Repair Design Furniture

Cookies at home. Quick cookies in the oven. Quickly prepare homemade cookies in molds

Quick homemade cookies are always easy to distinguish from store-bought ones. It is much tastier and more beautiful, a piece of soul has been put into it, it spreads the aromas of fresh baked goods throughout the house, which gives a special atmosphere and mood. Sometimes, while expecting dear guests, you want to prepare something special for tea.

Or the children ask to make something sweet. But you don’t always want to spend a lot of time kneading dough and baking cookies. In this case, you can bake the simplest, but at the same time incredibly tasty and beautiful cookies in a hurry. Any housewife is proud of her culinary creations and happily treats them to her loved ones and guests.

Product set:

  • one egg;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 50 g butter (quarter of a pack);
  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • a third of a pack of vanilla sugar;

How to cook:

  1. Mix sugar with egg.
  2. Melt the butter in the microwave or simply mash it with a fork. Then add the butter to the egg-sugar mixture. Please note that very hot oil can cause the egg to curdle. Therefore, if you melt butter in the microwave, you should let it cool slightly before adding butter to the first ingredients.
  3. The next step is adding vanilla sugar and flour.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands on a comfortable and clean surface. Due to the large amount of fat contained in the dough (due to the addition of butter), it does not stick to your hands. Knead into a soft pliable dough. We will carry out all further actions on the back side of the baking sheet, and we will bake our cookies on it.
  5. Turn the pan over and make sure its surface is clean enough. Roll out the dough on a baking sheet into a pancake 0.7 cm thick. Form the dough with special shaped molds or simply use a glass. Carefully remove the dough remaining outside the cut out figures. Move the cut out cookies closer to each other, and roll out the pancake from the remaining dough again and cut out the cookies.
  6. Next we start baking.
  7. Place our baking sheet in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. The oven temperature is 200 degrees. Let the finished cookies cool, and then transfer them from the baking sheet to a plate.

Torchetti in Italian


  • flour – 250 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • heated water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon – 3 tsp;
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.


  1. To prepare torcetti, the flour must be sifted and then mixed with baking powder and salt.
  2. Mix flour with soft butter (do not melt).
  3. Add water (it is advisable to warm it up a little), knead the dough and, cover with a towel, set aside for a while.
  4. Mix cinnamon with enough sugar.
  5. Roll out the prepared dough and cut into long (10 cm) strips about 1 cm wide.
  6. Dip each strip in sugar mixed with cinnamon. Pinch the ends and turn them into rings.
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment, place the rings at a short distance so that during baking each cookie does not interfere with the neighboring one from rising and reaching readiness.
  8. Place the baking sheet in the oven (temperature 180), and after 10 minutes turn on the convection mode so that the cookies brown.
  9. Carefully remove the finished treat with a spatula and leave to rest for a while. Afterwards you can serve it and invite you to try it. Torchetti cooks quickly. Therefore, they cannot be ignored. If there is no convection in the oven, you can increase the temperature to 200 degrees at the end of cooking for a few minutes so that the cookies quickly brown.

Cookies with a layer of jam

This recipe for quick cookies with a jam layer is worth repeating on the occasion of a holiday. It looks incredibly beautiful once served, reminiscent of a rich pie. Once you take a bite, you won't want to try anything else for dessert. Any jam, jelly or jelly is suitable for the filling. It's better if it's sweet and sour. It is important to make a generous layer so that the cookies do not turn out very dry and hard.


  • margarine – 100 g;
  • flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • jam to taste - 0.5 tbsp;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - for greasing the baking sheet.


  1. Using a fork, mash the butter and mix with the sugar.
  2. Separately, lightly beat the egg (so that the yolk and white are combined, becoming a homogeneous liquid) and send it to the previously combined products.
  3. Use a mixer to bring the mixture until smooth, then add salt and slaked soda.
  4. Add flour little by little and knead the dough.
  5. Turn on the oven to warm up. At the same time, prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with oil.
  6. Divide the dough mixture in half. Roll out one part so that its size matches the perimeter of the baking sheet. Place on roasting pan.
  7. Spread a generous layer of jam on top of the cake.
  8. Grind the remaining dough using a meat grinder. Use the resulting straw to randomly cover the cake layer, greased with jam.
  9. All you have to do is bake, in 15 minutes the pastry will be ready.
  10. After removing the broiler from the oven, let the cookies rest, and then carefully transfer the cake to a cutting board. The final touch in preparation: cut the cookies into portions and serve.

These are the most delicious cookies - the recipe is suitable for a festive feast or children's party. It looks very rich and tasty. If desired, after baking, you can put fresh berries and dried fruits on each cookie. They will become very appetizing with chocolate or coconut sprinkles. But don’t overdo it, so that you end up with a very sugary treat.

Minute Baby Cookies

A mother, inventing sweets for her child, sometimes comes to a dead end. There is never enough time or energy to cook. This simple quick cookie recipe will always come to the rescue. It is prepared quickly, in just a few minutes, the list of necessary products is depressingly modest, and kids will really like the taste.


  • margarine – 1 pack;
  • sugar – 70-100;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.


  1. Margarine and cheese curds must first be placed in the freezer and slightly frozen. Grate these two products.
  2. Add flour little by little to make a dough that does not stick to your fingers.
  3. Roll out on a floured countertop. Use molds to cut out shapes. If you don’t have any on your farm yet, you can give the cookies a round shape using shot glasses, and cut out the middle using a nylon champagne cork.
  4. Sprinkle each cookie placed on the roasting pan with sugar and place in the oven. Cook at 190 degrees, after 2-4 minutes the sweetness is ready.

These cookies are not as sweet as I wanted. If there is not enough sweetness, you can put marmalade or jam on top of each.

Honey cookies for those with a sweet tooth

Mothers will like honey cookies at home for the speed of cooking, and children will like them for their taste and pleasant aromatic honey smell. If desired, and for interest, the cookies can be made in different colors, for example, by adding cocoa, a little turmeric or currant juice.


  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp. l.;
  • Sunflower oil – 40–50 g.


  1. While the mixer is running, whisking sugar, eggs and vanilla, gradually add honey.
  2. As soon as the sugar is no longer noticeable, pour sunflower oil into the mixture. After adding it, the dough will become liquid and airy.
  3. Mix flour with baking powder and place in a common bowl. Next, the dough is kneaded with your hands, not with a whisk or mixer. Ideally, you should get a thick mass that can be rolled out on the countertop with a rolling pin.
  4. Using cookie cutters, cut out shapes or circles in the dough. Using a spatula, carefully transfer them to a greased roasting pan and into the oven. It may turn out to be a liquid dough, then the cookies are laid out directly on a baking sheet using a spoon.
  5. After 10 minutes (baking temperature 190 degrees) the cookies are in the oven, the treat can be taken out, transferred and tasted.

These cookies can be sprinkled with raw peanuts before going into the oven. As they cook, the nuts will gain flavor and add piquancy.

Curd cookies

Soft cottage cheese cookies prepared by a home cook using this recipe will amaze with their appearance. After baking it looks fancy and interesting. Kids especially will love these funny sugar cookies. It is important for cooking to choose cottage cheese that is low-fat and tasty, without a specific aroma (if you are using a home-made product).


  • Flour – 250 g;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 1 pack;
  • Butter – 120 g;
  • Sugar – 2–3 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar -15 g;
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Place flour in a large deep container, add butter and chop with a knife, trying to mix both ingredients together. The result will be a mass similar to crumbs.
  2. Be sure to first hold the cottage cheese in a sieve to remove excess liquid and grind it.
  3. Send it into the dough, add a dose of soda.
  4. Then vanilla sugar is added to the mass.
  5. All ingredients are combined, and now the dough must be kneaded with your hands.
  6. Roll out a layer on a straight surface (it’s better not to sprinkle it with flour). Use a glass or mold to cut out circles.
  7. These simple cookies are formed in a certain way. Dip one side of the circle into sugar and roll it into a semicircle so that the breaded sweet part is inside. A second time, dip one side in sugar again and fold into quarters. Place the cookie on a baking sheet (be sure to cover it with parchment), and sprinkle the top with sugar (you can wet it).
  8. Cook cookies at 180 degrees for half an hour.

When baking any cookies, it is important not to leave the oven. It’s prepared with lightning speed, all you have to do is turn away and all your troubles will be in vain. It is important to prevent it from burning, especially if it is sprinkled with sugar on top.

Quick cookies in the oven recipe with photos

One of the most favorite treats of all those with a sweet tooth is cookies. The range of confectionery products is very large, but quick cookies in the oven are especially tasty, and they taste even better than sweet candies.

This is an excellent dish to accompany a delicious cup of tea, which will delight both children and adults.

If you are used to buying delicious cookies for tea in the confectionery department of modern shopping centers, then I recommend that you find out my recipe, which will allow you to enjoy the delicacy even more.

Anyone can prepare simple cookies for tea quickly and tasty, it would be, as they say, a desire. You will definitely notice that homemade cookies are much tastier compared to store-bought ones.

Plus: each of my recipes does not require too much cooking time, and there are really a lot of cooking variations.

Varieties of delicious homemade cookies

Each species will definitely find its lover, don’t doubt it. This statement is doubly true if we say that we will personally prepare homemade cookies.

Another popular delicious cookie is sugar cookie. The cookies turn out fragile and fluffy, since the dough swells and has large pores during baking.

And, finally, a long-lasting type of delicacy, which is famous for its layering and strength. The recipe does not include many words. butter and sugar, which distinguishes cookies from other types.

Below is an interesting recipe for cookies with cottage cheese, which I often treat my family to.

Cookies with cottage cheese that do not require much time

My recipe is very simple. Need to:

250 gr. flour and cottage cheese; 150 gr. Sahara; pack vanillin; half tsp soda or baking powder (I give more preference to the latter); 120 gr. sl. oils

To bake simple homemade cookies, I follow this procedure:

  1. I soften the butter first to cut it smaller. Only then do I get around to sowing flour. I mix the resulting mixtures. I crumple everything with my hands.
  2. You need cottage cheese without lumps, so I rub the mass on a sieve. I add it to the previous preparation and mix it with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. I mix the dough, it is important that it does not stick to your hands and is soft in texture. Roll out the dough into a layer.
  4. I take a simple glass and cut circles with it - future cookies, and then I dip each of them in sugar on one side, fold it in half and repeat the previous operation again. As a result, you will get a quarter of the whole circle, and I cover it well with sugar.
  5. Place the sugar side on top of the cookies on a greased baking sheet. I bake cookies in the oven at 180° for about 25 minutes. To check if the cookies are ready, I use a wooden stick. When the dough does not stick to it, it is ready.

The cookies should cool slightly before eating them with tea. It turns out that you can pamper the whole family quickly and very tasty!

Another recipe for quick cookies will be presented below, which will not cause difficulties even for young housewives.

Delicious cookies with chocolate

Most likely, you have already eaten similar cookies; you can buy them in the store. But to make it even tastier and beneficial, I advise you to make homemade cookies yourself.

You need to take for cookies:

100 gr. sl. oils; a bar of any chocolate, but preferably without fillings; 150 gr. Sahara; 120 gr. flour; 1 PC. chickens egg; 1/3 tsp. soda and half tsp. salt; 3 tbsp. cocoa.

I start making cookies like this:

  1. I soften the words. butter and grind, stirring sugar. I add the egg and beat the mixture. I melt the chocolate using the water bath method. Add to the mixture and beat using a mixer. Don’t forget that to make the cookies airy, we use only sifted flour.
  2. I add cocoa, salt, then baking soda. I knead the two mixtures together. It is important to make the dough soft, it should not spread.
  3. While preparations are underway, I preheat the oven to 180°. I roll the dough into balls and place them on a baking sheet, pressing them down a little. To bake quick cookies in my oven, you need about 15 minutes, no more.

Apple cookies

This recipe is a no-brainer and easy, quick homemade cookies perfect for any event. Have to take:

1 PC. chickens egg; 150 gr. flour; 1 PC. apple; 100 gr. Sahara; 5 gr. baking powder and 1/3 tsp. soda, 50 gr. sl. oils; half tsp for the cinnamon flavor.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I soften the butter. I grind it with sugar and add an egg. I beat it using a mixer until the mixture becomes fluffy.
  2. The dough should be airy, and therefore, as I already said, it’s still worth sifting the flour. I add salt, then cinnamon and baking powder. Mix the two mixtures until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. I clean the apple, including removing the skin. I cut it very finely and mix it with the mixture.
  4. I put the cookies, spooned out, in the oven at 180° for 20 minutes. The cookies will be ready very quickly, and you will definitely like the taste. All homemade cookies always taste better, see for yourself in your family.

Sour cream cookies for sweet tea

Beginners in cooking will definitely love this recipe. You need to take for cookies:

250 ml sour cream; 1 pack margarine; 500 gr. flour; 1 tsp salt and 1 pack. baking powder; 100 gr. Sahara.

To make quick cookies for tea delicious, you should do everything as I indicate:

  1. I soften the margarine and add sugar. I beat it and use a mixer for this purpose. Mix with salt.
  2. I add baking powder to the flour and mix it with the previous mixture. I mix again with a mixer, but at low power. The dough will be tender. I stir the finished dough in film in the form of a large ball for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  3. At this time, I preheat the oven to 200°, grease a baking sheet with oil. I am shaping the future cookies, the dough should be elastic. I pour flour on the table and roll out sheets of approximately 1.5 cm in thickness. I make circles with a glass. If you have cookie molds at home, I advise you to take them.
  4. I dip the cookies in sugar, place the sugar side up and bake for about 20 minutes. It turns out really very tasty, I advise everyone to try these cookies personally, and there is simply no hassle with cooking them in the oven!

Milk cookies

When you need to quickly treat your family to something tasty, I advise you to pay attention to these simple cookies.

You need to prepare cookies for tea:

100 ml milk; 250 gr. Sahara; 500 gr. flour; 100 gr. sl. oils; 1 PC. chickens egg; vanilla sugar, baking powder.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sl. I soften the butter. I add it to the sifted flour and beat it with a mixer, but I work at low speed. I pour in the milk, add sugar and pour in the egg. I stir until there is no lump and only then add vanilla sugar and baking powder. If the dough suddenly turns out liquid, add more flour.
  2. I knead the dough until smooth, sprinkle the table with flour. I put the mixture in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes and at this time preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. As soon as the time has passed, I take out the dough and roll it out into a layer 1 cm thick. I take the molds and make cookies or, again, cut out circles with a glass.
  4. I cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and bake the cookies on it for about 10 minutes. As soon as a beautiful brown color appears on the cookies, the dish is ready.
  5. I would suggest a dusting of powder or cocoa once the cookies are ready, or you could even top them with icing. Surely no one will refuse to eat such a delicious meal!

Fragrant crumbly cookies

This recipe can be slightly varied for you personally. If you want, you can make crumbly quick cookies with filling: raisins, cherries, chocolate.

For example, I fill cookies with icing. I leave this point solely at your discretion.

For cooking you need to take:

200 gr. sl. oils; 250 gr. Sahara; 600 gr. flour; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 pack vanilla sugar; about 5 gr. baking powder.

I act like this:

  1. Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the eggs and beat with a mixer. Add the softened butter to the mixture and beat again. I work either at low or medium power.
  2. I sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen and the cookies are airy. Add baking powder and mix with the first mixture. The dough turns out soft. I put it in the refrigerator for several hours, otherwise it will simply be impossible to mix it. I wrap it in film.
  3. I take the eggs out of the refrigerator and separate the whites to beat them and coat the cookies, cover them with sugar.
  4. I send the cookies to bake for 30 minutes at 180°C in the oven. When the cookies turn brown, it's time to take them out.

My advice to you: form cookies in different ways, for example, you can make a dough sausage and cut into pieces, making balls out of them.

But you can take molds that will allow you to make a beautiful, tasty, and even healthy treat that the kids will definitely like.

Cookies with jam for aromatic tea

Very interesting and crazy tasty hearty cookies, which are baked according to a universal recipe.

You can use it to make a tea pie. But this time we will focus on delicious cookies, which will certainly not leave any sweet tooth indifferent.

To feed your whole family and friends delicious cookies for tea, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

200 gr. margarine and sugar; 600 gr. flour; 1 PC. chickens egg; jam or jam; salt to taste and half a tsp. soda, which needs to be extinguished with vinegar.

My actions:

  1. I take the margarine to a warm place in advance so that it becomes soft in texture. In this form it will be convenient to grind it with sugar. Only after I finish this stage do I add chickens. eggs. I mix everything with a mixer.
  2. I sow flour to give the dough some airiness. I add soda and salt. By the way, if you don’t have soda, you can use simple baking powder.
  3. I divide the thick dough equally. I spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with oil. I put part of the dough there, and therefore fill it with the jam you personally chose. Don’t be greedy, the larger the layer, the tastier it will be, but don’t forget about a sense of proportion. The second part must be frozen in the freezer and done before proceeding with the previous procedure. This is necessary to grate it and sprinkle it on top of the jam layer.
  4. I bake at 180° for about 30 minutes. Only after the baking is ready do I start shaping the cookies. If you wish, you can leave the baked goods in the form of a pie, but if not, make small squares out of it.

That's all - delicious tea cookies are ready to serve!

My video recipe

Hello friends!

Quick cookies are on the agenda today. Such baking does not cause any trouble when kneading the dough, and it bakes even more quickly. Most often, shortbread dough is prepared. After all, this is exactly what everyone likes - crispy, crunchy, fragile and everything is good)).

But shortbread can be prepared in different ways and with different fillings. Everything turns out delicious and simple. Even if guests come suddenly, such quick recipes will help out any housewife.

Maybe many of the recipes are already familiar to you and have simply been forgotten. In any case, it’s worth looking through the selection and remembering, as well as delighting your family and friends with delicious crunchies. The main advantage of homemade cookies is the soul and love put into preparing the dish.

Today in the article:

The easiest quick cookie recipe

Scottish dessert is one of the simplest dishes in the world. After all, you only need three products and delicious pastries are already on your table. And these simple ingredients are always available in every home.

We need:

  • Flour -300 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 200 grams.


1. Mash softened butter with a fork along with granulated sugar. You need to grind it well, and then you can add wheat flour.

To soften the butter, simply remove it from the refrigerator 40-50 minutes before cooking. It will quickly become plastic at room temperature.

2. Sift the flour directly into the bowl with the mixed butter and sugar. Together we combine the products into crumbs like this. Now you can transfer the crumbs to a clean surface, where we will begin to knead it.

3. Knead the mass with your hands until it becomes an elastic and elastic dough. Good dough will not stick to your hands. Then roll it into a sausage and put it in the refrigerator under cling film for 15 minutes.

4. At this time, you can set the oven to preheat at 180 degrees.

5. Take out the sausage and cut it into round pieces about the thickness of a finger. Transfer the circles to a baking sheet.

6. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. The time depends on the oven. But every housewife knows her assistant and therefore can easily track the readiness of her baked goods.

7. Let the finished cookies cool slightly and serve. For beauty, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar on top.

The cookies turned out very tasty and crispy! Let's eat with pleasure!

Delicious homemade cakes with sour cream

Let's prepare delicious dough in this sour cream baking dish. It turns out not as crunchy as shortbread, but tender and soft. Kneading it couldn’t be easier, and then we’ll do a few manipulations with the filling.

Although the recipe seems complicated, this is only at first glance. But then interesting cookies will delight both young and old. And many cooks will still beg for how to cook it.

We will need:

  • Flour - 400 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 160 grams or 3/4 cup;
  • Sour cream - 120 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.

For the filling:

  • Cream cheese - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 1/4 cup;
  • Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons (melted);
  • Chocolate - 2 bars;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


1. We will prepare all the products. Our butter should melt well.

2. In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Add 2 eggs, mix everything well.

3. Pour all the sour cream into the mixture. Using a spoon, stir until smooth.

4. Separately sift the flour a couple of times and add to the mixture.

400 grams of flour is approximately 3 glasses of 250 grams.

5. Knead and then transfer to a clean table to knead with your hands. The dough must be kneaded until elastic. We put it in a bag for 30 minutes in the refrigerator to rest.

6. Set the oven to preheat to 200°C. And let's start filling.

7. In a small bowl, beat cream cheese, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.

8. Take the dough from the refrigerator and remove it from the bag. Roll it out and lightly sprinkle with flour. Using a mold or just a glass, squeeze out circles.

9. Place some of the circles on a baking sheet. And the other part will serve as a cap to cover the filling.

10. Take a teaspoon and place our filling mixture in the center of each circle. Beat the egg and brush the edges of the cookies with a brush. This will help us glue the second circles. After that, cover the top with another part of the circles.

12. In a small bowl, combine the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon and sprinkle over the top.

13. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Let the cookies cool well.

14. In a small bowl, break 2 chocolate bars and place them in the microwave. After the chocolate has melted, we dip our cookies into it.

In a couple of minutes the chocolate will harden and you can eat it. The goodies quickly fly off the table.

Baking a quick dessert with jam

Crispy baked goods with jam are always a delight in the winter. We take any or even jam. It goes very well with sour jam - currant, cherry, cherry plum.

It is important that it is seedless. Otherwise, the cookies will crunch on your teeth to the fullest. Kidding! But we watch the video because the recipe is very good and simple, quick and easy.

Shortbread cookie recipe with chocolate

Chocolate, chocolate! We all love chocolate! Or does someone not like it? I don't know such people. There are people who cannot eat it, because of this they are sad...

But for those who can, catch a good recipe. The kids are simply delighted with him!

We need:

  • Ready-made shortcrust pastry or similar
  • Chocolate - 1 bar;
  • Walnuts - 1 cup;
  • Chocolate candies.


1. Well, first of all, set the oven to preheat to 200°C.

2. Take a deep bowl and mix peeled walnuts, broken chocolate bars and ready-made shortbread dough.

3. Take our mixture with a teaspoon, press the dough, and put the chocolate candy inside. Place the balls on a baking sheet.

4. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes. We take it out and let the liver cool.

We invite guests and enjoy some tea! Delicious!

An interesting version of simple delicacies through a meat grinder

Quick cookies have been familiar to us since Soviet times. Our grandmothers baked it and delighted us with a delicious dessert in the morning.

Moreover, very little time was spent on its production. All you need is a meat grinder and simple ingredients.

We need:

  • Butter - 250 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 500-550 grams;
  • Chicken yolks - 2 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • Sugar - 180 grams;
  • Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

For more accurate weights, measure all ingredients on a kitchen scale.


1. In a glass bowl, grind softened butter with sugar. Add chicken yolks to the mixture.

2. Sprinkle literally a pinch of salt, baking powder and vanillin, add 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix everything well with a spatula.

Baking powder can be replaced with soda slaked with vinegar in the proportions of 0.5 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

3. Sift the flour several times separately. Pour it into the mass in small portions and knead into a homogeneous dough. We put it under film for half an hour.

4. Setting up the meat grinder. If desired, you can take a lattice with small holes. But it is better to take a corrugated grille with four slots. It will be very convenient to roll and cut cookies through it. It is also worth taking out the chopping knife, it will not be useful.

5. Take the dough out of the film and begin to scroll through a meat grinder. We cut it along the way with a knife to the desired length, about 5-6 cm. Place the cut strips on a baking sheet.

6. Transfer the baking sheet to a preheated oven at 200 degrees. For baking we will need 15-20 minutes, maybe less. It all depends on the type of oven and whether it has a convention. Just make sure it browns.

7. Cool the finished cookies and place them on a plate. We eat with a cup of tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

That's all for me, but I'm not saying goodbye. Look forward to more delicious and interesting recipes soon!

You can share your opinions and reviews below in the comments! Thank you for your attention!

Quick homemade cookies are always easy to distinguish from store-bought ones. It is much tastier and more beautiful, a piece of soul has been put into it, it spreads the aromas of fresh baked goods throughout the house, which gives a special atmosphere and mood. Sometimes, while expecting dear guests, you want to prepare something special for tea. Or the children ask to make something sweet. But you don’t always want to spend a lot of time kneading dough and baking cookies. In this case, you can bake the simplest, but at the same time incredibly tasty and beautiful cookies in a hurry. Any housewife is proud of her culinary creations and happily treats them to her loved ones and guests.

Simple homemade cookie recipe

For cooking we will need the following set of products:

  • one egg;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 50 g butter (quarter of a pack);
  • one and a half cups of flour;
  • a third of a pack of vanilla sugar;

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Calorie content - 100 kcal.

How to make quick cookies

1. Mix sugar with egg.

2. Melt the butter in the microwave or simply mash it with a fork. Then add the butter to the egg-sugar mixture. Please note that very hot oil can cause the egg to curdle. Therefore, if you melt butter in the microwave, you should let it cool slightly before adding butter to the first ingredients.

3. The next step is adding vanilla sugar and flour.

4. Knead the dough with your hands on a comfortable and clean surface. Due to the large amount of fat contained in the dough (due to the addition of butter), it does not stick to your hands. Knead into a soft pliable dough. We will carry out all further actions on the back side of the baking sheet, and we will bake our cookies on it.

5. Turn the baking sheet over and make sure its surface is clean enough. Roll out the dough on a baking sheet into a pancake 0.7 cm thick. Form the dough with special shaped molds or simply use a glass. Carefully remove the dough remaining outside the cut out figures. Move the cut out cookies closer to each other, and roll out the pancake from the remaining dough again and cut out the cookies.

7. Place our baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Oven temperature: 200 degrees.

Let the finished cookies cool, and then transfer them from the baking sheet to a plate.

Our quick and easy homemade cookies are ready!

Shortbread cookies with jam or thick jam - tender, fragile, with a pleasant fruity sourness and vanilla aroma - can be baked in just half an hour. Of course, after the dough is kneaded, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour. But you can skip this stage -...

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The recipe for shortbread cookies at home on this page will help you bake delicious homemade cookies yourself and without hassle. It is especially good to bake it before the New Year. If you have special New Year's cookie cutters, then your holiday will be decorated with the...

Cinnamon star cookies with white icing are a traditional German Christmas cookie. Fluffy meringue tops dainty little star-shaped cookies with a spicy cinnamon scent. In Europe, this recipe for New Year's cookies is very popular, without it it is impossible...

Macaron cookies are a very tender and aromatic product in itself, if you prepare it according to all the rules of French cuisine. But French coffee macarons are a real delight! I tried to find a good coffee macarons recipe, but I couldn't. Previously I cooked...

This oatmeal cookie recipe will make you feel what true confectionery art is like. Although this delicacy is very simple and quick to prepare, its taste is much superior to store-bought. Brown sugar, rolled oats and butter make the cookies crispy...

Biscotti is a classic recipe that came to us from Italy and has gained popularity all over the world. Although I remember these cookies from childhood. My mother prepared something similar for various holidays and served this delicacy with cocoa or milk. Dry, crispy and crumbly nut...

New Year's cookies are one of the elements that will help create a festive atmosphere in the house before the main holiday of the year. The tradition of baking New Year's cookies is very common in Europe. They bake an incredible number of types of New Year's cookies. It's being sold...

Chocolate cookies, the recipe for which is given below, take only 10 minutes to prepare. Tender, sweet and crunchy, it's sure to be loved by everyone in your family. Sunflower seeds and dried cherries perfectly complement the taste of cocoa crackers. If you want to diversify...

Crackers, the recipe for which is described below, are a delicious and easy snack for every day. You can use the salty, crispy biscuits as bread for first courses or as a base for canapés, cakes and sandwiches. Fresh dill, cheese and spices give the crackers a unique...