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Why do you dream of a green scarf? What does it mean to dream in which you see a scarf? Does color matter?

Dream Interpretation Shawl The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is weakness. . Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation Shawl If you needed a scarf, but forgot it at home: this portends that you will have to borrow money. If you received an embroidered scarf as a sign of favor towards you, it means that you are too romantic and often encounter misunderstandings from others. If you decide to surrender, but you do not have a white scarf: this promises an unexpected disappointment, failure in serious matters due to the fact that you did not take into account the little things. If you put a scarf on your head and no one recognizes you, it means that you are about to receive a large amount of money. If your mother sent you a down scarf: this means that you do not pay enough attention to your loved ones and ignore important events in their lives.
Handkerchief in a dream Seeing a handkerchief in a dream: a prediction of flirting and casual frivolous connections. Losing a handkerchief means a broken engagement that will happen through your fault. A torn handkerchief: dreams of a serious quarrel between lovers. After such a quarrel, reconciliation is hardly possible. Seeing a dirty handkerchief means that your reputation will be tarnished by connections that discredit you. If you dreamed of a stack of clean white handkerchiefs, you will not succumb to the flattering persuasion of unprincipled evil schemers and your family life will be illuminated with love and happiness. Seeing colored handkerchiefs in a dream means that you will arrange your frivolous affairs so skillfully and inventively that you will be able to avoid publicity and shame. If you dream of silk handkerchiefs: Your generous and magnetic soul will be a source of joy for other people, which will bring happiness to you too. For a young woman to dream in which she waves a handkerchief or sees others doing it, means that she will soon make a mysterious and pleasant journey, or that she will skillfully avoid shame by going in search of imaginary pleasures. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Handkerchief A dream about a handkerchief foreshadows a disconcerting act that you will commit in a state of cheerful intoxication. A dark scarf - to complicate relationships with people who sincerely love you; light - you will receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise. A torn handkerchief means inconstancy in love, a dirty one means betrayal of friends, a crumpled one means worries over trifles. Washing a handkerchief in a dream means a difficult test awaits, from which you will emerge with honor; ironing is a risky undertaking that will turn into unexpected success. Losing a handkerchief means you will be depressed by your children’s bad behavior and unsatisfactory studies; finding it means family joy and well-being. Dressing a wound with a scarf or covering your head means income. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Sleep Shawl KERCHIEF - letter, gift, news, wealth, change; spread - write a letter; white - for a meeting with a guy (girl), good news // illness; red - acquaintance // illness; yellow - separation; black - they will denigrate you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness; colorful - matchmaking; tying your head is a hassle; wave - the girl is getting married; waving a black handkerchief - news of death; Covering yourself with something warm means a change for the better, prosperity; torn to look - gossip, poverty; losing is a shame. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Handkerchief A dream in which you see a handkerchief foretells a love interest. Perhaps you will gain a new fan. If the scarf is torn, quarrels with your loved one await you. A dirty handkerchief means that you are not too picky in your choice of suitors. Perhaps your chosen one is unworthy of you. A silk handkerchief dreams of a harmonious relationship with your lover. A woman who dreams that she is waving a handkerchief will go on a fun trip, where she will meet a new lover, which will cause condemnation from others. Dream book for lovers

Interpretation of the dream Handkerchief Handkerchief. If you dream of a handkerchief, the dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances in your life. Losing it is a sign that, through no fault of yours, what you planned will not come true. A torn scarf means violent quarrels with your loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends. A stack of clean handkerchiefs foretells that you will prove yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will subsequently turn out to be great success for you. Colored handkerchiefs are a sign that you will undertake some risky, even dubious business, but will be able to arrange it in the best possible way, avoiding condemnation and your own mental torment. A silk handkerchief promises you harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve with your goodwill and sincerity. If a woman dreams that she waves a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then the dream foretells her a fun but dangerous journey, from which she will return from which she will cause universal condemnation. Big dream book

Why do you dream about a handkerchief? A handkerchief you see in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances. Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault. A torn scarf symbolizes violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends. If you dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs, then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you. A colored handkerchief dreams of risky, even dubious, affairs. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way. A silk handkerchief promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill. If a woman dreams that she is waving a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then she is in for a fun but dangerous journey. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Shawl Handkerchief: for tears, to give for grief that your loved ones will cause you. Head buy: seek protection. Give: call for help. See on someone: they will help you. To put on, to carry yourself: to be protected by people or an organization. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Shawl For an unmarried woman, a scarf on her head means imminent marriage. For a married woman
Handkerchief in a dream If in a dream your loved one gives you a handkerchief: this is a symbol of fidelity. Pick up a handkerchief dropped by someone: take on someone’s troubles. Blowing your nose into a handkerchief means news of an illness in your family. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Shawl Scarf: news, wealth, change spread out: write a letter white: to meet a guy (girl), good news / illness red: acquaintance / illness yellow: separation black: they will denigrate you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness colorful: matchmaking head: worries to wave: for a girl to get married to wave a black scarf: the news of death to cover yourself with a warm one: a change for the better, torn wealth to look at: gossip, to lose poverty: shame. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Handkerchief HANDKERCHIEF - farewell, exciting experience; dirty - treason.
Scarf in a dream KERCHIEF - for a man - loyalty to his beloved. For a woman: put on - self-control; road; spiritual development; black - misfortune, mourning. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Handkerchief A handkerchief seen in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances. Lost a scarf: your plan will not come true, but not through your fault. A torn scarf: dreams of violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief: a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends. I dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs: then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you. Colored handkerchief: dreams of risky, even dubious matters. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way. Silk handkerchief: promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill. If a woman dreams that she is waving a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, she is in for a fun but dangerous journey.

Dream Interpretation scarf

A scarf is an irreplaceable and multifunctional item. They tie them around their heads, wipe away tears, throw them over their shoulders, wave them goodbye, and use them when they have a cold.

Why do you dream about a scarf? There is no clear answer. As always, many different factors will influence the prediction.

What does a scarf mean in a dream?

I dreamed of a universal accessory

Did you dream about a scarf? The interpretation will depend on what it was intended for; its color is also important. It would not be superfluous to clarify the dreamer’s actions and feelings during sleep.
If you remember all the details, then half the job is already done. Next, all that remains is to choose a dream book to your taste and listen to the predictions.

Various dream books

Interpreters believe that in a dream a scarf can promise both great sorrow and great happiness.. This is an ambiguous symbol. Each interpreter tries to cover as many possible predictions as possible.

Wanderer's Dream Book

A handkerchief dreams of emotional distress and separation. If it was dirty, then you can mentally prepare yourself for the fact that your other half is not faithful to you.

The dream book considers the scarf differently for both sexes:

  • for men, a dream about a scarf speaks of the fidelity of the woman they love;
  • a woman who sees him in her vision will develop spiritually and learn to restrain her emotions.

The black color of the scarf promises misfortune in the family. It is possible that you will have to go in mourning.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

In this source, the scarf is considered depending on its purpose:

Esoteric dream book

What might a handkerchief mean in a dream? To tears and disappointment.

Giving it to someone means your relatives will upset you.

Buying a head one means subconsciously looking for protection, feeling vulnerable.

Seeing tied to someone - you will ask for help, and they will not refuse you.

Wear it yourself - you are reliably protected. There is an influential person or an entire organization behind you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a beautiful scarf on your head in a dream means news, a letter, news. Whatever it is, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Tying it on your head means you are about to travel. The dream book also sees in such a vision a warning that you will have to restrain yourself.

If you dream that another woman is wearing your scarf, there will be trouble.

Wearing a warm down jacket in a dream

Nose - you will be involved in a dispute, get ready for a difficult period in life. If it was clean, then the dreamer expects loss, while a dirty one, on the contrary, dreams of material well-being.

Silk means love. Cotton promises poverty and deprivation.

Maly Velesov dream book

According to this dream book, putting a warm, downy scarf on your head means a life of abundance and changes for the better.

Losing a scarf means you will find yourself in a shameful situation.

If you see that it is torn, you will become an object of gossip.

A scarf on the head means upcoming troubles.

The dream book also offers different interpretations, depending on what color the scarf was:

  • yellow - to separation;
  • red - for acquaintance;
  • black - to sad news;
  • with flowers - wait for matchmakers.

How sleep is perceived by different nationalities

The meaning of sleep for a young girl

The old Russian dream book takes a very negative view of the dream of a handkerchief. It is believed that a sleeping person will suffer beatings, be shamed, and perhaps have his name dishonored.

In the Ukrainian dream book, a scarf symbolizes news. A white scarf means favorable, a black one means the news will be sad.

Seeing a friend in a white headscarf means he is ill in real life.

Gypsies consider a dream in which a girl sees herself in a headscarf - for an imminent wedding.

Other dream interpretations

According to the dream book, a red scarf promises a sleeping person unforgettable sensations in real life.

White knitted scarf - you will gain material well-being. If it is loosely thrown over your shoulders, then you will be able to pull off a profitable business.

A beautiful accessory on the neck

Downy means that you are wasting yourself on unnecessary trifles. At the same time, the most important things leave you.
Seeing yourself with a scarf tied around your neck - expect advancement up the career ladder. Although there is an opinion among interpreters that you will suffer in soul, as you will understand that you have achieved a promotion by fraud.
A scarf on your head means you are constantly improving yourself, working both on your physical form and on your inner content.

As mentioned above, for men, a dream in which his wife wears a headscarf speaks of her honesty and love for the dreamer. True, if the scarf was torn or dirty, then you should take a closer look at her, since she is not entirely honest with you.

Wearing a blue scarf means something supernatural will happen in the dreamer’s life. After these events, you will begin to look at the world around you completely differently, and you will believe that miracles exist.

If it was blue, then you will want to start a new life. Get rid of old habits and things. Also, a blue scarf can mean the birth of a new life. If a young woman dreams of such a plot, then she will soon find out about her pregnancy.

In a dream, someone wants to tie a scarf and throw it over your shoulders? An influential person wants to take you under his wing.

Wrapping yourself in a downy scarf means you will soon acutely feel your loneliness, lose friends or a loved one.

Finding a scarf means a long journey ahead. At the same time, the interpreter does not specify either its duration or how this journey will be for you, pleasant or not.

Scarf in a dream - Seeing a white scarf in a dream- to the withering of something or someone.
Seeing a black scarf in a dream- to grief and sadness. Also, such a dream suggests that you are now in a hopeless situation and an extremely cramped situation.
See it colorful and bright- to joyful events and changes in life. Also, to a variety of emotions and diversity.
If in a dream you see an old, threadbare scarf, then in reality a lot of trouble awaits you.
If you put it on yourself and then wear it, you will be under the protection of certain people or even an organization.
If you tied a scarf on your head, then a long trip awaits you soon, the results of which will be simply stunning if the scarf is white.
If you saw a scarf in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an unexpected letter, message, news, which will later bring significant changes in your life.
If a girl ties a multi-colored scarf on her head in a dream, it means that she will soon get married successfully and will not need anything.
If the holes in the scarf are large, then there will be corresponding troubles.
If there are many small ones, then there will be many problems, but minor ones. In any case, if you don’t want to take this scarf or take it off in a dream, then everything will work out.
If it was made of silk and was pleasant to the touch, then you will soon fall in love. The question is whether this love will be mutual... buying a headscarf in a dream means seeking protection from outside influences.
If the scarf was cotton- it promises need and premature poverty.
If you dream of a red scarf, then such a dream means that you have blossomed as a woman and are ready to become a mother. Such a dream predetermines the entry into the most active childbearing phase.
If the handkerchief you saw in a dream was a handkerchief and not a head scarf, it means that you will soon expect quarrels and swearing with one of your relatives or close friends.
If the color of the scarf was black, then the results of the trip will not satisfy you, and maybe even vice versa - they will disappoint you in some way.
Since ancient times, the scarf was considered a symbol of female beauty, chastity and prosperity. Therefore, if you dreamed of a scarf, this is a good dream.
Wearing someone else's scarf- envy and desire to be in another person’s place.
Tying a white scarf to yourself prevents the onset of illness or even death. Scarves of other colors in a dream speak of prosperity and a carefree married life.
A clean scarf symbolizes a sad event, a dirty one symbolizes unexpected wealth.

Dream come true 164

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift.

Tying a headscarf on your head means restraining yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead.

Seeing your scarf on another woman means trouble.

A handkerchief symbolizes anxiety and disputes.

A cotton scarf predicts need, poverty.

A silk scarf predicts falling in love.

A clean handkerchief means a sad event, loss.

A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Seeing a Scarf in a dream

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is weakness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does the dream Scarf mean?

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to hit the road.

Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a Scarf in a dream

Letter, gift, news, wealth, change; spread out - write a letter; white - for a meeting with a guy (girl), good news // illness; red – acquaintance // illness; yellow – separation; black - they will denigrate you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness; colorful - matchmaking; tying your head is a chore; wave - the girl is getting married; waving a black handkerchief - news of death; Covering yourself with something warm means a change for the better, prosperity; torn to look - gossip, poverty; to lose is a shame.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream about the Scarf

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Scarf

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy.

Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers.

An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secrecy may somehow hinder you.

A scarf thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because they are ready to break free at any moment.

Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity.

If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief at you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person.

Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream suggests that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of sleep Scarf

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. Head buy - look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to wear it yourself - to be protected by people or an organization.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Scarf in a dream?

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, the road lies ahead.

If you see yours on another woman, your friend will be taken away.

A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from

A scarf is a headdress, a cloth for wiping away tears, and even a symbol of farewell. It is depending on the purpose for which the handkerchief was used in a dream, based on its color, material and purpose, that the dream book interprets what such a picture means in a dream.

This can be a warning of trouble, and a harbinger of great all-consuming happiness. But first things first, because to accurately interpret a dream you need to put all its pieces together, remember the smallest details, and only then can you trust the predictions with complete confidence.

Interpretations of various dream books, actions with a handkerchief

According to Velesov’s small dream book, seeing a scarf in a dream is a sign of unexpected news that can bring wealth and fame. If you spread it, then in reality you will write a fateful letter to someone, and without knowing it you yourself will become a beacon of good luck for the person.

According to Miller’s dream book, a scarf in a dream promises a young girl a serious passion for a person of the opposite sex. But if it is broken, then the new relationship will bring nothing but suffering, constant quarrels and misunderstandings.

Tsvetkov’s dream book gives an unfavorable interpretation of the dream of a scarf, but only if it is a nasal one: a series of failures and disappointments awaits you. The head one, on the contrary, portends good changes in life, a change in the line of fate.

Wearing a headscarf in a dream is an almost neutral symbol that predicts hassles associated with ordinary household chores. Just accept the fact that in the near future there will be no time to do your favorite things.

Why do you dream of tying a scarf? The 21st century dream book gives an unambiguous interpretation of a dream if a woman saw it. You will have to curb your temper and give up some principles in order to preserve hell and peace in the family.

Going outside, but before putting on a scarf in a dream, is a sign of an upcoming trip. Soon, urgent matters will pull you out of your family nest; most likely it will be a business trip that will bring a good income.

A scarf on your shoulders in a dream is a reflection of real fears and experiences. Your loved ones have placed too much responsibility on you, and the constant responsibilities associated with it stress you out and plunge you into severe depression.

The esoteric dream book gives a psychoanalytic interpretation to a dream where you had to buy a scarf in a dream. If it was intended to be worn on the head, then this is a subconscious desire to hide, a search for a protector who will protect from all misfortunes.

If you were given a scarf in a dream, then in reality you will be under the reliable protection of a certain influential person, or even a whole group of people. Don’t be afraid of troubles; with such a good “rear” they won’t overtake you.

Individuals who have long dreamed of traveling may well dream of a story where they managed to find a scarf. If the emotions are positive, then in reality you will be very happy about the opportunities for travel that have opened up, but if you experienced negative emotions, then the trip will only be a burden.

Various handkerchiefs

Before interpreting what a scarf means in a dream, remember what fabric it was made of, what it felt like, was it pleasant to hold and wear? All this is directly related to the correct interpretation of the plot in a dream. If you dream of a bright white scarf worn by one of your relatives or friends, then soon this person will become seriously ill. Don’t waste time, tell your loved one about your dream, and perhaps illness can be avoided.

The dream book interprets what a scarf or shawl means in a dream as a harbinger of wealth. Any warm stole draped over the shoulders is an omen of a very profitable business that can only be accomplished with help from influential people.

The dreamer's inattention signifies what a down scarf means in a dream. You find fault too much with little things and don't notice the really important things. Open your eyes, your loved ones need you, and you are only conflicting over trifles.

Seeing a handkerchief in a dream that you have not yet used for its intended purpose is a bad symbol of the dream book. A series of troubles awaits you in your personal life. And if you have also lost it, then any unsightly act committed by you can ruin your reputation for a long time.

The dream book promises a rise up the career ladder for those who saw a scarf around their neck in a dream. Also, such a plot foreshadows some pangs of conscience about the fact that you did not deserve the promotion, did not make every effort to achieve it, and success was only the mercy of your superiors.

For a young woman, seeing herself in a headscarf in a dream is a symbol of constant work on herself. You strive for perfection, constantly controlling negative emotions; such tactics lead to deep spiritual development and the ability to let go of the situation.

For men who had to wear a headscarf in a dream, the dream book promises harmony and fidelity in the family. Your woman is worthy of respect - she will never betray or deceive. But if the handkerchief is dirty, then the interpretation is given exactly the opposite - your spouse is not faithful to you.

For a married woman, wearing a headscarf in a dream means changes in life. Let's face it, they can happen both for good and bad. If you are now faced with a choice, then follow your heart, and all your hopes for tomorrow will come true.

A headscarf can also be interpreted in a dream book from completely different angles: a lot depends on its color. For example, what you dream of about multi-colored diamonds and squares on fabric is a clear sign of receiving good news from afar.

Does color matter?

According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, the dream of a colored scarf, painted in the most unexpected and bright shades, foreshadows the arrival of matchmakers for the young lady. If a guy saw such a picture, then he himself will soon go to woo his beloved.

A white scarf in a dream is a good symbol if the dreamer wears it. The dream book predicts good news that will change your way of life for the better. If a white cloth is put on another person, he will soon fall ill.

Why do you dream of a black scarf? Despite the gloomy color, the interpretation of the dream book does not always portend trouble. If there are a lot of black handkerchiefs, and young people saw them in a dream, then in reality mutual love awaits them. A single handkerchief is unpleasant, bad news.

A rich, blue scarf is a symbol of the unidentified, almost magical. The dream book predicts that in the near future supernatural events will occur in your life that will completely erase the old worldview, and perhaps you will even believe in miracles.

The green scarf symbolizes the birth of a new life, the rejection of everything unnecessary and old. If such a picture was seen by a married woman who had long dreamed of becoming pregnant, then she can have no doubt why this plot is dreaming: soon her hope for a long-awaited child will be justified.

Why do you dream of a silk scarf? For a lonely person, the dream book foretells a strong love, and one can even hope for reciprocity from a young man. But soon the feelings will fade away, love will be fleeting.

A red scarf in a dream is a sign of intense passion and at the same time weakness. A person of the opposite sex will have strong but forbidden feelings for you. This interpretation is especially true if the dreamer is already married.

Unlike red, a blue scarf is a sign of alienation and cooling of feelings. This interpretation of the dream book refers to the dreamer himself, who does not receive an answer in return for his strong passion. His soul is slowly freezing, closing himself off from love relationships.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, a woman in a black headscarf is a reflection of the dreamer’s health status in a dream. If lately you have been feeling a loss of strength, weakness, and frequent headaches, then these symptoms will definitely not go away without proper treatment.

A mourning scarf is not a symbol of tragedy and death, but it is still a bad sign. But according to the interpretation of the dream book, the dreamer will be denigrated, nasty gossip will be spread, from which he will receive a lot of suffering and mental anguish.

Dream Interpretation White Shawl

Why do you dream of a white Scarf in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a white scarf in a dream symbolizes positive news that you will soon receive. But if it is worn by someone, it is a signal that this person’s health will deteriorate. The dream book advises you to visit him and inquire about his well-being.

If you see a woman wearing a white headscarf, it means that with a high degree of probability a serious illness awaits her.

What was the white scarf like?

I dreamed of a white scarf on my head

If you dreamed of a white scarf on your head, this portends that you will be greatly surprised when you find yourself up to date with new information. It can change not only your immediate plans, but also some ideas about the world.

Why do you dream of a white down scarf?

A white down scarf seen in a dream means that there is too much fuss in your life. You get bogged down in details and lose sight of the main thing. This way, you risk not receiving essential information on time.

White scarf on head

Dream Interpretation White scarf on head dreamed of why you dream of a white scarf on your head? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White scarf on your head in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

They give a scarf

Dream Interpretation Gift of a scarf dreamed of why in a dream they give a handkerchief? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a handkerchief given in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

Handkerchief - portends a verbal altercation.

in a dream I saw 2 white scarves


KraSAVA fufu

generosity and kindness will come to you:3

Kucheryavenko Maria

What does a dream about a scarf tell? A turning point is symbolized by a dream about a scarf. Tying it on your head means you need the help of loved ones; if you covered your shoulders with a scarf, then the help of an old friend will come in handy. The scarf was tied in a strange, intricate way - a strange series of events awaits you. Buying a headscarf means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation by taking advantage of someone else’s authority. The dream in which you sold it predicts loss. Receiving a gift in the form of a scarf means being able to avoid trouble; giving a scarf is a dream that speaks of your inaction. Losing a scarf predicts shame. Forgetting it somewhere is a dream that promises a deterioration in your financial situation. Finding a scarf in a dream means moving. A sad event is foreshadowed by a dream in which you wore a black scarf. Bandana is a harbinger of a small and safe adventure. Beautiful, lace predicts a pleasant surprise. A white scarf is a date, a red one foreshadows an acquaintance that can develop into something more, a floral scarf predicts changes in your personal life, a meeting of your betrothed for those who are not married. A checkered scarf promises unfavorable developments. If in a dream you saw a warm scarf, a down one, or a woolen shawl, then your financial situation will improve. Gossip that seriously affects your reputation is brought about by a dream about holes in a scarf. Seeing a person in a headscarf means your dreams will not come true soon. Waving a white handkerchief, surrendering, means failure due to your frivolity. A neckerchief speaks of your desire to protect yourself from conversations and gossip. Buying it means you may soon get sick. Pearls A dream in which you saw pearls predicts good luck in business, trade and social activities. If a young woman dreams that her lover gives her pearls, then in real life she will have great luck. Her life will be filled with joys and pleasures. Her lover will be a person who has the best qualities necessary for a happy life together. They will forget what jealousy is - a feeling that has destroyed so many loving hearts. If a young woman dreams that the pearls have scattered or she has lost them, then she will face bitter sadness and disappointment due to a bereavement or misunderstanding. If a woman admires pearls, then the dream predicts pure love for her, which she will strive for with all her might.


Have you tried on a white scarf?

Nadezhda Lomaeva

a dream about scarves predicts that you will be in love

Vanilla Tender

virgin friends?

Red scarf

Dream Interpretation Red Shawl dreamed of why the Red Scarf is seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Red Scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Red

The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration. A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true. The red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love. Red colors are a sign of good luck and luck, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one. The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation. Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and valued by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character. Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is a sign of health.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Wear a white scarf

Dream Interpretation Wearing a white scarf dreamed of why you dream about wearing a white scarf? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wearing a white scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Dressing, undressing

Getting dressed is an awkward situation; successful event. Wearing a lot means you are sick. Dressing up is a problem; unsuccessful relationships. Dressing sloppily, inappropriately unexpected guest. Getting dressed awkwardly, with delays, delays, interference; responsibility, worries. Undressing malaise; lesion; frankness in relationships; liberation from someone or something.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Dressing

Dress someone else. Tip of the day: don’t be frank with people you don’t know. Now it’s dangerous for you. Dress yourself. Tip of the day: boldly take on a new business

Dream Interpretation - Dressing

Dressing in mourning clothes - foreshadows appointment to a position. Standing under a roof, in a house, getting dressed - speaks of uncertainty, some kind of secret.

Lose a handkerchief

Dream Interpretation Losing a handkerchief dreamed of why you dream about Losing a handkerchief? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Losing a scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Losing a handkerchief

Get beaten up.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

Steal a handkerchief

Dream Interpretation Steal a handkerchief dreamed of why you dream about Stealing a handkerchief? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Steal a handkerchief in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Steal something in a dream

Stealing in a dream means acquiring a luxury item.

Dream Interpretation - Steal

Stealing something in a dream means a discovery.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: for tears; giving - to the grief that your loved ones will cause you. The main thing to buy is to look for protection. To give is to call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. To put it on, to carry it yourself - to be under the protection of people or an organization.

A dead man tries on a scarf

Dream Interpretation Deceased trying on a scarf dreamed of why in a dream a dead man tries on a scarf? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dead Man trying on a scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tying a headscarf on your head means curbing yourself, some kind of trip is ahead. Seeing your headscarf on another woman means trouble. A handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. A cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. A silk handkerchief predicts falling in love. A clean handkerchief means a sad event, a loss. A dirty handkerchief means wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

The scarf is news. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf, it means wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked with a large check - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for matchmaking. A red scarf is news of weakness. Dreaming of someone wearing a white scarf or just a white scarf - news of the illness of the one wearing the scarf. A girl in a black headscarf is a sign of weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf means going to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a scarf, the dream means that some news will force you to set off. Imagine that you are tying a scarf on your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the scarf to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head: a sign that you may not want to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. An uncomfortable scarf: indicates that your secretiveness may hinder you in some way. Scarf, thrown over your shoulders: suggests that pent-up feelings can give themselves away, because at any moment they are ready to break free. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a scarf at you: such a dream says, that you can safely trust this person. Seeing others wearing headscarves in a dream: indicates that you have no idea about someone’s true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream foreshadows changes in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf signifies tenderness of feelings. A dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you will be separated from this person. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss this, eat a leaf of golden mustache during the week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on the scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of the people you care about.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse. Favorable sleep. Seeing a dead person means expect changes in fate. For an unmarried girl, seeing a male deceased means an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find someone his own age. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a deceased person in a nice expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a married lady dreams of a deceased man, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep his distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed. If a man dreams of a deceased person, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a deceased woman in a dream means a long and happy life. Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead means recovery from a protracted illness. Seeing a coffin with a deceased person decorated with flowers and a mournful crowd around means having fun in the company of friends. If you dreamed that a coffin with a deceased person was being carried to a cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the deceased is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a deceased person for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your acquaintance or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person whom you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will make a dizzying career or win a large inheritance. Closing the coffin with the deceased - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time. Imagine that you are putting flowers in the coffin of the deceased. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious, expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. The coffin, decorated with gold and precious stones, is no less luxurious.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

A dream in which you see your relatives dead foretells them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream foreshadows a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on what foot you got up from. Seeing your beloved dead foreshadows a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead means anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried in a dream modestly and hastily, and if solemnly and with a lot of people, such a dream suggests that soon the circle of your friends will expand significantly and you will become widely famous. A dream in which the dreamer a deceased person has committed suicide, portends betrayal on the part of your husband or lover. A deceased person executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement, according to the saying: “What is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunken person.” .Seeing a drowned person or an accident victim means that you are facing a desperate struggle to preserve your property rights. A dream in which you are surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls eager to drink your blood - such a nightmare foreshadows many annoying troubles in your personal life and deterioration position in society. Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in your apartment foreshadows discord in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander. A dead man who has fallen out of the coffin - to injury or illness, falling on him - you will soon receive news of the death of someone close to you. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased means illness; burying them will return to you what you did not expect to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Shawl

Tying a scarf on your head means curbing yourself, there is a road ahead. Seeing yours on another woman means they will take a friend away. A black scarf means mourning, the death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate. Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition. Opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky. The dead man eats - illness. The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest will come from the outside. The dead man comes to life - illness. portends news, a letter. A dead man cries - portends a squabble, a quarrel. A dead man breaks down with tears - portends prosperity. A dead man in a coffin - portends material gain. A dead man standing - portends great trouble.