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Break: why do you have a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a broken phone?

Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Nowadays, it is the thing that few people leave home without, and which is always at hand. This determines some importance of your favorite device. Does this mean that a broken phone screen in a dream is a metaphorical image of losing something equally dear to the heart? Each dream book interprets a dream in its own way, but the quintessence of the descriptions will help you come to the right conclusion about a possible prophecy.

Did you break something in your dream? What is it for?

When answering the question about why you dream of breaking your phone, you need to approach it step by step. And to begin with, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out why you dream of simply breaking something.

Such a dream indicates the dreamer’s internal uncertainty, that is, the subconscious directly indicates that it is precisely this trait that prevents him from achieving his goals. It is worth taking this hint from your inner self into account, becoming more decisive in your actions and choices, casting aside doubts - and perhaps this will be the key to future success.

What does a telephone mean in a dream?

The second important nuance that you need to pay special attention to when deciphering a dream about a broken phone is the device itself as such. What could he be dreaming about? What can be the interpretation of dreams? You dream of a telephone when the dreamer has a strong desire to contact someone, or vice versa - the same desire on the part of his loved ones, relatives, or even unfamiliar or even strangers.

Mobile phone

A cell phone appears in a dream when someone from the sleeper’s environment tries to attract his attention. This may also mean that some fact is escaping the dreamer’s attention, and he needs to concentrate and gather himself properly in order to notice that piece of the puzzle, without which he is not able to assemble the whole picture. A cell phone can also appear in a dream, foreshadowing a meeting with someone, and this someone will surprise you with their behavior or even shock you.

Why do you dream about breaking your phone?

Breaking a phone in a dream is not a very good sign. One interpretation says that the dreamer will face a series of minor problems. Minor troubles, of course, do not greatly poison life, but there is little pleasant in them either. At the very least, it is definitely within their power to spoil your nerves.

A broken phone screen symbolizes that life situation when things are decided at random, blindly. That is, the dreamer does not have sufficient, accurate or reliable information regarding his problem, task or person. Just as cracks on the screen make it difficult to see the image, the lack of data makes it difficult to understand the situation. But just as a phone can be repaired, reality can be changed if you direct your energy and actions in the right direction.

"According to Freud"

You can, of course, break your phone in a dream completely by accident. But it can also be done in a fit of anger. Then dreams indicate the dreamer’s raging rage, which he is trying to suppress and hide in his soul. In this case, the telephone is just an attribute, and in itself it means little. And I dreamed about it because in the modern world, as mentioned above, this device is constantly present, deposited in memory and pops up at the first call of the unconscious. Meanwhile, the subconscious is worried about something completely different - aggression that needs to be directed towards something. Murakami also argued that feelings cannot be hidden inside, otherwise they will die. Anger is a negative emotion, which means this force needs to be used as soon as possible, and preferably in a positive way. This is such a paradox. And the dream book advises the healthiest and most natural option - sex.

But what if it’s an accident?

If you suddenly dream that the phone is broken by pure chance, and the dreamer is not at all to blame for this, then the interpretation of such a night vision will be completely different. It is difficult to call such a dream a dream - it will rather be upset by what you saw. Unfortunately, the same feelings will arise in reality.

Let's look through the dream book some more. A broken phone is a rather interesting symbol, and such a dream can tell a lot.

Telephone as a symbol of communication

At some point, the pace of life began to intensify, the rhythm began to accelerate, telephone communication became the norm, and sometimes more frequent than live face-to-face conversations. That is why the mobile phone clearly symbolizes the dreamer’s relationship with his environment.

Seeing a phone in a dream, and even more so breaking it, means worrying about a possible misunderstanding with your friends. The dream book advises: what needs to be said will be said, which means there is no need to worry and spoil your nerves, in vain. Frankness in this matter is the best assistant. She is also a close friend of understanding and trust.

What the dream book will tell you about: a broken phone

There are several more interpretations that bring closer the disclosure of the exciting secret. Why do you dream of breaking your phone? Such a dream may mean problems with the perception of hidden information. The dreamer is recommended to work more on his ability to read between the lines.

You can break a phone in a dream even when in reality you need to get rid of “junk” in your life, unnecessary things that only bring stagnation and hinder progress. Such night vision is a sign, a call to action.

Mobile phone is a storehouse of information

Modern smartphones give their owners the opportunity not only to call other people and communicate via SMS. Features such as a camera, player, and Internet access contribute to the fact that the phone becomes a repository of a huge amount of information in a wide variety of formats, all kinds, shapes and sizes. What does all this lead to? The dream book is based on the fact that each person puts a part of himself into the device. In addition, he doesn’t bother to remember many things, because they are already in the smartphone. That's why, if you dreamed of a broken phone, one of the possible interpretations will be as follows: the dreamer will forget or lose something very important, and problems will arise because of this. To avoid such a development of events, it is recommended to rely more on yourself, but at the same time be more prudent, set priorities and protect what comes first more than everything else. You may even have to be careful and play it safe for a while.

Negative sign or just unconscious fear?

The above interpretations can hardly be called positive. However, just seeing a phone in a dream does not mean that fate hastily began to prepare an unpleasant surprise for you. And even if so, it is not a fact that this bad thing will actually happen. If you dreamed of a broken phone, then most likely such an image simply symbolizes some subconscious fears of the sleeper.

For example, such a dream may mean that in reality a person is simply afraid of losing something very expensive, and not at all the fact of loss itself. As soon as the one to whom the described dream appeared in the darkness of the night realizes his true feelings, copes with them and with possible impending problems, life will become much easier for him.

And troubles with loved ones may even turn out to be imaginary. It is always worth considering the fact that everything that a person sees in a dream are echoes of what he has already seen, knows, or is thinking about. The dreamer may be mistaken in his conjectures, and if he relies on night visions, this will not lead to anything good. After all, in essence, it is just a vicious circle. Pouring from empty to empty.

Other meanings

A broken phone screen in a dream is often associated with scandals and quarrels in reality. There is also a well-known interpretation that talks about some unexpected news. Whether they are good or bad - the dream book does not specify this. And, unfortunately, this is not something that the dreamer can control. In this case, it is better to rely on the principle that says: what is supposed to happen will happen anyway.

Coming changes - that's what else a phone that crashes in a dream can promise. In order to more accurately unravel such a vision, you should remember the dream down to the smallest detail. The part where the device crashes is very important: remember why this happened? And in reality, try to avoid such situations.

The next meaning of a dream in which the phone broke indicates that it is time for the dreamer to learn to take responsibility for his actions, because his rash actions cause harm to both him and those around him. It's time to grow up and become more prudent before relationships with loved ones are completely ruined.


So, why dream of breaking your phone? The interpretation of such a night vision (or day vision) is influenced by a sufficient number of factors: under what circumstances it happened, what emotions it was accompanied by and what consequences it turned out to have. The question of what and whose phone it was was also important. It is impossible to take into account all the nuances. The most probable interpretations of such a dream are described above, but to be completely sure, the dreamer should clarify the details of the dream and look in the dream book what they mean.

So, for example, if you break a phone in a dream, not your own, but someone else’s, then, probably, the meaning of the dream will concern the owner of the device. And if, despite the obvious unfavorability of the event, it caused only positive emotions (after all, dreams are sometimes very strange and illogical), then in reality you should expect something good. Even if we take into account that most interpretations are still negative.

And one more important point. Remember who broke the phone? The dreamer or his environment? Depending on this, control over further events in life is determined.

The last version of the interpretation is very logical and extremely simple: maybe the dream only means that even the subconscious is striving for a new device, because the old device is already pretty tired?

This dream may in some cases turn out to be prophetic. Therefore, if you dream of a realistic picture of a car accident, then this dream, especially before the trip, may turn out to be prophetic.

Therefore, if possible, try to cancel your trips as it could be very dangerous for you.

However, if nothing bad happened for several days, why dream of crashing any car? This dream requires symbolic interpretation.

Very often, an accident means the collapse of a relationship or your well-being. Or a value system that has always been with you.

Therefore, a car crashing in a dream can predict rapid and unfavorable changes for you.

And to understand why you dream of crashing a car in a dream, pay attention to who it belonged to, where you were going in the dream, and what happened next.

This is why you dream of crashing or falling on a car in a dream.

Whose car crashed

Usually a car in a dream means a familiar way of life, a relationship, or the person himself. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts changes in your personal circumstances, as well as the fact that very soon this man or woman will show himself in an unexpected way.

What is the dream of receiving a telegram, a message that your husband or loved one has crashed in a car? The dream book writes that this dream predicts news for you not so much about a disaster, but about the fact that he has already ceased to be a close and dear person for you.

In some cases, such a dream means news of his wedding or betrayal. In any case, plans for the future with him will be ruined. By the way, such a dream in some situations may turn out to be prophetic and will come true within a short time.

So try to warn the person about the danger and that everything may go completely differently than he wants. You may be able to prevent an accident or save someone's life.

What does it mean to dream about traces of a fire or maimed people? The dream book writes that such a dream means a shocking incident or news.

It is possible that you will soon learn about the rapid death of your acquaintance or a close person whom you once knew.

Well, what does it mean if your car crashes or you see yourself driving in such a situation?

The dream book writes that such a dream means collapse and change in life. Such dreams can precede either a real accident or speak of drastic changes and changes in your life and prosperity.

The dream book writes that this night vision predicts troubles or losses for you that can turn your whole life upside down. Try to prepare to lose what was truly dear and valuable.

What does it mean to dream about crashing in a car with your friend, lover or lover?

This dream predicts the collapse of your relationship with him, no matter who owned the car or who was driving. In any case, you will break up, and it will be very difficult to repeat the path you have taken.

A dream in which you crashed warns that you are in danger. Moreover, it will overtake you in the areas that are most important to you. Circumstances and details are very important for such a dream.

Crash in a car

Sleep brings serious troubles associated with injury or injury. You need to remember to be careful even if you are not going to get into the car. If you weren't driving. then a situation that you cannot control will end in major trouble for you.

Why do you dream about a friend crashing his car?

Break into water in a dream

This dream brings severe disappointment in a love relationship. The separation will be difficult, to avoid depression, try not to be alone, be with friends and loved ones all the time. Ice in a dream. being the cause of the tragedy, indicates a danger to life, you yourself are needlessly putting your life at risk.

You crashed on a motorcycle

A motorcycle causing you an accident symbolizes bad news. However, to see that a person close to you has crashed means your relationship is strong and stable.

The height you fell from

If the cause of your death or serious injury was a height or a fall, then your hopes will not come true. The meaning of the dream is enhanced if you have been involved in a plane crash. You jumped with a parachute. and it didn't open up? Your dreams are impossible, you will not be able to succeed.

Someone else crashed

You are on the verge of nervous and physical exhaustion and at the moment your strength is running out. Try to concentrate on the last push - you are at the finish line. To see the death of a loved one - one of the people close to you will soon need your help.

If you break something in a dream, your dreams will be shattered.

At your age, dreams are so easy to glue together, but dishes are not. Please be careful with your mother's favorite cup. Otherwise he won’t let you go to the disco.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

See in a dream Break

Breaking a flower garden or flower bed in a dream means that in reality you will gain patronage and patronage. Breaking dishes is a harbinger of a serious illness. A broken vase and broken flowers are unlucky in love. A broken bottle of alcohol means that your passion in love will manifest itself in the most bizarre way.

Broken eggs are a sign of disappointment and failure, a broken thermometer is a sign of a serious illness. Seeing a broken mirror in a dream foretells the unexpected death of a loved one.

If you broke a window in a dream, it means unrequited love. Breaking a chandelier with a champagne cork means family life will crack. Broken glasses indicate that separation from a loved one will push you to dubious pleasures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does it mean to break in a dream?

Break dishes.

Tip of the day: minor troubles are not worth your worries. Switch to other things.

Break the glass in the window from inside the house.

Tip of the day: this is already luck! Boldly bring your plans to life.

Someone breaks the glass of the window outside.

Tip of the day: don't miss important news. Ask your friends for news yourself.

Break the mirror.

Tip of the day: collapse in some area of ​​your life is inevitable. Analyze your own actions before making new plans.

Interpretation of dreams from

Unlucky to break something in a dream? All popular dream books agree on one opinion: this action has a lot of interpretations, ranging from immediate joy or shocking news to loss of illusions or a loud scandal. To understand why you are dreaming about all this, you need to remember what exactly you managed to bang.

According to Medea's dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to break dishes? The dream book is sure: you shouldn’t worry about minor troubles, switch your attention to more worthwhile things. Unlucky to break a mirror in a dream? Something unpleasant will happen in life, and it will happen in one area of ​​life.

Did you dream that the window on the side of the room was broken? Great luck is in store for you: hurry to realize your most daring ideas. Have you ever seen someone break a window glass from the street? Receive important news, use the information received wisely.

According to the Eastern women's dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to break something from the dishes? The dream book is sure that this means failures and troubles. Did you dream that you managed to crash your own car? You work too much, forgetting about yourself and the existence of people who really need you.

If in a dream you got involved in a random fight and broke someone’s face, then this means one thing: you are too tense and excited, aggression and negativity can break through and then expect real trouble.

According to a collection of dream books

Any glass objects symbolize danger or threat, therefore breaking them in a dream literally means avoiding danger and averting trouble. But seeing others break something is worse. The dream book promises loss of reputation due to enemy tricks.

If you dreamed that you only miraculously avoided breaking something fragile and valuable, then it’s time to pay attention to relationships. But try to show delicacy, everything is already very difficult.

A healthy dreamer can break something in a dream before breaking ties or receiving serious mental trauma. The dream book offers the worst interpretation to patients: in reality, a sharp exacerbation of the disease is coming with a probable fatal outcome.

Why break dishes in the night?

Dishes in a dream are identified with the home atmosphere in general, current relationships and financial situation. When interpreting, it is necessary to clearly establish which item of dishes you broke. In any case, try to restrain your emotions and do not make hasty decisions.

Why do you dream about breaking dishes? In a dream, this is a sign of short-term happiness. At the same time, breaking dishes warns of illness. Did you dream that you used broken dishes? A period of poverty due to lack of work is approaching. Did you break dishes on purpose in your dream? Expect happiness. If this happened by accident, then a difficult stage is approaching.

Seeing the fragments well is a symbol of favorable changes. But destroying everything, including dishes, means that because of your own stupidity you will lose what you have. If in real life they made you some kind of offer, but in a dream you broke dishes, then you should refuse it.

Why break a mirror in your dreams?

If you dreamed that you broke a mirror, then get ready for failures and losses. In a dream, as in reality, this is a very bad sign, promising illness and even death of a loved one. At a minimum, something will happen that will be very difficult to survive.

If a woman dreams that she broke a mirror, then unsuccessful love and an unhappy marriage await her. Why do you dream that you managed to break a mirror into pieces? This is an omen of divorce or separation. At the same time, the image promises complete deliverance from envious people and enemies.

If in a dream you looked into a mirror and broke it when you saw your reflection there, then this means an extreme degree of dissatisfaction with yourself and your current situation. Sometimes a mirror you break warns that you will betray someone.

What does it mean to break a phone in a dream?

Before proceeding with the interpretation, you should understand that a telephone in a dream is a symbol of communication with the outside world, obligations, power, control. If you dreamed that you broke your phone, then you consciously want to withdraw from communication or avoid solving some important problem.

The same plot indicates a voluntary escape from obligations or a complete (possibly voluntary) renunciation of control. Breaking a phone literally means ruining some kind of relationship. Why dream if, during a heated conversation with your chosen one, you broke the phone as a final argument? Expect major family troubles.

Why break glass in your dreams?

If you had to break the glass in order to get out of the room outside, then your current wish will come true. Broke glass in a dream - in reality you avoided a major danger. Why do you dream if you didn’t break the glass on purpose? A careless step will completely destroy any connection. For patients, this is a sign of a serious deterioration in their condition. Did you dream that glass was broken? In reality, get rid of illusions. The same plot hints at a grandiose scandal that will begin with a trifling quarrel.

Happened to crash your car or someone else's

Did you happen to see that you took someone else’s car and managed to crash it? Prepare for serious disappointment. This is especially true for love.

Crashing your car in a dream literally means that a new business will result in unforeseen problems. This plot warns: fate has temporarily turned away from you, try not to take risks and not make mistakes.

Why do you dream if you broke a headlight in a minor accident? Try to come to terms with the situation that has arisen in reality. If you dreamed that you seriously wrecked your car, then there is a chance that in reality you will earn good money and buy a new one.

Why break your head in the night?

Did you dream about breaking your head? The image warns: a frivolous attitude towards life and the pursuit of pleasure will lead to great trouble. The same plot hints at hard, but extremely profitable work.

Why do you dream if you tripped and fell and broke your head? give up your intentions immediately. If in a dream you hit something hard and cut your head, then an event or change is approaching, the acceptance of which will require great courage and perseverance.

Breaking in a dream - even more specific images

Below is a small list with explanations of what else can be broken in a dream and what to expect after that in reality.

  • showcase - loss of money
  • glass in the window - scandal, unrequited feelings
  • in the car - danger on the road
  • crystal - renunciation of ambitions, expectations
  • porcelain - mistake, delusion
  • breaking a figurine - getting rid of illusions
  • glasses - losses, insight, painful separation
  • vase - unhappy love
  • bottle - a romantic adventure
  • thermometer - serious illness
  • chandelier - collapse of family life
  • jar - painful mental blow, bad luck
  • plate - decrease in income
  • cup - a happy event, short joy
  • glass - parting
  • flower pot - a streak of bad luck, fear
  • eggs - failure, disappointment

If you are unlucky enough to break something while skating on ice at night, you will actually experience great fear for your own life. Crashing a car means that you are ensured safety on the road.