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The most powerful and famous fallen angels. Origin of Fallen Angels Fallen Angel from the Bible

Greetings, Friends! Another interesting question from readers of our site: Do fallen angels and gods exist? Are there such people on Earth, among people? Why do angels fall if they fall? Thank you…

Indeed, on Earth there is the so-called. fallen angels and even higher Souls, who were once part of the hierarchy of gods of one level or another. But such fallen ones, as a rule, are not easy to recognize among people, because the once-angel is now a person who lives according to earthly laws, is subject to earthly temptations, weaknesses, etc.

Now let's talk about everything in order...

Who are the fallen angels and gods?

Fallen angels - these are high-level Souls in the past who entered and incarnated on Earth for a specific purpose, and then ended up in.

You need to understand that fallen angels are not always direct representatives of the forces of Evil, no. Most often, these are lost, high souls who have made a mistake and fallen into sin.

Due to the fact that living on Earth is far from easy, because there are a lot of manifestations and temptations here, and not everything is as obvious as in - high souls, living life in the human body, can be seriously mistaken, make mistakes, accumulate sins and receive punishments. Spiritual Laws on Earth work the same for everyone - both for ordinary people and for incarnate gods.

And it often happens that once he stumbles, makes a mistake, a person rolls down, wrapping the weight of sins around himself, layer by layer, like a snowball. Well, then the karmic mechanism of working off sins is launched - the wheel of Samsara, from which even a very high one can come out of hundreds of incarnations.

How do fallen angels and fallen gods become?

Two main options:

1. The High Soul of God comes to Earth to implement a significant mission, but cannot complete it in one life. Or Evil turns out to be stronger and leads a person astray from the true path, for example, when he succumbs to some earthly temptation and falls into vice. The reasons may vary. And then this soul will be stuck here on Earth for a long time, falling into the wheel of Samsara.

2. The soul of a god or an angel voluntarily goes to the dark path (in), as a rule, in order to cognize Evil, all its manifestations, and then go through a long path of purification and, purify, become an order of magnitude stronger and return to God completely in in a different capacity. But not all gods return. It also happens that the soul goes so far and deep into darkness, accumulating a critical amount of evil and punishment, that it can no longer be cleansed, in which case it is destroyed. Therefore, this is quite a risky undertaking.

Fallen angels and gods, most often, themselves cannot get out of the wheel of Samsara into which they fell. To do this, we need several orders of magnitude higher Soul, Teacher, Guide. Therefore, such fallen souls can wait for thousands of years, diving from body to body here on Earth, until the Messiah, the incarnate supreme god from the higher Hierarchy (like, for example, Christ) comes and brings out the younger brothers stuck in the traps of Evil. But it’s also not possible to get everyone out.

Why do the souls of gods and angels here on Earth fall into the wheel of Samsara?

There are many reasons:– a mortal sin that can take anyone by surprise. and selfishness. Offense against God. Any weakness that develops into a vice or addiction. when a person gives up. God, Goals, your Soul, Ideals of Light (denial of your destiny). Many other reasons.

How can a fallen high soul (angel or deity) rise and leave the wheel of Samsara?

Only after going through everything according to all the rules, as for all other people. But for the fallen, who were once embodied in the higher worlds, this is more difficult, because the requirements for them are much higher than for ordinary people. It is more difficult for them, but in fairness it must be said that they can do this much faster, even in one incarnation, because their Souls have an order of magnitude greater potential and power than the vast majority of people on Earth.

Fallen angel Ustar. 1. Angel expelled from heaven; evil spirit. ◊ In comparison. [ Baron:] Animal lust - this is the abyss into which you rushed, like a fallen angel. We prepared you to rule the world, you traded divine power for a girl(A.N. Tolstoy. Mahatma). 2. Peren. A person rejected by society. The enormity of the tragedy follows from the moral law implemented in it by the fate of its heroes - sublime and deep people or rejecters of human nature, fallen angels(Belinsky. “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov). In the defeat of the revolution and the empire, there was no time to come to one’s senses... The singer of this era is Byron, gloomy, skeptical, a poet of denial and a deep break with modernity, a fallen angel, as Goethe called(Herzen. Romantic dilettantes).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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One of the first creatures that God created were the Supreme Angels. These beings had a physical body and pure thoughts. Unlike the angels of the second level of the divine hierarchy, they could make their own conscious choice. The eldest among them was the Lucifer angel, he had almost the same power as God. Realizing his greatness, the Lucifer became proud and opposed the will of God to his own. For this he was cast out of heaven into the underworld.

Lucifer - fallen angel cast out of heaven

How the Fallen Came to Be

The most powerful fallen angel is . Translated from Greek, the meaning of his name is the bearer of the light of God. He was the eldest among the sons of God. He had incredible beauty and a sharp mind. He was the first of those who came into contact with people. Many people think that this was his ruin.

Comparing his strength with the powerlessness of people, the Lucifer began to realize that he was incredibly powerful. This was the reason that he objected to the creator and went against his will. God forgave his favorite, but the more he gave him his love and forgiveness, the more the Lucifer’s pride grew. Others, seeing this, doubted the power of the creator and his rightness.

Possessing consciousness, angels had their own desires, aspirations and ambitions. Being under the command of Lucifer, entire hordes of celestial beings followed his instructions. Dennitsa was jealous of God for people, and therefore he gave his warriors too much freedom. And when the Lord saw this, he called his son to account. Then Lucifer started a rebellion, the purpose of which was to overthrow God from the throne of heaven. At the moment of making the decision about war, darkness arose in the soul of the purest angel.

Great Battle


In the hierarchy of demons, Beelzebub is on the same level as Lucifer himself. According to some legends, this demon killed his younger brother during the uprising, so he was called the Tormentor of the defenseless. He inspires sinners with thoughts of their own impunity and demands bloody sacrifices.


In some legends, Azazel (Azazello) is a female demon who is called the sister of Satan. However, in the Bible, this is a fallen one who at one time held the post of an Observer Angel, but one day he felt lust for earthly women. With the permission of the star, he began to take on human form and have sexual relations with the daughters of Eve.

When confrontation broke out in Heaven, Azazel sided with Lucifer, believing that people deserved more knowledge and more freedom than they had. This is one of the few fallen who, having a close connection with people, gave them the knowledge of how to create and use weapons, as well as the ability to process wood and precious stones.


This fallen angel is known for tempting the human race with lust. Initially, people did not have lust and performed sexual intercourse only to procreate. The man did not desire women, and there was peace between the couples. But Asmodeus gave people sensuality, which led to the appearance of sins: a man, one of the first sons of Adam, desired his neighbor’s wife, and the girl did not refuse him. Then jealousy arose, from which revenge, hatred of one's neighbor, destruction and murder were born. In some sources, his name is written as Dorama - temptation and desecration of the flesh.


According to legend, Satan, who is also called the Devil, was also one of the first sons of God. He occupied a place at the right hand of the Lord. This angel created the human body: first, Adam, as the personification of God, and brought it as a gift to his father. God breathed life into Adam and placed an immortal soul in his body.

A little later, Satan created a second man. Taking part of the body and a bone from Adam, he created a woman - Eve. And he also brought it as a gift to his father. When the creator revived this creation of his, Satan saw that there was beauty and human warmth in living flesh. He desired Eve as a man desires a woman, and, taking on human form, had intercourse with her.

This demon became the first among the angels to taste the sin of lust. Later, already cast down into the underworld, he released his minions, and they also entered into carnal relations with earthly women. The fruit of such connections was the appearance of giants.


This fallen one is strong in his own way. He personifies Evil itself. This is one of the two hundred angels of death in Islam. Samael in some sources is called the father of Cain. Being an ally of Satan and at the same time his eternal competitor, Samael, wanting to prove his superiority, also entered into a relationship with Eve, and she bore him a son.

This fallen one is also accused of wanting to bring down the apocalypse on Earth. His plans include the destruction of the human race and the creation of a new race - half-humans, half-gods. But this demon is weaker than the Lucifer, and, fearing his wrath, does not dare to put humanity to death. He awaits the next Great Battle in the hope that the Creator will destroy Lucifer and Satan. Then Samael will bring down a great fire on the earth, killing all living things.

The names of female fallen angels are practically never found in legends and traditions, because... Angels were originally asexual. Lilith is the only one of the fallen to whom mythology assigned the feminine principle. In some sources, Lilith is Adam’s first wife; she bore him sons and daughters and gave them the opportunity to live not on land, but in water. In other sources, Lilith is a disembodied and sexless spirit. One day, having learned about the relations of angels with people, the spirit also decided to have sexual intercourse with a person. But he was not attracted to the daughters of Eve, he was attracted to the sons of Adam. And then Lilith took the form of the most beautiful woman who seduced the man in a dream.

When a riot arose in heaven, Lilith left him and came down to earth as a girl, refusing to participate in the Great Battle. Having decided not to return to God anymore, Lilith took on the role of a succubus - the demon of lust, lust and temptation. Later, those of the fallen who managed to know the sin of carnal relations with humans joined it, taking on the roles of incubi and succubi.

In some sources, Lilith is Adam's first wife

This fallen one is the most humble and unknown entity in the hierarchy of demons. In some sources, Gabriel was not initially an apostate of God. But after the overthrow of the rebels into the underworld, Gabriel became a messenger of God. He brought God's will to the inhabitants of Hell.

For a long time, this Supreme Angel's faith was firm, but with each visit to Hell, he learned more and more about the details of the Great Rebellion. The eldest among the fallen - Azazel, Satan and Asmodeus lured Gabriel, tempted him with power and pleasure. But he didn't give in. And then the star put him into a state of sleep and showed him everything that Gabriel would receive by joining the Dark Kingdom.

When the Angel awakened, he considered himself defiled and never returned to God. But he didn’t join Lucifer’s minions either. He became the demon of Death, taking and accompanying human souls to the gates of Heaven or Hell.

Gabriel leads human souls to the gates of Hell or Heaven

Legends of Fallen Angels

In many cultures, people view fallen angels not as enemies, but as those who gave them a choice. Along with the fallen, many crafts and skills came to people. Demons gave people the ability to doubt and make decisions. In both Christianity and Judaism, there are many legends about fallen angels. Only two deserve special attention.

About truth

The Jewish legend about the truth says that the love of the star for his father was so great and all-consuming that his only desire was to become a part of his creator, to become one with him. He pondered for a long time why the Lord placed his children, i.e. angels, below himself and turned to his father with this question.

Archangel Michael, who was present during the conversation, thought that the star wanted to take the throne by deception. He raised his spear at Lucifer and drove him away from God. And then the star flared up with anger and said that the Lord himself did not adhere to his main commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Other Angels who witnessed this also decided that God did not have true love for them, and allowed anger and resentment into their hearts. Thus began the Great Revolt of the Angels, which ended with their overthrow into Hell.

About the Fall

This legend tells that Satan, who created a human body from white clay and gave it to God, loved his creation so much that he could not give it up. Seeing how Adam loved with all his soul not him, his creator, but the Lord, who put life into his body, he experienced terrible jealousy.

Wanting to distract Adam from the Lord, Satan created the girl Eve. But God also breathed life into her, and she also loved him with all her soul. Then the angel, consumed by envy and anger, tempted Eve with carnal sin, and she brought this sin to Adam.

Having let lust into their souls, people looked at Satan with gratitude and expectation. Then Satan, secretly from the Creator, awarded Eve the ability to give birth to children. But he took a price for this benefit - the birth was with blood and pain.

For desecrating the human body, the vessel that holds the breath of God and his soul, Satan fell into disgrace with the Creator. Therefore, in the Great Revolt of the Angels, he stood at the right hand of Dennitsa, and not God, for which he was overthrown along with all the fallen.

Why you can't say the names of fallen angels

The Bible says that you cannot say it out loud. Each of these abdicated angels, after the fall, carries sin within itself - greed, lust, murder, etc.

When the name of the fallen is heard in the world, human souls become vulnerable. This means that they may fall into the power of a demon.

Believers are rarely interested in the names of fallen angels. Mentioning those who betrayed God is prohibited. Nevertheless, every person who considers himself a Christian is obliged to know not only the “good” ones, but also the “bad” ones.

How did the apostates appear?

Mentions of spiritual beings who rebelled against the Creator are found mainly in Judaism and Christianity. In Islam, angels are presented as completely sinless creatures. They are deprived of freedom of choice, which means they cannot go against the will of Allah.

It is believed that God created angels to convey His will to people. However, some spiritual entities created by Him decided to challenge the leadership of the Creator and establish their own orders. Rebellious angels, also called Nephilim or demons, were cast out of heaven. This happened after the army led by the Archangel Michael defeated the renegade warriors.

Priests are often asked the question of why God did not destroy the Nephilim if He was truly all-powerful. There is no clear answer to this question. There is an opinion that the fall of some angels was predetermined by the Creator himself. God was pleased to create an opposition force. A person must make a conscious choice in favor of good or evil. Demons are necessary for the spiritual growth of people. Moreover, if sin does not exist, there will be no virtue.

The leaders of the fallen angels are considered to be:

Among the fallen angels they also mention:

The names of fallen angels have long become common nouns. Disobedient wives are often compared to Lilith. The inappropriate behavior of a naughty teenager is equated to the rebellion of Lucifer, going against the Creator. The Christian Church calls on you to avoid dark angels and resist them in every possible way. Moreover, even among religious leaders there are many who understand the necessity of the existence of demons.

Which, like everyone else, were originally created by God as good and bright and were called to endlessly approach God, that is, to grow in goodness, but fell away from the Lord, forming their own kingdom - hell, when Satan (Dennitsa) rebelled.

According to another version, Hell is the place where the Lord God will send them at the Great Judgment. He will send them to Hell, where eternal torment of fire and brimstone has already been prepared. It is believed that approximately a third of all angels fell away.

The devil wanted man, whom God created in the image and likeness of God, to worship the devil. And the war began in heaven. And the Lord repented that he had created man on earth, and was grieved in His heart.

The Revelation of Saint John the Theologian says:

11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and did not love their own lives even to death.

12 Rejoice therefore, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them! Woe to those who live on land and sea! because the devil has come down to you in great rage, knowing that he has little time left.

After the fall, the angels became demons, spirits of evil in high places. They know that they will die horribly in the end, but they are so entrenched in sin that they can no longer help but do evil. Having become evil, the fallen angels try to entice people to the path of sin and thereby destroy people and their souls, so as to drag them along with them to Hell.

It is not without interest to pay attention to the fact that the fallen angels themselves fear their dark kingdom, called hell or the abyss, because they begged the Savior not to send them there (Luke). The Savior calls the devil “a murderer from the beginning,” meaning the moment when he, taking the form of a serpent, tempted Adam and Eve to break the commandment of God, because of which they and their descendants were deprived of immortality (Gen. -).

It is believed that in the center of Paradise there is a tree of life. And the one who is outside of Paradise is deprived of the fruits of this tree and cannot live forever without them. When the great dragon and his angels were cast down with him, they lost eternal life.

Since then, having the opportunity to influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of weak people, the devil and his demons have sought to plunge people deeper and deeper into the abyss of sin and vice, in which they themselves are mired: “ Whoever commits sin is of the devil, because the devil sinned first"(1 John), " everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin"(In.). To do this, they often take on different guises - and not only angels of light, but also saints and even Jesus Christ himself.

see also

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