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Annual assessment. Annual personnel evaluation Annual personnel evaluation

Annual assessment

Annual assessment is carried out to determine the coefficient of change in the market value of all assets included in the property complex. This adjustment is caused by temporary factors, market conditions and competition - but, in addition, this procedure is also carried out in order to optimize taxation, to make more accurate and informed management decisions, and to account for depreciation.

The company "Active Business Consulting" offers you annual assessment- a procedure that will allow you to accurately determine the current market value of your assets and accurately calculate price change factors. Experts work to provide only reliable information - you get the opportunities with which you can cut costs, reduce expenses and achieve more overall by making decisions based on current data. On the other hand, we are focused on long-term cooperation - and we offer convenient conditions carrying out annual assessment.

What do we mean by annual assessment?

Annual assessment carried out by indexation or direct recalculation relative to documented average market prices. Direct recalculation is more accurate because it fully reflects the situation on the market and gives an idea of ​​its trends in change. Also, if it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth analysis of the elements that make up the property complex, the experts of the Active Business Consulting company use an integrated approach.

If the initial value of the elements of the property complex changes towards additional valuation, the amount of accumulated depreciation will invariably increase. Consequently, there will be an increase in depreciation charges. This is the essence annual assessment, since in order to optimize taxation and make the right decisions, it is necessary to constantly reduce the book value reflected in the financial statements to the actual market value. Indicators that were obtained as a result annual assessment, are taken into account when developing financial statements at the beginning of the year.

Annual assessment is the basis of investment activity, since it is also used to attract additional funds. For this purpose, the normalization of investment processes is carried out - a procedure that optimizes the structure of investments.

Carrying out annual assessment is associated with an overvaluation of elements of the property complex (when the initial value of assets increases), or with undervaluation (when the initial value of assets decreases). The difference as a result of the revaluation is included in the additional capital of the enterprise, but the previously accrued depreciation amounts are adjusted by means of a coefficient (the ratio of the market value of assets to the book value).

The annual assessment includes an examination of the following assets:

    Real estate;

    Cars and equipment;


    Production equipment and tools;

    Reserve elements of the property complex, as well as elements that are prepared for write-off.

Objectives of the annual assessment:

    Attracting investments, including to determine the value of collateral for lending;

    Sales of individual elements of the property complex;

    Planning to increase the fixed capital of the enterprise;

    Smooth and fair implementation of restructuring;

    Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise.

One of the main goals annual assessment is to reduce the book value to the market value - this optimizes taxation by achieving the optimal ratio of income and property taxes. For businesses that are going through hard times, annual assessment is an attractive means of reducing the tax rate on enterprise assets by reducing the cost of elements of the property complex. Conversely, enterprises that are quite profitable and profitable can significantly reduce income taxation due to increased depreciation charges - but only if after annual assessment the cost of elements of the property complex will increase.

Annual assessment methodology

Most relevant for tasks annual assessment are the cost and comparative approaches. The company "Active Business Consultations" calculates the full replacement cost of elements of the property complex based on similar objects presented on the market, at market prices and tariffs, including calculation of costs for construction, transportation and installation of objects, and remuneration of builders.

The company "Active Business Consultations" offers to carry out annual assessment enterprises - we work closely with your staff and will adjust the cost in a short time. It should be taken into account that annual assessment is not the usual way of recalculating value - it is a process during which our experts can also perform various services for inventory, the order of displaying accounting records, and the development of optimal tax and financial models. With us, your company will discover new ways to improve and eliminate unnecessary costs!

“A man in his place”... For us, this approach to using the potential of each employee is the norm. To identify people's abilities and determine their development prospects, we use the most modern techniques. Most importantly, personnel assessment provides company management with valuable information for making management decisions and helps to effectively organize all other HR processes. Knowing the strengths of our employees, their needs and motives helps us develop people in a targeted manner and promptly promote them up the career ladder.

The basis of DTEK’s personnel management is the performance management system, within which a “three-dimensional” assessment model is implemented that allows measuring a person’s performance, competence and potential ( rice. 1).

Rice. 1. “Three-dimensional” assessment model

The founder of scientific management, Peter Drucker, stated: “You can only manage what you can measure.” Therefore, in our company, assessment is one of the most important processes, a mandatory component of all stages of personnel management ( rice. 2): selection/appointment; goal setting/assessment; remuneration; staff development; performance assessment.

Rice. 2. DTEK HR model

The personnel development department of the corporate center and the corresponding divisions at enterprises are responsible for conducting personnel assessments in our company. The Personnel Development Department consists of four departments:

1) personnel assessment and development;
2) distance learning;
3) personnel reserve management;
4) DTEK Academy.

Basic purpose department is the creation and management of a system for assessing and comprehensive development of the company’s personnel, and the main tasks:

  • development and implementation of assessment procedures;
  • creation of training programs;
  • coordination of the employee development process;
  • consulting and assisting employees of other departments in implementing their development plans.

When implementing its tasks, the department actively interacts with other divisions of the company - not only in the field of personnel management, but also in production areas.

In the process of developing mechanisms for personnel assessment and development, internal regulations (necessary regulations, instructions, orders, etc.) were developed and approved, which guide the department in its activities.

The main type of assessment in DTEK is annual performance assessment, which is carried out at the beginning of the calendar year (after receiving data on the company’s performance for the previous year), which makes it possible to calculate the level of implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) established for employees in the reporting period. In this case, technologies such as interviews, assessment interviews, determination of KPIs, and normal distribution analysis are used.

The annual assessment is based on principles and rules common to all divisions of the company:

  • transparency and accessibility of the principles and stages of the periodic assessment procedure;
  • balance of assessment indicators;
  • clarity of evaluation criteria;
  • confidentiality of individual assessment results;
  • consistency of the assessment system with other management practices of the company.

To evaluate the performance of employees, specially designed forms are used: questionnaires for managers and questionnaires for specialists, which differ in content and purposes of use.

Assessment at the recruitment stage

The economic crisis of 2008–2009 did not lead to significant changes in the labor market: the flow of resumes both before and during the crisis was quite dense, and the quality of candidate training remained virtually unchanged. Of course, as DTEK’s image as the best employer strengthens, interest from specialists from other cities increases. In order to meet the company's needs for highly qualified specialists in the current conditions, we use an assessment procedure at the stage of selecting the best candidates.

The process of filling open vacancies consists of several stages:

  1. Receiving an application from an internal customer, which contains a detailed description of the requirements for a candidate for an open vacancy.
  2. Work of employees of the selection and adaptation department for this application:
    • conducting telephone conversations and personal interviews;
    • testing of selected candidates (additional information helps the manager make the right decision);
    • assessment of candidates’ compliance with general corporate requirements and criteria stated by the customer;
    • formation of a group of candidates based on the selection results (usually the customer is presented with at least five candidates).
  3. Providing selected candidates to the internal customer. At this stage, the internal customer selects the candidates who seemed most interesting and suitable to him.

Then personal meetings and professional interviews are held with managers - immediate and superior. It is possible to conduct group meetings, during which several internal specialists talk with the candidate.

To test candidates we use:

1. Methodology “Professional Personality Questionnaire” (Occupational Personality Questionnaire, OPQ) by SHL. OPQ provides a description of an individual's behavior in a professional environment - it assesses the likelihood of a certain type of human behavior in various work situations. The questionnaire allows you to obtain indicators characterizing various aspects of behavior on 30 scales, which are grouped into categories:

  • people management;
  • task management;
  • managing your own behavior.

Based on the test results, the customer receives a full report - on 30 scales and three categories, as well as a forecast of the candidate’s possible behavior in professional activities (a fragment of the report on the results of the OPQ test is given on rice. 3).

Rice. 3. Fragment of the report on the results of passing the OPQ test

2. Aptitude tests:

  • a test to assess the ability to logically analyze verbal information (important for candidates for management positions);
  • a test to assess the ability to work with numerical information (presented in the form of graphs and tables).

Based on the testing results, the manager receives a full report or (upon request) a shorter report - in individual areas, scales, with the required degree of detail.

All methods used are computerized, which allows:

  • quickly process large amounts of information in a short period of time;
  • enter the assessment results of all employees into databases;
  • track the dynamics of changes in indicators to assess the progress of employees as a result of training and development;
  • conduct analytical research (for individual departments, professions, groups of employees);
  • reduce the labor intensity and cost of assessment procedures, etc.

Of course, the HR service strictly observes professional ethics: all test results are confidential information, and it is not passed on to third parties without the permission of the applicant.

Competency model

The basis of the system of assessment (competence and potential), training and development of personnel in our company is the corporate competency model.

Under competence we understand the quality of a person, described in terms of observable behavior, necessary for the effective performance of a particular activity. Competence is an integral characteristic that may include:

  • knowledge (possession of information);
  • skills (the ability to successfully perform certain actions);
  • motives (desire for something) and attitudes (attitude towards something, personal position, belief in something);
  • personality traits (individual psychological characteristics that determine modes of behavior in various situations).

We distinguish several types of competencies:

  1. Corporate:
    • set corporate requirements for all company employees;
    • determine the employee’s career growth potential in the company;
    • describe a person’s personal attitudes and motivation.
  2. Managerial:
    • describe the management skills and abilities necessary to be a successful leader of our company;
    • determine the employee’s readiness to perform managerial functions.
  3. Functional:
    • describe the specific skills and abilities required by an employee to successfully perform functional duties.

The main features of corporate competencies: compliance with the requirements of a specific company, taking into account the specifics of a specific enterprise and “internal universality” - the level of development of the required competencies of all DTEK employees must meet corporate requirements.

Corporate competency model DTEK is a set of key competencies necessary for employees to successfully achieve the strategic goals of our company. Within the framework of the corporate model, requirements for employees are specified - core competencies:

  1. Corporate:
    • result orientation;
    • openness to new things;
    • analytical and systems thinking;
    • initiative;
    • focus on economic feasibility;
    • cooperation.
  2. Managerial:
    • strategic vision (only for the first level of management);
    • development of subordinates;
    • execution management;
    • resource management (material, time, financial, human);
    • effective communication.
  3. Functional:
    • focus on the internal client;
    • internal consultant;
    • information gathering and attention to detail;
    • problem solving;
    • adherence to standards and norms;
    • change management;
    • strategic vision.

The development of a competency system was only the first step along the way restructuring of the entire personnel management system. Then it was necessary to formulate all the main HR processes on the basis of the competency model: selection, assessment, remuneration, development, career advancement, motivation. In addition, it was necessary to carry out a lot of explanatory work and train managers at all levels. Today, four years later, every DTEK employee knows what competencies and assessment are, and managers actively use new terminology and confidently carry out all procedures related to various types of assessment.

Annual personnel assessment

Since 2006, DTEK has held annual comprehensive assessment of employee performance (Performance Appraisal), which includes the following stages ( rice. 4):

  • competency assessment;
  • performance assessment;
  • drawing up a development plan (corporate minimum);
  • setting new goals.

Rice. 4. Annual performance evaluation cycle

The procedure for assessing employee performance includes the following stages:

1. Work planning, approval of assessment schedules. The assessment department draws up an extended schedule for conducting the assessment procedure. It displays 1) the main assessment stages in which employees take part, as well as 2) internal preparatory steps that employees do not see and do not participate in (there are about 40 such stages in total).

2. Notification of the start of the assessment procedure. From the corporate portal, we send messages to employees indicating the timing of the assessment.

3. Self-assessment of competencies. Each employee, using our instructions, independently completes the self-assessment section of the Employee Performance Evaluation Form.

4. Conducting assessment interviews. After the competency assessment, the manager meets with the employee being assessed. During the interview they jointly:

  • determine the employee’s strengths and directions for further development;
  • evaluate the achievement of goals during the reporting period;
  • draw up a project Development Plan(PR) employee for the next period.

During the assessment interview, the immediate supervisor assesses the level of development of the subordinate's competencies - fills out the appropriate section of the assessment Form. Then they discuss together:

  • results of self-assessment of competencies;
  • examples of manifestation of the assessed competencies;
  • level of development of competencies - compliance with established requirements.

The employee’s opinion about his strengths and weaknesses, his vision of the results of his activities, the arguments and evidence presented are taken into account when making the final decision.

When assessing performance, the manager analyzes the degree to which the employee has achieved his goals (achievement of KPIs) and gives expert assessment subordinate's achievements. The manager and subordinate are expected to clarify all controversial issues and come to a common opinion.

Then the manager, together with the evaluated employee, sets goals (KPIs) for the next period and makes proposals for further professional training (which is necessary to achieve the goals).

To the development plan, or corporate minimum(mandatory for all company employees), includes: one competency development program, one professional program and three distance electronic courses (at the employee’s choice). The employee himself, his immediate supervisor and a specialist from the assessment and development department, who directly organizes the training, are responsible for the implementation of the activities included in the plan.

The implementation of the employee development plan is a KPI for managers, which is taken into account when assessing its effectiveness. The percentage of implementation of development plans in the company is high.

5. Use of assessment results. After agreement with direct subordinates, the manager is obliged to submit completed and signed evaluation forms to the company's evaluation and development department within the established time frame. Based on the results of the annual comprehensive assessment of employee performance, decisions are made on:

  • bonuses;
  • salary revision;
  • enrollment in the personnel reserve;
  • promotion.

Then the data (assessment of the level of development of competencies and the degree of achievement of set goals) is transferred to the compensation and benefits management department. Based on this, bonuses are awarded to employees and salaries are reviewed in accordance with the company’s Remuneration Policy.

6. Summing up. After summarizing the assessment results by department, a consolidated analysis is made for the enterprise. The results of the assessment are taken into account when planning the wage fund (payroll) and the training budget for the next period (for individual divisions, enterprises and the company as a whole). Based on the findings, further improvements to assessment procedures and training plans are also being made.

Initially, the annual assessment was carried out using paper forms, but we have since converted it to electronic form. To automate the assessment process, a special section has been created on the DTEK Academy portal - “Annual Performance Assessment” ( rice. 5).

Click image for a larger view

Rice. 5. Tab “Annual performance assessment”

Here, each employee has his own page, which he, his managers and employees of the personnel management directorate have access to. All information is entered into the fields on the corresponding tabs ( rice. 6).

Click image for a larger view

Rice. 6. Tab “Performance Assessment”

Before the start of each assessment procedure, we train employees and managers. They attend information sessions and study a special training course (available on the internal portal). This is a mandatory step for all company employees: those who do not complete the training course do not receive access to their evaluation forms.

Assessing the potential of managers

To assess potential when selecting candidates for management positions, we use the methodology "Center for Assessment and Development", TsOiR ( Assessment and Development Center). We adopted this particular technique because it has the highest predictive validity among all existing assessment methods - up to 70%. The predictive validity of other assessment methods (recommendations, interviews, aptitude tests, etc.) is much lower - 7–30% (maximum). In addition, this technique allows you to assess not only the level of development of an employee’s key competencies at the current moment, but also his potential, and therefore very accurately determine the paths for further training and development.

As a rule, developers offer two options for using Assessment Center methods:

  • payment for evaluation of individual employees;
  • acquiring the right to independent use within the company, which involves training company specialists - assessors (expert observers) in the skills of preparing and conducting assessment procedures.

We chose the second option, which allowed the company, on the one hand, to reduce the cost of conducting assessments, and on the other hand, to fine-tune the assessment and development system to the needs of our organization. In the article “DTEK Personnel Management System” we already talked about the principles of forming a personnel reserve. A mandatory condition for enrollment in the reserve is passing the CO&R. Assessors not only prepare and carry out all assessment procedures, but also act as curators: they look after reservists and provide them with methodological assistance.

Work on mastering the CO&R methodology was carried out in stages:

  1. First, a corporate competency model was developed.
  2. Then, with the help of consultants, an assessment of the employees of the corporate center was carried out - about 150 people in total (10 assessments).
  3. Only after we were convinced that this technique suited us did we make the final decision to purchase the technology. Since 2007, we decided to abandon the practice of engaging external consultants. Among the products on the market (all of which are protected by copyright), we chose the methodology of the Russian company ECOPSY Consulting; it is quite widely used in large Russian companies (metallurgical, oil refining, etc.).
  4. Next, we trained and certified 12 corporate assessors from among our department employees, so now we evaluate DTEK employees on our own. Most of our assessors have a humanities or psychological education, but they are also well acquainted with production technologies and understand the problems that arise in production.

Today HR is an integral part of DTEK’s personnel management system; its resources allow us to evaluate all employees of the company. This area is handled by a special personnel reserve management department, which employs certified assessors.

The full cycle of one assessment procedure is three days (the number of the group cannot be more than 10 people). The estimated “throughput capacity” of the Center for Education and Responsibility is 40 people per month; but although this is an extremely labor-intensive procedure, we see its effectiveness, so we plan to use it constantly. The full cycle of assessment of all management personnel is two years, which is determined by the period necessary for the formation and development of competencies (on average two and a half to three years).

Assessment and Development Center

Who is being assessed by the Center for Research and Development:

  1. Heads of the corporate center (all levels of management) who have already been assessed more than two years ago.
  2. Heads of the corporate center (all levels of management) who have never been evaluated - they are sent there “automatically”.
  3. Employees holding non-management positions:
    • first of all, specialists who, based on the results of Performance Apprasial, showed the highest production results;
    • the remaining employees undergo selection testing to determine their ability to work with information and analyze problems.

The lists of participants in the CO&R include those employees who, based on the test results, scored the required number of points, but below the established target value: it makes no sense to invest additional funds in training employees who are recognized as overqualified for this position1.

What happens during the CO&R:

Stage I. Throughout the working day, participants perform business exercises, take part in business simulations and role-playing games. Each of them is observed in certain exercises by different assessors - this increases the accuracy and objectivity of the assessment. Assessors record their observations on special forms - they note the manifestation behavioral indicators 2, which describe the observed competence.

This is very interesting work, so all group members are actively involved in the process; people note that the day goes by very quickly.

We begin our work in the group by introducing the participants and assessors. The people being assessed are then given a variety of exercises, both group and individual.

With great interest - one might say, with passion - the participants of the Center for Education and Religion play an intellectual quiz (similar to the famous TV show “Oh, Lucky Man!”). This is an individual exercise, it is carried out in pairs: “expert - participant”. The assessee's task is to answer as many quiz questions as possible within five minutes. The questions are divided into 10 difficulty levels (six each): the difficulty increases as the level increases. The proposed questions do not go beyond the scope of the high school curriculum. The participant chooses them independently - in any order, at any level of complexity.

First, a warm-up is carried out - a person can choose any three questions (the time to answer them is not taken into account, but no points are awarded for the warm-up). This helps a person understand the format of the game, “feel” the complexity of various levels, and build their own strategy. Then the game “according to the rules” begins. For each correct answer to a question, the participant receives from one to ten points (their number corresponds to the difficulty level of the question). For each incorrect answer to a question, the participant loses from one to ten points (also in accordance with the difficulty level of the question). Thus, a person can end the game with a negative balance of answers. On average, participants “earn” 47 points for the quiz.

After finishing the exercise, the assessed employees together with the assessors discuss the results of the game. When assessing the performance of this exercise, experts pay attention not so much to erudition as to the participant’s ambition, his ability to build strategy and tactics, and his attitude towards his results - achievements and mistakes, victory and defeat. The information obtained makes it possible to evaluate “result orientation” competency.

Several team games are used in the CR process. For example, come up with and make (using simple stationery) a “corporate coat of arms” for the fictitious holding company “Agroinvest”, etc.

Stage II. An individual interview on competencies is conducted with each person being assessed (takes about two hours). At the previous stage, assessors formulate hypotheses regarding the presence of certain competencies in each of the CO&R participants. During the interview, the expert asks the participant to provide examples of actions from everyday life and work situations to confirm (or refute) the hypotheses.

Next, the experts have hard work to do: they finish processing their assessment sheets, and then at the general session, using a certain methodology, they bring together the assessments for each of the participants (for an example of a consolidated CR report on DTEK’s competencies, see application). The final decisions are made on the basis of consensus - experts conduct a dialogue until their positions are fully agreed upon. Finding consensus is a long process, but no serious disagreements (“battles”) arise: there are uniform standards, standard procedures for monitoring and evaluation. At the same time, since people are all different and our experts are no exception, some estimates differ. The team of assessors has already accumulated sufficient experience, so disagreements are resolved constructively. In addition, the time spent was reduced: if at first it took from one and a half to two hours to sum up one participant, now it takes 40 minutes to an hour.

Stage III. After completing the assessment approval procedures, the employee receives feedback - this is the most important moment of the CO&R. Communication must be very sensitive, so the assessor meets with each participant individually. Feedback gives a person the opportunity to see himself “from the outside,” find out the opinion of a competent specialist about his strengths and weaknesses, identify promising areas of development, receive advice on correcting mistakes and specific recommendations for self-development.

People interested in their development and career growth listen to the words of an expert: they write down his recommendations and use the conclusions of the target audience when building individual development plans. For those employees who are selected for the personnel reserve (Top 50 group), expert opinions form the basis of development plans.

While using this methodology for four years, we are constantly improving it and adapting it to the needs of our company.

The most difficult part of the COiR methodology is exercises (individual and group):

  • they require quite a lot (seven to eight exercises for one assessment);
  • very high labor intensity of development;
  • they constantly need to be updated.

Now we already have three packages of exercises with different scenarios, in addition, we are planning to purchase a fourth (for those employees who will undergo assessment in the fall of 2010).

To date, 806 people have already been assessed using the assessment methodology: employees of the corporate center and managers of production enterprises. Some employees have already undergone this procedure several times - in 2006 and 2008. If a person showed good results and then confirmed them in a new assessment cycle, he remains in the personnel reserve, but if the results worsen, he will be excluded from the reserve.

Based on the assessment results, we select those employees whose values ​​and competencies are in demand in our company. This allows us to minimize the risk of people leaving, including the risk of losing investment in their training. This is an important issue for us, because at the DTEK Academy reservists are trained in expensive programs.
1 Overqualified (English.) - “overly” qualified, that is, having more knowledge, skills and/or experience than is necessary for the work performed.
2 Behavioral indicators- description of specific actions, behavioral reactions, etc., indicating that the subject has the assessed competence.

  • Personnel assessment, assessment

The idea that employees somehow need to be evaluated both at the time of hiring and during the work process is constantly in the air. Many managers do this at the level of intuition: different versions of tests are developed, written and oral exams are conducted.

The only pity is that often the purpose of such certification is not to increase the level of professional competence of employees, but to get rid of an inconvenient employee by dismissing him (which, by the way, conflicts with Russian legislation). I have a living example, when in one of the luxury salons in St. Petersburg, the manager (not the owner of the business!) developed and conducted a test, as a result of which a professional administrator was fired. Subsequently, this administrator took the post of manager in another salon and very quickly brought its performance to a good level.

In Western countries, where management came to us from, as a science and art, personnel assessment is carried out with the following goals:

  • Identifying the potential of existing employees. Assessing the possibility of achieving enterprise goals together with these employees.
  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of employees. Drawing up a plan for training and development of personnel.
  • Creating an effective motivation system.
  • Strengthening corporate culture.

In other words, we are talking about increasing the profitability and competitiveness of a business, where the assessment system is an integral part of the company’s personnel management system.

Obtaining information about the financial position of an enterprise is quite simple: numbers are objective indicators. Obtaining information about the state of human resources is much more difficult. Moreover, objective information that will allow you to make competent management decisions. It is precisely because of the often occurring bias that personnel certification is so “unloved” by all employees and is a great stress for the entire team.

To move on to a more “substantive” conversation, let’s define the terms and basic provisions of the personnel evaluation system. In order to perform a certain job, any employee must have the desire (motivation) and abilities (a set of professional competencies). Accordingly, when an employee does not fulfill his job duties, or performs them poorly, he either “does not want” or “cannot” (practically, as in V.I. Lenin’s work “Three Sources...”). The task of the personnel assessment event is to find out what, in fact, is the reason for this “I don’t want” and “I can’t”, and how great the deviation from the norm is.

Necessary dictionary of terms.

Grade - comparison with the norm, standard.

Index- discrepancy between fact and standard.

KPI(KPI)– a key indicator of employee performance. Introduced for those positions that, through their efforts, can influence the overall result of the company. This is a quantitative indicator, it can be measured.

Standards – a set of fixed norms, rules, requirements that an employee must comply with.

Competency model – a set of requirements for professional knowledge, skills, experience, personal and work qualities that an individual must have to perform the functions of a specific position. Competencies include professional knowledge, skills, personal and professional qualities.

Competence – ability to implement competencies.

Skill– does the work either with the help of others, or its manifestation depends on the situation (for example, the presence of the director).

Skill– does the work independently. Appears regardless of the situation. Therefore, during the test, one can unambiguously judge its existence/absence and the degree of manifestation (rating scale).

It makes sense to conduct an assessment as an event at the following main stages of employee work:

  1. When hiring (competency assessment).
  2. At the end of the probationary period.
  3. Monitoring after a particular training: after 3 months (checking skill formation), after 6 months (checking effectiveness).
  4. Annual assessment is a current assessment of activities in accordance with the “Regulations on Assessment” adopted at the enterprise.

“Regulations on assessment” are drawn up at each enterprise and must contain the following items:

  1. general provisions. Determining the purpose of the assessment (who, why, when to evaluate).
  2. evaluation criteria (quantitative, qualitative).
  3. planned assessment methods.
  4. composition of the expert commission.
  5. composition of the evaluation commission (chairman of the commission, deputy chairman of the commission, secretary of the commission).
  6. assessment results (where they are reflected, what they influence). Note*. The results of the assessment can affect the employee’s salary, but only on its variable part, in contrast to Certification, the results of which affect tariff rates - the constant part.
  7. schedule of assessment activities.



This Regulation is agreed upon, approved, and introduced by order of the company.

The following are assessed:

  • Level of presence and development of required competencies
  • Work results
  • Level of professional competence
  • Employee potential

In more detail, using a specific example, we will analyze the concept of “competency model”.

EXAMPLE: Many managers and administrators cannot accurately determine whether the “administrator-cashier” position has the right to make independent decisions?

If we objectively evaluate the functional model of this position in the structure of the enterprise, we see that the profile of this position is “executive-controlling”. Not a single manager will trust his administrators with the right to independently manage finances, employees, or determine the operating mode of the enterprise. But somewhere within this position there is still a need to make independent decisions, because in the performance of his official duties the administrator is faced with a large number of unpredictable, non-standard situations caused by the behavior of the client or employee. It is impossible to predict all possible ways of developing contacts and describe them in standards. But this parameter is not decisive for the position as a whole. Accordingly, it is simply necessary to introduce an additional requirement for the competencies of a person occupying this position: stress resistance. And here it is necessary to unambiguously describe this competence. It will be characterized as “the ability to maintain emotional balance, speed of reaction and the ability to make decisions in an unusual situation within one’s competence.”

Similarly, based on the scope of functional tasks, we will determine the remaining competencies: what an applicant for the position should have:

  • education (secondary specialized, higher, profile),
  • professional skills (foreign language, computer skills),
  • qualities of character,
  • social status, etc.

This is called core competencies. There should be no more than 12 for objective assessment. Moreover, all selected competencies, especially those related to personality traits, must be described in such a way that they are clearly understood by both the manager and all other employees. After all, even the term “stress resistance” is understood by each of us in our own way, and the presence of this quality in an employee must be assessed objectively. In the future, competency assessment will be carried out precisely according to predetermined descriptions.

It is no coincidence that I constantly repeat the term “objectivity”. The lack of clear assessment tools leads to subjectivity and manipulation of the employee, which in turn gives rise to demotivation. Due to the subjectivity, this procedure is accompanied by negativity and fear of losing authority in one’s social group. For the assessment system to work, employees must know the required criteria, competencies, scales and adjust their behavior, which results in staff management.

The personnel assessment event itself is carried out in four stages:

  1. Study. Gathering facts using various methods.
  2. Measurement. Determination of quantitative and qualitative criteria, standards. Description of standards. Creation of scales.
  3. Direct assessment. Comparison of the obtained facts with the standards.
  4. Connection of the results obtained with the employee motivation system.

Let me give some explanations. Please note that all of the following activities, which we are accustomed to perceive as directly evaluative, are in fact only methods of collecting facts:

  • Interview, interviews, questionnaires, review of resumes,
  • Studying personnel documents,
  • Testing,
  • Workplace surveillance
  • Study of financial documents,
  • Assessment center (a method for assessing the professionally important qualities of employees, in which the behavior of employees is assessed in specially simulated situations in which the qualities and competencies necessary for successful work in a given organization can manifest themselves),
  • “360* Method” - feedback (this is an assessment tool employee efficiency, as well as his personal and professional qualities based on an analysis of the opinions of people with whom the employee directly interacts in the course of work),
  • "Secret Shopper"
  • Cases,
  • Business games.

All these activities only allow us to obtain certain facts related to the employee’s activities. It is not yet possible to draw conclusions; to do this, it is necessary to determine to what extent the competencies and skills are present in the employee being assessed. For this purpose, scales with points are developed - the degree of manifestation of the skill. The scale can be either elementary (“yes”-“no”) or multi-level (up to 5 – 7 levels).

Accordingly, at the “measurement” stage, the activities and behavior of the employee being assessed are compared with developed standards and norms and points are assigned.

It is this stage in the assessment system that is the most critical, because ensures objectivity. For observation, professional assessment sheets should also be developed, in which the observer fills in the appropriate fields (for example, in the “secret shopper” method). Then these evaluation sheets are deciphered. It must be said that an assessment event gives good results when well-established methods and procedures are used, and the regulations and rules for conducting the event, recorded in the relevant documents (Regulations, instructions), are observed.

To conduct assessment activities, it is necessary to prepare not only the employee being assessed, but also the expert who will directly conduct the assessment event. For example, when conducting a competency assessment, it is desirable that the expert be a person “in the profession.” This greatly increases the value of the assessment exercise. For example, when assessing a cosmetologist, the expert should be a cosmetologist with extensive experience and relevant specialization. Hairdresser - stylist, senior master, mentor. Administrator - manager. But in order to avoid the subjectivity of the expert, he must learn how to collect information: how to observe the manifestation of a skill level, how to conduct an interview on competencies, how to identify the level of manifestation of competence.

The secret shopper method is an assessment of standards. Therefore, here the expert does not have to have special knowledge, but also receives instructions: how to behave, what to pay attention to, in what directions to ask questions, what type of client to play, at what point to fill out the assessment sheet, how to fill out the assessment sheet. With a well-developed technique, this method can be used quite often, without involving only trusted persons - relatives, friends. It is possible to attract students, and for the manager the costs of attracting such an external expert can be comparable to the cost of courier services.

In the case when the assessment is carried out without special training, collecting facts and measuring each employee is a new task each time, which increases the likelihood of errors and reduces objectivity. Beauty industry enterprises are not subject to mandatory certification, so we are faced with a lack of practical experience in conducting this event in a quality manner, which calls into question the feasibility of its holding.

Even before the start of personnel assessment activities, preparatory work must be carried out:

  • the organizational structure of the company is being clarified
  • job descriptions are reviewed and clarified
  • a system of corporate competencies is being developed
  • Key performance indicators of the company are determined
  • individual competencies and key performance indicators are prescribed for each position being assessed

After this, the necessary changes are made to the standard score sheets. All updated standards and corporate competencies remain with the company and serve as a starting point for subsequent assessment activities.

An example of an evaluation sheet for “administrator appearance standard.”



First impression




Below the average

Above average

Features of the figure

Within normal limits

Tendency to corpulence


Hair – type, color.

Neat hairstyle, clean hair. Laying. Painting - in accordance with the status of the interior.

The hair is collected, there is no styling. The coloring is normal.

There is no hairstyle. Overgrown, uncolored roots.

Well-groomed, manicured in accordance with the status of the salon

Hygienic manicure

Lack of manicure

Well-groomed skin, daytime makeup, light tan.

Well-groomed skin, no makeup

Problem skin, unkempt

Form. Availability of a badge. Neatness.

Your own clothing, but meets the requirements of the company (color, type, badge). Clean, tidy.

Inconsistency of clothing style. Untidy.

Business style. Heel height no more than 5 cm. Black color. Clean. Stockings.

Free style, bright color. Lack of stockings.

Slippers. Lack of replacement shoes.


Expensive accessories demonstrating social status. No more than 2 positions.

Your own style, there is taste. Small size. No more than 2 positions.

Large bright plastic decorations

Facial expression.

Friendliness, smile, goodwill.


The ability to maintain a straight posture, straightened shoulders, and raised head.

The tone is reduced, does not control posture.

Slouches, head is always down

Posture, gait.

Open, natural. In a light tone.

Semi-closed. The tone is reduced.

Closed. Lethargic.

When should you seriously think about conducting assessment activities? In my opinion, this is most relevant for an enterprise that has emerged from the state of “infancy” and is at the stage of active development and growth. That is, this is an enterprise with an age of 2 - 3 years and older. The team has become established, a corporate culture has developed, the goals have changed: it is no longer “to survive and take market share,” but “to develop and expand market share.” It should be noted that assessment procedures in themselves do not have independent significance; they are only material for making management decisions. Therefore, when you decide to hold such an event, be sure to set yourself a goal: why am I conducting employee assessments? In this case, the purpose of the assessment is clear to both you and the employees themselves, and you understand what you will do with the results.

What can you do with the results of personnel assessment?

The results of employee assessments allow you to decide the following: identify the causes of problems, improve current activities.

A decrease in employee performance is always an external sign. The root causes are much deeper. If an enterprise is perceived as a system, as an organism, then it is advisable to first make a diagnosis and then give medicine. There can be many reasons for the ineffective work of employees, and financial dissatisfaction is not always at the forefront. Functional demotivating factors include the following: the employee does not know the tasks of his position, the scope of authority and responsibility is not defined. The subordination structure as a whole is not transparent. Does not understand the manager's expectations of his work in this position. I am not familiar with the criteria for evaluating his activities. From practice: outright sabotage can occur at enterprises; there may be a long-standing internal conflict, for example, between an administrator and a manager; functionality may be violated: in words and according to the job description, only powers are declared, but in reality all issues are decided by the owner, the initiative is abruptly nipped in the bud, and no one is interested in the manager’s opinion; in addition, there is both insufficient and unjustified delegation of powers by the owner to the manager; The personal characteristics of the owner or manager of the business can also become a problem - not only the demandingness and rigidity of the manager (in other words, despoticism), but also tolerance, as well as mercy (“help me find reasons to leave an employee at work, and do not fire"); Another “classic” reason for ineffective work is corruption and theft. In other words, every enterprise has its own nuances.

How to improve current activities after receiving the results of an employee assessment?

This can be achieved by linking to a motivation system, both material and non-material.

And of course, the assessment results should work for the development of the enterprise: human resource planning, career growth (movement of employees by position), training plans, adjustment of company plans depending on the ability of employees to complete assigned tasks.

As a rule, in beauty salons, due to the small number of staff (unless, of course, they are chains), there is practically no such thing as career growth. Employees with a good level of ambition and ability grow up and leave - as a rule, they open their own businesses. But it’s quite possible to grow administrators into strong managers, managers, and finally directors! Why do many owners forget about this? Why not give such an employee the opportunity to develop and work? And in fact, we have many positions for which we can develop our staff: art director, mentor, lead colorist, manager, senior manager, manager, etc. As a result, by creating a career growth system, you get rid of constant dependence on “grown” employees, create healthy competition, can plan human resources, and adjust the development goals of your enterprise.

Naturally, based on the results of the employee assessment, it is necessary to plan the training of individual specialists, and the training of the most promising employees may even need to be done at the expense of the salon. Personal demotivation of an employee is always associated with a discrepancy between personal competencies and the position held. Training allows you to successfully cope with such problems.

For example, at one of the enterprises, customer registration was always carried out in the traditional way - manually in a record book. After the introduction of automation, recording began to be done on a computer. One of the administrators, whom the manager generally characterized as “the best salesman,” began to constantly make mistakes when recording and when filling out document forms on the computer. Over time, these mistakes began to be perceived as malicious sabotage. The employee’s internal tension began to increase, conflict levels increased, the effectiveness of his activities decreased, and the manager was considering the issue of replacing him. Based on the results of the assessment activities, it was revealed that this administrator’s psychological type is kinesthetic*, who simply needs to hold paper and pen in his hands in order to perform the action correctly. As a result of the assessment testing, additional training in PC skills was organized specifically for this employee.


* Kinesthetic - in psychology, one of the types of people according to their preferred (representational) way of perceiving the world around them. For kinesthetic learners, sensitive experience and emotional reinforcement are primarily important. They also remember smells, tactile contacts, and physical actions well.

Another result of the assessment testing may be training employees in interaction and teamwork techniques. As we mentioned above, quite often in teams there are hidden conflicts at the administrative level. The reason for this is the incompatibility of psychological types and the inability of people to work in a team. In this case, training employees in group interaction techniques and conducting team building activities is very useful.

Concluding the conversation about the need to use a personnel evaluation system, one cannot help but cite the statement of the guru of modern management, Eliyahu Goldratt: “optimizing the component parts of the system separately will ultimately bring losses in the system.” Assessment activities for a manager are an opportunity to see their enterprise as a system, save effort and time in personnel management and make the right management decisions.


* Eliyahu Goldratt is an internationally recognized expert in the development of new management concepts and systems. His books, educational materials and scientific articles have changed modern ideas about organization and management in general. He developed a unique set of Thinking Processes - a set of logical and systematic thinking methods that allow the development of unique solutions and ensure the process of continuous improvement of organizations.

Annex 1.

Excerpt from Labor Code Article 81.

The main objectives of employee certification are:

determining the employee’s professional suitability for the position held;

identifying the prospects for using the employee’s potential abilities and capabilities;

stimulating the growth of employee professional competence;

determination of areas for advanced training, professional training or retraining of an employee;

making proposals for the transfer of personnel, dismissal of an employee from a position, as well as transfer to a more (or less) qualified job.

Certification of employees can be regular (regular) or extraordinary.

In those organizations for which mandatory certification is not established, certification may be carried out at the initiative of the employer. For this purpose, a local Regulation on certification should be developed, which defines the terms, procedure and conditions for its implementation, criteria and methods for assessing the qualifications and professional competence of employees, taking into account the specifics of the labor functions that they perform.

The following are taken into account as general indicators for all categories of employees: level of education, amount of specialized knowledge in a given field, length of service in a given or similar position. For each professional qualification group, its own assessment criteria can be developed. The responsibilities of an employee for each position and profession are established in the tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide positions of employees. The responsibilities of workers are set out in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers.

By analogy with the legal norms on mandatory certification, optional certification of employees can be carried out no more than once every two years. Employees who have worked for less than a year, pregnant women, and women on maternity leave are not subject to certification. Specific deadlines, as well as the certification schedule, are approved by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the certified employees at least two weeks before the start of certification. To carry out certification, a certification commission is approved, which usually includes heads of departments and highly qualified specialists.

For each certified person, no later than two weeks before the start of the certification, a performance review (representation) is submitted, which is prepared by his immediate supervisor. This submission must contain an analysis and assessment of the employee's personality, including his professional qualities, individual abilities, as well as work results for the previous period. If an employee fails to attend a meeting of the certification commission without good reason, the commission may conduct certification in his absence.

Based on the results of the employee’s certification, the certification commission makes recommendations in one of the following areas:

corresponds to the position (profession);

corresponds to the position (profession) held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission with re-certification after a year;

does not correspond to the position (profession) held.

for promotion,

change in official salary,

rewards for employee achievements,

inclusion in the nomination reserve.

The performance assessment of the person being certified is adopted by open voting. The voting results are determined by a majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the person being certified is recognized as appropriate for the position held. When certifying an employee who is a member of the certification commission, the person being certified does not participate in voting. In this case, voting, as a rule, is carried out in the absence of the employee being certified. The results of the certification are entered into the certification sheet, which is signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the certification commission and stored in the employee’s personal file.

However, the results of optional certification cannot be a direct basis for dismissal, transfer to another (lower paid) job, and the employee’s salary cannot be reduced. To make such decisions, it is necessary to take into account the employee’s performance of work duties, internal labor regulations, violations and errors in work over the previous year.

In accordance with sub. "b" clause 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, one of the grounds for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer is the discovered inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by certification results. Insufficient qualifications of an employee should be expressed in the absence of the necessary knowledge and skills, which excludes the possibility of normal performance of duties for a specific position (job). An employee’s lack of special education does not serve as indisputable evidence of his inadequacy for a particular job, provided that the presence of special education is not a mandatory condition for a person’s admission to work (clause 22 of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1992 No. 16). Dismissal on this basis can be challenged by the employee in court. In this case, the conclusions of the certification commission about the employee’s business qualities will be considered in court along with other evidence (for example, certificates of failure to comply with labor standards without good reason, untimely and poor performance of the employer’s tasks, errors in the work process, etc.).

The rapidly changing world and the challenges of modern life force the company to constantly change and adapt its staff to new conditions. People become the company's main resource; both the financial and production performance of GEFCO ultimately depend on them. In my opinion, the company’s philosophy in the field of personnel management is best illustrated by a quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “If you want to build a ship, you don’t need to call people together, plan, divide the work, get tools. We need to infect people with the desire for the endless sea. Then they will build the ship themselves..."

Development of management competencies

The principles of our work and responsibility to clients set us the task of working for results and achieving a common goal as a team. That is why effective managers and their ability to not just mechanically organize work, give out instructions and control their implementation, but motivate employees for a great joint undertaking are very important to us.

One of the highest priority areas of work in the field of personnel management for GEFCO is working with managers. Most of our leaders have the ability to “ignite” people and give them inspiration. We value this skill, it is a talent of its own. But every talent can and should be developed. In addition, managers are the agents of strategy in the company, they help to translate and implement changes throughout the organization - and for this they must have the appropriate skills.

To develop the competencies of managers, GEFCO has created a training system consisting of 10 modules. All company managers undergo training. The first module represents the basics of leadership, this is the initial stage of developing management competencies.

The next module is Management by Objectives, that is, learning the process of aligning goals within an organization so that company management and employees share goals and understand what they mean for the organization.

The third module is personnel selection. Within its framework, the manager studies how to better and more effectively select employees, how to evaluate candidates and how to interview a potential employee.

We also have modules dedicated to ensuring labor safety, quality management, and work standards in the company. A special module involves studying change management - the manager learns how to motivate his employees, create new projects, and develop the organization as a whole.

Salesperson training

The company places great importance on training employees involved in sales. This is explained by the fact that GEFCO initially specialized in working with clients from the automotive industry. However, over the past few years, we have been actively exploring new segments of the transport and logistics market, collaborating with manufacturers from other industries: aircraft manufacturing, industrial equipment, as well as manufacturers of consumer goods. Accordingly, we want to see our salespeople as more versatile specialists who can find an approach to different clients.

Training sales employees is to give them knowledge about the company, about changes in it, about its new opportunities. This helps our employees communicate more effectively with clients and create optimal offers.

How to become a teacher?

Another area of ​​personnel development worth mentioning is internal training. We offer our specialists who are proficient in a particular topic to train other employees. One of these initiatives is the “Finance for Non-financiers” course, when our financial workers, directors and managers, explain to their colleagues how work with finance is organized, what dividends are, and how to calculate profits. Moreover, they explain all this in simple words understandable to a non-specialist.

To increase the effectiveness of internal training, GEFCO has created a special module “How to be a teacher” so that our employees, who have unique knowledge, can present it correctly and clearly to their colleagues.

Competency assessment

GEFCO has mapped all job positions outlining the competencies expected of staff. These maps trace all business lines, all structures of the organization, reflect all positions - from the lowest to the top. Thus, we have a model of our organization, certain job standards, and we can evaluate how much our people match these standards, how much their competencies allow them to perform tasks and at what level. We can also measure how ready the entire team is to solve the problems facing the organization, and determine which specialists we lack.

Retraining and development of personnel become especially important during periods of difficult economic situations such as today. The selection of new personnel is carried out more carefully. And the existing staff must be adapted to the decreasing volume of work and market demands. Thus, personnel changes are directly dependent on market needs. Now, for example, the volume of work in everything related to automotive logistics is decreasing, but in industrial logistics (transportation of equipment or components) we have real prospects for expanding the business. The number of automotive logistics specialists at GEFCO is now greater than what is actually required. But in the areas that we want to develop, there are not enough of them. In this situation, we are developing internal mobility by offering professionals who are motivated to further develop in the company to retrain and move to work in other areas. In general, our specialists willingly accept such offers, seeing in them a chance for professional development.

Integration with JSC Russian Railways

Another area that requires close attention from the point of view of personnel policy is integration with JSC Russian Railways. We are now in an active stage of integration and are working closely, in particular, with the HR Department of JSC Russian Railways.

Not long ago, a joint project was completed to train employees of the Russian Railways holding company in the Russian and European divisions of GEFCO. Young employees who speak a foreign language well took part in it. This is a very interesting approach to speeding up integration. I think that we will soon see the fruits of this work. But today we can say with certainty that such projects allow us to better understand each other and establish closer interaction. Like Russian Railways, we are interested in attracting young, promising employees because they think in new and out-of-the-box ways, including helping us understand how to improve our teamwork.

I must note that at the company we take working with young promising employees and promising employees in general extremely seriously. In particular, they spend 1–2 years preparing for their future work, and during this time they gain a clear understanding of what career prospects they have and what position they can apply for.

Annual personnel assessment

It is quite easy to identify high-potential employees - just pay attention to their work. But, if suddenly for some reason we did not notice that there is a genius among us, we correct this mistake with the help of an annual personnel assessment. During this procedure, the employee’s work for the year is summed up. At this moment it is possible to calculate and note the special contribution of a particular employee to the result that the company has achieved. If a person exceeds the expectations placed on him, we include him in the list of high-potential employees.

During the annual assessment, we see the employee’s achievements, understand how well he has completed the tasks assigned to him, and also determine the level of his competencies. All this allows us to set new goals for him. Using a job map, we evaluate employees based on both professional and behavioral criteria. This helps us understand how a person behaves in a team and how well he works.

The assessment procedure is as follows. Each manager receives a template listing the competencies of each employee on his team, and he must assign a rating for each competency. The manager himself measures the degree of compliance of his employee with the model adopted in the company. This cannot be done without the help of HR specialists; they organize the entire process. We also provide special training for managers so that they can correctly evaluate their employees. After ratings are given, we analyze how managers carried out the entire procedure. The results of work with personnel may affect the size of the manager's bonus. As a result, we received a sufficiently strong motivating factor to conduct a high-quality personnel assessment.

Development of customer focus

I would especially like to highlight one of the key competencies for the company – customer focus. We are focused on long-term cooperation with our clients, but we can only gain the trust of our clients if we are able to understand and implement their wishes and if they are satisfied with the quality of our work.

Accordingly, the company attaches great importance to developing customer-oriented competence among employees. We approach different categories of our specialists differently. After all, among them there are those who communicate very closely with customers; for them, customer focus is a key competency. And there are performers, they interact directly with the client to a lesser extent. For this category of personnel, it is important to complete the work efficiently, on time and without any losses.

But all employees of our company must understand that the purpose of their work is to satisfy the needs of customers, to provide them with logistics and industrial services. The development of the company’s business and its reputation depend on the quality of work of each employee.

How are final grades for the year determined? This issue worries not only the schoolchildren themselves, but also their parents. Let's talk about the regulatory documents that Russian teachers use in their work.

Local acts

Each educational institution adopts its own Regulations, according to which final grades are set for the year and quarter. It contains detailed instructions that teachers use in their work.

In addition to the general Regulations, there are also special additions and explanations according to which final grades for the year are assigned in primary school, middle school, and at the senior level of education.

The instructions are mandatory for all teachers who teach a particular academic discipline.

Marks are given for the quarter from the second half of the year in grade 2 to grade 9 inclusive. Assessment of schoolchildren at the senior level (grades 10-11) is carried out only by half-year.

Current assessment

How are grades assigned for the year by half-year? Let us consider in detail the algorithm of the teacher’s actions.

In the process of conducting a training session, the teacher checks the knowledge and skills of his students and puts current grades in the electronic journal.

For each type of work: oral history, written test, practical experiments, defense of abstracts, a separate column is provided in the electronic diary. Weekly monitoring of current grades is carried out by the class teacher and parents of students. The final grades for the year should not be affected by the behavior of children during classes and extracurricular activities.

Half-year assessment

The grades that a teacher gives to high school students in their subject must be reasonable and timely. During the reporting period, the child must receive at least three grades for disciplines taught once a week, and at least five for subjects where the teaching load is 2 hours a week.

Approximately two weeks before the end of the semester, the teacher brings information about preliminary grades to the class teacher. Marks are given according to the deadlines specified in the school order drawn up by the head of the educational institution.

After introducing an electronic diary, the teacher no longer needs to look for the arithmetic average by summing up all the student’s grades and then dividing the resulting figure by the number of grades. Russian schools have begun to use an electronic journal in which these actions are performed automatically. Depending on which answer option was marked, it has a different effect on the total score. For example, if you receive an unsatisfactory grade on the final test, the weighted average score for the half-year is automatically reduced. And the student will not be able to count on getting an “excellent” grade.

How is a grade given for the year if a controversial grade is obtained based on the results of two half-years? This issue is explained in detail in the new educational standards.

If after carrying out mathematical operations the mark is “3.4”, then in this case the teacher gives “satisfactory”. Upon receiving a score of “3.6” the child receives a “good” mark. The Federal State Educational Standard indicates that grades are rounded towards the student, regardless of the level of education.

Year marks

Let's try to find out how the school grade is given for the year. For primary and secondary schoolchildren, quarter marks are used, which are taken into account when calculating the annual mark. In high school, grades for half a year are taken into account, and on their basis, the final result is obtained by calculating the arithmetic average.

If the result is a non-integer number, then the grade for the year is given in favor of the student. If controversial situations arise, all control and verification work is taken into account. Parents have the right to express their disagreement in writing with the mark given to their child. In this case, in an educational institution, by order of the director, a special commission is created that verifies the correctness of the teacher’s actions.

If the teacher has complied with all the requirements of the instructions adopted in this educational institution, parents receive a motivated written response, and the finished grade does not change. If the commission identifies violations when assigning a grade, it is adjusted, and the student’s parents or legal representatives are also notified.

Final grades

In addition to quarterly and semi-annual grades, final grades are also given in graduating classes. What should you consider? If a child does not choose a final assessment in the ninth grade in the 11th grade) in a given academic discipline, the final mark duplicates the annual assessment.

When displaying the final result for the children who took the exam in the subject, the score obtained is summed up with the annual score, and the arithmetic average is displayed. How are grades for the year, as well as marks in the certificate, correctly assigned?

If the resulting number is not an integer value, rounding is carried out in favor of the student.

In controversial situations, an oral or written test of the quality of the student’s knowledge in the subject that has become the subject of conflict is assigned. The decision of the educational commission is drawn up in the form of a special protocol and is final.

Grading system

Many parents struggle to understand how grades are assigned throughout the year. Grade 2 involves assessment only from the second half of the year. Mastering academic disciplines is accompanied by intermediate control and final certifications.

The intermediate test of knowledge is a separate element of assessing the achievements of schoolchildren; it is not related to current academic performance.

Current control is a systematic check of schoolchildren's educational achievements. The teacher uses it in the course of educational activities according to thematic planning.

The main purpose of such a knowledge test is to monitor the level of educational achievements of schoolchildren, which are provided for by the program for a given academic discipline, to analyze the compliance of the results with educational standards, and to carry out self-assessment by students. Based on the results obtained, the teacher plans to adjust knowledge and skills and builds individual development trajectories for each student.

The results of current monitoring are recorded on a five-point scale. Some educational institutions decide to evaluate current knowledge in the form of “pass” or “fail.”

Individual training

Recently, the number of schoolchildren who study under individual programs has increased. The recording of their universal learning skills is carried out in full accordance with the curriculum developed for a particular child. If a student has serious health problems, inclusive education is organized for him. For example, using Skype, a teacher communicates with a child, conducts training sessions for him, and checks his homework.

The teacher has the right to think over his own version of assessments for ongoing control, but final grades are set according to the same rules as for other schoolchildren. In case of disputed grades for a quarter, half-year or year, it is determined between all grades, and the final grade is set in favor of the child.

Important points

In the first grades of Russian schools, according to the new federal standards, grade-free education is used.

When conducting optional and elective courses at the middle and senior levels, a credit system is chosen.

The assessment option is indicated in the course program and is brought to the attention of schoolchildren and their parents. It is also pre-approved by the pedagogical council.

If an academic discipline does not have a special manual, then the teacher can offer creative tasks to the children as a test. This system is suitable for subjects and courses where it is difficult to express the result of learning using a classic five-point scale.


Despite the innovative transformations that have affected Russian education in recent years, the assessment system is still an effective tool in the work of teachers. During the lesson, the teacher conducts a frontal, individual survey, and puts marks in an electronic journal.

In the case of an assessment test, initially all schoolchildren are informed of the criteria by which the “credit” will be awarded. In addition, students may be given test questions, the correct answers to which will entitle them to receive “credit” for the course being assessed.

Currently, there is a heated debate between supporters and opponents of the five-point system for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren. Some teachers propose completely abandoning the assessment system in high school, replacing it with test tasks. Despite such tempting offers, Russian education still uses a five-point option for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren.