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Antiviral agents Kagocel. Kagocel dosage for children

"Kagocel" is a modern drug that has a pronounced immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Thanks to it, the pathogenic microflora present in the body quickly begins to die. The progression of the disease immediately stops, and the patient recovers.

When prescribing this medication, the doctor must explain its effect to the patient. If for one reason or another a person cannot purchase an antiviral drug, a specialist will offer him an equally effective analogue.


You can purchase the medicine at absolutely any pharmacy. You do not need to have a recipe for this, as it is freely available. The price of the medicine is from 180 to 220 rubles for 1 package, which contains 10 tablets.

List of Kagocel analogues with price indication

  • Anaferon (20 pcs.) – from 185 rubles;
  • Ingavirin (60 mg – 7 pcs.) – from 365 rubles;
  • Arbidol (100 mg – 10 pcs.) – from 250 rubles;
  • Amiksin – (60 mg – 10 pcs.) – from 555 rubles;
  • Ergoferon (20 pcs.) – from 275 rubles;
  • Viferon (suppositories rect. 150,000 IU – 10 pcs.) – from 225 rubles;
  • Antigrippin (homeopathic granules 20 g) – from 90 rubles;
  • Aflubin (table 12 pcs.) – from 250 rubles;
  • Cycloferon (150 mg – 10 pcs.) – from 150 rubles;
  • Amizon (250 mg – 10 pcs.) – from 250 rubles;
  • Tsitovir 3 (12 capsules) – from 450 rubles;
  • Isoprinosine or groprinosin (500 mg – 20 pcs.) – from 555 rubles;
  • Tamiflu (75 mg – 10 pcs.) – from 1350 rubles;
  • Acyclovir (200 mg – 20 pcs.) – from 45 rubles;
  • Remantadine (50 mg – 20 pcs.) – from 75 rub.

This pharmaceutical product belongs to the group of drugs in the middle price category. However, many are still trying to find analogues that will cost less. A list of alternative medications can be provided to the patient by his or her physician. He will also select the most suitable ones, which will definitely help the patient cope with the viral infection.

It’s worth noting right away that Kagocel has no analogues that are absolutely identical to it in composition. Therefore, it is replaced only with products with a similar therapeutic effect.

"Arbidol" or Kagocel?

Experts are of the opinion that Arbidol has a very powerful effect on the immune system and the human body as a whole. According to this indicator, it significantly beats its competitor. Its advantages also include lower cost.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which is better: Arbidol or Kagocel. Each of them provides effective treatment for the same diseases, for example, rotavirus infections or inflammation caused by the activity of pathogenic microflora.

"Arbidol" is considered the most universal remedy, which is superior in cost and effect on pathogenic microorganisms to most modern antiviral agents.

Like any other medication, Arbidol has a number of side effects that may occur after taking it. However, they are not indicated in the instructions for the drug, since they were not officially recorded by experts.

"Cycloferon" is a relatively inexpensive analogue of "Kagocel". Both drugs are designed to modulate and successfully stimulate the immune system. They also help destroy pathogenic microflora.

The main difference between the two medications is their active substance. But this does not prevent them from having the same effect on the human body. That is why it is sometimes very difficult to choose what to buy: Cycloferon or Kagocel, since they both contribute to the production of their interferon. As a result, a reliable barrier appears in front of the viruses, preventing them from penetrating into the body.

Cycloferon may not be the most suitable treatment for a viral infection in people with the following disorders:

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Acute gastritis;
  • Allergy.

The product is also contraindicated for young children under 4 years of age. This is one of the reasons why this analogue in some cases is not suitable for treating a child.

"Antigrippin" belongs to the group of complex homeopathic medicines that contain mineral and herbal components. It has the following effect on a weakened body:

  1. Antipyretic;
  2. Adaptogenic;
  3. Immunomodulatory;
  4. Anti-inflammatory.

The homeopathic remedy helps get rid of the tendency to get colds and viral infections. This result is achieved by restoring the body’s protective properties.

"Antigrippin" has many advantages that make it an ideal analogue of "Kagocel":

  • Children can take from 12 months;
  • Has no side effects;
  • Has no serious contraindications;
  • Has a mild effect.

Unfortunately, homeopathic medicine does not give immediate results. Therefore, in case of severe illnesses, it should be taken only in combination with stronger drugs. In addition, the course of taking Antigrippin is quite long, which can also be a problem.

"Remantadine" or Kagocel - which is better?

The active component of "Remantadine" has a detrimental effect on the spread of typical viruses of types A and B. But this is not its only advantage. It also effectively fights the tick-borne encephalitis virus.

When treating with this drug, it is prohibited to take medications that contain aspirin and paracetamol, as they do not combine well. These compounds can reduce the therapeutic effect of Remantadine to zero.

Only a doctor can tell you what is better to buy: Remantadine or Kagocel. The first remedy is considered more suitable by many due to its low cost. But you need to understand that the components present in it are able to cope with the infection only at the very beginning of its development. If the disease progresses to a more severe form, the patient will require other treatment.

Doctors also note a large number of side effects that characterize Remantadine. All these disadvantages cover the benefits that the buyer can receive by choosing it over Kagocel.

Often patients faced with a viral infection cannot decide whether they should buy Amiksin or Kagocel. To make a choice, it is necessary to study in more detail the effect of both drugs on the human body.

It is immediately worth noting that both antiviral drugs have a powerful effect on pathogens. In addition, they are considered to be excellent immunomodulators. The main substances of pharmaceutical products do not have a toxic effect.

The only difference is the scope of application of the drugs. For example, Amiksin is suitable for the treatment of many types of infectious diseases.

"Amiksin" significantly outperforms the product for which it is an analogue in speed of action.

It is prescribed to both adults and children. The medicine is suitable for a child over 7 years old. But the second drug can be prescribed even to three-year-old children.

"Amiksin" is called a more suitable medication for the treatment of acute viral disease, which is accompanied by pronounced symptoms.


"Ergoferon" can hardly be classified as a cheap analogue of "Kagocel". However, it is still worth including in this list, since very often patients prefer to take this particular remedy.

Ergoferon has an important advantage over the second drug in the age category. It can be given to children from 6 months. However, both medications are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, since their effect on the body in such conditions has not yet been sufficiently studied.

When deciding whether to buy Ergoferon or Kagocel, you can focus on their active ingredient. Despite the different components, they both provide antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Ergoferon usually copes faster with the symptoms of colds and flu, as it exhibits an antiallergic effect.

Ergoferon has a wider list of indications for use. But the contraindications of the two drugs are completely identical.

Prescriptions prescribed to patients with a viral infection often contain the names “Ingavirin” or “Kagocel”. Both medications will be useful for colds or flu. In addition, they can replace each other. The first product differs in chemical composition. The second is based on plant components, so it acts more gently.

However, Ingavirin outperforms its competitor due to its powerful action and high efficiency during the treatment of severe symptoms of respiratory diseases.

The main task of Kogacel is to increase immunity. Thanks to this, the body is able to independently cope with the attack of pathogenic microflora.

It, like its analogue, is excellent for the prevention of colds.

"Ingavirin" is significantly inferior in its indications for use. The list of diseases for which it will be effective is not so long. In addition, treatment with this pharmaceutical product is contraindicated for young children. It is only suitable for patients over 18 years of age.

You should not use two drugs at the same time, since doctors do not recommend taking several antiviral medications together.

Other analogues

You can replace the medicine prescribed by your doctor with the following drugs:

The list of Kagocel analogues is limited, so doctors can easily find an alternative medicine for the patient. It is strictly prohibited to make decisions on your own about changing medications. This task is best entrusted to a competent specialist. Only he can choose a medicine based on the patient’s contraindications, the type and severity of his disease.

Sometimes replacing a given drug with an analogue may not be wise. In some cases, only it can have a certain effect on the patient’s body, which will contribute to his recovery. This is one of the main reasons why it is undesirable to change prescribed medications without your doctor’s permission.

Today you can increasingly hear that doctors prescribe Kagocel for colds. It is Russian, it is not registered in the USA, and there is no information about Kagocel in the World Health Organization. Among other things, the effectiveness of the drug has not yet been established, which raises some vague doubts. With all this, not every person knows what causes infertility, and why this happens, we will learn from this article. Kagocel belongs to the group of interferons; it is designed to stimulate the production of its own interferon in the body. The annual sales volume of this medicine amounts to more than 2.5 billion rubles.

According to reliable information, it became known that the manufacturer Rosnan invests about 1.2 billion rubles in this product annually. Kagocel contains gossypol, there is a lot of interesting information about it, but there are reliable facts that are confirmed by scientists and that’s the point. Chinese scientists found that men who consumed food with cottonseed oil experienced such an unpleasant pathology as infertility.

Not everyone knows that back in 1929, gossypol was used in contraceptives, which were extremely popular because they were considered more effective than other contraceptives. This discovery led the Chinese to create a whole study on the effectiveness of using gossypol. But in 1986, due to frequent side effects, scientists had to abandon the idea of ​​using it.

It was found that 20% of men experienced irreversible infertility from using this medication. In nineteen ninety-eight, WHO ordered the suspension of any research concerning him. It was found that it not only causes an adverse reaction, but is also highly toxic. Therefore, no other manufacturer considered it as a contraceptive.

The composition of Kagocel contains 20% gossypol, of which only 3% is combined. No studies have been conducted, it is allowed to take 10 mg per day. The instructions for use of Kagocel clearly state that this product should not be used by children under six years of age.

Oddly enough, it is actively promoted by many doctors and pediatricians, despite its huge list of side effects.

  1. Be sure to read the active ingredient included in the composition.
  2. Look for a description on the English site.
  3. See the instructions for use in which cases it is prescribed.
  4. Read reviews on the Internet about this medicine, for which diseases it is more effective.
  5. Buy only from an official seller, as fakes are very common.

Kagocel was created at the research institute, and around 2000 the first tests were carried out. And in two thousand and three, Kagocel was officially registered under the original name, which you all know. In 2005, Kagocel began to be produced as a full-fledged medicine. In 2013, Kagocel was already sold everywhere and gained popularity among other drugs in this segment.

I would like to note that the drug was tested only once. This trial involved approximately 1,000 people and was a placebo-controlled study of the drug's effectiveness. However, these studies were not carried out in accordance with established standards. Among other things, these studies were criticized for violating the law regarding examinations of military personnel. There is no information about the drug on the official website dedicated to clinical trials. Therefore, each patient must decide for himself whether he needs it or not. We emphasize that all clinical trials were published exclusively in Russian literature. It has never been used abroad, and the World Health Organization has no information about this medicine.

The drug stimulates the production of interferon and provides an antiviral effect. To date, no research has been conducted. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about effectiveness; you can only rely on reviews on the Internet about this drug.

The manufacturer assures everyone that Kagocel causes the so-called interferon production. When consumed orally, the medicine reaches its effectiveness after two days. After a day, the medicine accumulates to a large extent in the liver and is excreted naturally. Small concentrations are found in the heart, as well as in the brain and blood.

With daily consumption of the drug orally, the substance accumulates in all these organs in greater concentration. The medicine is usually eliminated from the body naturally through the intestines a week after use.

When prescribed in therapeutic dosages, the drug is non-toxic and does not have any mutagenic properties. The effectiveness of the drug was noticed during therapy from the fourth day of the disease. According to doctors, it is taken from any day of infection. It is most often prescribed for severe influenza illness.

  1. Suppression of spermatogenesis.
  2. Infertility in men.
  3. Headache.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Vomiting and diarrhea (overdose).

According to the manufacturer, the medicine is not toxic and does not pose any danger to humans.

Gossypol undergoes a chemical change before use, so it does not pose a danger. The manufacturer states that the medication is classified as low-toxic and does not cause pathological changes. It should be said that the manufacturer agrees with the possibility of gossypol, but this happens extremely rarely.

The instructions for use state that the medicine is well absorbed from the stomach, and its bioavailability is approximately 20%. After a day, it is completely distributed throughout the human body. But at the same time, absolutely nothing is written about him in motorball. Note that 80% of the medication is excreted by the intestines, and 20% is excreted by the kidneys.

In animal experiments, no negative effects on sperm were found. However, when the substance was administered to rats, it resulted in the formation of a cyst in the tail area. Therefore, there is no point in discussing the safety of the drug; each person must determine for himself whether he needs it or not, because on the Internet there are two opinions on this matter: some say that the drug helps with infectious diseases.

Today, the medicine is actively promoted by all medical institutions for patients aged three to six years and adults. However, there are no clinical safety trials.

Because the effects of this medication have not been monitored by the manufacturer, it is generally recommended with caution for adolescents and young children.

For viral diseases, we recommend purchasing similar antiviral medications with good reviews.

  1. Lactose deficiency.
  2. Age category.
  3. Lactose intolerance.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Breastfeeding period.
  6. Allergy.

On the official medical forum there is information that this medication reduces potency with long-term use. It is typically prescribed during treatment for herpes zoster and as an antiviral agent.

Every year, about five hundred million people become infected with influenza, and about five hundred thousand patients die. In the first three months of the severe epidemic, more than ten thousand people worldwide died. This is truly a scary statistic, because the attention of all researchers over ten years led to the production of drugs against influenza. Since 2007, more than twenty drugs against this virus have been registered in Russia. I wonder why this happens? Some of the remedies immediately receive permission to purchase without a prescription, others begin to be actively advertised on television, but nowhere do they talk about the composition of the medicine and what it was previously used for. We decided to give a description of the most widely advertised medicines of today for the influenza virus.

The manufacturer is Valenta, the active substance is pentanedioic acid. The manufacturer claims that it is antiviral. In 2008, Ingavirin was registered as a treatment for influenza. It should be noted that the main substance Ingavirin was still part of Dicarbamine on April 12, 2010, which was prescribed to cancer patients. And if you compare these two drugs, they are completely different in action.

The instructions for Ingavirin indicate that it scans all cells and destroys only infected ones. However However, in studies on the activity of Ingavirin, it was found that its concentration is not capable of destroying viruses. So what is Ingavirin? And how is it different from Dicarbamine? Nothing is completely clear, so before using it you need to think about how it initially treated cancer patients, and now it has become antiviral.

Pharmachologic effect:

Antiviral drug. Interferon synthesis inducer. The active substance is the sodium salt of a copolymer of (1→4)-6-0-carboxymethyl-β-D-glucose, (1→4)-β-D-glucose and (21→24)-2,3,14,15 ,21,24,29,32-octahydroxy-23-(carboxymethoxymethyl)-7,10-dimethyl-4, 13-di(2-propyl)-19,22,26,30,31-pentaoxaheptacyclo dotriaconta-1,3 ,5(28),6,8(27), 9(18),10, 12(17), 13,15-decaene.

Causes the formation in the body of so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of alpha and beta interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel® causes interferon production in almost all cell populations involved in the body's antiviral response: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When one dose of Kagocel® is taken orally, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the administration of Kagocel® is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of interferon accumulation in the intestine when taking the drug orally does not coincide with the dynamics of circulating interferon titers. In the blood serum, the interferon content reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking the drug Kagocel®, while in the intestine the maximum interferon production is observed after 4 hours.

The greatest effectiveness in treatment with Kagocel® is achieved when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day from the onset of acute infection. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used at any time, incl. and immediately after contact with an infectious agent


For adults

For treatment of influenza and ARVI prescribed in the first 2 days - 2 tablets. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 3 times/day. A total of 18 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets. 1 time/day, break for 5 days. Then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course varies from 1 week to several months.

For herpes treatment 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times/day for 5 days. In total, for a course lasting 5 days - 30 tablets.

Children aged 6 years and older

For treatment of influenza and ARVI prescribed in the first 2 days - 1 tablet. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 2 times/day. A total of 10 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet. 1 time/day, break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.


Treatment: In case of accidental overdose, it is recommended to prescribe plenty of fluids and induce vomiting.

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To prevent and treat inflammatory infectious diseases, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs. Among the many medicines in this group, experts highlight a modern medicine - Kagocel.

The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to other drugs, however, according to the observations of doctors, Kagocel is the most effective. In cases where it is necessary to select a substitute for Kagocel, you should first consult with a therapist.

Features of the drug

The mechanism of action of Kagocel is aimed at enhancing the synthesis of the main substance (gamma globulin), which has antiviral properties.

The composition of the medicine is based on the active component - Kagocel. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • ludipress;
  • calcium stearate;
  • crospovidone;
  • fructose;
  • povidone;
  • potato starch.

It is recommended to take the medication as soon as the first signs of a viral infection appear. If the disease has progressed for more than four days, the product will not be as effective as possible. In addition, the medicine can also be used for preventive purposes.

The main indications for taking Kagocel are:

  • respiratory or urogenital chlamydia;
  • herpetic diseases;
  • cytomegalovirus or rotavirus infection;
  • acute respiratory infections or flu;
  • other diseases.

The medicine is contraindicated mainly for pregnant and lactating women. Kagocel is not prescribed for children under three years of age.

The cost of tablets is from 200 to 250 rubles. In some cases, it is the price of the drug that becomes the reason for replacing Kagocel with cheaper analogues.


Kagocel's analogue, Arbidol, belongs to the antiviral group of drugs with immunomodulatory properties. As a result of taking it, the risk of developing complications after bacterial and viral infections is reduced. Therapeutic treatment with Arbidol reduces the intensity of the symptoms of the disease and shortens the period of action of the inflammatory process.

Arbidol is a cheaper analogue of the original product containing the following substances:

  • umifenovir;
  • aerosil;
  • calcium stearate;
  • povidone.
  • influenza virus (A and B);
  • acute rotavirus infection;
  • acute respiratory syndrome;
  • pneumonia;
  • different types of bronchitis.

Arbidol is also used for prevention during the epidemic season.

The product is an analogue of Kagocel for children, since manufacturers produce a special series of the drug with the calculation of the children's dosage of the composition. However, the tablets are also contraindicated under the age of three years.

The price of Arbidol can range from 100 to 170 rubles.


Anaferon can serve as a replacement for Kagocel. The drug has antiviral properties. Anaferon also has an immunostimulating effect, promoting an increase in the amount of antibodies and antiviral substance (interferon).

Timely use of Anaferon helps to get rid of the symptoms of infectious infection and shorten the duration of the disease. In addition to its main actions, the medicine has an additional effect on the body, preventing the occurrence of purulent processes.

Anaferon tablets contain:

  • combination of diluted homeopathic substances;
  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate.

Manufacturers produce medications with a lower dosage designed to treat a child’s body.

Doctors prescribe medications to eliminate inflammatory processes in the treatment of:

  • influenza and ARVI;
  • herpes and cytomegalovirus;
  • complications of bronchitis.

Anaferon does not have any categorical contraindications. Tablets should be taken with caution during a woman's pregnancy, as well as during lactation. The medicine is also not recommended if you are allergic to the composition.

Comparing Kagocel and its analogues, it should be noted that the cost of Anaferon (190–230 rubles) is not lower than the price of the original product.


A popular antiviral medicine from a Russian manufacturer is Cycloferon. The effect of the medication is designed to enhance the body’s natural protective functions against viral infections.

The composition of Cycloferon is designed to activate the production of interferon and has a wide range of properties. Unlike many antiviral drugs, Cycloferon has a more extensive list of indications.

  • polysorbate;
  • povidone;
  • calcium stearate;
  • methacrylic acid copolymer;
  • propylene glycol.


  • exacerbation of respiratory inflammation and influenza;
  • hepatitis (B and C);
  • herpes;
  • intestinal infectious diseases;
  • neuronal infections;
  • fungi and bacteria of various types.

Cycloferon is available in the form of tablets and solution. In addition to the listed indications, the injection solution is also used when detecting:

  • chlamydial infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • degenerative processes in joints;
  • rheumatic pathologies of connective tissues.

Like most antiviral medications, Cycloferon is contraindicated in women carrying and breastfeeding a child. The medicine should not be used for the therapeutic treatment of small children under four years of age, people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and those with an allergic reaction to the components of the composition.

Price: 180–250 rubles.


If you need to replace Kagocel with analogues, then you can consider a modern drug - Antigrippin. The mechanism of action of Antigrippin is designed to eliminate the signs of colds. The drug does not have broad spectrum properties. Its properties are designed for a specific effect on the body.

The main components of Antigrippin:

  • paracetamol;
    ascorbic acid;
  • Chlorpheniramine maleate.

The drug is sold in two forms: powder for dissolution and effervescent tablets. Antigrippin is also available in children's dosages.

The main purpose of the medication is acute respiratory viral infection. Antigrippin helps eliminate the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • muscle pain and headaches;
  • nasal congestion;
  • chills;
  • pain in the nasopharynx.

Antigrippin has a wide list of contraindications: kidney and liver pathologies, stomach ulcers, viral hepatitis, anemia, glaucoma, alcoholism and others.

Antigrippin is a fairly inexpensive drug. However, depending on the form of release, its price can range from 130 to 300 rubles.


Perhaps the cheapest analogue of the original medicinal antiviral drug is Rimantadine. In addition to the immunomodulatory effect, Remantandin also has an antitoxic effect.

When taken for preventive purposes, Remantandin reduces the likelihood of influenza. If the drug is taken in the first days after the first symptoms appear, the recovery process is much easier and faster. Remantandin is one of the few medications that are used to prevent encephalitis tick bites.

Composition of the drug:

  • rimantadine hydrochloride;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • stearic acid.

Rimantadine is contraindicated:

  • if the functionality of the liver and kidneys is impaired;
  • under the age of seven;
  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with sensitivity to constituent substances.

Among similar products, the price of Rimantadine is much lower - an average of 90 rubles.


The drug Amiksin is a highly effective medicine with antiviral properties. The rapid effectiveness of the drug and its wide spectrum of action are reflected in its price. The cost of Amiksin is from 550 rubles.

Cheaper analogues of Kagocel are discussed above, however, according to reviews, the high cost of Amiksin is justified by the results of its use.

Application - prevention and treatment:

  • hepatitis groups A, B, C and ARVI;
  • herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections;
  • encephalomyelitis (viral and allergic);
  • respiratory and urogenital chlamydia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

The effect on the body is achieved due to the constituent substances:

tilorone (active ingredient);

  • collidon;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium croscarmellosis.

Contraindications include: allergies to the composition, age under seven years, pregnancy and lactation.

Generics of Kagocel have similar indications for use. Some drugs have a wider spectrum of action or, conversely, more narrowly targeted properties (for example, Antigrippin), so before use you should definitely study the instructions included with the medication and consult a specialist.

Kagocel is a well-known synthetic immunomodulatory and antiviral agent of the polyphenol group that can enhance the synthesis of interferon. This double effect allows the drug to fight various viruses, thanks to the normalization of the body’s own defenses.

The drug goes well with many medications: antibiotics, antiviral and antihistamines, tablets that increase immunity. This makes it possible for Kagocel to take part in complex treatment regimens for various viral diseases.

Taking the drug eliminates the negative symptoms of respiratory infections and reduces the risk of severe complications of the disease. In order for Kagocel to show the desired effect of treatment, you should start taking the pills in the first days of the onset of the viral infection. A later appointment is not advisable.

Release form, composition, storage

Kagocel is available in tablet form. Each tablet has a creamy-brownish tint and is equipped with the main active ingredient - kagocel in an amount of 12 mg.

The auxiliary components support and complement the main active ingredient:

  • calcium stearate;
  • crospovidone;
  • lactose (disaccharide);
  • potato starch;
  • povidone.

The tablets are produced in special blisters of 10 pieces, they are placed in cardboard packaging.

The shelf life of the drug is 24 months if all the rules for preserving tablet forms are observed - a dry room, air humidity not more than 50°C, distance from sunlight and children, temperature within 15-20°C.

The average price for Kagocel is about 220-250 rubles.

How does Kagocel and its analogues work?

Thanks to active stimulation of the production of interferons, the functioning of the cells responsible for the body's immune response is restored. Kagocel has pronounced medicinal properties, namely:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • immunomodulating;
  • radioprotective (gets rid of free radicals).

The drug is non-toxic if the instructions for use are followed. Despite the fact that Kagocel does not affect the development of the embryo, i.e. It does not have an embryotoxic effect; it is still not recommended to take it during pregnancy, like many antiviral drugs.

Only 20% of the administered dose of the drug enters the systemic circulation. The drug is excreted from the body in feces (90%) and urine (10%). The maximum effect from taking Kagocel is observed on the third day after starting to take the tablets.

When is Kagocel used?

Indications for the use of the drug in adults and children starting from 3 years of age are:

  • herpes virus in the active phase (confirmed by laboratory tests) - treatment with the drug is carried out only after 12 years;
  • influenza (various strains);
  • adenoviruses and ARVI;
  • complex therapy of infectious chlamydia;
  • prevention of the spread of viral infections during an unstable epidemiological situation;
  • various infections, presumably of viral origin.

Note! If viral pathologies appear, the doctor may suggest Kagocel, but you should know that there are many antiviral drugs, and only the doctor’s experience will help you navigate this or that case correctly.

Every year, during epidemics, new mutating viruses appear, which are not so easy and quick to “deal with.” Epidemiological services inform doctors about which “villain” is at work, and infectious disease specialists give their recommendations on tactics for managing the raging virus that caused the pandemic.

Therefore, in order not to miss the flu, and especially its atypical form, seek medical help in time for any, even minor, ailments.

Be careful! An increase in body temperature to high levels, aches in the joints and muscles, headache, lack of appetite, weakness, nausea, and all this in the absence of a runny nose and sore throat, indicates the onset of the flu.

For all the problems described above, the patient is shown Kagocel or its analogues.

Features of the treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults and children - secrets from real treatment experience.

How to treat a runny nose with adenoids in children and adults.

Contraindications, adverse reactions, overdose

Kagocel is not taken in the following cases:

  • if the body is immune to any of the components of the drug;
  • in children under three years of age;
  • in lactating and pregnant women (in all trimesters);
  • with glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • with lactase deficiency;
  • with unsatisfactory lactose tolerance.

During treatment, in rare cases, side effects occur in the form of allergic manifestations, which should be reported to the doctor.

In case of an overdose of the drug, if the patient has significantly exceeded the dose, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, stomach pain, diarrhea or other symptoms develop. Before the doctor arrives or the ambulance arrives, you should induce vomiting mechanically by pushing two fingers onto the root of the tongue. The patient should drink plenty of water. Give the patient sorbents. And also try to cleanse the intestines (give an enema with a lot of water).

What are the dosages for adults and children?

The drug is taken orally with a sufficient amount of water. The instructions for the drug do not indicate whether to take the tablets before or after meals. In such cases, the medicine is taken without food or as recommended by a doctor.

Kagocel dosages for adults

The course of treatment for the active phase of a viral infection (ARVI, adenoviruses, influenza) begins with a loading dose - 24 mg 3 times a day or 2 tablets three times a day. The patient takes this dose for two days. Then, on the third and fourth days, the dose is halved and is 1 tablet three times a day. The entire course lasts only 4 days (18 tablets).

For preventive purposes, a weekly course is carried out:

  • Days 1 and 2 - 24 mg (2 tablets) - once;
  • 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days - break;
  • 8 and 9 days - like 1 and 2, i.e. 2 tablets per day;
  • 10-14 day break;
  • Days 15 and 16 - like 1 and 2, i.e. 2 tablets per day.

The duration of the preventive course may be longer, depending on the epidemic situation and the risk to the patient.

Herpetic infection is suppressed by a loading dose of the drug - 24 mg three times a day for 5 days. The course will require 3 packs of Kagocel (30 tablets).

Kagocel dosage for children

For the treatment of viral infections in children, the following doses are indicated:

  • age 3-6 years: a four-day course of 6 tablets is carried out (the first two days - 1 tablet twice a day, and days 3 and 4 - 1 tablet per day);
  • age from 6 years: 10 tablets are used per course (in the first two days - 1 tablet three times a day, days 3 and 4 - 1 tablet twice a day);
  • for preventive purposes, starting from three years, the following regimen is shown: 1, 2 days, 1 tablet per day (once). Then the course is interrupted for 5 days. The duration of the course can be increased to 30 days (according to the current instructions).

If for some reason Kagocel is not suitable, the doctor will suggest other antiviral agents (analogs), fortunately, there are plenty of them.

What analogues of Kagocel exist?

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the popular analogues of Kagocel and determine which drugs are cheaper and more often preferred by patients, here is their list:

  • Anaferon (20 pcs.) - 180 rubles;
  • Ingavirin (60 mg - 7 pcs.) - 360 rubles;
  • Arbidol (100 mg - 10 pcs.) - 200 rubles;
  • Amiksin - (60 mg - 10 pcs.) - 550 rub.;
  • Ergoferon (20 pcs.) - 270 rubles;
  • Viferon (suppositories rect. 150,000 IU - 10 pcs.) - 220 rubles;
  • Antigrippin (homeopathic granules 20 g) - 85 rubles;
  • Aflubin (table 12 pcs.) - 200 rubles;
  • Cycloferon (150 mg - 10 pcs.) - 180 rubles;
  • Amizon (250 mg - 10 pcs.) - 200 rubles;
  • Tsitovir 3 (12 capsules) - 400 rubles;
  • Isoprinosine or groprinosin (500 mg - 20 pcs.) - 550 rubles;
  • Tamiflu (75 mg - 10 pcs.) - 1300 rubles;
  • Acyclovir (200 mg - 20 pcs.) - 40 rubles;
  • Remantadine (50 mg - 20 pcs.) - 70 rub.

According to the prices given, it is not difficult to identify cheaper analogues:

  • anaferon;
  • arbidol;
  • antigrippin;
  • aflubin;
  • cycloferon;
  • amizon;
  • acyclovir;
  • remantadine.

Of course, not all of these drugs can be called cheap, they just cost a little less than Kagocel, and for many citizens even minor discounts in price matter.

Let's look at popular analogs of Kagocel, which have a lower cost, and also find out their advantages and disadvantages.

Arbidol or Kagocel?

These drugs have pronounced antiviral activity, and it is not so easy to determine which of them is the leader. Both are used to prevent the spread of influenza, adenoviruses and other infections, and are indicated from the age of three.

They differ in the active substance; for Arbidol it is umifenovir. Some doctors believe that Arbidol more effectively stimulates the body's immune response, and this is its advantage. Kagocel “works” better for preventing infections. But the price of Arbidol is slightly lower than that of Kagocel.

Also advantage of Arbidol its use remains for rotavirus infection, secondary immunodeficiencies, and complex treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory tract complicated by severe viral infection. In terms of sales volume, Arbidol is twice the leader.

Disadvantage of using Arbidol, according to doctors, it is considered to be prone to a number of complications, although there is no data on this in the instructions (only allergic reactions are mentioned there).

Both drugs restore humoral and cellular immunity and actively suppress viral infection. The main component of Cycloferon is different - meglumine acridone acetate, but the action of these two agents is identical: they restore the normal production of natural interferon and inhibit the reproduction of attacking viruses.

The advantage of Cycloferon is the price (lower).

Flaws: Use with caution for certain diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract (especially with eroded gastritis and ulcers), and for allergy sufferers. The drug is used from 4 years of age (Kagocel from 3 years of age). The duration of treatment with the drug is longer.

The choice of drug often depends on the doctor’s preference and his experience in treating viral infections, but the patient can also make his own suggestions; perhaps he already has his own preferences for antiviral drugs that have helped previously.

Instructions for use of the drug Cycloferon.

Antigrippin is a complex homeopathic preparation of plant and mineral origin. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, decongestant, antipyretic, adaptogenic and other properties. Homeopathy works proactively: it eliminates the tendency to colds and viral diseases by restoring the body's defenses.

The advantages of Antigrippin are: mild effect on the body, no side effects or contraindications for use. Allowed for children from 12 months (according to the instructions), although in practice homeopaths use this drug for up to a year, after diluting homeopathic granules in water. The price of Antigrippin is three times cheaper than Kagocel. Children tolerate sweet peas well and are always ready to take them.

Flaws: Antigrippin does not always act quickly, so for severe viral infections it is used in combination with other antiviral drugs. Preventive courses are quite long. This therapy is not always suitable for forgetful patients.

It is very difficult for an ordinary person, without medical education, to understand medications and even estimate their price. Sometimes the patient looks at the price sticker (on the box with the medicine) and chooses a cheaper analogue. What could be the catch?

Sometimes for a course of treatment you need to purchase two or three packs of the drug, and the following comes out: here you don’t have to be a famous mathematician to estimate, for example, a course of Kagocel is 2 packs (costs approximately 480 rubles), and a course of Arbidol is 2 or 3 packs - 400 - 600 rubles. It seems that Arbidol is cheaper, but treatment may be more expensive. Therefore, everything is relative, it is possible that the doctor will reduce the therapy, and only two packs of Arbidol will be enough for the course.

From all that has been said, we can conclude: Kagocel and its cheap analogues each destroy viral infection in their own way, but choosing a drug is the task of doctors, and it is the duty of patients to follow the instructions correctly, and, of course, study all the reviews about the prescribed drug, just in case! Be healthy!

Is Kagocel really effective?