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Dream of rescuing a child from the water. I dreamed of saving a drowning man in a dream. Rescue work in other dream books

Sometimes you have to do strange things, which cannot but raise the question: why is this, what does such a night dream mean? Thus, the most ordinary salesman or engineer can suddenly become brave and save a drowning person in a dream. We invite you to get acquainted with dream books and find out how this unusual dream is interpreted.

General interpretation

A good half of dream interpreters agree that the image is positive for the sleeper, but suggests that a loved one (family member or friend) needs his support.

However, to accurately read the clue of fate, it is important to pay attention to the details of the plot. For example, saving a person while experiencing negative emotions, since the person being saved is not particularly pleasant as a person to his savior, means that in reality he will have to commit several actions that the dreamer will bitterly regret.


The most important point to pay attention to when analyzing a dream is where the events unfold. There are several options:

  • Swimming pool at the house. This means that in reality one of the family members now needs the help of the sleeping person.
  • Pond, forest lake. You will have to provide support to a friend.
  • River. A work colleague is waiting for help, and his question may have nothing to do with work.
  • You have to come to the rescue of a good friend who has not become a friend (but this may happen in the near future).

We must try to remember exactly where we had to be rescued. Dream books will tell you which of your close people is most likely to experience trouble, and will help you deal with the problem in time. After such a dream, you should be attentive and sensitive to your surroundings, because not every person faced with a difficulty will ask for help; perhaps the sleeper himself will have to determine who especially needs it.

Plot outline

For the analysis of night vision, what exactly happened is of particular importance. For example, if it was not possible to save a drowning person in a dream, he disappeared forever into the abyss of water, then in reality it is necessary to act quickly - a loved one or relative cannot wait, his issue needs to be resolved immediately.

In the case where the rescue was successful, you can act thoughtfully and carefully, the situation is not catastrophic, and the problem will most likely be successfully resolved without much effort from the dreamer.

Saving a drowning baby in a dream is a very good sign: the dreamer is entering a white streak in his life, he will be lucky, all his undertakings will be successfully implemented. Now is the time to try your hand at a new field, explore horizons, and experiment. The dream predicts material well-being and an idyll in family relationships. And for couples who have been dreaming of replenishing their family for a long time, such a night vision promises the desired pregnancy of the wife.

Having seen such a dream, it is important to remember that it is unacceptable to refuse help to someone who needs it; fate itself will severely punish for indifference.

Strange plot twists

In the kingdom of Morpheus, everything is possible, so it is not surprising that in a dream you may have to save a drowning person in an unusual place, for example, in an aquarium. This dream suggests that the dreamer is now in dire need of help. He may believe that he is able to cope with the difficulties that have befallen him, but such a night dream is a warning - this is not so, he cannot deal with the problem alone, so he must overcome himself and ask for help.

Relatives and friends will certainly come to the rescue, and together we will be able to find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Actions of the sleeper

Dream books suggest that the interpretation of a dream can be different depending on how the dreamer behaved in his own dream. So, if in a dream he began to save a drowning person after short thoughts and hesitations, then in reality such a vision can only mean that thanks to his help this person will only create financial difficulties for himself. For example, he will lend money to a person who, not being honest, will simply deceive the sleeping person. Dream interpreters recommend being careful and not trusting just anyone.

If you managed to come to the aid of an animal or a child of any age, then in reality the sleeping person will have good luck. At work, he will finally be noticed and appreciated, perhaps even promoted.

Save a (girl) - to receive an unexpected, but very pleasant gift. It can also mean winning the lottery. To help a woman dreams that in real life she will have to support a loved one in an important matter for him, which is not associated with a risk to life or health, for example, in elections or a beauty contest.

Rescue the Sleeper

In which they came to the aid of the dreamer himself, extracting him from the depths of the sea? Most often, this image appears to a person who is at a crossroads; it is important for him to make a difficult decision for himself. And the dream tells you - you don’t have to act at your own peril and risk, you can ask for help from your parents, friends, more experienced colleagues, this will help you avoid fatal mistakes and failures.

Successful self-rescue is a sign that the sleeping person has no unsolvable problems at this stage of his life’s journey, everything is in his hands, and he can do everything, the main thing is to believe in himself and be active. The American dream book explains the image as follows: the dreamer can solve any of his problems himself, his apparent weakness and defenselessness is only an appearance in which he nevertheless believes. It's time to give up such oppressive thoughts and express yourself fully.

A dream in which the sleeper had to help someone get out of the water element most often foreshadows the need to come to the rescue in real life. Most dream interpreters promise the sleeper material well-being and success, an important condition of which is to help someone in need, to support him with action, kind words, and finances. The good will return many times over.

The article on the topic: “dream book to save a drowning child from the water” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Why dream of saving a drowning child? According to the dream book, you will have to take care of a relative or a sick son or daughter, and fight with a rival. A vision in a dream promises successful endeavors, overcoming financial complications, and winning the respect of others.

Help yourself and your loved ones

If the dreamed child was a stranger, the plot personifies the dreamer’s search for help for himself.

Seeing a drowning baby means feeling fear for loved ones. To save a drowning child means you will soon have to take care of a relative who gets sick.

Seeing yourself as the savior of someone else’s son or daughter means: his helplessness in the face of the elements reflects your lack of faith in your own strengths and capabilities. But decisive actions in a dream indicate: it is necessary to take certain steps to change something in life.

Why do you dream that your child was drowning and you pulled him out of the water? The dream book explains: you have strong internal fears and worries. Stop worrying about small troubles and overprotecting your own children.

Fighting a rival, caring for relatives

Did a woman dream that she pulled someone’s baby out of the water? In reality, she will fight with her rival for her lover, and will succeed.

Saving him in clean water in a dream means that all the enterprises that you will soon begin will end successfully and bring good results.

Saving a drowning child from a muddy, dirty pond foretells: thanks to dedication, the dreamer will ensure the safety of his loved ones.

Did you dream of saving your own child? In reality, your son or daughter may become seriously ill and you will have trouble caring for him.

Solving financial problems, favorable period

Why dream of not letting him drown? The dream book calls a drowning baby a harbinger of financial troubles, so the vision indicates: with some effort, you can overcome them.

Helping a daughter flounder in a pond in a dream means: serious losses are possible, so you should plan your expenses better.

Rushed to save your son? The dream book tells you: a favorable period will begin, good changes will occur in all areas of life.

Where was it?

Remember where the action took place. So he floundered in:

  • river - a successful fight against life’s difficulties;
  • lake - a critical situation can be overcome by maintaining prudence and calm;
  • sea ​​- anxiety at work, in business;
  • pool - unforeseen obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • in the bath - many difficulties where they were not expected;
  • dirt - you will find yourself among unpleasant people.

Miller's Dream Book: You will achieve respect

Did you dream of saving a drowning child? The interpretation of the dream promises: thanks to your kindness towards others, you will achieve their respect.

Overcome problems and help your friends

Why dream of helping a complete stranger? In reality, problems at work will begin, but you will successfully solve them.

To see in a dream how you are pulling someone’s drowning child out of a river or sea means, according to the dream book: you will help an acquaintance or friend who is much weaker than you or is in distress.

Saving a child choked in water portends the achievement of happiness and prosperity. But the path to prosperity will be long and difficult.

Why do you dream about a drowned child?

Children are the most important thing in every person’s life. This is why all mothers and fathers always worry about their children, both in their dreams and in reality. You can often meet people who are very frightened by dreams where their children were in danger. Is something in danger for a child if he dreams that he drowned? This question interests people first of all.

Why do you dream of a drowned child according to various dream books?

Dream Interpreter Astromeridiana

The interpretation of a dream according to this dream book depends on many factors. First of all, such a dream indicates that you are a responsive person, always ready to help. In addition, the dream may indicate the presence of unrealized plans. The interpretation of a dream in which a child was drowning, but you managed to pull him out of the water, is considered positive. This means that in real life you will be able to overcome circumstances and emerge victorious. If you watched a child drown from the sidelines, then probably one of your loved ones needs help. If you saw in a dream a drowned child who can no longer be helped, your affairs will end in failure.

Miller's opinion

If you saw your child drown, then this is a negative sign. Seeing that a baby drowned in a well in a dream means life will not change for the better. But if you managed to save the baby, financial well-being and monetary rewards await you.

Version of the Gypsy dream book

A drowning child, according to this version, is a harbinger of financial losses and illness. Anyone who has had such a dream should be more attentive to loved ones and listen to their advice. Seeing yourself in a dream as a drowning child means changes will soon occur in your life. You should prepare for life to change and not be afraid of it.

Female interpreter

To save a child from water in a dream, you are trying to return the feelings of a loved one. If you managed to save your baby in a dream, then there is no need to worry about your significant other leaving you. However, if you were unable to pull the baby out of the water alive, then such a dream is a harbinger of an imminent separation from your loved one. You should not try to return your former love, it is better to open up to a new relationship.

Esoteric dream book

If you see a child drowning without saving him, you will find yourself defenseless against the machinations of ill-wishers. The sleeper may be attacked by competitors and suffer financial losses. If in a dream you tried to save someone else’s child from a quagmire, then this is a harbinger of a serious illness that can deprive you of sleep for many months. It also matters what kind of water the child drowns in. If you saw in a dream how you followed a child into clear water, then such a dream foreshadows a successful resolution of any situation. However, if the baby could not be saved, obstacles may appear in your life that will be difficult to overcome.

Family Dream Book version

Seeing a drowning child in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer himself, his childish beginning. This means that you are fighting with the child inside you.

If you dream that a friend’s child is drowning in a lake? Such a dream can be a harbinger of the loss of a close friend. Moreover, the separation will occur through the fault of the dreamer; he will devote less time to communicating with his friend and the paths will diverge. If in a dream you managed to help a child, then in real life you will be able to achieve peace and happiness. However, it will take a long time to achieve this happiness.

Dream Interpreter A-Z

To see in a dream a child who has already drowned and who cannot be helped, the dreamer will face health problems. If a pregnant woman dreams of a drowned child, and she rushes into the water to save him and saves him, then the birth will go well. If a woman is at sea with a child and cannot pull him out, difficulties await her. However, if she manages to get to land, all obstacles can be overcome.

Interpreter of dreams Veles

If the drowning child in a dream is your brother or sister, then most likely in reality this person needs help. The dreamer needs to try to contact him as quickly as possible and help him solve the problems.

Seeing how you yourself drowned while saving a child - in real life you are warned against rash actions. You should not make deals in the near future and communicate with people you don’t know well.

Gender of the drowned child

If you dreamed that the drowned child was a girl, get ready for losses and all sorts of troubles. In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as the fact that someone from your family will decide to leave their father’s house. A man dreams of a drowning girl, which means he needs to think about the correctness of his actions. And for a woman, such a dream means that it is time for her to grow up, since in many situations she behaves like a child. If you dream that a boy is drowning, a streak of bad luck awaits you in matters of the heart. In addition, you may dream of a drowning boy as a harbinger that difficult times will begin in your life in terms of finances.

Positive interpretations of sleep

People who have had a dream about a drowned child are often seized with panic. Is everything really that scary? No, quite often such a dream can have the opposite interpretation. If you dreamed that a child drowned, then this can predict a long and happy life for him. Also, a dream can predict troubles, after which a bright streak will come. A dream in which a child drowned in clean water is interpreted positively. This is a harbinger of stabilization of the financial situation.

Where did the child drown?

The place where the baby drowned is important in the interpretation of the dream.

Why do you dream of a drowned child in a bathtub? Such a dream can warn parents about the possibility of an accident with their child. Therefore, you need to be careful and attentive, and not leave the baby alone. According to other versions of dream books, such a dream is considered a harbinger of illness and deterioration in physical condition. The dream may foretell difficulties. It matters whose child drowned in the bathtub. If it was the baby of your friends, then difficulties await them, not you.

Why do you dream about a drowned child in a river?

If you dream that a child is drowning in water, this is a prophetic dream. Drowning in muddy water is a sign of disaster. You need to better monitor your child and not let him go on his own. If the water was clean, then the interpretation of the dream is somewhat better, but still, difficulties will arise along the way for your child that he will have to overcome.

Why do you dream of a child drowning in mud? Seeing a baby who could not get out of the quagmire, and it sucked him in, is a harbinger of quarrels and disagreements. Moreover, all this will happen through your own fault. To see a child drowning in a swamp, in reality he may have serious health difficulties. Don't put off visiting your doctor. In addition, such a dream may be a warning that your child has contacted bad people who could harm him.

Whose child did you dream about?

In the interpretation of a dream with a drowning child, it matters whose child:

Having your own baby means problems in your personal life and finances.

Alien - to danger.

A familiar child means trouble.

Boy - to troubles.

The girl is a surprise.

Why dream that a drowned child came to life?

Such a dream may indicate that in real life you will have to return to a task that you have long given up on. If you dreamed that you pulled a child out of the water and he came to life, expect a pleasant meeting. In addition, such a dream may foretell an imminent marriage and the birth of children.


I know that seeing someone else’s child drown means trouble with the family whose child it was. I once saw a dream that a friend’s boy drowned, I told her, she took everything with hostility, as if I wished harm on her and her child. I just wanted to warn you. Thank God, nothing happened to her son, but our relationship became worse after this incident.

Alice, you shouldn’t frighten your friend too much, but it wouldn’t hurt to warn her that you had such a dream.

I dreamed that I was pulling a friend’s drowned child out of the water. Do you think I should tell her that I had such a dream and that her baby might be in danger?

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Why do you dream of a drowning child? Dream Interpretation

Dreams about drowning people have a negative interpretation. However, when children take part in the vision, it is not at all necessary that the dream portends trouble. The smallest facts and details of the dream are taken into account here. Why do you dream of a drowning child? The dream book will answer the question and also tell you what actions to take in the event of a negative interpretation.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream in which the dreamer saw his child drowning speaks of internal fears and experiences. The sleeper takes minor troubles to heart and worries excessively about his own child. The dreamer needs a break from everyday worries and work, otherwise he faces a nervous breakdown.

Why do you dream about someone else’s drowning child? The dream book interprets the vision as follows: one of the close relatives is in dire need of support from the sleeping person. Trying to save a drowning baby in a dream and not being able to do it in time means big obstacles on the way to your goal. If the dreamer does not pull himself together and stop wasting his energy, then his plans will not come true.

Saving someone else's drowning child means success in your endeavors. If the baby was drowning in dirty, muddy water, and the dreamer was not afraid to dive into it, then this indicates that thanks to his dedication, loved ones will be safe.

Gypsy dream book

A drowning child in a dream is a harbinger of illness and financial loss. A dream in which a baby dies in the depths of water speaks of a negligent attitude towards the warnings of relatives. The dreamer should listen to the opinions of loved ones - this will help avoid rash actions and loss of savings.

Seeing yourself as a drowning child in a dream means significant changes in life. Such a vision warns of changes affecting all areas of the sleeper’s life. He needs to be ready for change and not be afraid of it.

Women's dream book

Saving a child in a dream from a raging water element means a struggle for the feelings of a lover. If the rescue is successful, then all worries about the man’s fidelity are empty. If it was not possible to save the baby, and the dreamer tries to pull him out of the water over and over again, then such a dream warns of an imminent separation from her loved one.

His departure will be due to the fact that the relationship with the dreamer has already exhausted itself. The sleeping woman should not try to return lost feelings and suffer, as a new acquaintance awaits her soon.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a drowning child in a dream and not being able to save him means helplessness in the face of the machinations of ill-wishers. The sleeper will be attacked by competitors and will lose a large sum of money.

Trying to save an unfamiliar child from a swamp bog is a sign of a serious illness that will deprive the dreamer of strength and drive him into depression. There is no need to neglect visiting a doctor and treatment.

If a sleeper plunges into clean water in order to save a drowning baby, then such a dream foreshadows a successful outcome of any matter. However, if the dreamer was unable to get the child ashore alive, then obstacles await him in real life. Close friends and relatives will help you overcome them.

Family dream book

I dreamed of a small child drowning in a ravine filled with water - what does the dream book say about this? A drowning baby, desperately trying to escape, here symbolizes the sleeper himself, his childish beginning. The dream reflects the internal struggle of an adult with his own “I”. If the dreamer does not stop suppressing the “child” inside himself, then he will be overtaken by a depressive state.

Did you dream that your relatives’ child was drowning in the lake? What does such a dream warn about? A child familiar to the sleeping person is drowning - to the loss of a close friend. The separation will occur through the fault of the dreamer, since he has recently begun to devote little time to communicating with his friend.

A dream in which the sleeper comes to the aid of a drowning baby promises the achievement of peace and happiness. However, the path to this will be thorny and long. Don't neglect the help of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z”

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a drowning child? The dream book interprets the dream as follows: if the baby has already drowned and no one came to his aid, then the dreamer will face minor health problems: colds, allergies. If in a dream a pregnant woman herself saves a drowning man and at the same time understands that this is her child, then such a vision foreshadows a successful outcome of the birth. There is no need to worry about trifles - everything will be fine with the child.

Being a child drowning in the sea in a dream means difficult life situations. If the sleeper manages to swim to land, then the obstacles will be overcome. Otherwise, he will face problems at work and in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

What does a dream mean in which the sleeping person’s brother is a drowning child? The dream book gives the following interpretation: one of the relatives is in dire need of the dreamer’s help, but cannot ask him for it. The sleeper should contact his family as quickly as possible and help solve the accumulated problems.

Drowning in a dream while trying to save a drowning child is a sign of rash actions that will lead the dreamer to a life-threatening situation. In the near future, you should not enter into dubious deals or communicate with unfamiliar personalities. This will help protect against troubles and significant losses.

Experiencing grief after learning that someone’s child has drowned is a sign of sadness in reality. The pity that the dreamer felt in a dream can in reality be directed at someone from his close circle. The sleeper will support a friend or relative in everything. If someone gets sick, the dreamer will surround him with care and help him recover.

Drowning child interpretation of dream book

Have you had a dream in which a child is drowning? Such a vision cannot be ignored, especially if you have seen how your own children cannot be saved from the water. According to interpreters, this promises future danger. What a drowning child dreams of cannot be left without due attention, because having understood the meaning of the dream, you will be ready for the difficulties that life is about to present to you. This means you can deal with them.

Don't be left out.

A dream in which a child is floundering in the bathtub and cannot get out of the water will result in difficulties in real life. Is the child who is drowning the son or daughter of your friend? Troubles will bypass you when you come to his house.

If in a dream you are trying to get a child out of the bathroom, in reality you will provide support to a person who really needs it. Did you manage to save the baby? In reality, you will help a close friend who, thanks to you, will be able to overcome all difficulties and emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

What was the water like?

Have you seen a dream in which a child was floundering in clean, clear water? Such a vision promises future success. According to the Wanderer’s dream book, any undertakings will bear fruit, and the material side of life will change for the better.

The dream book also explains what dirty water means in dreams. All attempts to change fate will not bring results. And according to the interpretation of Aesop’s dream book, a difficult period filled with mental pain awaits you soon. It is quite possible that you will be very disappointed in someone. In this situation, remember to be patient and not lose your sense of humor. These two qualities will help you cope with all difficulties.

The meaning of Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller is sure that saving a drowning child in a dream is a good sign for the dreamer. A dream in which it was possible to pull him out of the water portends success in all areas - both in business and in personal life. If you see such a plot in a dream, get ready for joy on a very serious occasion.

All attempts to save the baby were unsuccessful? Such a dream will result in collapse both materially and in family life. It will not be possible to return the relationship to its former course, despite numerous attempts by the sleeping person. According to the advice of the dream book, do not scatter your energies where all efforts are obviously doomed to failure, but direct them to accomplishing something that will truly bring satisfaction.

Dream interpretation of saving a drowning child from the water

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    Dream, in which dreaming sinking a child can have very different meanings. If a sleeping person dreaming, What drowning child, you should pay attention whose child drowning. If he is the son or daughter of the sleeping person, one should expect and be wary of the child’s imminent illness. What if dreaming drowning child? Drowning child in dream turned out to be the child of a friend - most likely he will face difficulties in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Drown in dream: Sinking person - to loss of property or accident. See in role drowning person in dream your friend - you will be disappointed in him. If you dreaming drowning, to whom you come to the aid - this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; In addition, you can come to the aid of a friend who is in a difficult situation. If a girl dreaming, What drowning her lover - this portends her sorrows and disappointments. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "dreaming"

    Dream Interpretation save drowning man in dream, for what dreaming save... A dream in which rescue drowning man person, speaks about your desires and foreshadows events that concern you directly. In the vast majority of cases the rescue drowning man dreaming to the fact that someone from the immediate environment needs help. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    drowning child. The rescue in dream drowning a child speaks of an internal desire to take care of someone, to prove oneself and prove one’s importance to others. And don’t tell. when I tell my husband my dreams, he's just lucky for you! The maximum a chair can do for me is dream about" interesting answer. I have a question. What do you understand by the word love yourself?! and wherein". No. When you go to the site, you enter your username and password. we need to get out from under it.”Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    The rescue baby in dream from an emergency - a very good omen. In addition, dream, in which someone saves child, foretells that soon there will be an opportunity to declare oneself publicly. If in dream need to save your child, then, most likely, in reality the child simply lacks love and attention - and one of the parents who dreaming such dream, subconsciously feels it. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If the one to whom dreamed about it drowning, in dream comes to the rescue, then this portends earned happiness or a reward, for example, for work. It is likely that in reality the person to whom dreamed about it such dream, will help a friend, and on time, too. In some interpretations sleep it is said that if a person drowning in dream– he is not able to accept the difficulties of life, he has given up in the face of problems. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Drown IN DREAM, DREAM Drown DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. DROWN You risk getting into a bad story.See drowning when bathing people, you will write off gambling debts. Drown in a quagmire that slowly but inevitably drags you into the middle of a deserted swamp - in reality you will have to fork out for a gala reception. Save in dream drowning man- to sad events in the family. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from Intimny dream book. Dream Interpretation - The rescue (save). See how you rescued, - to destruction. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Man saves drowning man in dream.

Choking in water is not a dream for the faint of heart. The interpretation of a dream with a drowned child largely depends on the details of the dream and the outcome of the plot, but the general message of the vision is that the dreamer or his loved ones are in serious danger. A dream in which one’s own child is drowning carries a particularly negative message.

What to expect in reality?

Rescue of a drowning man

Saving a drowning child in a dream is a favorable sign that speaks of overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Such a dream also suggests that the dreamer is ready to take responsibility for someone’s life or that he is able to take care of someone or look after someone. In this case, saving a child foreshadows the appearance of a pet or temporary custody of someone else's child.

Another interpretation of the dream is the improvement of the dreamer’s financial situation. Saving a child in a dream is inextricably linked with improving the dreamer’s financial and social situation. If the child was saved not by the sleeping person personally, but by another person, this indicates outside help from a third party in solving problems.

Seeing a child washed ashore, portends imminent changes in life, including the appearance of a certain person who will play an important role in the upcoming events.

An important fact for interpreting the vision is the quality of water. Saving a child from clean, clear water marks liberation from any oppression, gaining independence and self-confidence. Pulling a child out of muddy, dirty water means that the dreamer is on the verge of depression, moping and in need of a change of scenery.

Saving a child from yellow, unpleasant-smelling water means that the dreamer managed to avoid deception and intrigue set up by insidious ill-wishers. Also a similar dream speaks of a disease threatening a person, that he neglects his health and risks acquiring some kind of pathology.

If a woman saves a drowning child, this indicates her imminent pregnancy or marriage. For a young girl, such a dream predicts meeting a potential groom.

Seeing a drowning child swim ashore on his own promises the dreamer and his loved ones strong and longevity.

Many children: what does it mean?

Seeing in a dream many children drowning in water, g indicates that a person has complexes and severely low self-esteem. Because of this, he experiences considerable problems in communicating with others, especially when it comes to communicating with the opposite sex.

In addition, seeing drowning children foreshadows a large number of small problems and everyday troubles, the solution of which will take a long time. For people who already have children, the vision indicates their improper upbringing, too much parental care.

Seeing little girls drowning indicates that the dreamer needs moral support and approval from the people around him. For women, such a dream is a reflection of their childhood impressions and hidden fear of water.

Seeing boys drown indicates financial losses, property damage, material disputes with close people or relatives.

Where is he drowning?

A dream in which a child drowns in a river is an omen of change. If a child is literally carried away by the current and disappears from sight, this indicates a serious misfortune, a misfortune that will befall the dreamer and his family. If a child drowns in stagnant water or even in a lake, this indicates cunning manipulations against a sleeping person, which can only be avoided with the help of one’s ingenuity and enterprise.

A dream in which your child drowns in his own bathtub speaks of troubles in the family, in the house. For a woman to see her child drowning in the bathtub promises a quarrel with close relatives or the betrayal of a close friend whom the sleeping woman trusted so much. such a dream warns of unfair play by competitors and troubles at work.

Seeing a stranger drowning in the bathtub, portends deterioration in health or injury to one of the family members. For young people living with their parents, such a dream represents the desire to get rid of paternal care and protection and set out on an independent journey through life. The dream book claims that such a desire can result in trouble for a young man.

Seeing a child drowning in a well in a dream means the dreamer’s subconscious fear of losing his family and remaining childless. Also, such a dream hints at the death or deterioration of the parents’ well-being.

Be that as it may, a drowning child personifies the dreamer’s connection with his family, the world of children, and the subconscious desire to have them and protect them from the dangers of this world. This is a completely normal reaction even for those people who do not have their own children - such a dream indicates that a person’s parental instincts are working normally.

The article on the topic: “dream book saving a drowning person” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The image of a drowning person in a dream is associated in the dream book with the need to deal with life’s difficulties. An explanation of why such an action occurs in a dream does not always indicate a negative interpretation. Sometimes, such an image speaks of the opportunity to show determination and lend a helping hand.

What does Gustav Miller say?

In his dream book, the psychologist warns about theft and troubles, explaining why one dreams of drowning as a result of flooding. Seeing a successful outcome in a dream foreshadows career growth and increased profits. I dreamed of many people being carried away by stormy water streams - to heavy losses, moral decline.

Take control of your emotions!

Flooding in a dream, according to the sorceress Medea, equates to the risk of succumbing to uncontrollable emotions that overwhelm the dreamer in reality. Seeing a drowning person in the water means a dangerous relationship, a bad acquaintance.

Also, a dream you had may be a hint of a mistaken opinion about a person that you formed during your first acquaintance. Drowning someone with your own hands warns of the risk of succumbing to a bad mood.

Go towards your goal!

The general dream book predetermines the restoration of old business connections, interpreting why one dreams of saving a choking character. If you dreamed that you managed to save a drowning man, it means successful work and financial prosperity.

Seeing many people drowning in water, but saving only one in a dream, foreshadows the need to make a difficult choice, which involves the risk of being misunderstood by others. Save everyone in a dream - confidently move towards your goal.

About loving moments...

The Dream Book of Lovers prophesies loneliness, explaining why people dream of drowning as a result of flooding. If you dreamed that you couldn’t help anyone, it means that there will be estrangement between you and your significant other.

For a woman to recognize her husband in a drowning man, it warns of her husband’s insincerity and tendency to cheat.

Pulling a drowning member of the opposite sex onto the shore heralds the possibility of falling in love without memory. If you had a chance to save a child, you are ready for a serious relationship.

Rescue details

In some dream books, the interpretation of a dream about saving a drowning person depends on the actions of the sleeping person:

  • throw him a life preserver - do a noble deed;
  • watch what is happening indifferently - you will lose the trust of your friends;
  • swim on a boat to a drowning person - you will feel safe;
  • looking for a character in the water - you will begin a difficult and dubious business;
  • to get to it by swimming - you will cope with the problems yourself;
  • to feel that the drowned man is pulling you along with him - they are trying to deceive you.

Good luck is coming!

The 21st century dream book prophesies good luck to those who saw a woman choking in a pond in a dream. The dream interpreter is sure that all adversity will soon come to an end, and problems will be resolved.

Get ready for change

But if the character drowned without receiving help, this speaks of unforeseen expenses that could greatly undermine the dreamer’s financial situation.

A car going to the bottom of a reservoir and a drowning person in it predetermines in the dream book changes related to the dreamer’s business activities. Perhaps, in order to change everything for the better, you will have to give up financial benefits for a while.

Dream interpretation of saving a drowning person

Why dream of saving a drowning person in a dream?

“I dreamed” - a free online dream book.

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A man is drowning, interpretation of the dream book

In the night, did you have a vision of someone drowning, calling for help? Such a dream often precedes a situation where you will actually be asked for help. This will be connected with finding a vacancy for a friend or loved one who has lost his job. But, according to dream books, this is far from the only interpretation of what it means to dream that a person is drowning.

Don't cling to the past

Are you scared in a dream because you are going to the bottom? Don’t be afraid, such a vision, on the contrary, is good advice - let go of the past, and more than tempting prospects will open up before you, the dream book interprets. If in your night fantasy you find yourself fishing and hook a drowned man, then know that very soon you will have the opportunity to take someone else’s place. But whether to use this hint or not is up to you.

Did you dream about a drowned man? The spectacle is not a pleasant one, but in reality it promises a meeting with an old acquaintance. Your efforts and efforts will be adequately appreciated - this is why you dreamed that you were saving a drowning person.

In a man’s dream, saving a woman means that the dreamer dreams of a closer relationship with the dreamed person. And a lady’s dream about saving a gentleman is a clear sign that the sleeping woman is thinking about having a child with this representative of the stronger sex.

Miller's prediction

According to Gustav Miller, saving a person in a dream is an excellent sign, indicating that you will soon find happiness and achieve what you want. But this will only be possible under one condition: you need to provide help and support to those in need. And this good deed will pay off handsomely, as the dream book promises.

True, the night vision of a girl watching her lover flounder helplessly on the water is not interpreted so positively. On the contrary, according to the dream book, this portends a cooling of the loved one’s feelings, problems in the relationships of young people.

Relatives in trouble

Unforeseen difficulties even with careful planning of affairs - this is why you dream that one of your relatives is drowning. If a child (son, daughter) goes under water, it will be possible to realize the plan only if the sleeper decides to sacrifice his personal well-being.

It’s bad when the dreamed relative was unable to get ashore and died. This plot suggests that in reality a loved one will find themselves in an extremely unpleasant situation or become seriously ill.

The closest

A nightmare about your most beloved person drowning is a hint that in reality this person is under the influence of a certain person. And, most likely, under the negative.

Did your best friend appear to be drowning in your dream? Please note that a comrade can also become a victim of cunning and insidious people who will drag him into an evil deed or into a sect, the dream book hints.

Did you dream that your spouse was suffering from a disaster on the water? Alas, this is a sign that the husband is having an affair. But if a man dreamed that his wife was dying on the water, then, oddly enough, according to the dream book, this is a prophecy of financial well-being and huge profits.

Place of tragedy

You can find out more precisely why you dream that a person is drowning by recalling the scene of the incident in your memory.

If in a night fantasy someone was floundering in the water, then in reality the sleeper cannot do without the help of his comrades. In the night vision, having already pulled the victim out of the pond, you gave him artificial respiration and pumped him out? According to the dream book, in reality you will have to take up a long-forgotten project again.

Small but important details

The nuances of a dream can also be useful for its correct interpretation.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Dream interpretation of saving a drowning man

Dream interpretation of saving a drowning person

Why dream of saving a drowning person in a dream?

A dream in which you save a drowning person is considered a favorable sign. It can foretell a happy future, and also serves as an indication that you will have the opportunity to help one of your friends.

If in a dream you do not immediately decide to save a drowning person, it means that in reality you will provide support to someone, incurring material costs, and not counting on their return. The dream is also a harbinger that in real life you will be appreciated and your merits will be noted in some way. If the person you saved in a dream is familiar to you, in the future your destinies will intersect more than once, and he will largely depend on you.

Why dream of saving a drowning person?

In the vast majority of cases, dreaming about rescuing a drowning person means that someone from your immediate circle needs help. This could be either someone from the family, or one of the friends or good acquaintances, or one of the work colleagues.

To determine why you dream of saving a drowning person, you need to pay attention to the circumstances of the dream. If you had to save a drowning person in a pool near your house, then someone from your family needs help. If the rescue took place in a lake or pond, then one of your friends needs help. If you had to be rescued in the river, then this signals the need to help one of your colleagues. Rescue at sea or ocean suggests help from someone you know well. Rescue in the city fountain also indicates the necessary assistance to work colleagues.

If you dreamed of rescuing a drowning person, you need to take a closer look at the people around you. Most likely, one of them needs help. No, not financial, but in most cases psychological. Perhaps something is gnawing at the person, the person is depressed and suffering about something, and he needs someone to lean on.

But it happens that in a dream you have to save a drowning person in a completely non-standard place, for example, in an aquarium, or in a bathroom, or in a washbasin, or even in a bucket - the subconscious can produce a completely unpredictable dream. In this case, you may need help yourself. A very rare case - you had to save yourself - this also means that you need help yourself. Moreover, this does not mean a developing disease. The problem may be growing stress, increasing fatigue from constant hard work with short periods of rest.

The human subconscious is capable of noticing the slightest deviations in the behavior of well-known people, even if they are not noticeable and it seems that everything is fine with them. And if you dreamed of rescuing a drowning man, it means that one of the people around him has a problem that is depressing him. Perhaps a person does not know what to do in a difficult situation, perhaps he has accumulated experiences in his soul and needs to pour out his soul, or he hurts someone without knowing it. Or he has lost his way and needs help finding his way again.

If you dreamed that it was not possible to save a drowning man, then there is no time for delay. Someone urgently needs help, and we need to determine who it is as soon as possible. And the person needs to be helped as soon as possible. If this is not done, a catastrophe will not happen, but something like a nervous breakdown may happen to a person.

Thus, if you dreamed of saving a drowning person, there is no need to panic. After all, nothing bad will happen. You just need to take a closer look at your loved ones and, perhaps, some of them will have to lend a shoulder, help with good advice, or simply allow them to speak out.

Why dream of saving a person?

Sometimes in a dream a person can show heroic actions, defend someone who, in his opinion, would be afraid to be in the real world. Very often, many people dream about how they save other people in their dreams and help them get rid of danger.

It can be any creature, person, dog, cat, and so on. Each of these dreams has its own meaning, which when you wake up you want to quickly figure it out.

Saving a kitten or a cat in a dream means that a person has a weakness in his inner world and has unfulfilled ambitions. Such dreams are most often dreamed of by very weak people who are afraid to show their real inner self in real life.

If a person dreams of saving the life of a dog, then this indicates that he will soon have to provide help and give a hand to his best friend. Seeing a dog in a dream is a symbol and sign of a close and devoted friend, so you should take a closer look at your friends and ask if they need help and support.

Also, dreams of a different nature also have their meaning, so you need to figure out why you dream of saving a person. All dream books say that if you save someone’s life in a dream, then in reality this person will receive glory and praise from others.

Saving someone in a dream is a sign that in real life a person is ready to provide irreplaceable help to another. But there are other opinions on this matter. The exact meaning can be found out by determining the nature of the dream itself and the person whom the dreamer saved.

If a person sees that he is saving a drowning person, then this indicates that in the coming future someone will need help. Perhaps very soon, within a few days, the dreamer will voluntarily help his friend who is in a very difficult and unpleasant situation. In general, drowning in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a person has fallen into the power of something, for example, emotions. Seeing how you save a child or several children in a dream suggests that the dreamer’s help will be needed by a weak person, or a younger one.

This may also indicate that you should pay attention to your projects or endeavors. Children are a symbol of their plans and planned projects. Therefore, saving a child in a dream is a very good sign; it portends a good result for a person who is developing his own business.

Also, in a dream, you can not only save a person from your close circle, or a stranger, but also yourself. Seeing yourself saving yourself in a dream is very good news, because very soon all problems and troubles will end favorably.

It is a completely different matter if a person dreams that he is trying to be saved, but in the end he is not saved. This indicates impending major and serious troubles.

If in the end a person was saved in a dream, even though he became a victim, then despite all the difficulties, all the problems and troubles, everything will be completed successfully. Otherwise, a person becomes a magnet for trouble, and all esotericists recommend, upon waking up, to draw a happy, successful and successful end to your dream.

In any case, salvation in a dream has almost a direct meaning, saving another person means helping, providing support, someone needs your attention. Your salvation is the successful completion of affairs. A dream with a good ending inspires and charges you with positive energy.

Dream interpretation of saving a person in a dream

Why do you dream of saving a person? Dream interpretation

You can save a person in different ways: sometimes all it takes is an encouraging conversation and moral support, but often you have to make some physical efforts. The final interpretation of the dream will depend on all these subtleties.

If you dream that saving people is your professional duty, you can hope for a promotion and satisfaction of ambitious ambitions. In some cases, such a dream may symbolically mean that you will soon have to solve a difficult problem, and you will cope with this task quite successfully. In addition, when the person you saved in a dream is familiar to you in reality, it is possible that he really needs your help.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about saving a person, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see saving a person in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dream Interpretation Drowning, why dream of Drowning in a dream

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

Seeing a drowning person in a dream means loss of property or an accident. Seeing your friend in the role of a drowning person in a dream means you will be disappointed in him.

Why dream of a drowning person who cannot get out - you are too caught up in depression and melancholy, which you cannot get rid of. Ask your loved ones or friends for help.

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

To see Drowning in a dream is a plight, “drowning in exams.”

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

Drowning - To death.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

Drowning - A collapse in business will follow, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

Drowning in water - Drowning in a dream is a harbinger of an accident or some kind of loss. If you managed to swim, promotion, good health, and respect from others await you. If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help, this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; In addition, you can come to the aid of a friend who is in a difficult situation. If a girl dreams that her lover is drowning, this portends her sorrows and disappointments.

Small Velesov dream book Why in a dream you dream of Drowning:

Drowning in water - To joy, profit // difficulties; deep, in clear water - minor troubles; in a swamp - bad; will save you - deliverance from danger; someone is drowning - joy, triumph; woman - success; husband will change.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream of Drowning:

Sinking - In itself means profit; to drown through the oversight or cunning of another means loss, loss and ruin; Seeing someone else drown means joy or triumph.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What does drowning mean?

Drowning - Difficulties, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of Drowning?

Drowning - Seeing a woman drowning in a dream means success, drowning in the water yourself means an improvement in the state of affairs, drowning something means a bad mood. Seeing a drowned person means loss.

Spring dream book Why do you dream of Drowning according to the dream book:

Drowning in water - You risk getting into a bad story.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Drowning - Life’s difficulties, obstacles; psychological discomfort; drowning husband - betrayal; drown something in water - free yourself from it (idioms: “drown or drown in exams”).

Big dream book Why do you dream of Drowning:

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Drowning according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Drowning in a dream - A warning about being too caught up in your emotions. Drowning means difficulties in feelings or deeds. See also Dive.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of Drowning in a dream:

Drowning – Drowning in a dream foretells an accident or loss of property. But if you escape safely, then noticeable success awaits you - promotion, good health, respect from others. If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help, this promises you well-deserved happiness; In addition, you will help your friend in time, contributing to his rise. If a young lady sees in a dream that her lover is drowning, this foreshadows her sorrows.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing drowning in a dream

Why do you dream about drowning in water - you will experience great difficulties

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Drowning:

Drowning – A sign of illness: pulmonary infection, heart failure, asthma. You or someone else drowns while diving and will suffer a heart attack as a consequence of mistakes in finding solutions to problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Drowning in a Dream

In a dream, what does it mean to dream about Drowning - Experiencing difficult moments - being saved - getting rid of danger

Saved a drowning man

Dream Interpretation Saved a Drowning Man dreamed of why you dream about Saving a drowning man? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Savior of a drowning man in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Save

Dream Interpretation – Save

Save - If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation - Escape

Dream Interpretation - Escape

To escape - The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

Dream Interpretation – Save

Dream Interpretation – Drowning in water

Dream Interpretation – Drowning in the mud

A bad dream that does not promise anything good. You have blocked the subtle channels of your mind under the influence of tridoshas that are out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or whether the disease can be cured, thereby snatching you from the clutches of death.

Dream Interpretation – Save

Dream Interpretation - Saving someone

Dream: saving a drowning child

pink fairy

rescuing a drowning child in a dream speaks of your need to care for someone or a strong thirst for public recognition. If you dreamed that you were saving your child, then be careful, perhaps your child is really in danger in reality.

saving someone in a dream promises success in business, attracting attention to one’s person, provided that the dream left a good impression.

Alexandra Makarova

Someone younger than you will need your help... help him...

Rescue a drowning child

Dream Interpretation Save a Drowning Child dreamed of why you dream about saving a drowning child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Saving a drowning child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Save

Save - If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation – Save

Save - If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

Dream Interpretation – Child

Child - dream: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkosh) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Escape

To escape - The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

Dream Interpretation - Escape

To escape - The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

Dream Interpretation – Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation – Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Dream Interpretation – Save

You are rescued on a boat - you will occupy a very important public post.

Save a drowning man

Dream Interpretation Save a drowning person dreamed of why you dream about saving a drowning person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Saving a drowning person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Save

Save - If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation – Save

Save - If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Dream Interpretation - Escape

To escape - The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

Dream Interpretation - Escape

To escape - The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

Dream Interpretation – Save

You are rescued on a boat - you will occupy a very important public post.

Dream Interpretation – Drowning in water

A bad dream that does not promise anything good. You have blocked the subtle channels of your mind under the influence of tridoshas that are out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or whether the disease can be cured, thereby snatching you from the clutches of death.

Dream Interpretation – Drowning in the mud

A bad dream that does not promise anything good. You have blocked the subtle channels of your mind under the influence of tridoshas that are out of balance. If you remember this dream and interpret it, you can determine whether you are terminally ill or whether the disease can be cured, thereby snatching you from the clutches of death.

Dream Interpretation – Save (someone)

Dream Interpretation – Save

Any dream about your or someone else's salvation predicts success in business and well-being. Often after such a dream you can count on the help or support of other people.

Dream Interpretation - Saving someone

If you saved someone in a dream, victory awaits you in reality.