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Runic magic training and initiations. Runes training. Disabling runic energy

The art of using individual runes lies in the fact that each rune, when inscribed, has a certain effect on the world. You can draw runes on anything. In case of danger, you can, for example, draw a rune of protection - the Algiz rune - simply in the air in front of you. At a business meeting, we mentally draw the Gebo rune between ourselves and our partners. In order for the child to fall asleep calmly, we mentally draw a Berkana over him. And so on.
Each sign of the runic system is a magical symbol that can be used for one purpose or another in the manufacture of a magical item or to give the item the necessary magical qualities.

You can safely use runes in everyday situations, in the workplace, in business, while driving a car, when improving the health of yourself and your loved ones, in intimate relationships, establishing the right relationships and most situations that happen to you every day. Using runes, you will quickly notice that life has changed - fresh bright colors have appeared in it, new sensations, new expectations, and you yourself have been filled with Power.

Two types of runic magic

The magical use of runes can take two forms.

The first of them is that runes are applied to objects that have their own functions (for example, weapons or production tools, utensils, etc.).
The second form of applied runic magic is the making of a special amulet bearing certain runic symbols and intended to achieve a certain goal in a magical way.

It is important to understand: All this will become fully available to you when you undergo runic initiation (runic initiation).


There is a common belief that runes work on their own. It is enough to draw a picture of a rune (say, Algiz) on a piece of paper, then say a wish and a flow of runic energy will flow through it. To make such information more convincing, they “play” on the extremely low awareness of us as consumers of such information. Usually, the information is mixed with those words that are now popular and seem to introduce us to the path of advanced practitioners, thereby increasing our pride in ourselves: “cosmic energy, divine energy, the power of light, egregor.” And so on - methods of intoxication are now used everywhere - from trade to esotericism.

Unfortunately, it is not. The “picture” of the rune itself does not work in our time. An image of a rune gains its power when it is created by a person who puts some Power into the image (or other object) ... by concentrating his attention on it! Serious practitioners of any Tradition know the law:

The power of a Power item depends on the personal Power of its owner!

Think about it. The basis and creator of an image or object of power (amulet, ..) can only be a person, that is, you. Only you have the power, by persistently concentrating on something, to charge “it” with any energy - your own or passed through yourself

What energy can be filled (charged) with an image or object?

The energy that you are guaranteed to have access to. And at the same time you know exactly what kind of energy it is. And you know how to manage it. To have such an opportunity, a person’s energy must be “attuned” with the external energy that he needs.

Let us repeat again - it is wiser to use external energies, and not your own, vital energy - naively believing that this is the energy of a runic or other “mystical-divine egregor”.


Choose what suits you. Yes, of course, self-initiation is possible. Without a doubt.

For example, there are unique cases of acquiring superpowers as a result of disasters and accidents. Also, self-initiation is sometimes available to advanced and impeccable solo practitioners. True, there are ten such people for every 2-3 million ordinary people. The rest, including all powerful and famous practitioners, passed and are undergoing their dedications and initiations under total supervision. They are led from beginning to end, because no one needs disabled people on a way..

Carrying out self-initiation according to the instructions in a book or on a near-esoteric website, this is a real and serious risk. And at the same time it is not at all free, as it seems at first. If you come across a completely non-working self-initiation technology, then such a procedure will not produce results (and, perhaps, will not be life-threatening). But it is not uncommon for such a risk to subsequently lead to a global catastrophe - obsession, psycho-emotional instability, loss of strength, early aging and/or energy dependence. Such amateur activity is either a guaranteed waste of one’s own vital energy or a connection to the energy of some entities and subsequent energetic dependence on them.

By the way, obsession and loss of physical and mental health is a common problem. Those cases in which people turned to us for help were extremely serious. They only lend themselves to untethering and severe energy cleansing of a person through a number of Palo Monte rituals. It is not always possible to restore a person completely. Even the rituals of such an effective Afro-Cuban tradition. Just like that.


So, you already know our opinion. We made our choice a long time ago. And for those who, together with us, understand the highest cost of every day of their life, undergoing runic initiation will provide a unique, in our opinion, opportunity:

Save a few years of your life

Avoid irreversible, fatal mistakes,

Immediately engage in runic work “at full capacity.”

In order to have your own personal experience and have real tools for effective work, you can go through the initial runic initiation - choose 3 (three!) runes and go through runic initiation with them. This can be easily done in just 3-4 hours.


You don’t worry about: Did I do everything right, and did I connect to full capacity? I receive this energy from the rune or from an invisible entity that gives me the illusion of sensations, and itself greedily feeds on my energy..”

You came, completed simple but necessary things at runic initiation and calmly went to WORK RUNES with your situations, and not continue to worry and work for months... who knows what!

It is not at all necessary to go through the initiation of the entire runic circle (24 runes in the elder Futhark). It is quite possible to undergo initiation only with those runes that you need on these days, in this situation.

If you don’t know which runes are best to use in a given situation, the master will give advice.

Runic flows begin to work at full capacity immediately! A person gets the most interesting and important thing - to work and work with runes, every day, in any convenient situation.


Our method of runic initiation opens such a powerful flow of runic energies that
After you have worked with the rune, it is highly advisable to “turn off” its flow through your body. Please pay attention to the correct understanding of what was said - we get the opportunity to turn off the flow of powerful runic energy through ourselves. When we no longer need this energy.

For example, you have already done the work and made a runic talisman. But you continue to “shine with energy like a megawatt lamp,” since you still remain connected to the external energy of this rune (or several runes, which greatly increases the load on your energy!). It is harmful! You shouldn't do this. There is an iron rule: If you don't use it, switch off!

The initiation process involves the attunement of special energy to you, which in a matter of seconds “turns off” the flow of runic energies. This completely and forever eliminates the possibility of problems due to oversaturation of your energy body with external energies.

This opportunity is unique and occurs only in the attunement of Cosmoenergetics with blocking frequencies

Quackery and sabotage

It is important. Note to yourself that the Master’s promise to set you up “all the runes at once” is quackery. Neither in runes, nor in Cosmoenergetics, nor in Zoroastrianism, nor even in Reiki is there “block” tuning. Although similar proposals for “Chinese counterfeits” are now present on the esoteric market.

A one-time initiation is possible, but only with many years of preparation in advance and under the supervision of a personal mentor. And none of us can boast of this. Can you? Then why are you on this page?

Gradual, progressive initiation is carried out so that the human energy body has time to rebuild itself calmly and harmoniously. As don Juan said to Carlos Castaneda: “...success must come gently, even with great effort, but without shocks..”

Runic formulas. Examples from life

There are thousands of examples, here are a few. If this information is not enough for you as motivation, then everything is fine and you do not need runes. Examples from the lives of people who have undergone runic initiation -

Catalog of runes. Full description of each rune

We have tried to present in a concise and effective form the main aspects of the use of runes in everyday life. What becomes available to a person who has undergone runic initiation. This catalog shows only a part of the possible uses of runes in life. It is impossible to describe everything. Watch, read, think, ask questions. Practical catalog of runes

And the power of the great runic energies. But, alas, talking about attunements does not mean having them; promising initiations does not mean transmitting real runic energies.

By and large, runic schools are now divided into 2 unequal groups- real and intellectual.

In real schools, they work with runic energies. Everything that follows is based on and directly depends on the energy component. The source of runic power for these schools is the Universe, and the icon dies are simply symbols of runic energies and a way to control them after initiation.

In “intellectual” schools, unlike schools, there are simply no real runic energies, and by and large there is nothing to devote them to. They consider the rune icons themselves to be the source of power and think that by manipulating them, they can control the energies. Attitudes towards initiations vary - from “not necessary at all” to “of course, but later.” If initiations are carried out, they are engaged in ritual imitation, read in books and having no real power.

According to some estimates, about 90% runic schools that can be found in the public domain are “intellectual”. In essence, “intellectual” schools do not teach their students rune magic at all, as they claim, but a very specific technique of working using various rune icons (although they say, of course, something else). At the same time, they intensively imitate real schools and even often speak the correct words, borrowed from the masters and authors of various literature.

An experienced psychic, of course, will figure out which school and which master has real energies and who has real power behind them, and who just read a lot of books and decided to set up a profitable business. But not only psychics dream of mastering rune magic, but also many ordinary people. So what to do? How to recognize, among seemingly identical masters and schools, who is a real master and who is a “dummy”?

For those who are not yet classified as psychics, who cannot determine a good school by “taste” and intuitive perception, I can recommend taking a closer look at a number of external signs that will help identify a runic school that gives real attunements and real runic energies and not fall into the “intellectual” one. a school where the power of runes is only talked about, and initiations are imitated.

Sign one: attitude towards the procedure of initiation and attunement

In a school with real runic energies they will tell you that initiation is the key moment when learning runes, without it you cannot become a rune magician and learn to control the energies of the runic circle. You cannot learn to control the energies of the runic circle if a person does not have these energies in principle.

In an “intellectual” school, on the contrary, initiation will be considered as a kind of addition to compulsory theoretical training. They will tell you fairy tales that to work with runic energies at the initial level there is no need for initiation at all, they will promise to carry out the necessary initiation after the basic training, or they will offer to perform some kind of ritual for self-initiation.

Sign two: preliminary preparation

If you come “from the street” to a school with real runic energies and express a desire to learn, most likely no one will teach you runes right away. You will be offered some kind of “preliminary training” program adopted in a particular school, and they will explain that rune magic is not for beginners, its mastery requires strong energy and at least minimal experience in working with simpler and softer energies.

In an “intellectual” school they will immediately offer you exactly what you came for. Did you want runes? - Go and learn runes, no problem. There are no real runic energies there, which means there are no problems associated with the fact that someone may not be able to cope with this force. They will happily agree to teach you anything and initiate you into anything, even if your previous experience in esotericism is zero.

Sign three: individual approach

In a school where real rune magic is practiced, all initiations and basic training will take place individually, one on one with a mentor. During the period while you are learning the basics and receiving basic attunements in the energy of the runic circle, you may not come into close contact with other students at all. The exception is perhaps one small introductory lecture, where they talk about the magic of runes in general and some of the features of the practiced runic school. In a real school, collective classes begin after the beginner has mastered all the basics, received the necessary attunements and completed the necessary tasks. Only this way - and no other way.

In “intellectual” schools, on the contrary, they really like to hold collective lectures and classes. It is this “group” training format that is considered the main one there. There they give lectures on how and when to become better at drawing, and they conduct collective meditations and even organize initiations for everyone at once. Individual contact between student and mentor in such a school is minimal.

Sign four: cost

In a real rune school, the cost of training will be determined by the cost of initiation into rune energy. Usually this is a significant amount straightaway, for carrying out basic attunements, you will be offered to contribute it. The runic school strives for students to gain strength and for the correct transfer of this strength. Hence the labor-intensive and intense initiation, which introduces the student to the energies of the runes on a practical level. Of course, it takes some time and does not cost 100 rubles. Later, there may be more settings or classes that also cost money, but less, “in descending order.” Difficulties in learning and the high cost of getting started deter a great many potential students. Actually, nothing like that: real runes give a lot, but also require a lot from the adept. Therefore, the number of real rune masters is very small, and their earnings, despite the high cost of training, are relatively low - after all, those who can take a serious step towards real magic are extremely few. This has been so at all times, and it is so now, despite the apparent diversity and abundance of proposals.

The “intellectual” school pursues a different goal - to earn more quickly and more. This is ensured by attracting the maximum number of people to useless “rune classes” for ridiculous money - from “how much they will give” to 500-1000 rubles. Subsequently, with each subsequent “step”, the amounts increase, but still do not become significant. As a result, training in such a school costs several times less, increases only towards the end, and has a group entertainment form, which seems to many more attractive than difficult and expensive training from real masters. The fact that these activities actually have nothing to do with runes bothers few people. Students have fun “inexpensively” and inflate their exorbitant Egos, and the “teacher” earns a lot (much more than real masters) by simply demagoguery about how to fold runes and what to make dies from. Everyone is happy, teachers are getting rich, schools are gaining popularity.

Sign five: not everything can be measured by money

In order to continue training and become a rune master, in a school with real runic energies, it is not enough just to receive basic attunements and be able to pay for further training. If you are not sufficiently familiar with basic knowledge and have not completed all the required tasks, you will not be allowed to further study at any cost. What should you do at the “advanced” seminar if you haven’t mastered the basic practices yet? First, you need to get comfortable with what you have, complete all the tasks, master all the energies of the runic circle to the proper extent, and only then study further, and no one cares how long it will take. The tasks are not easy, they require effort and time, and the student will not be allowed to “buy off” their completion. Either results or the end of training, even with a bag of money in hand.

The “intellectual” school has a completely different attitude to this issue. There are no such strict requirements for the “admission” of students to further education. There is money for the next seminar - come, but no one cares what you completed/didn’t complete there. Often, on the contrary, if a student complains that something is not working out for him, and in his hands the runes work somehow “wrong,” he is RECOMMENDED to attend some in-depth seminar, workshop or training, while assuring him that after everything will definitely work out. Collecting money in small amounts from a large number of people always gives more profit than costly fuss with a select few. Runes are not taught that way, but, as stated above, the goal of an “intellectual” school is not to teach anyone anything.

What I want to say in conclusion. Of course, knowledge of all the external signs of the difference between a real rune school and an “intellectual” school that manipulates only rune icons, alas, does not yet guarantee the quality of training. External signs can help to cut off and identify those schools where you definitely DO NOT need to study, but they will not help in any way to find the one where they teach well. After all, no one excludes the possibility of the existence of an “intellectual” school, well disguised as a real school. No one is stopping “intelligent” teachers from imitating “everything the same,” only without the participation of real runic energies. So, personally, I would recommend making the final choice, relying primarily on your own feelings and intuition, and not on the formally present external set of “good schools”. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out right away: “ Wisdom comes with experience , and experience comes from a lack of wisdom ." Simon Bolivar.

Nowadays, runes are considered probably one of the most controversial sections of modern practical magic. Often runes are used by people who have encountered them more than once in a past life.

In this regard, many people have a question: is it necessary to carry out such a process as initiation? In principle, depending on a particular person, the runes independently select the method by which they can be reached.

That is why runic magic implies the fact that, for example, in order to feel the energy of a given attribute, some people really need a process of initiation, and for some it is simply enough to be their owner.

The concept of dedication today is commonly referred to as connection to an egregor. Although this process has recently become stronger and updated due to the increase in the number of people involved in practical magic.

For some people, for example, in order to understand what runic magic training is, which should be carried out by specialists, a simple banal explanation of the essence of the use of this attribute is sufficient. Such people can understand everything else on their own on an intuitive level.

In addition, it is worth noting that the runes themselves can open with the help of certain portals that are created by them. Each specialist can independently and unexpectedly create such portals, for example, when inspiration appears.

In modern runic magic, almost all methods are used, traditionally used in the complexes of magical influence of various cultures. At the same time, the magic of runic formulas allows the use of both spells, all kinds of ritual rituals, and, accordingly, the use of magical amulets.

Today, a specific method of working with these magical symbols is considered to be the visualization of influence, as well as the use of the outlines of a complex or one single sign on a certain type of object. It is not surprising, in this regard, that the practice of runic magic is too close to ancient Eastern magic, in contrast to modern European magic.

Since, for example, in China or a country such as Japan, a hieroglyphic version of witchcraft is also used, which is based on processes such as inscription and, accordingly, visualization.

The spells that runic magic and runescripts use, as a rule, have a slightly different character in comparison with a huge number of other magical traditions. In principle, they are not the main element of magical influence, since here the main source of energy is still considered to be the rune.

All ritual inscriptions, which are pronounced aloud by specialists separately for each rune, naturally must be performed in compliance with such parameters as the length of the voice and its intonation. In addition, as in any other types of esoteric practice, this version of the influence also has its own specific key - this is initiation into runic magic.

At the same time, the psychoenergetic method, which includes both the visualization process and the tuning process, is considered to be the most effective method of attracting energy with the help of runes. It turns out that a specialist must first of all tune in to the specific sound of the rune he needs at the moment, so that he can open a specific channel in his body.

Thus, the need to carry out such a process of both initiation into runic magic and the choice of training option depends, first of all, on the personal characteristics of each person who wants to do all this.

Dmitry Rig-Heimdall, the keeper of the Family, one of the dedicated shamans of the Eriles, conducts training in Runic magic, interpretation of Runes and prediction on Runes.

Often ordinary people come to me who want to be confident in the future. A few classes - and inside there is knowledge that accompanies your whole life. You will forget about other books, reference books and magazines - it is better to see and hear once than to read a hundred times.
Before you start learning rune magic, I would not recommend studying a lot of magic books or visiting a number of giant Internet resources. Magic cannot be mastered in a few months; it must be learned over the years, diligently and patiently, step by step discovering the secrets and possibilities of magical powers. But without an experienced mentor and practicing Shaman, Magician, Eril, it is almost impossible to comprehend all the basics of such a serious science as magic.

Initiation into the mysteries of the 24 Runes of Odin. After completing the magic training course, you will be able to:

Magically influence reality using Runic meditations and spells;
Heal your physical and mental state with the help of Runic yoga and meditation;
Predict on the Runes of Odin;
Make and consecrate Runic talismans and sets of Runes;
Find the way to the source of your Personal Power.

For magic training classes, an Old Scandinavian set of 24 Runes is required. The set can be purchased from me.
Training in Rune magic occurs only individually, considering your entire life. I don’t teach you how to cast magic - I teach you how YOU PERSONALLY can get what you want.
Duration of training in Rune magic: at the master's discretion (it all depends on your learning abilities).

Find the way to the source of your Personal Power.

1st stage of training.

1. History of Runes. Mythology.
The history of the origin of Runes.
2. Classic Futhark.
Intuitive interpretation of each Rune.
3. Runic meditation, opening of runic channels.
Communication with Runes, obtaining the necessary information.
4. Runes of internal transformation.
With the help of Runes, you will see your shortcomings and get advice on how to get rid of them.
5. The magic of individual Runes.
You will learn to intuitively feel the magic of individual Runes.

2nd stage of training.

1. Classic Futhark. Mantika.
The mantic (fortune-telling) meaning of each Rune.
2. Runic layouts.
Interpretation of some layouts.
3. Ancient Runic formulas.
Ancient runic formulas that served different purposes.
4. Knitted Runes.
You will get acquainted with the technique of one of the types of talisman making.
5. Making Runes, their consecration.
You will learn how to make your own Runes, which will fully work only for you. Dedication.
6. Runescripts or Runic formulas.
Drawing up Runic formulas that work for any desire.

3rd stage of training.

1. Palindromes.
Special Runic patterns that work for your desire.
2. Runic talismans.
You will get acquainted and learn how to make combined Runic talismans.
3. The practice of making talismans.
You will learn how to invest Rune energy into talismans as much as possible.
4. Galdramunds. Magic drawings.
You will get acquainted with magical drawings that serve to fulfill certain desires.
5. “The Magic of the Galdrastafs.”
You will learn how to stylize the Odin Runes in making talismans.

4th stage of training

1. "Helms of Terror."
You will become acquainted with secret knowledge about “Helmets” that will protect and protect you.
2. Definition of personal Rune.
You will learn how to identify your personal Rune, which will enhance your magical potential.
3. Practical connection to the Gods of Scandinavian mythology.
You will be initiated into the channels that allow you to communicate with the Gods.
4. World tree Yggdrassil.
You will learn to travel through worlds and obtain information that interests you.
5. Initiation into the Runic Egregor.

This practical magic training course is intended only for purposeful and self-confident people who want to control situations and the people around them. Their dream is to become a full-fledged master of their life. I will teach you how to attract good luck, success, finances and longevity, get what you want and understand your unlimited possibilities.

Rune magic is symbolic magic, it has suffered greatly from “going out to the masses,” my friend grins. - Most modern esotericists sincerely believe that rune magic is something like “drew a rune, imagined it, associated it with the required task - and that’s all.” People come and ask something like “teach me how to write runescripts correctly, otherwise I’m not doing it right” or “I really like rune magic, I’ve been practicing it for two years, I want to learn more.”

Well, yes, how do they know about “how they teach correctly”? They do it just as it’s written in smart books,” I answer.

Well, yes, it’s so natural: I imagined it and got it,” the master mimics. Just imagine, someone decided to get gold. Instead of going to the store and buying it, he began to memorize its properties, the serial number in the periodic table, imagine the designation “Au” before his eyes and tell everyone that just a little, a little more - and he will receive the coveted yellow metal... Nonsense ? Naturally, this is nonsense, this type will be thrown into a mental hospital for a moment. But for the same purpose, introducing the Fehu rune, teaching its properties and writing is not nonsense, how do you like it?

Indeed, I agreed, the characteristics and designation of something and the substance itself are not the same thing. It turns out that it’s the same with energy? There is real energy (rune), and there is its symbolic image, name and characteristics. Logically, it is impossible to summon the energy of a rune using an icon and knowledge of its properties, just as it is impossible to obtain gold through its designation and description?

Exactly. A rune is not an icon that can be written, not a word that can be spoken, and not a description of its properties. Rune is energy. The rune is an extra-worldly force, it is a law that lies outside the zone of human perception. And to touch this power with the help of some two-dimensional icons or conversations/thoughts on this topic - well, I beg you...

Well, yes, it sounds kind of funny. So the rune (like force, like inhuman energy) waits until some esotericist Kolya writes its icon on paper and shouts out its name. He is waiting to rush to fulfill Kolya’s wishes and bring his universal light into his life. Then why did these naive games with icons and descriptions become so popular?

Verifiability. The inability to obtain gold by imagining a badge and writing it is a completely reliable and verifiable phenomenon. There is gold/there is no gold - this is obvious to everyone, a simple and tangible thing. Here runic energies are much less obvious; only a trained, prepared person can understand whether they exist or not. This is not obvious to the average person, so they wishful thinking.

That is, from their point of view, “everything is fine”: they drew a rune, meditated, and got the result. Conclusion? I'm a cool rune magician, the runes work, everything is fine. What is there to doubt?

Them? They have nothing to doubt, they have nothing to compare with. They did not see the normal work of a rune magician. The effect of such practice does not exceed the effect of techniques such as transurfing or the same technique from the film “The Secret”. I imagined it there too - I got it, and I don’t need to study anywhere. The same “magic”, the same principle of operation, only images of real things (a house, car, money or anything else desired) are replaced with simple two-dimensional rune icons, which are selected based on desire. If you want money - imagine the sign of Fehu, if you want sex - Kenaz, for protection - Algiz, etc. With the same success, you can imagine a stack of money, an erotic scene and yourself in mirror armor, respectively - the effect will be the same. If only the image for the imagineer symbolizes exactly what he wants. Such things differ from real rune magic as a three-wheeled bike differs from a Mercedes. You can get to the final goal in any case, but speed and comfort, you see, are incomparable. There is also this point: when a person engages in such practices only for himself, this is normal, naturally, he will not spend more energy than he can afford. When such a “rune magician,” so to speak, begins to actively work for others, his energy runs out very quickly. Exhaustion sets in, which some “magicians” perceive as “kickback,” “punishment,” “damage from a neighbor,” or something else, and they begin running around the forums and telling horror stories about “dangerous rune practice.”

“Imagined and received” is not magic.

I sipped my tea thoughtfully, turned the marshmallows in my hands and noticed:

— As for the effectiveness of transurfing, many people talk about found bucks that fell out of nowhere, apartments/cars/dachas and other incredible stories that confirm the effectiveness of the technique. It doesn't look like a three-wheeled bike...

Most of these success stories are, if not fiction, then at least a strong exaggeration and an attempt at wishful thinking. This is most often talked about in motivational books, at wish fulfillment trainings and in other places when it is necessary to encourage and support beginners. If you try to repeat the same trick from the category of “I walked down the street and found a bunch of bucks,” most likely nothing will work, or it will take a lot of time and inner strength to make such a desire come true again,” the magician smiled, “and continued: of course, it cannot be said that techniques like the same “Secret” or transurfing do not work at all. They work to the extent that they do. But these methods teach you to influence reality using your internal energy, directing it in a certain way. Choose a symbol of desire - for example, a beautiful new house - and direct your attention and energy to its materialization. You look, and something will happen. But a person does not have great energy, and reality is not like plasticine; it takes time and effort to immediately obey. Therefore, the effects of these methods are not as fast and not as great as is usually presented. A person does not have such energy to change everything at once.

Does the rune magician have runes for this?

Well, yes. Moreover, not some flat icons with names and descriptions in a table, but real energies that have the power to change the fabric of reality at the will of the magician.

And how do magicians get such powers at their disposal?

You know how.

Initiation into runes from a senior magician...

There is simply no other way to gain the magical power of runes. Children's fairy tales like “if I imagine, I will find it” or “if I draw the formula correctly, it will come true” are laughter, the effects of which in practice will correspond to the technique of “The Secret” and Mr. Zealand’s followers. No, this in itself is not bad, but it has nothing to do with runes.

But these same initiations or attunements into runes - I heard that they are also not always effective, it may still not work out...

Regarding the “ineffectiveness” of settings, each case must be analyzed separately. What kind of settings, where and from whom they were received (and whether they were received at all)... Often initiations into runes are passed off as some kind of ritual homemade work, half coming from “smart” books, half from the restless imagination of self-proclaimed “rune masters”. If we assume that there are no problems with the settings themselves, then most likely the problem is in the preparation of the person himself. No energy will do anything for you; you have to learn to work with it, manage it, interact with it. Agree, the very fact of initiation into Reiki or, say, into the channels of the same cosmic energy will not change anything in life. But in order to master new energies, you have to make efforts, sometimes considerable ones. In most techniques, external energies are channeled through internal force. Here you need attention, intention, and the power of the practitioner’s energy body. What kind of result and effect can we talk about if a person, instead of working, thinks about crows or thinks about his neighbor’s wife?

Three minutes about my wife, five minutes about a neighbor with a hammer drill, about twenty minutes about myself, the great and the terrible, - and the task was to work with a cat - I’m already smiling, remembering how difficult it is at first to “gather my thoughts in a pile” and concentrate on practice, and not on third-party things. - So, rune magic is initiation into runes?

Not only that, but without dedication, training loses all meaning. About the same as learning to ride a bike without the bike itself. Rune magic is not the most difficult thing in the world, but it is still magic, and it is not easy for everyone. Only those who have undergone initiation and already confidently feel (and not imagine) and work with runic energies are allowed to undergo serious training. It is these people who are taught to compile runic formulas, fortune telling, and a number of other specific things. Moreover, the criterion of “confident work” in this case is not the subjective opinion of the practitioner, but the fulfillment of certain tasks given by the teacher, and for further training you need to complete ALL the teacher’s tasks, without any want/don’t want and will/won’t. Those who could not or did not want to complete the tasks can be called runologists, rune lovers, but not full-fledged rune magicians and masters. Teaching rune magic is a long and painstaking process that requires full dedication from both the teacher and the student. This is not for you to read a fairy tale or go to the cinema.

After such a conversation, it was somehow ridiculous to ask: “How do they teach rune magic at webinars?” The webinars do not teach magic; they tell you how to correctly compose formulas, visualize the necessary runes and associate them with the desired goal. This is for protection, and this is for a partner, writing like this is for wealth. At this level, you can use the Fehu rune and the Chinese toad with a coin and packs of bucks on your desktop screensaver with the same effect. This has nothing to do with magic; the intention of the person himself is at work here, and its fulfillment depends not on what symbol was used to focus attention on the desire, but on the strength of the energy of the performer. Moreover, you can often really be proud of the success of such practices, without associating your actions with magic. But it’s so nice and interesting to come to the “field of miracles” and believe that now you will put a coin (you will go to a webinar, read a book, imagine badges) - and a wonderful “money tree” will grow (you will become a cool rune magician and you will have powerful runes energy from nowhere). However, the people's dream of magic for free - without dedication and serious training - is an ineradicable thing. And for a long time, under the phrase “I work with runes”, concepts like “I read 2 books and attended 5 webinars, I am a rune magician” will be hidden, and under “successful rituals and great magical results” - achieving the level of the techniques of the film “The Secret”, transurfing or Deepak Chopra.