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Mental defense technique. Mental attacks and mental defenses. Protection from psychological pressure

Technique 1. Technique of endless clarification. It is used when a communication partner emotionally demands something or accuses someone of something.

When using the following methods of psychological protection from intrusive and manipulative actions, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Clear verbal formulations.
  • Correctly chosen intonations.
  • Thoroughness in the answer, which is achieved by maintaining pauses before the answer and the slowness of the answer, turning the answer into space.

Several effective ways to block unwanted or inappropriate manipulation attempts

Reception 1.

Technique of endless refinement. It is used when a communication partner emotionally demands something or accuses someone of something. In this case, find out in as much detail and accuracy as possible everything that is happening to him, without entering into arguments, explanations or justifications. Your partner may increase the pressure, causing you to resist, but you must firmly maintain the position of a person who wants to find out the other person's opinion.

The ability to pose a question that requires a meaningful and detailed answer activates one’s own intellectual efforts. In order to ask a question or answer a question on the merits, you need to think, therefore, transfer part of the energy charge from the emotional flow to the rational one. In addition, time is gained that the partner spends thinking about the answer. Thus, asking a clarifying question gives us time and energy to prevent our feelings from overwhelming us.

Reception 2.

Technique of external consent, or Inducing fog. This technique is especially effective against unfair criticism or outright rudeness. A confident person outwardly agrees, although he may not change his position. For example:

“What an unexpected thought! We’ll have to think it over...”;
“I’ll think about how I can take this into account in my work”;
“I’ll think about whether this has anything to do with me”;
"May be..."

Reception 3.

Broken record technique. In response to an attack, the addressee formulates a succinct phrase containing important information to the attacker. The phrase should be such that it can be repeated several times without disrupting the meaningfulness of the conversation. The phrase should be pronounced like a broken record, with the same intonation. There should be no “metal” or “poison” in the tone. This technique uses the old rule:

First, tell them exactly what you are going to tell them.
Then tell them what you are going to tell them.
Then tell them exactly what you told them.

Reception 4.

English professor's technique. The partner correctly expresses doubts that fulfilling someone’s demands does not really violate his personal rights:

“George, could you speak a little slower and in shorter sentences so I can translate more accurately?”

“I'm afraid not... You see, speaking quickly and in long sentences is part of my personality.”

Possible answers:

“This is the subject of my convictions”;

“If I do this, it won’t be me anymore”;

“It doesn’t fit with my self-image.”

Reception 5.

Calm and detached. Effective psychoprotection requires a certain psychological coldness and aloofness. Anger, fear, malice, surprise, joy must be stopped before specific actions for psychoprotection are taken. If such an emotion is difficult to completely stop, then it needs to be complicated and transformed - anger and hatred must be translated into sarcasm, fear and surprise into alertness, joy into irony, etc. If you get angry or angry, you will lose.

Reception 6.

Finding and connecting additional factors that can affect the situation. There are always potential situational forces working for us - be it time, people, social stereotypes, or some parallel events. Anything that the manipulator excluded from the situation, “tailoring” it to suit himself, may work. Has anyone planned a conversation at home? - move him outside! Are they trying to influence you in private? - raise the topic in the company! Change the situational field in such a way that it becomes alien to the manipulator and creates additional benefits for you.

Reception 7.

Preliminary training on a foreign field. From time to time it is worth practicing behavior that is atypical for yourself - violating your usual role and personal image. On the one hand, this increases the degree of freedom of behavior, on the other hand, it makes you less predictable.

Reception 8.

Don't accept someone else's assessment of the situation. If you accepted someone's assessment of the situation and began to plan some actions in accordance with this assessment, the manipulator has achieved his goal. It is necessary not only to reject other people's situational frameworks, but also to offer your own assessment of the situation. Your deliverance from the framework imposed by someone can begin with the phrase: “Now let me tell you how I see all this...” - and then you can already draw a situational picture from a point that is beneficial to you.

Reception 9.

If possible, do not accept obligations imposed on you from the outside. It is better to suffer short-term losses in money, time and energy than to undertake obligations that are externally uncritical for you and imposed from the outside. We must proceed from the fact that what is most important is commitment to yourself.

Reception 10.

The ability to change relationships. It must be remembered that any interpersonal situation is reversible: it is always possible to step back from any interpersonal situation and say to the controlling and manipulating person (be it a boss, spouse, politician, etc.): “I can continue to live without your love, friendship, affection, mistreatment, even if such a life will be difficult for me - until you stop doing A and start doing B.”

Reception 11.

Avoid provoked thoughtless actions. If someone insists that something be done “immediately,” you should never agree to it right away. To begin, take time to think about the situation and obtain additional information. You should also insist on clear explanations. Weak explanations are signs of deception or a lack of knowledge on the part of the supposedly informed interlocutor.

Reception 12.

Critical perception of situational demands. You should take a critical approach to any situational requirements, no matter how trivial they may seem: role relationships and rules should always be understood, but not always accepted. Group rituals, slogans, duties and obligations - for some reason someone needs all this. The requirements arising from the situation are not always mandatory.

Reception 13.

There are almost no simple solutions in life. If someone talks about “simple solutions” to your complex personal, social and political problems, then this is most likely not true.

Reception 14.

There is no such thing as instant “liking”. There is no such thing as sudden and unconditional love, trust or friendship from strangers. Friendship and trust always develop over time and usually involve mutual exchange, coping and complicity - i.e. preliminary work on both sides. Therefore, “sudden love” and “suddenly emerging” friendship are most likely the situational background that the manipulator creates for more successful influence on you.

Reception 15.

Separating yourself from everyone. “Total situations” should be avoided, when they address and indicate to “everyone”, and not to you personally. In such situations there is very little personal control and freedom, so it is worth immediately defining the boundaries of your own autonomy and, just in case, preparing psychological and physical escape routes.

Technique 16. Your mistakes are your problem. Try to immediately recognize the symptoms of “guilt” that someone provokes in you, and never act based on the motive of guilt. Mistakes are inevitable, but they are your mistakes. Therefore, you should not rush to correct errors in a way that was not planned by you.

Reception 17.

There is something new in every situation. Be mindful of what you do in a “typical situation.” You cannot allow habit and standard current procedure to force you to act thoughtlessly - after all, each subsequent “typical situation” is always slightly different, and your template actions can always be used due to their high predictability.

Reception 18.

Don't be bound by past behavior. When someone mentions your “reliability”, you should always be wary. After all, there is absolutely no need to maintain consistency between your actions at different points in time - both you and the situation can change. Therefore, the status of “reliable” is always somewhat false, since it provides for some actions and reactions that depend not on the situation, but on the status of “reliability” itself. The status of “adequacy of the situation” is much preferable.

Reception 19.

If you've made up your mind, take action! It is not enough to simply recognize that manipulation is taking place; one must always be prepared to openly disobey, defend, challenge, and endure the consequences of such behavior. published

Energy protection

Before you defend yourself, you need to be sure that the actions against you are an attack. If you focus on defense, you can see aggression everywhere. Every phrase, movement, glance will be alarming. You will look tense, confused, and may actually want to attack you.

They try to offend the weak and unbalanced. If you are a strong, calm, life-loving, confident, self-confident person, I don’t even understand why you are reading this article. For those who periodically feel a loss of strength after communicating with certain people. If you are experiencing unreasonable anxiety, I will give you a method of energy protection from personal experience. Read at the end of the article after four important points.

1. Very few people have a strong biofield and the ability to use their energy. Moreover, use it to the detriment of others. When meeting such a person, your legs will literally give way. There may be unpleasant sensations in the chakras. Your throat may become dry, your vision may become dark, and you may experience bouts of nausea. In this case, there is a direct effect on the chakras. But once again, there are very few such people and you may not meet them in your life. Many people can unconsciously drain your energy. This is the so-called household vampirism. They cannot receive energy through the chakras, but only with the help of your emotions, having previously evoked them.

2.Emotions cause a release of energy. Scream and it will become easier, another advice from a psychologist. As a result, it will become easier and at the same time fatigue will come. There will be an increase in energy, and then you will tone up by absorbing liters of coffee. If the goal is to calm down, so as not to do anything stupid, this practice is suitable. All emotions require action, movement. For some reason people forget about this. Action trains muscles, breathing, switches thoughts to movement. The stronger the emotion, the more tired you need to be to neutralize it. In fact, it doesn't matter whether the emotion is positive or negative. If we are happy, we can move mountains; if we are sad, we usually lie down and don’t move.

3. The ability to monitor your condition before and after a possible energy attack is an important point in conserving energy. To do this, you need to periodically scan your body for the emergence of new sensations and thoughts.

4. The ability to forgive and forget from aggression directed in your direction is another point in maintaining integrity. When you were energetically attacked and you were able to cope with it, you shouldn’t take revenge, much less think about it for a long time.
Energy protection will help in blocking, repelling and avoiding any negative influences on you.

Read the secret energy protection technique.

There will be no construction of brick walls, visualization of fire, water, mirrors. Everything that is suggested to be used and for some reason forgotten when it is necessary.

What is the purpose of energy protection protection? Preserving the integrity of your biofield, the cocoon surrounding you.
We learn to feel its size and shape. We stand up straight, relax and begin to try to feel the shape of our biofield. There is no particular need for precision, the main thing is to feel the tension around you.

We find out the size in the following way. For this you need an assistant. We move two meters away from him and begin to slowly approach. He should say stop when your approach begins to put pressure on him. If your energy is weak, this will happen 20 - 50 centimeters from him. Then switch roles. Do this several times until the feeling is stable.

We learn to control the size of our biofield.

As in the previous case, stand 2 meters from the assistant and imagine how your field begins to increase in size. Then approach slowly. The assistant should feel the pressure, but at a further distance. An increase to one and a half two meters is enough.
We learn to reduce our biofield. We imagine how it decreases and at the same time becomes denser. We achieve sizes slightly larger than the body size.

How to use:

1. If there is pressure on you, and you will already feel it, you need to reduce the size of the biofield and then the aggressor will simply disappear from sight. He will stop feeling you. As your field decreases, people will stop noticing you. You will become energetically invisible and will cease to be of interest to everyday vampires.

2.As the energy field increases at the level of perception, you will appear larger and more significant. They won't want to contact you.

Using this technique, I completely stopped getting into conflict situations. Spend a couple of days practicing and you will see the results.

Mental defense and attack

Nowadays only the lazy do not practice mental attacks. What advantage does magic give? The first, and most obvious, it would seem, is impunity. If a person annoys you, then you can simply get rid of him. You can “push through” the decisions you need, you can easily climb the career ladder. Here I am talking about the so-called black magicians or dark neophytes.

A dark neophyte is a person who, due to his beliefs or actions, has consciously accepted the dark side. He is not dangerous in himself, the danger comes only from his teacher or from the egregor, under whose protection he is.

The dark side provides ample opportunities for self-realization. For example, your knowledge at the moment is enough to do terrible things. Due to the deterioration of your karma, due to the depletion of your life supply, at the expense of your soul, which is absorbed by the dark side (this is the “payment” for power), you can harm, zombify, hypnotize, etc.

But not everything is so simple for dark neophytes: they are obliged to obey their mentor, usually a strong magician who succumbed to temptation and turned away from the bright path. Usually his power is enormous and he reluctantly shares it with his novices, giving them objects of power in return for their devoted service to him. Without an object of power, dark neophytes are nothing.

The craze for black magic makes it possible for black magicians to choose strong students for themselves. Out of hundreds, someone will be found. And your passion for the light path will cause some reaction from the dark egregors. Therefore, it is necessary to at least know how to protect yourself from all this.

In addition to the usual energy attack, which, as a rule, is used purposefully very rarely, there are several other types of combat.

Mental. Starting from the fact that another boss calls your boss and asks you to fire you. Or the unexpected arrival of orderlies and taking you to a psychiatric clinic. Or just calls and letters with threats. Some psychological techniques, together with subsequent defenses, will remove this type of attack that is unwanted for you.

Astral. This is when your astral body is abused by dark personalities. There are powerful defenses against this type of attack: Rituals, runes, talismans, etc. They will protect you from these impacts. And I have never met a person capable of breaking through the protective runic circle of watchtowers if they were installed correctly.

Mental. With limited sensitivity, if someone decides to read your thoughts, you simply won’t feel it.

Protection against unwanted contact

Hold a visualized pentagram in the Ajna chakra area. Usually this scares you away right away.

Think logically, not with feelings.

This type of magic can be considered the most skillful and powerful, since its effect is very subtle and effective. Mental magic is an ability that allows you to read people's thoughts and actively influence them. You can learn to apply her methods in practice only by controlling personal thoughts and feelings. When exposed to a simple thought form that is introduced into the human aura, it directly influences the person. And under the influence of the mental thought form, future events are adjusted in the right direction. Moreover, the probability that they will occur is very high.

What is mental magic?

The energy corresponding to the process of human thinking is usually called mental. It is believed that the level of density of the mental body varies, so there are many types of this energy. Based on this, we can say that mental magic is inseparably linked with the work of thoughts, and has the following components:

  1. Telepathy - reading thoughts and transmitting them at some distance. During the telepathic process, the senses do not take part.
  2. Telekinesis is the process of influencing objects and events without the use of physical effort.
  3. Teleportation is the rapid movement of any objects over a certain distance.
  4. Pyrokinesis is the ability to remotely set objects on fire, without the use of flammable agents.
  5. Telemetry is a way to obtain information about any objects remotely.
  6. Levitation is the ability to reduce the weight of an object so that it can float in the air without outside help.
  7. Hypnosis is the influence on the human mind in order to obtain some information.
  8. Extrasensory perception is a special ability to perceive with the senses what seems unusual to a common person.
  9. Clairvoyance is the ability to receive accurate information regarding future events.

From all of the above, we can conclude that mental magic is the magic of thought, which is based on the will and human mind. Its implementation occurs thanks to the power of thoughts, which, as we know, can materialize.

Mental magic training

It is believed that success in the practice of mental magic can only be achieved by those who have the inclinations for one of its types. Just as people with innate abilities become great musicians, lucky people with certain inclinations have a chance to become professional magicians. If a person feels a craving for a particular type of mental magic, then most likely this is how a predisposition manifests itself.

To comprehend the secrets of mental magic, special training is required. Classes can be independent, using special literature, or under the guidance of a traditional healer. Some people prefer to develop mental abilities on their own, using simple exercises, gradually giving preference to complex ones.

Like any other type of magic, mental magic can be classified as one that should be believed in. A person should not doubt his own abilities and hope that everything planned will come true exactly as planned. And then he will certainly receive what he so sincerely desires.


As a rule, those people who live primarily by emotions, identified with their vital “shell”, are subject to vital attacks; As a rule, those people who live primarily by intellect, identified with their mental shell, are subject to mental attacks.

Mental attacks are not a frequent occurrence, since an inductor capable of carrying out such an attack must combine many already rare qualities. In this case, the mental shell is attacked directly, bypassing the energetic and vital shell. An attack of this type is not designed to cause “bad thoughts” in the recipient (“bad thoughts” arise as a result of a vital attack), but to confuse him, to shake the pillars of his belief system, to destroy the stereotypes of seeing the world, in short speaking, to activate the inherent property of the intellect to doubt everything, including one’s own conclusions.

Since it is really possible to doubt everything, then only those mental guidelines that are strengthened in the deeper layers of the psyche can withstand such an attack. If you try to take a broader view, then a mental attack can turn out to be a blessing, because as a result, all random formations are swept away and all i’s are dotted. After all, the fact that the “foundations” trembled and disappeared like a mirage, revealing their illusory nature, can be regarded not only as a fiasco in life, but also as an awakening from sleep, as a guarantee of future wakefulness. Often the initial phases of such an awakening are mistaken for a “mental attack” or “mental disorder.” Waking up isn't always easy.

When the “mental frame” of old guidelines “dissolves” in the void, a person finds himself in the so-called “no man's land”. Roadlessness reigns here: old landmarks have disappeared, and new ones have not yet appeared. Such a space, in which there is no support, is, as a rule, extremely uncomfortable for the intellect; the throwing of the intellect in search of support inevitably affects the emotional state of a person, and through it, the general psychophysiological tone. If a person panics in this situation, then he can really get lost in the vastness of “no man's land” and become a victim of a mental breakdown.

It must be said, however, that the mental is unable to maintain an amorphous state for a long time, and soon the process of “natural crystallization” begins in it. The formation of a new “mental frame” can take two paths, and it is in the power of a person to CHOOSE these paths: 1. A person can choose a return (“abortion”, as they say in esoteric circles), as a result of which “crystallization” will follow the lines of the discredited old one "framework". This is an easier path, but it cannot achieve its former strength, and the “frame” becomes unsafe.

2. A person may choose a more difficult path, deciding that it is better to die on his feet than to live on his knees. This is the path of the so-called "second birth", and it does not guarantee anything; but only on it can one find a new, more perfect “framework”. He is able to lead even further: having experienced himself in a state in which there is no support for the intellect, and which the intellect is so afraid of, having experienced the process of formation of a new “mental frame”, a person can grasp the mechanics of disidentification with the mental and subsequently make a “no man’s land” “your “home” - a home that is not afraid of any “mental attacks”.

However, for those who are not disidentified with their intellect, and whose “mental frame” was formed mostly spontaneously (in Yoga, the principle of a conscious approach to building one’s “mental frame” was called “qualitative mental control”; while stopping the internal dialogue, “mental silence" and similar traditional requirements of psychological culture are defined as "quantitative mental control"; See: N 20. On the approaches to Lokayata Yoga. 1981), there is nothing left but to consider mental attacks as a "test of strength", neither without forgetting for a moment that “everything that comes into conflict with reason is doomed to destruction and is worthy of it.”

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