, in the individual – universal. That's why
feelings expressed by art are special, not
just like in everyday life. They are great
large-scale, they remove the boundaries between
individual and humanity as a whole.

The aesthetic reflection of reality is thereby also its knowledge. But art not only cognizes, but also creates, creates.

After all, every work of art is
poem, film, painting - represents a unique
a beautiful item created by an inimitable
master. Perhaps the most important thing in art is that
it brings people together, creates spiritual and moral
a society that has enormous power
formation and education of personality.

Let's summarize: Firstly, art is an element of spiritual culture. The decisive thing in it is the ideological content.

Therefore, monuments of art, although
their ideological content does not exist outside
material embodiment, cannot be
identified with monuments of material
Secondly, art is a form
social consciousness, specifically
reflecting reality. Specifics
art as a form of reflection of real life
lies in the fact that it perceives the world in the form
artistic images.

Thirdly, art is not a mirror reproduction of reality, but its creative processing. Process

processing represents
rethinking reality from the perspective
a certain ideal, the artist’s development of his
relationship to reality, its assessment. Hence,
art is not only a reflection of reality, but also
special is the artist’s creative attitude towards it.
Finally, fourthly, art is a sphere
human labor, a special area of ​​spiritual
production, the result of which is designed to
satisfaction of spiritual needs.

All this allows us to define art as a special form of social consciousness and human activity, in which

the artistic and figurative are organically combined
knowledge of life with creativity according to the laws
Art is a multi-species phenomenon. In all my ways
diversity, it is divided into certain
species that differ from each other in their
material form, specific
content and method of creation
artistic image. Thereby
Each type has its own special meaning in
public life.

Born at the dawn of human society, art not only has not lost its role in human life, but has risen even further

a high step on the spiritual ladder
Thus, art not only cognizes, but also
creates society. Its role and significance
cannot be overestimated in history: on the brightest
it showed people examples of its masterpieces
what can a person achieve who combines
your talent with hard work and courage.

Literature as a form of art The word literature comes from the Latin litera - letter, i.e. what is written is writing.

Naturally, even before the invention
writing, among different peoples, in different
the periods of their activity were oral folk
creativity (folklore). Therefore we have the right
to say that this art originated with
the birth of culture.

The best writers of all countries of the world in all centuries were thinkers who thought deeply about the fate of man and society. Here

the most creative people were those writers who
whose position is clearly visible,
attitude towards what he writes about, that he
considers it important, necessary and relevant.
A real writer knows how to abstract from
personal and express what will be understandable and
important to other people. Therefore, basically
significant literary work is always
it is worth deep penetration into the life of society,
to which you belong and the person
who lives in it.

The best writers can be safely compared with the scouts of the future, with those brave conquerors of new unknown spaces, oh

which were written by the famous Norwegian
traveler Fridtjev Nansen “Let’s follow
narrow trail of runners, behind small black
points laid like a rail
a path into the very heart of the unknown. The wind blows and
rushes through these leading through the snowy desert
footprints. Soon they will disappear. But the path is paved
we have acquired new knowledge, and this feat will be
shine forever and ever."

Fine arts Painting, graphics, sculpture and architecture are called fine arts because they

images exist in reality
visible forms. Unlike literature,
music, theater, cinema and other visual arts
the arts are not capable of conveying the world to
time, in movement, in development. They
limited to just one moment. Images
fine arts do not exist in
time, but in space.

Fine art reflects reality in visible forms. But this does not mean at all that it only shows us

the external side of life without revealing to us
the spiritual world of people and the inner world of events.
Fine art conveys in its own way
essence and teaches us to see and understand what we
surrounds. “Painting is a poem to paints,
poetry is a picture in words.” Ancient Chinese artist Wang Wei.

Mona Lisa
from 1503 to 1506
"Mona Lisa" is perhaps the most famous
a work of art in the world. Leonardo wrote
famous portrait from 1503 to 1506 Gioconda became
the most mystical picture of all eras. She became
subject of artistic technique research for
masters of the 15th century. During the era of romanticism, artists and
critics admired her mystique. By the way,
It is to the figures of this era that we owe such
a magnificent aura of mystery,
accompanying the Mona Lisa. The era of romanticism in
art simply could not do without the mystical
surroundings inherent in all brilliant masters and their
The inspired hands of Mona Lisa as well
beautiful, like the light smile on her face and
primeval rocky landscape in the foggy distance.
Gioconda is known as an image of a mysterious, even
femme fatale, however this interpretation
belongs to the 19th century. It is more likely that for
Leonardo this painting was the most complex and
a successful exercise in the use of sfumato, and the background
the paintings are the result of his research in the field
geology. Regardless of whether there was a plot
secular or religious, landscape revealing
“bones of the earth”, constantly found in creativity

Portrait of Maria Ivanovna Lopukhina
Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky
Landscape in the vicinity of St. Petersburg
Sylvester Fedorovich Shchedrin

"Soft Hours" ("Persistence of Memory").
“Why do your watches spread out?” They ask me.
-But the point is not that they spread! The point is that my watch
show the exact time."

Music Music represents a complex structure of sounding forms and meanings. First of all, this is the musical sound itself with its

lack of external objectivity in
sound expression and even image; this and
temporary nature of the sound flow, and
appeal to the auditory (subjective) sense
person. Its most important means
expressiveness are melody, rhythm, tempo,
timbre, intonation.

The specificity of musical content lies in the reflection of movements and characters, and not the external outlines of objects. Music to certain

influences listeners in a way, finds
response in the depths of a person’s soul and forms in
in his mind the musical images are original
language - pulsating rhythms, increasing and
declines in melody, dynamics, timbre and others
expressive means. Precisely because
that music does not appeal to the objective
forms of objects and phenomena of reality,
to comprehend it requires accurate
orientation in the system of musical language.

Undoubtedly, any psychologically deep embodiment of the spiritual world of people teaches a person to better understand complex, sometimes

conflicting feelings, also
perceive all the richness of a person’s inner life,
fosters a culture of feelings. And this is an important line
educational influence of many great examples
artistic creativity, which are remarkable as
times the depth and versatility of emotional
characteristics. It is also important to note the following: to
works of art had a certain influence
on the inner world of a person, he must be prepared
to this, must be able to understand it, comprehend it,
to perceive and experience, to be imbued with the expressed
her ideas and feelings, get pleasure from her.

“Art is inexhaustible, like life, and nothing allows us to feel this better than inexhaustible music, than the ocean

filling the centuries” - vividly noted
famous writer R. Rolland. "Music -
the wide sky above all the arts: she
limitless, its laws apply to everyone
types and genres of artistic creativity.
Musicality is perhaps the highest praise
any work of art. Music is
the sound of time, its spirit" - these are the words of the great
sculptor S.T. Konenkova.

Theater as an art form.

Each art, having special means of influence, can
and should contribute to the general system of aesthetic education
Theater, like no other art form, has the greatest
"capacity". He absorbs the ability of literature in words
recreate life in its external and internal manifestations, but the word
this is not narrative, but live-sounding, direct
effective. Moreover, unlike literature, theater recreates
reality is not in the reader's mind, but as an objective
existing pictures of life located in space
(performance). And in this respect, theater comes closer to painting. But
theatrical performance is in continuous movement, it
develops over time - and in this way it is close to music. Immersion in
the world of the viewer's experiences is akin to the state experienced
music listener immersed in his own world of subjective perception

Of course, theater in no way replaces
are other types of art.
The specificity of the theater is that it has “properties”
literature, painting and music carries through
the image of a living, active person. This
direct human material for
other types of art is only
the starting point of creativity. For the theater
“nature” serves not only as a material, but also
remains in its immediate
liveliness. As the philosopher G. G. Shpet noted:
“An actor creates himself in a double sense: how
every artist, from his creative
imagination and specifically having in his
own person the material from which
an artistic image is created"

The art of theater has an amazing ability to merge with
life. Even though the stage show takes place on the other side
ramps, in moments of highest tension blurs the line between art
and life and is perceived by the audience as reality itself.
The attractive power of theater lies in the fact that “life on stage”
freely asserts itself in the viewer’s imagination.
The basic law of the theater is the internal participation of the audience in what is happening.
on the stage of events - implies stimulation of the imagination,
independent, internal creativity in each of the viewers. This
the viewer is captured by the action and differs from the indifferent one
observer. The spectator, in contrast to the actor, the active artist, is
a contemplative artist.

Consciousness of artistic reality in the process of perceiving themes
deeper, the more fully the viewer is immersed in the sphere of experience than
Art enters the human soul in many layers. Here at this junction of two spheres
- unconscious experience and conscious perception of art and
there is imagination. It is inherent in the human psyche from the very beginning,
organically, accessible to every person and can be significantly developed in
during the accumulation of aesthetic experience.
Aesthetic perception is the creativity of the viewer, and it can reach
high intensity. The richer the nature of the viewer himself, the more
his aesthetic sense is developed, the more complete his artistic experience, the more
his imagination is more active and his theatrical impressions are richer.

Spectator culture largely depends
from the nature of the art that
is offered to the viewer. The more difficult it will be
the task assigned to him -
aesthetic, ethical, philosophical, themes
thought becomes more intense, sharper
experiences, a subtler manifestation of taste
viewer. Because what we call culture
reader, listener, viewer,
directly related to
the development of a person’s personality depends on his spiritual growth and
influences his further spiritual growth.
The significance of the task that the theater poses to the viewer in
psychologically, is that the artistic image,
given in all its complexity and inconsistency, the viewer perceives
first as a real, objectively existing character, and then,
as you get used to the image and reflect on its actions, it reveals (as if
independently) its inner essence, its general meaning.
In terms of aesthetics, the difficulty of the task is that the viewer
perceived stage imagery not only according to the criteria of truth, but also
knew how (learned) to decipher its poetic metaphorical meaning.

So, the specificity of theatrical art is a living person, like
directly experiencing the hero and as directly creating
artist is an artist, and the most important law of theater is direct
impact on the viewer.
The “effect of the theater” and its clarity are determined not only
the dignity of creativity itself, but also the dignity, aesthetic
the culture of the auditorium. About the viewer as an obligatory co-creator
performances are written and spoken most often by theater practitioners themselves (directors
and actors).
“There is no theatrical performance without the participation
audience, and the play has a chance of success only if the audience
he himself “loses” the game, i.e., he accepts its rules and
plays the role of an empathetic person or
self-eliminating" Patrice Pavy "Dictionary of the Theater"

Theater Theater, as an art form, has a special quality that is unique to it alone. At each performance the actor seems to be anew

your role. Any new performance is different
reveals destinies, speaks about life in its own way
of people. The theater spectator sees on stage
the character of a person with his joys and
suffering, thoughts and actions and
sympathizes or is indignant with what is happening on
in his eyes. In this living and immediate
interaction, empathy of the actor and
The enormous power of the art of theater lies hidden within the viewer.

While remaining faithful to the details, settings, and traits inherent in specific people, the theater is designed to portray typical characters in typical

circumstances. That's why
viewers often recognize themselves, their
contemporaries, even in the performance of historical plays.
(Remember “The Inspector General” or “Woe from Wit”). Theater by
in Mayakovsky’s figurative expression, “not reflecting
a mirror, and a magnifying glass.” No matter how
theatrical technique developed - from the dawn of this type
art in ancient Greece to the present day
the main creators of theatrical art were
the playwright, director and actor remain. Without them art
the theater could not exist.

In fact, the play (drama) provides the theater with the main material for the performance, in which its content is revealed by specific

theatrical means. At the same time, the playwright
as if explaining his idea to the director, and he, in
in turn, adapts it for specific
actors. The intention of the playwright and director
the actor conveys to the viewer. The performance turns out well
truly interesting for the viewer if
its content contains a conflict situation,
which is realized by the talented performance of the actor.

At the same time, the best actors are those who live the life of their hero on stage and make the viewer believe it. “Indeed,” wrote

about the theater, to see all of Rus' on stage, with its goodness and
evil, with its high and funny, hear
speaking her valiant heroes summoned from
the coffin with the power of fantasy, to see the beating
the pulse of her mighty life... Oh step into
theater, live and die in it if you can.”

Electronic scientific journal
"Pedagogy of Art"
Nekrasova L.M.

Cinema Cinema, the youngest of the arts, appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The main medium of cinema is the image (shot on film

people, events,
objects, landscapes and sounds.) Thanks to this
cinema combines elements of others
arts: literature, painting, theater, music
etc. That is why it is so rich in its
expressive means and artistic
opportunities. There is inseparable space in it,
time and movement, his works are accessible,
visual, impressive.

Cinema and culture

First of all, cinema is different from other types of
art (in particular, from the theater) in that it
takes up much more sociocultural
space, goes far beyond
artistic circle. If the theater, conditionally
speaking, gathered around art, then cinema
covers literally everything with its influence, from
spiritual ideals to etiquette and fashion.
But getting into the cultural debate, let's say that
culture is, first of all, a measure of organization,
order, “order” of human activity,
reflecting its fundamental
socio-historical characteristics.
Implement a cultural approach to
cinema means to consider it as
way and form of organizing the ideological and artistic life of his time, in
which, like in a mirror, reflects all this
life and which, at the same time, is one
of the essential aspects of this life.

General role

The overall role of mass communication is best
considered through function analysis,
implemented QMS:
information function coinciding with
increase and (or) change in the composition of knowledge of
audience representatives;
function of education, coinciding with
formation or change in intensity and
the orientation of a certain type of installation;
behavior organization function,
coinciding with the termination, change or
staging any action;
entertainment function matching
changes in the complex of psychological,
physiological (fatigue, irritation) and so on
similar characteristics using effects
distractions, switching attention, created
situation for venting feelings;
communication function coinciding with
strengthening, maintaining or weakening connections
between audience members.

Cinema not only synthesizes the means of other forms of art, but also has its own expressive capabilities.

First of all, this is a change of plans, angles, their
connection, association (installation). Installation -
is a selection of people, objects, events in
certain rhythm and tempo, their peculiar

Rich possibilities lie in speeding up and slowing down shooting, in the use of trick and combined shots. In other words

through cinema it is possible to truthfully and completely
depict everything: time and people, cities and countries,
feelings and thoughts. In the cinema, any fantasy
becomes reality and vice versa. Another
the advantage of cinema is the opportunity
unlimited replication
works. At the same time, one and the same copy
you can demonstrate unlimited
number of times. It makes cinema accessible
millions, mass art.

The art of cinema, like no other, meets the needs of people in a synthetic work that comprehensively covers human life

and society,
striving for perfection.

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Basic aspects of creativity. Different approaches to defining creative activity. Procedural features of creative activity. The structure of the creative act. Creative tasks scheme for solving creative tasks. Definition of research activities. Literature.

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Definition of creativity on a philosophical level

Creativity is a purposeful activity, the result of which is the discovery (creation, invention) of something new, previously unknown or active, meeting the needs of the time

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Psychological aspect of creativity

Creative thinking is aimed not at searching for novelty in trifles and insignificant variations, not at recombining the old, but at comprehending the essence in phenomena, reflecting this essence in concepts, images and methods of action. It is not the objective, but the subjective side that comes to the fore.

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Pedagogical aspect of creativity

Students' creativity has as its ultimate goal not so much the creation of a specific product that has its own significance or obtaining a product using a new method, but rather a cognitive and educational effect - the formation of knowledge, skills, interests and inclinations.

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The main methodological and pedagogical approaches to defining creative activity consider it as an activity as a result of which something new is born.

According to A.V. Khutorskoy: creativity is always going beyond boundaries, it is a change in essential knowledge, understandings, norms, the creation of new content that is not included in the learning program.

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I.P. Kaloshina offers a detailed definition of creative activity through a system of characteristics, according to which creative activity: is aimed at solving problems that are characterized by the absence in the subject area (or only the subject) of both a method for solving problems and the subject-specific knowledge necessary for its development;

is associated with the creation of subjects at conscious or unconscious levels of new knowledge as an indicative basis for a method of solving a problem; characterized for the subject by an uncertain possibility of developing new knowledge and on the basis of their method of solving the problem (uncertainty is due to the absence of any other knowledge that strictly determines the specified development).

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V.A. Dahlinger understands creative activity as any activity that is carried out not according to a predetermined algorithm, but on the basis of self-organization, the ability to rationally plan one’s activities, exercise self-control, rearrange one’s actions depending on the situation that arises, the ability to revise and, if necessary, change your ideas about the objects included in the activity.

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AND I. Lerner identifies the following procedural features of creative activity:

independent implementation of intrasystem and interpersonal transfer of knowledge and skills to a new situation; seeing a new problem in a familiar situation; vision of the structure of the object; vision of the variability of the solution and its progress, that is, possible different solutions to this problem, methods of solution; construction of a fundamentally new solution method, different from previously known methods.

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However, today the most valuable traits seem to be those that determine the creation by students of fundamentally new information, their independent development of ideas and hypotheses, the formulation of problems, and the setting of tasks of different levels of complexity.

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Structure of the creative act

Accumulation of knowledge and skills necessary for a clear understanding and formulation of the problem Concentrated efforts and searches for additional information Avoidance of the problem (incubation period - switching to other activities) Illumination or insight (insight is not always a brilliant idea, but sometimes a guess on a modest scale) Verification

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Structure requirements:

adequacy; novelty and originality; refinement; grace and simplicity; creative thinking changes essential methods, less often traditions, even less often basic principles, very rarely people’s view of the world).

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The most important component of organizing creative activity in the process of teaching mathematics is a clear understanding by students of what they should receive (create) as a result of the activity and how this product will be assessed.

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To reveal the creative potential of a student in the process of studying mathematics, creative tasks are used:

Non-standard tasks Research projects Working with mathematical text for reconstruction Systematization and generalization of material Performing abstract genre works Varying and composing tasks

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Scheme for solving creative tasks

a) consideration of the need or difficulty of the task; b) analysis of this need or difficulty; c) viewing available information; d) the birth of a new idea or principle; e) deployment of the principle of the scheme; f) assessing the correctness of the decision.

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In the process of teaching mathematics, we will highlight a part of the entire volume - research activities.

Research activity is a creative activity, the product of which is new knowledge, either about the subject himself or about the research method.

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Blinova, T.L. Modern aspects of mathematics teaching methods: textbook. allowance / T.L. Blinova, E.A. Vlasova, I.N. Semenova, A.V. Slepukhin; edited by I.N. Semenova, A.V. Slepukhina; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural. state ped. univ." – Ekaterinburg, 2007. – 190 p. Ganeev, Kh.Zh. Ways to implement developmental teaching in mathematics: textbook. allowance / Kh.Zh. Ganeev; Ural. state ped. univ. – Ekaterinburg, 1997. – 102 p. Dahlinger, V.A. Creative activity in the preparation of planimetric construction problems / V.A. Dahlinger // Science of Education: collection. scientific articles. – Omsk: Omsk State Pedagogical University Publishing House, 2004. – Issue 22. – P. 405 – 414 Kaloshina, I. P. Psychology of creative activity: textbook. manual for university students. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2003. – 431 p. Khutorskoy, A.V. Modern didactics: a textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, – 2001. – 544 p.

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Creative activity is a specific type of human activity aimed at knowledge and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself.

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The incentive to do so is a problematic situation that cannot be resolved by traditional methods. An original product of activity is obtained as a result of formulating a non-standard hypothesis, considering non-traditional relationships between elements of a problem situation, attracting implicitly related elements, and establishing new types of interdependence between them.

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The prerequisites for this type of thinking are flexibility of thinking (the ability to vary solutions), criticality (the ability to abandon unproductive strategies), the ability to bring together and link concepts, integrity of perception, etc. The makings of creative abilities are inherent in any person, any normal child. You need to be able to reveal them and develop them. Manifestations of creative abilities vary from large and bright talents to modest and inconspicuous ones. But the essence of the creative process is the same for everyone. The difference lies in the specific material of creativity, the scale of achievements and their societies, and significance.

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An important place in creative activity is occupied by combining and varying existing knowledge and known methods of action. The need that motivates activity can be a source of imagination, fantasy, that is, reflection in a person’s consciousness of the phenomena of reality in new, unusual, unexpected combinations and connections. The most important mechanism of creativity is intuition - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

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Creativity is the process of creating a subjectively new thing, based on the ability to generate original ideas and use non-standard methods of activity. In fact, creativity is “the ability to create any fundamentally new opportunity” (G.S. Batishchev).

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Creativity can be considered in various aspects: the product of creativity is what is created; creative process - how it is created; the process of preparing for creativity - how to develop creativity.

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Products of creativity are not only material products - buildings, cars, etc., but also new thoughts, ideas, solutions that may not immediately have material embodiment. In other words, creativity is the creation of new things on different plans and scales.

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STRUCTURE OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY 1. Accumulation of knowledge and skills necessary for a clear presentation and formation of a problem, the emergence of a problem (setting tasks). 2. Concentrating efforts and searching for additional information, preparing to solve the problem. 3. Avoiding the problem, switching to other activities (incubation period). 4. Illumination or insight (a brilliant idea and a simple guess of modest proportions - that is, a logical break, a leap in thinking, obtaining a result that does not clearly follow from the premises) 5. Testing and finalizing the plan, its implementation.