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Seeing a corn field in a dream. Interpretation of other dream options. Why do you dream about corn according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

If you see an ear of corn in your dream- this means that your firmness is capable of providing strong, reliable wealth in the family.

Dried or too hard corn- on the contrary, it calls on you to be somewhat softer - it is quite possible that it is your severity that interferes with your well-being.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Corn- to sexual contact without the usual corresponding and preceding romantic relationships.

Children's dream book

Corn- to fun and success.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Tear ears of corn- indulge in a pleasant hobby that will somewhat distract you from your all-consuming work.

Ripe corn- to cash receipts, green- to deterioration of health.

Boil corn- you will get yourself a new fan.

Corn oil- portends ardent passion, fry something on it- to happy love.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed of corn- that means you will make a profit, corn on the cob, cornfield- a harbinger of a profitable occupation related to agriculture.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Culinary dream book

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about corn- then you will have some profit.

Collection of dream books

Corn for women- early marriage and addition to the family.

Corn- symbolizes abundance.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Seeing a corn field in a dream and walking through it means prosperity, stability of position, favor of influential people, judges, and older relatives. To find out why you dream about harvesting corn, open modern dream books and remember your actions in the dream.

Optimistic predictions from Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist in his works talks in detail about why a corn field is dreamed of and what it symbolizes. First of all, he connects actions in a dream with a new period of life, which will bring great opportunities in terms of business expansion, meeting new partners and high-ranking people.

Many options are discussed in more detail in his dream book. So, if you dreamed:

  • collecting corn - to a generous reward;
  • wandering in dense thickets - to close communication with new acquaintances;
  • to see spoiled cobs - to the appearance of ill-wishers;
  • tearing green young sprouts - a love adventure;
  • showering yourself with golden grains means an unexpected influx of money.

And again money!

If you dreamed that you happened to sort grains in a corn field in a dream, be prepared for money that will fall out of nowhere. Dream books indicate that profit can come not only from work. Accidental wins and sudden inheritance are quite likely.

Becoming rich overnight is exactly what dreams of harvesting corn with your own hands mean. The more cobs you had to sort through, the more solid and profitable the deals will be. Such dreams mean that the time has come to improve your material well-being.

Look around - happiness is nearby

If a lonely person dreams of a completely green and young corn field, it means that the days of boredom will soon be left behind. A dream means the appearance of a “half” that will capture all your attention. Dream books guarantee the creation of a completely successful love tandem.

To find out why the queen of the fields dreams, it is enough to understand that she has been loved and recognized by everyone for quite some time. Therefore, everyone who happened to wander among the green shoots will soon have an interesting acquaintance that promises to develop into a strong, strong relationship.

The path for creativity is open

For people of art, seeing many cobs on one stalk in a dream is a good sign. The dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus reduce the interpretation of dreams to a huge number of admirers. In the near future you will not have a shortage of viewers - even the most severe critics will appreciate your talent.

Hello! Today is 01.11.14. Dreamed from Sat to Sun.
I'm in a cornfield. Autumn. Night. The field belongs to my family. I'm with 2 relatives. (At least in a dream I knew so. In real life I have not seen these people and do not know them.) The soldiers are stealing our corn. The three of us are hiding, but I don’t understand why, if we can see each other. Corn, by the way, is already unsuitable for the human body, i.e. You can’t eat it anymore. Unless you put it on feed. So, they are tearing up, and we do not interfere with them, but not out of fear, but because we understand that the soldiers are having a hard time right now, like no one else. (I must say, I live in the Kherson region.)
When they left, the fun begins. The three of us scatter (I don’t know why) deep into the field. For some reason, the aisles between the rows are very wide. meter, a little more. So, we’re walking (not tearing) and then I somehow turn around and in front of me at arm’s length, a little less, is the sickly white face of an unfamiliar round-faced black-haired girl. I was dumbfounded. She looked into my eyes, I looked into hers. I understand that she is not alive. I ask her: “Are you dead?” and I hear that one of my relatives, standing somewhere to the left of me in the area of ​​3-4 meters, asks who I am talking to... But I cannot take my eyes off this girl. She is silent. I understand that no one sees her except me. She signaled for me to follow her. I doubted, but followed her. After a minute or two, we reached the edge of the field, which was fenced off with slabs. There, to my left, there was a full-length mirror. It was as if it was hidden. It stood where the row of corn should have continued. She starts babbling something to me. Not to speak, but as if to babble, as soon as her lips opened. But I didn’t hear her voice or words. I told her about this. She took something like chalk from the ground, but black. Like a coal or something... And she began to write something on the stove. From the inscription I understood that she was asking me to look in the mirror, that I would see there instead of myself a person whom I would soon meet and be with him, well, that is, my betrothed. I looked... But I didn’t see anyone there except myself. I told her about this. For a moment it seemed to me that she was a little upset. And the dream ended. But regarding what I saw in the mirror, it was really me there. This is who I am in life. She’s just dressed in a worn old sheepskin coat and a hat with earflaps. I was surprised by my reflection. I don’t remember feeling disappointment or satisfaction from my appearance, just surprise, and then acceptance of myself the way I saw myself.
I looked at the symbols separately, found a bunch of things and everything contradicted each other. It seems to me that all the symbols need to be interpreted, taking them together as one whole.. Help me interpret the dream, please..

It's no secret that corn was brought to Europe from the New World. American Indians consumed this product long before it fell into the hands of Europeans. According to Aztec mythology, corn was a gift to people from the wind god named Kukulcan.

Today, this product is widespread throughout the world, and causes us no more surprise than apples or. In addition, corn is inexpensive, and anyone can taste it. However, sometimes this cereal crop appears to us in the world of dreams, which need to be correctly interpreted. On this page you will find out what corn means in dreams and the details associated with it.

Versions of interpreters

    British dream book

    Corn harvest - a harbinger of receiving a generous reward for the efforts made by the dreamer.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing corn in night vision is a symbol that has a double interpretation. It all depends on the type of corn. Ripe, juicy corn is the personification of material benefits that the dreamer may soon receive. However, for this the sleeper will have to work hard, without sparing himself.

    Green, unripe or stunted corn – a harbinger of an approaching illness. However, if the cob did not look completely bad, the illness will be fleeting and not too severe.

What was she like?

  • Corn on the cob- a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, followed by an easy birth, a healthy child and family.
  • Corn kernels– in this case, they symbolize coins and portend wealth. However, money will not come by itself, and the dreamer will have to work hard to earn it. Know that the more grains you saw in your dream, the greater your chances of getting rich.
  • Yellow corn- an image that prophesies joyful events and receiving a large sum of money. For sick people, such a vision promises a speedy recovery.
  • Green– a negative symbol warning of health problems.
  • Corn of unusual bright colors- a dream foreshadowing unforgettable events and vivid impressions that will be remembered for a lifetime.
  • Hard- a hint that the dreamer needs to show patience and calmness in order to get what he wants.
  • Soft- that the dreamer will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his desires without much difficulty, wealth and prosperity will fall into his hands.
  • Rotten, missing corn- a harbinger of problems and receiving unpleasant news.
  • Blooming corn- a sign that at the moment you have chosen the right path in life and it will ultimately lead you to a happy and prosperous future. The main thing is to try not to turn away from it.
  • Raw– soon you will learn unexpected news that will make you very happy.
  • Boiled corn- an image that promises a fun time with friends.
  • Canned- a dream that predicts stormy and passionate love adventures without any responsibility.
  • Huge piles of corn- the personification of the huge one that you will receive unexpectedly. Perhaps this will be a big win or a rich inheritance.


For people who are involved in business, a corn field in a dream indicates that at the moment the dreamer has chosen the right path that will lead him to success and prosperity.

For other categories of people, a corn field symbolizes good opportunities to earn money. Books of dreams emphasize: all that is required of you is to put in as much work as possible, and decent payment will not be long in coming.

A lonely girl sees a corn field in a dream - means that she will soon meet her soulmate.

Your actions

Remember - what exactly did you do with corn in your dream? So you:

  • Scattered or scattered it- a harbinger of future success in business and colossal enrichment.
  • They imprisoned her- soon a powerful person will appear in your life who will become your patron. In the future, thanks to his help, you will be able to achieve a high position in society and become a wealthy person for life.
  • Harvesting– a symbol with double meaning. If you did this in, you will soon be duly rewarded for your efforts. It is also worth knowing that if you experienced pleasure at the same time, in the near future you will have an interesting hobby. If you were harvesting with someone else, in reality the person close to you will achieve great success, which will make you very happy.
  • The dream in which you are not so good collected rotten or dried cobs- in this case, expect troubles and disappointments.
  • Bought– you will soon receive interesting, but unexpected information that will force you to draw important conclusions.
  • Traded her- a sign that in real life you are very generous and kind to others. Having seen such a dream, know: soon your good will return to you, only with much greater power.
  • Did you happen to eat it?- a harbinger of a pleasant time with friends or loved ones. However, this only applies to the story in which the corn was tasty and juicy. If it was salty or bitter, you will soon be invited to the funeral. It was fresh and tasteless - in the coming days you will be forced to go to some kind of food that will not bring you joy. If it was not you, but another person who ate corn in a dream, you will soon have a meeting with him.
  • Cooked- a plot that promises a quick acquaintance with a person who will become your soulmate.
  • They stole it- a hint that you will soon have the opportunity to earn easy and big money. However, be aware: this method will not be entirely honest, but only honestly earned money brings real joy.
  • Opened a can of corn- a favorable sign foreshadowing quick advancement up the career ladder. The new position will not only be to your liking, but will also be decently paid, so you will soon be able to improve your financial condition.

Corn is a very productive cereal; its large cobs and strong green stems are considered the personification of vitality, prosperity and fertility. These are the associations that arise in a person who has a dream about her. In addition, the peculiar shape of the cob of this grain crop often serves as a reason for ambiguous jokes, so very often a dream in which it appears has a sexual connotation. Why do you dream about corn? There is no clear answer to this question. Trusted dream books will help you understand it.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

These interpreters have their own opinion about what corn on the cob means in dreams. They believe that such a dream warns that only by showing proper firmness and consistency, the sleeper will be able to achieve reliable income for his family. If the dreamed cob seems dried out and too hard, it means that in reality the dreamer’s excessive severity may become an obstacle to his prosperity.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This dream book contains a lot of interesting things about why corn is dreamed of. A field overgrown with this grain in a dream symbolizes a very profitable, but risky activity that can cause a certain tension in the sleeper. But picking ears of corn in a dream means giving yourself up to a pleasant pastime, which will become an exciting entertainment against the backdrop of diligent work.

Ripe corn dreams of material profit, and green corn - of If a woman dreams that she is on the cob, then in reality she will meet a new admirer. Corn oil in a dream represents fiery passion, and cooking something with it means experiencing ardent love for your chosen one.

Dream book of the 21st century

This proven dream book says that dreaming about this cereal entails large profits. Regarding what a corn field is dreamed of, there is a detailed explanation here - such a dream foreshadows a profitable business, which most likely will relate to agriculture.

Newest dream book

The compilers of this popular dream book claim that corn in a dream predicts intimate contact for the sleeper, devoid of any romantic relationships.

English dream book

This dream book directly talks about why corn is dreamed of. The cob of this cereal in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. Moreover, if he or the sleeping person has sweet-tasting corn, then in reality he can count on complete harmony in


This dream book associates corn in a dream with prosperity and fertility. Such a dream is usually interpreted differently for men and women. For the fairer sex, an ear of corn symbolizes a relationship with a man, and the riper and larger it is, the prettier her future partner will be. Dreaming of corn cobs growing in a field on a long stalk foretells healthy children, pregnancy, prosperity and family happiness.

For men, a dream about corn predicts material profit, success in any business, and the field with which this grain is sown symbolizes the work that he should do. Moreover, the stronger and taller the corn stalks are dreamed of, the more fruitful the sleeper’s labors will be.

A dream about harvesting corn is one of the most favorable. Anyone who sees it won’t have to worry about their future in the near future. And what corn (grains) mean in a dream speaks of fabulous wealth awaiting the dreamer in the future. The fact is that the grains of this cereal in a dream symbolize money. Accordingly, the more of them in a dream, the richer the person sleeping in reality will be.

This dream book also contains an answer to the question of why boiled corn is dreamed of. It is associated with friendly meetings, pleasant surprises and fun times.

Culinary dream book

The culinary dream book offers its own version of what this cereal is about. An endless field of green corn symbolizes future happiness in family life. And if a sleeping person dreams of a stalk with many cobs on it, it means that in reality he will have charming children.

Miller's Dream Book

Peeled ears of corn seen in a dream, according to Miller, foreshadow success and joy in life. If in a dream the sleeper is busy collecting corn, it means in reality he will sincerely rejoice at the prosperity of his relatives and friends.

Walking in a luxurious place in a dream means great profits for a farmer. Such a dream prophesies to the dreamer harmony in the house and a wonderful harvest.

A young man who sees corn in a dream can be sure that in reality he will find happiness and meeting new friends. However, beaten and crushed cereal symbolizes misfortune and loss.

A grain of corn thrown into recently plowed ground in a dream means the protection of an important person and inevitable success. Seeing the first shoots of corn in a dream means wealth and fame.

If a sleeping person dreams of a grain of corn poured into a manger, then in reality all his wildest hopes will come true, and his grandiose plans will be perceived and understood by those around him.

Popcorn in a dream symbolizes the boundless trust and patronage of influential people. Eating green corn means harmony in friendly relations.

Now you know why you dream of corn. Overall this is a favorable dream. It portends prosperity, wealth and happiness in personal relationships. However, crushed grains or broken stalks of corn in a dream indicate some difficulties that await the sleeper in the near future. You can learn how to deal with them from other details of the dream.