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Dream Interpretation full sink of water. I dreamed of a clog in the sink in a dream. Why do you dream about a broken sink?

It is impossible to directly guess what a shell means in a dream. Initially, in order to look in a dream book and find out the interpretation of such a dream, you need to remember what kind of shell you dreamed of: with a snail, an ear shell or a utility shell. In addition, remember what it looked like and what manipulations you performed with it.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a sea or river bank strewn with shells in a dream is a sign of prosperity and pleasure. Your efforts will be appreciated and all your dreams will come true.

The kitchen sink represents pointless work. It’s as if all the enterprises will be washed away by the water flow.

Inhabitants of the deep sea or both in joy and sorrow

I dreamed that you were opening a shell with a snail, hoping that you would find a treasure there - you are trying to discern notes of happiness amid cloudy days.

If you dreamed that you had a sea clam, and inside it you could see a pearl - expect happiness due to great wealth.

To dream that pearl divers are lifting shells from the seabed and getting pearls from them - beware of enemies, they are capable of causing you harm, even when they don’t want it.

A clam without a shell, seen in a dream, is a sign of insecurity. You, like a lonely snail, require support, therefore, you do not need to refuse the help of strangers.

Purchasing shells that contain snails for food is a disappointment, according to the Lunar Dream Book.

A souvenir from work to play...

If you dreamed that you were given a shell decorated with pearls as a kind of souvenir - your inner consciousness lets you know that it’s time to change the situation and do other work.

Watching yourself pick up shells means troubles await you at work, warns Vanga’s dream book.

Buying shells of significant size as a souvenir - the interpretation of the dream is as follows: you will help a friend do something, speeding up the onset of leisure time.

Washstand in the kitchen as a symbol of troubles

If you see the kitchen sink filled with unwashed dishes, all the difficulties you have need to be resolved quickly, otherwise they can ruin your authority.

If you can’t clear the clog in the kitchen sink, you yourself will be able to cope with all the proposed tasks, the Spring Dream Book promises.

A broken shell filled with liquid flowing through the holes foreshadows troubles in endeavors that later become known to the whole society.

If you dreamed of a clogged sink with residual liquid and detergent - your time is wasted when you do what is not necessary. This is just an addition to the obstacles in your path.

As Pastor Loff’s dream book says, removing a clog in the sink is a solution to many problems.

Problems in the bathroom - household chores await you

A cracked or jagged washstand is a sign of betrayal by one of the family members.

If you dreamed that the bathtub was filled to the brim with liquid that was running over the edge due to a blockage in the drain - troubles await you in family relationships.

If you see that there is someone’s blood on the sink, in reality your loved one will cause serious worries and worries.

Consider that purified water runs out of the toilet, picking up dirt - you will be able to avoid troubles in the couple, the Women's Dream Book foretells.

Cleaning a recently purchased washbasin that is clogged - your recent friend will cause unfavorable moments.

Ear cartilage is a sign of devotion and friendship

Did you dream about the outer part of the ear being the largest size? A positive vision, foreshadowing long-term friendships and devotion, is explained by the Eastern interpreter.

To cleanse your ears of wax in your night dreams - be prepared; very soon you will be pleased with favorable news from your family and friends.

A dreamy vision where you had to wash dirty ears has a good meaning. Its meaning is as follows: you will be able to regain a positive reputation through the assistance of your friends.

To dream that a cat or mouse is cleaning its own ears - very soon you will learn about the secrets of your children, which they themselves will tell you about.

Dream Interpretation sink

Since the word shell is ambiguous, when interpreting the dreamer needs to clarify all the details of the dream. Some people dream of having their ears cleaned, others happened to walk along the seashore strewn with shells. Sometimes the main thing for night vision will be an ordinary washbasin. The interpreter is convinced that each symbol and sign from dreams carries a unique prediction.

As the modern combined dream book insists, oysters or snails in a dream are identified with hidden sexual desires and passion.

According to the noble soothsayer N. Grishina, those dreamers who opened the shell in the story will have to find out the secret in reality, reveal the secret.

Clams according to dream books

Dream books of famous mediums, sorcerers, and soothsayers will help you understand why you dream of a shell. You can also understand the plot vision by paying attention to folk predictions.

I dreamed of a clam in a house

  • Regardless of the additional details, according to the gypsy dream book, the image of any shell in dreams promises the beginning of an unfavorable period, an exorbitant waste of money and effort.
  • A person who tries to see the bottom of a shell is destined to understand his own inner world, says the interpreter of the Wanderer.
  • Shells and mollusks, according to the Apostle Simon the Canaanite, are a good sign indicating the accompanying star of good luck.
  • As the interpreter of dreams from “A” to “Z” is convinced, the river oyster will tell you that life will be calm, happy, without hassle and worries.

The human subconscious signals a depressed state if, according to the vision scenario, the dreamer is imprisoned in the hollow space of a shell, explains Sigmund Freud.

Shell image

An unexpected profit will delight the dreamer in reality, in whose hands a shell with pearls has opened.

A snail without a shell will become a symbol of defenselessness. If you dream of a shell without an “inhabitant,” then you need to be vigilant so as not to fall for the tricks of envious people.

Dream about catching oysters

According to the Lunar Dream Book, catching oysters portends romantic feelings, while buying an exquisite product, on the contrary, will tell of disappointments.

A presented souvenir, represented by a shell, will tell you that the time has come to decide on drastic changes, a change in the boring environment.

Ear hole

Several strange, but no less significant dreams with various situations where I happened to look at ear cartilage:

In reality, someone who washed their ear cavities with water in a dream will be able to restore their lost reputation without much effort.

Plumbing in dreams

Dreams about washbasins can be completely different. For this reason, the dream fortuneteller recommends paying attention to all details, actions, and emotional sensations.

A kitchen sink completely filled with dirty dishes will hint to the dreamer that there are unresolved problems.

As the spring interpreter believes, the decision to wash all the dishes will indicate that a lot of effort will have to be made to implement plans and ideas.

Flowing water from the cracks of the washbasin is an unfavorable sign; soon after the dream, all mistakes or failures will be on public display, causing discomfort to the dreamer.

Seeing a washstand in a dream

You should change your type of activity, look for workarounds to solve problems when soapy water does not go into the pipeline.

According to psychologist Loff, troubleshooting plumbing is identified with completing assigned tasks and completing the job.

What psychologist Miller will tell you

How does a famous psychoanalyst examine dreams with images of shells, clams, and oysters?

  • Anyone who dreams of coastlines strewn with small shells of the inhabitants of the deep sea will have a carefree future.
  • A shell opened in dreams characterizes the sleeping person as a purposeful worker, a conscientious family man.
  • The image of a kitchen sink is a sign of labor for which you will not be able to receive the promised reward.

The fulfillment of a cherished desire - this is how Miller explains the beautiful caught shell with a pearl.

Other meanings

A person may dream of a cracked washbasin, warning of the betrayal of one of his close people, trusted persons, says the interpreter for lovers.

Strong worries about the fate of a close relative are destined for the person who sees bloody marks on a white washstand.

Clearing blockages in the kitchen means that in reality you will become acquainted with an unreliable person.

Shells of various mollusks and snails- symbolize the female genital organs.

Eating shellfish- talks about numerous sexual contacts.

If you find yourself inside a shell- you are depressed because you could not resolve your sexual problems.

Crushed shells- symbolize your sadistic tendencies.

Washbasin- symbolizes the female genital organs.

If you wash your face at the sink- you want to have children from your sexual partner.

If you wet yourself while washing your face- you are afraid to have children.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Beautiful sea shell- portends your vain efforts to help your friends get out of an extremely unpleasant situation.

River oyster shells- a sign of well-being, a quiet and secluded life without hassle and worry.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Sinks- prosperity in business.

General dream book

If you dreamed of a shell- in the near future you will learn an important family secret.

In a dream you caught a shell from the sea- you will soon receive important news that can help you in your business.

If you dreamed that you opened a shell- soon you will find out who your real enemy is.

If you dreamed that you split a shell- in the near future you will be able to deal with your enemy.

Italian dream book

Sink- female vagina or inability to fully experience erotic experiences.

Chinese dream book

Sink- foreshadows the appearance of a beautiful concubine.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing the sink empty- portends loss of time and deprivation of power of attorney; and seeing a full shell portends good luck in business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If you look at the dream book, a shell in a dream has a positive meaning. Dream interpreters claim that such an object in a dream is the personification of purity, devotion and justice in real life.

In order for the dream book to answer the question: “Why do you dream about a sink?”, you need to remember under what circumstances you met a washstand in a dream, what you used it for, whether it was useful to you or was broken.

Classic vision

How to explain the dream in which you dreamed of a shell? According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a sink in is a sign of an imminent move to a large apartment, where your old dreams will come true.

If you look into the dream book, cleaning a sink in a dream is an omen of a grandiose event in life. Here's what you can expect in the future:

  • If you try to wash the sink with your hands, in reality you will face opposition from a loved one who will not share your views on an important problem. You will have to find a compromise and learn not to ignore each other's interests.
  • Why dream of washing the sink with a special brush? In the coming week, you will be involved in a grand cleaning of the house, timed to coincide with the arrival of the parents of your beloved “half”. Be patient and put in as much effort as you can to please your partner.
  • Why dream of cleaning the sink with detergents, but seeing that it is clogged with waste and does not respond to your efforts? It is quite possible that in reality you are persistently trying to impose your point of view on a relative or colleague, and he does not know how to refuse you. Be more tactful and allow the person to make his own choice, even if it is the wrong one. This will help him learn from his mistakes faster.

If, after cleaning the sink in a dream, you see that it is again overgrown with dirt before your eyes, your subconscious mind tells you that in real life you are making too much effort to resolve matters that are not worth it. You will have to learn to prioritize and evaluate which tasks need to be completed first and which ones not to tackle at all.

How does the Women's Dream Book explain washing a dirty sink in a dream? According to this interpreter, an unmarried young lady will soon meet her betrothed, who will be able to provide her with a comfortable future, and most importantly, will sincerely love and honor her. For a married woman in a dream, a sink promises comfort and warmth near the hearth, a trusting relationship between household members and a strong union between husband and wife.

If you look into the dream book, a sink, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, predicts the dreamer a chance to find himself in his profession and show his best qualities in the role of a leader. Don't miss the opportunity to show yourself, and management will certainly set you apart from your competitors.


How does the dream book interpret a washbasin that you saw in a dream? According to Loff’s interpreter, you will experience a phenomenal win in the lottery or receive a big bonus. Try not to keep this money with you, as the dream book believes that what came quickly should leave you quickly. It is best to invest in the education or self-development of yourself or your children - this is the most win-win option.

Why do you dream of a washbasin in which you? Such a vision means that someone close to you may accidentally reveal your secret to a stranger. Most likely, this will not threaten you with anything other than short-term grief, and after the relative offers you a sincere apology, you will completely forgive him. And information that seems important to you has no value for many, so you can rest assured that it’s a secret.

If you happen to see in a dream a washbasin that broke before your eyes, this means that in reality you feel anxious and are afraid of some upcoming events. Ask for help and support from your loved one. With his patronage, you will again feel strong and be able to overcome fear.

If you had a dream in which you happened to choose a washbasin in a store and you were confused among the huge selection, the Lunar Dream Book predicts that you will receive a luxurious gift from a secret admirer who will prefer to remain anonymous and will continue to generously give you gifts.

But to answer the question of why you dream about the washbasin that you saw in the village, Winter’s dream book will help. If in a vision you washed your face from a special container with a press-on spout, in reality you will be able to spend your time on your upcoming vacation the way you want. The dream interpreter advises going closer to bodies of water, because such areas help restore strength and energy. Author: Zoya Krupskaya