Repair Design Furniture

Measures to improve working conditions in the office. Providing workers with normal working conditions, or household appliances in the office. There are tricks against noise

A person spends about a third of his life at work. Therefore, your overall performance, and therefore your success, depends on how comfortable you feel in your workplace. If suddenly nothing works out for you and you don’t understand why, pay attention first of all to the environment that surrounds you. To provide yourself and your employees with the necessary convenience and comfort, use our step-by-step instructions. So, let's begin...

Stage 1 Identifying the wishes of employees regarding convenience and comfort in the workplace

To identify the wishes of employees, you can use the results of assessing their satisfaction. You can also hold a competition for the most interesting proposals for changing the office or production space. And in some cases, take advantage of the results of certification of workplaces based on working conditions.

Stage 2 Determining the possibility of changing working conditions at workplaces in terms of room layout, safety requirements and financial capabilities of companies

5C is a management philosophy with which effective production begins and without which it simply cannot exist.

5C is in second place after mapping in terms of popularity of use in TechnoNIKOL. We started implementing 5C in the Company about 10 years ago and continue to this day. This tool helps achieve customer satisfaction, cost leadership, safety, and high productivity. Problems are not visible until the workplace is organized. Cleaning and tidying your work area helps uncover problems, and identifying problems is the first step to improvement. 5C are five words starting with the letter “s”:

Step 1 - “sorting” - clearly dividing things into necessary and unnecessary and getting rid of the latter.

Step 2 - “maintaining order” (neatness) - organizing the storage of necessary things, which allows you to quickly and easily find and use them.

Step 4 - “standardization” (maintaining order) - following the established procedures of the first three steps.

Step 5 - “improvement” or “self-discipline” (formation of habits) - improvement, maintenance of results achieved previously.

Figure 1. Organization of the workspace according to the 5C principle

Main goals of 5C:

  1. Ensuring cleanliness in the workplace.
  2. Saving time, mainly on finding what you need for work.
  3. Ensuring safe work, reducing the number of accidents.
  4. Increasing the level of product quality, reducing the number of defects.
  5. Creating a comfortable psychological climate, stimulating the desire to work.
  6. Elimination of all types of losses.
  7. Increasing labor productivity (which in turn leads to an increase in the profit of the enterprise and, accordingly, an increase in the income level of workers).

Step 1 "1C"

Sorting involves:

  1. Separation of all items in the operating area into necessary and unnecessary.
  2. Removing unnecessary items from the operating area.

To remove unnecessary items from the operational area at the initial stage of implementation, we used the so-called “red tag campaign”, when a red tag (flag) is attached or hung on each item that is a candidate for removal. All employees of the department where the sorting took place were involved in this process, and as a result, items were identified that:

  • must be immediately removed, thrown away, or disposed of;
  • should be moved to a more suitable storage location;
  • must be left and their places must be created and designated for them.

For items with red flags, a “quarantine zone” was organized, which was sorted through once a month. Items that remained in the quarantine zone for more than 30 days were either moved to a permanent storage location, usually in a warehouse area, or sold, and sometimes disposed of.

The red label can be a regular red sticker with the date on which the item was moved to the quarantine zone, or it can be more complex in form: with information about the unit, the reasons for moving to the quarantine zone, those responsible, etc. An example of a red label in Figure 2.

Figure 2. “Quarantine zone” with items placed in it with red flags

Step 2 "2C"

It is not enough to put everything in its place once; this order must always be observed by everyone. When walking around workplaces at the initial stage of implementing 5C, many problems arose with returning tools and equipment to their place. Some time passed until the optimal location for items in the operating area was selected, which allowed any employee to easily use, quickly find and return documentation, tools, materials, and components to their place. When marking the place where items were stored, we tried to use principles that would make it possible, at the first glance at any place, to immediately determine what should be there, the number of items and their shelf life. For these purposes, different visualization methods were used:

1. Outlining objects - drawing the outline of an object on the surface where the object should be stored

Figure 3. Quality table, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 4. Outlining objects on the quality table, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 5. Stand with tools, metalworking area, Yurga

Figure 6. Stand with tools (vertical placement and storage of tools), production site, Khabarovsk

Figure 7. Table with tools (horizontal placement and storage of tools), production site, Khabarovsk

2. Color marking, in which different types of tools and devices correspond to different colors

Figure 8. Photo of centrifuge connectors with a mating part that matches the color, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 9. Color marking of pipelines at the binder preparation site, Khabarovsk

3. Marking with paint to highlight storage areas on the floor and/or aisles

Figure 10. Designation of saw storage locations in the production workshop, Ryazan

Figure 11. Metalworking area, production of mineral insulation, Zainsk

Figure 12. Open storage area, production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Figure 13. Spare parts warehouse, mineral insulation production, Yurga

Paint marking is also used to mark dividing lines between work areas or transport passages.

Figure 14. Workshop for the production of mineral insulation, Ryazan

Step 3 "3C"

There is a saying: “clean is not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter.” Of course, keeping clean involves cleaning workplaces, making equipment and the workplace tidy enough for inspection, but the main thing was to create conditions under which the formation of dirt and dust was reduced to the minimum acceptable amount. This process continues to this day; many proposals have been submitted on this topic to improve equipment or the workplace.

It would seem that everyone understands the benefits of cleaning:

  • a clean workplace that is pleasant to work in (which improves the employee’s emotional state and makes the workplace more attractive);
  • constant readiness for work of everything that may be required to perform production tasks;
  • ensuring the safety of work (for example, spilled machine oil and puddles on the floor can lead to injury);
  • ensuring the operability of the equipment (there is no risk of dust and dirt getting into the operating mechanisms);
  • absence of marriage.

However, the transition from belief to action, especially in older plants with a 50-year history, has not been easy. In all departments, cleanliness checks are carried out in accordance with predetermined cleanliness criteria (cleanliness in the office and in the production workshop are not the same thing), which are indicated in the checklist. The checklist for a number of areas describes in detail the content and procedure for cleaning work, and there are photographs of the places where they were carried out:

To facilitate periodic inspection, checklists are attached near the relevant equipment to quickly check for correct completion and correct any deficiencies identified.

There is another simple tool for monitoring the standard of cleanliness of the workplace - this is a photograph of the workplace as it should be. Below is an example.

Figure 15. Cleanliness standard, mineral insulation production, Ryazan

Step 4 "4C"

Standardization is the creation of a unified approach to performing tasks and procedures. The main purpose of this stage is to prevent deviation from the continuous implementation of the first three stages. To standardize means to develop a checklist that is understandable and easy for everyone to use. Below is an example of the tabular part of a checklist for a production department and office.

Checklist for production department

Office Checklist

Fulfillment of 5C requirements is part of the professional certification of workers and engineers and has long become a general cultural norm - from the director’s office to production and auxiliary premises.

Figure 16. Workplace standard in the industrial zone of Ryazan

Figure 17. Board 5C in a finished product warehouse, mineral insulation production, Khabarovsk

Figure 18. Standard of the workplace of the chief power engineer, production of mineral insulation, Khabarovsk

Figure 19. Workplace safety standard, mineral insulation production, Chelyabinsk

Step 5 "5C"

The fifth stage is improvement or self-discipline, maintaining the results achieved previously. The stability of the 5C system does not depend on how well the procedures of the first four stages are implemented, but on whether the first four stages will be supported by the fifth.

Unlike the first four “Cs,” improvement cannot be implemented as a technique; the results of improvement cannot be measured, but conditions can be created that will encourage employees to further activities within the 5C system. The TechnoNIKOL Company uses various tools for this: 5C slogans, 5C posters, information boards “Was” - “BECAME”, 5C mailings, visits to departments where 5C is being implemented, etc.

Figure 20. Posters 5C, production of mineral insulation, Cherkassy

Figure 21. Fragment of the information board 5C “WAS” - “BECAME”, Ryazan

Figure 22. Securing personal responsibility at the finished product warehouse, Zainsk

Representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection promised that for now they will not fine companies that have not figured out how to conduct a special assessment of jobs, or did not manage to complete it by the deadline. But GIT inspectors will pay great attention to the presence of SOUT. The department has already prepared an order allowing for unscheduled raids to check who has not completed the special assessment of working conditions. After the raid, inspectors have the right to issue an order to eliminate violations, and if nothing is done, organize an unscheduled inspection. In the future, violators may be held accountable.

But you can still avoid fines. We invite you to familiarize yourself with step-by-step instructions on how to organize SOUT for office workers.

Step 1. Publication of regulatory documents

How to conduct SOUT in an organization, and does everyone need it? gives a clear answer to this question. Almost all workplaces are subject to this procedure, with the exception of workplaces of homeworkers, remote workers, citizens working for religious organizations or individuals not registered as individual entrepreneurs.

After making a decision to begin the SOUT procedure - a special assessment of working conditions, you need to issue:

  • order approving the commission on SOUT (the commission is headed by the employer, the total number of members must be odd);
  • work schedule;
  • list of jobs.

Step 2. Preparation of a draft contract

From 03/09/2019, Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 12/24/2018 No. 834n is in force. Appendix No. 1 to the document contains a standard contract for the provision of services for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. The contract has 16 sections and 8 annexes, namely:

  • terms of reference for the provision of services;
  • implementation plan;
  • certificate of acceptance of services provided;
  • Act of reconciliation of accounts;
  • order to conduct special assessment;
  • information about the customer organization;
  • list of workplaces subject to special safety regulations;
  • a list of equipment, tools and devices used in workplaces subject to special safety standards, as well as the materials and raw materials used.

These are all the necessary papers that allow us to take into account the obligations of both parties, as well as the possible participation of third parties.

The documentation developed by officials can be used by all organizations without exception that plan to order services for conducting SOUT. However, for public and municipal sector enterprises such a standard contract and all annexes to it are mandatory. This is provided for by Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2013. They must use the documentation in the form that is approved. Other companies have the right to adjust the contract at their discretion, adding or deleting provisions. We offer to download a standard contract for the provision of services for carrying out SOUT for free with all the necessary attachments to it.

Standard contract

Step 3. Selecting an organization to conduct

You need to know not only how to conduct a special assessment of working conditions in an organization, but also how to choose an appraiser. When choosing a company to carry out special assessment work, it is important to check whether it has the authority for this type of work and whether it is registered in a special register. Only companies with a registration number have the right to conduct a special assessment.

On August 1, 2019, the Government approved and sent for approval to the State Duma amendments to Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ, according to which, when concluding an agreement to conduct special assessments, appraisers will be obliged to:

  • submit information about the planned special assessment to the information system immediately after concluding an agreement with the employer on its implementation (before the start of its implementation);
  • link the moment the results of the special assessment come into force with the entry of information about it into the state information system.
  • motivates the employer to complete the procedure for special assessment of working conditions;
  • will ensure that the state information system is filled with correct data on the results of the special assessment;
  • will increase the responsibility of the employer and the assessment organization for the results provided.

An important issue is the timing of work and the possibility of quickly eliminating identified shortcomings. varies depending on the number of employees, the organization's industry, and its availability. When concluding an agreement, companies conducting special assessments can help you draw up the necessary documents: orders, schedules, certificates of the number and presence of disabled people, etc., since such forms are mandatory for all companies starting to conduct a special assessment.

The number of jobs for SOUT is calculated based on the staffing arrangement. In this case, places with the same positions working in the same premises can be considered similar.

Step 4. Filling out the list of jobs

This operation can take a lot of time if the company has a large number of employees. Absolutely all employees are included in the list. Whether their jobs will be recognized as similar will be decided by SOUT experts during the assessment. The list includes the following data:

  • job title;
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate number);
  • working hours in and outside the office;
  • equipment used in the work.

The completed list is sent to the organization conducting the SOUT for preparation for measurements.

Step 5. Preparing for the procedure

The point of preparing for SOUT is to inform managers and workers about the upcoming procedure and provide access to all premises in which people work. Representatives of organizations conducting special assessments usually explain. In an office environment, the main indicator to be measured is lighting, so it makes sense to make sure there are no burnt-out lamps in the lamps and the presence of desk lamps in dimly lit offices. It is also worth taking care of the availability of documentation for the main tools of office employees - personal computers, because they are sources of electromagnetic radiation, which is a harmful production factor (see of Appendix No. 1 to).

Step 6. Taking measurements

A representative of the special assessment commission should be present during the measurements. You need to have a printed list of jobs with you in order to mark the checked places and make notes about shortcomings.

What do SOUT experts pay attention to and take into account:

  1. Ceiling height, number and power of overhead lighting fixtures.
  2. The level of illumination on the desktop without taking into account natural light. To do this, close the blinds or take measurements at the very beginning of the working day or in the evening, when the sun no longer affects the readings.
  3. The expert makes a sketch of the staff seating plan in the office, assigning a number to each workplace.

Illumination rate: 300 lux (lux) on the table surface excluding light from the table lamp. This indicator is specified in the hygiene standards of SanPiN. When the lighting is slightly less than this indicator, for example 260-280 lux, combined lighting is allowed, i.e. overhead and table lamp.

Often, representatives of the organization conducting the special assessment allow us to eliminate shortcomings in the measurement process: install lamps, add overhead lighting. This helps improve the results of job classes.

Step 7. Receiving a report from the implementing organization and its approval

After completing the measurements, the organization that carried out the SOUT prepares a report, which includes:

  1. Information about the organization conducting SOUT.
  2. List of jobs.
  3. Protocols for assessing production factors.
  4. Summary statement of SOUT.
  5. List of measures to improve working conditions.
  6. Expert opinion.

This list is standard. Even if no measures to improve working conditions are required, a document about this must be drawn up. The report is approved by the General Director and all members of the special assessment commission.

The report is signed by all members of the commission and approved by the chairman. The report form was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated January 24, 2014 No. 33n.

Step 8. Familiarization of employees with the results

This step is mandatory, and its completion period is 30 calendar days from the date of approval of the report. Each employee must sign the special assessment card, as well as sign an additional agreement to the employment contract to include information on working conditions in the workplace. That is, it is necessary to supplement the text of the contract with the phrase: “working conditions at the employee’s workplace are acceptable (class 2)” or “comply with state regulatory requirements.” The law does not provide a clear formulation; what is important is the fact that the results of the event are included.

Step 9. Posting information

Data placement includes the following steps:

  1. Notification of the implementing organization within three days from the date of approval of the report.
  2. Notify the labor inspectorate within 30 days by filing.
  3. Posting summary information about SOUT on your company’s website.


Each of the above actions is mandatory; failure to perform any of them or violation of deadlines is punishable by fines. For officials, fines reach 10,000 rubles, for legal entities - 80,000 rubles. Each of the actions must be confirmed, for example, notification to the executing organization - by notification of delivery of the letter, GIT - by the signature of its representative. The most efficient method seems to be courier delivery to the labor inspectorate, so you will be sure that your declaration is registered.

On your company’s website (if you have one), you need to place the entire “Summary Data” document in scanned form with the signatures of the commission members.

Despite the multi-step nature of this procedure, it is not difficult to conduct a special labor assessment, since the performing companies provide documentary support and accompany the process at all stages of the work.

Employers do not promise easy work to their employees. But they usually don’t even suspect that they have certain rights to their working conditions. What should a workplace be like in an office?


The temperature regime of the office space in the warm season should be +23-25°C, in the cold season +22-24°C. If the thermometer deviates from the specified levels, the employee has the right to limit his stay at the workplace (continuously or cumulatively for a working day).

If the office temperature exceeds +29°C, the working day should not exceed 3-6 hours. When a manager ignores the problem of overheating of his employees, a complaint can be filed against him with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia. If the arriving experts confirm the complaint, the boss will be fined 10-20 thousand rubles. or suspend the company’s activities for up to 90 days (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia).


The standard illumination range is considered to be 300-500 lux. Scientists also remind that absence has a negative impact on staff performance. Blinds or curtains must be attached to the window. If there is no window at all, employees have the right to a working day shortened by 1 hour, 7 days of additional leave and an increase in wages. If the listed standards are not observed, the manager violates the rules and regulations of labor protection and falls under administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles. (20 thousand rubles for violation of fire safety rules).


Constant noise exposure of 80 decibels or more is considered harmful. For comparison: a normal telephone conversation is about 62 decibels, the sounds that a roof makes in the rain are about 30, the rustling of leaves is about 20.

Personal space

Each employee with a modern work computer is entitled to at least 4.5 m² of office space. For computers with CRT monitors, this norm is even higher. The distance between the desktops on which the monitors are installed must be at least 2 m on the front side. The lateral distance between the edges of the monitors must be at least 1.2 m. The minimum distance between the eyes and the surface of the monitor is 0.5 m.

Other standards

The employer is also obliged to provide subordinates with a place for lunch, rest rooms and a first-aid post (Article 223 of the Labor Code of Russia). Article 226 provides for deductions for improving the working conditions of personnel in the amount of at least 0.2% of the total costs of producing goods or services.

Just recently, almost all office employees in our country worked in almost the same premises and could not even dream that working conditions could somehow change for the better. This trend came to us just a few years ago - large Western companies such as Google radically changed our understanding of the office environment. And now the owners of domestic companies have taken up the task of improving the working conditions of their employees.

Now in many offices of the capital and large cities of the country you can see not only desks with computers and conference rooms, but also relaxation areas, stylish dining rooms with a high-quality and varied menu, comfortable sofas and even a Vertical Garden ecosystem. This environment and design facilitate the work of office employees - at any time a person can relax, drink coffee or even take a nap. The most important thing, managers note, is that the work is done efficiently and on time.

If everything is clear with the situation, then let’s take a closer look at the issue of landscaping. It's no secret that the office environment with all this equipment and furniture is dust, bacteria and low humidity. Many people may develop allergies, frequent headaches, and so on, and this negatively affects productivity. You can avoid this in a simple way - add plants to the room. And, if earlier in the office you could only see a small sad cactus near the computers of several employees, today office landscaping is almost a necessary element of the interior.

Firstly, a good leader should always take care of the health of his subordinates. Therefore, by installing plants, he provides them with clean air, a minimum amount of dust and formaldehyde, which negatively affect health. Secondly, large companies care about their reputation not only in business, but also in clothing. A stylish, presentable office makes the same impression on future partners as an expensive suit or cufflinks with jewelry. And to make the office lively and stylish, florists are invited to design the landscaping of the premises.

There are many options for decorating an office with plants. Lovers of minimalism prefer a discreet phytodesign of the walls, which will not hurt the eyes, but at the same time will help the office to “breathe” and add zest to the interior. Some people, on the contrary, love large elements, so they set up a real winter garden in the office. If it’s difficult to choose just one, it’s best to offer several options to employees and ask their opinions. In this way, you can find the best option for office design and become closer with your team, which always has a good effect on the environment.

The microclimate in the office is very important, so landscaping has already become an integral attribute in design. In addition to the fact that plants humidify the air indoors, they also have a positive effect on people’s mood and prevent stress. It also has a low noise level, a cozy environment and clean air without toxins, dust and germs. The most popular plants for such purposes are ficus, monstera, geranium, dieffenbachia and various types of citrus plants. Experienced florists will always tell you which option is best to choose for a certain type of room.

Caring for the health of your employees, as well as the need to create ideal working conditions for them, is the main trend of recent years, so office landscaping should be a mandatory item before opening an office!